Journal of The Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
Journal of The Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
Journal of The Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A novel urea-functionalized magnetic biochar (MBCU) was prepared, characterized and evaluated for re-
Received 3 February 2018 moval of lead (II) from aqueous solution. The results of SEM, BET, XPS, FTIR, VSM and Zeta-potential
Revised 8 April 2018
exhibited a successful fabrication of MBCU. The magnetism magnitude of magnetic biochar could si-
Accepted 13 April 2018
multaneously affect the adsorption and recovery efficiency of lead (II) on magnetic biochar. Hence, the
Available online 5 July 2018
optimum mass ratio range of MBCU was determined to be 1.7:1–2.3:1, which could guarantee high re-
Keywords: moval (> 73.14%) and recovery (> 78.35%) efficiency. The experimental results indicated that the adsorp-
Magnetic biochar tion isotherm and kinetics were well described by the Sips model and pseudo-second-order model, re-
Separation spectively. The maximum adsorption capacity of lead (II) on MBCU was 188.18 mg/g at 323 K. Five-cycle
Modification reusability tests demonstrated MBCU could be effectively recovered and repeatedly used with a small
Palm fiber adsorption loss (< 20%). Mechanism study demonstrated that the adsorption process involved in elec-
Lead (II)
trostatic interaction, ion exchange and complexation. The unique features of its outstanding adsorption
performance, reusability and separation efficiency suggested that the magnetic biochar can be potentially
applied in elimination of lead (II) from wastewater.
© 2018 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1876-1070/© 2018 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
458 X. Zhou et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 91 (2018) 457–467
contaminates from aqueous solution by magnetic biochars, which washed with distilled water several times, dried at 323 K for 12 h
was fabricated from various raw materials. For example, the mag- and then stored in polyethylene bag.
netic biochar derived from peanut hull was applied to eliminate
chromium (VI) from wastewater [20]. The waste marine macro- 2.3. Fabrication of magnetic biochar (MBCU)
algal biomass was used as the precursor to fabricate magnetic
biochar for removal cadmium, copper and zinc [21]. But the appli- The pretreated palm fiber was converted into biochar by pyrol-
cation of palm fiber biochar remains limited. The widespread and ysis in a muffle furnace at 400 °C with a heating rate of 10 °C/min
low-cost palm fiber is a common nature vegetable fiber with large under the protection of N2 for 2 h. The pristine biochar was re-
elastic modulus, high strength, highly developed porous and regen- ferred to as BC.
erative nature. Hence, the palm fiber may be the ideal resource to The method to synthesize the magnetic biochar (MBC) was
produce biochar. Lu et al. has testified the pristine biochar for re- based on the previous study by Zhou [24] and it was amended
moval of lead, but achieved adsorption capacity is still unsatisfac- and optimized in this study. As shown in Scheme 1, the procedure
tory [22]. Thus the functional modification of biochar is required was as follows: A certain mass ratio of biochar and Fe3 O4 nano-
to improve the adsorption capacity and selectivity [23]. The urea particles were mixed in 100 mL distilled water and then 5.0 mL
NH2 CONH2 is extensively found in natural products and is an at- of 3-Triethoxysilylpropylamine (TSA) was later added to the solu-
tractive functional moiety. The groups-nitrogen and oxygen of urea tion. The mixture was stirred in an oil bath for 8 h at 323 K. The
can offer multitude of bonding potentials owing to its electron pair, magnetic biochar named as MBC was subsequently washed with
which plays a key role in adsorption of heavy metals. ethanol and distilled water several times after being separated by
To overcome the aforesaid challenges, we prepared a novel a magnet.
