Marketing Information F12 1 (3) F12 Sales Manual Content MI 111-9847 GB

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Marketing Information F12 1(3)

F12 Sales Manual content MI 111-9847 GB

Replaces MI 111-9841 GB


VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 2(3)

F12 Sales Manual content MI 111-9847 GB

December 1998, edition 02

• Dot indicates updates, new additions or obsolescent in this edition of the F12 Sales Manual.

Tab Heading Publication Description

'0' 'Index' MI 111-9847 GB F12 Sales Manual content

• This MI is updated with information regarding changed or new documents.
MI 198-9847 GB Distribution list F12/V12 Sales Manual
• New MI

1 Product brochure 1210-9815 GB F12 Product bulletin

2 Ordering information MI 070-9807 GB F12 Ordering codes

MI 176-9807 GB F12-30,-40,-60 -New part number
MI 193-9840 GB F12-80- New part numbers
• New MI

3 Technical information MI 147-9804 GB F12 Vibrations

MI 148-9804 GB F12 Starting torque efficienc
MI 149-9804 GB F12 Motor/pump noise level
MI 150-9804 GB Material used in most important
MI 151-9804 GB F12 Efficiencies
MI 152-9810 GB F12 Bearing life
MI 186-9847 GB F11/F12 In series operation
• Updated MI, measured without flushing added
MI 180-9830 GB Hydraulic fluid specification
MI 189-9820 GB Fire resistant fluids
MI 191-9847 GB Performance data F11, F12, V12, T12
• Updated MI, measured without flushing added

4 Installation drawings MI 154-9839 GB F12 Installation drawings

• Now includes all installation drawings in .pdf format.

5 Product presentation 1695-9812 GB F12 Product presentation

1734-9749 GB The spherical piston concept
• New OH-presentation
1724-9743 GB F11 and F12 Target Applications
• New OH-presentation

6 Marketing information MI 069-9841 GB F12 Selling features

• Updated information
MI 071-9805 GB F12 Availability
MI 142-9804 GB F12-30/-40 modifications
MI 143-9804 GB F12-60 modification
MI 145-9804 GB F12-30/-40/-60 with
MI 156-9804 GB F12-30/-40/-60 modifications
MI 192-9843 GB F12-80 modifications
• New MI
MI 190-9845 GB Conversion F11 to F12
• New MI

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 3(3)

F12 Sales Manual content MI 111-9847 GB

Tab Heading Publication Description

7 Accessories 1335-9846 GB SV Pressure relief valve

• Changed design on SV11 and SV12, now the same as SV13.
1389-9830 GB SR Pressure Relief / make-up valve
1555-9830 GB BT Brake valve
1645-9847 GB Flushing valves for F12 motors
• Nozzel thread corrected, M5x0,8 mm.
MI 119-9805 GB BT Brake valve specification form
MI 146-9841 GB Speed sensor for F12 and V12
• More installation information, not available on V12-060/-080.

8 Competitor info. MI 196-9840 GB F12- Competitor information

• New MI

9 Spare parts • Spare part is a new heading

SP 073-9845 F12-30 through -110 split view.
SP 074-9845 F12-30 through -80 split view with two tapered
roller bearings.
SP 129-9845 F12-30 spare parts
SP 130-9845 F12-40 spare parts
SP 131-9845 F12-60 spare parts
SP 132-9845 F12-80 spare parts
SP 158-9845 F12-110 spare parts
SP 212-9845 Kits for F12-30 through -110.
SP 006-9845 F11-5 through -150 split view
SP 011-9845 F11-5 spare parts
SP 012-9845 F11-10 spare parts
SP 013-9845 F11-19 spare parts
SP 019-9845 F11-150 spare parts
SP 010-9845 F11-250 split view
SP 020-9845 F11-250 spare parts
SP 211-9845 Kits for F11-005 through -250
SP 209-9845 F11-10 with anticavitation valve, split view
SP 214-9845 F11-10 with anticavitation valve, spare parts
SP 210-9845 F11-10 and -19 sawmotors, split view
SP 215-9845 F11-10 sawmotor, spare parts
SP 216-9845 F11-19 sawmotor, spare parts

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/981112/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 1(1)

Distribution list F12/V12 Sales Manual MI 198-9847 GB

NOTE: Below people are responsible for this Sales Manual and that the information is distributed to the right
people and not to competitors.
As soon as VOAC Hydraulics Division updates this Sales Manual it will be distributed to these people.

Sales location Name

Parker Hannifin Denmark Sten Holm

Parker Hannifin Finland Seppo Ryynänen

Parker Hannifin France André Campos

Parker Hannifin Germany Udo Steinbrecher-Tendick

Parker Hannifin Italy Guilio Moro

Parker Hannifin Netherlands Ruud Pullen

Kuiken Hytrans Netherlands Rob Hessels

Parker Hannifin Spain Jose Antonio Cid

Parker Hannifin Sweden Bertil Magnusson

Parker Hannifin United Kingdom Martin Bath

Parker Hannifin USA Per Nilsson

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/981107/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12
Series F12
Fixed Displacement

Catalog 9129 8206-02

April, 1998 GB

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Content Page
General information 3
Cross section F12-30/-40/-60/-80 3
F12-110 4
Standard product list 4
Ordering codes 5
Specifications 6
Noise level 7
Efficiencies F12-30 8
F12-40 9
F12-60 10
F12-80 11
F12-110 12
Bearing life 13
Installation dimensions - ISO 14
- Cartridge 16
- SAE 4 bolt flange 18
- SAE 2 bolt flange 20
Integrated flushing valve 22
Accessory valve blocks 22
Speed sensor 24
Main port flanges 25
Installation information 26

Conversion factors
1 kg 2.20 lb
1N 0.225 lbf
1 Nm 0.738 lbs ft
1 bar 14.5 psi
1l 0.264 US gallon
1 cm3 0.061 cu in
1 mm 0.039 in
9/5 °C + 32 1°F

VOAC Hydraulics reserves the right to modify products

without prior notice.
Even though the brochure is revised and updated
continuously, there is always a possibility of errors.
For more detailed information about the products,
please contact VOAC Hydraulics.

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

General information
Series F12 is a bent axis, fixed displacement heavy- • The pump version has highly engineered valve
duty motor/pump. It can be used in both open and plates for increased selfpriming speed and low
closed loop applications. noise, available with left and right hand rotation.

The main features of the F12 are listed below. • The new F12 motor design produces very high
starting torque as well as low speed torques.
• Series F12 conforms to current ISO and SAE
mounting flange and shaft end configurations. • Our unique timing gear design synchronizes shaft
A very compact cartridge version is also available. and cylinder barrel, making the F12 very tolerant to
high 'G' forces and torsional vibrations.
• Thanks to the unique spherical piston design,
the F12 motor can be used at unusually high • Heavy duty roller bearings permit substantial exter-
shaft speeds. Operating pressures to 480 bar nal axial and radial shaft loads.
provides for high output power capability.
• The F12 has a simple and straight-forward design
• The 40° angle between shaft and cylinder barrel with very few moving parts, making it a very reli-
allows for a very compact, lightweight motor/ able motor/pump.
• The unique piston locking, timing gear and bearing
• The laminated piston ring offers important advan- set-up as well as a limited number of parts add up
tages such as low internal leakage and thermal to a very robust design with long service life and,
shock resistance. above all, proven dependability.

F12-30, -40, -60, and -80 cross section

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Barrel housing
2. Valve plate
3. Cylinder barrel
4. Piston with piston ring
5. Timing gear
6. Tapered roller bearing
7. Tapered roller bearing
8. Shaft seal
9. Output/input shaft
10. Cylindrical roller bearing
11. Bearing housing 10
12. Needle bearings
(F12-80) 12 11

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

F12-110 cross section

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Barrel housing

2. Valve plate1

3. Cylinder barrel

14. Piston with piston ring

15. Timing gear

16. Roller bearings

17. Bearing housing 10

18. Shaft seal

19. Output/input shaft

10. Needle bearings

Standard product list series F12

Ordering code Part no. Ordering code Part no.
F12 - 030 - LF - IH - K - 000 379 9836 F12 - 060 - LF - IH - K - 000 379 9978
- LS - SH - T - 000 379 9838 - LS - SH - T - 000 379 9981
F12 - 030 - MF - CH - C - 000 379 9840 F12 - 060 - MF - CH - C - 000 379 9984
- MF - IH - D - 000 379 9843 - MF - IH - D - 000 379 9988
- MF - IH - K - 000 379 9844 - MF - IH - K - 000 379 9989
F12 - 030 - MS - SH - S - 000 379 9851 F12 - 060 - MS - SH - S - 000 379 9998
- MS - SH - T - 000 379 9852 - MS - SH - T - 000 379 9999
- MS - TH - S - 000 379 9616 - MS - TH - S - 000 379 9618
- MS - TH - T - 000 379 9828 - MS - TH - T - 000 379 9882
F12 - 030 - RF - IH - K - 000 379 9859 F12 - 060 - RF - IH - K - 000 378 0014
- RS - SH - T - 000 379 9861 - RS - SH - T - 000 378 0017
F12 - 040 - LF - IH - K - 000 379 9516 F12 - 080 - LF - IH - K - 000 379 4453
- LS - SH - T - 000 379 9518 - LS - SH - T- 000 379 4457
F12 - 040 - MF - CH - C - 000 379 9520 F12 - 080 - MF - CH - C - 000 379 2621
- MF - IH - D - 000 379 9525 - MF - IH - D - 000 379 1864
- MF - IH - K - 000 379 9526 - MF - IH - K - 000 370 9319
F12 - 040 - MS - SH - S - 000 379 9532 F12 - 080 - MS - SH - S - 000 370 9320
- MS - SH - T - 000 379 9533 - MS - SH - T - 000 379 3207
- MS - TH - S - 000 379 9617
- MS - TH - T - 000 379 9881 F12 - 080 - RF - IH - K - 000 379 4454
- RS - SH - T - 000 379 4458
F12 - 040 - RF - IH - K - 000 379 9539
- RS - SH - T - 000 379 9542 F12 - 110 - LF - IH - K - 000 379 5471
- LS - SH - T - 000 379 5473
F12 - 110 - MF - CH - C - 000 379 2440
- MF - IH - D - 000 379 2450
- MF - IH - K - 000 379 2447
F12 - 110 - MS - SH - S - 000 370 9910
- MS - SH - T - 000 379 4370
F12 - 110 - RF - IH - K - 000 379 5470

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

ISO ordering code Example: F12 - 80 - M F - I H - K - 000 - L01 - S

1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9
1. Frame size 30 40 60 80 110 6. Shaft 30 40 60 80 110
D DIN spline Standard x x x x x
2. Function 30 40 60 80 110 Z " " Optional (x) (x) - (x) -
M Motor x x x x x K Metric key Standard x x x x x
L Pump counter clockw. x x x x x P " " Optional (x) - - - -
R Pump clockwise x x x x x
7. Serial number (assigned for special versions)
3. Main ports 30 40 60 80 110
F ISO flange x x x x x 8. Option (page 22)
L01 Integr. flushing valve x x x x 1)
4. Mounting flange 30 40 60 80 110
I ISO x x x x x 9. Option (page 24)
S Speed sensor installed x x x x x
5. Shaft seal 30 40 60 80 110 P Prepared for speed
H Nitrile (high pressure) x x x x x sensor x x x x x
N Nitrile (low pressure) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
1) F12-110: Accessory valve block (page 22)
V Viton (high temp.) x x x x x

Cartridge ordering code Example: F12 - 80 - M F - C H - C - 000 - L01 - S

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Frame size 30 40 60 80 110 6. Shaft 30 40 60 80 110
C DIN spline Standard x x x x x
2. Function 30 40 60 80 110
M Motor x x x x x 7. Serial number (assigned for special versions)

3. Main ports 30 40 60 80 110 8. Option (page 22)

F ISO flange x x x x x L01 Integr. flushing valve x x x x 1)

4. Mounting flange 30 40 60 80 110 9. Option (page 24)

C Cartridge x x x x x S Speed sensor installed x x x x x
P Prepared for speed
5. Shaft seal 30 40 60 80 110 sensor x x x x x
H Nitrile (high pressure) x x x x x
1) F12-110: Accessory valve block (page 22)
N Nitrile (low pressure) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
V Viton (high temp.) x x x x x

SAE ordering code Example: F12 - 80 - M S - S H - S - 000 - L01 - S

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Frame size 30 40 60 80 110 6. Shaft 30 40 60 80 110
S SAE spline Standard x x x x x
2. Function 30 40 60 80 110 U " " Optional - - - (x) -
M Motor x x x x x T SAE key Standard x x x x x
L Pump counter clockw. x x x x x
R Pump clockwise x x x x x 7. Serial number (assigned for special versions)

3. Main ports 30 40 60 80 110 8. Option (page 22)

S SAE flange x x x x x L01Integr. flushing valve x x x x 1)

4. Mounting flange 30 40 60 80 110 9. Option (page 24)

S SAE 4 bolt x x x x x S Speed sensor installed x x x x x
T SAE 2 bolt x x x - - P Prepared for speed
sensor x x x x x
5. Shaft seal 30 40 60 80 110 1) F12-110: Accessory valve block (page 22)
H Nitrile (high pressure) x x x x x
N Nitrile (low pressure) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
V Viton (high temp.) x x x x x x : Available (x) : Optional – : Not available

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Frame size 30 40 60 80 110

Displacement [cm3/rev] 30.0 40.0 59.8 80.4 110.1

Motor operating speed [rpm]

max intermittent 7100 6400 5600 5200 4700
max continuous 5600 5000 4300 4000 3600
min continuous 50 50

Max pump selfpriming speed [rpm] 2850 2650 2350 2350 2200

Torque (theor.) at 100 bar [Nm] 47.6 63.5 94.9 127.6 174.8

Motor input flow [l/min]

max intermittent 213 256 335 418 517
max continuous 168 200 257 322 396

Output power (motor) [kW]

max intermittent 110 130 175 220 270
max continuous 70 85 110 153 165

Operating pressure [bar]

max intermittent 480 480
max continuous 420 420

Max case pressure

at 1500 rpm [bar] 14 12 12 10 9.5

Main circuit temperature [°C]

max 80 80
min -40 -40

Fluid viscosity [mm2/s]

max 1000 1000
min 8 8

Fluid contamination level

(ISO code 4406) 18/13 18/13

Mass moment of inertia

(x10-3) [kg m2] 1.7 2.9 5 8.4 11.2

Weight [kg] 12 16.5 21 26 36

1) Only valid at sea level.

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Noise level
The noise level is measured in a semi-anechoic for a particular motor/pump may vary ±2 dB(A)
room 1 m from the motor/pump. The noise level compared to what is shown in the diagrams.
Noise level [dB(A)] Noise level [dB(A)]
90 95

F12-30 F12-80 4000 rpm

5000 rpm 90
3500 rpm 2500 rpm
2000 rpm 80
1000 rpm


70 70
100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400
Pressure [bar] Pressure [bar]
Noise level [dB(A)] Noise level [dB(A)]
90 95
5000 rpm
F12-40 F12-110
3000 rpm
3500 rpm 85
2500 rpm

2000 rpm 80
1000 rpm

70 70
100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400
Pressure [bar] Pressure [bar]
Noise level [dB(A)]
4000 rpm

2500 rpm

1000 rpm

NOTE: The diagrams are valid for both motor

(function M) and pump (function L/R)
70 operation.
100 200 300 400
Pressure [bar]

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Efficiencies F12-30
Note: The efficiency for an individual unit can vary
up to ±2% compared to what is shown in
the diagrams below.

Pump Motor
100 100
210 bar
210 bar
Volumetric efficiency [%]

Volumetric efficiency [%]

420 bar 420 bar

95 95

90 90

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Mechanical efficiency [%]

Mechanical efficiency [%]

420 bar 420 bar

95 95

210 bar
210 bar
90 90

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Overall efficiency [%]

Overall efficiency [%]

95 95
420 bar
420 bar

90 90
210 bar 210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Efficiencies F12-40
Note: The efficiency for an individual unit can vary
up to ±2% compared to what is shown in
the diagrams below.

Pump Motor
100 100
210 bar
210 bar
Volumetric efficiency [%]

Volumetric efficiency [%]

420 bar 420 bar

95 95

90 90

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Mechanical efficiency [%]

Mechanical efficiency [%]

420 bar
95 95

420 bar

210 bar
90 90
210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Overall efficiency [%]

Overall efficiency [%]

95 95

420 bar 420 bar

90 90
210 bar 210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Efficiencies F12-60
Note: The efficiency for an individual unit can vary
up to ±2% compared to what is shown in
the diagrams below.

Pump Motor
100 100
210 bar
210 bar
Volumetric efficiency [%]

Volumetric efficiency [%]

420 bar 420 bar

95 95

90 90

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Mechanical efficiency [%]

Mechanical efficiency [%]

420 bar
95 95
420 bar

210 bar
90 90
210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Overall efficiency [%]

Overall efficiency [%]

95 95

420 bar 420 bar

90 90
210 bar 210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Efficiencies F12-80
Note: The efficiency for an individual unit can vary
up to ±2% compared to what is shown in
the diagrams below.

Pump Motor
100 100
210 bar 210 bar
Volumetric efficiency [%]

Volumetric efficiency [%]

420 bar
420 bar
95 95

90 90

85 85
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Mechanical efficiency [%]

Mechanical efficiency [%]

420 bar

95 95

420 bar
210 bar
90 90
210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Overall efficiency [%]

Overall efficiency [%]

95 95
420 bar 420 bar

90 90
210 bar
210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Efficiencies F12-110
Note: The efficiency for an individual unit can vary
up to ±2% compared to what is shown in
the diagrams below.

Pump Motor
100 100

210 bar
Volumetric efficiency [%]

210 bar

Volumetric efficiency [%]

95 95
420 bar 420 bar

90 90

85 85
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Mechanical efficiency [%]

Mechanical efficiency [%]

95 95
420 bar 420 bar

90 90
210 bar 210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Overall efficiency [%]

Overall efficiency [%]

95 95

90 90
420 bar 420 bar

210 bar 210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Bearing life
General information Bearing life calculation
Bearing life can be calculated for that part of the load/ An application is usually governed by a certain duty
life curve (shown below) that is designated 'Bearing or work cycle where pressure and speed vary with
fatigue'. 'Rotating group fatigue and wear' and 'Other' time during the cycle. VOAC Hydraulics Division has
caused by material fatigue, fluid contamination, etc. a computer program for calculating bearing life and
should also be taken into consideration when esti- will assist in determining F12 motor/pump life in a
mating the service life of a motor/pump in a specific specific application.
Bearing life calculations are mainly used when com- Required information
paring different frame sizes. Bearing life, designated When requesting a bearing life calculation from
B10 (or L10), is dependent of system pressure, ope- VOAC Hydraulics Division, the following information
rating speed, external shaft loads, fluid viscosity in (where applicable) should be provided:
the case, and fluid contamination level. - A short presentation of the application
The B10 value means that 90% of the bearings sur- - F12 size and version
vive, at a minimum, the number of hours calculated. - Duty cycle (pressure and speed versus time)
Statistically, 50% of the bearings will survive at least
- Low pressure
five times the B10 life.
- Case fluid viscosity
- Life probability (B10, B20, etc.)
- Operating mode (pump or motor)
Rotating group
fatigue and wear - Direction of rotation (L or R)
- Axial load
- Fixed or rotating radial load
Bearing - Distance between flange and radial load
System pressure

fatigue - Angle of attack (α) as defined below


Life expectancy (logarithmic scale)

Hydraulic unit life versus system pressure. F F α

The direction (α) of the radial load is positive in the
NOTE: VOAC Hydraulics Division has a direction of rotation as shown.
computer program for bearing life To obtain maximum bearing life, the radial load should,
calculation and will assist in deter- in most cases, be located approximately at 170° (motor;
mining life for specific load conditions. R.H. rot'n) or 190° (pump; R.H rot'n).

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Installation dimensions F12 ISO


A1 T3

A1 φ D1 (x4) PE (third drain port)

F12-110 barrel housing
Type I mounting flange (ISO/cartridge version)
(ISO 3019/2)
Flushing A2 B2 B3
(optional) C2 C3



G2 PC1)
N2 G3

K2 Speed
(optional) L3
H2 H3
Type K (P)
J2 key shaft L2 Type I

1) Inspection/ D2 M2 D3 (thread)
drain port φ E3 (tol. k6)
φ E2
φ F2 (tol. h8) F3


Type Z has R2
no thread
See table
Shown: F12-80
Type D (Z) spline shaft

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Dim. F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110 Ports F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110
A1 88.4 113.2 113.2 127.2 141.4 PA, PB 3/
4" 1" 11 / 4 "
B1 118 146 146 158 180 size
C1 118 142 144 155 180 Screw M10 M10 M10 M12 M14
D1 11 14 14 13.5 18 thread x20 x20 x20 x20 x26
PC M22 M22 M22 M22 M22
A2 100 110 125 135 145 thread x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5
B2 59 65 70 78 85
C2 25 26 22 32 38 PD M18 M18 M22 M22 M22
thread x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5
D2 8 8 10 12 14
E2 33 42 42 52 58 PE - - - - M22
F2 100 125 125 140 160 thread x1.5
G2 172 173 190 216 231 PA, PB: ISO 6162
H2 25.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 40.5
J2 1) 50 60 60 70 82
J2 2) 50 - - - - Spline shaft (DIN 5480)

K2 55 52 54 70.5 66.5 Type D (standard) Type Z (optional)

L2 40 50 50 56 70 F12-30 W30x2x14x9g W25x1.25x18x9g
M2 5 5 5 7 6 -40 W32x2x14x9g W30x2x14x9g
N2 136.5 137 154 172.5 179 -60 W35x2x16x9g -
P2 8 8 8 8 8 -80 W40x2x18x9g W35x2x16x9g
Q2 28 28 33 36 41
-110 W45x2x21x9g -
R2 3) 35 35 41 45 50
R2 4) 43 35 - 41 -
S2 3) M12 M12 M12 M16 M16
x24 x24 x28 x36 x36 Key shaft
S2 - M12 - M12 - Type K (standard) Type P (optional)
x24 x28
F12-30 φ 30 φ 25
A3 122 134 144 155 170 -40 φ 30 -
B3 66 66 66 75 83 -60 φ 35 -
C3 23.8 23.8 23.8 27.8 31.8
-80 φ 40 -
D3 M12 M12 M12 M16 M16 -110 φ 45 -
E3 30 30 35 40 45
F3 33 33 38 43 49
= Max 350 bar operating pressure
G3 136.5 137 154 172.5 179
H3 23.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 38.5
J3 24 24 28 36 36
K3 50.8 50.8 50.8 57.2 66.7
L3 18 20 20 20 22
T3 - - - - 68
1) Key shaft type K 3) Spline shaft type D
2) Key shaft type P 4) Spline shaft type Z

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Installation dimensions F12 Cartridge



PE (third drain port)
40° (-30, -40, F12-110 barrel housing
-60, -110)
43° (-80) (ISO/cartridge version)
φ D4

Type C mounting flange A6

Flushing A5 B5 B6
valve C6
(optional) C5


1) N5 G6

H5 R6 O-ring
(±0.2) T5 H6

Type C

R5 φ M6
Q5 See table
E5 φ N6
1) Inspection/
drain port φ F5 (tol. h8) φ P6

Shown: F12-80 O-ring dimensions

F12-30 127x4
-40 150x4
-60 150x4
-80 180x4
-110 190x4

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Dim. F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110 Ports F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110
A4 160 200 200 224 250 PA,PB
size 3/ 3/ " 3/ " 11/4"
B4 140 164 164 196 206 4" 4 4 1"
C4 188 235 235 260 286
Screw M10 M10 M10 M12 M14
D4 14 18 18 22 22 thread x20 x20 x20 x22 x26
E4 77 95 95 110 116
PC M14 M14 M14 M14 M14
A5 100 110 125 135 145 thread x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5
B5 59 65 70 77.5 85
C5 25 26 22 32 38 PD, PE M18 M18 M22 M22 M22
thread x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5
E5 32 35 35 45 45
F5 135 160 160 190 200 PA, PB: ISO 6162
G5 127 133 146 157 175
H5 89 92.3 92.3 110.5 122.8 Spline shaft (DIN 5480)
K5 14 16 15 15 15 Type C (standard)
N5 91 97 110 114 123
F12-30 W30x2x14x9g
P5 22 30 31 40 40
-40 W30x2x14x9g
Q5 28 28 28 37 37
R5 35 35 35 45 45 -60 W30x2x14x9g
-80 W40x2x18x9g
S5 70.5 72 76 91 95.7
T5 15 15 15 15 15 -110 W40x2x18x9g

