Edema of The Uvula: Etiology, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Edema of The Uvula: Etiology, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Edema of The Uvula: Etiology, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, and Treatment
■ Abstract
Edema of the uvula (EU) is a rare occurrence sometimes associated with angioedema, urticaria, and anaphylaxis. We analyze the causes, predisposing
factors, and characteristics of EU in a group of 58 patients with a mean (SD) age of 48.2 (15.2) years over the course of a year.
Of the 58 patients studied, 49 (84.5%) were male and 44 (75.9%) presented isolated EU. Thirty-two patients (55.1%) with no clear
etiology were classed as idiopathic. Snoring and a high body mass index were more prevalent in these patients. A variety of probable
causes were identified in 26 patients (44.9%). In this group, EU was usually accompanied by urticaria, angioedema, and anaphylaxis and
there was also a greater prevalence of atopy.
We found that EU was idiopathic in just over half of the patients studied and that the predisposing factors were being overweight and
having a tendency to snore. Patients with EU should be tested for allergies to drugs, airborne allergens, and food.
Key words: Allergy. Idiopathic. Obesity. Edema of the uvula. Snoring.
■ Resumen
El edema de úvula (EU) aislado en el adulto es una entidad poco frecuente. En ocasiones va asociado a angioedema, urticaria y anafilaxia.
Analizamos las causas, características y factores predisponentes del EU, así como su evolución.
Estudio finalizado en 58 pacientes, 49 (84,5%) hombres, edad media de 48,2 (DE= 15,2) años. En 44 el EU se presentó aislado. En 32
(55,1%) no se identificó una clara etiología, los catalogamos como idiopáticos. En ellos fue más prevalente la incidencia de roncopatía
y un índice de masa corporal más elevado. En 26 (44.9%) la causa del EU fue por diversas etiologías. En este grupo el EU se presentó
aislado en pocas ocasiones y solía ir acompañado de urticaria, angioedema y anafilaxia.
El EU es frecuentemente idiopático. Observamos como factores predisponentes el sobrepeso y ser roncador. Es necesario descartar la
alergia a fármacos, neumoalergenos y alimentos.
Palabras clave: Alergia. Idiopático. Obesidad. Edema de úvula. Roncador.
J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2010; Vol. 20(1): 80-83 © 2010 Esmon Publicidad
Edema of the Uvula 81
aspiration), vascular alterations such as superior vein cava Our study comprised 58 patients, 49 (84.5%) of whom
syndrome, ligature of the internal jugular vein, decrease in were men, with a mean (SD) age of 48.24 (15.2) years. EU
plasma osmotic pressure (occurring in renal insufficiency), was not concomitant with other complaints in 44 (75.9%) of
obstruction of lymphatic flow after ligature of the thoracic duct, the cases.
and increase in capillary permeability to proteins, occurring in The patients were divided into 2 groups according to the
diabetes or lupus. Differential diagnosis should be conducted etiology of EU. Group 1 consisted of patients in whom no clear
for epiglottitis, myxedematous infiltration in hypothyroidism, cause was detectable (n=32, 55.1%) and group 2 of patients in
and granulomatous infiltration in sarcoidosis and Merkelson- whom a probable cause was detected (n=26, 44.9%). Snoring
Rosenthal syndrome. was significantly more prevalent in group 1 than in group
The aim of the present study was to analyze the etiology, 2 (P<.0001) and logistic regression adjusted for BMI and
predisposing factors, and characteristics of EU in patients sex revealed a significant independent association between
treated at our hospital and followed for a year. idiopathic EU and snoring (OR=14.45, 95% CI, 3-67.4). Group 1
also had a significantly higher BMI (P<.005) and frequency
of episode recurrence (P<.001) than group 2.
Case Description In group 2, the suspect causal agents were airborne
allergens in 8 patients, all of whom had symptoms of allergic
A prospective study was conducted between September rhinitis when the EU had occurred; food allergens in 4
2005 and April 2007 using a protocol jointly drawn up by patients (seafood [n=2], hazelnuts [n=1], and walnuts [1]);
the allergy unit and the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) service Anisakis simplex in 1 patient; hypersensitivity to NSAIDs in
at Hospital Universitari Joan XXIII in Tarragona, Spain. 3 patients (2 of whom had more than 1 episode with the same
The protocol was applied to patients with EU who visited NSAID and good tolerance of other NSAIDs); glucosamine
the emergency department or were referred by their general
practitioner to the allergy unit or ENT service. After an initial
visit, patients were assessed approximately every 3 months
for a year. Table 1. Comparative Statistical Analysis Between Patients with Idiopathic
The protocol involved confirmation of EU by direct visual Edema of the Uvula (EU) and Those With EU With a Probable Causea
observation of the oropharynx, followed by nasofibroscopy.
During history taking, special emphasis was placed on Idiopathic Group With
investigating personal and family histories of atopy and Group Probable Cause
angioedema. A record was also made of patients’ body mass (n=32) (n=26)
index (BMI), regular medication, and illnesses occuring at the
Age, y 50.81 47.28
same time as EU. When a probable association was found with
a causal agent, the latency period and subsequent consumption, Male/female 30/2 19/7
where relevant, were assessed. Other data recorded were the Associated clinical
frequency of episodes and the time of occurrence. manifestations
All patients underwent blood tests and biochemical analysis Urticaria 1 8b
with measurement of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, hepatic Angioedema 2 10b
enzymes, calcium and phosphorus levels, thyroid profile, Anaphylaxis 0 3b
antinuclear antibodies, anti-DNA, antithyroid antibodies, Single episode/various
protein profile, complement levels (C3, C4, C1 inhibitor episodes 3/29c 12/14
and C1q), as well as serum tryptase and total and specific
Atopy 7 16d
immunoglobulin (Ig) E levels depending on skin test results.