magnetic palm fiber biochar via magnetic and functional modifi- Next, 4 mL epichlorohydrin (EC) was dissolved in 100 mL mixed
cation for elimination of lead (II) in aqueous solution. The biochar solvent with acetone/distilled water (V:V = 1:1)solution and 2.0 g
derived from palm fiber was used as the support to load Fe3 O4 of MBC was later added to the media for cross-linking, the mix-
nano-particles on the surface, then the composites were coated a ture was constantly stirred for 12 h in an oil bath at 303 K. Then,
layer of 3-Triethoxysilylpropylamine, which could immobilize the 4.0 g of urea and 50 mL of 1 mol/L NaOH were added into mixture
Fe3 O4 nano-particles sites on the surface of biochar. In order to fur- and stirred in an oil bath at 333 K for 12 h. After being separated
ther increase the adsorption sites and selectivity to lead, the mag- with magnet, the materials were subsequently washed with ace-
netic biochar was modified with urea containing amino groups. tone, ethanol and distilled water and finally oven-dried for 24 h at
The magnetic modified biochar was characterized by SEM, BET, 323 K. The resulting biochar sample was referred as MBCU.
FTIR, XPS, VSM and Zeta potential. The effects of pH, contact time,
and initial concentration of lead on the removal of lead (II) from 2.4. Characterization of biochar
the aqueous solution by the magnetic biochar were investigated.
This work will provide an alternately low cost, high adsorption The surface morphologies of the biochars were analyzed by
and separation efficiency adsorbent for detoxification of lead from scanning electron microscopy measurement (JSM-6360LV, Japan).
wastewater. The functional groups of biochars before and after modification
were measured by a Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
(Nicolet 6700, USA) using the KBr pellet technique and were exam-
2. Experimental and methods
ined in the 40 0 0–40 0/cm region. The BET surface area (SBET , m2 /g),
total pore volume (VT , m3 /g) and average diameter (Dp , nm) for
2.1. Chemicals and material
the investigated biochar were determined through N2 adsorption/
desorption isotherms at 77 K using a surface area analyzer (Gemini
FeSO4 •7H2 O and FeCl3 •6H2 O were purchased from Sinopharm
Ⅶ2390, USA). The surface chemical composition was confirmed by
Chemical reagent Company. 3-Triethoxysilylpropylamine (TSA),
the X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (ESCALAB 250Xi, USA). The
epichlorohydrin (EC), urea and other chemicals were purchased
Zeta potential was measured at different pH using a Zeta potential
from Honghua Reagent Co. Ltd. (Changsha, China). Lead (II) stock
analyzer (JS94H, China). Magnetic property of the MBCU was de-
solution (500 mg/L) was prepared by dissolving lead nitrate in dis-
termined by magnetization curve using the vibrating sample mag-
tilled water and then diluted to appropriate concentrations. All the
netometer (Lake Shore 7404, USA).
chemicals used in this study were of analytical grade, and dis-
tilled water (18.2 M, 25 °C) from a Milli-Q plus purification sys-
2.5. Batch sorption equilibrium experiments
tem (Millipore) was utilized throughout the experiments for solu-
tion preparation and glassware cleaning. About 50 g of palm fiber
Batch experiments were conducted to examine the adsorption
was purchased from a local market, which is shaped with broom,
efficiency of BC, MBC and MBCU for removal lead (II) from aque-
cut into about 0.5 cm filaments, thoroughly washed with tap water
ous solution. Generally, a certain amount of biochar was mixed
to clear the dust and other adhering impurities, soaked in 10 0 0 mL
with lead (II) solution in a flask. Then the mixture was shaken in
of 1 mol/L NaOH for 12 h, washed with distilled water for several
a thermostatic shaker at 160 rpm at the investigated temperature
times and then dried at 323 K.
