The Oc Ul) - I - Din L-A H Ibi (D 1283) : Metbod Oc Ompu Ation

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The Tiij al-azyiij oC M ul}.

yi al-Din al-Maghribi
(d. 1283): metbods oC computation

Carlos Darce

1. Introduction

This paper is about the fírst astronomical work of Mubyi al-Dio al-
Maghribi , aD AndalusI-MaghribI astronomer w ho worked in Damascus
and Mariigba. His firs t dated astronomical work is the zij titled Tiij al-azyiíj
wa-ghunyat al-mu.btiij (The Crown of tbe Astronornical Handhooks and
the Satisfaction of the Needy). l know of three copies of this zij: a ne in the
Escorial Library, numbered Árabe 932 (Ms. E), another in the Chester
Beatty Library, Dublin (Ms. N. 4 129, Ms . D) and another in tbe
Department of Arabic Philology of the University of Barcelona (Ms. B).
Ms. E (fol. 57v) states that the zij was compiled in Damascus in
656H1 1258. This copy was made by Muzaffar ¡bn 'Abd AlUih in Tunís in
797H1 1394. The manuscript has 11 9 folios in which the tables are

I The basic references 10 Mubyi al-Din al-MaghribT are in H. Suler, Die Malhemaliker und
Aslronomen der Araber und Ihre Werke, B. G. Teubner, Leipzig, 1900, repr. in idem,
Beitrage zur Geschichte der Malhemalik und ASlronomie in Islam, 2 vols., lnstitut fur
Gesehiehte der Arabiseh-Islamischen Wissenschafien, Frankfurt am Main, 1986,1, pp.
162-163; lA. Sánehcz Pérez, Biograflas de matematicos arabes que florecieron en
España, Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias Físicas y Exactas, Madrid, 1921,
repr. in Sierra Nevada, Granada, 1995, pp. 140-141; S. Tekeli, "Mubyi l-Din al-
Maghribf'. Dictionary 01 Scientific Biography. Vol. IX, Charles Scribner's Sons, New
York, 1974, pp. 555-557, and Biographical Dictionary 01 Mathematicians, Vol. 3,
Collier Maemillan Canada, Toranlo, 1991, pp. 1767-1769; DA King, A Survey al/he
Scientific Manuscripts in ¡he Egyptian Na/ional Library. Publieations of the American
Research Center in Egypt, Catalogs, vol. 5, Winona Lake, Ind., 1986, p. 151 (G21): and
M. Comes, "lbn AbT I-Sukr al-MagribT, Abii 'Abd A[[¡¡h", Enciclopedia de al-Anda/us.
Diccionario de aulores y obras alldalusíes. Tomo 1, Granada, 2002, pp. 381-385.

SlIhayl3 (2002-03)
194 C. Dorce

presented on fols. 60v-119v. Ms. B is nol dated although we read thal the
copyist was the otherwise unlmown 'Abd AIla:h al-SanhajI al-DadisT, ·'the
most outstanding figure" in astronornical timekeeping in Marrakesh 2 • This
manuscript has 111 folios in which the tables are presented on pages 43v-
t 11 v. It is in MaghribT script altbough the abjad used in il is Eastem, as in
Ms. E. Finally, Ms. D is dated 1155H11 742. It is a Maghribi manuscript
with 94 folios; fols. 28r-94r caDtain tables.
1 bave studied tbe tables of Ihis zij and the calculation procedures used
by Mubyi al-Dio to compute them, in aD attempt lo identify what new.
parameters and methods of interpolation he used. This study has beeo
made using methods established by Mielgo), Van Dalen4 and Van
Brummelen5• and the computer programs designed by the first two. lt
appears tbat six tables of the zfj bave been calculated witb a procedure that
has first been suggested by Van Brummelen and which 1 will describe and
analyze in more detail in this paper.
The canons of the zfj begin with 21 chapters dedicated to chronology
and calendars. In all these chapters, four eras are mentioned: Alexander
(1st October a.e. 312), Diocletian (29 th August AD. 284), Hijra ( 15th July
AD. 622) and Yazdijird (16 June A.D. 632). These four epochs represent
a wide variety of astronomical systems and societies: the Alexander era
was used in the Byzantine calendar, the Diocletian era in the Coptic
calendar and Hijra and Y~zdijird eras are tbe beginning of Muslim and
Persian calendars. The Tiij al-azyiij has tables for the conversion of the
Persian, Coptic, Julian and Muslim calendars. The epochs of Philippus
th th
(12 November a.C. 324), Augustus (30 August AD. -30), Antoninus

