Livestock Fencing Report 4.4.19

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Livestock Fencing in the Shenandoah

81% of Farms in VA’s Two Largest Agricultural Counties Fail to Fence
Cattle out of Streams, Contributing to Pollution

APRIL 4, 2019

Written and researched by Keene Kelderman, Mariah

Lamm, Namratha Sivakumar, Courtney Bernhardt,
and Tom Pelton of the Environmental Integrity


The Environmental Integrity Project

( is a nonpartisan,
nonprofit organization established in March of 2002 by
former EPA enforcement attorneys to advocate for effective
enforcement of environmental laws. EIP has three goals: 1)
to provide objective analyses of how the failure to enforce or
implement environmental laws increases pollution and
affects public health; 2) to hold federal and state agencies, as
well as individual corporations, accountable for failing to
enforce or comply with environmental laws; and
3) to help local communities obtain the protection of
environmental laws.


For questions about this report, please contact:

Tom Pelton, Environmental Integrity Project, (202) 888-

2703 or



Livestock Fencing in the Shenandoah Valley
Executive Summary

or many years, one of the most important, unanswered questions in the
Chesapeake Bay cleanup has been: To what extent are farmers actually
implementing pollution control practices, such as fencing cattle out of streams?
How often are farmers maintaining strips of grasses and trees as green filters along
waterways? These are the most cost-effective ways to reduce the nitrogen and
phosphorus pollution that are impairing the nation’s largest estuary, but not enough
information is collected about how often these strategies are employed.

Farmers claim (without evidence) that they are voluntarily installing these best management
practices far more often than they get credit for in the EPA’s computer modeling of
pollution reduction progress in the Chesapeake Bay. On the other hand, many
environmentalists contend there is not enough verification of farm runoff control efforts and
a lack of hard data showing how often these practices are actually installed and maintained
over time. The result is a gap between projections and reality, and sometimes bitter debates
about whether farmers are doing their fair share.
An important example
concerns fencing along
streams in pastures.
Although bay restoration
experts for decades have
agreed that fencing
livestock out of waterways
is an important way to
reduce nutrient, sediment
and bacterial pollution,
neither the EPA
Chesapeake Bay Program
nor any of the regional
states knows—or even
attempts to track—what
percentage of farmers
fence their cattle out of EIP’s examination of Google Earth imagery of Augusta County, Virginia,
waterways. Virginia’s revealed that only 19 percent (155 of 835) of livestock farms had fenced their
animals out of waterways. These cows are contributing manure and sediment to
official plan for reducing
the Middle River, a tributary to the Shenandoah in Augusta County.
pollution to meet the
limits in the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load directs the state to fence cattle
out of 95 percent of streams through farm pastures by 2025, just six years from now.1
However, officials with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation and EPA
say they do not know how close Virginia is to achieving this goal.2

To help clear up this question, the Environmental Integrity Project performed a research
project that utilized an objective source of information. Using highly detailed Google Earth
satellite images, combined with county tax maps and EPA’s computerized mapping of
streams, EIP’s team of data analysts calculated what percentage of farms in one of Virginia’s
biggest agricultural counties—Augusta County, in the Shenandoah Valley—fenced their
cattle out of streams on their property. Augusta County has about 95,000 beef cattle, the
second most of any county in Virginia, and fourth most in the bay watershed.3
EIP examined Google Earth aerial photographs taken in 2017 of 835 farms in Augusta
County with streams and livestock on them and found that 81 percent of the farms (680)
had not fenced their cattle out of all waterways on their properties. That means only 19
percent had followed this best management practice for the health of the rivers and
Chesapeake Bay.
In 2016, the nonprofit
Shenandoah Riverkeeper
organization performed a
similar survey in neighboring
Rockingham County (the
state’s largest agricultural
county, with 110,868 cattle).
This survey found that only
about 20 percent of the 841
farms with livestock and
streams fence their cows out
of the waterways. That
meant about 80 percent (or
675) of the county’s cattle
farms permitted the animals
to have unfettered access into
streams—allowing them to
Cows wade into the South River, a tributary to the Shenandoah, in Augusta deposit fecal bacteria and
County, Virginia. Most cattle farms in the county do not exclude their animals nutrients into the waterways.
from rivers and streams, contributing to bacteria and sediment pollution.
That’s a vast chasm between
reality and goals. Virginia’s goal of protecting 95 percent of farm streams from livestock is
far from the 19 percent execution by the farms in the state’s two largest agricultural
counties.4 The numbers provide a sobering reality check on the progress by farmers in the
Chesapeake Bay cleanup. More specifically, the data support a powerful argument for
increasing public funding to pay for farm fencing – and for Virginia to start requiring (or
providing tax incentives) for farmers to fence their cattle out of streams. In 2012, Maryland
imposed regulations that require farmers to exclude their cattle from streams; and that state
reimburses farmers 87.5 percent of the costs of installing fencing and alternative watering
devices, so cows aren’t forced to drink from streams. Virginia reimburses farmers at a lower
rate, 75 percent. Unfortunately, neither Maryland nor Virginia track how often farmers
follow this practice. So more monitoring and information is needed in all Bay region states
to determine what else needs to be undertaken by the agricultural sector.

Virginia should take the following steps to close the gap in its livestock fencing goals and
reduce pollution in the Chesapeake:
1) Virginia should start requiring farmers to install livestock fencing. If this proves politically
impossible, the Commonwealth and its counties should use tax incentives—creating a two-
tiered “use value” taxation structure—to convince farmers to fence their cattle out of
waterways and plant pollution-filtering strips of vegetation along streams, or face tax
penalties in the form of a reduction in their agricultural tax breaks.