A6 122 134 144 155 170

B6 66 66 66 75 83
C6 23.8 23.8 23.8 27.8 31.8
G6 91.5 97 110 114 123
H6 69.5 71 74 89.5 93.7
K6 50.8 50.8 50.8 57.2 66.7
L6 16 18 18 20 20
M6 92 115 115 130 140
N6 110 127 135 154 160
P6 128.2 153.2 153.2 183.2 193.2
Q6 5 5 5 5 5
R6 5 5 5 5 5
T6 - - - - 68

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Installation dimensions F12 SAE with 4 bolt flange


A7 T9

A7 φ D7 (x4) PE (third drain port)

B7 F12-110 barrel housing
(SAE version)
Type S (SAE 4 bolt) mounting flange
Flushing A8 B8 B9
(optional) C8 C9


G8 PC1)

K8 sensor

H8 Type T L8 H9
key shaft J9 Type S
1) Inspection/ D8 D9 (thread)
drain port M8
φ E8 φ E9
φ F8 F9



See table

Type S (U) spline shaft Shown: F12-80 with 4 bolt flange

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Dim. F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110 Ports F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110
A7 89.8 114.5 114.5 114.5 161.6 PA, PB 3/ " 3/ 3/ 11/4"
4 4" 4" 1"
B7 118 148 148 155 204 size
C7 118 144 144 155 200 Screw 3/8"-16 3/
3/ "-16 7/ "-14 1/ "-13
8 16 2
D7 14 14 14 14 21 thread 1) x22 x20 x22 x27 x25
PC 7/8"-14 7/
8"-14 11/16"-12
A8 100 110 125 135 145 thread
B8 59 65 70 77.5 85
C8 25 26 22 32 38 PD 3/4"-16 3/
8"-14 11/16"-12
D8 6.35 7.94 7.94 9.53 11.1 PE - - - - 11/16"-12
E8 33 42 42 52 57.5 thread
F8 101.60/ 127.00/ 127.00/ 127.00/ 152.40/ PA, PB: ISO 6162
101.55 126.94 126.94 126.94 152.34 PC, PD, PE: O-ring boss (SAE J514)
1) UN thread
G8 189.5 197 214 240 264
H8 8 8 8 8 8 Mounting flange S (SAE J744)
J8 38 48 48 54 67 F12-30 SAE 'B', 4 bolt
K8 72 76 79 95 99 -40 SAE 'C', "
L8 31.8 38.1 38.1 44.5 54.1 -60 SAE 'C', "
M8 2.5 4 4 4 7.5 -80 SAE 'C', "
N8 153.5 161 178.3 197.1 212 -110 SAE 'D', "
Q8 1) 23 23 23 25 34
Q8 2) - - - 23 -
Spline shaft (SAE J498b)
R8 1) 33 48 48 54 66.7
R8 2) - - - 48 - S (standard) U (optional)
F12-30 SAE 'B' 13T,16/32DP -
A9 122 134 144 155 170 -40 'C' 14T,12/24 DP -
B9 66 66 66 75 83
-60 'C' 14T,12/24 DP -
C9 23.8 23.8 23.8 27.8 31.8
-80 'C-C' 17T,12/24 DP SAE'C' 14T,12/24DP
D9* 5/16"-24 3/8"-24 3/8"-24 1/2"-20 5/8"-18 -110 'D' 13T, 8/16 DP -
E9 25.40/ 31.75/ 31.75/ 38.10/ 44.45/ = Max 350 bar operating pressure
25.35 31.70 31.70 38.05 44.40
F9 28.2 35.3 35.3 42.3 49.4
Key shaft T (SAE J744)
G9 153.8 161 178.3 197.1 212
H9 9.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 F12-30 SAE 'B-B' (φ 25.4 mm/1")
J9 16 19 19 26 32 -40 SAE 'C' (φ 31.75 mm/11/4")
K9 50.8 50.8 50.8 57.2 66.7 -60 SAE 'C' (φ 31.75 mm/11/4")
L9 18 20 20 20 22 -80 SAE 'C-C' (φ 38.1 mm/11/2")
T9 - - - - 68 -110 SAE 'D' (φ 44.45 mm/13/4")
* UNF-2B thread
1) Spline shaft type S
2) " U

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Installation dimensions F12 SAE with 2 bolt flange

C10 (radius)
E10 (radius)


φ D10 (x2)


Type T (SAE 2 bolt) mounting flange

Flushing A11 B11 B12
(optional) C11 C12




drain port)
N11 G12

K11 sensor


H11 Type T L11

key shaft H12 Type T
J12 flange
J11 D11 D12 (thread)
φ E11 φ E12
φ F11 F12


See table Q11

Type S spline shaft Shown: F12-60 with 2 bolt flange

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Dim. F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 Ports F12-30 F12-40 F12-60

A10 146 181 181 PA, PB 19 19 19
B10 176 215 215 size (3/4") (3/4") (3/4")
C10 63 74 74 Screw 3/ "-16
3/ "-16
3/ "-16
D10 14.4 17.5 17.5 thread 2) x22 x20 x22
E10 10 16 16 PC 7/ "-14 7/ "-14 7/ "-14
8 8 8
F10 10 15.5 15.5 thread
PD 3/ "-16 3/ "-16 7/ "-14
4 4 8
A11 100 110 125 thread
B11 59 65 70 PA, PB (main ports): SAE J518c (6000 psi)
C11 25 26 22 PC, PD (drain ports): O-ring boss (SAE J514)
2) UN thread
D11 6.35 7.94 7.94
E11 33 42 42
F11 101.60/ 127.00/ 127.00/
101.55 126.95 126.95 Mounting flange T (SAE J744)
G11 189.5 197 214 F12-30 SAE 'B', 2 bolt
H11 8 8 8 -40 SAE 'C', 2 bolt
J11 38 48 48
-60 SAE 'C', 2 bolt
K11 71 77 81.5
L11 31.8 38.1 38.1
M11 2.5 4 4
Spline shaft S (SAE J498b)
N11 154 161 178.5
Q11 26 27 27 F12-30 SAE 'B'
R11 33 48 48 13 T; 16/32 DP
-40 SAE 'C'
A12 122 134 144 14 T; 12/24 DP
B12 66 66 66 -60 SAE 'C'
C12 23.8 23.8 23.8 14 T; 12/24 DP
D121) 5/ "-24
3/ "-24
3/ "-24
E12 25.40/ 31.75/ 31.75/
25.35 31.70 31.70 Key shaft T (SAE J744)
F12 28.2 35.2 35.2
F12-30 SAE 'B-B'
G12 154 161 178.5 φ 25.4 mm/1"
H12 9.7 12.7 12.7 -40 SAE 'C'
J12 16 19 19 φ 31.75 mm/11/4"
K12 50.8 50.8 50.8 -60 SAE 'C'
L12 18 20 20 φ 31.75 mm/11/4"

1) UNF-2B thread

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Integrated flushing valve

(F12-30, -40, -60 and -80)
Series F12 (except F12-110; refer to FV13 flushing
valve block below) is available with an integrated
flushing valve which provides the rotating parts with
an additional cooling flow, required when operating
at high speeds and power levels.
In a hydrostatic transmission, the valve also ensures
that part of the main circuit fluid is being removed and valve
replaced by cool, filtered fluid from the charge pump.
Optional nozzle
At a pressure differential of 12 bar, the cooling flow
is approx. 16 l/min. When required, the flow can be
limited by a suitably sized nozzle that installes below
a plug in the motor port flange.

NOTE: Ordering code, available nozzles and other

information is provided in Data Sheet 1645 Integrated flushing valve Optional
(Flushing valves for F12 motors). (F12-30, -40, -60, -80) nozzle

Port A

Port B

Accessory valve blocks

Type FV13 flushing valve (F12-110)
A separate flushing valve block is available for the
F12-110. It has the same function as the integrated
valve for the other F12 sizes (above). The valve
block mounts between the motor port flange and the
split flanges as shown to the right.
An optional nozzle can be installed in the valve block
drain port. nozzle
Ordering code: FV13 FV13 flushing
valve block
NOTE: Additional information is available in Data
Sheet 1645 (Flushing valves for F12
Optional nozzle

Port A

Port B

FV13 flushing valve block

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Type BT brake valve

When the F12 is utilized in a hydrostatic vehicle
transmission, the motor may operate faster than
what corresponds to the available pump flow e.g.
in a steep downhill. This causes motor cavitation
and loss of braking power.
The BT brake valve prevents cavitation by thrott-
ling the return flow from the motor as soon as the BT brake valve
pressure level in the inlet port decreases to app- block
roximately 35 bar. At the same time, motor braking
is provided when the pump flow decreases or is
shut off.
The BT valve block can be supplied with various
optional functions such as brake lift valve and
flushing valve.
Brake release valve, flushing valve, BT brake
The valve block is very compact and installs bet- etc. (refer to Data Sheet 1555) valve
ween the motor port flange and the split flanges
(refer to the illustration). Port BR
The BT valve block is available in three sizes: release)
- BT21 (3/4") for F12-30, -40, -60
Port A
- BT22 (1") for F12-80
- BT23 (11/4") for F12-110

NOTE: Detailed information on the BT valve is Port B

provided in Data Sheet 1555 (BT brake
valve). Port S

Type SR pressure relief/anti-cavitation valve

The SR pressure relief/anti-cavitation valve block for
series F12 motors is designed to protect the motor
from high pressure spikes as well as provide an
excellent make-up function (port G).
The valve block mounts between the motor port
flange and the split flanges.
The SR block is available in three sizes:
Port G
- SR11 (3/4") for F12-30, -40, -60
SR brake valve
- SR12 (1") for F12-80 block
- SR13 (1 /4") for F12-110

NOTE: - For additional information such as

pressure settings and installation Port G SR valve block
dimensions, refer to Data Sheet 1389
(SR pressure relief/anticavitation valve Port A
- To obtain a combined cross-over relief/
anti-cavitation and flushing function on
the F12-110, the SR13 and FV13 valve
blocks can be stacked (with the flushing
valve block mounted next to the motor). Port B

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Type SV pressure relief valve

The SV valve block for series F12 protects the
motor and the corresponding main hydraulic lines
from pressure spikes. Like the SR block, it has
integrated cartridge type pressure relief valves
and mounts between the motor port flange and
the split flanges as shown to the right.
The design of the relief valves permits a limited SV valve block
make-up flow (when port L is pressurized).
The SV valve block is available in three sizes:
- SV11 (3/4") for F12-30, -40, -60
- SV12 (1") for F12-80
- SV13 (11/4") for F12-110 (Port L)

NOTE: - Detailed information on available Port A

pressure settings, installation dimen-
sions, etc. is provided in Data Sheet
1335 (SV pressure relief valve block).
- On the F12-110, the FV13 valve block
(page 22) can be mounted between the
SV13 block and the motor port flange to Port B
obtain a combined pressure relief and
flushing function. SV valve block

Speed sensor
A speed sensor kit is available for series F12 (and Speed
the I and S versions of the V12). The ferrostat sensor
differential (Hall-effect) sensor installs in a sepa-
rate, threaded hole in the F12 bearing housing.
The speed sensor is directed towards the F12 ring
gear and outputs a square wave signal within a
frequency range of 5 Hz to 20 kHz. Number of
pulses per shaft rev is 35 which, at 5 Hz, corres-
ponds to approx. 9 rpm.
The speed sensor can be ordered either installed
on the F12 pump/motor, or as a separate kit
(including a seal nut).
NOTE: Additional information is given in MI 146
(Marketing Information) available from
VOAC Hydraulics Division.
Also, refer to the illustrations on pages
14, 16, 18 and 20.

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Main port flanges

Suction flanges
To minimize the risk for cavitation when operating Suction (Split-flange (Mounting
the F12 as a pump, we recommend using our suc- flange half) screw)
tion flanges; all take 2" hoses.
Part no. SAE size For Max speed [rpm] 1) L (O-ring)
3794070 3/ 2850 2)
4" F12-30 100 2"
F12-40 2650 2) hose
F12-60 2000 3)
3704095 1" F12-80 1500 3) 100
3703916 11/4" F12-110 1100 3) 102
NOTE: 1) Shaft speeds shown are theoretical and
may have to be decreased because of
long hoses and/or other unfavourable
inlet conditions.
2) Selfpriming speed
3) Below selfpriming speed

The suction flanges are designed for use with stan-

dard SAE or metric split-flange halves as shown.
O-ring and mounting screw sizes are listed below.
SAE O-ring Screw size
size dimension SAE Metric
3/ " 30.0x3.53 3/ "-16x38 M10x35
4 8
1" 32.9x3.53 7/ "-14x38 M12x40
11/4" 37.7x3.53 1/ "-13x44
2 M14x45

Suction flange kits

Suction flange kits are available for the F12 ISO and
Cartridge versions. A kit consists of a suction flange
(shown above), two split-flange halves, an O-ring
and four mounting screws.
Part no. SAE size For Screw size
3794421 3/ " F12-30/-40/-60 M10x35
3704098 1" F12-80 M12x40
3703926 1
1 /4" F12-110 M14x45

Split-flange kits
Split-flange Mounting
Metric split-flange kits, consisting of two split-flange half screw
halves and four mounting screws for use on F12 ISO
and cartridge versions, are available.
Part no. SAE size For Screw size
3794405 3/ " F12-30/-40/-60 M10x35
3704329 1" F12-80 M12x40
3704330 11/4" F12-110 M14x45

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Installation information Required inlet pressure

When operating the F12 as a pump (with L or R valve
Port PA Port PB
plate) above the selfpriming speed, the inlet must be
pressurized. Increased noise and deteriorating
performance may otherwise be experienced.
The following diagram shows required pump inlet
pressure vs. shaft speed.

Inlet press.
Counter F12-110 -80/-60 -40 -30
clockwise 2.0


Clockwise rotation

Direction of rotation
The F12 motor is bi-directional. The picture shows
direction of flow vs. shaft rotation. When fluid enters
port PB (black arrow) the shaft turns clockwise, and 0
when PA is the inlet port (open arrow) the shaft turns 0.15 bar vacuum
counter clockwise.
1000 2000 3000 4000 Speed [rpm]
To obtain the highest F12 service life, the fluid clean- Min. required pump (L or R) inlet pressure vs. speed.
liness should meet or exceed ISO code 18/13 (ISO
4406). During normal operating conditions, a 10 µm The F12 motor (type M valve plate) sometimes ope-
(absolute) filter is recommended. rates as a pump e.g. when used in a propel trans-
mission and the vehicle is going downhill.
Case pressure Minimum required inlet pressure versus shaft speed
The tables below show the highest recommended is shown in the diagram below.
case pressure (F12 shaft seal type H and V, and the
optional type N) as a function of shaft speed. Inlet press.
To obtain maximum seal life, the case pressure [bar]
F12-110 -80 -60 -40 -30
should be limited to 50% or less of the figures shown. 2.0

Frame Max case press. [bar] vs. shaft speed

size 1500 3000 4000 5000 6000 1.5
F12-30 14 7 5.5 4.5 3.5
F12-40 12 6 4.5 3.5 - 1.0
F12-60 12 6 4.5 3.5 -
F12-80 10 5 4 - -
F12-110 9.5 4.5 - - - 0.5

Case pressure vs. shaft speed, seal types H and V


Frame Max case press. [bar] vs. speed [rpm] 0.15 bar vacuum
size 1500 3000 4000 5000 6000 -0.5
F12-30 2.2 1.4 0.9 0.6 0.2 1000 2000 3000 Speed [rpm]
F12-40 2.2 1.2 0.7 0.4 - Min. required motor (M) inlet pressure vs. speed.
F12-60 2.2 1.2 0.7 0.4 -
F12-80 2.2 0.8 0.4 - - NOTE: The above diagrams are valid at sea
F12-110 2.2 0.6 - - - levels.
Case pressure vs. shaft speed, seal type N (optional)

Hydraulic Motor/Pump Series F12

Operating temperature Case drain connections

The following temperatures should not be exceeded F12-30 through -80 have two drain ports, PC and
(type H and N shaft seals): PD; F12-110 has an additional port, PE.
System fluid: 80 °C The uppermost drain port should be utilized.
Drain fluid: 100 °C
Type V ('Viton') shaft seals can be used to 115°C Port PE
drain fluid temperature. (F12-110)
Port PC

Continuous operation may require case flushing in

order to meet the viscosity and temperature limita-
The following table shows operating speeds, above
which flushing is usually required, as well as sug-
gested flow through the case.
Port PD
Designation Speed [rpm] Flow [l/min]
F12-30 3500 4–8 In mounting positions such as 'shaft up', a drain
F12-40 3000 5–10 line loop can be formed to provide bearing lubrica-
F12-60 3000 7–14 tion and cooling (see below).
F12-80 2500 8–16 Preferably, the drain line should be connected di-
F12-110 2300 9–18 rectly to the reservoir to avoid excessively high
case pressure.


Hydraulic fluids
Ratings and performance data for series F12 are
based on operating with good quality, contamina-
tion-free, petroleum-based fluids. Before start-up
Hydraulic fluids type HLP (DIN 51524), automatic Make sure the F12 case as well as the entire hyd-
transmission fluids type A, or API CD engine oils raulic system is filled with a recommended fluid.
can be used. The internal leakage, especially at low operating
At operating temperature, the viscosity (of the pressures, is not sufficient to provide lubrication at
drain fluid) should normally be kept above start-up.
8 mm2/s (cSt).
At start-up, the viscosity should not exceed NOTE: To avoid cavitation and obtain a low noise
1000 mm2/s. level and less heat generation, tubes,
hoses and fittings must be adequately
The ideal operating range is 15 to 30 mm2/s. dimensioned. Preferably, suction line flow
Fire resistant fluids (when used under modified speeds should be 0.5 to 1 m/s, and
operating conditions) and synthetic fluids may also pressure line flow speeds 3 to 5 m/s.
be suitable. Suitable suction flanges are available from
Contact VOAC Hydraulics Division for further VOAC Hydraulics Division
information. (refer to page 25).

Please contact our sales representative:

VOAC Hydraulics Division Catalog 9129 8206-02

S-461 82 Trollhättan Ed. 1210-9815 GB
Tel +46 520 986 00
Fax +46 520 371 05
Marketing Information F12 1(2)
F12 Ordering codes MI 070-9807 GB

Replaces MI 070-9708 GB
Ex: F12 - 80 - M F - I H - K - 000 - L01 - S
1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9

1. Frame size 30 40 60 80 110 6. Shaft 30 40 60 80 110

D DIN spline Standard x x x x x
2. Function 30 40 60 80 110 Z " " Optional (x) (x) - (x) -
M Motor x x x x x K Metric key Standard x x x x x
L Pump counter clockw. x x x x x P " " Optional (x) - - - -
R Pump clockwise x x x x x
7. Serial number (assigned for special versions)
3. Main ports 30 40 60 80 110
F ISO flange x x x x x
8. Option
L01 Integr. flushing valve x x x x 1)
4. Mounting flange 30 40 60 80 110
I ISO x x x x x 9. Option
S Speed sensor installed x x x x x
5. Shaft seal 30 40 60 80 110 P Prepared for speed
H Nitrile (high pressure) x x x x x sensor x x x x x
N Nitrile (low pressure) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
V Viton (high temp.) x x x x x 1) F12-110: Accessory valve block

Ex: F12 - 80 - M F - C H - C - 000 - L01 - S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Frame size 30 40 60 80 110 6. Shaft

C Spline Standard x x x x x
2. Function 30 40 60 80 110
M Motor x x x x x 7. Serial number (assigned for special versions)

3. Main ports 30 40 60 80 110 8. Option

F ISO flange x x x x x L01Integr. flushing valve x x x x 1)

4. Mounting flange 30 40 60 80 110 9. Option

C Cartridge x x x x x S Speed sensor installed x x x x x
P Prepared for speed
5. Shaft seal
sensor x x x x x
H Nitrile (high pressure) x x x x x
N Nitrile (low pressure) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) 1) F12-110: Accessory valve block
V Viton (high temp.) x x x x x
x : Available (x) : Optional – : Not available

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 2(2)
F12 Ordering codes MI 070-9807 GB

Ex: F12 - 80 - M S - S H - S - 000 - L01 - S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Frame size 30 40 60 80 110 6. Shaft 30 40 60 80 110

S SAE spline Standard x x x x x
2. Function 30 40 60 80 110 U " " Optional - - - (x) -
M Motor x x x x x T SAE key Standard x x x x x
L Pump counter clockw. x x x x x
R Pump clockwise x x x x x 7. Serial number (assigned for special versions)

3. Main ports 30 40 60 80 110 8. Option

S SAE flange x x x x x L01 Integr. flushing valve x x x x 1)

4. Mounting flange 30 40 60 80 110 9. Option

S SAE 4 bolt x x x x x S Speed sensor installed x x x x x
T SAE 2 bolt x x x - - P Prepared for speed
sensor x x x x x
5. Shaft seal 30 40 60 80 110 1) F12-110: Accessory valve block
H Nitrile (high pressure) x x x x x
N Nitrile (low pressure) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) x : Available (x) : Optional – : Not available
V Viton (high temp.) x x x x x

Accessory valve ordering codes

SV Pressure relief valve
Refer to: 1335-9805 GB
SR Pressure relief/make-up valve
Refer to: 1389-9805 GB
BT Brake valve Refer to: 1555-9805 GB
Flushing valves Refer to: 1645-9752 GB

Certificat of assembly & testing

NOTE: Specify '100' in the ordering code, pos. 7;
(ex. F12-80-MF-IH-K-100)
and write 'Certificate of assembly &

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/980210/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

S-461 82 Trollhättan
Tel +46 520 986 00
Fax +46 520 371 05
Marketing Information F12 1(2)
F12-30, -40 and -60 – New part numbers MI 176-9807 GB

Replaces MI 176-9743 GB

As previously described in MI 156-9716 GB, Serial production of the 'new', redesigned
'F12-30, -40 and -60 modifications', these frame F12-30, -40 and -60 versions have now started;
sizes have been redesigned mainly to accept a 'old' part numbers will successively be replaced
tapered roller bearing (replacing the cylindrical with with the 'new' part numbers.
This, in turn, means that old part numbers will no
longer be available. The ordering codes will remain the same.
When ordering the new part number, the new
In the following are new as well as old part num- tapered roller bearing will be supplied automati-
bers listed per frame size. cally .

