Appendix 2: MCT/MST Observation Feedback Form (Template) : Commitment To The Profession

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Appendix 2: MCT/MST Observation Feedback Form (template)

Course Code:
Trainee Name: Mohrah Majed School: Al Khleef KG
MCT/MST Name: Rosheena Naicker Date: 01 November 2020

The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback
based on the selected teaching competencies.
NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A

Demonstrates consistent attendance and punctuality .
Showed interest in observing fellow students lessons and a keenness to teach both grades.
Planning for Learning F D C B A
Has completed appropriate lessons, very engaging with the students.used songs and videos
showing planning and preparation was done.
Managing Learning F D C B A
Incorporated a range of strategies during the lesson and included a practical lesson as well as
a listening and speaking exercise for students.
Implementing Learning F D C B A
Incorporated writing on whiteboards and asked a range of questions so that it showed
students understanding.
Assessment F D C B A
Incorporates formative assessment in the form of tasks, observations and questions and answers.
Reflection on Practice F D C B A
Reflects on relationships with parents and students in the class. Showed interest in teaching both
grades and took on the challenge.

Action Plan:

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