Contracts: Over I
Contracts: Over I
Contracts: Over I
ferent under the UCc. Since the common law and the
UCC rules have much in common, you will be learning
contract law in the most understandable and efficient
Contract law is tested by multiple-choice questions.
You need to know the essential elements of a contract
because the CP A examination tests heavily on offer and
acceptance. Also, understand that an option is an offer
supported by consideration. Distinguish between an op-
tion and a firm offer and understand how these are af-
fected by revocations and rejections. You need to com-
prehend what consideration is and that it must be bar-
gained for to be valid. The exam also requires that you
understand that "past consideration" and moral obliga-
tions are not really consideration at all. You should have
a solid understanding of the Statute of Frauds.
The area of contracts is very heavily tested on the
CP A examination. A large portion of the contract rules
serves as a basis for many other law topics; consequently,
a good understanding of the material in this module will
aid you in comprehending the material in other modules.
7. Statute of Frauds
a. Not a true element, but each factual situation should be examined to determine whether it applies
because certain contracts must be in writing to be enforceable, as explained later
B. Types of Contracts