F12-30 F12-40
New P/N Old P/N Ordering code New P/N Old P/N Ordering code
3799832 3798806 F12-030-MF-CH-C-L01 3799509 3797958 F12-040-MF-IH-D-L01
3799833 3799730 F12-030-MF-CV-C-L01 3799510 3798499 F12-040-MF-IH-K-L01
3799834 3798500 F12-030-MF-IH-K-L01 3799511 3797952 F12-040-MF-IV-D-L01
3799835 3794435 F12-030-LF-IH-D-000 3799512 3797974 F12-040-MS-SH-S-L04
3799836 3794437 F12-030-LF-IH-K-000 3799513 3797856 F12-040-MS-SH-S-L08
3799837 3794439 F12-030-LS-SH-S-000 3799514 3798803 F12-040-MS-SV-S-L08
3799838 3794441 F12-030-LS-SH-T-000 3799515 3794443 F12-040-LF-IH-D-000
3799839 3798944 F12-030-MF-CE-C-000 3799516 3794445 F12-040-LF-IH-K-000
3799840 3792683 F12-030-MF-CH-C-000 3799517 3794447 F12-040-LS-SH-S-000
3799841 3793410 F12-030-MF-CV-C-000 3799518 3794449 F12-040-LS-SH-T-000
3799842 3798945 F12-030-MF-IE-D-000 3799519 3798946 F12-040-MF-CE-C-000
3799843 3792684 F12-030-MF-IH-D-000 3799520 3792315 F12-040-MF-CH-C-000
3799844 3792685 F12-030-MF-IH-K-000 3799521 3797729 F12-040-MF-CV-C-000
3799845 3798905 F12-030-MF-IH-P-000 1) 3799522 3798947 F12-040-MF-IE-D-000
3799846 3795510 F12-030-MF-IH-Z-000 3799523 3797138 F12-040-MF-IE-K-000
3799847 3797817 F12-030-MF-IV-D-000 3799524 3796908 F12-040-MF-IH-C-000
3799848 3795333 F12-030-MF-IV-K-000 3799525 3792678 F12-040-MF-IH-D-000
3799849 3799419 F12-030-MF-SH-P-000 1) 3799526 3792681 F12-040-MF-IH-K-000
3799850 3798635 F12-030-MS-SE-S-000 3799527 3794885 F12-040-MF-IH-Z-000
3799851 3791930 F12-030-MS-SH-S-000 3799528 3796321 F12-040-MF-IN-K-000
3799852 3793204 F12-030-MS-SH-T-000 3799529 3796219 F12-040-MF-IV-D-000
3799853 3797136 F12-030-MS-SN-S-000 3799530 3795332 F12-040-MF-IV-K-000
3799854 3799237 F12-030-MS-SN-T-000 3799531 3798636 F12-040-MS-SE-S-000
3799855 3794311 F12-030-MS-SV-S-000 3799532 3791740 F12 -MS-SH-S-000-40
3799856 3794584 F12-030-MS-SV-T-000 3799533 3793205 F12-040-MS-SH-T-000
3799857 3794902 F12-030-RF-CH-C-000 3799534 3797137 F12-040-MS-SN-S-000
3799858 3794436 F12-030-RF-IH-D-000 3799535 3799075 F12-040-MS-SN-T-000
3799859 3794438 F12-030-RF-IH-K-000 3799536 3794585 F12-040-MS-SV-S-000
3799860 3794440 F12-030-RS-SH-S-000 3799537 3794586 F12-040-MS-SV-T-000
3799861 3794442 F12-030-RS-SH-T-000 3799538 3794444 F12-040-RF-IH-D-000
3799862 3796113 F12-030-RS-SV-T-000 3799539 3794446 F12-040-RF-IH-K-000
3799540 3797916 F12-040-RF-IH-Z-000
1) Max 350 bar 3799541 3794448 F12-040-RS-SH-S-000
3799542 3794450 F12-040-RS-SH-T-000

(F12-60 overleaf)

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 2(2)
F12-30, -40 and -60 – New part numbers MI 176-9807 GB

New P/N Old P/N Ordering code
379 9973 379 8434 F12-060-MF-IH-D-L01
379 9974 379 9065 F12-060-MF-IH-K-L01
379 9975 379 8953 F12-060-MF-IV-D-L01
379 9976 379 8744 F12-060-MS-SH-S-L01
379 9977 379 4382 F12-060-LF-IH-D-000
379 9978 379 4380 F12-060-LF-IH-K-000
379 9979 379 4386 F12-060-LS-SH-S-000
379 9981 379 4384 F12-060-LS-SH-T-000
379 9982 379 7938 F12-060-LS-SV-S-000
379 9983 379 8948 F12-060-MF-CE-C-000
379 9984 379 2434 F12-060-MF-CH-C-000
379 9985 379 5087 F12-060-MF-CH-K-000
379 9986 379 3412 F12-060-MF-CV-C-000
379 9987 379 8778 F12-060-MF-IE-D-000
379 9988 379 2281 F12-060-MF-IH-D-000
379 9989 379 2278 F12-060-MF-IH-K-000
379 9993 379 6222 F12-060-MF-IN-D-000
379 9994 379 5849 F12-060-MF-IV-D-000
379 9995 379 4089 F12-060-MF-IV-K-000
379 9997 379 8637 F12-060-MS-SE-S-000
379 9998 379 3560 F12-060-MS-SH-S-000
379 9999 379 3570 F12-060-MS-SH-T-000
378 0009 379 7139 F12-060-MS-SN-S-000
378 0010 379 8259 F12-060-MS-SN-T-000
378 0011 379 4310 F12-060-MS-SV-S-000
378 0059 379 4587 F12-060-MS-SV-T-000
378 0062 379 4383 F12-060-RF-IH-D-000
378 0014 379 4381 F12-060-RF-IH-K-000
378 0015 379 4944 F12-060-RF-IV-K-000
378 0016 379 4387 F12-060-RS-SH-S-000
378 0017 379 4385 F12-060-RS-SH-T-000
378 0018 379 9714 F12-060-RS-SV-T-000

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Trollhättan/980214/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

S-461 82 Trollhättan
Tel. +46 520 986 00
Fax +46 520 371 05
Marketing Information F12 1(2)

F12-80 – New part numbers MI 193-9840 GB

As previously described in MI 192-9839 GB, Serial production of the 'new', redesigned
'F12-80 modifications', this frame size has been F12-80 version has started; 'old' part numbers
redesigned mainly to accept a tapered roller will successively be replaced with the 'new' part
bearing (replacing the cylindrical bearing). numbers.
This, in turn, means that old part numbers will no PLEASE NOTE
longer be available.
The ordering codes will remain the same.
In the following presentation new as well as old When ordering the new part number, the new
part numbers are listed. tapered roller bearing will be supplied automati-
cally .

New P/N Old P/N Ordering code
3780749 3794451 F12-080-LF-IH-D-000-000-0
3780750 3794453 F12-080-LF-IH-K-000-000-0
3780751 3794455 F12-080-LS-SH-S-000-000-0
3780752 3794457 F12-080-LS-SH-T-000-000-0
3780753 3795515 F12-080-LS-SH-U-000-000-0 1)
3780754 3796320 F12-080-LS-SV-S-000-000-0
3780756 3798949 F12-080-MF-CE-C-000-000-0
3780757 3797728 F12-080-MF-CH-C-000-L06-0
3780758 3792621 F12-080-MF-CH-C-000-000-0
3780762 3793413 F12-080-MF-CV-C-000-000-0
3780764 3798950 F12-080-MF-IE-D-000-000-0
3780765 3799829 F12-080-MF-IH-D-000-L01-0
3780766 3799931 F12-080-MF-IH-D-000-000-0
3780767 3791864 F12-080-MF-IH-D-000-000-0
3780768 3780520 F12-080-MF-IH-D-000-000-S
3780770 3799193 F12-080-MF-IH-K-000-L01-0
3780771 3798316 F12-080-MF-IH-K-000-L04-0
3780772 3709319 F12-080-MF-IH-K-000-000-0
3780774 3795855 F12-080-MF-IH-Z-000-000-0 1)
3780775 3796046 F12-080-MF-IV-D-000-000-0
3780776 3794090 F12-080-MF-IV-K-000-000-0
3780780 3798640 F12-080-MS-SE-S-000-000-0
3780781 3798638 F12-080-MS-SE-U-000-000-0 1)
3780782 3798990 F12-080-MS-SH-S-000-L01-0
3780783 3709320 F12-080-MS-SH-S-000-000-0
3780784 3793207 F12-080-MS-SH-T-000-000-0
3780786 3796542 F12-080-MS-SH-U-000-000-0 1)
3780787 3796229 F12-080-MS-SN-S-000-000-0
3780788 3780227 F12-080-MS-SN-T-000-L07-0
3780789 3798260 F12-080-MS-SN-T-000-000-0
3780790 3794588 F12-080-MS-SV-S-000-000-0
3780791 3794589 F12-080-MS-SV-T-000-000-0
3780799 3794452 F12-080-RF-IH-D-000-000-0
3780800 3794454 F12-080-RF-IH-K-000-000-0
3780801 3798534 F12-080-RF-IV-K-000-000-0

1) Max 350 bar

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 2(2)

F12-80 – New part numbers MI 193-9840 GB

New P/N Old P/N Ordering code
3780802 3794456 F12-080-RS-SH-S-000-000-0
3780803 3794458 F12-080-RS-SH-T-000-000-0
3780804 3780290 F12-080-RS-SH-U-000-000-0 1)
3780805 3780518 F12-080-RS-SH-U-000-L01-0 1)
3780807 3780622 F12-080-MS-SH-S-000-L02-P
3780808 3780630 F12-080-MS-SH-T-000-000-S
3780809 3780632 F12-080-MF-IH-K-000-000-P

1) Max 350 bar

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Trollhättan/980929/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

S-461 82 Trollhättan
Tel. +46 520 986 00
Fax +46 520 371 05
Marketing Information F12 1(1)

F12 Vibrations MI 147-9804 GB

Replaces MI 147-9703 GB
Torsional Shaft vibration
The F12 is very resistant to torsional vibrations.
The gear synchronizition of the F12 allowes acce-
leration and deceleration peaks at 50 000 rad/s 2 .
As an example, this corresponds to a shaft accel-
eration of 0 to 4770 rpm in 0,01 s, which is consid-
erably more than what competitor pumps/motors
can tolerate. An acceleration level of up to 20 000
rad/s2 can be utilized at least one million cycles.

Vibration levels of 20 g are not known to have
any detrimental effect on F12.
At higher levels (20-40 g) there is an increasing
risk of malfunctioning, also the strength of the
mounting flange must be checked in frequently
occuring accelerations of this magnitude.

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/980124/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 1(1)

F12 Starting Torque Efficiency MI 148-9804 GB

Replaces MI 148-9703 GB
Starting torque is usually considered in winch Shaft torque
drives with 'hanging loads' or in excavator track @1 rpm
drives where max 'drawbar pull' is at a premium,
and in other similar applications. The maximum Max
and minimum starting torque figures, at 1 rpm
(table 1), are given as a percentage of the torque
theoretical torque vs. pressure.The output shaft
torque varies between max and min depending
on the position of the pistons relative to the
valve plate; refer to fig. 1 below.
1/n revolutioins Time
Pressure F12-30 through -110 (n = number of pistons)
[bar] [psi] max [%] min [%] Fig. 1 Starting torque @ 1rpm

100 1450 87 79 Mechanical efficiency

200 2900 88 81
300 4350 89 82 eff'y

400 5800 90 83 Max at

start Average mechanical efficiency
Table 1. Starting torque efficiency @ 1 rpm
Min at
The minimum starting torque efficiency figures
should be used as the design point when the
motor starts against a torque load. 1 100 200 300 Speed [rpm]
As shown in fig. 2, the average output torque Fig. 2 . Mechanical efficiency vs. shaft speed
increases considerably already at a small increase (example)
in shaft speed. With still increasing speed the
mechanical efficiency gradually approaches the
'running' mechanical efficiency; refer to TI 106.
The speed at which the max 'running' efficiency is
obtained depends mainly on wheather the motor is
new or broken in, and on the viscosity of the fluid.

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/980124/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 1(1)

F12 Motor/Pump Noise Level MI 149-9804 GB

Replaces MI 149-9710 GB
The noise level is measured in a semi-anechoic room Noise levels at rpm:s above the selfpriming speed are
1m from the motor/pump. The noise level for a particular valid with a boosted inlet (2-2,5 bar).
machine may vary within ± 2dB(A) compared to what is
shown in the diagrams.
Noise level [dB(A)] Noise level [dB(A)]
90 95

F12-30 F12-80 4000 rpm

5000 rpm 90
3500 rpm 2500 rpm
2000 rpm 80
1000 rpm


70 70
100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400
Pressure [bar] Pressure [bar]
Noise level [dB(A)] Noise level [dB(A)]
90 95
5000 rpm
F12-40 F12-110
3000 rpm
3500 rpm 85
2500 rpm

2000 rpm 80
1000 rpm

70 70
100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400
Pressure [bar] Pressure [bar]
Noise level [dB(A)]
4000 rpm

2500 rpm

NOTE: The diagrams are valid both for motor (func-

1000 rpm tion M) and pump (function L/R) operation.

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/

980124/Michael Bohm
100 200 300 400
Pressure [bar] Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 1(1)

Material used in most important parts MI 150-9804 GB

Replaces MI 150-9703 GB
F12 Material


Shaft Steel SS 2244 'Tuff tride'; induction

hardened spline
Cylinder barrel Steel SS 2525 Nitrocarburized

Piston Steel SS 2511 Case hardened

Valve plate L or R Bronze SS 5443

Valve plate M Bronze plated steel Glyco

Barrel housing Nodular iron SS 0727

Bearing housing Grey iron SS 0219

* The 'SS' numbers state the material specification according to Swedish Standard.

Issued:VOAC Hydraulics Division,Pumps & Motors/980124/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Technical Information F12 1(5)
F12 Efficiencies MI 151-9804 GB

Replaces MI 151-9707 GB
NOTE: The efficiency of an individual unit can
vary up to ±2% compared to what is
shown in the diagrams below.
Pump F12-30 Motor
100 100
210 bar
210 bar
Volumetric efficiency [%]

Volumetric efficiency [%]

420 bar 420 bar

95 95

90 90

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Mechanical efficiency [%]

Mechanical efficiency [%]

420 bar 420 bar

95 95

210 bar
210 bar
90 90

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Overall efficiency [%]

Overall efficiency [%]

95 95
420 bar
420 bar

90 90
210 bar 210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Technical Information F12 2(5)
F12 Efficiencies MI 151-9804 GB

Pump F12-40 Motor

100 100
210 bar
210 bar
Volumetric efficiency [%]

Volumetric efficiency [%]

420 bar 420 bar

95 95

90 90

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Mechanical efficiency [%]

Mechanical efficiency [%]

420 bar
95 95

420 bar

210 bar
90 90
210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Overall efficiency [%]

Overall efficiency [%]

95 95

420 bar 420 bar

90 90
210 bar 210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Technical Information F12 3(5)
F12 Efficiencies MI 151-9804 GB

Pump F12-60 Motor

100 100
210 bar
210 bar
Volumetric efficiency [%]

Volumetric efficiency [%]

420 bar 420 bar

95 95

90 90

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Mechanical efficiency [%]

Mechanical efficiency [%]

420 bar
95 95
420 bar

210 bar
90 90
210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Overall efficiency [%]

Overall efficiency [%]

95 95

420 bar 420 bar

90 90
210 bar 210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Technical Information F12 4(5)
F12 Efficiencies MI 151-9804 GB

Pump F12-80 Motor

100 100
210 bar 210 bar
Volumetric efficiency [%]

Volumetric efficiency [%]

420 bar
420 bar
95 95

90 90

85 85
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Mechanical efficiency [%]

Mechanical efficiency [%]

420 bar
95 95

420 bar
210 bar
90 90
210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Overall efficiency [%]

Overall efficiency [%]

95 95
420 bar 420 bar

90 90
210 bar
210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Technical Information F12 5(5)
F12 Efficiencies MI 151-9804 GB

Pump F12-110 Motor

100 100

210 bar
Volumetric efficiency [%]

210 bar

Volumetric efficiency [%]

95 95
420 bar 420 bar

90 90

85 85
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Mechanical efficiency [%]

Mechanical efficiency [%]

95 95
420 bar 420 bar

90 90
210 bar 210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

100 100
Overall efficiency [%]

Overall efficiency [%]

95 95

90 90
420 bar 420 bar

210 bar 210 bar

85 85
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/980124/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Technical Information F12 1(5)
F12 Bearing life MI 152-9810 GB

Replaces: MI 152-9708 GB

General information Bearing life - no shaft loads

Calculating bearing life in order to estimate life is Bearing life at 250 bar (3600 psi) and 3000 rpm
only valid for a part of the life-load curve. for series F12 is shown in table 1 below.
As shown in Fig.1, 'Rotating group fatigue and The viscosity and speed factor 'a23' equals 1
wear' together with 'Other causes' (deterioration, (no correction for speed and viscosity).
contamination, etc.) is the dominating life limita- The right hand column shows viscosity, ν, for
tion. It's very important to take this into conside- 'a23'=1.
ration when estimating life.
Size L10 bearing life [hrs] ν [mm2/s]
Bearing life calculations are useful mainly when F12-30 2246 10
comparing different frame sizes in an application. F12-40 4644 10
For example, you can find out what you gain in F12-60 3252 9
life by using an F12-80 instead of an F12-60, or F12-80 2712 9
optimizing life for all F12's in the system. F12-110 1470 9
It is not recommended, however, to use bearing
life calculations as a means of obtaining accurate Table 1. L10 bearing life at 250 bar (3600 psi) and
life of a unit, nor to make comparisons with 3000 rpm (inner bearing).
competitor products.

Bearing life is presented by the L10 value. This is By using the figures in Table 1 and the average
dependent on pressure and speed but also on pressure and speed estimates, the L10 bearing
external shaft loads, case fluid viscosity and fluid life can be estimateded from:
L10 life means that 90% of the bearings will 250 3000
L10 = L0 x x [h]
survive at least the number of hours stated. pim nm
Statistically, you will get approx. 5.5 times the
L10 life for 50% of the bearings. where
L0 = Basic life at 250 bar and 3000 rpm [h]
Rotating group
fatigue and wear pim =Sum of inlet and outlet pressures [bar]
nm = Average speed [rpm]
(When calculating with psi: 250/pim should be
System pressure

replaced by to 3600/ pim)

NOTE: 'pim' is the sum of the inlet pressure and

the estimated operating pressure, pm.

To be more accurate, the L10 life (above) should

causes be adjusted for speed and viscosity by multiplying
with factor 'a23'; refer to page 3.

At extreme pressures or when motors are opera-

Life expectancy (logarithmic scale)
ting in series, please contact Product Support,
Fig. 1. Hydraulic unit life versus system pressure. Pumps & Motors.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Technical Information F12 2(5)
F12 Bearing life MI 152-9810 GB

Bearing life with radial shaft load Bearing life with axial shaft load

When an external shaft load (from a gear, V-belt, A pushing load, up to a certain magnitude, in-
etc.) is applied to the F12 shaft, bearing life is creases bearing life as it counteracts the axial
affected by the magnitude, position and direction component of the piston forces.
of the load. Diagram 1 below shows an example
of how bearing life varies with load direction A pulling load always reduces bearing life due to
(100% represents bearing life without shaft load). the fact that it increases the load on the inner
As shown, bearing life increases more than 20% tapered roller bearing.
when the load is directed at about 180° (valid in
this example). Table 3 (below) shows max recommended axial
load (pushing and pulling) at 250 bar (3600 psi).
Bearing life [%] This reduces bearing life by approximately 20 %
140 in the pulling direction.

Frame Axial load

size [N] [lbs]
F12-30 1200 270
60 F12-40 1500 337
F12-60 1900 427
0 90 180 270 360 α [°] F12-80 2300 517
Diagram 1. F12-110 3000 674

Table 2 below shows max recommended radial Table 3. Max recommended axial load.
load at 250 bar (3600 psi). These load condi-
tions don't reduce bearing life more than 20 %, Contact Product Support, Pumps & Motors, to
independent of load direction ( α ). obtain bearing life at specific load conditions not
covered above (e.g. a combined axial and radial
Frame Radial load load).
size [N] [lbs]
F12-30 1200 270
F12-40 1400 315
F12-60 2000 449
F12-80 2500 562
F12-110 3200 719

Table 2. Max recommended radial load (key shaft;

measured in the middle of the shaft end).

Contact Product Support, Pumps & Motors, to

obtain bearing life at load conditions in a specific
load condition.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Technical Information F12 3(5)
F12 Bearing life MI 152-9810 GB

Correction for viscosity and speed

L10 bearing life figures shown previously are valid The diagrams show factor 'a23' which should be
for a certain case fluid viscosity and shaft speed used to multiply previously obtained L10 figures
(a23 = 1). As can be seen from the following when correcting for actual case fluid viscosity
diagrams, increased viscosity and speed also and shaft speed.
increase life.
F12-30 F12-80
Factor a23 Factor a23
2,5 2,5

2,0 2,0

1,5 1,5

1,0 1,0

0,5 0,5

0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 2000 4000 6000
Shaft speed [rpm] Shaft speed [rpm]
F12-40 F12-110
Factor a23 Factor a23
2,5 2,5

2,0 2,0

1,5 1,5

1,0 1,0

0,5 0,5

0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000
Shaft speed [rpm] Shaft speed [rpm]
Factor a23



Viscosity, mm2/s (cSt) 20:
0,5 15:
0 8:
0 2000 4000 6000
Shaft speed [rpm]
VOAC Hydraulics Division
Subject to change without notice
Technical Information F12 4(5)
F12 Bearing life MI 152-9810 GB

Bearing life calculation Required information

An application is usually governed by a certain When requesting a bearing life calculation, appli-
duty or work cycle where pressure and speed cable information (see below) should be provided.
vary with time during the cycle. Data received will be entered into the computer
Product Support, Pumps & Motors, has a com- program and when the calculation has been
puter program for calculating bearing life and will performed, the answer will appear on a print-out
assist in determining F12 motor/pump life in a that includes all input data.
specific application.


[1] Machine designation [1] Application (pump/motor) ..........
(F12-30/40/60/80/110) .......... [2] Direction of rotation
[–] Load case 1) .......... (left/right) ..........
[2] Part of total time (%) .......... [3] Pitch diameter (mm) ..........
[4] High pressure (bar) .......... [4] Pressure angle (deg) ..........
[5] Low pressure (bar) .......... [5] Spiral angle (deg) ..........
[6] Speed (rpm) .......... [6] Spiral direction (left/right) ..........
[7] Viscosity (cSt) .......... [7] Distance flange-to-
-gear 3) (mm) ..........
[8] Probability (80/90) (%) ..........
[8] Angle of attack (deg) ..........
[9] External load (yes/no) ..........
[1] Application (pump/motor) .......... [1] Application (pump/motor) ..........
[2] Direction of rotation [2] Direction of rotation
(left/right) .......... (left/right) ..........
[3] Axial load (Fa) 2) (N) .......... [3] Belt pre-tension (kN) ..........
[4] Fixed radial load (Fr) (N) .......... [4] Coeff. of friction (–) ..........
[5] Bending moment (M) (Nm) .......... [5] Angle of contact (deg) ..........
[6] Rotating radial load 2) (N) .......... [6] Distance flange-to-
[7] Distance flange to -pulley 3) (mm) ..........
radial load 3) (mm) .......... [7] Diameter of pulley (mm) ..........
[8] Angle of attack (deg) .......... [8] Angle of attack (deg) ..........

1) The program can handle up to 8 load cases. 3) Distance 'c', shown in the illustrations on page 5,
Each load case in a work cycle should be provided always refers to the location of the ISO flange.
with the following information: For a Cartridge or SAE version, distance 'c' should
- Part of total cycle time (%) be calculated as if the mounting flange had the
- High pressure (bar) same location as that of the ISO flange. Compare
- Low pressure (bar) the following installation dimensions (shown in the
- Speed (rpm) F12 product catalog, publ. 1210-9750 GB):
2) Forces are shown positive in the 'External loads' - ISO: N2 (page 14)
illustration, page 5. - Cartridge: N5 (page 16)
- SAE 4 bolt: N8 (page 18)
- SAE 2 bolt: N11 (page 20)

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Technical Information F12 5(5)
F12 Bearing life MI 152-9810 GB

Bearing life calculation - definitions



Fr Fr

'c' is the distance between the
c radial load and the ISO flange. Angle of attack


'c' is the distance between the center
c of the gear and the ISO flange. Angle of attack




NOTE: Angle of attack

'c' is the distance between
the center of the pulley
c and the ISO flange.

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/980325/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 1(1)

F12 / F11 in series operation MI 186-9847 GB

Replacing MI 186-9820 GB

- When running F12/F11 in series, the break in
phase is very important, in order to prevent over-
heating (see 'TEMPERATURE' below).
- It's recommended to use case flushing to
prevent high temperature (see below).
- In series the inlet pressure must not exceed
250 bar. At extrem pressures, please contact
Product Support, Pumps and Motors.
- The housing must be filled with fluid prior the
commissioning, and must remain full whenever it
is operating.


- The most important, when operating in series,

is that the operating temperature of the drain fluid
does not exceed 90° C, (measured without
flushing in the motor).
- It's strongly recomended to monitor the drain
temperature during break-in, running the actual
duty cykle. The break-in procedure has to be
stopped at excessive temperature, allowing the
unit to cool down.

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/981111/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Technical Information GEN 1(2)
Hydraulic fluid specification MI 180-9830 GB

Repl. MI 180-9815 GB
NOTE: - This general specification covers Approved fluids
products from VOAC Hydraulics Division. Fluids that meet one of the following, Swedish
However, specific fluid information for a standards are suitable:
particular product as shown in the cor- • SS 155434 (standard)
responding product publication always
• SMR Hydraulic Oil Standard 1996-2 (norm;
takes precedence.
(see appendix, page 2).
- VOAC Hydraulics does not approve The SMR norm is a specification written from the
fluids from a particular supplier. user's point of view and covers e.g. biologically
A fluid can be utilized if it fulfills specific degradeable, environmentally acceptable fluids
fluid information shown in the product like:
publication and the specification below. • Natural and synthetic esters2)
General information • Polyalfaolefins
This specification is valid for all products from 2) The density is approximately 0.92 g/ml (mineral oil
VOAC Hydraulics Division. Published product 0.87) which means that the selfpriming speed for
ratings and performance data are based on ope- pumps has to be reduced by approximately 5%.
rating with good quality, petroleum-based fluids. We recommend that the fluid be changed following
By using high quality oils and maintain a high the supplier's instructions.
degree of cleanliness in the hydraulic system, Hydraulic fluids that meet the following DIN stan-
better performance, higher reliability and longer dards can, of course, also be utilized:
service life will be experienced.
• Type HLP and HVLP petroleum-based fluids
Under modified operating conditions, fluids such (DIN 51524, part 1 and 2).
as polyglycols, fire resistent and water based
fluids may also be acceptable. Please see MI 189 NOTE: The utilized fluid must be compatible with
for further information. the seal material used in our products
(which is either standard 'Nitrile rubber',
Kinematic viscosity ptional 'Viton', or others).
The operational limits of the kinematic viscosity,
which must be guaranteed for full functionality of
the system at 100% duty, are: In order to obtain long service life for our products,
suitable and reliable filtration with a scheduled
noperating = 15 to 100 mm2/s (cSt)
filter replacement is a necessity. Low contamina-
tion levels gives long life and high reliability.
The ideal operating kinematic viscosity range is:
nideal = 15 to 30 mm2/s The hard particle contamination of the fluid should
not exceed a level determined by:
At operating temperature, the kinematic drain fluid - Class 18/13 according to ISO/DIS 4406.
viscosity1) should normally be kept at: Temperature
nmin • 10 mm2/s Hydraulic system temperature should be:
1) Please consider, that many hydraulic fluids with VI - Below 70 °C (160 °F).
(viscosity index) improvers are subject to temporary Products with nitrile rubber seals:
and permanent reductions of the kinematic viscosity. - Max 80 °C (175 °F) drain port fluid temperature.
At start-up (pumps), and for a limited time, the Products with 'Viton' seals:
max permissible viscosity is: - Max 100 °C (210 °F).
nstart - 4000 mm2/s
Water content
The water content shall not exceed
0.1% (by volume).

