Lab 1
Lab 1
Lab 1
Data loss:
The first and foremost risk of being victim of ransomware is the loss of
data which is encrypted by and is in the control of attacker. And even if the asked
ransom is paid, there is no guarantee the attacker will give the access back to the
DDoS attacks:E
Even after fulfilling the attackers demand , The system may still have
traces of the malware and can be used for DDoS Attacks by the attacker.
Financial loss:
Reputation Damage:
Prevention from ransomware and any other kind of malwares is relatively easy if
the defensive measures against malwares or unwanted software’s are taken
before time. Ransomware is also a kind of software, so, If all the security
measures are in order an working, then its unlikely for a firm to be a victim of
ransomware attack. Here are the steps we can take to prevent these kind of
attacks (explain gara sabai point halka)
Give Basic knowledge to employees:
Avoid clicking on unconfirmed mail/links
Use and update security software programs
Backup your Data:
Avoid disclosing personal information:
Keep system up to date:
Stay informed:
Restrict and tighten administrative rights:
Use whitelisting software:
Encourage the employees to report technical incidents:
Get Cyberattack Insurance:
With that being said, sometimes all measures of safety can be defied and if the
attacker finds a loophole or a backdoor, we can take some steps to make it harder
for the attacker to take the ransom after infecting the system, or maybe even get the
data back without paying the ransom which the attacker asks. The first step is ,of
course, to be calm and assess the situation rather than panicking and then following
the below solutions :