1 D.A, King suggests the possibility of identifying him wilh 'Ali b. Mubammad al-Dadisi
(d. 1683). See C. Broekelmann, Gesc1tichte der Arabischen Lillere/ur 11 (Berlín, 1902),
p. 463; Supplementband Il (L~iden, 1938), p. 708; H.P.J. Renaud, «Additions el
eorrections a Suter, "Die Mathematiker und Astronomen der Araber")), ¡sis 18 (1932),
pp. 166-183 (cf. p. 180); and DA King, A Survey of/he Scientific Ma/luscripts ... , F48,
J H. Mielgo, "A Mclhod of Analysis for Mean Motion Astronomical Tables" in From
Baghdad lo Barcelona, Stlldies in Ihe Islamic Exact Sciences in Honollr of Pro! Juan
Vernet, 2 vols., Instituto "Millás Vallicrosa" de Historia de la Ciencia Arabe, Barcelona,
1996, Vol. 1. pp. 159-180.
~ B. Van Dalen, Allcien/ and Mediaeva/ As/ronomical Tables: Ma/hema/ical SlruclUre ami
Parameter Values, Universileit Ulrecht, Faculteil Wiskunde en Infonnatica,
Unpublished doctorallhesis, Ulrecht, 1993.
s O.R. Van Brummclen, Mathematical rabies in Plolemy's Almagest, Simon Fraser
University, February 1993, unpublishcd docloralthesis.

Suhayl J (2002..(lJ)
The Tiij al-azyiij' o[Mul)yfal-Din al-Maghribi (d./283) 195

(20 th July A.D. 137) and HulaghG (11 th January A.D. 1258) are also
mentioned, and the first three are widely quoted in the astronomical
tradition and zijes. The Philippus era is dediealed lo Philippus Arrhidaeos,
the first Maeedonian king in Ihe lisl of kings of the Almagest. Augustus
and Antoninus are, respeelively, the first and the last Roman emperors in
the same Iist. These tbree epoehs are used in the Almagest. Tbe Pbilippus
and Diocletian eras are also found in the Handy Tables', in al-
K.hwarizmi's ZI/, and in the Chronology of al-Birilnf. We find the
Augustus and Antoninus eras in the Chronology. Diocletian's era is also
used by Yabya ¡bn Abi Man~ür (d. e. 833) in bis al-Zij a/_Mumtaban IO and
in tbe Toledan Tables ll , while Pbilipfus' era is also mentioned in I;labash
al-l;Iasib's Zijl2 and al-Battáni's Zi/ . The Hulaghü era is introduced by
MuJ:¡yi al-Din for polilical reasons. Mul)yi al-Dio eompiled the Tiíj al-azyiij
in Damaseus the same year in whieh HulaghG conquered Bagdad (1258)
and two years before the fall of Damaseus. Nasir al-Dio al-Tüsi (1201-
1274) dates the beginning of the construction of the Maragha
observatoryl4 in Jumada 1 of 657H1April-May of 1259 bul the works
probably began in 1256. Mubyi al-Dio was probably aware oftbis faet aod
wished lo beeome a member ofthe staffofthe observatory. This mighl be
tbe reason foc bis use of Hulaghü's era. The zij also refers to the Jewish

1> GJ. Toomer. P/olemy's Almagesl. DuckWDr1h, Landan, 1984, p. 11.

1 O. Ncugcbauer, A Hislory o[ Ancien/ Ma/hema/ical ASlronomy, SpringerNcrlag, Berlín,
Heidelberg, Ncw York, 1975, pp. 970-971 .
I O. Ncugcooucr, TIre ASlronomical Tables o/ Al-Khwiirizmf. lo Kgl. DOIlske Vidensk.
His/. -fil. Skrifier, 4:2 (1962), p. 82.
9 See Sachau's edilion (Leipzig, 1923) and Eoglish lraoslalion (Landon. 1879).
10 B. Van Dalen, "Ta'rikh", Encyclopédie de {'Islam X, livr. 167-168, Leiden, 1998, pp.
11 GJ. Toorner, "A Survey ofTaledan Tables", Osiris 15 (1968), pp. 5-174.

12 M.-Th. Debamot, "The Z,j of l;Iabash al-l:liisib: A Survey of MS Yeni Cami 784/2", in
D.A. King, & G. Saliba (cds. ), From De/eren/lo Equan/: A Volume o[ Studies in tire
History of Science in Ihe Ancien/ o.nd Medieval Near Eas/ in Honor o/ E.S. Kennedy,
Annals of lhe New York Acaderny ofSciences (vol. 500), 1987, p. 39.
11 C.A. Nallino, AI-Ballani sive Alba/enU Opus As/ronomicum. Mediolani Insubrum, 1903
& 1907 (vols. J and 11), Vol. 1, pp. 66-71.

