PROCESS - Software Process

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Software Process

Alfonso Fuggetta Elisabetta Di Nitto

Politecnico di Milano and CEFRIEL Politecnico di Milano
Via Fucini, 2 Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
20133 Milano - Italy 20133 Milano - Italy

ABSTRACT Over the past half of a century, the goal of the Software
This paper is a travelogue of Software Process research and Engineering community has been to study and tackle these
practice in the past 15 years. It is based on the paper writ- issues and problems. Within this community, Software
ten by one of the authors for the FOSE Track at ICSE 2000. Process research has focused on understanding, describ-
Since then, the landscape of Software Process research has ing, evaluating, automating, and improving the procedures,
significantly evolved: technological breakthroughs and mar- policies, and techniques used to master this complex en-
ket disruptions have defined new and complex challenges for deavor. This research work has produced many interesting
Software Engineering researchers and practitioners. results. At the same time, however, many goals and objec-
In this paper we provide an overview of the current sta- tives have been ill-framed or overemphasized, while others
tus of research and practice, highlight new challenges, and have been overlooked. Certainly, many problems are still in
provide a non-exhaustive list of research issues that, in our search of convincing approaches able to thoroughly address
view, need to be tackled by future research work. and tackle them.
The term Software Process gained major visibility in the
eighties and since then has sparked a lot of projects and ini-
Categories and Subject Descriptors tiatives in different areas: modeling, automation, improve-
D.2.9 [Software Engineering]: Management—software ment to name a few. At ICSE 2000, one of the authors wrote
process models, life cycle, programming teams a paper about the achievements, mistakes, and open chal-
lenges of this research area [18]. The paper was presented
in the FOSE (Future of Software Engineering) Track. Since
General Terms then, a lot has happened. The Internet has redefined all as-
Management, Performance, Human Factors. pects of our society. Mobile devices have radically changed
the way citizens and companies approach Information and
Keywords Communication Technologies (ICTs). Totally new sectors
and markets have been created from scratch (e.g., social
Software Process, Software Development, Agile Software De- networks). Existing approaches to software development
velopment, Software Development Environments, Social Fac- and software distribution have been completely transformed
tors in Software Development, Empirical Studies. by the advent and wide diffusion of concepts such as open
source software development, agile methods, and develop-
1. INTRODUCTION ment platforms for mobile applications. Consequently, it
Year after year, software has become an increasingly es- does make sense to reconsider the state of the Software Pro-
sential and vital constituent of our society. There is no busi- cess research community, to critically revise the way it has
ness sector or aspect of our daily life that is not affected by dealt with the issues and opportunities identified in year
software. Personal and work activities, business and eco- 2000 and, at the same time, to discuss how it is coping with
nomic initiatives, civil and industrial infrastructures, poli- the new challenges and deep transformations that have oc-
tics, education, and entertainment – just to name a few – curred over the past 15 years.
are all deeply permeated and governed by software This paper has the ambition to discuss these issues and to
applications and systems. Consequently, software de- provide some contributions for the evolution and strategic
velopment has become a critical activity that needs to be development of the community. To pursue this goal, the
carefully studied, understood, improved, and supported. paper is organized as follows:
• Section 2 summarizes the main comments proposed in
the FOSE 2000 Paper.
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Copyright 2014 ACM 978-1-4503-2865-4/14/05 ...$15.00. ket in general.

