Reflection Bar Graph

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The lesson was about teaching grade 2 students about bar graphs using different activities. The teacher introduced the lesson, modeled how to create a bar graph, and had students work in groups to practice.

The lesson was about bar graphs. The teacher asked students what they had learned before and what bar graphs are. She then demonstrated how to create a bar graph using tally marks on the smart board.

The teacher introduced the lesson by asking previous knowledge questions. She then modeled creating a bar graph on the smart board and had selected students color it in. Before breaking into groups, she demonstrated the activities.



The lesson for Grade 2-A for 24 boys and girls, It was in the Math classroom. The lesson was
about (Bar graph). In addition, in the beginning of the lesson they will set in the carpet to
introduce the lesson by ask them what they learn before and ask them several questions for
example who know what is bar graph. After that, I use smart board that have bar graph and
tally marks to modelling and I choose 9 students and I asked them what your favourite
winter activity is, while they told me I draw a tally marks then I choose students to color in
the graph by using smart board. Before sending them to the groups I showed them the
activities by doing for each groups what they should to do. Then I send them in their groups
depend on the level and I put online timer its 15 minutes. In the end of the lesson they sit in
the carpet to review, I asked them what you learn today and I choose two students to
answers. Also, using a small teacher board and I stick A3 paper that have instruction and bar
graph with numbers, finally, I did assessment which is four corner ‘agree – disagree-
strongly agree - strongly disagree’ I told students the instruction about what they should to
do and I ask them two questions then they should to move.
Things I did well in the lesson plan:

Monitoring the group during students working using a chart with the group’s number gives them
a mark from 1 to 5 during observes students in the progress. Also I differentiated and model
the activities by academic level by called each group and provide all resources needed for the
centres. And my learning goal matching the activities. Also, Use smart board to participate to solve the
subtracting with two digit number. I believe all students felt like they could understand the bar
graph because they did the activity very well.

Things that was wrong in lesson plan:*

I notice that when I did the assessment four corners agree – disagree- strongly agree - strongly
disagree in the end of the lesson, I explain for them what they should to do in both language,
And the students didn’t understand what they suppose to do.
And doesn’t works because this is a first time they use it.

Things must improve for the next lesson plan: *

• In my next lesson, I will modelling for them how we do the four corners assessment by choose
four students to show them how they should to move next to words agree – disagree- strongly
agree - strongly disagree that have it in the corner.
Student’s works
MST Feedback
Appendix 2: MCT/MST Observation Feedback Form (template)

Bar Graph

Course Code: EPC3403

Trainee Name: Hessa School: MBK

MCT/MST Name: Radhe Date: 20-3-2019

The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give
feedback based on the selected teaching competencies.
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A

- At school at a timely fashion. Good time management and is consistence with work ethics.

Planning for Learning F D C B A


- Well prepared lesson. Includes all learning abilities and critical timing.

Managing Learning F D C B A

- Introduced the lesson through differentiated instructions and included the gradual release

Implementing Learning F D C B A

- Learners understood what was expected out of them and completed task as per instruction.
Assessment F D C B A

- Fun, engaging and interactive. Learners enjoyed playing the game which helped them
critically think.

Reflection on Practice F D C B A
- Reflects on positive and areas of improvement and immediately looks at next steps to
MCT Feedback

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