Journal of Water Process Engineering: Kazuo Kondo, Masashi Umetsu, Michiaki Matsumoto
Journal of Water Process Engineering: Kazuo Kondo, Masashi Umetsu, Michiaki Matsumoto
Journal of Water Process Engineering: Kazuo Kondo, Masashi Umetsu, Michiaki Matsumoto
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The adsorption and separation of gadolinium and dysprosium from aqueous solution were conducted
Received 15 January 2015 using microcapsules containing a metal extractant, dibenzoylmethane as an extractant. The spherical
Received in revised form 2 June 2015 microcapsules with an average diameter of 196 m were prepared through encapsulation of the extrac-
Accepted 11 June 2015
tant by in situ radical polymerization of divinylbenzene. The results for adsorption equilibrium of each
Available online 20 July 2015
metal were applied to the Langmuir adsorption isotherm model to explain the experimental results. The
extent of metal adsorbed on the microcapsules increased as the pH of the metal solution increased. In
a binary system of gadolinium and dysprosium, only dysprosium was adsorbed on the microcapsules at
pH 6.0; this shows that the separation of these metals can be achieved at pH 6.0. The adsorption rate of
Microcapsule the metals was also measured, which indicated that the metal complex formation reaction and the diffu-
Rare earth metal sion of the metal complex through the pores of the microcapsules contributed to the overall adsorption
Extractant process of the metals.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction amount of reagent [2], the formation of secondary phases, and the
difficulty of back extraction.
In recent years, several metals have been in great demand for For the last several decades, alternative solvent extraction tech-
various fundamental materials. In particular, rare earth metals play niques for the recovery of metals from dilute solutions have been
very important roles as components in light emissive material, per- developed. Supported liquid membranes [3], emulsion liquid mem-
manent magnets, and catalysts. Most demands for gadolinium and branes [4], solvent impregnated resins [5], and microcapsules
dysprosium are as contrast media for examinations of MRI and opti- (hereafter, MC) containing a metal extractant [6] are typical exam-
cal magnetic disks, respectively. However, rare earth metals and ples. Among these techniques, we have investigated microcapsules
some other valuable metals can not be obtained as raw materials for the recovery and separation of rare metals and lanthanides [7,8].
in Japan. Therefore, it has become more important to recover such The metals are extracted by the microcapsules to achieve quite
valuable metals from waste materials. high loadings and they can be easily back-extracted with an acidic
The increase in the industrial demand for rare earth metals will solution.
result in an increased need for their recycling. Dilute aqueous solu- We now propose the use of microcapsules as a new alter-
tions containing such metals can be obtained from industrial waste native technological method for the recovery and separation of
treatment processes. Therefore, it is important to develop technolo- rare earth metals. The use of polymeric materials that contain a
gies for the recovery and separation of rare earth metals from such selective extractant offers some advantage over the use of sol-
dilute solutions. vent extraction techniques [9–12]. In the work reported so far,
Solvent extraction methods have generally been used for the the extractants impregnated in microcapsules are limited to acidic
recovery of metals from dilute solutions [1]. However, the separa- organophosphorus compounds or long-chain alkyl amines. The
tion of aqueous and organic phases after extraction is often difficult author previously carried out the extraction of copper with diben-
with this method. Moreover, the conventional solvent extraction zoylmethane as an extractant [13]. In this study, the adsorption
technique has some disadvantages, such as the use of a large equilibrium of gadolinium and dysprosium was measured using
the microcapsules containing dibenzoylmethane and the adsorp-
tion rate of the metals was also measured to clarify the extraction
mechanism as well as study this industrial application.
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K. Kondo).
2214-7144/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
238 K. Kondo et al. / Journal of Water Process Engineering 7 (2015) 237–243
qmax K and C eq
qeq = (6)
1 + K and C eq
Table 2
Langmuir parameters determined for the metal.
Gd 1.06 0.441
Dy 11.40 0.436
where K [dm3 /mmol] and qmax [mmol/g] are the apparent adsorp-
tion equilibrium constant and the maximum amount of metal
adsorbed, respectively, and Ceq [mmol/dm3 ] is the metal concen-
tration at equilibrium.