14 See A. I. Sayili, TIre Observa/ory in Islam and i/s Place in Ilre General His/ory o/Ihe
Observalory, Publications of the Turkish Historical Society, Series vn.
nr 38, Türk
Tarih Kurumu Basirnc:vi - Ankara, 1988, pp. 187-221

Suhayl 3 (2002-03)
196 C. Dorce

and Christian calendars, as we find tables for the festivaI s of both

Tbe treatment of planetary longitudes is Ptolemaic and conventional.
There are no Westem Islamic innovations 5uch as trepidation, ¡ndependent
motian of the apogees derived from the motion of the solar apogee
discovered bllbn al·Zarqalluh (d. 1100), or the solar made! of variable
eccentticityl except the use of the "Meridian of Water" as the base of
geographicallongitudes l6 • 00 the other hand, in the 22 nd chapter Mul)yT al-
DTo says that he has found from his own observations '1 that the latitude of
Damascus is 33;20°,
Spherical astronorny is the maio subject of the following chapters.
There are rules for the computation of the day are, the ascendent, tbe
declination, tbe second declination, the inverse declination (al~mayl al-
ma'küs), and the right ascension. 1 do not know a previous use of the
¡nverse declination. Mubyi al-Dln defines it as xC).,) = 15(90" ± ).,). It is used
as an auxi liary function in sorne computations like the second declination
of tbe Sun, tbe true longitude of a planet or the declination of a planet
relative to the equator. We can also find the standard method for the
detennination of the astrological houses 18 , the equation of time, and tbe
"Method of the Zijes" for the detennination oftbe qibla 19 •

IS J. Samsó. "'Andalusian Astronorny: lIS Main Characteristics and Influcnce in the Latin
West". in J. Sams6. Islamic ASlronomy and Mediella/ Spain, Ashgate-Variorurn.
Aldershot. 1994, Paper l.

16 The essential references aboul geographical coordinates and the "Meridian of Waler"
are: E.S. and M.H. Kennedy, Geographica/ Coordina/es 01 Locali/ies Irom Islamic
Sources. Frankfurt am Main, 1987. M. Comes, "'Las Tablas de coordenadas geográficas
y el tamaño del Mediterráneo según los astrónomos andalusíes", AI-Andalus, El Legado
Cien/ifico, Palacio de Mondragón. Ronda, I de abril-15 de junio, 1995, pp. 22-37 and M.
Comes, "The 'Meridian o f Water' in the Tables of Geographical Coordinates of al-
Andalus and North-J\frica". JOllrnallor ,he His/ory 01 Arabic Science 10 (1994), pp. 41-
5 1, repr. in M. Fierro & J. Samsó (eds.) The Formation olol-Andafus, Parl 2.
Languages, Religion, Cultures and /he Sciences, Ashgate-Variorum, AldershOI, 1998,
pp. 381-391 .
17 Merce Comes, wbo is working on a new edition ofE.S. & M.H. Kennedy, Geographica/
Coordina/es 01 Locali/ies Irom Islamic Sources, Frankfurt am Main, 1980, bas
confirmed 10 me Ihal Ibis latilude is documented bere for flrst time.

1I E.S. Kennedy, "The Astrological Houses as Defined by Islamic Astronomers", From

Baghdad (O Barcelona, Vol. 11, pp. 538-540 and 555. AIso in J.D. North, Horoscopes
alld Hislory, The Warburg Institute, University of London, Land on, 1986.
19 See the bibliography quoted by J. Samsó, "Ibn lsbaq al-TOnisi and lbn Mu'adh al-
Jayyani on Ibe Qibla", Is/amic Astroll omy and Mediellal Spain, paper VI, pp. 9-15. Sce

