Venu Ehvac QB
Venu Ehvac QB
Venu Ehvac QB
Short Questions
1. What are the advantages of the EHV transmission system.
2. What the Disadvantages of the EHV transmission system.
3. List out the factors which govern the capacitance of transmission line in length of line.
4. List out the factors which govern the capacitance of transmission line in presence of earth.
5. List out the factors which govern the capacitance of transmission line in distance between
1. Explain the following mechanical considerations in line performances of Aeolion vibration.
2. Explain the following mechanical considerations in line performances of Wake -induced oscillation.
3. Explain about the ACSR conductor.
4. Illustrate about Bundled conductors and Hollow conductors.
Long Questions
1. What are bundled conductors? Discuss the Advantages of bundled conductors, when used for
overhead lines.
2. Why EHVAC lines are necessary to transmit large blocks of power over long distance?
1. Explain difference between the temperature rise and current carrying capacity of EHVAC line.
2. Explain about the power handling capacity and line loss in EHVAC transmission
1. Develop the sequence inductances and capacitances for the network shown using matrix
diagonalization procedure.
1. A 400kv line in India use a 2-conductor bundle with dm=0.0318m for each conductor. The phase
current is 1000 amps (500 amps per conductor). The area of each conductor is 515.7 mm2 , ra =2.7*
10-4 ohm-m at 200 c a=0.0045ohm/0c at 200 take the ambient temperature ts = 400 c, atmospheric
pressure, p=1, wind velocity vm =1 m/s e=0.5 and neglect solar irradiation. Calculate the final
temperature of conductor only due to FR heating.
2. The configuration of some EHV line for 400 kv to 1200 kv are given, calculate req for each
i) 400 kv ; N = 2, d = 2r = 3.18cm, B = 45 cm
ii) 750 kv; N = 4, d = 3.46 cm, B = 45 cm
iii) 1000 kv N = 6, d = 4.6 cm, B = 12 d
iV) 1200 kv N = 8, d =4.6 cm, R = 0.6 m
3. A 35 kv line has an ACSR blue bird conductor 1.762 inches (0.04477 m) in diameter with an
equivalent radius for inductance calculation of 0.0181 m. The line height is 13m. Calculate the
inductance per km length of conductor and the error caused by neglecting the internal flux linkage.
1. Explain about the inductance transformation to sequence quantities.
2. Formulate the line capacitance calculation of an EHVAC transmission system.
Unit- 2
(An Autonomous Institution under JNTUH)
Short Questions
1. List out the properties which are to be considered for modeling of transmission lines.
2. Define transposition. Explain the procedure of transposition
3. What are the important properties of the field of point charge?
4. How voltage gradient is minimized in bundle conductors?
5. The filed strength on the surface of a sphere of 1 cm radius is equal to the corona inception
gradient in air of 30 kv/cm. Find the charge on the sphere
1. Explain the expression for the inductance of multi conductor line used in EHVAC transmission.
2. Evaluate the expression for potential gradient at the surface of a conductor of 1-phase
transmission line.
1. A point charge Q = 10-6 coulomb (1µc) is kept on the surface of a conducting sphere of radius r =
1cm, which can be considered as appoint charge located at the centre of the sphere. Calculate the
field strength and potential at a distance of 0.5 cm form the surface of the sphere. Also find the
capacitance of the sphere er = 1.
2. A charge of 10µc is placed at a distance of 2m from the center of a sphere of radius 0.5 m,
calculate the magnitude, polarity and location of point charge Q2 which will make the sphere at
zero potential.
Long Questions
1. Find Surface voltage gradient on conductors under,
i) Maximum surface voltage gradients for N ≥ 3.
ii)Mangoldt formulae.