• Section 5 proposes some directions and suggestions for Based on this substantial amount of research, there were
future research. several attempts to assess the quality, significance, and areas
of improvement of the work accomplished in those years (see
• Section 6 presents some conclusions and closing re- for instance [2, 12, 34]). The FOSE 2000 paper analysed
marks. these attempts and elaborated a number of considerations
and criticisms:
1. “Software processes are processes too”. Rephrasing the
The Year 2000 marked an important milestone in Soft-
famous paper title by Lee Osterweil [24], it is impor-
ware Engineering research. Increasingly, many researchers
tant to observe that software processes are first and
and practitioners questioned themselves about the value and
foremost “processes”, i.e., it is not possible (and
impact of the results achieved in the past decades. Of course,
useful) to consider software processes as spe-
the advent of the new century introduced a particular em-
cific and unique entities that deserve a com-
phasis and a unique symbolism. However, there was also
pletely autonomous and independent research
an increasing perception that the research work in many ar-
effort. Certainly, there are a few specific challenges
eas of Software Engineering had reached a sort of turning
that qualify uniquely and distinctively the software do-
point and needed to be rethought and redefined. Were the
main, but there are also many commonalities and syn-
results really able to influence and address the issues and
ergies with the work accomplished in other research
problems experienced by software developers, or were they
communities (e.g., workflow management), that in the
too often an intellectual exercise unable to concretely (and
past have been largely overlooked.
proactively) affect the way software is conceived, developed,
deployed, used, and managed in real and practical scenarios? 2. “The purpose of process languages and technology must
As far as the trends in Software Process research are con- be rethought”. Many languages developed during the
cerned, the analysis accomplished in the FOSE 2000 paper 90s were too complex and rigid. In general, they
identified four main areas of investigation: turned out to be difficult to apply in real settings and
not capable of producing a concrete impact on software
Process modeling and support A software process is a development practices. Certainly, it was (and still is)
complex endeavor involving professionals, organizations, important to provide means to describe processes ef-
company policies, tools & support environments. A fectively and also to provide automation whenever this
first research area was centered on the creation of lan- is possible and meaningful (e.g., configuration manage-
guages and environments to describe and “model” such ment). But PMLs went too far and basically “missed
complex processes. The resulting models had to be the point”.
precise enough to facilitate the comprehension and anal-
ysis of the process, and to provide automated sup- 3. “Empirical studies are a means not an end”. As with
port to developers and managers involved in its “enact- PMLs, the risk of many empirical studies was to be-
ment”. This research stream generated many Process come formal exercises without practical and concrete
Modeling Languages (PMLs) and associated run-time relevance. Certainly, from a methodological viewpoint
infrastructures. Such languages were based on a vari- it has been essential to introduce structure and rigor
ety of paradigms (logic programming, finite state au- in assessing the performance and behavior of software
tomata, Petri Nets, ...) and had to deal with complex processes, but too often the “internal validity” and
issues such as inconsistency management and integra- quality of empirical studies (i.e., their intrinsic and
tion of developers’ different viewpoints. methodological quality) have outshone their external
validity, i.e., their ability to provide general and uni-
Process improvement A second important research area versally usable insights and results.
was process improvement. Software development ac-
tivities are intrinsically dynamic and continuously evolv- 4. “Software process improvement is process improvement
ing entities that cannot be frozen or defined once for too”. Similarly to what happened in software sup-
all. It is therefore essential to identify methods and port and automation research, process improvement
approaches to study the maturity of a process and to suffered from a sort of “isolation syndrome”: too of-
identify strategies and procedures to improve it. ten software processes were considered a specific and
unique category, thus ignoring or largely underestimat-
Metrics and empirical studies Software development is ing the contributions of other disciplines and research
a complex activity involving technical, human, and so- areas. Indeed, improving software development pro-
cial/organizational factors. For this reason, it is not cesses requires most of (if not all) the techniques and
easy to study and assess its behavior and determine methods used for any other complex people-centered
its performance. During the nineties, many researchers activity.
developed and applied techniques and methods to per-
form empirical studies and identify useful metrics able These criticisms raised a significant debate at the confer-
to characterize and assess software processes perfor- ence and in general in the community. Indeed, they reflected
mance. the feelings and moods of many researchers. Most impor-
tant, they were based on a crude and sincere analysis of
“Real” Processes! Finally, based on the experiences and the results of the research work accomplished in those years.
achievements of the previous decades, several “con- While there were several useful and successful achievements,
crete” processes were conceived and applied, e.g., the significant parts of that research work turned out to be in-
Unified Process and the Personal Software Process. effective and largely ignored.

The dramatic and incredibly fast development of many en- By interpreting the concept of socio-technical systems with-
abling technologies and practices (mobile internet devices, in the context of software processes, Cataldo and others [8]
open source software, ...) has further reinforced the idea have identified socio-technical congruence as a way to define
that software process research definitely needed a signifi- the fit between product dependencies, the resulting task de-
cant change in scope and approach. Over the years, the pendences, and the actual coordination activities occurring
community has understood the need for such change and during the development process. As argued by Blincoe and
has produced the important results that we discuss in the others [5, 4], a timely identification of coordination require-
next section. ments in terms of task dependencies becomes an important
factor to improve the performance of the software develop-
3. SOFTWARE PROCESS IN THE ment process.
PAST DECADE 3.2 Agile Processes
In the past decade, research on software processes has The importance of social aspects in the development pro-
evolved significantly. Some of the concerns discussed in the cess has been also the driving factor that sparked the cre-
FOSE 2000 paper have been at least partially addressed. ation of the Agile Manifesto 2 . The Manifesto is based on
In particular, it has been widely recognized that software some key principles:
process is a multidisciplinary research domain and, conse-
quently, it should consider and incorporate contributions 1. the software product is the essential focus of the de-
from other disciplines. For instance, the main process im- velopment process;
provement approach, CMM, has evolved into the Capability
Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) framework1 . CMMI 2. human behavior and the quality of interactions are es-
extends CMM by offering a finer grained mechanism for sential enablers and success factors;
measuring performance of an organization and by includ-
3. incremental and spiral approaches, based on frequent
ing specific process areas, where organizational factors have
releases and strict collaboration with the customer, are
a key role.
the quintessential traits of modern software develop-
Nowadays researchers are much less concerned about mod-
ment initiatives;
eling and executing processes. They have recognized that
the possibilities of fully automating them are limited to spe- 4. in general, it is vital to promptly and quickly react to
cific aspects and phases such as code generation, testing, requirement changes, at any stage of the development
packaging, deployment and operation management of final process.
products. Moreover, they have agreed that software process
performance is heavily influenced by and structured around The Agile Manifesto has spawned many approaches and
the role and behavior of individuals and organizations [38]. methods. Among the others, Scrum is certainly extremely
To characterize this shift in focus, this section provides a popular and successful [15]. According to this method, the
quick overview of the most relevant directions in software process is organized in sprints, i.e., development iterations of
process. The goal is not to provide an in-depth analysis and at most 4 weeks each. Every iteration is focused on the de-
evaluation of the results being accomplished: rather, the aim velopment of a specific set of features. Project tracking and
is to highlight important topics and to contrast them with control are achieved through short daily meetings in which
the needs and challenges emerging from the IT market and each team member describes what he/she has been doing the
the society in general. day before, what he/she is going to do in the current day,
and if there is any important issue to discuss. Such meetings
3.1 Social Aspects help identifying issues very early and changing plans accord-
Over the years, the literature on software processes has ingly if needed. Changes in user requirements are accepted
been increasingly recognizing the importance of social as- and welcomed, but they are not considered in the current
pects in software processes. For instance, Tamburri and sprint. They are described and prioritized so they can be
others [32] have analyzed the literature on organizational considered in the forthcoming sprints. At the end of each
social structures to identify those that are suitable to be sprint, the features that were the focus of the sprint have
exploited in the software engineering domain. to be fully completed, i.e., not only they should be imple-
The software development process has been considered a mented, but also verified and documented, so that they can
socio-technical system, where organizational and human as- be shipped to the customer.
pects have a key role and have to be supported by technology Several studies have shown the advantages of Scrum in a
in a way that is human and organization-driven. The term variety of situations and contexts. Among the others, it is
socio-technical system has been first used by Eric Trist, Ken worthwhile mentioning the experiences in the application of
Bamforth and Fred Emery in the fifthies, based on their Scrum at Google [28]. Starting from a fairly immature and
studies of workers in coal mines [33]. In particular, they chaotic situation (in the CMMI terminology), the applica-
noted that the introduction of technology does not neces- tion of Scrum allowed engineering teams to achieve a better
sarily result in improved performance. Improvement is the control on the development process, a more careful priori-
result of proper interplay between 1) humans-centered as- tization of features, and more realistic deadlines. Another
pects – in particular, social aspects – and 2) technology. interesting experience has been reported by Systematic Soft-
Thus, these two elements should not be studied and opti- ware Engineering (SSE). SSE is a very mature organization
mized in isolation, as this approach typically fails to achieve (level 5 in the CMMI scale) that has adopted a Scrum-based
the desired objective. approach for its software development processes [29]. This
1 2