2) The state should return

to its program of
reimbursing livestock
farmers 100 percent of
the cost of fencing
cattle out of waterways
and providing
alternative watering
systems, which was in
effect from 2012 to

3) To reduce the burden

of forcing farmers to
front the cost of
pollution reduction
projects, Virginia Cattle in Bell Creek in Augusta County, Virginia. To provide incentives to farmers to
keep their animals out of waterways, EIP recommends that the state and counties
should pay landowners should reduce real estate tax breaks for landowners who fail to install fences to reduce
50 percent of the cost pollution.
up front, and then the
remaining 50 percent when the projects are complete.

4) To encourage greater participation in the fencing program, Virginia and the U.S.
Department of Agriculture should allow greater flexibility in accepting what varieties of
fencing are acceptable.

5) Virginia should conduct or fund aerial photo surveys of streamside fencing compliance in all
heavily agricultural counties within the state. Without this detailed information, the state
will not know how far it has to go to achieve its own goals for water quality.

6) The Commonwealth should not move ahead with a proposal to eliminate streamside
fencing goals as part of its next Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan (the so-called “Phase 3
Watershed Implementation Plan” for the EPA’s Bay Total Maximum Daily Load). A
successful Bay cleanup plan will require more — not less — accountability and specific
targets, especially for the agricultural sector, the largest source of pollution in the

Because streamside livestock fences serve an important public good — reducing pollution in
the Shenandoah River and Chesapeake Bay — the public should pay for their construction,
even on private land. Farmers, however, need to accept their fair share of the burden and
implement requirements that keep their cattle away from streams and other waterways, or
else face tax penalties. As demonstrated by data from Google Earth aerial photography in
Virginia’s two largest agricultural counties, the purely voluntary system employed over the
last three decades has fallen far short and will not meet the 2025 targets of the Chesapeake
Bay cleanup. The current system needs an overhaul if Virginia is ever to restore the health of
the Shenandoah River and the nation’s largest estuary.

The Value of Livestock Fencing

Across the Chesapeake Bay watershed, there are more than 3.5 million livestock animals on
2.4 million acres of pasture, including beef cattle and dairy cows, horses, sheep and goats,
according to a report from the Chesapeake Bay Commission.5 Traditionally, many farmers
allowed their cattle to wade into streams running through their property because these
waterways provide free and convenient sources of drinking water and places to cool off
during hot weather. But for decades, scientists have known that this practice harms water
quality because cows churn up the banks, thus muddying the streams. Livestock also
defecate and urinate directly into the water, polluting it with fecal bacteria and nitrogen and
phosphorus pollution. The Bay Commission concluded: “The net result is significant
damage to hundreds of miles of streams and stream banks. Despite the upland location of
many smaller streams, the aggregated impact from livestock on all of these streams has been
documented as a major source of
nutrients, sediment and bacteria
to the Bay.” 6
In Virginia, 280 stream segments
in agricultural areas have so
much E-coli bacteria in them that
they have been officially
designated as “impaired” by the
state and EPA, and the
government agencies have
written cleanup plans for them
demanding reductions in feces
from cattle.7 Fencing cattle out of
streams can reduce erosion by
77 percent and phosphorus Fencing cattle out of streams often requires farmers to install alternative
watering devices like the one shown in this picture. To make the devices
pollution by 81 percent,
work, contractors often must extend plumbing or dig wells to provide
according to one Virginia study.8 water.
In addition to the ecological benefit of livestock fencing is an economic benefit to farmers.
Cattle owners who have installed fences along streams report increased survival of calves

born on their farms, because fewer calves can wade into rivers, resulting in drownings.
Fences also result in decreased leg injuries among cows, and overall improved herd health,
including from diseases caused by polluted water, such as foot rot, bacterial inflammation,
jaundice, fever, red nose, bovine virus diarrhea, tuberculosis and mastitis.9 Beef cattle that
drink clean water out of man-made watering devices instead of polluted streams gain up to
25 pounds in weight due to improved health, which translates to more profit for the
Despite these advantages, many cattle owners do not fence their animals out of waterways
because of the prohibitive cost of fencing and installing alternative watering systems, as well
as the time and money required to maintain and inspect fences. Some landowners also
express a reluctance to break from tradition, and have cultural and aesthetic preferences for
“clean-looking” (denuded) streambanks in pastures.

Virginia’s Program to Encourage Livestock Fencing

From 2012 to 2015, Virginia took steps forward to encourage livestock fencing by offering a
special program that provided farmers with 100 percent reimbursement for the costs of
installing fencing and alterative watering systems.11 These costs for farmers can run $3 per
foot of fencing or more, which can translate to thousands of dollars. About 2,500 farmers
took advantage of the program. But because of insufficient state funding, money for
Virginia’s 100 percent reimbursement program ran out after June 30, 2015, leaving a
backlog of 118 farmers who signed up during the enrollment period but are still seeking
funding.12 Since 2015, Virginia has been offering only 75 percent reimbursement to farmers
for the cost of streamside fending and other best management practices to reduce runoff
pollution (a lower reimbursement rate than neighboring Maryland provides).13 Virginia also
placed a cap on how much money farms could obtain for fencing.
In a Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan Virginia submitted to EPA in 2010, the state estimated
that only about 15 percent of the linear feet of streams running through pastures in the
Commonwealth were protected from cattle by fencing.14 Virginia promised the federal
agency that the state would protect 45 percent of pasture stream footage by 2017; and 95
percent by the deadline of 2025. (The state made this pledge in its Watershed
Implementation Plan to comply with the EPA’s “Total Maximum Daily Load” process for
reducing pollution in the Chesapeake by 2025.) Two years later, in 2012, Virginia submitted
a revised Bay cleanup plan to EPA that said that 11.6 million linear feet of fencing through
pastureland had been installed out of a goal of 114 million feet by 2025.15 However, Virginia
then failed to adequately track progress or monitor how many farms were actually installing
streamside fences – and fell far short of its goals.
By 2019, Virginia officials estimated that farmers had installed only about 22 million linear
feet of fencing on pastureland.16 That would mean the state was only about 19 percent
toward its goal for 2025, and less than half the way toward its target for 2017. However, in
an interview with EIP, Russ Baxter, Deputy Director of the Virginia Department of
Conservation and Recreation (VDCR), and Darryl Glover, Director of the agency’s