Suhayl3 (2002-{)))
The Tiij af-azyiij 01 Mutlyf af-Dfn af-Magllribf (d.llB3) 197

After a few chapters dedicated to solar and lunar ecl ipses, the canons
end with the "essay about the lasyIrs with the incident horizon" (Rismafi
l-tasyJrát bi l-ufq al-bádirh). In this part of the canons, MubyT al-DTn
explains the tasyJr problem, the projection of rays and the first vertical
method for the division ofthe houses. ln relation to the last subj ect, MubyT
al-Dln seems to have coined the term "incident horizon" (al-ufq al-bádith)
to denominate the six defining great circles20 .
As in the canons, the tables of the zij begin with chronological tables .
We see two important Eastem characteristics: the use of Syrian names of
the months in the Julian calendar and MubyT al-DTn's interest in the
detennination of Easter21 • In relation to the Muslim calendar, it is
interesting that MubyT al-Dln used the method of intercalation of years
attributed to Ulugh Beghl l.
The mean motion tables are calculated with new underlying
parameters. There are tables calculated for periods of 90 years, single
years, months, days, hours and fractions of 2' of hour for each planet and
there is atable (Ms. E: 80v-SI v; Ms. B: 58v-59v; Ms. D: 43r-44r) which
explicitly gives the parameters used. The daily parameters for each planet

Sun (Iongitude) 0;59, 8,20, 8, 4,37 o/d.

Moon (Iongitude) 13;10,35, 1,36,32, 17'/d.
Moon (anomaly) 13; 3,53,56, 9,27, 7 'Id.
Moan (nodes) O; 3,10,38,58,42,48 o/d.
Saturn (Iongitude) O; 2, 0,41,30,59,54 'Id.
Jupiter (Iongitude) O; 4,59,14,46,58,13 'Id.
Mars (Iongitude) 0;31 ,26,38, 16, 2,26 'Id.

also Ahmad S. Dallal "Ibn al-Haytham's Universal Solution for Finding Ihe Direcrion of
Ihe Qibla by Calculation", Arabic Sciences and Philosophy, vol. 5 (1995), pp. 145-193,
and DA. King, World-Maps lor Finding Ihe Direclion and Dislonce lo Mecca.
Innova/ion and Tradition in Islamic Science. London and Leiden, 1999, pp. 61-64 and
163-1 68.
lO E.S. Kennedy, " rhe Astrological Houses as Defined by Islamic Astronomers", pp. 541-
543 and 555-556.
21 G. Saliba, "Easter Computatiol\ in Medieval Astronomical Handhooks", AI-Abhalh, Vol.
23, 1970, pp. 179-212, repr. in E.S. Kennedy, Colleagues and Fonner Sludents, Studies
in Ihe Islamic &oct Sciences, American University of Beirut, Beirut, 1983, pp. 677-709.
II M. Ocana, Nuevas labias de conversibn de dOlas islámicas a cristianas y viceversa,
Instituto Hispano-Árabe de Cultura, Ministerio de Cultura, Madrid, 1981, p. 3 1.

Suhayl3 (2002-03)
198 C, Dorcc

Venus (anomal y) 0;36,59,28,56,37, O o/d.

Mercury (anomaly) 3; 6,24, 8, 11 , 4, 1°¡d.

1 have checked these parameters in each table roc days, months and years
and 1 can assert Ihat all the tables bave becn calculated using roundings or
truncations o f Ihe daily parameter except for Mercury's mean motion table
for days and lhe tabl e oflhe nodes for years 2J ,
The daily parameter for Ihe Sun corrcsponds lo a tropical year of
365; 14,30 days, the value Iha! Mubyi al-Dio used in bis Talkhfs al-Majis{f
(whose parameters are based on the observations made al the Maragha
observatory betwecn 1262 and I 274i , In Ihis treatise and in his Adwiir al-
anwar madii a/-du/lür wa-I-akwiir (1275), the daily parameters for the
Moon are 13; 10,35, 1,52,46,45°/d. foc lhe mean motion in longitude,
I3;3 ,53,42,5 1,59"/d. for the mean motion in anomaly and
0;3,IO,37,37, 12,20"/d. for the mean motion of the nodes. In both works,
the daily parameters for Satum and Jupiter are 0;2,0,36,45,35,41 o/d . and
0;4,59, 16,40,55,8°/d., respectively. Another difference between tbe Tiij al-
azyiij and these later works is the precession of equinoxes. The motion o f
precession in (he Talkhl~ al-Majis¡¡ and in the Adwiir al-anwiir is 1°/66
Persian years15 whereas in the Tiij al-azyiij it is 1°/72 Persian years, the
same value as the one we find in the Barcelona Tables (c. 138 1 6 . i
The table of the equation of Sun is calculated with e = 2;5,59 P as the
underiy ing eccentricity. In his Talkhf$ aJ-Majislf, Mul)yi al-Din detennines
the values e = 2;5,55 P or e = 2;5,57 P or e = 2;5,59 P by observation which
confmns the value found in the Tiij al_azylij-21.
The tables of the equations of the anomalies of the Moon and the
planets are the same as in the Almagest, except for six tables whi ch have

2l Sce Appendix.
24 G. Saliba, "An Observational Notcbook ofa Thirtccnth-Century Astronomer", Isis, 74
( 1983), p. 396, repr. in idem, A Hislory 01 Arabic Aslronomy, Planelary Theories during
¡he Golden Age 01 Islam, New Yorle Universily Press, New Yorle and London, 1994, p.
17 1.