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Trollhättan/980720/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren, Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Appendix to: SMR Hydraulic Oil Standard Page 2(2)
MI 180-9815 GB. (translation of the Swedish norm ’SMR Hydrauloljenorm, 1996-2’)
Test Standard Condition Unit 32 46 68 Note
Viscosity at 40 °C ISO 3104 mm2/s submit submit submit
at 100 °C ISO 3104 ” ” ” ”
at -20 °C ISO 3104 ” - max 2400 max 5000
at -30 °C ISO 3104 ” max 4000 - -
Viscosity after low ISO 3104 After 72 hrs at -20 °C mm 2/s - max 2400 max 5000 Cooling, etc. per
temperature test ASTM D2532
ASTM D2532 ISO-3104 After 72 hrs at -30 °C max 4000 - -
Viscosity at 100 °C CEC-L-45-T93 Part C; 20 hrs mm2/s min 4.5 min 6.0 min 7.0
after shear test ISO 3104
Air removal DIN 51381 50 °C minutes max 8 max 8 max 10
Rust protection, steel ISO-7120 A, 24 hrs, 60°C - pass
Copper corrosion ISO 2160 100 °C, 3 hrs - max 1b
Elastomers ISO 1817 Hardness change Shore max +/- 10
NBR 1 at 85 °C; Volume change % max -3/+10
time 1000 h Rupture strength % max 50% reduction
Rupture elongation % max 50% reduction
Foaming ASTM D 892 Sequence I, II, III milliliter max 150/0 max 75/0 max 150/0
Water removal ASTM D 1401 To max 3 ml emulsion minutes max 30
Filtering ability CETOP RP 124 H Step I/II % submit; recommended: min 80/min 60
Wear test DIN 51389 Weight loss, wings milligram max 30
(Vickers V105C) Weight loss, ring ” max 120
FZG DIN 51354 Pass stage - min 10
Density ISO 3675 kg/m3 submit
Flame point ISO 2592 °C submit
Oxidation stability, level ’A’ ASTM D943 Time to increase 2.0
in acid number. hrs min 1000 TOST
level ’B’ DIN 51554-3 110 °C, 72 hrs % max 20 Baader,
level ’C’ 95 °C, 72 hrs % max 20 viscosity increase
Hydrolytic stability RR 1006 5 days, 90 °C, 10% H2O mg KOH/g Acid number increase max 2.0 Alternative:
(proposal) (Rolls Royce) as measured in the oil phase ASTM 2619
Marketing Information F12 1(3)

Fire Resistant Fluids MI 189-9820 GB

Replaces TI 040-8748

General information Fire Resistant Fluid

Within the very wide range of special fluids, HFA fluid:

water based and synthetic fluids represent a Oil in water emulsion with approx. 80 - 95%
sub-grouping of fire resistant fluids. ISO/DIS water. Possible operating temperature is 5 -
6071 divides fire resistant fluids into the groups 50°C.
HFB fluid:
The code ’HF’ is made up of the ’H’ for ’hydraulic Water in oil emulsion with approx. 40% water.
fluids’ and the ’F’ for fire resistant. Groups A, B Possible operating temperature 5 - 55°C.
and C are water based fluids and group D water
free fluids. HFC fluid:
Water based solution (predominantly with
They are used in all cases where, for safety Glycols) with up to 60% water. Possible opera-
reasons, the use of fluids of a petrolium oil base ting temperature 5 - 55°C.
is not possible, and also where a possible
financial advantage might be obtained. HFD fluid:
Water free fluid (predominantly phosphate-
In comparison with petrolium oil based fluids, ester). Possible operating temperature 0 - 80°C.
these fluids demonstrate other, at times
unfavorable, properties. The following guidelines
will show how these special properties may be
taken into account in the project design, opera-
tion and servicing of hydraulic systems.

For further information regarding fluids, please

also see MI 180 ’Hydraulic fluid specification’.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 2(3)

Fire Resistant Fluids MI 189-9820 GB

HFA fluid:

Series F11, F12

Performance restrictions Nominal pressure150 bar

Peak pressure 250 bar
Reduced selfprimingspeed
Operating speed reduced 50%

Seals (control with fluid producer) Nitrile

Bearing life (% of normal) 10

Possible damage (not covered by Corrosion

our warranty)

NOTE: None of F11/F12 pumps/motors is approved for use with

less then 5% oil in water, and a certain life cannot be given.

HFB fluid:

Series F11, F12

Performance restrictions 250 bar

Seals (control with fluid producer) Nitrile

Bearing life (% of normal) 20 - 40%

Possible damage (not covered by Corrosion; reduction of bearing life due

our warranty) to corrosion

NOTE: Systems intended for use with emulsions can be difficult to clean
sufficiently as the emulgator in these hydraulic fluids sometimes work as an
efficient detergent, cleaning the tubing and thus clogging up the filters.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 3(3)

Fire Resistant Fluids MI 189-9820 GB

HFC fluid:

Series F11, F12

Performance restrictions 250 bar

Seals (control with fluid producer) Nitrile

Bearing life (% of normal) 10 - 20%

Possible damage (not covered Corrosion; reduction of bearing life due

by our warrenty) to corrosion

HFD fluid (also see MI 180):

Series F11, F12 and V12

Performance restrictions See ’MI 180’

Seals (control with fluid producer) Viton

Bearing life (% of normal) 60 - 100%

Possible damage (not covered Seals may get hard and loose their
by our warrenty) sealing capability faster then normal.

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Trollhättan/980506/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12, F11, V12, T12 1(2)

Performance Data MI 191-9847 GB

1. General Information It is imperative that the heat generated within

the motor be removed in order to maintain
The hydraulic motor performance figures, shown sufficient fluid viscosity.
in our brochures and datasheets, are conside-
red safe limits and can usually be utilized in Above the continuous power levels and rpm´s
most applications. To be able to fully utilize shown in the broshures the drain fluid is usually
these limits it is strongly advised to follow the not sufficient to carry away the heat generated,
instructions given in this MI. which requires an additional cooling flow
through the motor case.
Experience from the field have shown that
operating outside certain performance limits Other factors influencing the heat balance, that
shown in our datasheets and brochures is may require a cooling flow, are:
possible. Some performance limits, mainly shaft · High environmental temperature
speed, can be ”stretched” under certain · High main circuit fluid temperature
conditions. It is however strongly advised that · Low fluid viscosity
comprehensive tests be performed under actual · Unfavourable duty cycle (i e operating
operating conditions to determine if the frequently at high power levels)
proposed set-up will work as expected. · Low convection heat transfer (low air flow
around the motor)
Our bent-axis motors are not particularily suited
for series operation with high pressure on both Additional unfavourable conditions that also may
A and B port. Special precautions has to be call for a cooling flow:
taken, see MI 186 in F12 Sales Manual. · Low operating pressure at high speed
(results in insufficient drain flow)
Fluids which fulfils the demands in MI 180 must · High main circuit back pressure (should be
be used. For certain fluids there may be kept at 5 to 10 bar)
restrictions in allowed operating data, as well as · High case pressure (to be kept low)
shorter bearing life, see e.g. MI189. · Standard N, nitrile shaft seal (use the option
”H” seal that produces less heat)
It should also be emphasized that failures that
arise from operating outside published data, will Case cooling
not be covered by our warranty unless this has
been especially agreed upon. If, during the initial few hours of opertion, the
drain temperature stabilizes below 90°C and the
The following information, which has been put case viscosity, at that temperature, is above 8
together as a guide, is based on field cSt, no special precautions are required.
If, on the other hand, the drain temperature
2. High speed operation keeps on increasing above 90°C (fluid viscosity
below 8 cSt) there is a risk for motor breakdown.
The spherical piston bent-axis type motor has Additional cooling flow, or a break-in of the
over the years proven suitable in high speed motor, is then required.
applications. 10% or more above the published As a rough guidline, a cooling flow of a few l/min
maximum speed can be utilized if certain is usually sufficient. A higher flow is not
conditions are met. beneficial as it causes hydromechanical losses,
and additional heat is instead generated due to
higher case pressure.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12, F11, V12, T12 2(2)

Performance Data MI 191-9847 GB

If the recommended cooling flow is not sufficient conditions.

to maintain acceptable case temperature/ Repeat this procedure until the drain tempera-
viscosity in the initial operation, a break-in of the ture stabilizes well below 90 °C, at which point
motor may solve the problem. the motor is broken-in.

Case pressure Wear

The case pressure should normally be kept as Wear may be experienced at high speeds:
low as possible, but when operating V12/T12
motors at high speeds, a certain case pressure · Port plate erosion (decreased power reduces
has to be kept to assure good lubrication in the this condition)
center of the motor. See table in V12 broshure · Wear in the upper part of the cylinder bores
under Motor Installation, Case pressure . due to cavitation (maintaining sufficient back
pressure 5- 10 bar, minimizes the wear)
Break-in procedure · Reduced bearing life (increasing the case
fluid viscosity is benificial, see e.g. MI 152)
A break-in may be necessary if operating close
to or above a given performance limit. Each of
the below operating points should be ran as 3. Low speed operation
pump and at full displacement, with a backup
pressure of 20 bar and at 500 rpm. Run each The laminated piston rings permit continuous
point until the case drain temperature stabilizes. operation at low speeds, see broshures and
System fluid temperature should be approx. 50 data sheets. However, continuous motor opera-
°C (no case cooling). tion above 300 bar and/or high back pressure
(above 20 bar) at these low rpm´s may cause
Start the break-in at half the pressure it will see piston ball end and shaft socket wear.
in the actual system. Stop the break-in quickly if
the case drain temperature approaches max 4. Operating at high power levels
allowed temperature and let the motor cool
down well below 90°C, measured without When operating at power levels above
flushing in the motor. ”continuous output power”, a separate cooling
flow through the case may be required. Drain
When the case drain temperature has stabilized flow temperatures must be maintained below 90
well below maximum allowed temperature then °C, see chapter 2.
increase the pressure to 75% of the actual
system pressure. Stop according to above
procedure. When the case drain temperature
has stabilized well below maximum allowed
temperature then increase the pressure to the
highest pressure the unit will see under actual

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Trollhättan/981111/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 1(1)

F12 Installation drawings MI 154-9839 GB

Replaces MI 154-9804 GB

The following installation drawings are available: The drawings can be obtained (format: '.dxf')
Designation Drawing no. under :
F12-030 -MF-CH-C 379 2750 I:\document\dxf_thn\f12
-MF-IH-D/K 379 2943 Or in the F12 Sales Manual (format: '.pdf') under:
-MS-SH-S/T 379 2947 I:\document\salesman\f12
-MS-TH-S/T 379 9131

F12-040 -MF-CH-C 379 2751

-MF-IH-D/K 379 2742
-MS-SH-S/T 379 2948
-MS-TH-S/T 379 9132

F12-060 -MF-CH-C 379 2752

-MF-IH-D/K 379 2627
-MS-SH-S/T 379 2949
-MS-TH-S/T 379 9133

F12-080 -MF-CH-C 379 2753

-MF-IH-D/K 379 2747
-MS-SH-S/T 379 2950

F12-110 -MF-CH-C 379 2754

-MF-IH-D/K 379 2944
-MS-SH-S/T 379 2951

Issued:VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps&Motors/980923/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Series F12
Fixed displacement

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 1(33)



• Fixed displacement, bent-axis

piston pumps and motors

• 7 spherical pistons utilized

in all frame sizes

• Complete mounting flange and

shaft program

• Complete accessory 'bolt-on'

valve program

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 2(33)

Technical data
Motor frame size F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110

(cm3/rev) 30.0 40.0 59.8 80.4 110.1

Max operating speed

intermittent (rpm) 7100 6400 5600 5200 4700
continuous (rpm) 5600 5000 4300 4000 3600
min continuous (rpm) 50 50 50 50 50

Max selfpriming speed

valve plate R/L (rpm) 2850 2650 2350 2350 2200

Max input flow

intermittent (l/min) 213 256 335 418 517
continuous (l/min) 168 200 257 322 396

Max output power

intermittent (kW) 110 130 175 220 270
continuous (kW) 70 85 110 135 165

(kg) 12 16.5 21 26 36

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 3(33)

Technical data

Max intermittent operating pressure 480 bar

Max continuous operating pressure 420 bar

Max intermittent case pressure 25 bar

Max continuous case pressure 3.5 bar

(speed dependent)

Max intermittent operating +100° C (+115° C)

Max continuous operating +80° C

Min operating (cold starts) -40° C

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 4(33)


Technical data

Max intermittent range 8 – 1500 mm2/s (cSt)

Optimal range 15 – 30 cSt

Contamination level
Min requirement ISO Class 18/13

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 5(33)

Cut-away drawing
(F12-60 shown)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Barrel housing 6. Roller bearings
2. Valve plate 7. Bearing housing
3. Cylinder barrel* 8. Shaft seal
4. Piston with piston rings 9. Output shaft
5. Timing gear
* On F12-110, the cylinder barrel is
supported by needle bearings.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 6(33)

Standard versions

-D (Cartridge;
(ISO; key or DIN spline) DIN spline)

-T -T
(SAE 4 bolt; (SAE 2 bolt;
key or spline) key or spline)
VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 7(33)


Mounting flange and shafts

ISO version (DIN 5480)

Frame size F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110

Mounting flange
Diameter 100 125 125 140 160

Spline shaft
Type W30 x 2 W32 x 2 W35 x 2 W40 x 2 W45 x 2
Spline length 28 28 33 37 41

Key shaft
Diameter 30 30 35 40 45

Shaft length 50 60 60 70 82

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 8(33)



Mounting flange and shafts

Cartridge version (DIN 5480)

Frame size F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110

Spline type W30 x 2 W30 x 2 W30 x 2 W40 x 2 W40 x 2

Length 28 28 28 37 37

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 9(33)


Mounting flange and shafts

SAE version (J744)

Frame size F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110

Mounting flange
SAE designation 'B' 'C' 'C' 'C' 'D'

Spline shaft
SAE designation 'B' 'C' 'C 'C-C' 'D'
Number of teeth 13 14 14 17 13

Diametral pitch 16/32 12/24 12/24 12/24 8/16

Key shaft
Diameter 25.40 31.75 31.75 38.10 44.45

Length 33 48 48 54 67

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 10(33)


ISO and Cartridge versions (J744)

Frame size F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110

Main ports 3/ 3/ 3/ " 11/4"

4" 4" 4 1"
(6000 psi)

Port threads M10 x 20 M10 x 20 M10 x 20 M12 x 22 M14 x 26

Case drain ports M18x1.5 M18x1.5 M22x1.5 M22x1.5 M22x1.5

SAE version
Frame size F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110

Main ports 3/ 3/ 3/ " 11/4"

4" 4" 4 1"
(6000 psi)

Port threads 3/ 3/ 3/ "-16 7/ "-14 1/ "-13

8"-16 8"-16 8 16 2

Case drain ports 3/ 3/ 7/ "-14 7/ "-14 11/16"-12

4"-16 4"-16 8 8

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 11(33)

Valve plates
Required inlet pressure
Inlet pressure -110 -60 -30
[bar] -80 -40

M 1.0


1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Speed [rpm]

Inlet pressure -110 -40

[bar] -80/-60 -30


1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Speed [rpm]

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 12(33)

Port locations

Drain (inspection) port Main ports

Alt. drain port


VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 13(33)

Technical data

(F12-80 shown)
210 bar

95% 420 bar


0 1000 2000 3000 Speed [rpm]



420 bar

90% 210 bar

0 1000 2000 3000 Speed [rpm]

F12-80 eff'y diagram

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 14(33)

Technical data

Starting torque
(measured at 1 rpm)

Shaft torque


1/n revolutions
(n = number of pistons)

Pressure F12-30 through -110

[bar] max [%] min [%]

100 87 79
200 88 81
300 89 82
400 90 83

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 15(33)

Technical data

Noise level
( shown for F12-80)
90 4000 rpm
3000 rpm
2000 rpm

1000 rpm

0 100 200 300 Pressure [bar]

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 16(33)

Technical data

External shaft loads


Radial α⋅

VOAC Hydraulics has a computer

program for determining bearing life

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 17(33)


Technical data

Case pressure

Frame Case pressure [bar] vs. output speed [rpm]

size 1500 3000 4000 5000 6000
F12-30 14 7 5.5 4.5 3.5
F12-40 12 6 4.5 3.5 -
F12-60 12 6 4.5 3.5 -
F12-80 10 5 4 - -
F12-110 9.5 4.5 - - -

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 18(33)

Technical Data

Case flushing

Frame Speed Flow

size [rpm)] [l/min]
F12-30 3500 4-8
F12-40 3000 5-10
F12-60 3000 7-14
F12-80 2500 8-16
F12-110 2300 9-18



VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 19(33)

F12 and F11 availability
(motor and pump versions)

F12 size 30 40 60 80 110

ISO x x x x x

Cartridge x x x x x

SAE 4-bolt x x x x x

SAE 2-bolt x x x - -

F11 size 5 10 19 28* 39* 58* 78* 110* 150 250

CETOP x x x x x x x x x –

SAE – – x x x x x x x x
* Will soon be phased-out

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 20(33)

Integrated flushing valve L
(F12-30, -40, -60, -80 motor option)

• Supplies motor with cooling Nozzle

flow through the case

• In a closed loop hydrostatic

clean, cool fluid is constant-
ly added to main circuit

• Approx. 16 l/min at 12 bar

• Restrictor nozzle limits flow

(order separately)

• Designation (example): Nozzle


VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 21(33)


Accessory valves

Sandwich mounted valve blocks

• BT brake valve (track)

• FV13 flushing valve

(for F12-110)

• SR pressure relief/make-up valve

• SV pressure relief valve

• SSR pressure relief/make-up valve

(only for OEM customers)

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 22(33)

Accessory valves
BT brake valve (track)
• Prevents uncontrolled speed
BT brake
valve and motor cavitation in track
• Available sizes:
BT 21 (3/4") for F12-30/-40/-60)
BT 22 (1") for F12-80
• Mounts directly on motor
port flange
• For OEM customers
• Note: Must be combined with a
mechanical brake which is
independent of the hydraulic

Check valve Brake release

function (B) and/or
flushing valve (L)

S (make-up
port; BT22)

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 23(33)

Accessory valves
FV13 flushing valve
(for F12-110)
• Supplies motor with cooling
flow through the case

• In a closed loop hydrostatic

FV13 clean, cool fluid is constant-
block ly added to main circuit

Restrictor • Approx. 16 l/min at 12 bar

• Restrictor nozzle limits flow
(order separately)

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 24(33)


Accessory valves
SR pressure relief/make-up valve

Available sizes:
SR11 (3/4") for F12-30/-40/-60
SR12 (1") for F12-80
SR13 (11/4") for F12-110

Port G - Two PLC 182 high pressure
SR valve relief cartridges
block - Two large make-up
(replenishing) valves

Make-up Port L Relief valve settings (PLC 182):

port G - 280, 300, ...... , 420 bar

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 25(33)

Accessory valves
SV pressure relief valve

Available sizes:
- SV11 (3/4") for F12-30/-40/-60
- SV12 (1") for F12-80
- SV13 (11/4") for F12-110

SV valve Contains:
block - Two PLC 182 high pressure
relief cartridges

Make-up Relief valve settings (PLC 182):

port L - 280, 300, ...... , 420 bar

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 26(33)

Accessory valves
SSR pressure relief/make-up valve

Port G SSR valve block • For excavator swing functions

requiring a very 'soft' relief valve
characteristic with little overshoot.

• Contains two high pressure relief

Port L
cartridges and two large make-up
valve inserts.

High pressure
relief cartridge • Available sizes:
SSR11 (3/4"; for F12-30/-40/-60)
SSR12 (1"; for F12-80)
SSR13 (11/4"; for F12-110)

NOTE: To be offered to OEM

L customers only.

SSR valve block F12 motor

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 27(33)


Accessory valve block


Valve size 3/ 11/4"

4" 1"
For F12 -30/-40/-60 -80 -110

BT brake valve (track) x x –

FV13 flushing valve – – x

SR pressure relief/
make-up valve x x x

SV pressure relief valve x x x

SSR pressure relief/

make up valve x x x

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 28(33)


Accessory equipment
Speed sensor

• Can be ordered installed on the

Speed motor (in a separate threaded hole)
• Also available as a kit
• The ferrostat differential (Hall-
effect) sensor outputs a square
wave signal.
• The sensor is directed towards the
ring gear teeth.
• Frequency range: 5 Hz to 20 kHz.
• Lowest shaft speed (providing an
accurate signal): 9 rpm

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 29(33)


Main features

• High output power due to high operating

pressure and high speed.

• High speed capability due to low weight

pistons with laminated piston rings and
compact design of rotating parts.

• High start-up torque due 7 pistons;

start efficiency min. 82% (at 1 rpm, 300 bar).

• Small outside dimensions and low weight.

• Complete accessory valve program.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 30(33)

Ordering code - ISO version
Example: F12 - 80 - M F - I H - K - 000 - L01 - S
1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9

x : Available (x) : Optional – : Not available

1. F12 frame size 30 40 60 80 110

2. Function
M Motor x x x x x
L Pump counter clockw. x x x x x
R Pump clockwise x x x x x

3. Main ports
F ISO flange x x x x x

4. Mounting flange
I ISO x x x x x

5. Shaft seal
H Nitrile (high pressure) x x x x x
N Nitrile (low pressure) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
V Viton (high temp.) x x x x x

6. Shaft
D Spline Standard x x x x x
1) F12-110: Accessory valve block

Z DIN 5480 Optional (x) (x) - (x) -

K Metric Standard x x x x x
P Key Optional (x) - - - -

7. Serial number
Factory assigned for special versions

8. Option
L01 Integr. flushing valve x x x x 1)

9. Option
S Speed sensor installed x x x x x
P Prepared for sensor x x x x x

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 31(33)

Ordering code - Cartridge version
Example: F12 - 80 - M F - C H - C - 000 - L01 - S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Frame size 30 40 60 80 110

2. Function
M Motor x x x x x

3. Main ports

x : Available (x) : Optional – : Not available

F ISO flange x x x x x

4. Mounting flange
C Cartridge x x x x x

5. Shaft seal
H Nitrile (high pressure) x x x x x
N Nitrile (low pressure) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
V Viton (high temp.) x x x x x

6. Shaft
C Spline Standard x x x x x

7. Serial number
Factory assigned for special versions

8. Option
L01 Itegr. flushing valve x x x x 1)

9. Option
S Speed sensor installed x x x x x
P Prepared for sensor x x x x x

1) F12-110: Accessory valve block

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 32(33)

Ordering code - SAE version
Example: F12 - 80 - M S - S H - S - 000 - L01 - S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

x : Available (x) : Optional – : Not available

1. Frame size 30 40 60 80 110

2. Function
M Motor x x x x x
L Pump counter clockw. x x x x x
R Pump clockwise x x x x x

3. Main ports
S SAE flange x x x x x

4. Mounting flange
S SAE 4 bolt x x x x x
T SAE 2 bolt x x x - -

5. Shaft seal
H Nitrile (high pressure) x x x x x
N Nitrile (low pressure) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
V Viton (high temp.) x x x x x

6. Shaft
1) F12-110: Accessory valve block
S SAE spline Standard x x x x x
U SAE spline Optional – – – (x) –
T SAE key Standard x x x x x

7. Serial number
Factory assigned for special versions

8. Option
L01 Integr. flushing valve x x x x 1)

9. Option
Speed sensor installed x x x x x
Prepared for sensor x x x x x

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1695-9812 GB/F12 Product presentation 33(33)

The Spherical Piston Concept

Common design Our design

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1734-9749 GB/'The spherical piston concept' 1 (5)
The Spherical Piston Concept

Common design

Our design

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1734-9749 GB/'The spherical piston concept' 2 (5)
The Spherical Piston Concept

Common design


Our design

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1734-9749 GB/'The spherical piston concept' 3 (5)
The Spherical Piston Concept

Common design

Our design

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1734-9749 GB/'The spherical piston concept' 4 (5)
The Spherical Piston Concept


Common design


Our design

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1734-9749 GB/'The spherical piston concept' 5 (5)
F12 and F11 Target Applications

Chain saw drives

• Wide speed range
• High external shaft loads
• Gear synchronization
• Spherical pistons
• Small envelope size
• Low weight
• Faster and cleaner cut
• No problems with temperature
shocks at low temperatures
• Less time to start and stop
the saw

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1724-9743 GB/F12 and F11 target applications 1(5)
F12 and F11 Target Applications

Vibratory pile drives

• Gear synchronization
• Few moving parts
• High pressure capability

• Withstand high accelerations
and decelerations
• Lower overall cost

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1724-9743 GB/F12 and F11 target applications 2(5)
F12 and F11 Target Applications

Swing drives

• High pressure capability
• Laminated piston rings
• Gear synchronization

• Withstands high accelerations
and decelerations
• High swing velocity
• Low leakage

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1724-9743 GB/F12 and F11 target applications 3(5)
F12 and F11 Target Applications

Track drives

• Cartridge version
• High overall efficiency
• Laminated piston rings

• Compact design with cartridge motor
• Easy installation
• Motor well protected from damage
by rocks, etc.
• Low overall cost
• Resistant to temperature shocks

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1724-9743 GB/F12 and F11 target applications 4(5)
F12 and F11 Target Applications

Fan drives

• High speed capability
• High external shaft loads
• High overall efficiency
• High volumetric efficiency
• Larger airflow from a smaller fan,
compact design
• Fan mounted directly on the shaft,
utilizing the bearing package
• Smaller heat exchanger sufficient
(or none required)
• Constant speed also when the load

VOAC Hydraulics Division

1724-9743 GB/F12 and F11 target applications 5(5)
Marketing Information F12 1(9)

F12 Selling features MI 069-9841 GB

Replaces MI 069-9805 GB



Series F12 fixed motors and pumps are Benefits:

available in 7 different standard configurations. - We are always an alternative supplier due to
The following standards are provided: the fact that our products follow generally
• ISO flange with DIN spline shaft or key shaft accepted standards, so that they can be sold
on a world wide base
• SAE 4 or 2 bolt flange with SAE spline shaft
or key shaft - Our motors fit gearboxes, axles, etc. from all
major suppliers.
• Cartridge flange with DIN spline shaft
- We can replace motors from our competitors
The ISO and Cartridge motor versions have SAE and most products are interchangeable.
flange ports with metric threads.
The SAE versions have SAE flange ports with
SAE threads.
All main ports are SAE 6000 psi.