study confutes the critical remarks of many detractors of ag- has made it possible to apply empirical analysis on a wider
ile approaches according to which agile methods lack struc- scale, thus resulting in a significant improvement of the qual-
ture and organization, and therefore are difficult to apply to ity of the studies and of the related findings.
mature and large software development processes.
3.5 Model-Driven Engineering
3.3 Global Software Engineering Model-driven engineering is a specific approach to soft-
The need for coordination and agility becomes certainly ware development that focuses on using models as the arche-
more challenging in a Global Software Engineering (GSE) types to build software systems. This enables traceability
setting, where the software process is enacted by teams that from requirements to code, (automatic) generation of code
are distributed across different countries and time zones [19]. for different target platforms, and analysis of models to pre-
The motivation for distributing development teams goes be- dict the ability of the final system to fulfill specific QoS
yond issues related specifically to software development ac- characteristics.
tivities, and may concern a number of aspects and needs: The main reference for model-driven development is the
OMG specification named Model-Driven Architecture (MDA)
• establish and maintain a direct and strong contact with
[23], which has been released in an intermediate version
customers at remote locations;
(1.0.1) in 2003 and was planned to be replaced by a new
• exploit the availability of remote workers; one by 2005. So far, the new release has not been issued
yet, but the work around MDA is progressing, as witnessed
• reduce costs by offshoring part of the process to a re- by the presence of specific conferences and workshops on this
mote subsidiary/company; subject (most notably, MODELS 2013).
The MDA approach identifies three different viewpoints
• enhance the capabilities of small companies by creat-
used to describe a system: the Computation Independent
ing networks and cooperation frameworks with other
Model (CIM), the Platform Independent Model (PIM), and
development organizations and teams.
the Platform Specific Model (PSM). CIMs usually represent
For these reasons, researchers have recognized the impor- concepts specific of a given business. This level usually de-
tance of promoting GSE practices. They have analyzed open scribes requirements, enterprise architectures, and business
problems and emerging issues, and have coherently identi- models. PIMs discuss how the system works by abstracting
fied new tools and methods to address them. In particu- the platform-specific elements. At this level, the architec-
lar, the literature offers interesting studies focusing on the tural models are elaborated describing the business logic of
applicability to GSE of various process paradigms, and in an application. PSMs introduce aspects that are concerned
particular of Scrum [11]. Other studies discuss issues and with the usage of a specific platform (e.g., JEE) for the im-
topics such as the impact of architectural choices on the de- plementation. The underlying idea is that, given the defini-
velopment process [10] and the value of exploiting innovative tion of the target platform within a Platform Model, a PIM
tools to support awareness [21], or report specific success sto- model can be automatically transformed into a PSM one,
ries of cooperation either within large companies or among suitable for direct code generation.
SMEs [31]. Unfortunately, despite the large amount of work, Even if full adoption of model-driven engineering by in-
so far it is still difficult to draw general lessons and conclu- dustry is still limited, the scientific literature reports some
sions from the cases that have been proposed by the research interesting case studies. Among the others, the recent work
community. by Briand et al. [6] provides useful hints on how to promote
In general, the experiences of different authors at different the adoption of a model-driven approach in real industrial
organizations suggest that success and failure are driven pri- contexts. In particular, it describes three specific cases of
marily by the ability to establish effective mutual relations adoption that are particularly interesting as they have not
and trust among software developers. Whether and how we been achieved within IT companies, but in organizations
can systematically promote them in a GSE-specific context focusing on the maritime or energy sector. One of the re-
is still to be understood [19]. ported cases refers to the adoption of a model-driven ap-
proach to support a software safety certification process, by
3.4 The Role of Empirical Software Engineer- ensuring traceability of safety requirements. Another inter-
ing esting paper focusing on the adoption of MDA in industry is
Over the past decade, empirical studies in software engi- by Whittle and others [35]. They highlight the importance
neering have significantly evolved, both in terms of quality of establishing processes within the companies to support
of the methods being used, and in terms of the external va- the adoption of MDA. Moreover, they argue about the im-
lidity of the results that have been proposed. Indeed, there portance of matching tools to the people who are going to
have been several contributions that have focused on the use them. In this respect, their conclusions are in line with
characterization and evaluation methodology and approach the ones proposed in [6].
used in empirical studies (see for instance [36]).
Currently, there are many ongoing research works cen- 3.6 ALM
tered on rigorous empirical studies whose goal is to show Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) suites are a
the advantages of some new approach/practice [25], or to class of products originated partly by the conventional soft-
demonstrate the validity of a research hypothesis [7]. In ad- ware industry and partly by the open source community.
dition, while many older studies were negatively affected by Even though they do not appear as explicitly connected to
the impossibility to replicate them, the tremendous growth Software Process research, they offer mechanisms for au-
of open source projects has enriched the amount of data tomating some tasks (typically, build and test), and for
and observation viewpoints available to researchers. This connecting managerial tasks with software development ac-