" G. Saliba, "An Observational Notebook ... ", pp. 396 and 399. A Hislary 01 Arabic
Aslronomy, pp. 171 and 174.
16 J. Chabás. "Aslronomia andalusl en Cataluña: las Tablas de Barcelona", in From
Baghdad lo Barcelona, Vol. 11, pp. 477-525.
" G. Saliba, "An Observaliona1 NOlebook ... ", p. 390. A Hislory 01 Arabic ASlronOmy, p.

Suhayl J (2002-03)
The Tiij al-azyiij o/ Mully f al-Dfll al-Maghribf (d. J283) 199

been calculated wilh the "new" method wbich 1 describe in the foUow ing

2. Definition of homotbetic table 28

Ir we look at astronornical tables with the purpose ofknowing which is the

method used for computing them, we will not suppose Ihat the aulhor of
the zij calculatcd each value using the correct formula. The mean motian
tables are easy to compute bul Ihe planetary equatian tables must have
been computed by calculating a few values of the table and interpolating
the intermediate values or by using an easier method Ihan calculating each
value. In tbis sense, we have a lot of works explaining and analysing
methods of computation of tables that are the basis for Ihe study of any
zlj .
Then, two tables wiU be homothetic if one of Ihese is !be otber
multiplied by a constan!. Thus, far any given astronomic table TI, 1 use the
term homothetic table oC parameter K 10 refer 10 another table T2 which
is calculated as follows:

T2(a) = K -TI (a) for each argument orthe table

Under these conditions, 1 caU TI the model table and the constant K tbe

21 I have chosen this name because of the similitude between thiló kind of tables and the
retation between two homothetic geometrical figures.
29 Important papers are the works of E.S. Kennedy, "A Medieval Interpolation Scheme
Using Second Order Differences, A ÚJCUsl 's Leg: Studies in Honour o/ S.H. Taqizadeh,
London (Percy Lund, Humphries) 1962, pp. 117-120, repr. in Studies in the Islamic
Emet Seiences (SIES), American Univel1lity of Beirut, Beirut 1983, pp. 522-525; and
''The Motivation ofal-BirOni's Second Order Interpolation Scheme", Proceedings olthe
First International Symposiumlor the History 01 Arabie &ienee, Vol. n, Alepo, 1978,
pp. 126- 132, repr in SIES, pp. 157-163; B. Van Dalen, "A Statistica[ Melhod for
Recovering Unknown Paramelers from Medieval Astronomical Tables" in Cen/aurus 32,
pp. 85-145 and Andent and Mediaevaf Aslronomieal Tables ... ; J. Hamadanizadeh, "A
Survey of Medieval Islamic Interpolation Schemes". From Delere", lo Equanl: a
Vofume 01 Studies in the History 01 &ience and Medieval Near Easl in Honor 01 E.s.
Kennedy, The New York Academy ofSciences, New York, 1987, pp. 143-152; and a.R.
Van Brummelen. ''The Numerical Structure of al-Kham¡'s Auxiliary Tables", Physis, 28
(1991), pp. 667-697; "Mathematical Methods in !he Tables of Planetary Motion in
Küshyar ibn Labban's Jiimi' Zfr, Hisloria Mathematiea, 25 (1998), pp. 265-280 and his
doctoral thcsis Malhematical Tables in Ptolemy 's Almagest.

Suhayll (2002..(}3)
200 c. Dorcc

- --
F------ __ "1>' ------ -- -------------
- -- s,
- --

Figure 1

It is clear lO see that Ihis procedure preserves the arder ofth e interpolation
polynorny with which Ihe madel table is calculated as well as any other
characteristics or attributes oflhe modellable.
The fiesl example of a homotbetic table that 1 am familiar with is tbe
table oflh e equation of anomaly of the Moon in Ihe Aimages?O. The lables
oftbe anomaly ofthe Moon are given in two colurnns: es Ihat tabulates Ihe
equation of anomaly al apogee and C6 tha! tabulates Ihe difference between
Ihe equations of the anomaly al perigee and al apogee. So, ir we define PI
as Ihe eq'uation of anomaly al apogee and P2 as the equation of anomaly al
perigee, we can define atable for the equation of anomaly of the Moon al
perigee (which 1 cal1 cs,ó) in Ihis way:

cS,ó = cs + Có = PI + (P2- PI) = P2

wbere these tables consider the true anomaly (X~ as the argument. The
errors of Ihe first nine values of the lable C5,6 were already discussed by
Toomer'l. He also comments Ihat Ihe firsl seven values of the table fit a
ratio (radius of epicycle / geocentric distance of epicycle centre) of0.136
instead ofO.133:::::: 5;15/39;22) which Ptolemy 's parameters require and

JO O, Pedcrscn, A Survey 01 the Almagest, Odcnsc University Prcss, Odcnsc, [974, pp. 184-
JI GJ. Toomcr, Ptolemy 's Almagest, p. 237, note 30.