ISO Cartridge 4 bolt SAE 2 bolt SAE

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 2(9)

F12 Selling features MI 069-9841 GB


As a standard, series F12 is provided with ports Main ports for SAE split flanges
(metric or SAE screw threads)
for SAE split flanges in 'Side port' configuration.

Side ports result in a short overall length. We also
provide the possibility of mounting additional
valve functions directly on the motor.
The installation can be optimized and the number
of pipes and hoses probably reduced due to the
bolt-on valves.
A range of valve functions are provided from
VOAC Hydraulics Division. F12-30 through F12- Drain ports
(metric threads or SAE O-ring)
60 have the same mounting pattern (SAE 3/4")
and use the same valves.


An increased number of pistons (from 5 to 7),

have reduced the envelope size of all units.
The most important dimensional change is the
reduction of the overall length.

In an increasing number of applications, it is (and
will be) very important to reduce the envelope
size of the motor.
Gearbox manufacturers provide gearboxes for
cartridge motors, resulting in a reduced overall
length, giving them the opportunity to compete
with 'High Torque Low Speed' motors.
Small envelope size generally allows the F12 to
be installed also in cramped spaces.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 3(9)

F12 Selling features MI 069-9841 GB


With the compact 40° concept and the new

optimized geometry the weight has been
reduced drastically.

Advantageous in applications where pay load is
Construction equipment accesories like brush
cutters etc. will increase their working radius as
lower weight allows a longer jib.
The unit is easier to handle in assembly works.


Series F12 is provided with a new shaft seal Retaining

installation, giving an improved performance. ring
Already as a standard, a high pressure seal is Shaft
provided. A Viton seal is available as an option. seal

The motor resists intermittent high case
pressures (up to 25 bar).
The Viton seal allows high intermittent tempe-
ratures and hydraulic fluids, normally not hand-
led by the standard shaft seal, can be utilized.
Serviceability has also been improved. The
shaft seal is very easy to replace - only a screw
driver is required. Seal
If the shaft is worn, the shaft seal can be moved
axially to a new position where it seals against
an unused part of the shaft surface.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 4(9)

F12 Selling features MI 069-9841 GB



Series F12 has an improved speed range;

the maximum speed has increased as a result of
the compact design.
The use of laminated piston rings allows the F12
to run continuously at a lower minimum speed.

Benefits: Piston with laminated

piston ring allows
Longer life in low speed applications. Higher for low minimum,
safety margins for over speed. continuous speed.


The increased number of pistons, the low

bearing friction, the laminated piston rings,
the moment-free pistons and the gear synchro-
nization provide a very high starting torque
efficiency (appr. 83%).

In applications requiring high starting torque
(winch drives, track drives, etc. ), the required
system pressure setting can be reduced resulting
in longer life, or a smaller motor can be chosen in
some cases.


Compared to the previous design, intermittent

and continuous pressures have been increased
to allow for higher system pressure settings.
New and better utilized materials have allowed
the motors to be qualified at higher operating
pressures than before.

The customer can expect high safety margins
and long life in applications where high pressures
are used intermittently. Alternatively, a smaller
motor or a lower final drive ratio may be chosen
due to the increased pressure range.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 5(9)

F12 Selling features MI 069-9841 GB


Thanks to increased pressure and speed ratings,
series F12 has an outstanding output power as
well as corner power capability. 300

Benefits: F12-60

In applications demanding high pressure or high 200

speed, series F12 permits the final drive ratio to F12-40
be reduced which, in turn, offers in- F12-30
creased life. 100
Higher corner power extends the use of the fixed
motors, and may avoid the use of a more
expensive variable motor in some applications. 0
0 20 40 60 80 100
Displacement [cm3/rev]
Series F12 corner power



The laminated piston rings, the bearing package,

our way to machining the cylinder barrel and the
moment-free spherical piston provides a mini-
mum of internal leakage and low mechanical

Customer can use a smaller size heat exchanger
to provide required cooling of the hydraulic fluid.

100 100 100

210 bar
Mechanical efficiency [%]
Volumetric efficiency [%]

Overall efficiency [%]

420 bar
95 95 95
420 bar
420 bar

90 90 90
210 bar
210 bar

85 85 85
0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000 0 2000 4000
Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm] Speed [rpm]

F12-80 efficiencies (motor operation)

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 6(9)

F12 Selling features MI 069-9841 GB



By using the moment-free piston and the synchro-

nizing gear, the seal function is removed from the
synchronizing torque transmitting function.
This drastically reduces the risk of leakage due to
wear. The bearing package is locked with a retai-
ning ring. These features provide very good
resistance against high shaft accelerations.

In applications where high shaft accelerations
occur, the customer can rely on the proven design
of series F12.
Competitor products have problems handling this Synchronizing torque is
type of accelerations due to the way the shaft is transferred over the ring gear.
syncronized with the cylinder barrel (e.g. through
piston or piston rod syncronization).


The well proven 40° concept with few rotating

parts has been in use since the end of the 60's
and, since then, the design has seen many
important improvements so that it today well
meets current market requirements.

The customer can truly trust the basic product


Large temperature changes can be handled due Radial play between piston
to the relatively large radial play between pistons and cylinder wall
and cylinder wall which is being bridged by the
resilient laminated piston ring.

The customer does not have to fear seized pis-
tons due to large fluid temperature shocks.
As an example, a track driven vehicle, which has
been operating for hours in cold weather, will not
risk motor failure when hot oil is suddenly fed to
the cold track motors.
VOAC Hydraulics Division
Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 7(9)

F12 Selling features MI 069-9841 GB


Due to the low weight moment-free pistons and F12 frame size
the optimized geometry Series F12 has capa-
city to handle overspeed. Unlike the inline units 110
there is no defined limit where cylinder block lift
and slippepad tilt occure.

The customer can be sure that motor failures
won't occur due to over speed if the motor is
properly applied.


0 2000 4000 6000 8000
By introducing a new shaft seal design and Shaft speed [rpm]
reducing the number of o-rings between Continuous Intermittent
housings the number of leakage paths has
been minimized. The use of SAE flanges and
the possibility to mount valve blocks directly on
the motor reduces leakage.

The chances of experiencing bad performance
and unwanted oil leakage has diminished.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 8(9)

F12 Selling features MI 069-9841 GB



Series F12 is available in 4 standard versions.

The motors/pumps conform to one of the follo-
wing standards:
• ISO Cartridge
• SAE (4 bolt flange)
• SAE (2 bolt flange)

The customer can select final drives etc. from
many different suppliers. It will also be easier to
find coupling and bell housing suppliers.
Delivery security is improved because there are
no unique standards.


Additional valve functions such as 'brake'

(counter-balance) valves, high pressure relief
valves, etc. can be mounted directly on the main
port face.

By mounting the valve functions directly on the
F12, the number of pipes and hoses are reduced
giving a complete package with lower installation
cost and improved reliability. A type BT brake valve
installed on an F12

The high overall efficiency means lower energy
consumption as well as a reduced cooling dem-
and (smaller heat exchanger).


With high margins and high performance capabil- Wear parts for the Series F12 are few and the
ity built in to the Series F12 the unit operates at same parts are used in pumps and motors of
high continuous and intermittent speeds and the same frame size (except the valve plate).
pressures without requiring regular service or
maintenance Benefits:
Less costly for the customer to buy or stock
spare parts. Less down time for repair.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 9(9)

F12 Selling features MI 069-9841 GB



Series F12 contains very few parts, has low Parts such as pistons, cylinder barrels and shafts
weight, and is designed to be easy to take apart (piston sockets) don't have to be matched.
and assemble and adjustments can be checked
from the outside. Benefits:
Service manual and spare parts lists are avail- The unit can easily be repaired. Only a few parts
able. usually require replacement which means that the
spare parts inventory can be kept at a minimum.
This also means less risk of assembly failures.
Malfunctioning because of assembly mistakes
can be avoided which gives high reliability to
repaired units. Also less trained people can
repair the F12 satisfactorily.

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/981007/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 1(1)
F12 Availability MI 071-9805 GB

Replaces: MI 071-9703 GB

Frame size -30 -40 -60 -80 -110

ISO flange x x x x x
Cartridge flange x x x x x
SAE 4-bolt flange x x x x x
SAE 2-bolt flange x x x - -

x = available – = not available

Issued:VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/980126/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 1(1)

F12-30/-40 modifications MI 142-9804 GB

Replaces MI 142-9708 GB

The following modifications have been introdu- PLEASE NOTE:

ced to the F12-30 and -40 frame sizes: - The new parts/assemblies are not interchange-
a. Drain port removed. able with the corresponding parts/assemblies
b. Barrel needle bearings removed. of the old F12-30 and -40 versions.
- The old cylinder barrel cannot be used with the
New parts/assemblies are: new barrel housing assembly (because of the
1. Barrel housing assembly 'flat' on the barrel pin).
2. Cylinder barrel - The new cylinder barrel cannot be fitted to the
old barrel housing assembly.
3. Barrel support assembly
- The new barrel support cannot be used with
NOTE: Service information SI 95/04 covers the the old cylinder barrel.
above modifications. - An F12-30 or -40 motor with a port face drain
port (required for certain accessory valve
blocks) can be made available as a 'special'.
'a' 1

'b' 2 3
F12-30/-40 new version F12-30/-40 old version

All standard F12-30's and -40's will keep their NOTE: All special F12-30's and -40's will, when
part numbers; refer to the listings below. ordered, be issued a new part number.
Standard F12-30 ordering code Part no. Standard F12-40 ordering code Part no.
F12 - 030 - LF - IH - K - 000 379 9836 F12 - 040 - LF - IH - K - 000 379 9516
F12 - 030 - LS - SH - T - 000 379 9838 F12 - 040 - LS - SH - T - 000 379 9518
F12 - 030 - MF - CH - C - 000 379 9840 F12 - 040 - MF - CH - C - 000 379 9520
F12 - 030 - MF - IH - D - 000 379 9843 F12 - 040 - MF - IH - D - 000 379 9525
F12 - 030 - MF - IH - K - 000 379 9844 F12 - 040 - MF - IH - K - 000 379 9526
F12 - 030 - MS - SH - S - 000 379 9851 F12 - 040 - MS - SH - S - 000 379 9532
F12 - 030 - MS - SH - T - 000 379 9852 F12 - 040 - MS - SH - T - 000 379 9533
F12 - 030 - RF - IH - K - 000 379 9859 F12 - 040 - RF - IH - K - 000 379 9539
F12 - 030 - RS - SH - T - 000 379 9861 F12 - 040 - RS - SH - T - 000 379 9542
Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division/Pumps & Motors/980124/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 1(1)

F12-60 modification MI 143-9804 GB

Replaces MI 143-9708 GB

Due to problems in certain applications, the F12- PLEASE NOTE:

60 frame size is now being supplied with a larger - The new parts are not interchangeable with the
timing gear pin; refer to 'a' below. The pin diame- old parts.
ter has been increased from 8 to 10 mm.
- There will be no spare parts available for the
The following parts are new: old version (except for parts presently in stock).
1. Timing ('ring') gear Consequently, when replacing a shaft, for
2. Guide pin example, a new guide pin and a new timing
3. Shaft (all shaft versions) gear will be required.

NOTE: Service information SI 95/02 covers the

above modification.

'a' 1 2 3

F12-60, new version F12-60, old version

All F12-60's will retain their part numbers.

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/980124/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 1(3)
F12-30/-40/-60 with SAE 2 bolt flange MI 145-9804 GB

Replaces MI 145-9703 GB


The SAE versions of the F12-30, -40 and -60 will The SAE 2 bolt version of the F12-30, -40 and
soon be available with SAE 2 bolt flange. They -60 will be available in June, 1997 (series pro-
are replacing the SAE versions of the F11-28, - duction).
39 and -58 respectively which are being remo-
ved from the F11 product range. PRICE
Please contact Product Support, Pumps &
INSTALLATION Motors (Trollhättan) for information.
Installation dimensions are shown on pages 2
and 3.

The ordering code below shows current SAE
versions (including the new 2 bolt flange) .
For additional information, refer to the F12
product bulletin, publ. no. 1210-9451 GB.

Example: F12 - 60 - M S - T H - S - 000 - L01 - S
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Frame size 30 40 60 80 110 5. Shaft seal 30 40 60 80 110

H Nitrile (high pressure) x x x x x
2. Function 30 40 60 80 110 N Nitrile (low pressure) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
M Motor x x x x x V Viton (high temp.) x x x x x
L Pump counter clockw. x x x x x
R Pump clockwise x x x x x 6. Shaft 30 40 60 80 110
S SAE spline x x x x x
3. Main ports 30 40 60 80 110 U SAE spline - - - (x) -
S SAE flange x x x x x T SAE key x x x x x

4. Mounting flange 30 40 60 80 110 7. Serial number (assigned for special versions)

S SAE 4 bolt x x x x x
T SAE 2 bolt x x x - - 8. Option
L01Integr. flushing valve x x x x 1)

9. Option
S Speed sensor installed x x x x x
P Prepared for speed
sensor x x x x x
1) F12-110: Accessory valve block

x : Available (x) : Optional – : Not available

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 2(3)
F12-30/-40/-60 with SAE 2 bolt flange MI 145-9804 GB


C10 (radius)
E10 (radius)


φ D10 (x2)


Type T (SAE 2 bolt) mounting flange

Flushing A11 B11 B12
(optional) C11 C12




drain port)
N11 G12

K11 sensor


H11 L11 H12

J11 D11 D12 (thread)
Type T M11
key shaft φ E11 φ E12
φ F11 (tol. h8) F12


Q11 See table

Type S spline shaft Shown: F12-60 (SAE 2 bolt)

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 3(3)
F12-30/-40/-60 with SAE 2 bolt flange MI 145-9804 GB

Dim. F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 Main and drain ports

A10 146 181 181 Frame PA, PB Screw PC, PD
B10 176 215 215 size size thread 2) thread
C10 63 74 74 F12-30 19 3/ "-16
3/ "-16
D10 14.4 17.5 17.5 (3/4") x22
E10 10 16 16 -40 19 3/ "-16 3/ "-16
8 4
F10 10 15.5 15.5 (3/4") x22
-60 19 3/ "-16 7/ "-14
8 8
A11 100 110 125 (3/4") x22
B11 59 65 70 PA, PB (main ports): SAE J518c (6000 psi)
C11 25 26 22 PC, PD (drain ports): O-ring boss (SAE J514)
D11 6.35 7.94 7.94 2) UN thread
E11 33 42 42
F11 101.60/ 127.00/ 127.00/ 2 bolt mounting flange T (SAE J744)
101.55 126.95 126.95 Frame ISO desig- SAE desig-
G11 189.5 197 214 size nation nation
H11 8 8 8 F12-30 101-2 SAE 'B', 2 bolt
J11 38 48 48 -40 127-2 SAE 'C', 2 bolt
K11 71 77 81.5 -60 127-2 SAE 'C', 2 bolt
L11 31.8 38.1 38.1
M11 2.5 4 4 Spline shaft S (SAE J744)
N11 154 161 178.5 Frame ISO desig- SAE desig-
Q11 26 27 27 size nation nation
R11 33 48 48 F12-30 22-4 SAE 'B'
(13 T; 16/32 DP)
A12 122 134 144 -40 32-4 SAE 'C'
B12 66 66 66 (14 T; 12/24 DP)
C12 23.8 23.8 23.8 -60 32-4 SAE 'C'
D121) 5/ "-24
3/ "-24
3/ "-24
(14 T; 12/24 DP)
E12 25.40/ 31.75/ 31.75/
25.35 31.70 31.70 Key shaft T (SAE J744)
F12 28.2 35.2 35.2 Frame ISO desig- SAE desig-
G12 154 161 178.5 size nation nation
H12 9.7 12.7 12.7 F12-30 25-1 SAE 'B-B'
J12 16 ? 19 19 ? (1" dia.)
K12 50.8 50.8 50.8 -40 32-1 SAE 'C'
L12 18 20 20 (1 1/4" dia.)
-60 32-1 SAE 'C'
1) UNF-2B thread (1 1/4" dia.)

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/980124/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 1(2)
F12-30, -40 and -60 modifications MI 156-9804 GB

Replacing MI 156-9716 GB

F12-30 and -40 (all versions)

The following modifications will be introduced to NOTE - Except for the seal carrier, the new
all versions of the F12-30 and -40 frame sizes in parts/assemblies are not interchange-
a couple of months. able with the corresponding parts/
a. Tapered roller bearing (replaces cylindrical assemblies of the old F12-30 and -40
roller bearing) versions.
b. Seal carrier with added retaining ring - The new seal carrier and retaining ring
(refer to 'b' to the left) are already in
New parts/assemblies are:
1. Shaft assembly - The new tapered roller bearing (refer
2. Bearing housing to 'a') was included in prototypes of the
3. Tapered roller bearing new SAE 2 bolt versions (F12-30/-40).
4. Adjustment shim
5. Seal carrier
6. Retaining ring

a b

1 2 3 4 5 6
F12-30/-40, new version F12-30/-40, old version

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 2(2)
F12-30, -40 and -60 modifications MI 156-9804 GB

F12-60 (all versions)

The following modifications will be introduced to NOTE - Except for the seal carrier, the new parts/
all versions of the F12-60 frame size within the assemblies are not interchangeable with
next half year. the corresponding parts/assemblies of
a. Flushing port (used in connection with certain the old ISO, Cartridge and SAE 4 bolt
accessory valve blocks) removed versions of the F12-60.
b. Barrel needle bearings removed - The new tapered roller bearing (refer to
c. Modified timing gear 'd' to the left) was included in a few
prototypes of the new SAE 2 bolt
d. Tapered roller bearing
version of the F12-60.
e. Seal carrier with added retaining ring
- The new seal carrier and retaining ring
New parts/assemblies are: (refer to 'e') are already in production.
1. Barrel housing assembly - An F12-60 with a flushing port
2. Cylinder barrel (required for certain accessory valve
3. Shaft blocks) can be ordered as a 'special'.
4. Timing ('ring') gear
5. Bearing housing
6. Tapered roller bearing
7. Adjustment shim
8. Seal carrier
9. Retaining ring

a b

c d e

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

F12-60, new version F12-60, old version

Issued:VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/980124/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

S-461 82 Trollhättan
Tel +46 520 986 00
Fax +46 520 371 05
Marketing Information F12 1(1)
F12-80 modifications MI 192-9843 GB

F12-80 (all versions)

The following modifications will be introduced to NOTE - Except for the seal carrier and the valve
all versions of the F12-80 frame size in a couple plate, the new parts/assemblies are not
of months. interchangeable with the corresponding
a. Modified valve plate parts/assemblies of the old F12-80
b. Needle bearings removed version.
c. Tapered roller bearing (replaces cylindrical - The new seal carrier and retaining ring
roller bearing) (refer to 'd' to the left) are already in
d. Seal carrier with added retaining ring
e. New, integrated flushing valve (refer to the
illustration to the right)

New parts/assemblies are: Steel

1. Barrel housing ball
2. Valve plate Pin
3. Cylinder barrel
4. Barrel support
The new, integrated
5. Shaft assembly flushing valve consists
6. Bearing housing of two steel balls and an
intermediate pin.
7. Tapered roller bearing
8. Adjustment shim Please note:
The flushing valve parts
9. Seal carrier are not interchangeable
10. Retaining ring with the old ones.

a b c d

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
F12-80, new version F12-80, old version

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Trollhättan/981021/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 1(4)

Conversion F11 to F12 MI 190-9845 GB

General information Mounting flange

In order to phase out sizes -28, -39, -58, -78 and On series F12 VOAC will not produce a CETOP
110 of F11, VOAC Hydraulics Division hereby standard as F11 had. This may lead to some
gives you conversion help in this MI. conversion problems.
To be able to keep the cost and delivery time as
low as possible VOAC Hydraulics Division tries Shaft seal
to keep down the number of variants. Series F11 had low pressure shaft seal type E
as standard Viton. On F12 the standard Viton
Differences between F11/F12 shaft seal is V which is a high pressure seal.
See the differences below. VOAC still offer the low pressure Viton seal (E)
as an option.
On series F12 there is new material and Shaft
changed design on the valve plates. This makes When converting the shafts, it differs between
it possible to change F11 M, H and Q valve the different frame sizes. Please see page 2 to 5
plates to F12 M valve plate. for more information.
Internal drain is something VOAC choosed not
to have on series F12 because of low volumes,
and therefore J and G valve plate has no Futher information
replacement on F12. Please see product catalog for series F12 for
The pump valve plates has the same more detailed information.
designation on F11 and F12, L and R.

Main ports
Series F12 is provided with ports for SAE split
flanges in 'Side port' configuration.
Main ports for SAE split flanges
(metric or SAE screw threads)

It is thus possible to mount valves direct on the

F12 products. Size -30, -40 and -60 have the
same interface which makes it possible to use
the same valve on all these sizes.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 2(4)

Conversion F11 to F12 MI 190-9845 GB

F11-028 to F12-030 F11-039 to F12-040

F11; Function F12; Function F11; Function F12; Function

J - J -
G - G -

Main ports Main ports Main ports Main ports

B F 1) B F 1)
U S 2) U S 2)
A X 3) A - 3)

Mounting flange Mounting flange Mounting flange Mounting flange

C I 4) C I 4)

Shaft seal Shaft seal Shaft seal Shaft seal

E V (E as option) E V (E as option)

Shaft Shaft Shaft Shaft

K P (max 350 bar), K 5) K K 5)
D Z (max 350 bar), D 6) D Z, D 6)

1) F11 had BSP 3/4", F12 have SAE 6000 PSI 1) F11 had BSP 1", F12 have SAE 6000 PSI
3/4" with M10 thread. 3/4" with M10 thread.
2) F11 had 1 1/16", F12 have SAE 6000 PSI 2) F11 had 1 5/16", F12 have SAE 6000 PSI
3/4" with 3/8" thread. 3/4" with 3/8"-16 thread.
3) F11 had BSP 3/4", F12-030 do have 7/8" axial 3) Axial ports is not available on F12-040.
4) F11 had CETOP, F12 have ISO (see F12
4) F11 had CETOP, F12 have ISO (see F12 catalog for more information.)
catalog for more information.) 5) F11 type K shaft had diameter 35 mm, F12
5) F11 type K shaft had diameter 25 mm, F12 type K shaft have diameter 30 mm. VOAC have
type K shaft have diameter 30 mm. Optional no replacement.
shaft type P have diameter 25 mm. 6) F11 type D shaft had W30, F11 type D have
6) F11 type D shaft had W25, F12 type D have W32. Optional shaft type Z have W30.
W30. Optional shaft type Z have W25.