tivities. Moreover, they offer connectors to external tools • Acceptance-level tests can be automated as well us-
for specific functionality such us configuration management, ing tools such as Easyb10 or Fitnesse11 . They make
bug tracking, requirement management and the like. Exam- it possible to rigorously express requirements and to
ples of ALM tools are Microsoft Visual Studio Application automate test execution. For instance, Easyb uses a
Lifecycle Management3 , IBM Rational solutions for CLM4 , Domain Specific Language that enables the associa-
and the open source suite MyLyn5 , which is integrated in tion of scenarios with the execution of specific pieces
Eclipse and has then evolved into the Tasktop commercial of code, while in Fitnesse requirements are expressed
product6 . in terms of tables that extensively define the corre-
In [9] Application Lifecycle Management is presented as spondence between inputs and associated outputs.
a discipline aiming at taking care also of application oper-
ation procedures and managerial governance. However, as • Finally, even the testing process as a whole is be-
the author claims, current ALM tools do not support the ing automated. For instance, the STAF framework12
integration of these aspects with those related to software offers a quite complete, even though textual (XML-
development. based), scripting language for defining the testing pro-
As we will see in the next section, the integration of soft- cess. STAF makes it possible to model when testing
ware development into a broader context is also the objective should be triggered, which tests should be executed,
of the DevOps movement. and under which circumstances.

3.7 Where Automation Really Matters 3.7.3 Software Building

Nowadays, the most important application of automation Automation is possible and exploited in all the activities
in software processes is in supporting the final phases of and processes related to building, deploying, and operating
software development. software systems. Let’s consider here a few significant ex-
3.7.1 Configuration Management
• By running a Maven13 script, every user is able to
Configuration/version management has been revitalized check out a software release from a version manage-
by new tools, most notably, git7 , but also by software forges, ment system, automatically download all needed ex-
i.e., collaboration platforms, typically made available as ternal components and libraries, and get ready for the
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), which are useful to organize deployment of the final product.
and make visible to developers and external observers many
pieces of information concerning a software being developed. • Frameworks like Jenkins[26] close the develop, inte-
Thanks to forges, version management is not seen anymore grate, check quality, build cycle by integrating some
as a very difficult feature to install and operate, but as a ser- of the previously mentioned tools, and by offering an
vice that teams use daily for managing software, conducting environment that can even be configured to automati-
discussions, sharing information within the project team. cally generate the ready to be deployed product, as soon
as a new version of a single source code file is pushed
3.7.2 Quality Assurance into the version management system. This increases
Automatic quality assurance tools and processes have the awareness of the development team about the im-
reached a significant level of usability, and are increasingly pacts and results of the development activity. This
adopted and used by software development teams and approach is known as continuous integration [17].
• Automation plays a major role also in the operation
• Developers can easily use source code analysis tools phase, as far as the management of applications and
that provide indicators and metrics about the quality their related software stack is concerned. This has
of the software being developed. An example of these been enabled by the introduction of virtualization and
tools is SonarQube8 . remote control mechanisms and, more recently, the dif-
fusion of public and private clouds. For instance, Pup-
• Testing can be significantly automated. The execution pet 14 is an example of a tool supporting application
of unit and integration test is now already largely au- management, while Nagios 15 can be used for monitor-
tomated thanks to the diffusion of the XUnit family. ing the application state.
Another significant example of tool in this area is Sele-
nium9 , which supports the creation of automated test 3.7.4 DevOps
cases for a web application by recording testing scripts The increasing level of automation enables software devel-
from the actions of a user on the corresponding web opers to fulfill the requirements of business critical applica-
interface. tions in terms of availability, reliability and response time.
At the same time, it creates a bridge between the develop-
3 ment and the operation activities that is often identified by
100).aspx the term DevOps [14]. DevOps is determining a significant
5 11
6 12
7 13
8 14
9 15