for 24 h. After that, the separated solution was drawn out for ab-
sorbance measurement with a UV–vis spectrophotometer (UV759S,
2.2. Preparation of Fe3 O4 nano-particles China).
MBCU adsorbent was used to study the dosage effects on lead
Fe3 O4 nano-particles were prepared by chemical co- removal. The pH values of solution ranging from 2.0 to 8.0 were
precipitation of in Fe3+ /Fe2+ solution. Typically, 2.3967 g of adjusted by 0.01 mol/L HCl and 0.01 mol/L NaOH solution. The
FeSO4 •7H2 O and 4.6634 g of FeCl3 •6H2 O were dissolved in 150 mL equilibrium adsorption isotherms for lead on MBCU were deter-
of distilled water in a flask. The mixture was stirred for 30 min mined using 0.0400 g biochar with 40 ml lead solutions of differ-
under the protection of N2 , then 28%NH3 •H2 O was gradually ent concentrations ranging from 25 to 300 mg/L in a batch of con-
added in the flask, until the pH of the mixture was around 10.0. ical vessels. The adsorption kinetic experiments were conducted at
The suspension was vigorously stirred in an oil bath for 5 h at different time intervals, ranging from 5 to 120 min, with 100 mg/L
353 K. The black precipitate was collected by a magnet and then lead solution at pH 6.5.
X. Zhou et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 91 (2018) 457–467 459
In order to assess the reusability of the magnetic biochar, functional modification in MBCO, which suggested that the surface
adsorption-desorption experiments were conducted. MBCU with morphology of MBC was hardly influenced by the functional mod-
adsorbed lead was treated by 0.1 mol/L Na2 EDTA for 1 h and ification.
rinsed with distilled water for three times. Afterwards, the des-
orbed biochar was rinsed, dried and added to lead solution 3.1.2. Surface functional groups
(100 mg/L, 40 mL) in a flask again and the experimental condition The surface functional groups are the main chemical factor of
and measurements were the same as adsorption. The adsorption- biochars that affect the heavy metal adsorption. Fig. 2 showed the
desorption process was repeated six cycles. The equilibrium ad- FTIR spectra of BC, MBC and MBCU. The was a strong absorbance
sorption amount Qe (mg/g) was calculated according to the follow- peak appeared at 568/cm and 1110/cm owing to the Fe-O vibra-
ing equations: tion of Fe3 O4 and the Si-O vibration of silane coupling agent, re-
(C0 − Ce ) × V spectively, which indicated that the Fe3 O4 nano-particles and 3-
Qe = (1) Triethoxysilylpropylamine have been successfully loaded on the
Where Ce and Co are the equilibrium and the initial concentra- surface of the biochar as demonstrated by the SEM results. The
tions of lead (mg/L), respectively. V is the volume of solution (L) peak at 3427/cm corresponded to the O-H stretching vibration of
and m is the weight of added biochar (g). -OH, which was wider and stronger in MBCU than that of in MBC
due to the existence of hydrogen bond between -OH and -NH2 .
3. Results and discussion The absorbance peak at 1377/cm and 1585/cm were the charac-
teristic peak of -C-O and -C = O, respectively. These observations
3.1. Characterization of the biochars before and after modification confirmed MBC was successfully modified with urea.
a b c
Fig. 1. The SEM images of BC (a), MBC (b) and MBCU (c).
Fig. 3. XPS spectra of (a) BC, (b) MBCU and (c) MBCU after lead adsorption; (d) XPS of C1s before and after lead (II) adsorption; (e) XPS of O1s before and after lead (II)
adsorption; (f) XPS of N1s before and after lead (II) adsorption.
462 X. Zhou et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 91 (2018) 457–467
Fig. 4. (a) The Zeta potential of BC, MBC and MBCO at different pH. (b) Effect of pH on lead (II) removal by BC, MBC and MBCU (C0 = 100 mg/L, dosage = 1.0 g/L, contact
time = 12 h, adsorption temperature = 293 K).
Fig. 5. Lead (II) removal percentage and adsorption capacity versus MBCU dosage Fig. 6. Effect of the mass ratio of BC: Fe3 O4 nano-particles on the magnetic biochar
(C0 = 100 mg/L, pH = 6.5, contact time = 12 h, adsorption temperature = 293 K). in term of adsorption capacity of lead (II) and recovery efficiency (C0 = 100 mg/L,
pH = 6.5, contact time = 12 h, adsorption temperature = 293 K).