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 3(4)

Conversion F11 to F12 MI 190-9845 GB

F11-058 to F12-060 F11-078 to F12-080

F11; Function F12; Function F11; Function F12; Function

J - J -
G - G -

Main ports Main ports Main ports Main ports

B F 1) B F 1)
U S 2) F F 2)
A - 3)
F F 4) Mounting flange Mounting flange
C I 3)
Mounting flange Mounting flange S X, S 4)
C I 5)
S T Shaft seal Shaft seal
Shaft seal Shaft seal H H
N N E V (E as option)
E V (E as option) Shaft Shaft
K K 5)
Shaft Shaft D D
K K T X, T 6)
D D 6) S X, T 7)
T T E - 8)
E - 7)
1) F11 had BSP 1 1/4", F12 have SAE 6000 PSI
1) F11 had BSP 1", F12 have SAE 6000 PSI 1" with M10 thread.
3/4" with M10 thread. 2) F11 had SAE 6000 PSI 1 1/4" with M14
2) F11 had 1 5/16", F12 have SAE 6000 PSI thread, F12 have SAE 6000 PSI 1" with M10
3/4" with 3/8" thread. thread.
3) Axial ports is not available on F12-060. 3) F11 had CETOP, F12 have ISO (see F12
4) F11-058 had as a special SAE 6000 PSI 3/4" catalog for more information.)
with M10 thread, F12-060 have this on the F 4) F11 type S flange had SAE 'D', F12 type S
house. have SAE 'C'. F12 X flange have SAE 'D'.
5) F11 had CETOP, F12 have ISO (see F12 5) F11 type K shaft had diameter 45 mm, F12
catalog for more information.) type K shaft have diameter 40 mm. VOAC have
no replacement.
6) F11 type D shaft had W30, F12 type D have
W35. VOAC has no replacement. 6) F11 type T shaft had SAE 'D', F12 type T
have SAE 'C-C'. F12 X shaft have SAE 'D'.
7) F11 had E shaft 21T 16/32, VOAC has no
replacement. 7) F11 type S shaft had SAE 'D', F12 type S
have SAE 'C-C'. F12 X shaft have SAE 'D'.
8) F11 had E shaft 23T 16/32, VOAC has no

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 4(4)

Conversion F11 to F12 MI 190-9845 GB

F11-078 to F12-080

F11; Function F12; Function

J -
G -

Main ports Main ports


Mounting flange Mounting flange

C I 1)

Shaft seal Shaft seal

E V (E as option)

Shaft Shaft
D D 2)
E - 3)

1) F11 had CETOP, F12 have ISO (see F12

catalog for more information.)
2) F11 type D shaft had W40, F12 type D shaft
have W45. VOAC have no replacement.
3) F11 had E shaft 27T 16/32, VOAC has no

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/981107/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Data Sheet
SV pressure relief valve
Catalog 9129 8225-02

Replaces ed. 1335-9805 GB

General information
The SV pressure relief valve block for series F12 and
V12 motors is designed to protect the motor and
adjacent hydraulic components from short duration
pressure peaks.
It installes directly on the motor port flange and is
available in three sizes:
'1': 3/4" for F12-30/-40/-60, T12-60 and V12-60/-80
'2': 1" for F12-80, T12-80 and V12-110 SV pressure relief
'3' 1 1/4" for F12-110 valve block
The valve block consists of a housing containing two
high pressure relief cartridges with anti-cavitation
function. Cartridges are available in non-adjustable
pressure settings between 280 and 420 bar.
A make-up/drain port, L, is also provided. In certain
operating conditions the motor may cavitate because SV valve block installed on an F12 motor.
of in-sufficient inlet pressure. To prevent this, the L
port can be pressurized. When there is a risk of over- Port L Port A'
heating, the L port can also be utilized to take out part
of the flow for cooling. Contact VOAC Hydraulics Port A
Division for further information.
The pressure drop through the main ports (A–A' or
B–B') is low. As an example, the pressure drop on
size 1 (3/4") is 0.45 bar at 175 l/min, and on size
2 (1") 0.7 bar at 250 l/min.
Port B
NOTE: - The valve block includes main port O-rings
(facing the motor) but no mounting screws.
SV valve block Port B' (F12)
- The valve blocks can be used on all versions
of series F12 as well as V12 and T12 motors. Hydraulic schematic.

Ordering code
Example: SV 1 2 – 350/350 – 00 – H F – A

Valve function Techn. status

SV Pressure relief A Factory assigned
Threads (port L)
Version F Metric
1 Factory assigned
Port size (SAE 6000 psi) H Nitrile rubber
1 3/4" (F12-30/-40/-60, T12-60,
V12-60/-80) Serial number
2 1" (F12-80, T12-80, V12-110) 00 Factory assigned
3 11/4" (F12-110, V12-160)

Pressure setting (A/B ports) [bar]

280, 300, 330, 350, 380, 400 or 420

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Installation E
A Facing F
the motor

Port A Port B

Port A Port B C
relief valve cartr.

Make-up port L K dia. (x8)


Dim. [mm] SV11 SV12 SV13

A 71 73 73
B 31 31 31
C 36 41 65
D 47 51 68
E 130 127 142
F 66 75 83
G 23.8 27.8 31.8
H 50.8 57.2 66.7
J 99 109 135
K 11 13 15.5
Weight [kg] 4.2 5.0 6.7

Parker Hannifin AB Catalog 9129 8225-02

VOAC Hydraulics Division Ed. 1335-9846 GB
SE-461 82 Trollhättan
Tel +46 520 986 00
Fax +46 520 371 05
Data Sheet
SR pressure relief / make-up valve
Catalog 9129 8226-02

Replaces Publ. No. 1389-9805 GB

The SR pressure relief/make-up valve block for series
F12 and V12 motors is designed to protect the motor
and the main hydraulic lines from short duration B
pressure spikes. The valve block also provides an
excellent make-up function.
The valve block installes directly on the motor port
flange, and is available in three sizes:
- 1: 3/4" for F12-30/-40/-60, T12-60 and V12-60/-80
- 2: 1" for F12-80, T12-80 and V12-110 SR valve block
- 3: 11/4" for F12-110 and V12-160. (shown on F12-80)

The SR valve block consists of a housing containing

two high pressure relief cartridges and two separate
check valves for make-up. Cartridges are available in
non-adjustable pressure settings between 280 and SR valve block location.
420 bar.
A make-up port (G) is also provided. In certain opera- A G L B
ting conditions, the motor (when operating as a pump)
may cavitate because of insufficient inlet pressure.
To prevent this, the G port should be pressurized.
Contact VOAC Hydraulics Divisionfor further informa-
The pressure drop through the main ports (A–A' or
B–B') is low. As an example, the pressure drop on
size 1 (3/4") is 0.45 bar at 175 l/min, and on A' Towards motor B'
size 2 (1") 0.7 bar at 250 l/min.
SR valve block schematic.
NOTE: The valve block includes main port O-rings
(facing the motor) but no mounting screws.

Example: SR 1 2 – 350/350 – 00 – H F – A

Valve function Techn. status

SR Pressure relief/ A Factory assigned
make-up valve
block Threads (port G)
F Metric
1 Factory assigned Seals
H Nitrile rubber
Port size (SAE 6000 psi)
1 3/4" (F12-30, -40, -60, Serial number
and V12-60, -80) 00 Factory assigned
2 1" (F12-80 and V12-110)
3 11/4" (F12-110, V12-160)

Pressure setting (A/B ports) [bar]

280, 300, 330, 350, 380, 400 or 420

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Shown: SR 11 (3/4") D Dim. Size 1 Size 2 Size 3
E [mm] (3/4") (1") (11/4")
A Ports P dia F Ports
A/A' (x6) B/B' A 55 57 57
B 55 55 25
Check Facing
valve the motor C 32 32 26
N G D 157 160 160
thread E 66 75 83
Relief valve F 23.8 27.8 31.8
cartridge J
G 50.8 57.15 66.7
Port L H H 103 109 88
J 140 150 135
Port G K 18 18 -
(size 1 and 2)
L 16 16 16
M 78.5 80 -
M22x1.5; min 16 deep
N M10 M12 M14
x18 x20 x23
P 11 13 15.5

Weight Size 1 Size 2 Size 3

[kg] (3/4") (1") (11/4")
7.4 9.1 8.5

VOAC Hydraulics Division Catalog 9129 8226-02

S-461 82 Trollhättan Ed. 1389-9830 GB
Tel +46 520 986 00
Fax +46 520 371 05
Data Sheet
BT brake valve for F12/T12
motors Catalog 9129 8235-02

Replaces Publ. No. 1555-9805 GB

In an open circuit hydraulic propulsion system, there is
a risk of cavitation when the vehicle is going downhill
or is being braked. Cavitation occurs when the speed
of the motor corresponds to a higher flow than what is
available. This condition may lead to a complete loss
of the hydraulic braking torque and also to motor dete-
When installed correctly, the BT brake valve prevents
cavitation by throttling the return line from the motor as
soon as the differential pressure between the inlet and
return lines decreases to a specific value. BT brake valve

The BT brake valve consists mainly of a spool valve.

The position of the spool is determined by the diffe- F12 cartridge motor
rential pressure. When the differential pressure de-
creases and approaches 35 bar, the spool begins to
close the port connected to the return line. It leads to
pressure build-up on the return side of the motor,
which gives a braking torque. A' L Optional brake release function (B)
and/or flushing valve (L)
The BT brake valve makes sure the speed of the
motor is in balance with the supplied flow. The special Directional
check valve arrangement on the pump side of the BR control valve
brake valve gives extra protection against cavitation. (not included)
If the supply pressure drops below the return line A
pressure, fluid is fed directly back to the motor inlet.
The BT brake valve is very compact and installs bet-
ween the F12 or T12 port flange and the main line
NOTE: - Before designing a system with a BT brake
valve, Product Support (Pumps & Motors) S (make-up port;
should be contacted. BT12 only)
- When utilizing the flushing valve (L) and/or B'
the brake release function (B), make sure Hydraulic schematic (F12 motor with BT brake valve)
the F12 is ordered with the third drain
connection. IMPORTANT
On the T12, the third drain line plug must be When ordering, a filled-in 'BT brake valve
removed before installing the BT valve. specification form' (MI 119) must be attached.

Example: BT 2 1 - 11 14 - L B V5 - A N
Valve function Seals
BT Brake valve (for track drives) N Nitrile
V Viton (optional)
2 Issued by VOAC Spring cover location
A At port A (as shown on page 3)
Main ports (SAE 6000 psi) B At port B
1 3/4" (for F12-30/-40/-60, T12-60)
2 1" (for F12-80, T12-80, V12-110) Optional functions
L Flushing valve
Spool configuration B Brake release function
11 Standard V5 Check valve (5 bar spring)

Valve damping, etc.

14 Standard

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
The diagrams to the right show the pressure drop, motor ∆p [bar]
to return line (refer to the schematic on page 1) when the 50
brake valve spool is completely open.
To keep the brake valve completely open, the pressure
differential between ports A and B must be at least 35 30
If this differential tends to decrease, i.e. when the 20
vehicle is going downhill or whenever the driver decides
to decrease the speed, the valve closes sufficiently to 10
maintain the speed or slow down the vehicle, and the Dp
will be higher than shown in the diagrams. 0
0 50 100 150 Q [l/min]
BT21 brake valve characteristic (A' to A; B' to B)
It is well known that, due to high viscosity when ope- ∆p [bar]
rating in the low temperature range, the response time 50
of the brake valve of e.g. the left hand motor in a propel
drive can be different from that of the brake valve of the 40
right hand motor.
This means that one of the brake valves opens before
the other which, in turn, means that the machine doesn't 20
start to move in a straight forward direction.
To correct this situation, the BT valve is supplied with a 10
cold start function which makes the brake valves open
simultaneously when starting; the machine will then go 0 100 200 300 Q [l/min]
straight forward independent of oil viscosity.
BT22 brake valve characteristic (A' to A; B' to B)
The check valve characteristics for series BT are shown ∆p [bar]
in the diagram below right. 3


BT21 BT22
The BT brake valve can be ordered with a brake release 1
function. If, for example, an F12 motor with BT valve is
installed on an FD planetary gearbox, the BR port is 0
connected to the FD brake release port. When the 0 100 200 300 Q [l/min]
motor is started, the BR port is pressurized and the BT check valve characteristic (A to A'; B to B')
gearbox disc brake is automatically released.
The bottom right diagram illustrates the BT brake re- pBR [bar]
lease characteristic (port BR pressure vs. Dp between 30
the main ports) at 10 bar return line pressure.

The vehicle must be provided with a mechanical 0
braking system which is independent of the hydro- 0 50 100 150 ∆p [bar]
static transmission. BT brake release valve characteristic

127 81 connector (19)
A B Split-flange
BT11 brake
valve block

A' B' release
O-ring (x2) 35 66 35 valve L O-ring (20.29x2.62)
11 dia. Brake release M12x1.5 25 dia.
(x6) 23.8 valve (12 deep) (x2)
1) The BT21 brake valve block flange mounts
between the motor main port flange and the
split-flange tube/hose connections utilizing six
BR M10x100 and two M10x40 screws (with 19 mm
50.8 split-flanges as shown).
O-rings are provided (but no screws, split-flanges
52 or tube/hose connectors).
When utilized, make sure port L connects with
the corresponding port on the motor.
30 2) When factory mounted, the BT21 brake valve
block is attached to the motor with two M10x75
M10 thread (20 deep) screws.

connector (24)
127 81
A B Split-flange

BT12 brake
valve block


A' B' release
O-ring (x2) 34 75 34 valve L O-ring (25.07x2.62)
13 dia. Brake release M12x1.5 25 dia.
(x6) 27.8 valve (20 deep) (x2)

75 1) The BT22 brake valve block flange mounts
BR between the motor main port flange and the split-
57.2 flange tube/hose connections utilizing six
M12x120 and two M12x40 screws (with 24 mm
57 split-flanges as shown).
62 O-rings are provided (but no screws, split-flanges
or tube/hose connectors).
When utilized, make sure port L connects with
S 32 the corresponding port on the motor end cap.
2) When factory mounted, the BT22 brake valve
M12 thread M22x1.5
block is attached to the motor with two M12x90
(20 deep; x2) thread screws.

Data Sheet
Flushing Valves for F12 Motors
Catalog 9129 8237-02

Replaces Publ.No. 1645-9815 GB


(F12-30, -40, -60, -80) valve

The integrated flushing valve supplies the motor with a nozzle
cooling flow through the case which may be required when
operating at high speeds and power levels.
In a closed loop hydrostatic transmission the flushing
valve provides that cool fluid from the charge circuit is
constantly added to the main circuit.
The flushing valve consists of a "three-position", three-
way spool valve which connects the low pressure side of
the main hydraulic circuit with the motor case. The valve
opens at a pressure differential between port A and port B
of about 14 bar.
In order to limit the flow, a nozzle with a suitable orifice is
available from VOAC Hydraulics; refer to the table below
right. The diagram to the right shows flow versus differen-
tial pressure at selected orifice sizes.
Q [l/min] Orifice size
(No nozzle)
Port A 2.5 mm

2.0 mm

1.5 mm
Port B 1.0 mm
F12-30, -40, -60
or -80 motor 0 4 8 12 16 20 ∆p [bar]

Hydraulic schematic. Flow versus pressure differential (port A or B to tank).


Example: F12 - 80 - MF - IH - K - 000 - L01 - 0 The following table shows currently available nozzles
and the corresponding F12 ordering code designation
(F12-30/-40/-60: M5x0.8 thread; F12-80: M10x1.0).
Standard F12 ordering code
(for F12-30, -40, -60, -80) Desig- Orifice Part no. for Part no. for
nation size [mm] F12-30/-40/-60 F12-80
Nozzle designation L01 (std.) 1.3 370 4595 379 4413
L01 (refer to the table)
L02 0.8 370 4590 379 3326
L03 1.0 370 4592 379 4410
L04 1.2 370 4594 379 4412
NOTE: FV13 flushing valve block for L07 2.0 370 5824 379 4420
F12-110 shown on page 2. L08 1.5 370 4597 379 4416
NOTE: L00 - no nozzel.
The FV13 for the F12-110 motor has the same function
as the integrated flushing valve for the other F12 frame
sizes. The valve block mounts between the motor port FV13 valve block
flange and the split-flange tube/hose connectors utilizing
Restrictor nozzle
'long' mounting screws (screw size M14x75 or 1/2"-13
UNC based on split-flange height as shown below). F12-110 motor

The FV13 flushing valve kit contains the required O-rings

(shown below) but no screws, split-flanges or tube/hose
Port A


Example: FV 1 3 - H - A - L01

Valve function Nozzle

FV Flushing valve L01 (table below)
Port B
Version Techn. status
FV13 F12-110 1 Factory assigned A Factory assigned
Hydraulic schematic.
Size (SAE 6000 psi) Seals
3 11/2" (for F12-110) H Nitrile rubber


Split When required, a nozzle is utilized to restrict the flow
flange through the F12-110 motor case. The nozzle installes in
the drilled and tapped (M10x1.0) drain line located in the
FV13 valve valve block as shown to the left. The diagram on page 1
shows flushing flow versus differential pressure for
selected orifice sizes.
O-ring O-ring The following table lists currently available nozzles and
29.2x3.0 37.69x3.53 (x2) the corresponding FV13 ordering code designation.
31.8 15.5 dia. (x8) Desig- Orifice Part
nation size [mm] number
L01 (std.) 1.3 379 4413
47 L02 0.8 379 3326
L03 1.0 379 4410
66.7 L04 1.2 379 4412
L07 2.0 379 4420
L08 1.6 379 4416
NOTE: L00 - no nozzle
Nozzle 32 dia. VOAC Hydraulics reserves the right to modify products
(x2) without prior notice.
Even though the data sheet is revised and updated
38 continuously, there is always a possibility of errors.
83 For more detailed information about the products,
Weight: please contact VOAC Hydraulics Division.
7 142 2.9 kg

VOAC Hydraulics Division Catalog 9129 8237-02

S-461 82 Trollhättan Ed. 1645-9847 GB
Tel +46 520 986 00
Fax +46 520 371 05
Marketing Information ACC 1(1)
BT Brake valve specification form MI 119-9805 GB

Replaces MI 119-9707 GB

BT Brake valve specification (for F12 and T12) Date: ..............................

Sales company: ..................................................... Salesman: ............................................................

Customer: ................................................................................................. Qty/year: ........................

Application: Tracked excavator type: ............................................ Weight: ................... [ton]

Other (specify):.........................................................................................................

Motor: Type: ................................................................. Control: ............................................ (T12)

Displacement: Dmax = ............ [cm3/r] Dmin = ............. [cm3/r] (T12)

Directional control valve: A and B open to tank ('M' spool) A and B closed ('D' spool)

Load sensing Open center Other ......................................

Operating conditions: Max flow: Q= ............... [l/min] (per motor)

Max supply pressure (in ports A, B): pmax = ...............[bar]

Braking pressure (in ports A', B'): pmax = .............. [bar] (relief setting)

Required braking mode: Brake valve also used as parking brake (without pre-opening)

Brake valve not used as parking brake (with pre-opening)

Options: Automatic brake release (brake release reducing valve)

Brake release pressure: p= ............ [bar]; pmax= ............ [bar]

Brake release cylinder displacement: D= ........... [cm3]

Motor flushing flow, supplied from brake valve

No pre-load (standard): Q= ............ [l/min]

With pre-load: Q= ........... [l/min] at ∆p= ............ [bar](std. 5 bar)



VOAC recommendation: BT .................................................................... Part no.: ............................

Note: .......................................................................................................................................................

Dept./Name: .............................................................................................. Date: .................................

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Pumps & Motors/980126/Michael Bohm

Approved: Product Support/Göran Palmgren

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information ACC 1(2)
Speed sensor for series F12 and V12 MI 146-9841 GB

Replaces MI 146-9830
A speed sensor kit is available for series F12 and
the I and S versions of series V12-110/-160. Not
available on V12 frame sizes 60 and 80. It
consists of a ferrostat differential (Hall-effect)
speed sensor and a seal nut. The sensor installs
in a threaded hole in the F12 or V12 bearing
The speed sensor is directed towards the teeth
of the F12 ring gear or, on the V12, towards
depressions in the shaft head.
The sensor output is a square wave signal within
a frequency range of 5 Hz to 20 kHz.
The sensor withstands high as well as low tem- Speed sensor (installed on an F12-60).
peratures and is highly moisture protected (IP68).
Frame No. of Min
size pulses/rev rpm Material Teflon insulation
F12 (all sizes) 35 ~9 Length 5 m [16.4 ft]
V12-110 (I and S) 36 ~8 No. of wires 3 (plus screen; white wire)
V12-160 (I and S) 36 ~8 Wire area 4 x 0.24 mm2 [AWG 24]
Screen Stranded metal net
Pulses per shaft rev and min rpm. (insulated from housing)
NOTE: Screen must be connected to
0 V (zero volt) power supply
Bending radius Min 60 mm [2.5 in]
Power supply 12-32 VDC
(protected against false polarity)
Current Max 20 mA CONNECTION
consumption (without load) Sensor wires are susceptible to radiated noise.
Signal output Square wave voltage Therefore, the following should be noted:
(short circuit proof ; protected • A screened 3 wire must be used and the screen
against false polarity) connected to the appropriate instrument
Frequency Min 5 Hz terminal.
max 20 kHz • The sensor wires must be installed as far away
Insulation Housing and electronics galva- as possible from electrical machines and must
nically separated not run in parallel with power cables in the
Operating -40 to +125 °C
temperature [-40 to +255 °F] The maximum cable length that can be utilized is
dependent on sensor voltage, how the cable is
Sensor head Max 25 bar installed, and cable capacitance and inductance.
pressure [360 psi] It is, however, always advantageous to keep the
Protection IP68 distance as short as possible.
class (DIN 40050) The sensor cable supplied can be lengthened via
Weight 0.15 kg a terminal box located in an IP20 protected
(incl. cable) [0.33 lb] connection area (per DIN 40050).
Sensing 0.2 to 2.5 mm; 1.0 recom. Contact VOAC Hydraulics Division for
distance [0.01 to 0.10 in; 0.04 recom.] recommendations.
Transistor NPN

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information ACC 2(2)
Speed sensor for series F12 and V12 MI 146-9841 GB

As the sensor has a built-in differential Hall-effect Installation procedure
device, the sensor housing must be aligned - Install the sensor in the threaded hole (M12x1)
according to the drawing below. If it is not, the of the F12/V12 bearing housing; turn the sen-
sensor may not function properly and noise sor until its head just touches the ring gear
immunity decreases. teeth (F12) or the shaft head (V12);
The sensor is non-sensitive to oil and the stain- refer to the installation drawing below.
less steel housing stands arduous environment - When mounting the sensor in the threaded hole
conditions. be sure that you also rotate the cable so the
cable not get twisted.
Hall device White
(screen) - Back off the sensor one turn (counter clockw.).
Red + - If required, back it off further until the sensor
guiding hole centerline is parallel to the F12/
10 kΩ V12 shaft centerline (either as shown or 180°
Yellow opposite).
- Tighten the seal nut; max 12 Nm (100 lb in). Be
sure that the position of the guiding hole
0 centerline still is correct.
- Connect the electrical wires as shown in the
Speed sensor schematic.

Bearing Seal Guiding hole Shrink

housing nut 2.5 [0.10] dia. tubing
2.0 [0.08] deep White (soldered
to screen)
(V12 shaft head) Red
Ring gear Black
(F12) 4.0 [0.16] dia.
≈1 60 [0.24] ~5.0 m
[0.04] [2.36] [~16.4 ft]
Speed sensor installation.

- F12 - 80 - M F - I H - K - 000 - L01 - S - Separate speed sensor:
(Basic F12 ordering code) Order kit P/N 379 9424 (sensor and seal nut).
S - Speed sensor NOTE: The speed sensor is not installed in the
P - Prepared for speed sensor motor during tranportation.
- V12 - 110 - T A - I H - D - 000 - D - S Not available on V12-060/-080.
(Basic V12 ordering code)

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Trollhättan/981009/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren/Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

S-461 82 Trollhättan
Tel. +46 520 986 00
VOAC Hydraulics Division Fax +46 520 371 05
Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 1(3)

F12 - Competitor information MI 196-9840 GB

Rexroth A2FM, Series 61

• 40° bent-axis motor

• 15 frame sizes, 10 - 180 cc
• Additional (not 40°) sizes 5, 200-1000 cc
• Cartridge version, 11 frame size 28-
180 cc (2 additional 255, 350 cc)
• Maximum pressure 450 bar

Weaknesses compared to F12

• Lower speed capability
• More sensitive to accelerations
• Lower starting torque efficiency
• Lower case pressure
• Lower maximum pressure

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 2(3)

F12 - Competitor information MI 196-9840 GB

Cross referens list A2FM to F12

Please reconfirm the data before quoting. Though the data is provided for motors only,
it is possible for F12's to be used as pumps. For further operating information please refer
to the complete catalogue.