Division of Soil and Water Conservation, said that these estimates were incomplete and did
not include fencing installed by farmers without government funding. State regulators did
not attempt to track what percentage of farmers with livestock were installing fences, or how
far Virginia was actually toward meeting its Bay cleanup goals for fencing.17 When asked
why the state did not track this practice, James Martin-Davis, Chesapeake Bay Coordinator
for the Virginia Department of Environmental Conservation, said in an email: “It is not
possible to accurately quantify.”18 Russ Baxter of VDCR said: “It’s a manpower issue for
us. We are hamstrung on the personnel side.”19 Instead of trying to meet Virginia’s
ambitious 95 percent target for protecting streams, Baxter said the state, by April 9, 2019,
plans to release a new proposed Bay cleanup plan that has eliminated all specific livestock
fencing targets, replacing them (and other specific goals) with broader and more flexible
pollution reduction targets for certain geographic areas of the state, as determined by
computer modeling.20 “We are no longer aiming for that goal,” of protecting 95 percent of
streams, Baxter said. “That is not our goal anymore. It will be superseded by the strategies
in the plan we are outlining in April.” That new “Watershed Implementation Plan” for
Virginia (called a “Phase III WIP”) should be open for public comment for two months
starting in April, with a final plan issued by the state in August, 2019.21

Animal Agriculture in the Shenandoah Valley

In the southern Shenandoah Valley, Augusta County has a total of 1,085 farms with 94,783
cattle, according to the most recent available U.S. Department of Agriculture census data.22
(Not all of these cattle operations have streams flowing through them, which were the
subject of EIP’s analysis). The average farm with livestock has 87 cows. But there are also
216 farms in the county with between 100 and 499 head of cattle, and 28 operations with
more than 500 animals. Augusta County produces $232 million in agricultural commodities
annually, making it the second-largest agricultural economy in Virginia, behind only
Rockingham County, immediately to the north.23 Rockingham County has 1,902 farms with
112,747 cattle, and produces $659 million in agricultural products annually.24
In April 2017, the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) released a report documenting the
over-application of manure on farmland up and down the Shenandoah Valley.25 Livestock
in the valley produce 1.15 billion gallons of liquid cow manure and 820 million pounds of
poultry litter annually. The over application of this manure onto fields as fertilizer leads to
runoff of excess nutrients into the Shenandoah River and its tributaries, which triggers
chronic algal blooms. Although most of the manure is spread on local farm fields, only 12.5
percent of the 539,955 acres of farmland in the valley’s four central counties are covered by
“nutrient management plans” designed to discourage farmers from over-applying manure,
according to EIP’s review of the plans. Over half of the farm acres that are covered by plans
do not need any more phosphorus from manure in their soil, because they already have
enough. But on 82 percent of these saturated acres, the plans authorize the spreading of still
more waste—leading to more phosphorus runoff into waterways. A lack of livestock fencing
also allows cattle to defecate directly into streams and dislodge nutrient-laden sediment to
the waterways. As result, E. coli bacteria levels in many of the valley’s waterways are too

high for safe swimming or water contact recreation, although rafting and kayaking are
popular and lucrative industries in the valley.

Cows cooling off beneath a bridge over Whiskey Creek in Augusta County. Although scenic, such use of waterways
by livestock creates unhealthy bacteria levels downstream for people who want to swim or raft.

Analysis of Farm Fencing

In 2018, EIP conducted a pilot study to determine the extent of the problem of cattle
entering waterways. Our organization used the most recent available Google Earth aerial
photographs of farms in Augusta County (which were taken from January through October
of 2017) to determine how often farms with livestock are fencing the animals out of streams
on their properties. We counted farms with one or more locations where cattle could enter a
waterway (as shown by muddied banks, a lack of fence, and no green zone of vegetation
around a stream) as failing to fence their animals out of the waterway. (For a complete
discussion of methodology, see Appendix A). Overall, we identified 835 cattle farms in
Augusta County that had streams and found that 81 percent of the farms (680) had not
fenced their cattle out of all waterways on their properties, while only 19 percent (155) had.

Map of Streamside Fencing at Cattle Farms in Augusta
County, 2017

This map shows where cattle farms in Augusta County, VA have or have not fenced cattle out of streams, according
to an analysis of Google Earth imagery from 2017. Red triangles represent farms that have not fenced cattle out of
streams, while black triangles represent those that have. Red streams indicate waterways that are impaired because
of high bacteria levels, meaning they are unsafe for activities like wading, swimming, and kayaking.

The section of Augusta County with the most cattle farms is west of Staunton, in the Eidson
Creek/Upper Middle River subwatershed, which has 78 farms with both streams and cattle.
Sixty-four of these farms (or 82 percent) fail to fence their livestock out of all of the
waterways on their properties, according to EIP’s analysis of Google Earth images of the
farms. Surrounding these farms in this part of the county, portions of three streams—Middle
River, Back Creek, and Eidson Creek—have been designated by the state as officially
“impaired” by E. coli bacteria, meaning that they are so polluted they are not suitable for
swimming or other water contact recreation.26 Other parts of the county with large numbers
of stream miles impaired by bacteria also have high concentrations of farms that have failed
to fence their animals out of waterways, according to the aerial photography of the county. 27
For example, the Folly Mills Creek/Christians Creek subwatershed south of Staunton has
three streams impaired by bacteria and 68 farms that have failed to fence their animals out

of the waterways on their properties. Likewise, northeast of Staunton, the Broad
Run/Middle River subwatershed has two streams impaired by fecal bacteria and 47 farms
that have failed to fence their cattle out of waterways. By contrast, in the Hamilton Branch,
Chair Draft and Ramsey’s Draft subwatersheds in the far western part of the county, there
are no streams impaired by bacteria and also very few livestock farms that allow their
animals into waterways. This suggests there is a correlation between parts of the county
with fewer livestock in streams and better water quality.