organizational change within IT companies. For instance, software is used is significantly expanding. Conse-
as reported in [20], organizations like Amazon are choosing quently, existing quality standards and models
a “per service” organization, where cross-functional teams need to be extended and adapted to very dif-
are entirely responsible for the development and the oper- ferent situations and contexts.
ation of a set of services. The metrics used for assessing
the performance of such teams are focused on the quality 4.2 Challenge 2: The Internet is the Architec-
and stability of the final services, rather than on the pro- tural and Execution Infrastructure
ductivity measurements traditionally suggested by software Most modern systems are built by aggregating and recom-
engineering research. bining distributed software components interacting over the
Internet. This notion is of course fairly obvious for web-
4. MAJOR TRENDS AND CHALLENGES based and mobile applications, where the Internet enables
The previous sections have briefly summarized the achieve- application mashups and the creation of widely distributed
ments, issues, and research directions that have been char- client-server and p2p systems. However, increasingly any
acterizing the Software Process research community in the software is directly or indirectly operating or inte-
past two decades. Looking ahead, to understand and imag- grated over the Internet. Even control systems and in-
ine the future of Software Process research, it is vital to dis- dustrial applications (e.g., SCADA-based control systems)
cuss the trends that are reshaping the IT market as a central are more and more directly interacting with classical infor-
economic sector of our society and, consequently, Software mation systems, and are managed and controlled through
Engineering as an essential and critical scientific discipline. the Internet. In general, any software element, even those
In our view, these trends can be structured around four main strictly related to real-time and control functions, is part of
major challenges. wide Internet-based systems. Basically, the classical sep-
aration among different types of software tends to
4.1 Challenge 1: The Internet is the Develop- disappear or to become more complex to articulate
ment Environment and master.
In the past decade, (at least) three expressions have emer-
Nowadays, the Internet is the development environ-
ged to emphasize and stress this trend:
ment, i.e., any development activity is carried out over the
Internet, even for small scale developments. 1. Internet of things: any product (or “thing”) is becom-
ing “intelligent” by incorporating some computing and
1. We collaborate and work over the Internet, within a
communication capability.
single company or across the boundaries of different
organizations or with sparse and distributed individu- 2. Smart services: classical services interacting with “in-
als. Notions such as “development environment” and telligent objects” become new “smart services” [1] (e.g.,
“development team” have radically and dramatically a connected car enables new forms of insurance and as-
changed: software is rarely developed in isolation, as sistance services based on a pay-as-you-go approach).
it is more and more the result of interaction, integra- The boundaries of a software system span the entire
tion, and cooperation among developers and between value chain of a company, from traditional back ends
developers and end-users working in a Networked Soft- to unconventional front ends.
ware Development context [30]. This is driving a pro-
found and radical change in the methods and 3. Disappearing computers: computing devices tend to
techniques used to conceive, design, develop, disappear as they are no longer uniquely associated
test, deploy, and evolve software. Crowdsourcing with conventional desktop or notebook machines.
is an example of this change that still needs to be fully
Cloud computing is another approach that reinforces the
understood and evaluated [37].
notion of the Internet as the infrastructure for the
2. Software is continuously changed and redeployed based development and operation of modern software sys-
on customers’ requests and expectations. This poses tems. Cloud computing is based on the virtualization over
huge challenges to classical processes such as config- the Internet of different kinds of services and infrastructures:
uration management, and software deployment and
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): provisioning of vir-
operation. The corresponding environments and sup-
tual machines and other infrastructural elements.
port technologies have to reliably operate on an
Internet-wide scale. Platform as a Service (PaaS): provisioning of databases,
web servers, and other runtime environments.
3. Nowadays, for some classes of software products it is
more important to achieve time-to-market than high Software as a Service (SaaS): provisioning of software
reliability/quality. Conversely, for other software sys- applications as remote services.
tems reliability is vital and central, as these systems
need to guarantee safety critical requirements. At the Indeed, cloud computing stresses the notion of software
same time, we have applications (e.g., mobile apps) systems being organized as a combination of remote, dis-
that are used for a few weeks or even just for a specific tributed, and/or local components (typically, according to a
event, while there are software systems whose lifetime “hybrid cloud” paradigm).
spans decades, and need to be continuously evolved This trend poses new problems and challenges to Software
and integrated taking into account new waves of tech- Engineering in general, and to Software Process research
nologies and services available on the Internet. In gen- more specifically. How do we support and assist developers
eral, the variety of situations and contexts in which in all the different phases of the development process? What