Rexroth A2FM 61 series motors 'B' version ISO 4 hole flange:

Size Ordering code Mounting flange Shaft Drain hole Nominal pressure

28 W-PAB 100 mm W30x2x14x9g M16x1,5 400 bar

28 W-PZB 100 mm W25x1,25x18x9g M16x1,5 350 bar
28 W-PBB 100 mm 30 mm M16x1,5 350 bar
28 W-PPB 100 mm 25 mm M16x1,5 350 bar

32 W-PAB 100 mm W30x2x14x9g M16x1,5 400 bar

32 W-PBB 100 mm 30 mm M16x1,5 350 bar

45 W-PAB 125 mm W32x2x14x9g M18x1,5 400 bar

45 W-PZB 125 mm W30x2x14x9g M18x1,5 350 bar
45 W-PPB 125 mm 30 mm M18x1,5 350 bar

56 W-PAB 125 mm W35x2x16x9g M18x1,5 400 bar

56 W-PZB 125 mm W30x2x14x9g M18x1,5 350 bar
56 W-PBB 125 mm 35 mm M18x1,5 350 bar
56 W-PPB 125 mm 30 mm M18x1,5 350 bar

63 W-PAB 125 mm W35x2x16x9g M18x1,5 400 bar

63 W-PBB 125 mm 35 mm M18x1,5 350 bar

80 W-PAB 140 mm W40x2x18x9g M18x1,5 400 bar

80 W-PZB 140 mm W35x2x16x9g M18x1,5 350 bar
80 W-PBB 140 mm 40 mm M18x1,5 350 bar
80 W-PPB 140 mm 35 mm M18x1,5 350 bar

90 W-PAB 140 mm W40x2x18x9g M18x1,5 400 bar

90 W-PBB 140 mm 40 mm M18x1,5 350 bar

107 W-PAB 160 mm W45x2x21x9g M18x1,5 400 bar

107 W-PZB 160 mm W40x2x18x9g M18x1,5 350 bar
107 W-PBB 160 mm 45 mm M18x1,5 350 bar
107 W-PPB 160 mm 40 mm M18x1,5 350 bar

125 W-PAB 160 mm W45x2x21x9g M18x1,5 400 bar

125 W-PBB 160 mm 45 mm M18x1,5 350 bar

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Marketing Information F12 3(3)

F12 - Competitor information MI 196-9840 GB

VOAC F12 series motors ISO 4 hole flange

Size Ordering code Mounting flange Shaft Drain hole Nominal pressure

30 MF-IH-D 100 mm W30x2x14x9g M22x1,5/M18x1,5 420 bar

30 MF-IH-Z 100 mm W25x1,25x18x9g M22x1,5/M18x1,5 350 bar
30 MF-IH-K 100 mm 30 mm M22x1,5/M18x1,5 420 bar
30 MF-IH-P 100 mm 25 mm M22x1,5/M18x1,5 350 bar

40 MF-IH-D 125 mm W32x2x14x9g M22x1,5/M18x1,5 420 bar

40 MF-IH-Z 125 mm W30x2x14x9g M22x1,5/M18x1,5 420 bar
40 MF-IH-K 125 mm 30 mm M22x1,5/M18x1,5 420 bar

60 MF-IH-D 125 mm W35x2x16x9g M22x1,5 420 bar

60 MF-IH-Z 125 mm W32x2x16x9g M22x1,5 350 bar
60 MF-IH-K 125 mm 35 mm M22x1,5 420 bar

80 MF-IH-D 140 mm W40x2x18x9g M22x1,5 420 bar

80 MF-IH-Z 140 mm W35x2x16x9g M22x1,5 350 bar
80 MF-IH-K 140 mm 40 mm M22x1,5 420 bar

110 MF-IH-D 160 mm W45x2x21x9g M22x1,5 420 bar

110 MF-IH-K 160 mm 45 mm M22x1,5 420 bar

Issued: VOAC Hydraulics Division, Trollhättan/981107/Michael Bohm

Approved: Göran Palmgren, Product Support

VOAC Hydraulics Division

Subject to change without notice
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
Picture for F11-5 through F11-150 Tab: F11
Page 1
SP 006-9845



411 436




452 460





VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 98600 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F11-5 all types from serial No. 100001 and up Tab: F11
Page 2
SP 011-9845

5Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3703007 Barrel Housing Assy Övre hus kpl 1 Type B
110 3704304 Barrel Housing Assy Övre hus kpl 1 Type U
121 3702390 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type G
121 3707105 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type H
121 3707157 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type J
121 3703652 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3701897 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3703651 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type Q
121 3703653 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
131 944505 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1 For B
131 3707297 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1 For U
132 943907 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For B
132 3707144 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For U
211 3700520 Bearing Housing Undre hus 1 Type C
221 946910 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile
221 948973 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton
222 945624 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile
222 948974 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton
233 118750 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP
233 3795182 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 117849 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
236 3703466 Back-up Ring Stödring 1 For E, N
236 3705048 Back-up Ring Stödring 1 For H
237 914519 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
310 3796078 Shaft Assy Axel, kpl 1 Type D Replaces 3703525
310 3796077 Shaft Assy Axel, kpl 1 Type K Replaces 3701173
315 3794434 Pin Styrtapp 1
321 3796440 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K Replaces 909869
411 3702342 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
431 3700606 Barrel Retaining Ring Fästring 1
440 3708656 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 5
442 3708651 Piston Ring Kolvring 15 Laminated
442 72718 Piston Ring Kolvring 5 Spherical Not available
452 3795831 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1 Replaces 3700596
460 118206 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
464 3700516 Spacer Ring Distansring 1
470 118017 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
474 907023 Lock Washer Låsbricka 1
475 906633 Round Nut Rundmutter 1
486 3700518 Guide Spacer Styrhylsa 1 Not available
486 3797258 Guide Spacer Styrhylsa 1 New type
488 3700523 Shim Justerbricka 1 1.25
488 3700524 Shim Justerbricka 1 1.375
488 3700525 Shim Justerbricka 1 1.50 Ref.
488 3700526 Shim Justerbricka 1 1.625
SI 95-03
488 3700527 Shim Justerbricka 1 1.75
488 3700528 Shim Justerbricka 1 1.875
488 3700529 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.00
488 3797401 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.4New type
488 3797402 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.5 " "
488 3797403 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.6 " "
488 3797404 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.7 " "
491 959224 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 2
492 959231 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 2

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F11-10 all types from serial No. 107001 and up. Tab: F11
Page 3
SP 012-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3703010 Barrel Housing Assy Övre hus kpl 1 Type B
110 3704105 Barrel Housing Assy Övre hus kpl 1 Type U
121 3703592 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type G Not available
121 3707104 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type H
121 3707158 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type J
5121 3703590 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3701895 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3703589 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type Q
121 3703591 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
131 3707297 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1 For U
131 944506 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1 For B
132 944496 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For B
132 3707144 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For U
211 3700905 Bearing Housing Undre hus 1 Type C
221 945624 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 69x2
221 948974 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton, 69x2
222 947840 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 78x2
222 948975 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton, 78x2
233 118218 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP
233 3795183 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 117850 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
236 3703646 Back-up Ring Stödring 1 For E, N
236 3705049 Back-up Ring Stödring 1 For H
237 914519 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
310 3796083 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type D Replaces 3703526
310 3796080 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type K Replaces 72951
310 3796081 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type X-106 Replaces 3700927
315 3792207 Pin Styrtapp 1
321 3796439 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K Replaces909871
321 906707 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For X-106
411 3702958 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
431 3700973 Barrel Retaining Ring Fästring 1
440 3708657 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 5
442 3708652 Piston Ring Kolvring 15 Laminated
442 72747 Piston RIng Kolvring 5 Spherical Not available
452 3795832 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1 Replaces 3700598
460 3798537 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 Replaces 0118024
464 3700954 Spacer Ring Distansring 1
470 118201 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 30206
474 907024 Lock Washer Låsbricka 1
475 906634 Round Nut Rundmutter 1
486 3700947 Guide Spacer Styrhylsa 1 Not available
486 3797259 Guide Spacer Styrhylsa 1 New type
488 3700975 Shim Justerbricka 1 2,25
488 3700976 Shim Justerbricka 1 2,375
488 3700977 Shim Justerbricka 1 2,50
488 3700978 Shim Justerbricka 1 2,625 Ref.
488 3700979 Shim Justerbricka 1 2,75
488 3700980 Shim Justerbricka 1 2,875 SI 95-03
488 3700981 Shim Justerbricka 1 3,00
488 3797411 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.4 New type
488 3797412 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.5 " "
488 3797413 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.6 " "
488 3797414 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.7 " "
491 959241 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 2
491 959249 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 2

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 98600 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
. F11-19 all types from serial No. 118001 and up. Tab: F11
Page 4
SP 013-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3706487 Barrel Housing Assy Övre hus kpl 1 Type B
110 3703438 Barrel Housing Assy Övre hus kpl 1 Type U
121 3701852 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type G
121 3706330 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type H
121 3707159 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type J
121 3703440 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 72846 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3703439 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type Q
121 3703441 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
131 944506 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1 For B
131 3707297 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1 For U
132 944496 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For B
132 3707144 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For U
211 72834 Bearing Housing Undre hus 1 Type C
211 3700237 Bearing Housing Undre hus 1 Type S
221 925257 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 89.5x3
221 948980 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton, 89.5x3
222 925258 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 94.5x3
222 948981 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton, 94.5x3
233 118751 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP
233 3795181 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 117851 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
236 3702789 Back-up Ring Stödring 1 For E,N
236 3704108 Back-up Ring Stödring 1 For H
237 914529 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
310 3796091 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type D Replaces 3703429
310 3796087 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type K Replaces 72952
310 3796092 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type S Replaces 3703723
310 3796089 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type
315 3792207 Guide Pin Styrtapp 1 6x11
321 909305 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
321 118225 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For T
411 3702959 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
431 72686 Barrel Retaining Ring Fästring 1
440 3708658 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 5
442 3705969 Piston Ring Kolvring 15 Laminated
442 72517 Piston Ring Kolvring 5 Spherical Not available
452 3795833 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 3797156 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 31308
464 73384 Spacer Ring Distansring 1
470 118202 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 30208
474 907026 Lock Washer Låsbricka 2
475 906636 Round Nut Rundmutter 1
486 72807 Guide Spacer Styrhylsa 1
486 3797260 Guide Spacer Styrhylsa 1 New type
488 72811 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.25
488 72812 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.375
488 72813 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.5
488 72814 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.625 Ref.
488 72815 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.75
488 72816 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.875 SI 95-03
488 72817 Shim Justerbricka 1 3.0
488 3797421 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.4 New type
488 3797422 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.5 " "
488 3797423 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.6 " "
488 3797424 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.7 " "
491 959243 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F11-150 all types from serial No. 103001 and up. Tab: F11
Page 10
SP 019-9845

Pos Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3794032 Barrel Housing Assy Övre hus kpl 1 Type B
110 3794030 Barrel Housing Assy Övre hus kpl 1 Type F
121 3702070 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type G
121 3706310 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type H
121 3707165 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type J
121 3702800 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3708062 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L+H
121 72874 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3703467 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type Q
121 3702796 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
121 3708061 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R+H
131 944508 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1
132 944252 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1
211 3794025 Bearing Housing Undre hus 1 Type C
211 3794026 Bearing Housing Undre hus 1 Type S
221 942972 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitril
221 948978 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton
222 118200 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitril
222 948979 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton
233 118754 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP
233 3795086 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 117854 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
236 3703648 Back-up Ring Stödring 1 For E, N
236 3705051 Back-up Ring Stödring 1 For H
237 914540 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
310 3796159 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type D Repl 3703528
310 3796154 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type K Repl 3700808
310 3796157 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type S Repl 3702113
310 3796158 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type T Repl 3702118
315 3794556 Pin Styrtapp 1
321 909358 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
321 118227 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For T
411 3702961 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
415 3702356 Needle bearing Nållager 2
431 72890 Barrel Retaining Ring Fästring 1
440 3708660 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 7
442 3705764 Piston Ring Kolvring 21 Laminated
442 72578 Piston Ring Kolvring 7 Spherical Not available
452 3700810 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 118028 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
460 3799030 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 Only with 3797265, pos 486
464 73390 Spacer Ring Distansring 1
470 118205 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
474 907034 Lock Washer Låsbricka 2
475 906644 Round Nut Rundmutter 1
486 72878 Guide Spacer Styrhylsa 1
486 3797265 Guide Spacer Styrhylsa 1 New type
488 72880 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.25
488 72881 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.375
488 72882 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.50
488 72883 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.625
488 72884 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.75 Ref.
488 72885 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.875 SI 95-03
488 72886 Shim Justerbricka 1 3.00
488 3797481 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.4 New type
488 3797482 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.5 " "
488 3797483 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.6 New type
488 3797484 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.7 " "
491 959284 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4 M16
VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax
SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 98600 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
Picture for F11-250 Tab: F11
Ref. Assembly drawing 3709903 Page 11
SP 010-9728 GB/S


429 223


222 413

310 411
442 440

423 422
461 425
462 414 433
464 415*2




VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 98600 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F11-250 all types from serial No. 100250 to 9139999 Tab: F11
Page 12
SP 020-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

111 3795856 End Cap Anslutningstopp 1 Type QF Replaces 3706152
111 3706518 End Cap Anslutningstopp 1 Type LF
111 3706846 End Cap Anslutningstopp 1 Type RF
131 944508 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1
132 944252 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1
211 3704873 Bearing Housing Undre hus 1 Type S
222 3704907 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 194.1x3
223 925261 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 109.5x3
224 925063 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 29.2x3
233 3795086 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
236 3705051 Back-up Ring Stödring 1 For H
237 914540 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
310 3796162 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type K Replaces 3707198
310 3796163 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type S Replaces 3707199
310 3796164 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type F Replaces 3707200
311 3791807 Shaft Axel 1 Type D
315 3794556 Pin Styrtapp 1
321 909358 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
411 3706154 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
413 3791530 Spring Pin Rörpinne 3
414 3704909 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
415 3704911 Needle Bearing Nållager 2
422 3704887 Spacer Sleeve Distanshylsa 1
423 3704867 Barrel Spindle Centrumaxel 1
424 3708465 Sliding Plate Glidplatta 1 Replaces 3706153
425 3704912 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 32004X
426 3704888 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 1
427 914454 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
428 3705177 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 1
429 946779 Cap Plug Hattplugg 1
433 3704913 Disc Spring Tallriksfjäder 1
440 3707197 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 9
442 72578 Piston Ring Kolvring 9 Spherical Not available
442 3705764 Piston Ring Kolvring 27 Laminated
452 3704866 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 3793435 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
464 3704884 Spacer Ring Distansring 1
470 3704905 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 33216
474 907034 Lock Washer Låsbricka 2
475 906644 Round Nut Rundmutter 1
481 3704864 Barrel Housing Trumhus 1 Not available
488 3704942 Shim Justerbricka 1 3.125
488 3704943 Shim Justerbricka 1 3.25
488 3704944 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.50
488 3704945 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.625
488 3704946 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.75
488 3704947 Shim Justerbricka 1 2.875
488 3704948 Shim Justerbricka 1 3.00
491 959284 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4
493 3705361 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 3 12.9

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 98600 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F11-250 all types from serial No. 9140001 and up, Tab: F11
(New type shims item 488) Page 13
SP 020-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

111 3795856 End Cap Anslutningstopp 1 Type QF Replaces 3706152
111 3706518 End Cap Anslutningstopp 1 Type LF
111 3706846 End Cap Anslutningstopp 1 Type RF
111 3795856 End Cap Anslutningstopp 1 Type QF
131 944508 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1
132 944252 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1
211 3704873 Bearing Housing Undre hus 1 Type S
222 3704907 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 194.1x3
223 925261 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 109.5x3
224 925063 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 29.2x3
233 3795086 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
236 3705051 Back-up Ring Stödring 1 For H
237 914540 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
310 3796162 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type K Replaces 3707198
310 3796163 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type S Replaces 3707199
310 3796164 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type F Replaces 3707200
311 3791807 Shaft Axel 1 Type D
315 3794556 Pin Styrtapp 1
321 909358 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
411 3706154 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
413 3791530 Spring Pin Rörpinne 3
414 3704909 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
415 3704911 Needle Bearing Nållager 2
422 3704887 Spacer Sleeve Distanshylsa 1
423 3704867 Barrel Spindle Centrumaxel 1
424 3708465 Sliding Plate Glidplatta 1 Replaces 3706153
425 3704912 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 32004X
426 3704888 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 1
427 914454 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
428 3705177 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 1
429 946779 Cap Plug Hattplugg 1
433 3704913 Disc Spring Tallriksfjäder 1
440 3707197 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 9
442 72578 Piston Ring Kolvring 9 Spherical Not available
442 3705764 Piston Ring Kolvring 27 Laminated
452 3704866 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 3793435 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
464 3704884 Spacer Ring Distansring 1
470 3704905 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 33216
474 907034 Lock Washer Låsbricka 2
475 906644 Round Nut Rundmutter 1
481 3794776 Barrel Housing Trumhus 1
488 3794781 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.2
488 3794782 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.4
488 3794783 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.6
488 3794784 Shim Justerbricka 1 0.8
488 3794785 Shim Justerbricka 1 1.0
491 959284 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4
493 3705361 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 3 12.9

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 98600 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
Kits for F11-005 through -250 Tab: F11
Page 14
SP 211-9845

To fit Part No Title Benämning

F11-005 type M 3797031 Spare Parts Kit Reservdelssats

F11-005 type N 3797109 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-005 type H 3797118 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-005 type E 3797127 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-010 type M 3797032 Spare Parts Kit Reservdelssats
F11-010 type N 3797111 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-010 type H 3797119 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-010 type E 3797128 Sealing Kit Tätningssats

F11-019 type M 3797033 Spare Parts Kit Reservdelssats

F11-019 type N 3797112 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-019 type H 3797120 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-019 type E 3797129 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-028 type M 3797034 Spare Parts Kit Reservdelssats
F11-028 type N 3797113 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-028 type H 3797121 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-028 type E 3797130 Sealing Kit Tätningssats

F11-039 type M 3797037 Spare Parts Kit Reservdelssats

F11-039/058 type N 3797114 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-039/058 type H 3797122 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-039 type E 3797131 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-058 type M 3797038 Spare Parts Kit Reservdelssats
F11-058 type E 3797132 Sealing Kit Tätningssats

F11-078 type M 3797039 Spare Parts Kit Reservdelssats

F11-078 type N 3797115 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-078 type H 3797123 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-078 type E 3797133 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-110 type M 3797040 Spare Parts Kit Reservdelssats
F11-110 type N 3797116 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-110 type H 3797124 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-110 type E 3797134 Sealing Kit Tätningssats

F11-150 type M 3797041 Spare Parts Kit Reservdelssats

F11-150 type N 3797117 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-150 type H 3797125 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-150 type E 3797135 Sealing Kit Tätningssats
F11-250 type H 3797126 Sealing Kit Tätningssats

The Spare Parts Kits comprise items 121, 221, 222, 233, 236, 410/411, 431 & 440.
The Sealing Kits comprise generally items 221, 222, 233 & 236.
If more parts are required it is normally not profitable to carry out a repair.

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 98600 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
Picture for F11-010-XX-CH-K-120,-125,-126,-127 Tab: F11
Page 15
3797736,3798401,3798634,3798994. SP 209-9845




161,162 411

221 442








237 236

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 98600 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F11-010-XX-CH-K-120, -125, -126, -127. Tab: F11
From serial No. 1995431395 Page 16
SP 214-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3797286 Barrel Housing Assy Övre hus kpl 1

121 3795088 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type X
131 944506 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1
132 944496 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1
161 3797076 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1
162 967751 O-Ring O-ring 1
166 3797077 Hex socket Plug Insexpropp 1
167 967751 O-Ring O-ring 1
170 3797288 Chec Valve Cone Assy Backventilkägla kpl 1
173 944505 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1
174 943907 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1
211 3700905 Bearing Housing Undre hus 1 Type C
221 945624 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 69x2
221 948974 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton
222 947840 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 78x2
222 948975 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton
233 3795183 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
236 3705049 Back-up Ring Stödring 1 For H
237 914519 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
310 3796080 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type K
315 3792207 Pin Styrtapp 1
321 3796439 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
411 3702958 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
431 3700973 Barrel Retaining Ring Fästring 1
440 3708657 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 5
442 3708652 Piston Ring Kolvring 15 Laminated
452 3795832 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 118024 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 31306
464 3700954 Spacer Ring Distansring 1
470 118201 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 30206
474 907024 Lock Washer Låsbricka 1
475 906634 Round Nut Rundmutter 1
486 3797259 Guide Spacer Styrhylsa 1
488 3797411 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.4
488 3797412 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.5
488 3797413 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.6
488 3797414 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.7
488 3797415 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.8
491 959241 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 2
492 959249 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 2

VOAC Hydraulics AB Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 98600 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
Picture for F11-010-XX-XH-K-118,-119,-124. Tab: F11
Page 17
3797295,3797735,3798399,3797297,3797737 SP 210-9845

173,174 492


221 442










237 233


VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 98600 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F11-010-XX-XH-K-118,-119,-124. Tab: F11
From serial No. 1995271806 Page 18
SP 215-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3797286 Barrel Housing Assy Övre hus kpl 1

121 3795088 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type X
131 944506 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1
132 944496 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1
161 3797292 Hex Socket Plug Assy Insexpropp kpl 1
166 3797291 Hex socket Plug Assy Insexpropp kpl 1
170 3797288 Chec Valve Cone Assy Backventilkägla kpl 1
173 944505 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1
174 943907 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1
211 3795468 Bearing Housing Undre hus 1 For -118
211 3798382 Bearing Housing Undre hus 1 For -119,-124.
221 945624 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 69x2
221 948974 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton
222 947840 O-Ring O-ring 1 Nitrile, 78x2
222 948975 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton
233 3795183 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
236 3705049 Back-up Ring Stödring 1 For H
237 914519 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
310 3796080 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type K
315 3792207 Pin Styrtapp 1
321 3796439 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
411 3702958 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
431 3700973 Barrel Retaining Ring Fästring 1
440 3708657 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 5
442 3708652 Piston Ring Kolvring 15 Laminated
452 3795832 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 118024 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 31306
464 3700954 Spacer Ring Distansring 1
470 118201 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 30206
474 907024 Lock Washer Låsbricka 1
475 906634 Round Nut Rundmutter 1
486 3797259 Guide Spacer Styrhylsa 1
488 3797411 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.4
488 3797412 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.5
488 3797413 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.6
488 3797414 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.7
488 3797415 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.8
491 959241 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 2
492 959249 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 2

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 98600 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F11-019-XX-XH-X-119,-121 Tab: F11
3797297, 3797737 Page 19
SP 216-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3704782 Barrel Housing Assy Övre hus kpl 1

121 3797880 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Bi-metall
131 944506 Hex Socket Plug Insexpropp 1
132 944496 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1
211 3797078 Bearing Housing Undre hus 1 For -119
211 3797570 Bearing Housing Undre hus 1 For -121.
221 925257 O-Ring O-ring 2 Nitrile, 89,5x3
221 948980 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton
222 948981 O-Ring O-ring 1 Viton
233 3795181 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
236 3704108 Back-up Ring Stödring 1 For H
237 914529 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
310 3797255 Shaft Assy Axel kpl 1 Type X
315 3792207 Pin Styrtapp 1
321 909306 Flat Key Plattkil 1
411 3702959 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
431 72686 Barrel Retaining Ring Fästring 1
440 3708658 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 5
442 3705969 Piston Ring Kolvring 15 Laminated
452 3795833 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 3797156 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
464 3797201 Spacer Ring Distansring 1
470 3797298 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
474 907025 Lock Washer Låsbricka 2
475 906635 Round Nut Rundmutter 1
486 3797260 Guide Spacer Styrhylsa 1
488 3797421 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.4
488 3797422 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.5
488 3797423 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.6 '
488 3797424 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.7
488 3797425 Shim Justerbricka 2 0.8
491 959243 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 98600 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
Picture for F12-30 through F12-110 Tab: F12
Page 1
SP 073-9845

131 491

135 137 415 121
411 442


310 321



211 478



256 257
257 255 256


VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
Picture for F12-30 through F12-080 Tab: F12
Page 1b
With two tappered roller bearings SP 074-9845

131 491
Only F12-110
135 137 415 121
411 442






211 221

255 470
256 476
238 225 233


VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
Tab: F12
F12-30 all types from serial No. 9018001 to 1996069999
Cylinder Barrel with Needle Bearing.
Page 2