Suhayl3 (2002"()3)
The Tilj al-azydj 01 Mll/.lyi al-Dfn al-Maghrihf (d.} 283) 201

whieh underlies all values from argument 60 onwards. Toomer says that
this could be derived from a distance of 38;36 P units or an epicycle radius
of 5;2 1P, neither ofwhich would have any justification.

e, e, 0;30 'Cs
0;30 ' es
6 0;29 0· \4 +1 0·\430 0·\4
12 0·57 (- \) 0·28 +\ 0·2830 0·28
18 \ ;25 -Il 0·42 +2 0·4230 0;42
24 \ ·53 0·56 +3 0·5630 0·56
30 2·\9 -Il \. \O +4 \ . 930 \; 9
36 2"44 (-1) \·23 (+5) \ ·22 O \ ·22
42 3· 8 (- \ ) \ ·35 (+5) \ ·34 O \ ;34
48 3;3 \ \ ·45 +4) \ ·45 30 \ ·45
54 3·5 \ \·54 +2) \;5530 \ ·55
60 4; 8 (- \) 2· 3 +1) 2· 4 O 2· 4
66 4·24 -Il 2· 1\ 2·\2 O 2·\2
72 4;38 2· \ 8 -1 2· 19 O 2· 19
78 4"49 (+1) 2·25 -\ 2"2430 2·24
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
144 3·\0 \ ·5 1 \ ·55 O \ ·55
Table I

Toomer cannot explain this discrepaney but he says that it is too consistent
to be the result of mere inaccurate caleulation. In his detailed study of the
tables of the Almagesl, Van Brummelen 12 says that the recomputation of
the ta bl e casts serious doubt on Toomer's suggestion Ihat an errant
para meter is to blame.
Van Brummelen computes aH these ralios and we can see how the
result of tbe ratio changes continuously rather Ihan staying al a fixed level
of 0. 136. This leads Van Brumme len to the hypothesis that this table l3 C~.6
(in its firs t values) is ca lculated by multiplying es by 1;30. This bypothesis
is equi valent lO saying that C6 is a homothetic table of parameter K = 0;30
whose model table is Cs (see table 1, where tbe differences appearing in
parentbesis correspond to aD accurate reeomputation of Cs and e6). The rest

12 O.R. Va n Brurnrnelen, Ma/hema(ica/ Tables in Plolemy's A/magesl (doclorallhcsis), pp.

Jl This lable is nol actu al1y found in Ihe Almagest.

Suhayl ) (2002-03)
202 C. Dorce

oCthe values of the table are not calculated using the same technique: we
can sce tbis in the example of the argument 144 in table l.

3. Homothetic tables In the Tiij al-azyaj

The first homothetic table that we can find in the Taj al-azyiij is the table
C6 of the Moon whose maximum is 2;48° (Ms. E: 83v-86r; Ms. B: 6 1v-64r;
Ms. D: 46r-48v). 1 d iscovered that this table was homothetic because of
the distribution of tbe differences between the table and the correet values
that we can ohtaio with the exact formula. After checking that tbe linear
and second arder interpolations were nol the method of computation of tbe
table, 1 noticed that the distribution of these differences was lhe same as
lhe one that we obtain from lhe table of the Almagest. Furthennore, the
biggest positive and negative d ifferences of the tables were placed in the
same arguments and with the same signo Then, 1 thought in an bomothetic
function as tbe correct method used for computing the tableo In table 2, the
values under Rec. are difTerences between the exact computation and
tabular values; under error we have tbe differeDces between columns K .
TI Rounded and T2•

T, ~ ¡~ ',K ~ 1, 3,20
a. T, R" K 'T, _K · T,. uror a, T, R" {.;;; K ' T, error
1 1 1