Fig. 7. (a) The adsorption kinetic plots of BC, MBC and MBCU. (b) Linear fit for pseudo-first-order model of kinetic data. (c) Linear fit for pseudo-second-order model of
kinetic data. (d) Intra-particle diffusion model plot of kinetic data. (C0 = 100 mg/L, dosage = 1.0 g/L, pH = 6.5, adsorption temperature = 293 K).
capacity and recovery efficiency, the optimum mass ratio range process, the pseudo-first-order reported by Lagergren [27] and
was determined to be 1.7:1–2.3:1. At the mass ratio of 2:1, the pseudo-second-order reported by Ho and McKay [28] were em-
magnetic biochar showed a high adsorption capacity of 88.9 mg/g ployed to describe the adsorption kinetic data, given by Eqs.
for lead (II) and recovery efficiency of 97.9% for magnetic biochar. (2) and (3).
Meanwhile, research concerning additive materials which can
maintain the magnetic properties and reinforce the adsorption In(Qe − Qt ) = InQe − k1 t (2)
ability of biochar after magnetization is required in the future.
t 1 1
3.2.4. Adsorption kinetics = + t (3)
Qt k2 Qe 2 Qe
Fig. 7a showed the effects of the modification the adsorption
kinetics of lead (II) by various biochars. It is observed that the ad- Where Qe and Qt (mg/g) are the amounts of lead (II)adsorbed
sorption capacity of lead (II) on BC was biter weaker than MBC, onto magnetic biochar at equilibrium and at time t (min), re-
which may be result from the coating of coupling agent and fill- spectively; k1 (1/min) and k2 (g/(mg•min)) are the rate constant of
ing up with Fe3 O4 nano-particles. In addition, the MBCU modified pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order. The plots of log (Qe -
with urea showed the highest adsorption capacity of lead (II). That Qt ) versus t and t/ Qt versus t give the values of k1 and Qe , k2 and
was because the amine groups were introduced to the surface of Qe , respectively. The fitting plots were showed in Fig. 7b and c and
the magnetic biochar, which played an essential role in lead (II) the corresponding fitting parameters were listed in Table 2S. It can
adsorption. be obviously observed that the pseudo -first-order model was not
It is noteworthy that the adsorption capacity of lead (II) was suitable to describe the kinetic profiles, while they were accurately
markedly ascended within the first 5 h for all biochars, and a described by the pseudo-second-order model. The regression coef-
further increase in contact time barely affected the adsorption ficients (R2 > 0.99) obtained from pseudo-second-order non-linear
efficiency, because adsorption equilibrium was reached. To fur- fits was much larger than that of pseudo-first-order non-linear fits.
ther investigate the potential adsorption mechanism of adsorption In addition, the experimental results of adsorbed lead (II) amount
464 X. Zhou et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 91 (2018) 457–467
at equilibrium were in very good agreement with those calcu- Where Ce (mg/L) and Qe (mg/g) are the equilibrium concentra-
lated from the pseudo-second-order model, which indicated that tion of adsorate and the amount of adsorate adsorbed at equilib-
the pseudo-second-order model was more appropriate to describe rium, respectively. Qm (mg/g) denotes the maximum adsorption ca-
the adsorption behavior of lead (II) on biochars. The results sug- pacity. The b (L/mg) related to the heat of adsorption is the Lang-
gested that chemical adsorption of the lead (II) on the MBCU was muir constant. The Kf (mg/g (L/mg)1/n ) related to the relative ad-
dominant. sorption capacity and n related to the intensity of adsorption are
Since the pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order model the Freundlich constant, being the latter a measure of the hetero-
were based on the whole adsorption process and could not pro- geneity of surface adsorption sites. All these parameters appeared
vide the control step in different adsorption stages. Hence, the in the Sips equation maintain the same meanings.
