Public Vs Private Space: Exploring Private Interactions in Street-Level Displays
Public Vs Private Space: Exploring Private Interactions in Street-Level Displays
Public Vs Private Space: Exploring Private Interactions in Street-Level Displays
This paper examines the relationship between public displays and street-level users in the built environment.
The research highlights ongoing prototype development for a new approach to identifying and presenting
different interface modes for touchscreen pervasive displays. These displays provide a unique opportunity to
function at two levels; 1) public communication device and 2) private interface platform. This research and the
resulting paper seek to expose some of the challenges in a multifaceted interface and potential solutions
currently being examined. At the core of this inquiry and resulting dissemination was a desire to evaluate how
street-level interactive displays will play a role in the ever expanding infrastructure of the ‘smart city’. In
particularly, this work discusses some of the challenges that exist in deploying these displays in a sidewalk
environment for the purpose of pedestrian tracking and engagement.
Over the last 100 years the world population has been shifting from rural to urban environments. As of 2010, this
transition from rural to urban tipped in the favor of cities which was marked by more than half the world’s
population living in cities (World Health Organization 2014). At the core of this shift has been a change in
economics and industries as well as improvements in managing shared resources and infrastructure. A new shift
is occurring within these urban environments related to resources, infrastructure, optimization and community
marked by the emergence of the ‘smart city’ (Shepard 2011). Growth is measured not only in population densities
but the growth of data density and diversity within these new environments.
The ‘smart city’ brought on by improvements in sensing technology and the growth of information networks
(Bowerman, et al. 2000) has been championed by mayors and municipalities as well as large corporate
stakeholders as the answer to addressing many of the 21st centuries problems related to climate change, energy
consumption, transportation, pollution, and economic growth. Brought on by improvements in sensing technology
and the growth of information networks (Bowerman, et al. 2000), these intelligent landscapes and resulting
systems are primarily positioned as instruments for large-scale planning and management by city administrators
and consulting groups with the goal of optimization (Greenfield 2013). A situational awareness is presented to be
acted upon, directed, or otherwise manipulated through the collection of city wide data and computational
processing. Aside from this command and control view of the ‘smart city’ there is a growing component that
involves other stakeholders – namely the inclusion of community and the individual citizen.
Within the context of the city, ubiquitous computing has begun to present itself at two different scales when
related to output, visualization, and action: 1) macro and 2) micro.
The first ‘macro’ scale described previously as the ‘sense’ of the city (Lynch 1960) is acquired for the purposes of
aggregating large quantities of data to make planning decisions (Nabian, et al. 2013). Here stakeholders such as
city planners, traffic engineers, and politicians can harness the vast array of collected data to identify patterns and
act on them with the goal of optimization. Other stakeholders such as individuals and communities may engage
with this data and its resulting visualizations through websites and mobile applications to inform their own actions.
A second ‘micro’ scaled interaction is also emerging where the street-level user is engaged by and generating
data. Aside from ambient sensing that collects information related to the behaviors, actions and movements of
individuals there are an increasing number of situated interfaces such as kiosks that allow street-level users the
ability to interact with contextually appropriate information.
In addition to traffic interactions other interfaces have expanded to support various product and service vending
such as parking meters, ATMs, and transit kiosks (figure 1). The city is as much about service and commerce as
it is about locomotion and it is no surprise to see an ever increasing number of these financial mediations.
Although these interactive experiences have evolved and grown in response to traffic and commerce, there has
also been a growth in the general presentation of information in the built environment. These elements of
information guide and inform street-level users as they navigate the urban landscape.
Figure 1. Street‐level interface examples
Although some of these commercial elements may support wayfinding many are also focused on advertisement.
The common billboard is perhaps the most notable of these. As a means of promotion, these graphic displays
have come to adorn every available structure and surface in the city and roadway. From the large scale public
space they compete for driver’s attention on highways and buildings and at a smaller scale they are deployed on
objects ranging in size from city buses to public benches. In the context of billboards, what once was a printed
display was then illuminated in neon to capture the attention and charm of its audience during both the day and
night. The illumination and self-illumination of facades and surfaces continues to grow not only in spaces like
Times Square and the Las Vegas strip but in the average city sidewalk. This shift to screen based illumination
with an emphasis on cycling information to the viewer presents unique challenges that a printed, static display
does not provide. Although these ‘urban displays’ (Vande Moere and Hill 2014) may be positioned as attention
grabbing or flexible in their application, it is this very flexibility that may confuse the observer.