Map of Streamside Fencing by Subwatershed, 2017

This map shows Augusta County subwatersheds that have the highest number of cattle farms that lack livestock stream
fencing (dark red). The red colored streams are impaired with fecal bacteria, meaning they are not safe for swimming or
water-contact recreation. The yellow highlighted streams still need clean up plans (TMDLs).

Streamside Fencing by Subwatershed in Augusta County, 2017

Farms with Percent of Farms

Cattle Farms
Subwatershed Cattle in with Cattle in
with Streams
Streams Streams
Folly Mills Creek - Christians Creek 78 68 87
Eidson Creek - Middle River 78 64 82
Broad Run - Middle River 57 47 82
Barterbrook Branch - Christians Creek 49 44 90
Stony Run - South River 52 41 79
Long Glade Creek 39 37 95
Thorny Branch - North River 49 35 71
North Fork Naked Creek 51 34 67
Meadow Run 37 32 86
Falling Spring Run - South Run 25 24 96
Porterfield Run - South River 28 23 82
Hays Creek 34 23 68
Canada Run - South River 23 22 96
Moffet Creek 27 22 81
Mossy Creek 28 21 75
Jennings Branch 18 16 89
Pleasant Run - North River 17 15 88
Bell Creek - Middle River 19 13 68
Lewis Creek 13 12 92
Walker Creek 13 12 92
Paine Run - South River 19 12 63
Upper Little Calfpasture Run 14 11 79
Holloway Draft - Calfpasture River 12 10 83
Lower Little Calfpasture River 10 9 90
Fridley Branch - Calpasture River 9 8 89
Inch Branch - Back Creek 9 7 78
Upper South River 10 7 70
Buffalo Branch - Middle River 10 5 50
Hamilton Branch 5 4 80
Chair Draft - Calfpasture River 1 1 100
Ramseys Draft 1 1 100
Total 835 680 81

Unhealthy Bacteria Levels in Augusta County Waterways
EIP examined water quality monitoring data for the Shenandoah River and its tributaries
collected by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality between January 2017 and
June 2018. We found that 85 percent (12 of 14) of monitoring locations on streams and
rivers in Augusta County during this period had levels of E-coli bacteria that would make
them unsafe for swimming or other water-contact recreation.28 Virginia advises avoiding
water contact in freshwater that exceeds 235 colony forming units (CFU) of E. coli per
100/mL of water more than 10 percent of the time, because the bacteria is often an indicator
of fecal pathogens that can cause stomach and intestinal illnesses in children and adults who
accidentally swallow water. The most frequent exceedances in Augusta County were in
Christians Creek, south of Staunton, where 67 percent (4 of 6) of samples exceeded the
state’s threshold, and the reading from June 2018 was 426 CFU/100 ml. Some of the
highest bacteria levels in 2018 were on Middle River west of Staunton, where the reading in
June was 1,391 CFU/100ml (almost 14 times the standard). Almost 60 percent (10 of 17) of
the samples at this location over the 18 months examined exceeded the safe level of bacteria.

The findings for bacteria levels Augusta County were similar to those throughout the
Shenandoah Valley, water quality monitoring data indicate. Across the valley’s four central
counties, E. coli bacteria levels were above safe levels for swimming at 83 percent of 48
monitoring locations examined from January 2017 through June 2018. Despite the
exceedances—and the frequency of kayaking, rafting, and other water contact recreation in
the Shenandoah—Virginia officials do not issue warnings when bacteria levels spike in the
valley. This lack of warning is unlike at swimming beaches on the state’s Atlantic Coast,
where local officials regularly warn swimmers with signs and health advisories.

Reactions from the Farm Bureau and USDA

EIP shared the results of our study with the Augusta
County Farm Bureau and the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS). NRCS works to encourage streamside fencing in
the Shenandoah Valley.
Bradley Dunsmore, a rancher and President of the Board
of the Augusta County Farm Bureau, said that EIP’s
methods and research are valuable because nobody else
has attempted an objective survey of how often farmers are
actually employing “best management practices” such as
fencing cattle out of streams.29 He said farmers often feel
that federal and state governments don’t give them enough
Bradley Dunsmore, President of the
credit for installing fencing and planting rows of trees Board of the Augusta County Farm
along streams. This is because government agencies only Bureau, said that EIP’s examination
count the practices when taxpayers help to pay for them, of livestock fencing was valuable
leaving a paper trail. In reality, he said, some farmers have because there has been a lack of good
long installed fences and planted trees along streams data on the practice.

without any government incentives. Dunsmore suggested that the EPA’s computer
modelling of progress in the Chesapeake Bay cleanup should reflect all efforts by farmers
toward meeting pollution reduction targets for 2025 in the bay cleanup plan (also known as
the TMDL), not just those bankrolled by taxpayers and therefore listed in official records.
“I absolutely think it’s valuable,” Dunsmore said of EIP’s aerial survey of livestock fencing.
“Because we’ve noticed there are some problems with the overall Chesapeake Bay model, as
far as the TMDL and the Bay cleanup getting all of the information into that model.
Anybody in the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, in the governor’s
administration, or the soil and water conservation districts, will admit there is a real issue
with getting accurate data on this issue.”
Robert Drumheller, a soil conservationist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s
Natural Resources Conservation Service who works to promote streamside fencing in
Augusta County, said EIP’s 19 percent compliance figure is in line with USDA’s rough
estimates, although he noted that government agency had never attempted a similar aerial
survey of farm fencing.30 “I’d say that’s pretty accurate,” Drumheller said of EIP’s numbers.
“When my former supervisor was here, we did a study on how much work we were doing
per year, and we figured we were getting about 1 percent of the streams fenced per year.
That’s been roughly 20 years ago, so your number fits in right with that estimate.”
If farmers in Augusta County continue installing livestock fencing at the current pace under
the existing voluntary program, it could take until the year 2096 for all farms in the county
to protect their waterways from the bacteria and nutrients produced by cattle—seven
decades after Virginia’s 2025 target.
Dunsmore said he has fenced
his 80 beef cattle out of
streams on the 120 acres of
farmland he owns in the
northern part of Augusta
County. He said he was a bit
surprised by EIP’s conclusion
that so few of his neighboring
farmers are following the
practice. “I would have
thought it would have been a
little higher—probably in the
one-third range,” Dunsmore
said. “I would not have
expected it to be a half or three Robert Drumheller, cattle farmer and soil conservationist with USDA, said
quarters or anything like that. that EIP’s conclusions about a need for more streamside fencing are in line
Streamside fencing is with his agency’s estimates, although USDA has never performed a survey
something that more farmers of the practice.
are adopting over time. But
there are some limitations to the practice, in terms of what’s practical and what’s feasible;
and there are some logistical limitations for farmers.”