1. Explain about the field of sphere gap in EHVAC system.
2. Show that maximum voltage gradient on a N-sub conductor bundle in a 3-phase
3. Explain about the field of line charge and their properties.
4. Explain about the voltage gradient distribution on six-conductor bundle and gradient on sub-
1. An isolated sphere in air has a potential V and radius R. Calculate the charge to be placed at the
center to make the surface of the sphere an equipotential.
2. A sphere gap consists of two sphere with R = 0.25 m each. The gap between their locations to
make the potential 1 and 0.
3. A sphere gap with sphere having radius R = 0.5 m has a gap of 0.5 m between their surface
i) Calculate the required charges and their locations to make the potential 100 and 0.
ii) Calculate the voltage gradient on the surface of high voltage sphere.
iii) If the practical break down of air occurs at 30 kv/cm peak, calculate the descriptive
voltage between the spheres.
(An Autonomous Institution under JNTUH)
4. For a 700kv line, calculate the maximum surface voltage gradients on the center and outer
phases in horizontal configuration at the maximum operating voltage of 750 kv, r.m.s line to line.
The other dimensions are H = 15 m, S = 13 m, N = 2, r = 0.0159 m, B = 0.45 m
1. Determine the maximum charge conduction on a 3-phase EHVAC line.
Unit- 3
Short Questions
1. What is corona and explain.
2. Define effect of frequency.
3. What are the advantages of corona.
4. Describe the importance of corona loss in D.C transmission.
5. Define effect of frequency.
6. Define effect of dust, rain, snow and hail.
7. Define propagation mode of radio interference and spacing between the conductors
1. Explain short note on radio interference due to corona.
2. Explain short note on lateral profile of radio interference.
3. Explain a short notes on the affecting corona losses
Long Questions
1. Explain Briefly about charge voltage (1 - V) diagram and corona loss for,
i) Increase in effective radius of conductor and coupling factors
ii) Charge – voltage diagram with corona.
1. Explain briefly about the different corona loss formulae used in EHVAC line.
2. Explain short notes on audible noise and generation and characteristics of audible noise.
3. Explain a short note on RI excitation function and derive the expression for R.F energy.
4. Explain the procedure of measuring radio influence voltage (RIV) with the help of a radio noise
1. With the help of a radio noise meter Write the procedure of measuring radio influence voltage (RIV)
2. Calculate the corona loss per km and the corona loss current, for the given data.
Rate of rainfall ρ = 5 mm/hr, K = 5.35 * 10-10 , PFW = 5 kw/km, V = 750 kv line to line, H = 18 m, S =
15 m phase spacing, N = 4 sub conductors each of r = 0.017 m with bundle spacing B = 0.457 m.
user surface voltage gradient on center phase for calculation.
3. A 735 kv line has the following details. N = 4, d = 3.05 cm, B = bundle spacing = 45.72 cm, height H
= 20 m, phase separation S = 14 m in horizontal configuration. By the Mangoldt formula, the
maximum conductor surface voltage gradients are 20kv/cm and 18.4 kv/cm for the center and outer
phases respectively. Analyze the SPL or AN in dB (A) at a distance of 30 m along ground form the
centre phase ( line center). Assume that the microphone is kept at ground level.
4. The AN level of one phase of 3-phase transmission line at point is 70 dB. Calculate
i) The SPL in pascals
(An Autonomous Institution under JNTUH)
ii) If a second source of noise contributes 65 dB at the same location, calculate the combined
AN level due to the two sources.
1. Discuss about the L50 level and formula developed by Bonneville power administration in U.S.A.
Unit- 4
Short Questions
1. List out the application rules which are to be followed while using the meters for the
measurement of electrostatic field.