kinetic data were also fitted by intra-particle diffusion model The plots of Qe versus Ce of the three isotherm models were
(Eq. (4)) originated from Fick’s second law [29]. It can be seen shown in Fig. 8 and the parameters of mathematical modeling
that the curves present multi linearity shown in Fig. 7d and the were listed in Table 4S. The comparison of regression coefficients
order of diffusion rate constant was kp 1 > kp 2 > kp 3 , implying that for the non-linear plots of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm in-
intra-particle diffusion did not limit the whole adsorption process dicated that the experimental data was better fitted with the
(Table 3S). Additional, the diffusion rate constant was different for Langmuir equation rather than the Freundlich model. However,
the three biochar and the order was MBCU>MBC>BC, which could the comparison with Sips model revealed that the latter isotherm
be owing to the kinds and amount of functional groups [24].Based could even better fit the experimental data since the R2 was always
on the pore-diffusion theory, the adsorption process can be de- higher than that of Langmuir or Freundlich model. Furthermore,
scribed by three steps [30]: (1) the adsorption happened quickly as Table 4S showed, the saturation adsorption capacities of lead
and could be ascribed to film diffusion (transport of lead (II)from (II) on MBCU were closed to the maximum adsorption capacities
the boundary film to the exterior surface of adsorbent); (2) the obtained from the Sips model at 293, 303, 313, and 323 K. There-
adsorption rate decreased and could be ascribed to intra-particle fore, it can be concluded that the adsorption of lead (II) on MBCU
diffusion (transfer of lead (II) from the surface to the pores of ad- mainly entailed the formation of a superficial monolayer, but there
sorbent); (3) the adsorption equilibrium reached and could be as- was a certain degree of heterogeneity.
cribed to equilibrium stage (adsorption of lead (II) on the interior The separation factor (RL ) is a dimensionless constant, which is
surface of adsorbent was saturated). used to determine whether the adsorption was favorable or not.
The RL is expressed as follows:
Qt = k pi t 1/2 + Ci (4)
kpi (mg/(g min−1/2 )) is intra-particle diffusion rate constant of stage RL = (8)
1 + b · C0
i, Ci is a parameter about the thickness of the boundary layer.
Where C0 and b represent the initial concentration of lead (II)
and Sips constant, respectively. The RL value classified the nature of
3.2.5. Adsorption isotherm
adsorption to be irreversible (RL = 0), favorable (0 < RL < 1) and un-
The adsorption isotherm study was performed at different tem-
favorable (RL > 1). For the current adsorption system, the RL values
peratures i.e. 293, 303, 313, 323 K by adjusting initial lead (II) con-
for MBCU were calculated to be 0.022–0.214, 0.015–0.159, 0.010–
centration from 25 to 300 mg/L and the adsorption isotherm curves
0.112 and 0.008–0.094 with initial concentration ranging from 25
were presented in Fig. 8a. It was clearly that the absorbed lead
to 300 mg/L at 293, 303, 313, and 323 K, which indicated that the
(II) on MBCU increased with the increasing of initial lead (II) con-
favorability of the adsorption process as RL was between 0 and
centration and the isotherms were L-type with an initial moderate
1. Furthermore, the adsorption capacity of lead (II) on MBCU in-
slope until reached a plateau value for the higher lead (II) concen-
creased with the increasing of adsorption temperature, which in-
dicated that the adsorption process was an endothermic reaction
The study of adsorption isotherms is very vital to understand
and higher temperature would benefit to the adsorption. That was
the interaction behavior between adsorbent and heavy metals. It’s
partly because the increase of temperature may cause a swelling
necessary to establish an appropriate correlation of adsorption
effect on pore volume of MBCU, which favored the lead (II) diffu-
equilibrium to optimum the adsorption system for efficient adsorp-
sion both in the boundary layer and internal pores of the MBCU
tion of heavy metals in practical application. For this adsorption
system, three isotherm models including Langmuir, Freundlich and
The comparison of bibliography evidences the major adsorption
Sips were used to fit the isotherm data. The Langmuir isotherm
capacities found in the present study (Table 1). The results showed
assumes the adsorption occurs in the monolayer way with no
that the maximum adsorption capacity of MBCU was higher than