is the impact of the scale of the Internet on existing sup- 2. Users and customers do expect frequent and timely
port technologies and methods? Are these technologies and updates to address faults or issues emerged by using a
methods able to cope with these challenges and contraints? software application.
What is the role of users and customers in this process?
3. Software development is no longer constrained by na-
What are the new actors in this worldwide distributed value
tional or local markets. Thus, software needs to be
able to operate in multiple languages and coherently
4.3 Challenge 3: Users are Mobile, Nomadic, with the specific requirements and contraints of each
and "Always On" region.
The technological evolution of the past decade has rad- 4. E-commerce has been applied also to software distribu-
ically reshaped the IT market and changed users’ behav- tion. Of course, being software virtual “by nature”, it
ior and attitude. In particular, the advent of smartphones, has been very easy to replace conventional distribution
tablets, sensors & intelligent devices have ignited a shift in channels and stores with virtual ones.
focus from classical desktop and enterprise computers to mo-
bile devices. This change poses a number of critical and These trends have caused and generated another impor-
specific challenges to software developers: tant innovation: app stores. Initially, they have been con-
ceived to simplify the purchase of software applications on
• Mobile devices exhibit different form factors and in- mobile devices. The first examples have been the stores
teraction paradigms. Thus, user interfaces have to developed for Windows Mobile and Symbian in the first
be completely rethought. It is not just a matter of half of the past decade. However, the advent of the iPhone
“increasing usability”: rather, it is necessary to study App Store has introduced a radical change with respect
new interaction paradigms able to explore the intrinsic to the existing ones: the App Store is the only way to
characteristics of these new devices and of the condi- legally sell and install software on an Apple mobile device.
tions under which they are typically used. In general, This way, the App Store introduces a new approach to soft-
it is mandatory to integrate software design techniques ware distribution: it defines an ecosystem in which
and expertise with true industrial designers’ skills and the hardware/software producer (Apple) controls
methods. the platform/OS (iOS), and the process used to dis-
• Mobile software must operate taking into account the tribute and sell any other software (even the one
varying reliability of the Internet connection it may be offered by others) [22].
forced to use. Thus the alignment and synchronization In the past years, other stores and associated ecosystems
with back ends become crucial. have been created using a paradigm similar to the Apple App
Store, the most popular ones being the Mac Store (OSX),
• A crucial issue for mobile devices is power consump- Google Play (Android), and the Windows Store (Windows).
tion. This is not just a problem related to hardware In general, app stores define a totally new software market,
components or batteries: software designers have be- not only because they change the process through which
come increasingly aware that software has to be de- software is distributed and installed, but also because they
signed in order to minimize the usage of hardware have introduced new business models (e.g., “in-app pur-
and communication resources and, consequently, re- chases”) and have disrupted existing commercial approaches.
duce power consumption. Indeed, “software for low The overall effect has been the advent of many new (often
power” is now a critical area of research that is (must small) developers, an incredible growth in the number of
be!) tackled by software engineering and software pro- apps being sold, and the establishment of completely differ-
cess research (e.g., by providing simulation systems ent economics and revenue profiles.
able to estimate and optimize the consumption of power In parallel with the development of app stores, the evolu-
associated with specific software architectures and de- tion of operating systems has been biased by two somewhat
sign choices). conflicting trends.
In general, designing software for mobile devices is On one side, the role of operating systems tend to become
not just a variation of classical development pro- less and less relevant:
cesses: it requires new and specific techniques, policies, and • Many application are now web-based and therefore in-
methods able to effectively address the new challenges intro- dependent from specific operating systems (even if now
duced by this change. they are dependent on different browsers ...).
4.4 Challenge 4: The Internet is the Basic Dis- • There are several cross-platform development environ-
tribution and Business Infrastructure ments and technologies (e.g., HTML5) that are trans-
In the past decade, software distribution and commercial- parent with respect to the specific operating system
ization have radically changed as a consequence of two main running on the machine/device.
facts: 1) devices are permanently connected to the Internet;
On the other side, traditional operating systems and plat-
2) software can be easily distributed, installed, and config-
forms have proliferated with the introduction of new families
ured over the Internet. In turn, these two changes have had
of mobile devices. In turn, the advent of mobile operating
important consequences on the nature and organization of
systems has influenced also the evolution of desktop and
the software market.
enterprise platforms. As a consequence, while in the past
1. Software updates can be accomplished much more fre- decades we just had Windows and a few Unix dialects, nowa-
quently. As soon as a bug is discovered, developers can days we have a number of desktop/mobile operating sys-
push updates through the Internet. tems: iOS, OSX, Windows, Linux (multiple distributions),

and Android (multiple versions). In addition, there are a model is based on open standards. Therefore, E015 is an
number of Unix versions running on enterprise architectures open ecosystem that radically turns upside down the notion
and solutions. Finally, even for the same platform (e.g., iOS) of “walled garden” used in the past decades by many telco
there might be significant differences, requirements, and con- operators.
straints due to multiple sizes and form factors (e.g., iPad vs.
iPhone apps).
In general, over the past years the number of target 5. RESEARCH ISSUES AND DIRECTIONS
environments that a developer has to consider in Many of the research areas and activities identified in Sec-
order to plan a software development initiative have tion 3 are dealing with and addressing different aspects and
increased significantly, even if operating systems as such facets of the four challenges discussed in the previous sec-
are less relevant than in the past. In addition, the entire tion. Certainly, the problems we as a community are facing
software development and distribution chain has radically are extremely complex and rapidly evolving. Therefore, if
changed: the deployment and management of the same ap- and when needed, it is essential to continuously reassess and
plication across multiple stores and platforms/dialects (in redirect the focus of the research work. Obviously, this is not
particular, Android) has become extremely complex and ex- a simple exercise. The risk is to overlook important topics,
pensive. As a consequence, quality assurance and soft- overemphasize others, fail to spot and understand the real
ware security have become even more important and important ones. Still, it is possible to mention some top-
critical than before, as the achievements reached so ics that are increasingly important and still lack convincing
far still do not allow to fully address such complex- answers.
Recently, a new form of ecosystems is emerging: open 5.1 From Rigid Compliance to Smart Conver-
API ecosystems. They are based on the notion of open gence
standards, application mashup, and coopetition. For in-
Software development is a human-centered process (see
stance, one of such ecosystems is promoted by the US Gov-
Section 3.1), in which creativity and autonomy play a cru-
ernment16 that offers a catalog of the open APIs offered
cial role. Consequently, most of the activities occurring in
by many governmental organizations. Another example is
a software process cannot be rigidly automated. Typically,
E015, being developed for the upcoming Universal Exhibi-
there are boundaries and goals that constrain and drive soft-
tion to be held in Milano in 201517 . E015 enables a new
ware developers’ work, but it is impossible to force them to
approach to the design and implementation of advanced dig-
follow rigid and predefined patterns and procedures. Cer-
ital services and applications. In particular, E015 is a multi-
tainly, there are specific activities where prescription and
stakeholder initiative that comprises a number of synergic
automation are useful, e.g., distributed configuration man-
agement and software deployment (see Section 3.7). Indeed,
• A digital interoperability platform (middleware) based these are highly repetitive and error-prone activities and can
on the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigm, therefore benefit from highly automated environments. But
open standards, and a flat peer-to-peer interoperability these are just a subset of the activities that defines software
model. development.
In general, software development is a complex process in
• A set of shared rules and policies ensuring non-discrim- which it is not useful or possible to enforce a step-by-step
inatory access to the ecosystem, and promoting collab- compliance with a rigid predefined model. In software devel-
oration and cooperation (coopetition) among individ- opment consistency is the exception and inconsistency is the
ual developers, private companies and industries, pub- most common state [3, 13]. Therefore, it is impossible to
lic administrations. A developer can 1) expose its own impose a rigid adherence to a (often strictly) predefined set
services (API) specifying the conditions under which of rules and constraints. Rather, it is much more important
they can be used; 2) use the available services (ac- to ensure that the process as a whole “converges” towards
cording to the rules specified by the service creator) to the desired outcome, tolerating, controlling, and exposing
develop its own applications. inconsistencies as they occur. This “smart” convergence
is much more important than rigid compliance. In
• A governance model and related processes that ensure
process automation and support, it is therefore essential to
neutrality of the ecosystem with respect to individual
make inconsistencies a “first-class citizen”, helping software
needs and interests, evolution of the technical spec-
developers to visualize, monitor, and manage them, rather
ifications, promotion and diffusion of the ecosystem
than “fighting” to eradicate them.
across all domains and sectors of the society.
Agile development approaches (see Section 3.2) are mov-
• An open participatory process that enables everybody ing along this line, stressing the ability to address contin-
to contribute and collaborate. uous changes in requirements and implement the required
architectural refactoring. Unfortunately, even if the Wa-
E015 is not just a single application or a physical infras- terfall Model is typically presented as a historical relic of
tructure. E015 exploits the notion of API economy to go ancient times and many effective Agile methods have been
beyond the open data paradigm and provides full, bidirec- introduced and brought to the market, too often real de-
tional, and direct interoperability among autonomous dis- velopment activities are still carried out according to rigid,
tributed applications (open services). The interoperability inflexible, and fairly sequential processes. Indeed, it is es-
16 sential to study new approaches, management practices, de-
developer-resources sign methods, and also technical solutions to make agility
17 and smart convergence easy to implement and “enact” in