Other examinations included skin prick tests to test for Early morning occurrence 19 11
sensitization to common food and airborne allergens, stool Gastroesophageal reflux 10 5
tests for parasites, a chest X-ray to rule out pulmonary disease
or tumors, a sinus X-ray, and spirometry with examination of Long uvula 14 9
both the inspiratory curve to check for extrathoracic obstruction Body mass index, kg/cm 2
28.81 e
and the expiratory curve. Snoring 28 f
Quantitative variables were described with means
(SD) and categorical variables with absolute and relative Primary treatment
frequencies. Groups were compared using the nonparametric Medical 29 24
Immunotherapy 0 0
Kruskal-Wallis test for continuous variables and the χ² test for
Surgery 3 1
categorical variables. Multiple logistic regression analysis was
used to evaluate the association between snoring and idiopathic a
Data are presented as number of patients unless otherwise specified.
etiology adjusted for BMI and sex. Results were presented as b
odds ratios (OR) with their respective 95% confidence intervals c
(CIs). The level of statistical significance was set at P≤.05. d
Data were analysed using the SPSS 12.0 statistical program P<.05.
(SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). P<.0001.
© 2010 Esmon Publicidad J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol 2010; Vol. 20(1): 80-83
82 E Alcoceba, et al
sulphate in 1 patient (2 separate episodes, hence no further the uvula was considered in patients with recurring episodes,
tests); and ipratropium bromide in 1 patient (negative skin patients with an acute episode resistant to medical treatment,
test; inhalation challenge test not performed because the and patients whose symptoms progressed rapidly.
patient was 85-years-old). Eight patients were found to EU-related symptoms were fully controlled in 26 of the
have secondary causes, including consumption of cannabis 58 patients. These patients included those with food allergy
(1 patient), ACE inhibitors (non-allergic) 2 patients), recent (n=4), Anisakis simplex sensitization (n=1), EU secondary to
orotracheal intubation (1 patient), and pharyngotonsillar orotracheal intubation (n=1), pharyngotonsillar infection (n=3),
infection (4 patients). In comparison with the idiopathic group, those who had taken NSAIDs, ACE inhibitors, glucosamine
EU in this group was more frequently accompanied by other sulphate, and ipratropium bromide, 9 patients from the
clinical manifestations such as urticaria, angioedema, and idiopathic group, and 1 patient sensitized to airborne allergens
anaphylaxis in the case of food allergies (P<.0001). Atopy was who underwent surgery because of repeated episodes.
also more prevalent (P<.0001). There were no differences in
the smoking habits of the 2 groups.
Table 2. Etiologies of Edema in the Uvula in Study Group (n=58) Few reports in the literature have analyzed the causes
and predisposing factors of EU [2,10]. In our study, EU was
Etiology No. of patients idiopathic in most cases (55.1%), a finding that coincides with
the results of other series. In the idiopathic group, EU with
Unknown 32 no other symptoms (urticaria, angioedema, or anaphylaxis)
Airborne allergens 8 was predominant, while in the other group, EU was usually
Food allergy 4 accompanied by other clinical manifestations such as urticaria,
Anisakis simplex 1 angioedema, and anaphylaxis, with atopy also being more
prevalent. There were also differences between the 2 groups in
Glucosamine sulphate 1
Ipatropium bromide 1 terms of recurrence, with episodes being more common in the
Cannabis 1 idiopathic group. It is not possible to compare these results with
ACE inhibitors (no allergy) 2 those of other studies because only isolated cases have been
Orotracheal intubation 1 reported in the literature. Snoring was more also prevalent
Pharyngotonsillar infection 4 in the idiopathic group, a finding that was also observed by
Daschner et al [10]. Logistic regression analysis of this group
revealed an independent association between EU and snoring
Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal following adjustment for sex and BMI. Being a snorer would
anti-inflammatory drugs. therefore seem to indicate a variable degree of upper airway
obstruction, without a necessarily high BMI [11].
We found no differences between the 2 groups in terms of
Only 15 patients (25.9%) presented a single episode, while early morning occurrence, gastroesophageal reflux, or longer
43 patients (74.1%) presented repeated episodes. Twenty-three uvula.
patients had a longer uvula than normal. In 30 patients, the In conclusion, EU was idiopathic in just over half of
episodes always occurred in the early morning. In 15 patients, the cases studied and most common in middle-aged men.
gastroesophageal reflux that had never been treated or had Certain factors, such as being overweight and snoring, were
been treated only occasionally was reported. Nasofibroscopy predisposing factors. Patients with idiopathic EU were more
was normal in 50 patients. In 2 patients, hyperemia of the likely to have recurring episodes than those with a known
arytenoids, an indirect indication of gastroesophageal reflux, cause. Patients with EU should be tested for allergies to drugs,
was observed. In another 2 patients, band hyperemia was airborne allergens, and food, especially when the condition is
observed (one of the patients was a habitual smoker and associated with other clinical manifestations.
the other had poor phonation in the workplace). In 2 more
patients, edema of the vocal cords was observed. This edema
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