1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
1 1

1 1



Suhayl3 (2002.()3)
rile ro¡ al-azy6j QI Mubyf al-Dfn al-Maghribf (d./2BJ) 203

Tbe model table is its homologue in tbe Handy Tables or a derived lslamic
zij like, for example, al-Sattanr, and the factor of this table is the ratio
between tbe maximum oftbe table and the maximum ofthe model table K
= 2;49/2;39::::: 1; 3,20. The rest oftables oftbe Moon are tbe same as their
homologues in the Almagest except Cs whose maximum is 4;51,00. In fact ,
if we calculate table CS.6 (rounding Cs to one sexagesimal fraction), the
resulting table is almost the same as the table in the Almagest. 1 have
recalculated both tables (cs and c,) and the underlying parameters of the
tables are sbown in table 3, considering two deferent radii : tbe nonnalised
R = 6(1 and tbe Ptolemaic R = 49;41 p.
1 have not found the method used to calculate table Cs, but 1 think that it
is possible to say that its maximum was calculated as the difference
betwecn the maximums ofcs" and c,: 7;40° - 2;49" = 4;51 , O°.

Taj al-al.}'iij Tiij al-al.}'iij Almagesl

R-60' R - 49"41' R - 49"41'
Tablc e
Radius of defercnt 60- O' 49-41' 49-41'
Eccentricitv 12"29' 10-19' 10-19'
Radius of epicvcIe 6" 742' 5- 422' 5" 15'
Table c,
Radius of deferent 60" O' 49-41 ' 49-41 '
Eccentricity 12"29' 10"19' 10;19'
Radius of epicycle 6'41' 5'33 P 5' 15'
Table 3

Sefore studying the planetary tables, il is useful lo remember here how the
Ptolemaie tables are presented. The fírst table is the equation of the centre
of the planet (ealled el)' After atable for an interpolation function (e4). we
have tbree more columns (cs. C6 and C7):

• Cs contains the difference between the equation of anomaly al

apogee and at mean di stanec;
• c, contains the equation of anomaly at mean distance;
• C, contains the difTerences between the equations of the anomaly at
perigee and the eorrespondi ng equation al mean distance.

Now we ean ealculate the equation of anomaly of eaeh planet from these
tables wilh Ihe well-known rule:

Suha),13 (2002-03)
204 C. Dorce

y(a v• Cm) = C6 - C4 'es ir Cm < Co

y(a v, Cm) = C6 + C4 'C7 jf Cm> Ca

where 0v is tbe true anomaly, c'" is the mean centre and Ca is the position of
the centre of tbe epicycle al the mean distance of the centre of tbe epicyc1e
frem tbe centre aftbe Earth (60").
The planetary etuation tables of tbe Tiij aJ-azydj are based on those of
the Handy rabies or on those of another derived Islarnic zfj: the
planetary models underlying the tables are Ptolemaic and almost every
table is the same as its homologue in the Handy Tables. The differences
between tbese tables (except in the case oC e3 of Venus) are due lo
homotbetic tables:

Table C6 oC Jupiter homotbetic table of parameter K = 1;0,30

Table el of Mars homotbetic table of parameter K = 1; 1,20
Table C(¡ ofMars homothetic table oC parameter K = 1;0,45
Table el ofMercury homothetic table of parameter K = 1;7
Table C6 oC Mercury homotbetic table of parameter K = 1; 1,22

Anotber important characteristic of homothetic tables is that they can be

calculated by adding in s pite oC multiplying. If we multiply different
values by a constant, we can see that the results are proportional to the
values and then, the difTerence between the result and the original value is
also proportional to Ihe values. So, ifwe calculate the difference between
the bigger values ofthe medel table and the table that we want to compute,
the homothetic table is the same that adding to each value the proportional
corresponding difference. 111is methed is easier than the multiplying
method for factors in the proximity of 1 (Iike in the case of Jupiler and
Table CJ of Venus is the rounding of the table of the equation of Sun lo
one sexagesimal fraction. The underlying eccentricity ofthe solar equation
table is e = 2;5,59 P with a maximum equation of2; 0,20°.
In addition to the presumably new planetary parameters tha! we can see
in table 4, we have nalice of other new parameters in the TalkhT$ al-

)4 W.D. Stahlman, The Astronomicol Tobles 01 Codex Yalicanus Graecus /29/,

unpublished doctoral thesis, Junc 1959, Brown University.
II G. Saliba, hAn Observalional Notebook .. . "', pp. 400-401, repr. in A Hislory 01 Arobic
Aslronomy, pp. 175-176.

