Service Manual Series F12: Effective: June, 2006 Supersedes: August, 2003

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Bulletin HY30-5504-M1/UK

Service Manual
Series F12

Effective: June, 2006

Supersedes: August, 2003
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12

List of contents Page

General information ...................................................................................3
Specifications ............................................................................................4
Disassembling ....................................................................................5 - 10
Assembling .......................................................................................11 - 16
Change of shaft seal ...............................................................................17
Valve plates .............................................................................................18

Conversion factors
1 kg = 2.2046 lb
1N = 0.22481 lbf
1 bar = 14.504 psi
1l = 0.21997 UK gallon
1l = 0.26417 US gallon
1 cm3 = 0.061024 in3
1m = 3.2808 feet
1 mm = 0.03937 in
9/5 °C + 32 = °F

This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide
product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all
aspects of your application, including consequences of any failure, and review the information concerning the product or sys-
tem in the current product catalogue. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems,
the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems
and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.
The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are
subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.

Offer of Sale
Please contact your Parker representation for a detailed ”Offer of Sale”.

2 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12

General information

F12 is bent axis, fixed displacement heavy- The pump version has highly engineered
duty motor/pump seris. They can be used valve plates for increased selfpriming speed
in numerous applications in both open and and low noise, available with left and right
closed loop circuits. hand rotation.

Series F12 conforms to current ISO and The F12 motors produce very high torque
SAE mounting flange and shaft end confi- at start-up as well as at low speeds.
gurations. A very compact cartridge version
is also available.
Our unique timing gear design synchronizes
Frame sizes: F12-30, -40, -60, -80 and
shaft and cylinder barrel, making the F12
Thanks to the unique spherical piston de- very tolerant to high ’G’ forces and torsional
sign, F12 motors can be used at unusually vibrations.
high shaft speeds. Operating pressures to
480 bar provides for the high output power Heavy duty roller bearings permit substan-
capability. tial external axial and radial shaft loads.

The 40° angle between shaft and cylinder The F12’s have a simple and straightfor-
barrel allows for a very compact, lightweight ward design with very few moving parts,
motor/pump. making them very reliable motors/pumps.

The laminated piston ring offers important The unique piston locking, timing gear and
advantages such as low internal leakage bearing set-up as well as the limited num-
and thermal shock resistance. ber of parts add up to a very robust design
with long service life and, above all, proven

F12 cross section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Barrel housing
2. Valve plate
3. Cylinder barrel
4. Piston with piston ring
5. Timing gear
6. Tapered roller bearing
7. Bearing housing
8. Shaft seal
9. Output/input shaft

3 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12

Frame size F12-030 F12-040 F12-060 F12-080 F12-090 F12-110 F12-125

Displacement (cm /rev)
30.0 40.0 59.8 80.4 93.0 110.1 125.0
Operating Pressure
max intermittent1) (bar) 480 480 480 480 420 480 480
max continuous (bar) 420 420 420 420 350 420 420
Motor operating speed
max intermittent1) (rpm) 7 300 6 700 5 800 5 300 5 000 4 800 4 600
max continuous (rpm) 6 700 6 100 5 300 4 800 4 600 4 400 4 200
min continuous (rpm) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Max pump sefpriming speed 2)

L or R function; max (rpm) 3150 2870 2 500 2 300 2 250 2 290 2 100
Motor input flow
max intermittent1) (l/min) 213 256 335 418 467 517 567
max continuous (l/min) 168 200 257 322 359 396 426
Main circuit temp. 3)

max (oC) 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
min ( C)
-40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40 -40
Mass moment of inertia
(x10-3) (kg m2) 1.7 2.9 5.0 8.4 8.4 11.2 11.2
(kg) 12.0 16.5 21.0 26.0 26.0 36.0 36.0
1) Intemittent: max 6 seconds in any one minute.
2) Selfpriming speed valid at sea level.
3) See also below, operating temperature.

Operating temerature
The following temperatures should not be exceeded
(type H and N shaft seals):
Drain fluid: 90 oC.

FPM shaft seals (type E, type V) can be used to

115 oC drain fluid temperature.

NOTE: The temperature should be measured at

the utilized drain port.

Continuous operation may require case flushing in

order to meet the viscosity and temperature limitations.