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3791905 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type F - Not available
110 3793677 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type S - Not available
121 3792037 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3791911 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3791912 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
130 3707298 Hex Socket Plug Assy Insexpropp kpl 1 For S- Housing
131 3708587 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For F-Housing
132 948884 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For F-Housing
211 3792314 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type C
211 3792690 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type I
211 3791914 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type S
221 3792811 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril 103*2,5
221 976638 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton 103*2,5
225 925094 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril 74,5*3
225 974584 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton 74,5*3
229 3792912 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril 127*4
229 976640 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton 127*4
231 3791916 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1
231 3797194 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1 For N
233 3791734 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 3793418 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type V, Viton HP
233 3797195 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
233 3706183 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Nitril LP
237 914540 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
238 914529 Retaining Ring Spårring 1 Only for 3797194
256 3793171 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For C-Housing, M14
257 945653 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For C-Housing
310 3795984 Shaft Axel 1 Type C
310 3795985 Shaft Axel 1 Type D
310 3795982 Shaft Axel 1 Type K
310 3795983 Shaft Axel 1 Type S
310 3795986 Shaft Axel 1 Type T
315 3709162 Guide Pin Styrtapp 1
321 909306 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
321 118225 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For T
411 3791922 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
415 973439 Needle Bearing Nållager 2
430 3791923 Barrel Support Trumstöd 1
440 3791925 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 7
442 3791596 Piston Ring Lamellring 21
452 3791927 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 3797156 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 31308
470 184758 Cyl Bearing Cyl lager 1
476 973435 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,5 mm
476 973436 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 1,0 mm
476 977610 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,6 mm
476 977611 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,8 mm
478 914465 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
488 3793622 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,2
488 3793623 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,4
488 3793624 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,6
488 3793625 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,8
488 3793626 Shim Justerbricka 2 1,0
491 974109 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4 M10*40

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-30 all types from serial No. 1996010001 to 1998019999 Tab: F12
Cylinder Barrel without Needle Bearing. Page 3
SP 129-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3798186 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type F
110 3798187 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type S
121 3792037 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3791911 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3791912 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
130 3707298 Hex Socket Plug Assy Insexpropp kpl 1 For S- Housing
131 3708587 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For F-Housing
132 948884 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For F-Housing
211 3792314 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type C
211 3792690 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type I
211 3791914 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type S
221 3792811 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril 103*2,5
221 976638 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton 103*2,5
225 925094 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril 74,5*3
225 974584 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton 74,5*3
229 3792912 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril 127*4
229 976640 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton 127*4
231 3791916 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1
231 3797194 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1 For N
233 3791734 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 3793418 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type V, Viton HP
233 3797195 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
233 3706183 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP
237 914540 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
238 914529 Retaining Ring Spårring 1 Only for 3797194
256 3793171 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For C-Housing, M14
257 945653 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For C-Housing
310 3795984 Shaft Axel 1 Type C
310 3795985 Shaft Axel 1 Type D
310 3795982 Shaft Axel 1 Type K
310 3795983 Shaft Axel 1 Type S
310 3795986 Shaft Axel 1 Type T
315 3709162 Guide Pin Styrtapp 1
321 909306 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
321 118225 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For T
411 3798157 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
430 3799838 Barrel Support Trumstöd 1
440 3791925 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 7
442 3791596 Piston Ring Lamellring 21
452 3791927 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 3797156 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 31308
470 184758 Cyl Bearing Cyl lager 1
476 973435 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,5 mm
476 973436 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 1,0 mm
476 977610 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,6 mm
476 977611 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,8 mm
478 914465 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
488 3793622 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,2
488 3793623 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,4
488 3793624 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,6
488 3793625 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,8
488 3793626 Shim Justerbricka 2 1,0
491 974109 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4 M10*40

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-30 all types from serial No. 1997440001 and up. Tab: F12
With two Tapered Roller Bearing. Page 3A
SP 129-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3798186 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type F
110 3798187 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type S
121 3792037 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3791911 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3791912 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
130 3707298 Hex Socket Plug Assy Insexpropp kpl 1 For S- Housing
131 966144 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For F-Housing
132 948884 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For F-Housing
211 3799650 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type C Replaces 3792314
211 3799651 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type I Replaces 3792690
211 3799649 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type S Replaces 3791914
211 3799621 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type T
221 3792811 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril 103*2,5
221 976638 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton 103*2,5
225 925094 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril 74,5*3
225 974584 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton 74,5*3
229 3792912 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril 127*4
229 976640 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton 127*4
231 3797194 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1
233 3791734 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 3793418 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type V, Viton HP
233 3797195 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
233 3706183 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP
237 914540 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
238 914529 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
256 3793171 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For C-Housing, M14
257 945653 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For C-Housing
310 3799636 Shaft Axel 1 Type C Replaces 3795984
310 3799638 Shaft Axel 1 Type D Replaces 3795985
310 3799632 Shaft Axel 1 Type K Replaces 3795982
310 3799644 Shaft Axel 1 Type P Max 350 Bar
310 3799634 Shaft Axel 1 Type S Replaces 3795983
310 3799640 Shaft Axel 1 Type T Replaces 3795986
315 3709162 Guide Pin Styrtapp 1
321 909306 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
321 118225 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For T
411 3798157 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
430 3799838 Barrel Support Trumstöd 1
440 3791925 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 7
442 3791596 Piston Ring Lamellring 21
452 3791927 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 3797156 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 31308
470 3796929 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1 32207
476 3799569 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 1,85 mm
476 3799570 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 1,90 mm
476 3799571 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 1,95 mm
476 3799572 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,00 mm
476 3799573 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,05 mm
476 3799574 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,10 mm
476 3799575 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,15 mm
476 3799576 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,20 mm
476 3799577 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,25 mm
476 3799578 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,30 mm
476 3799579 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,35 mm
476 3799580 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,40 mm

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-30 all types from serial No. 1997440001 and up. Tab: F12
With two Tapered Roller Bearing. Page 3B
SP 129-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

476 3799581 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,45 mm
476 3799582 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,50 mm
478 914465 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
488 3793622 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,2
488 3793623 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,4
488 3793624 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,6
488 3793625 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,8
488 3793626 Shim Justerbricka 2 1,0
488 3797825 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,7
491 974109 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4 M10*40

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-40 all types from serial No. 9026001 to 1996029999 Tab: F12
Cylinder Barrel with Needle Bearing Page 4
. SP 130-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3794926 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type F - Not available
110 3794928 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type S - Not avaliable
121 3791573 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3793456 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3791572 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
130 3707298 Hex Socket Plug Assy Insexpropp kpl 1 For S-Housing
131 3708587 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For F-Housing
132 948884 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For F-Housing
211 3792536 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type C
211 3792624 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type I
211 3791555 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type S
211 3794150 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type X
221 948865 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
221 976639 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
225 925258 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
225 948981 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
229 3792913 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
229 976641 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
231 3791510 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1
231 3796201 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1 For N
233 117852 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
233 118752 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP
233 3795084 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 3793419 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type V, Viton HP
237 914548 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
238 914534 Retaining Ring Spårring 1 Only for 3796201
256 3793171 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For C-Housing, M14
257 945653 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For C-Housing
310 3795992 Shaft Axel 1 Type C
310 3795993 Shaft Axel 1 Type D
310 3795990 Shaft Axel 1 Type K
310 3795991 Shaft Axel 1 Type S
310 3795994 Shaft Axel 1 Type T
310 3794884 Shaft Axel 1 Type Z
315 3709162 Guide Pin Styrtapp 1
321 909308 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
321 118226 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For T
411 3791582 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
415 184092 Needle Bearing Nållager 2
430 3791598 Barrel Support Assy Trumstöd kpl 1
440 3791587 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 7
442 3705969 Piston Ring Lamellring 21
452 3791589 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 184687 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
470 184695 Cyl Bearing Cyl lager 1
476 967529 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,5 mm
476 967530 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 1,0 mm
476 977612 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,6 mm
476 977613 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,8 m
478 914470 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
488 3793628 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,2
488 3793629 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,4
488 3793630 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,6
488 3793631 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,8
488 3793632 Shim Justerbricka 2 1,0
491 969169 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4 M10*45

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

S-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-40 all types from serial No. 1995480001 to 1998019999 Tab: F12
Cylinder Barrel without Needle Bearing Page 5
SP 130-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3798203 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type F
110 3798204 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type S
121 3791573 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3793456 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3791572 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
130 3707298 Hex Socket Plug Assy Insexpropp kpl 1 For S-Housing
131 3708587 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For F-Housing
132 948884 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For F-Housing
211 3792536 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type C
211 3792624 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type I
211 3791555 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type S
211 3794150 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type X
221 948865 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
221 976639 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
225 925258 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
225 948981 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
229 3792913 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
229 976641 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
231 3791510 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1
231 3796201 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1 For N
233 117852 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
233 118752 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP
233 3795084 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 3793419 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type V, Viton HP
237 914548 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
238 914534 Retaining Ring Spårring 1 Only for 3796201
256 3793171 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For C-Housing, M14
257 945653 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For C-Housing
310 3795992 Shaft Axel 1 Type C
310 3795993 Shaft Axel 1 Type D
310 3795990 Shaft Axel 1 Type K
310 3795991 Shaft Axel 1 Type S
310 3795994 Shaft Axel 1 Type T
310 3794884 Shaft Axel 1 Type Z
315 3709162 Guide Pin Styrtapp 1
321 909308 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
321 118226 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For T
411 3798159 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
430 3709839 Barrel Support Assy Trumstöd kpl 1
440 3791587 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 7
442 3705969 Piston Ring Lamellring 21
452 3791589 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 184687 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
470 184695 Cyl Bearing Cyl lager 1
476 967529 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,5 mm
476 967530 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 1,0 mm
476 977612 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,6 mm
476 977613 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,8 m
478 914470 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
488 3793628 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,2
488 3793629 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,4
488 3793630 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,6
488 3793631 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,8
488 3793632 Shim Justerbricka 2 1,0
491 969169 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4 M10*45

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

S-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-40 all types from serial No. 1997440001 and up Tab: F12
Page 5A
With two Tapered Roller Bearing SP 130-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3798203 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type F
110 3798204 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type S
121 3791573 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3793456 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3791572 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
130 3707298 Hex Socket Plug Assy Insexpropp kpl 1 For S-Housing
131 3708587 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For F-Housing
132 948884 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For F-Housing
211 3799484 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type C Replaces 3792536
211 3799485 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type I Replaces 3792624
211 3799483 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type S Replaces 3791555
211 3799486 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type X Replaces 3794150
211 3799622 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type T
221 948865 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
221 976639 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
225 925258 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
225 948981 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
229 3792913 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
229 976641 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
231 3796201 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1
233 117852 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
233 118752 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP
233 3795084 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 3793419 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type V, Viton HP
236 3795387 Spacer Washer 1mm Distansbricka 1mm 1 Only for shaftseal H and V
237 914548 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
238 914534 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
256 3793171 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For C-Housing, M14
257 945653 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For C-Housing
310 3799455 Shaft Axel 1 Type C Replaces 3795992
310 3799457 Shaft Axel 1 Type D 3795993
310 3799451 Shaft Axel 1 Type K Replaces 3795990
310 3799453 Shaft Axel 1 Type S Replaces 3795991
310 3799459 Shaft Axel 1 Type T Replaces 3795994
310 3799461 Shaft Axel 1 Type Z Replaces 3795995
315 3709162 Guide Pin Styrtapp 1
321 909308 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
321 118226 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For T
411 3798159 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
430 3709839 Barrel Support Assy Trumstöd kpl 1
440 3791587 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 7
442 3705969 Piston Ring Lamellring 21
452 3791589 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 184687 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
470 118770 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
476 3799602 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,35 mm
476 3799603 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,40 mm
476 3799604 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,45 mm
476 3799605 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,50 mm
476 3799606 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,55 mm
476 3799607 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,60 mm
476 3799608 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,65 mm
476 3799609 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,70 mm
476 3799610 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,75 mm
476 3799611 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,80 mm

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

S-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-40 all types from serial No. 1997440001 and up Tab: F12
Page 5B
With two Tapered Roller Bearing SP 130-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

476 3799612 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,85 mm
476 3799613 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,90 mm
476 3799614 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,95 mm
476 3799615 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 3,00 mm
478 914470 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
488 3793628 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,2
488 3793629 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,4
488 3793630 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,6
488 3793631 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,8
488 3793632 Shim Justerbricka 2 1,0
491 969169 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4 M10*45

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

S-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-60 all types from serial No. 8915001 to 19998019999 Tab: F12
Cylinder Barrel with Needle Bearing Page 6
SP 131-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3709458 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type F
110 3793556 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type S
121 3709859 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3791799 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3709858 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
130 3708150 Hex socket Plug Assy Insexpropp 1 For S-Housing
131 3705912 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For F-Housing
132 948885 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For F-Housing
211 3792268 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type C
211 3792271 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type I
211 3793553 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type S
221 925263 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
221 948982 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
225 925258 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
225 948981 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
229 3792913 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
229 976641 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
231 3791510 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1
231 3796201 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1 For N
233 117852 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
233 118752 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP
233 3795084 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 3793419 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type V, Viton HP
237 914548 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
238 914534 Retaining Ring Spårring 1 Only for 3796201
256 3793171 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For C-Housing
257 945653 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For C-Housing
310 3798529 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type C
310 3798528 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type D
310 3798526 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type K
310 3798527 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type S
310 3798530 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type T
310 3798531 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type X-105
310 3798832 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type X-109
315 3709162 Guide Pin Styrtapp 1 Old type
315 3709308 Guide Pin Styrtapp 1 From Serialno 1995450001
321 909323 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
321 118226 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For T
411 3709468 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
415 184092 Needle Bearing Nållager 2
430 3709929 Barrel Support Trumstöd 1
440 3709470 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 7
442 3795377 Piston Ring Lamellring 21
452 3709475 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1 Old type
452 3797716 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1 From Serialno 1995450001
460 184660 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
470 184695 Cyl Bearing Cyl lager 1
476 967529 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,5 mm
476 967530 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 1,0 mm
476 977612 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,6 mm
476 977613 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,8 mm
478 914470 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
488 3793616 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,2
488 3793617 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,4
488 3793618 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,6
488 3793619 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,8
488 3793620 Shim Justerbricka 2 1,0
491 969169 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

S-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-60 all types from serial No.1997440001 and up Tab: F12
With two Tapered Roller Bearing and without Needle Bearings Page 6A
SP 131-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3798562 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type F
110 3798563 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type S
121 3709859 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3791799 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3709858 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
130 3708150 Hex socket Plug Assy Insexpropp 1 For S-Housing
131 3705912 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For F-Housing
132 948885 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For F-Housing
211 3799675 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type C Replaces 3792268
211 3799676 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type I Replaces 3792271
211 3799677 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type S Replaces 3793553
211 3799623 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type T
221 925263 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
221 948982 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
225 925258 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
225 948981 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
229 3792913 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
229 976641 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
231 3796201 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1
233 117852 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
233 118752 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP
233 3795084 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 3793419 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type V, Viton HP
236 3795387 Spacer Washer 1mm Distansbricka 1mm 1 Only for shaftseal H and V
237 914548 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
238 914534 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
256 3793171 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For C-Housing
257 945653 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For C-Housing
310 3799686 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type C Replaces 3798529
310 3799688 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type D Replaces 3798528
310 3799682 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type K Replaces 3798526
310 3799684 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type S Replaces 3798527
310 3799690 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type T Replaces 3798530
310 3799692 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type X-105 Replaces 3798531
310 3799694 Shaft assy Axel kpl 1 Type X-109 Replaces 3798832
315 3709162 Guide Pin Styrtapp 1 Old type
315 3709308 Guide Pin Styrtapp 1 From Serialno 1995450001
321 909323 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
321 118226 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For T
411 3797719 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
430 3709840 Barrel Support Trumstöd 1
440 3709470 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 7
442 3795377 Piston Ring Lamellring 21
452 3799822 Ring Gear Kuggkrans 1
460 184660 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
470 118770 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
476 3799602 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,35 mm
476 3799603 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,40 mm
476 3799604 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,45 mm
476 3799605 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,50 mm
476 3799606 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,55 mm
476 3799607 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,60 mm
476 3799608 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,65 mm
476 3799609 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,70 mm
476 3799610 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,75 mm

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

S-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-60 all types from serial No. 1997440001 Tab: F12
With two Tapered Roller Bearing and without Needle Bearings Page 6B
SP 131-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

476 3799611 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,80 mm

476 3799612 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,85 mm
476 3799613 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,90 mm
476 3799614 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,95 mm
478 914470 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
488 3793616 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,2
488 3793617 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,4
488 3793618 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,6
488 3793619 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,8
488 3793620 Shim Justerbricka 2 1,0
491 969169 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

S-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-80 all types from serial No. 9020001 and up Tab: F12
Page 7
SP 132-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3794777 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type F
110 3794778 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type S
121 3709709 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3792773 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3709708 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
130 3708150 Hex Socket Plug Assy Insexpropp kpl 1 For S-Housing
131 3705912 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For F-Housing
132 948885 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For F-Housing
211 3792307 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type C
211 3792310 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type I
211 3709664 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type S
211 3794601 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type X
221 925265 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
221 948984 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
225 925260 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
225 949841 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
229 3792875 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
229 976642 O- Ring O- Ring 1 Nitril
231 3709304 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1
231 3796200 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1 For N
233 117853 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
233 118753 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP
233 3795085 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 3793420 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type V, Viton HP
237 914550 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
238 914537 Retaining Ring Spårring 1 Only for 3796200
256 3793171 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For C-Housing
257 945653 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For C-Housing
310 3796003 Shaft Axel 1 Type C
310 3796004 Shaft Axel 1 Type D
310 3796001 Shaft Axel 1 Type K
310 3796002 Shaft Axel 1 Type S
310 3796005 Shaft Axel 1 Type T
315 3709308 Guide Pin Styrtapp 1
321 3709687 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For T
321 948125 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
411 3709673 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
415 184129 Needle Bearing Nållager 2
430 3709930 Barrel Support Trumstöd 1
440 3709307 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 7
442 3705784 Piston Ring Lamellring 21
452 3709646 Ring gear Kuggkrans 1
460 184694 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
470 184756 Cyl Bearing Cyl lager 1
476 948360 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,5
476 948361 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 1,0
476 977616 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,6
476 977617 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,8
478 914474 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
488 3793634 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,2
488 3793635 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,4
488 3793636 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,6
488 3793637 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,8
488 3793638 Shim Justerbricka 2 1,0
491 948670 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4 M12*50
VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax
SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-80 all types from serial No. 9020001 and up Tab: F12
With two Tapered Roller Bearing and without Needle Bearings Page 7A
SP 132-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3780658 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type F
110 3780660 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type S
110 3780156 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type F, For Flushing
110 3780157 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type S, For Flushing
121 3709709 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3792773 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3709708 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R
130 3708150 Hex Socket Plug Assy Insexpropp kpl 1 For S-Housing
131 3705912 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For F-Housing
132 948885 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For F-Housing
211 3780709 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type C
211 3780710 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type I
211 3780711 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type S
211 3780712 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type X
221 925265 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
221 948984 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
225 925260 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
225 949841 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
229 3792875 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
229 976642 O- Ring O- Ring 1 Nitril
231 3796200 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1
233 117853 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
233 118753 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP
233 3795085 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP
233 3793420 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type V, Viton HP
236 3797233 Spacer Washer 1mm Distansbricka 1mm 1 Only for saftseal type H and V
237 914550 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
238 914537 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
256 3793171 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For C-Housing
257 945653 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For C-Housing
310 3780671 Shaft Axel 1 Type C
310 3780673 Shaft Axel 1 Type D
310 3780667 Shaft Axel 1 Type K
310 3780669 Shaft Axel 1 Type S
310 3780675 Shaft Axel 1 Type T
310 3780677 Shaft Axel 1 Type U, Max 350 Bar
315 3709308 Guide Pin Styrtapp 1
321 3709687 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For T
321 948125 Flat Key Plattkil 1 For K
411 3780656 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1
430 3709840 Barrel Support Trumstöd 1
440 3709307 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 7
442 3705784 Piston Ring Lamellring 21
452 3709646 Ring gear Kuggkrans 1
460 184694 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
470 118231 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
476 3799322 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,35
476 3799323 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,40
476 3799324 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,45
476 3799325 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,50

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-80 all types from serial No. 9020001 and up Tab: F12
With two Tapered Roller Bearing and without Needle Bearings Page 7B
SP 132-9845

Item Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

476 3799326 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,55
476 3799327 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,60
476 3799328 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,65
476 3799329 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,70
476 3799330 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,75
476 3799331 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,80
476 3799332 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,85
476 3799333 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,90
476 3799334 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 2,95
476 3799335 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 3,00
478 914474 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
488 3793634 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,2
488 3793635 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,4
488 3793636 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,6
488 3793637 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,8
488 3793638 Shim Justerbricka 2 1,0
491 948670 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4 M12*50

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
F12-110 all types from serial No. 1992390001 and up. Tab: F12
Page 8
SP 158-9845

Pos Part No Title Benämning Qty Remarks

110 3794372 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type S

110 3709914 Barrel Housing Assy Trumhus kpl 1 Type F
121 3794369 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type M
121 3791577 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type L
121 3791576 Valve Plate Ventilskiva 1 Type R

130 3707299 Hex Socket Plug Assy Insexpropp kpl 1 For S-Housing
131 3705912 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For F-Housing
132 948885 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For F-Housing
211 3709814 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type S
211 3792445 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type I

211 3792438 Bearing Housing Lagerhus 1 Type C

221 925267 O-ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
221 948985 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton
225 3796540 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Nitril
225 3796541 O-Ring O-Ring 1 Viton

229 976643 O- Ring O- Ring 1 Viton

231 3709884 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1
231 3796182 Seal Carrier Tätringshållare 1 For N
233 117854 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type N, Nitril LP
233 118754 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type E, Viton LP

233 3795086 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type H, Nitril HP

233 3793426 Shaft Seal Tätningsring 1 Type V, Viton HP
237 914552 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
238 914540 Retaining Ring Spårring 1 Only for 3796182
255 3707299 Hex Socket Plug Assy Insexpropp kpl 1 For S-Housing

256 3705912 Bleeder Plug Luftningspropp 1 For C-Housing

257 948885 Seal Washer Tätbricka 1 For C-Housing
310 3796006 Shaft Axel 1 Type S
310 3796009 Shaft Axel 1 Type C
310 3796008 Shaft Axel 1 Type D

310 3796007 Shaft Axel 1 Type K

310 3796010 Shaft Axel 1 Type T
315 3709308 Guide pin Styrtapp 1
321 909358 Flat Key Plattkil 1 Typ K
321 118227 Flat Key Plattkil 1 Typ T

411 3709801 Cylinder Barrel Cylindertrumma 1

415 184129 Needle Bearing Nållager 2
430 3709930 Barrel Support Trumstöd 1
440 3780928 Piston Assy Kolv kpl 7
442 3705975 Piston Ring Lamellring 21

452 3709919 Ring gear Kuggkrans 1

460 184662 Tap Rol Bearing Kon rullager 1
470 184757 Cyl Bearing Cyl lager 1
476 946297 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,5
476 946298 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 1,0

476 977618 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,6

476 977619 Spacer Washer Distansbricka 0,8
478 914476 Retaining Ring Spårring 1
488 3794036 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,2
488 3794037 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,4

488 3794038 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,6

488 3794040 Shim Justerbricka 2 0,8
488 3794041 Shim Justerbricka 2 1,0
491 948670 Hex Socket Screw Insexskruv 4

VOAC Hydraulics Division Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 37105
Spare Parts ASM 2.1
Kits for F12-030 through -110 Tab: F12
Page 9
SP 212-9845

To fit Part No Title Benämning Type:

F12-030 type H 3793492 Sealing Kit Tätningssats Nitril

F12-030 type V 3793493 Sealing Kit Tätningssats Viton

F12-040 type H 3793494 Sealing Kit Tätningssats Nitril

F12-040 type V 3793495 Sealing Kit Tätningssats Viton

F12-060 type H 3793496 Sealing Kit Tätningssats Nitril

F12-060 type V 3793497 Sealing Kit Tätningssats Viton

F12-080 type H 3793498 Sealing Kit Tätningssats Nitril

F12-080 type V 3793499 Sealing Kit Tätningssats Viton

F12-110 type H 3798091 Sealing Kit Tätningssats Nitril

F12-110 type V 3798092 Sealing Kit Tätningssats Viton

The Kits comprise items 221, 225, 229 and 233.

F12-030 Type H 3780914 Spare Parts Kit Reservdelssats

F12-040 Type H 3780476 Spare Parts Kit Reservdelssats
F12-060 Type H 3870478 Spare Parts Kit Reservdelssats

The Kits comprise items 121, 221, 225, 233, 411 and 440.If more parts are required it is
normally not profitable to carry out a repair.

VOAC Hydraulics AB Telephone Telefax

SE-461 82 Trollhättan . Sweden int+46 520 986 00 int+46 520 371 05

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