AEM Certification Questions

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How to authenticate to read content from repository? New implementation in 6.2.

1. login()
2. loginAdministrative()
3. subservice()
Answer: subservicename()

What should be the value of name attribute in dialog?

1. ./name
2. name
3. /name
4. .name
Answer: ./name (See for options with example)

POM dependencies : what is meant by version [1.2, 2)

1. 1.2(included) till 2 (included)

2. 1.2(included) till 2 (excluded)
3. 1.2 (excluded) till 2 (included)
4. 1.2 (excluded) till 2 (excluded)
Answer : From 1.2 till 2, 1.2(included) till 2 (excluded)

Annotation @Component(immediate=true, metatype=true, name=someName).which of these is true?

(Read this topic, Same kind of question but in a different ways.)

1. Metatype = true exposes service properties as configuration properties

2. Immediate = true enables service and allows access to configuration
3. Name defines class to use for service configurations

Which osgi service to configure in order to connect to MySQL database

1. Day commons datasource connections pool

2. Apache sling JNDI datasource
3. Apache sling connection datasource
Answer: Day commons datasource connections pool

Product pages need to be created under category page only. Which of these is true?

1. Use allowedTemplates on product page template

2. Use allowedParents on product page template
3. Use allowedChildren on category page
Answer: use allowedChildren on category page

What is the default logging level of root logger during AEM installation?

1. Dubug
2. Info
3. Warn
4. Error
Answer : Info

What service to be configured if you want to send email programmatically?

1. Day CQ Mail service

2. Day CQ Mailing service
3. Day CQ WF email notification
4. Task email notification
Answer : Day CQ Mail service

How should generated client libs changed if using ?debugClientLibs=ture ?

1. Client lib will have comments

2. Client libs will not be generated
3. Client libs will be included in the page with @include tag
Answer : Client libs will be included in the page with @include tag

If you have to create a dialog for touch UI. What should be the node name and type to be used for
adding a field to the dialog?

1. Dialog, cq:widget
2. Dialog, nt:unstructured
3. Cq:dialog, cq:dialog
4. Cq:dialog, nt:unstructured
Answer: cq:dialog, nt:unstructured (Or may be with two options to choose. Read question

What is the use of transport user in replication agent? Or Why Transport User check box used in
replication Agent?

1. Read content in author instance

2. Push content to publish instance
3. Configure proxy username
Answer: push content to publish instance, has access to publish repository (User credentials to

How to retrieve values for fields of design dialog?

1. currentProperties().get()
2. currentDesign().get
3. currentStyle().get
Answer: currentStyle().get()

Which of these are set using default global.jsp?

1. currentDesign
2. currentNode
3. currentResource
4. currentPage
Answer: All except currentResource

What is called which is passed to a workflow?

1. Instance
2. Workflow Item
3. Payload
Answer: payload

Which property to specify list of templates that can be allowed as child pages?

1. allowedParents
2. allowedPaths
3. allowedTemplates
4. allowedChildren
Answer: allowedChildren

Caching needs to be enabled for CUG pages. What changes should be done in dispatcher.any? select 3

1. Set value of /allowAuthorized to 0

2. Use /directory attribute to set /sessionManagement directive
3. Set cache rules to allow caching of CUG pages
4. Configure CUG login pages using virtualHosts
5. Create a 2nd farm
Answer: 1,2,3 (I choose, Please check)

New external Library dependency added to POM. But the bundle still doesn’t load after deployment.
Where should you add external library package to?

1. Private-package
2. Export-package
3. Import-package
4. Include-package
Answer: import-package

What does the filter mode = merge do?

1. Deploy package content if does not exist in AEM

2. Overwrite AEM content with package content
3. Install package content which is common to package and AEM

Answer: Deploy package content if does not exist in AEM (Read carefully the answers)

What should be the name of a runmode configuration? Run modes are author, foo. Need config only for
foo to run in publish instance


You are getting 403 error after configuring SSO and login attempt. What would you fix?

1. Incorrect IDP may have been configured in adobe granite SAML 2.0 Auth handler
2. Incorrect SSO server included in Apache Sling Referrer filter
3. Incorrect default login path configured in Day CQ Login selector handler
4. Saml-login path to be included in Apache Sling auth server
Answer: Apache Sling referrer filter option I chose. (Need to check)

What would you do to enable Query parameter caching in dispatcher?

1. ignore url parameters section

2. filters section
Answer: ignore url parameter option I chose.

Why is dependency management done in parent pom file? (Choose 3 options)

1. Limit transitivity of dependency

2. Control version used in transitive dependency
3. Consolidate management of dependency versions
4. Identify dependency of project
Answer: Consolidate management of dependency versions and control version used in transitive

You want to overlay a node you write a code with sling:hideChildren=blueprint, cloudconfigs. What does
it do?

1. Hide nodes but properties can be accessed

2. Hide nodes and properties are not maintained
3. Other tabs remains unchanged
4. The mentioned tabs are hidden from the dialog include its children
Answer: Hide nodes but properties can be accessed. The mentioned tabs are hidden from the
dialog including its children

You want to change default token expiration to 14days. Which configuration to edit?

1. Day CTRX token auth handler

2. Adobe granite access token provider
3. Apache jackrabbit OAK token config
4. Adobe CRX token auth handler
Answer: Apache jackrabbit OAK token config

How to change runmode from author to publish after installation?