The costs of installing streamside fencing can be considerable, he noted, especially when the
expense of building alternative watering systems for cattle is included. If cows can’t drink
from a stream, the installation of such watering devices is necessary for cattle to survive.
The devices include plastic basins for holding water, plumbing extensions, and sometimes
the digging of new wells. The cost of installing such systems for the Dunsmore farm was
$35,000. The family had to front 100 percent of the expense before being reimbursed for 80
percent of that money by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Virginia. That meant that
the Dunsmore family still had to pay $7,000 out of their own pocket to fence their 80 cattle
out of the streams on their property. “Cost is absolutely one of the biggest barriers, as well
as the overall structure of the program. Farmers have to have everything done first, and it’s
got to be approved before any of that money comes back. That’s a substantial barrier for
farmers. Certainly, if some of the projects could be funded on the front end, I think that that
would be a major help to these farmers.”
Also an encouragement for farmers, Dunsmore added, would be a state or federal program
that would help pay for the replacement or repair of streamside fencing destroyed by the
Shenandoah River’s frequent flooding. The government could also assist farmers by
allowing flexibility in its definition of what types of fencing should qualify for cost-share
grants. Although government programs typically require multi-strand barbed wire or electric
fences, Dunsmore said a single strand of electrified high-tensile steel wire works just as well,
costs half as much, and is less likely to be swept away by floodwaters. It’s also easier to
replace after a flood. Dunsmore said most Virginia farmers would strongly oppose any
proposed mandates for livestock exclusion, such as those imposed by Maryland in 2012. “I
know the livestock producers, and if you start coming onto farms and telling people, ‘You
have to do this, and you have to do that,’ on private property, that’s not going to be a very
popular thing for those folks to hear,” Dunsmore said.
However, the evidence gathered through EIP’s aerial survey—documenting that almost 80
percent of farmers are still not fencing their cattle out of streams two decades after the
government started offering voluntary financial incentives—suggest that such a move
toward a requirement might be necessary.

An Example of Livestock Fencing on a Family Farm
Bobby Whitescarver, a
cattle farmer in the
Shenandoah Valley, strode
through a pasture to the
edge of a murky stream
that snaked its way
through the rolling
landscape that has been in
his wife’s family since
“That flows into the south
fork of the Shenandoah
River, and when it floods,
this whole area is
underwater,” Whitescarver
explained. Bobby Whitescarver (left) and his wife Jeanne Hoffman stand beside a livestock
fence on her family’s farm in Swoope, Virginia. He works to promote streamside
Although the river is fencing and forested buffers as practices that clean rivers and improve cattle health.
scenic and historic, his
family never swims in it
because of extremely high fecal bacteria levels. The E. coli is deposited into the water by the
herds of cattle that wade into it upstream from his farm in Augusta County.
“I sample the water for bacteria just 200 yards upstream from here and it has consistently
over 1,000 colony forming units of E. coli per 100 ml of water,” Whitescarver said. “A
thousand! That’s nearly four times the swimming standard of 235 (CFU/100 ml). So you
wouldn’t want to put your hands in the water and then put them in your mouth or rub your
eyes, or you could get something.”
A James Madison University researcher worked with the Virginia Department of
Conservation and Recreation to perform genetic testing on the bacteria, and found that 94
percent of the bacteria was, in fact, coming from livestock.31 The findings on the farm where
Whitescarver lives and works (which is owned by his wife, Jeanne Hoffman) were even
higher than the average bacteria levels found by EIP when it examined state water quality
monitoring data across the Shenandoah Valley.32
Nearby on the Hoffman farm, a workman with a wrench knelt and tightened a wire on an
additional stretch of fencing he was installing to keep cattle out of the waterway.

“It’s important to install fencing,
because cattle will totally destroy a
stream,” Whitescarver said. “You
know, the average cow is about 1,100
pounds, and she’s got cloven hooves.
When she climbs up the side of the
streambank, it tears the soil off, and
that soil gets in the water. Soil in the
water absolutely kills the macro
invertebrates, because they’ve got
external gills. So you’re going to
destroy the aquatic ecosystem by
having sediment in the water. And the
cows also defecate and urinate in the
water, which is full of pathogens and
Fencing contractor Jake Wilson installs additional fencing on the nutrients.”
Hoffman/Whitescarver property to keep their cattle out of the South
Fork of the Shenandoah River.
Whitescarver, 63, has been working to convince his neighbors and farmers across the
commonwealth to install streamside fencing since 1998, when government programs began
to offer incentives to landowners to encourage the practice. In addition to farming, he also
runs a consulting business out of an 1817-era farmhouse in Swoope, Virginia, called
Whitescarver Natural Resources Management, LLC. The company advises farmers on ways
to install best management practices to reduce water pollution with partial government
funding, such as planting rows of trees as natural filters along streams and building
alternative watering devices so cows don’t need to wade into creeks to drink.
Over the last two decades, Whitescarver said he has helped hundreds of farmers across
Virginia install a combined 600 miles of livestock fencing to exclude cattle from waterways.
He’s worked tirelessly to try to convince his neighbors—and others—to follow this practice.
But he’s frustrated because he’s had only limited success.
His part of Augusta County—west of Staunton, in the Eidson Creek/Upper Middle River
subwatershed—contains the highest concentration of farms lacking livestock fencing in the
whole county. Seventy-eight farms in his area have both cattle and streams, but only 14 of
them fence their cattle out of the waterways, while 64 others allow their animals into the
That means that Whitescarver’s years of preaching have been successful in convincing only
18 percent of his own neighbors to follow this best management practice. This is in part because
what he’s advocating is entirely voluntary. For this reason, Whitescarver said he is now an
advocate of imposing tax consequences to nudge farmers to act.
The idea he’s promoting is this: Virginia and its counties should create a two-tiered land-use
tax system, with one very low tax rate (or none at all) for farmers who have implemented a
state-approved resource management plan that would include streamside fencing, and
higher taxes for farmers who choose to continue with the status quo and do nothing to