traditional software development processes, whenever this is anywhere: management of development environments and
required or desirable. back ends, communication between front ends and back ends,
management of front ends, user interfaces, social engineer-
5.2 The Fading Distinction Between Design, ing. Any phase of the value chain can be attacked and ex-
Development, and Operation pose companies and individuals to severe risks. Moreover,
As discussed in Section 3.7, development and operation the impressive development of mobile technologies and of
teams are increasingly integrated to reduce the timespan Internet-based services, along with the rising of the debate
from development to operation. Moreover, as recognized on international monitoring activities, have made them a
several years ago [16], there is an increasingly strong con- (if not “the”) major topic also for the software engineering
nection and mutual dependency between software architec- community.
tures and enabling infrastructures (operating systems, mid- Are software development methods and technologies ad-
dleware, Internet-based architectures and infrastructures, equate to assess the level of security, privacy, and trust of
cloud computing). a software system? How do we design upfront and prove
These observations have at least three main consequences: to customers and users that a software system exhibits ade-
quate levels of security, privacy, and trust? Is this something
1. The design of a modern software system is strictly de- that can and should be dealt with independently of classical
pendent on the nature and characteristics of the in- software development activities? Worse, is it something that
frastructure being used to implement it. It is not wise should be considered “out of scope” and not relevant for the
and not even possible to design a system ignoring the software engineering community?
infrastructure that will be used to build, deploy, and Certainly, the topic is not just technical, but, as re-
manage it. searchers, we can (and should) identify and assess
the major issues, propose ways to monitor and man-
2. Even more, systems evolve as combination of classical age threats, assess the impact that these problems
software development activities, dynamic infrastruc- can have on software development activities. When
ture evolution, on-the-fly reconfiguration of run-time should we consider them? How? To what extent? What
components. techniques do we need? How to expose, visualize, and deal
with them? As a responsible community of scientists we can-
3. Finally, non-functional requirements related to perfor-
not ignore or overlook these problems and issues, as they are
mance management and fault tolerance are crucial and
a major concern for citizens, enterprises, and institutions all
must be considered throughout the entire development
around the world.
process and not just as implementation issues to be
dealt with “once the system goes operational”.
5.5 Controlled vs. Unplanned Interaction and
In general, the classical distinction among design, Collaboration
implementation, and operation tends to disappear or Collaboration in software development activities goes well
to be radically redefined. beyond the classical boundaries of the traditional software
development company (see Section 3.3). In particular, there
5.3 Process Appraisal and Visualization are some important trends to consider:
One of the most important and crucial issues in mastering
any complex phenomenon is being able to understand and 1. Cooperation among companies and between compa-
assess its state and behavior. In Section 3.7 we have men- nies and their customers occur on an Internet-wide
tioned that tools like Jenkins offer metrics typically derived scale. Indeed, there is a significant number of tools
from the results of the execution of code analysis and testing and environments that aim at addressing this increas-
tools. These metrics alone, however, are not necessarily suf- ingly large market sector (see for instance Asana18 and
ficient to fully appraise and evaluate the state of a complex Basecamp19 ).
software development process, which is often distributed and
sparse both geographically and from a managerial and com- 2. Open source forges and other Internet-based communi-
mercial viewpoint. ties change the intrinsic dynamics according to which
In general, it is essential to identify and develop new software is conceived, developed, and distributed.
methods to assess, represent, and communicate the
state of a software development process. It is not just 3. The impressive development of cloud computing,
a matter of identifying new and more convincing metrics Internet-based composition and mashup services (e.g.,
and classical measurement programs, or to conceive more IFTTT20 , Zapier21 , CloudWork22 , and Mashape23 ),
appealing and easy-to-use user interfaces. We really need and, in perspective, of open API ecosystems (e.g, US
new paradigms (and underlying enabling technologies) that Government APIs Initiative and E015) are radically
are able to intuitively convey the key information describing transforming the notion of “collaboration” among
the state of a process, of the organization enacting it and software developers.
of the software system being managed, and to support their
study and assessment whenever needed or desirable. 18
5.4 Security, Privacy, and Trust 20
Software is increasingly pervasive and ubiquitous. Conse-
quently, the issues related to security, privacy and trust be-
come more and more critical. Security threats can emerge