For further information we refer to:

Catalgue HY17-8249/UK

4 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12


Fasten the unit in a vice. Loosen the 4

boults (item 491).


Lift off the barrel housing (item 110). Make

sure that the valve plate doesn’t fall out
when lifting the barrel housing off.

Lift off the cylinder barrel (item 411). Take
the shim (item 488) away.


5 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12


Lift off the barrel support (item 430).


Remove the pistons (item 440).


Remove the O-ring (item 221).

6 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12


Remove the retaining ring (item 237).


Remove the seal carrier (item 231).

Remove the O-ring (item 225).

7 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12

Remove the retaining ring (item 478).

Lift off the spacer washer (item 476).


211 Place the bearing housing (item 211) on a

Push out the shaft (item 311) with a press.

8 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12

Remove the small tappered roller bearing
(item 470).

Tap the small bearing ring off with a

Tap the large bearing ring off with a

9 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12

311 Place the ring gear (item 452) on a tube.

Push out the shaft (item 311) with a press.


10 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12


Push on the tappered roller bearing (item

460) and the ring gear (item 452) on the
shaft with a press. Use a tube (see page



Push on the bearing ring (item 460) in the

bearing housing (item 211) with a press.
Use a tube to match the outer diameter off
the bearing ring.

Push on the bearing ring (item 470) in the

bearing housing (item 211) with a press.
Use a tube to match the outer diameter off
the bearing ring.


11 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12

476 Push on the Bearing (item 470) with a press

until correct preload is achieved. Install the
spacer washer (item 476).


Install the retaining ring (item 478).


Install the O-ring (item 225).

12 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12

Install the seal carrier (item 231).



Install the retaining ring (item 237).


Install the O-ring (item 221).

13 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12


Install the pistons (item 440).


Install the barrel support (item 430).


Install the shim (item 488).

14 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12


Install the cylinder barrel (item 411). Ensure

correct timing. (Marking, punch mark)

. .


110 Put some grease on the valve plate (item

121) and install it into the barrel housing
(item 110).
Make sure you have installed the valve
plate correct (see page 18).


Install the barrel housing (item 110).

15 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12

491 Fasten the 4 boults (item 491) to specified

F12-030 60 ± 10 Nm
F12-040 60 ± 10 Nm
F12-060 60 ± 10 Nm
F12-080 105 ± 20 Nm
F12-110 105 ± 20 Nm

Tools to be used to facilitate the

installation of the tappered roller

Type ØA ØB
F12-030 60 49
F12-040 65 58
30° F12-060 73 64

0.5×45° +0.2
ØC 0

ØA -1

16 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12

Change of shaft seal


Remove the retaining ring (item 237).


Remove the seal carrier (item 231).

Tap the shaft seal out with hammer and


Tap the new shaft seal back with a tube and

a hammer.
The outside diameter on the tube is 65mm.

17 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12
Valve plates F12
Following valve plates can be fitted in F12.

M = Bi-directional, motor operation

Against cylinder barrel

L = L.H. rotation, pump operation

R = R.H. rotation, pump operation

Against cylinder barrel

G = L.H. rotation, internal drain, motor

X = Bi-directional, pump operation, high self
priming speed

Against cylinder barrel

18 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
HY30-5504-M1/UK Service Manual
Series F12

The general condition of the unit can be established by checking the drain flow. Remove the
drain line and keep the drain port above a suitable container. Run the unit at normal speed and
pressurize the system to 2000-3000 psi. (150 - 200 bar)
Measure the drain flow for one minute; if it exceeds the maximum figures shown below, the unit
is worn or damaged internally and should be replaced or repaired. Also, check for leakage at
the shaft seal and between the bearing and barrel housings.

Series Normal Normal Max Max l/min gpm. l/min
F12-030 24 0.4 .55 2.0
F12-040 30 0.5 .65 2.5
F12-060 43 0.7 .70 2.7
F12-080 61 1.0 .80 3.0
F12-090 61 1.0 .80 3.0
F12-110 61 1.0 .80 3.0
F12-125 61 1.0 .80 3.0

19 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Flygmotorvägen 2
SE-461 82 Trollhättan
Tel: +46 (0)520 40 45 00
Fax: +46 (0)520 371 05

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