1. Edit runmodes in start.bat

2. It cannot be changed
3. Edit runmodes in
Answer: It cannot be changed

Your AEM has gone slow and throw you are getting out of memory error. Logs show a lot of cache
manager :resizeall entries. What is the issue?

1. A known bug
2. Unclosed jcr connections

Answer : unclosed jcr connections

Annotation @slingservlet with some jsonurl

1. Extensions take precedencies over selectors

2. Paths take precedence over resourcetypes
3. Post is default if method is missing
4. Servlet ignored if neither path not resourceType exist
Answer : path take precedence over resourcetype, servlet ignored if neither path not
resourceType exist

Component added to template is not visible in existing page. Why ?

1. Change would reflect only in newly created pages

2. JSP needs to be recompiled
3. Cache needs to be cleared
Answer : Change would reflect only in newly created pages

When would you create a template instead of using a component?

1. Prepopulate the page

2. Restrict usage by paths

Answer : Restrict usage by paths

Dispatcher is not configured properly. What may be the demerit?

1. Dispatcher fetches pages speedily

2. Dispatcher runs un-optimally
3. Some types of files corrupt
Answer : Dispatcher runs un-optimally

A developer has created node named What is the developer trying to do?

1. Create a runmode to target stage publish instance

Answer : 1

Create node inside it created a node with type sling:conig. What is the developer trying to
1. Create a configuration for runmode foo
2. Create a package with name
Answer : create a configuration for runmode foo

Link not rendering properly. What would you do?

1. Disable link checking

2. Disable link rewriting
Answer : disable link checking

Why do we use maven. Choose 3 options?

1. Very popular
2. Identifies AEM instances automatically
3. Easy dependency management
4. Archtype can create basic project structure for AEM projects
Answer : 1,3,4

Logger writer or logger to be used for getting logs for search error

1. Logger writer in debug mode

2. Logger logger in debug mode
3. Run AEM in debug mode
Answer : Logger logger in debug mode

You want to extend textimage component. What all you can do?

1. Create mytextimage/icon.png
2. Create mytextimage/ textimage.css
3. Create mytextimage/textimage.jsp
Answer : create mytextimage/textimage.jsp

Which of these is false if you are creating runmodes as part of content package? (Can also be choose 3.
Select true statements)

1. Creating runmodes as part of content is riskier

Answer : 1

What to add to .gitignore? (Can be select 2 options)

1. Generated files should be ignored

2. IDE-specific files should be ignored
3. All .content.xml files should be ignored
4. Clientlibs css.txt and js.txt should be excluded
Answer : generated files should be ignored, IDE-specific files should be ignored

Clientlibs created under /apps/myapp. The dispatcher blocks access to /apps. How to enable access to
this clientlib

1. Add clientlibs category to clientlib in /etc/designs using dependencies property

2. Add clientlib category to clientlib in /etc/design using embed property
3. Add configuration in dispatcher to allow access to the client lib
Answer : 2 (embed property)

How to reuse items in dialog?

1. Cq:include
2. Cq:import
Answer :cq:include

Why to use clientlibs?

1. Code for js and css kept at one place

2. Further structure can be added to js and css using text file
3. Clientlibs can be added categorywise
Answer : all the above 3 points are correct (1,2,3)

Which runmode to be used to install production ready instance?

1. Sample
2. Production
3. Nosamplecontent
Answer: nosamplecontent

How to start AEM in debug mode on a debug port 8875?

1. Java –jar aem-6.0.0.jar

2. Java –jar aem-6.0.0.jar port=8875
3. Java –Xmx1024M –XX:MaxPermSize=256M –debug –Xnoagent –Djava.compiler=NONE –
Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket, server=y, suspend=n,address=8875 –jar aem.jar
Answer : 3

AEM is accessible through dispatcher running on default port. Replication agent is configured with
port80. Why?

1. Default port of dispatcher instance is 80

2. Default port of Author instance is 80
3. Default port of publish instance is 80
Answer : Default port of Dispatcher instance is 80

When page load time is high, which logs will be checked to identify the reason?

1. Error.log
2. Request.log
3. Info.log
Answer : Request.log

How to create JCR repository to filesystem mapping?

Answer :Filevault (vlt)

The developer creates the sling-folder and adds sling….. which statement
about <identifier> parameter is true?

1. The <identifier> must be a GUID

2. The <identifier> is mandatory free text
Answer : The <identifier> is mandatory free text

@component, what is used to define a service factory?

Answer :configurationFactory=true

How do you disable the “Target” menu item on components?

Answer : In editconfig, add disabletarget

How are comments in a site replicated back to authors?

1. Configure the dispatcher flush for the author pointing to a webserver url on which the
Dispatcher is deployed and configured
2. Configure the replication agents for the author pointing to pub1, pub2 and pub3.
3. Configure reverse replication agents for the author pointing to pub1, pub2 and pub3.
4. Configure a static agent for the author.
Answer : 1,2 and 3

What is the maven plug-in to compile the bundles?

1. Maven-scr
2. Maven-sling
3. Maven-bundle
Answer : Maven-sling

When you are adding or updating configurations of an osgi component when felix changes will be

Answer : Immediately changes will be reflected

If you are keeping asset outside and it is accessed by Author & Publish instance both then what type of
replication you should use?

Answer : Binary-less replication

How to include client libs in slightly framework?

Answer : data-sly-call, div data-sly-include

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