Software development is occurring in new, unconventional, A major risk of any scientific community is to focus on
and unpredictable settings and scenarios. It is therefore es- the research areas that have been consolidated along the
sential to develop new approaches to collaboration and in- years, independently of the real impact of the results that
teraction that take into account these trends. It is not just have been achieved, and of the emerging issues that deserve
a matter of supporting distributed teams as discussed in new energies and focus. This induces a sort of continuous
Section 3.3. It is necessary to deal with varying collabora- rework (often quite artificial) around the same topics and
tion boundaries, dynamic and on-the fly interactions, inter- areas, even when they demonstrate to be not so important
companies commercial and legal agreements. How is the or aligned with the requests and challenges of the target
software process community addressing these complex issues domains. A nice italian expression to illustrate this notion
from a methodological and technological viewpoint? says “pestare l’acqua nel mortaio”, more or less equivalent
to the English expressions “scooping water with a sieve” or
5.6 Business and Organizational Models “flogging the dead horse”. We should be clever and wise
The profound innovation occurring in the technical and or- enough to abandon our comfort zones and move to “unex-
ganization approaches used to conceive and deliver software, plored oceans” that are certainly riskier, but undoubtedly
and the introduction of mobile devices, app stores, and open more promising and ultimately useful. As Storey et al. dis-
source software have radically changed the organization and cuss in their FOSE paper [27], we should learn how we can
structure of the software market, even if in conflicting and “influence the future” by producing results that are not only
somewhat divergent ways. On one hand, software is often sound and theoretically interesting, but are also having a
considered a consumer product whose cost should reflect the concrete positive impact on how people develop the soft-
trends and perceptions of that kind of market. On the other ware systems which the modern society is increasingly rely-
hand, software is the most critical and sophisticated compo- ing upon.
nent of any complex product or services. Thus, it is becom-
ing increasingly difficult to identify business and organiza- 6. CONCLUSIONS
tional models that are able to guarantee innovation, return Over the years, the complexity and size of software have
over investments, and customer satisfaction. dramatically increased. Nowadays, software is a critical as-
Of course, there are specific areas (real-time and control set of our society, as it is the core element of any modern
software, bespoke software for large and military organiza- product, process, or service. These growing importance and
tions, embedded systems, ...) where these changes are less relevance are posing new and tough challenges and pres-
relevant and visible. Nonetheless, many classical software sure on software development companies and teams. They
companies are forced to radically change their market posi- do need innovative and effective approaches to master the
tioning, the focus of their product strategies, and their core complexity of software development activities, reduce risks,
business models. Microsoft is a classical example of a com- ensure trust and reliability of the software solutions needed
pany that is significantly changing its position and business in the society. As a consequence, Software Engineering and
model: from conventional client apps to cloud computing Software Process research play an essential and central role
(IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS), from classical licensing schemes to in our scientific communities, universities, software compa-
other models including also open source. In general, the nies, and industries in general.
economics and business models of software are dramatically Software Process research has significantly changed in the
changing. It is essential to study this transformation to past decade. There has been a radical shift from providing
avoid a major risk: a general and unjustified “commoditi- modeling and automation of software development activi-
zation” of software. Software is not a commodity, it ties, to addressing a broader range of issues that take into
does cost, it is not “free” as in “free beer”. account in a multidisciplinary and holistic way the differ-
These new and innovative business models cannot be con- ent facets and aspects of such human-centered endeavors.
ceived by just considering pure economic factors and con- This transformation demands for a continuous and never-
traints. They have to be defined by aligning innovation in ending effort focused on studying related research domains
business models with the intrinsic characteristics of innova- and disciplines, combine industrial and academic expertise
tive service and product models (e.g., how do we pay the cost and knowledge, intertwine exploratory and long-term activ-
of developing and using open API services?). Thus there is a ities with empirical studies and in-field case studies.
role for the software engineering and software process com- If one word has to be used to represent this challenge,
munity, as the issue cannot be just considered a matter of we would use the term “openness”, as it is a reminder of a
economists and business analysts. number of important topics and issues:

5.7 “Don’t flog the dead horse” • We need to be “open” to the trends affecting the market
(consumer and professional) and the society in general.
The innovations presented in Section 3 have been radi-
Software is used in extremely different settings and is
cally transforming the way software is designed, developed,
characterized by a variety of requirements and needs.
integrated, distributed, and commercialized. In many cases
There is no single approach – or even characterization
they have been generated by practitioners who have derived
of problems and issues – that can be uniquely used to
proper solutions from their own needs. At the same time, the
drive and inspire the research work of the community.
dramatic changes in the way we live and operate immersed
in pervasive ICT technologies are having (must have!) a • Software Process research is extremely complex and
profound impact on software engineering and soft- multifaceted. It is counterproductive and pointless not
ware process research. As researchers we should be more to reuse, recombine, and exploit the knowledge and ex-
receptive to the approaches and tools that are emerging in pertise developed in other communities both in Com-
the practitioners arena. puter Science and in other scientific domains.

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per. We are also very grateful to Gerard Pompa, Margaret-
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Anne Storey, Damian A. Tamburri, and Alexey Zagalsky for
[12] G. Cugola and C. Ghezzi. Software processes: a
their useful comments on a preliminary version of this paper.
retrospective and a path to the future. In Software
The work of the second author has been partially supported
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by the European Commission grant no. FP7-ICT-2011-8-
318484 (MODAClouds).
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