2. Define A, B, C, D constants of a transmission line.
1. Explain a short note on secondary shock current.
2. Explain a short note on electromagnetic interference.
3. Explain a short on wave reflection and refraction
4. Explain about charging current and MVAR.
5. Illustrate a short note on electrostatic field of double circuit 3-phase AC line.
6. Illustrate a short note on electrostatic field using 6-phase line.
1. Derive the expression for reflection coefficients of transmission line when receiving end is open
2. Derive the expression for refraction coefficients of transmission line when receiving end is open
Long Questions
1. Write briefly about the application rules which are to be followed while using the meters for the
measurement of electrostatic field
1. Illustrate briefly about electrostatic field of double circuit 3-phase AC line.
2. Explain briefly about electrostatic field using 6-phase line.
3. Illustrate briefly about effect of high electrostatic fields on humans, animals and plants.
4. Explain briefly about electromagnetic interference.
5. Illustrate about interpret the results obtained using wave theory in terms of standing waves.
1. Derive the expression for voltage and current using wave theory.
1. A 750 kv line has the distributed line constant r=0.0025 Ω/km, l=0.9 mH/km, and
C= 12.3 nF/km. at 50 Hz, calculate the following if the line is 600 km in length.
i) A, B, C, D constants
ii) The charging current and MVAR at a receiving and voltage of 750 kv, line-line, on no-load
iii) The surge- impedance loading.
1. Compute the r.m.s value of ground level electrostatic field of a 400kv line at its maximum operating
voltage of 420 kv (line to line) given the following details. Single circuit horizontal configuration
H=13m , S=12m , conductor 2*3.18 cm diameter, B=45.72 cm.
(An Autonomous Institution under JNTUH)
1. Discuss the behavior of travelling wave when it reaches the end of short circuited transmission line.
Draw diagrams to show voltage and current on the line before and after the wave reaches the end.
2. Obtain the transient response of system with series and shunt lumped parameters and distributed
Unit- 5
Short Questions
1. What is the purpose and significance of power circle diagram.
2. What are the advantage and disadvantage of synchronous condenser?
3. What are the objectives of shunt compensation?
4. What are the merits and demerits of shunt compensation?
5. What are the merits and demerits of series compensation?
1. Explain a short on line with and without synchronous condenser.
2. Explain a short on voltage control by synchronous condenser.
3. Illustrate a short note on compensation of line.
4. Discuss about series compensation and shunt compensation.
5. Explain the phenomena of sub-synchronous resonance.
Long Questions
1. What is the purpose and significance of power circle diagram and its user and also explain in detail
the receiving end circle diagram for calculating reactive compensation for voltage control buses.
2. Write the operation of synchronous condenser and mention its application.
3. What are the merits and demerits of different types of compensation?
1. Discuss briefly about the evaluation of transmission line constants.
2. Illustrate the compensator TCR to meet the reactive power requirement.
3. Illustrate various static VAR compensators for reactive power control in EHV system.
4. Explain about the static VAR generators.
5. Explain briefly about series compensation of transmission system.
6. Explain about series capacitor compensation at line centre.
1. The sending end and receiving end voltage of a 3-phase line are 240 kv and 220 kv line to line
respectively, its generalized constants of one phase are.
A = D = 0.99 + j0.0132, B = (24.75 + j165) Ω, C = (-0.000044 + j0.0011).
2. For a 750 kv 3-phase line, the following are the details given,
A = D = 0.8663 < (angle) 0.45, B = 130 < (angle) 87.14,
C = 1.92*10-3 < (angle) 90.14, Er = 750 kv, PL = 2000MW, QL = 658 MVAR and
M = 0.7.
3. A 50 Hz 750 kv line with L = 0.866 mH/km is 500 km long. It is provided with 50% series
compensation connected in the middle of line. The power delivered at 750 kv is 2000 MW 3 –phase
per circuit at unity power factor. Neglect the shunt capacitance and line resistance and assume the
line inductances to be lumped analyse.
i) The reactance and capacitance of series capacitor
ii) The voltage drop across it at full load
iii) The current flowing through it and the voltage across it during a sustained short circuit
a) On the source side terminal of the capacitor
(An Autonomous Institution under JNTUH)
b) On the load side terminal of the capacitor and
c) Across the load.