The term ‘display’ produces a particularly functional attribute; one focused on revealing content for a user to
consume. Displays are typically one component in a user interface; providing the visualization of data so a user
can act upon it, either directly or with other interface components such as keyboard, button, mouse, or direct
touch. In its purist form, the ‘display’ as interface output provides a dynamic solution to many of the current print
facades and signage in the urban space. Many of the LCD screens deployed at public locations act as their print
predecessors with the key difference of having the ability to cycle or update the message. These ‘cyclical
displays’ are most commonly positioned for public consumption and provide limited to no direct input or
engagement from an individual or community. The challenge in designing street-level screens that act in a
passive display manner is that they may also provide the opportunity for direct interactions as a touchscreen
The communication of potential interactivity and differentiating public and passive between private and interactive
will continue to pose a unique problem to interaction designers. Perhaps the most unique aspect of situated
interfaces is that although they may be a singular piece of hardware, their behavior has the flexibility to change
between the modes of display and interactive surface. Arresting street-level attention and providing affordances
that promote direct user interaction are important issues that this research seeks to address.
This issue has been addressed by other researchers in the field through the use of sensors deployed on or near a
touchscreen display (Grace, et al. 2013) (Wang, Boring and Greenbery 2012). Common points of data collected
by these sensor systems are the general movement near the display, the distance to the display, and facial
attributes of the display observer(s). In each case these systems were utilized to identify behavior near the
interface and thusly produce a response in the display. The objective of using our research prototype was to use
similar sensing approaches to understand proximity and movement of users as they approached or passed by the
The primary difference or challenge unique to this prototype display and sensing system was the site-specific
nature of its future deployment. In particular this prototype was in development to address street-level and more
specifically sidewalk level interaction opportunities. The cross-section of the sidewalk (figure 2) has many actors
and objects that vary greatly depending on location. Consider the standard US sidewalk and street cross-section
show in figure 2. This diagram reveals that proximity and movement may vary depending on the actors at play.
Pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles present themselves at different scale, speed, and proximity to a situated
interface. This early prototyping was directed at promoting engagement between pedestrian and touchscreen
interface through the isolation of these actors.
Figure 2. Sidewalk cross‐section
have the capacity to differential individuals or successfully separate other non-pedestrian movement (vehicles,
bikes, etc.).
• RGB-D sensor
Lastly, we shifted our testing to utilize a Microsoft Kinect (generation 1) commonly referred to as RGB-D range
camera. The benefit of this motion sensing device is that it has the ability to track and isolate individual targets in
the field of view. Although this has currently proved to be the best initial solution, the infrared laser on the sensor
array shows a high level of sensitivity to ambient light conditions that vary at exterior and street-level sites.
Figure 3. Test rig with touchscreen display and individual sensor test rigs
Figure 4. Path monitoring diagrams
Most of the world’s projected growth of two billion people over the next 30 years will occur in cities (United
Nations 2003). Along with this growth in population, there will be a continued growth in the use of computing to
both management and manipulate the complex infrastructures that arise to meet these populations.
Increasingly, these computational elements will reach beyond the top level goal of optimization towards a
personal and potentially private interaction at street-level. These spatially oriented interfaces will differ from
mobile devices in their ability to connect the virtual to contextually relevant information about place. As part of this
new and emerging interface type, there will be challenges in resolving the difference between public and private
interactions. In particular, the interactions that will come to develop around pervasive street-level displays. At its
current state, our research has focused on promoting more intuitive interactions between user and display
through the exploration of sensor prototyping for sidewalk specific deployment. Additional user quantitative
testing is schedule for late spring 2014 and aims to reveal not only the opportunities for sensing pedestrian traffic
but also understanding the most appropriate screen-based response to promote direct user interaction and
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