reduce runoff pollution. Farmers currently receive a huge tax break on pasture and cropland
and pay a very modest tax on valuable property that doesn’t require much in community
“We have so many ‘property rights’ farmers. They are just not going to do it (install
livestock fencing) unless there is some kind of a penalty,” Whitescarver said. “The next step
is to change local land-use taxes so polluting farmers don’t get the big tax break they receive
today. We need to incentivize good behavior.”
His wife, Jeanne Hoffman, is from a family that has raised cattle and farmed the land since
before the American Revolution. She is also an advocate of fencing because the practice
improves not only water quality, but the cattle’s health. Cows can contract a variety of
diseases by drinking out of streams swarming with viruses and bacteria from their own
“Fencing saves you sickness and death in your cattle, and it saves you on veterinary bills,”
Hoffman said. “Cattle inevitably will go to a creek to calve, and then the baby is in the
water, and so it has a tendency to get sick or drown or die. It is just easier all the way
around—for the cattle and the farmers—if you fence the cattle out.”
The barriers to convincing farmers to install streamside fencing include not only installation
costs, but also the time and labor required to continually inspect, maintain, and replace
fencing and watering systems in valleys that are often ravaged by flooding.
Beyond those economic considerations are cultural and aesthetic issues. Many landowners
in the Valley grew up seeing bald streambanks in the pastures near their homes as more
attractive and desirable. Folks have a perception that denuded streambanks look less
“messy” than trees and bushes because they were taught to cut away this brush as children.
In some cases, even 100 percent government reimbursement for installing fences might not
be enough to convince farmers to change, because these landowners are opposed to fences
for reasons that are not entirely financial, but based on tradition, emotion, and aesthetics.
“People are resistant to change,” said Whitescarver. “They’ve always done it this way, so
why do it differently? They don’t like the idea of government intrusion. So we’ve got to do a
better job of selling the program from the farmer’s perspective. What additional incentives
can we put in the program to help the farmer?”

Conclusion and Recommendations

It is, perhaps, not a surprise that the Environmental Integrity Project’s examination of aerial
photographs of farms in Augusta County, and state maps showing which streams in the
county are impaired by fecal bacteria, suggest that there is a correlation between this
pollution and failing to fence cattle out of waterways. This is why water quality experts, for
decades, have been arguing that excluding livestock from streams is a “best management
practice” for cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. This is why Virginia set a
goal as part of its official cleanup plan submitted to EPA for restoring the Chesapeake of

protecting 95 percent of stream footage on farms with livestock fencing. The clear evidence
of the benefit of livestock exclusion is also the reason that most states and the federal
government have been offering voluntary programs to help farmers pay for the cost of fences
and alternative cattle watering systems.
What is surprising, given the universal acknowledgement of the value of livestock fencing, is
that neither Virginia nor any of the Bay region states, or the EPA, even attempt to track
what percentage of farmers actually follow this “best management practice.” Without
information about exactly how often, and where, this pollution control strategy is being
employed, state and federal regulators lack a rationale for investing more funding to
encourage this practice, or to impose requirements for fencing. This is where EIP’s research,
using objective aerial photography, fills an important gap, because it demonstrates,
conclusively, that the voluntary programs currently being employed to encourage fencing
are falling far short of Virginia’s own goals. In Augusta County, the Commonwealth’s
second-largest agricultural area, 81 percent of the 835 livestock farms with streams fail to
fence their animals out of the waterways, according to EIP’s analysis. Just north, in
Rockingham County, Virginia’s biggest farming jurisdiction, another aerial survey by
Shenandoah Riverkeeper in 2016 reached a similar conclusion, with 80 percent of the 841
livestock farms failing to exclude the animals from all of the streams and rivers on their
property. Clearly, Virginia is not on a pace to reach its goal of 95 percent adoption within
six years.
For decades, federal and state agencies have thrown money at this problem by offering more
grants to help farmer pay for streamside fencing. For years, the farm lobby has asserted that
farmers are doing their part to clean up the bay. Clearly, more needs to be done. The
evidence shows that the conventional strategy of how to encourage change among farmers –
through voluntary programs and partial government funding – has not worked and needs to
be replaced with fresh thinking. The Environmental Integrity Project recommends:
1) Virginia and its counties should start requiring streamside fencing. If this proves
politically impossible, the Commonwealth and its counties should use tax incentives—
creating a two-tiered “use value” taxation structure—to convince farmers to fence their
cattle out of waterways and plant pollution-filtering strips of vegetation along streams, or
face tax penalties in the form of a reduction in their agricultural tax breaks.

2) The Virginia General Assembly should return to its program of paying 100 percent of
the cost for livestock farmers to fence their cattle out of waterways and provide
alternative watering systems.

3) To reduce the financial
burden for farmers of
having to “front” the cost
of fencing projects, and
then later apply for
reimbursement, Virginia
should pay landowners 50
percent of the costs up
front, and then the
remaining 50 percent
when the projects are

Because recreation on the Shenandoah River is so important for Virginia’s

4) To encourage greater economy and culture, Virginia and its counties should create real estate tax
participation in the fencing incentives for farmers to fence their cattle out of waterways. Stronger
program, Virginia and the incentives are needed to reduce the unhealthy levels of fecal bacteria often
U.S. Department of found in the river.
Agriculture should allow
greater flexibility in accepting what varieties of fencing are acceptable.