interaction between the adsorbed molecular [31]. The Freundlich
that of other materials. Moreover, it was worthy to remark the sig-
isotherm assumes the multilayer and non-ideal adsorption on the
nificant capacity of MBCU to remove lead (II) from aqueous so-
heterogeneous surface with a non-uniform distribution of adsorp-
lution, being possible to achieve an adsorption percentage higher
tion activation energy [32]. In between, the Sips isotherm effec-
than 90% when the initial lead (II) concentration was lower than
tively reduces to the Freundlich isotherm at low adsorate concen-
100 mg/L. This result was especially relevant when this magnetic
tration whereas at high adsorate concentration, it displays a mono-
modified material was considered to be applied in practical appli-
layer adsorption characteristic of the Langmuir isotherm [33]. The
non-linear form of the three isotherms model could be expressed
in Eqs. (5) –(7):
3.2.6. Recycle and desorption of MBCU
Qm · b · Ce The recycle and desorption potential of adsorbents was investi-
Langmuir : Qe = (5)
1 + b · Ce gated to make the adsorption process more economical. 0.1 mol/L
Na2 EDTA was applied as the desorbing solution for the recovery
Freundlich : Qe = KF · Ce n (6) of the lead (II) from the Pb-loaded MBCU. The lead (II) removal
efficiency remained > 80% and the desorption efficiency of each
cycle maintained > 93.1% after six successive cycles, as shown in
Qm · b · Ce n Fig. 9. It was observed that the lead (II) adsorption efficiency only
Sips : Qe = (7)
1 + b · Ce n decreased by 18.7% after six successive cycles compared with the
X. Zhou et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 91 (2018) 457–467 465
Fig. 8. (a) Adsorption isotherm of lead (II) on MBCU at different temperatures. (b) The non-linear fit of Freundlich isotherm model. (c) The non-linear fit of Langmuir
isotherm model. (d) The non-linear fit of Sips isotherm model. (pH = 6.5, dosage = 1.0 g/L, contact time = 12 h).
Table 1
Comparison of adsorption capacity of lead (II) on different adsorbents.
first cycle, indicating a good regeneration and reusability of MBCU. containing of 100 mg/L Cd(II), Zn(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Pb(II). Af-
In addition, the magnetic property of MBCU could effectively pro- ter the adsorption equilibrium was reached, the adsorption capac-
mote the separation process and significantly reduced the loss of ities of these heavy metals were determined and the results were
MBCU with repetitive usage. Therefore, the advantage of magnetic showed in Fig. 2S. It can be seen that the order was Pb(II)> Cd(II)>
property and remarkable reusability for the effectively removal Ni(II)> Cu(II)> Zn (II), which indicated that the MBCU showed high
lead (II) made MBCU as a promising candidate in wastewater selectivity for lead (II). Indeed, the adsorption capacity of Pb(II)
treatment. was 1.5 times higher than that of Cd(II), 4 times for Cu(II), 6 times
for Ni(II) and 3 times for Pb(II), that is, Pb(II) was well-formed
3.2.7. The adsorption selectivity of MBCU into complexes with the functional groups(-NH2-,-C=O and -OH)
To investigate the adsorption selectivity of MBCU for different on the surface of MBCU [26]. The magnetic MBCU produced by
heavy metal ions, the competitive heavy metal adsorption experi- bio-material was able to selectively remove lead (II) from aqueous
ment was carried out at 293 K for 12 h using solutions separately solution. Hence, owing to its availability, selectivity, reusability and
466 X. Zhou et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 91 (2018) 457–467
H+ also competed for the adsorption sites on MBCU with Pb(II) via
ion-exchange. Therefore, the adsorption capacity of Pb(II) on MBCU
was poor at pH < 5.3. When pH was above 5.5 but below 7, the
density of negative increased substantially, resulting in the dra-
matic charge neutralization activity at this stage, which could en-
hance the adsorption process via electrostatic interactions and ion-
exchange. Additionally, the release of cation (ion-exchange) was
also proved by the Pb-O binding energy at ∼138 Ev [42]. Beyond
pH 7.0, the Zeta-potential of MBCU-Pb(II) kept a steady stage, the
adsorption capacity decreased owing to the formation of Pb(OH)2
precipitation. Hence, the possible ion-exchange adsorption mecha-
nism occurred in functional groups of MBCU with lead (II), which
was showed in Eqs. (12) and (13).
Fig. 9. The adsorption and desorption efficiency of lead (II) on MBCU in five suc-
cessive regeneration cycles.
R–OH + Pb(II ) ⇔ R–OH–Pb(II ) (11)
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