A linearized plot of 1/qeq versus 1/Ceq is shown in Fig. 8 for Gd
and Dy. The parameters qmax and K were calculated from the slopes
and the intercepts of each straight line. The values of the Langmuir
parameters are listed in Table 2.
As it can be seen from Table 2 and Fig. 8, the experimental
Fig. 5. Relationship between extent of metal adsorbed and equilibrium pH (binary data were well correlated by the Langmuir adsorption equilibrium
metal system). model. Moreover, the Langmuir constant K of Dy adsorption is
K. Kondo et al. / Journal of Water Process Engineering 7 (2015) 237–243 241
larger than that of Gd; this tendency was seen also in the solvent The following relation holds between the initial metal adsorp-
extraction. These results show that Dy has higher affinity to DBM tion rate, R0,MC , and temperature T, using Arrhenius equation:
than Gd. dq (t) Ea 1
InR0 ∝ In |t = 0 ∝ − (9)
dt R T
3.4. Metal adsorption rate
where Ea [J/(K mol)] is the apparent activate energy and R is the gas
3.4.1. Effect of temperature on the metal adsorption rate constant.
The relationship between the amount of metal adsorbed and From Figs. 9 and 10, ln (dq/dt) was calculated and the relation-
adsorption time is shown in Figs. 9 and 10, for Gd and Dy, respec- ship between ln (dq/dt) and (1/T) is shown in Fig. 11. From the figure,
tively. The initial rate of metal adsorption onto the MC, R0,MC , was the apparent activation energy, Ea, was calculated and the values
calculated by Eq. (8) using the experimental results [14,15]: are listed in Table 3.
Metal ion adsorption onto the MC is considered to consist of
w dq (t) three steps as follows.
R0 = |t = 0 (8)
AMC dt
1. Diffusion of metal ion to the MC through the boundary film sur-
where AMC [m2 ] is the effective surface area of the MC, w [g] is
rounding the MC.
the weight of MC, and q(t) is the amount of metal adsorbed onto
2. Complex formation reaction between DBM and metal ion.
the MC. Here AMC was calculated using the average diameter of a
3. Diffusion of the metal complex through the fine pores of the MC.
microcapsule (196 m).
Fig. 11. Apparent Arrehenius plot for Gd (ln(dq/dt) = −1.05/T × 104 + 27.8,
Fig. 9. Adsorption rate of Gd. R2 = 0.937) and Dy (ln(dq/dt) = −5.00/T × 103 + 10.8, R2 = 0.967).
242 K. Kondo et al. / Journal of Water Process Engineering 7 (2015) 237–243
Table 3
Apparent activation energy and reaction order for Gd and Dy.
dq (t) AMC
log | = mlog M3+ + nlog[DBM]0 + logk + log (12)
dt t=0 0 w
From Figs. 12 and 13, log (dq/dt) was calculated and the rela-
tionship between log (dq/dt) and log [M3+ ]0 is shown in Fig. 14
Fig. 14. Relationship between log(dq/dt) and log[M3+ ] for Gd
(log(dq/dt) = 0.900log[Gd3+ ]-2.68, R2 = 0.944) and Dy (log(dq/dt) = 0.816
3+ 2
log[Dy ]−2.62, R = 0.954).
for Gd and Dy from which the value of m was calculated and also
shown in Table 3. Generally, it is known that the complex forma-
tion reaction is the rate-determining step in the overall adsorption
process if m is 1.0. Table 3 shows that m is a little lower than 1.0
at 150 rpm. This is because that the effect of diffusion of the metal
ion to the MC through the boundary film surrounding the MC can
not be absolutely neglected. Concluding this, at 150 rpm the overall
metal adsorption process is considered to be affected by both the
complex formation reaction and the diffusion of the metal com-
plex through the pores in the MC. However, the complex formation
reaction controlled the overall metal adsorption process at infinite
agitation speed.
4. Conclusions
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