5) Virginia should conduct or fund aerial surveys of streamside fencing compliance in all
heavily agricultural counties of the Commonwealth. Without this accurate information,
the state will not know where and how to accurately target financial incentives and
penalties to encourage reductions in agricultural pollution.

6) The Commonwealth should not move ahead with a proposal to eliminate numeric
streamside fencing goals as part of its next Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan (the so-called
“Phase 3 Watershed Implementation Plan” for the EPA’s Bay Total Maximum Daily
Load). A successful bay cleanup plan will require more – not less -- accountability and
specific targets, especially for the agricultural sector, the largest source of pollution in the
The aerial photographic evidence examined by the Environmental Integrity Project – as well
as data supplied by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, in response to our
information request33 – prove that Virginia is falling woefully short of meeting its livestock
fencing goals that were an important part of the state’s Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan for
2025. But now Commonweath officials are proposing to change the goals in their bay
cleanup plan, so that it is not readily apparent that they are failing to meet their objectives.
In the process, the state is rewarding farmers who dug in their heels and said no to following
best management practices for cleaning up local waterways and the bay. In effect, by
eliminating this goal, Virginia is punishing farmers who did the right thing by investing in
streamside fencing years ago and by shouldering the responsibility and cost of maintaining
those fences. This sets a bad precedent by suggesting that the best approach for landowners
is to simply wait the government out when it comes to employing pollution control

There is no question that fencing livestock out of streams requires a cultural shift and some
sacrifice for Shenandoah Valley farmers. However, through a lack of action, the livestock
industry in the valley has already sacrificed something even more important: The precious
natural resource of the Shenandoah River and its tributaries, which are often so laden with
fecal bacteria in certain areas that Virginia’s families can’t safely use them for the canoeing,
tubing, and swimming that are treasured Shenandoah River traditions. That needs to
change, for everyone’s benefit.
Cleaner water and an improved quality of life are well worth the investment.

Appendix A: Methodology
To study the implementation of livestock exclusion practices in Augusta County, Virginia,
the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) examined several years of Google Earth image
data. EIP determined the locations of farms using a common sense definition of “cattle
farm,” identifying pastures with cows and cattle trails in them and the surrounding clusters
of barns and farm buildings (see caveats below). We also referred to county tax maps as a
reference. If we noticed a cattle trail spanning two separately owned properties, we assumed
that the same herd grazed on both properties. We also used a common sense definition of a
stream, using the U.S. Geological Services National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) and
historic leaf-off/wet season imagery as a guide.

Data sources:
1. Aerial imagery. We used the most recent aerial imagery available from Google Earth,
along with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agriculture Imagery
Program (NAIP) to identify cattle farms, pastures, fencing, and stream intrusion points.
Historical aerial imagery in Google Earth was used to verify stream locations, especially for
intermittent or smaller stream reaches.
2. Stream locations and watershed boundaries. We used the most recent version of EPA’s
Watershed Assessment, Tracking and Environmental Results System (WATERS) dataset,
along with U.S. Geological Survey’s National Hydrography (NHDplus) and Watershed
Boundary Datasets (WBD) to identify waterways and watershed boundaries.
3. Tax maps. To assist in the identification of farms under common ownership and parcel
boundaries, EIP used Augusta County's most recent tax map address and parcel viewer.34

Project Setup:
EIP research analysts were trained by Alan Lehman, agricultural policy analyst with the
Shenandoah Riverkeeper, to identify cattle on Google Earth images, along with cattle
intrusion areas, cattle tracks on the landscape, farm structures (barns, manure storage,
watering devices, etc) that are often present at beef and dairy farms, streams, rivers, ponds,
fencing, vegetative buffers, and cattle intrusion areas.
Waterway locations and sub-watershed boundaries listed above was imported into Google
Earth Pro. Data conversions (i.e. shapefile to KML or KMZ) were performed using ArcGIS
Desktop. Small subwatershed (HUC 12) boundaries were used to parse our analysis into
manageable tasks. Data in Google Earth were organized in folders for each subwatershed
and aggregated by county at the end of the analysis.

We created a point data layer in Google Earth for each HUC 12 subwatershed. This data
layer identified cattle and dairy farms, which we coded by the following: a) whether or not
the farm does or does not have stream access, or whether stream access is uncertain, and b)
if it does have stream access, whether cattle are or are not excluded from waterways, or

whether exclusion is uncertain. Farm points were numbered, and no individual farmers’
names or farm names were used. Farms with both cattle and streams, where any of the
animals had access to the streams—as indicated by brown and trampled streambanks and a
lack of fences—were counted as farms that failed to exclude their livestock from waterways.
Once all subwatersheds in a county were processed, we combined the resulting files into a
single county-level file for Augusta County.
The aerial images from Google Earth, below, show examples of farms that do and do not
use streamside fencing to keep cattle out of waterways.

This Google Earth image depicts a farm that does not fence cattle out of streams. Cattle trails (thin brown lines through
pasture) lead to “denuded” areas (circled yellow) where cattle have eroded the banks of Back Creek, in the Eidson Creek-
Middle River subwatershed. The fact that vegetation is a consistent texture and color from the pasture down to the stream
also demonstrates that the farm does not have fencing to keep cattle out of the waterway.

This Google Earth image depicts a farm that fences cattle out streams. The fence runs along the west bank of Back Creek
in the Eidson Creek-Middle River subwatershed. There is an observable difference in vegetation on the pasture versus
along the stream. The rougher green vegetation along the stream is protected from cattle and serves as a buffer zone that
captures nutrients and bacteria from runoff before it enters the creek.

