Materi Minggu 3 PDF
Materi Minggu 3 PDF
Materi Minggu 3 PDF
Indoor-Outdoor Thermal
Combined Modes of Heat Transfer
• (a) heat transfer by convection Qch and radiation Qrh from
the hot air and surrounding surfaces to the wall surface,
• (b) heat transfer by conduction through the wall Qk,
• (c) heat transfer by convection Qcc and radiation Qrc from
the wall surface to the cold air and surrounding surfaces.
Tbc Qch Qcc
Tsh Tsc
Qch Qcc
Qrh Qrc Qk
Tbh Tbc
Qrh Qrc
Thermal Gradient
Colder Hotter
Environment Environment
dT = 68 – 32 = 36
68 – =
68 – =
68 – =
68 – =
68 – =
Term and definitions
Internal Gains
l Include the heat output of occupants, appliances and
l Heat output of human bodies at various activities
(metabolic rate)
l Appliances and electric lighting as the total consumption
rate (power, in W) for the duration of their use (power x
time = energy, W x h = Wh)
Internal Gains
Solar Heat Gain
Considered differently for transparent and opaque surfaces
1.Transparent surfaces (e.g. window)
Product of solar irradiance (G), area (A) and solar gain factor (sgf).
The sum of the inward emitted heat and the direct transmission.
Therefore: Qs = A x G x sgf
2.Opaque surfaces (e.g. wall)
Incident solar radiation acts first to increase the external surface
temperature of the element. Termed by sol-air temperature concept, as
more heat will flow from outside to inside.
Radiant heat input: Qin = G x A x abs
Radiant heat loss: Qloss = A x h x (Ts-To) ; h = surface
Therefore: Qin = Qloss abs = absorbtance
G x A x abs = A x h x (Ts-To)
Ts-To = G x abs / h or Ts-To = G x abs x Rso
Hence: Qs = qc x (Ts-To)
Qs = qc x G x abs / h or Qs = qc x G x abs x Rso
Solar Heat Gain
Ventilation Heat Flow
Both deliberate ventilation and incidental air
infiltration cause a heat flow
1.If the ventilation rate (vfr) is known
then the specific ventilation heat flow rate (qv) can be found as
qv = 1200 x vfr ; where 1200 J/m2 K is the volumetric heat
capacity of moist air
2.If the number of air changes per hour (N) is
vfr = N x V / 3600 (m3 /s)
where V is the volume of the room or building (m3)
qv = 0.33 x N x V ; where 0.33 is 1200/3600
The ventilation heat flow rate (Qv) itself will be
Qv = qv x dT ; where dT = To - Ti
Ventilation Heat Flow
Evaporation heat loss
• Can be provided as part of a passive system e.g by
roof pool or a courtyard pond, or a spray over the
• It may lower the dry bulb temperature, but increases
the humidity.
• Indirectly, evaporation loss occurs if there is some
evaporation within the space or room, but the
moist air is then removed by ventilation (mass
• If the evaporation rate (evr, in kg/h) is known, heat
loss will be
Qe Qe
Conductance and Conductivity
l Conductivity (k) (W/m.oC)
l Rate at which heat flows through a homogeneous
l Conductance (C) (W/m2.oC)
l Conductivity for a unit area standard thickness
l C = k x 1/b
b = thickness (m)
Conduction Heat Gain
l Resistance (R) à
l A measure of resistance to heat flow
l reciprocal value of C
l R = 1/C, or C = 1/R
l R = b x 1/k = b/k, or C = k/b
l Higher R value = Better insulator
Conduction in Solids
Multilayer body
l In multilayer body of different materials the
total resistance = sum of individual
l R = R1 + R2 + R3 + …
l R = b1/k1 + b2/k2 + b3/k3 … = Σ b/k
l C = 1/R = 1/ Σ b/k
l Note: conductance is not additive, only
resistance can be added
Building Construction
1/fi R2 R1 R3 1/fo
Ra = 1/fI + Rb + 1/fo
U = 1/Ra à U value (transmittance value of building elements)
mostly used in Building thermal calculation
U Value Calculation Example
U Value Calculation Example
A house renovation in Calgary results in the
wall construction. (R = resistance, c = conductivity)
l inside air film R = 0.120
l 12mm plaster c = 0.431
l 100mm polyethurene board c = 0.025
l vapour barrier negligible
l 50mm timber, hardwood c = 0.150
l 100mm brick c = 0.620
l outside air film R = 0.050
If the only influential property is the U-value, a 220 mm brick wall would
similarly behave as 10 mm polystyrene slab.
Reflective Insulation
Resistive Insulation
Capacitive Insulation
Tugas Mg-5, individu
1. Hitunglah U-value dan Qc (jumlah energi panas yang masuk melalui
konduksi) pada dinding bangunan berdimensi 20mx3m (lebar dan tinggi),
orientasi diabaikan dan dinding homogen tanpa jendela dengan ketentuan
sebagai berikut:
a. Tebal dinding 15 cm terdiri dari pasangan bata 12 cm (c = 1.15 W/mC)
dan plesteran pada kedua sisinya setebal 1.5 cm masing-masing (c =
b. Beda suhu luar dan ruang dalam adalah To (luar) = 38oC dan Ti (dalam)
= 30oC.
c. Surface conductance berbentuk lapisan udara tipis permukaan dinding
luar fo = 13.18 W/m2C dan pada dinding dalam fi= 8.12 W/m2C
2. Jika dinding bagian dalam dilapisi dengan plywood 2.5 cm (c = 0.138
W/mC), berapa Qc yang terjadi?
3. Jika dinding tersebut tidak diplester (bata ekspos 12 cm), berapa Qc?
4. Kemudian gunakan nilai U diatas (no 1) untuk menghitung OTTV Gedung
10 lantai @ luas lantai 20mx30m yang berdinding sama dengan sumbu
panjang arah utara-selatan. Seluruh sisi dinding tiap lantainya diberikan
jendela dengan tinggi 1m dan SC 0,5. Atap datar beton bertulang. Konstruksi
fisik dinding bata merah !w = 0,89, cat kuning !p = 0,58, berat jenis " = 2400
kg/m3. Sedangkan atap dari slab beton dengan nilai U = 1,25 W/m2C, ! = 0,3,
dan berat per m2 = 310 kg. Apakah nilainya telah memenuhi standar 35 W/m2?
Jika belum, saran apa yang dapat anda ajukan agar OTTV mencapai nilai tsb?