Data Validation:
Each watershed was reviewed twice: once to mark all farms and initially code results, and
again to check and confirm those results. These tasks were carried out by different analysts
to control for observational differences. After EIP’s analysis of the Google Earth images was
complete, we gave the dataset to Alan Lehman, agricultural policy analyst for the
Shenandoah Riverkeeper, who then used his personal observations and field visits to
confirm our conclusions about 25 of the farms.

Caveats and Challenges:
First, definitions of a “stream” vary between farmers, the state government, and EPA. EIP
used a common sense definition of a stream, meaning a geological feature, obvious from
satellite imagery, with a defined path and banks. Some of the streams identified by EIP may
qualify as “intermittent” or “ephemeral” streams under the EPA’s definitions of the terms,
meaning waterways that only flow in the spring or after rain. Not all of these streams
identified by EIP are mapped in the USGS’ NHD dataset. Second, EIP also used common
sense definitions of “farms,” meaning a cluster of pastures around a barn and farmhouse
and related structures. In some cases, a farmer may own more than one farm, and lease land
at other locations around the state. This scattered management would not be reflected in
EIP’s analysis, which looks only at visually-identifiable farm units, not legal ownership by
different people. Third, in some cases, fencing and stream intrusion areas may not all be
visible due to tree cover. In an attempt to compensate for this, we used multiple years of
images, including images in the winter when there are no leaves on the trees. Fourth, in
some cases, there was some uncertainty in differentiating, via photographs, cattle vs. other
livestock like mules, horses, and sheep. Finally, our analysis was limited to the latest year
for which aerial imagery was available. In most of Augusta County, this was October 2017.
In some cases, we also looked at historic images dating back to 2008 to verify if streams

Commonwealth of Virginia Chesapeake Bay TMDL Phase I Watershed Implementation Plan, Nov. 29,
2010. The goal for 2025 is expressed as 95 percent of linear feet of streams on farms protected by fencing.
Telephone interview with Russ Baxter, Deputy Director of the Virginia Department of Conservation and
Recreation, on January 30, 2019. On January 29, EPA Press Officer David Sternberg responded to an
emailed question on the subject by referring the inquiry to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality,
which forwarded the question to Baxter.
USDA agricultural census for Augusta County, Virginia, available at:
EIP is aware that VDEQ’s metric (percent of linear feet of streams on livestock farms) and EIP’s metric
(percentage of livestock farms with fencing along streams) are slightly different. However, EIP’s overall
conclusion – that only about 19 percent of farms in Augusta and Rockingham counties are installing fences – is
similar to, and logically consistent with, VDEQ’s own limited data, which suggest that approximately 19
percent of linear feet of streams on farms were protected with fences in 2018 (although this may not include
some privately-funded fences). Moreover, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resource
Conservation’s rough estimate (20 percent) was also similar to both EIP’s conclusion and VDEQ’s numbers.
Chesapeake Bay Commission report, “Healthy Livestock, Healthy Streams,” May 2015. Link:,%20Healthy%20Streams.pdf
Chesapeake Bay Foundation, “2017 Virginia Midpoint Assessment: Is Virginia on track to meet its 2025
pollution-reduction commitments?” May 30, 2018. Link:
Telephone interview with Russ Baxter, Deputy Director of the Virginia Department of Conservation and
Recreation, and Darryl Glover, Division Director for Soil and Water, on January 30, 2019.
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, “Program Year 2019 Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share
BMP Manual.” Link:
Virginia’s “Phase I Watershed Implementation Plan” for the EPA Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily
Load (TMDL), November 29, 2010. Link:
Virginia’s “Phase II Watershed Implementation Plan” for the EPA Chesapeake Bay “Total Maximum Daily
Load,” March 30, 2012. Link:
Interview with Russ Baxter, Deputy Director of the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation,
and Darryl Glover, Division Director for Soil and Water, on January 30, 2019. Also, email from James
Davis-Martin, Chesapeake Bay Coordinator for Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, on Feb. 5,
Email from James Davis-Martin, Chesapeake Bay Coordinator for Virginia Department of Environmental
Quality, on Feb. 5, 2019.
Interview with Russ Baxter, Deputy Director of the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation,
and Darryl Glover, Division Director for Soil and Water, on January 30, 2019
U.S. Department of Agriculture census data from 2012.

USDA agricultural census for Augusta County, Virginia, available at:
Ibid, from 2012 USDA Agricultural Census.
Environmental Integrity Project, “Water Pollution from Livestock in the Shenandoah Valley,” April 26,
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, “Fecal Bacteria and General Standard Total
Maximum Daily Load Development for the Middle River and Upper South River Watersheds,” April 2014.
In this discussion, we are using the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality’s 2016 listings of
impaired waterways, as approved by EPA on March 6, 2018. This does not include some segments that the
state has proposed for de-listing (or re-listing) that have not yet been approved by EPA. Link:
Environmental Integrity Project, “Virginia Monitoring Data Show Shenandoah Valley Waters Remain
Bacteria Hotspot,”
August 30, 2018. Link:
Interview with Bradley Dunsmore, President of the Board of the Augusta County Farm Bureau, on
December 6. 2018.
Interview with Robert Drumheller, soil conservationist with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural
Resources Conservation Service, on December 6. 2018.
Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, “Fecal Bacteria and General Standard Total
Maximum Daily Load Development For Impaired Streams in the Middle River and Upper South River
Watersheds, Augusta County, VA,” April 28, 2004. See page C-9. Link:
Environmental Integrity Project reports, “Virginia Monitoring Data Show Shenandoah Valley Waters
Remain Bacteria Hotspot,” August 30, 2018. Link:
monitoring-data-show-shenandoah-valley-waters-remain-bacteria-hotspot/. And EIP report, “Water Pollution
from Livestock in the Shenandoah Valley,” April 26, 2017. Link:
Email from James Davis-Martin, Chesapeake Bay Coordinator for Virginia Department of Environmental
Quality, on Feb. 5, 2019.
Augusta County tax map viewer, available at:


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