Suhay13 (2002-03)
The Ttij al-azyiij of Mubyr al-Drn a/-Maghribí (d. /2B3) 20S

l. The observations related to Satum were made on 2S Ih October

1263, 9 December 1266 and on an unknown day in 1273.
From these, Mui:lyi al-Din determines the double ecceotricity
2e = 6;30 P• From another observation made in 1271 , Mubyi al-
Dio determines the radius of the epicycle as r = 6;31 P but
accepts the Ptolemaic value (r = 6;30P).

2. Tbe observatioos related to Jupiter were made on 191h October

1264, 2Slh December 1267 and Ith August 1274. Mubyi al-
DiD determines the eccentricity 2e = S;30P as in the Almagest.
From the observatioo made 00 the 71h September 1264, he
determines the radius of epicycle r = 11 ;28 P but be accepts the
Ptolemaic value r = 11 ;30 P, which is the same as in the Adwár

3. For the planet Mars, the determioation of the eccentricity was

made from the observations on Silo November 1264, 19th
December 1266 and 261h February 1271. The final value is 2e
= 11 ;53,46' Or 11 ;58,24' or 11 ;58,48,6': Mul¡yi al-Din accepls
the Ptolemaic value 2e = 12 P• From the observatioo made on
14 October 1270, he determines the radius of the epicyc1e as
r= 39;37,30'.

4. The observational determlnation of new parameters

As we have seen, the homothelic table procedure found in Mubyi al-Din's

Táj al-azyáj is only used in the tables of tbe equation of centre aod tables
of the equation of anomaly at mean distance. In each homothetic table, the
maximum of the table means a oew parameter and we musl see if this
parameter is tbe result of oew observations. For tbis purpose, we will see
how the parameters of a Ptolemaic model are determioed. lo the case of
tbe equatioo of anomaly al mean distance, 1 take the example of Jupiter
because we have references of observations made by Mubyi al-Dio io his
later Talkhi$ al-Majislf'4.
In book XI of the Almagest, Ptolemy determines the ecceotricity of
Jupiter from tbree true oppositions oftbe planetJ7 • After sorne geometrical

l6 The exact calculations are in G. Saliba, 'The Detennination of New Planetary

Panuneters al the Mar.gha Observatory", in idem, A History 01 Arabic Astronomy, pp.
l1 G,J. Toomer, Ptolemy's Almagest, pp. 507·5 17.

Suhayl3 (2002-03)
206 C. !)orce

and tri gonometrical calculati ons and an iteration procedure, Ptolemy

conc1udes that e = 2;4S P. In the same way. in his Talkhl$ al-Majisr¡ Mui)yi
al-OTn a1so uses three observations of Jupiter for determining the
eccentricity of Jupiter.

Maximum value in Parameters

Table in
Ta) a/-azyiij Handy Tables Parameters
Tiij al-azyiij
, 6-31" 6;31 G R ~60; O'
, 0-21" 0-21"
, 6- 13" 6;13"
e ~ 3;25 P
0-25" 0-25" r~ 6;30'
, 5' 15" 5- ¡so
R ~ 60; O'
0'30" 0'30" In C6:
, ll ' 9" 11 ' 3"
e~ 2;45P
r= 11;36 P
0;33" 0;33" r ~ II ;30'

11'40· 11 '25" In el:
, 5'38" 5-38"
R ~6 0 ; O' e = 6;8 P
, 4 1'40" 41 -\0· e~ 6; OP
In Có :
r = 39;30P
8; 3" 8; 3" r = 39'S3 P
2... 2,24"
" R ~ 60; O'
el is ¡he table of
¡he equalion of
1;42" 1;42"
"'. 45;59" 45;59"
e~ 1; 15'
r = 43; 10 P
Sun rounded lo
o ne sexagesimal
1;52" 1;52"
3'24" 3' 2" In Cl:
, 3-\2° 3; 12°
R = 60; OP
e = 3;21 P
e~ 3; O'
,-• ,. ,.
22"32° 22' 2° In ~:
2; r= 22;30P r=23" 0"
" Table4

Following Ptolemy, he detennines the angular motioo of the planet aod,

noting the obvious differeoce between the observed angles and the mean
angular motioo, concludes that tbe centre of tbe mean motion did not
coincide with the centre of the universe, After sorne geometrical and
trigonometrical computations and ao iteration procedure, Mubyi al-Dio
detennines the eccentricity of Jupiter as 2e = 5;30,39 P, which is truncated

Suhayl 3 (2002-03)
The Tlij al-oZ)'Ój 01 Mubyi al-Drn al-Maghribr (d. /lB1) 207

to the Ptolemaic 2e = 5;30' as final value. When we have the value of the
double eccentricity, the maximum equation of centre is very easy to
calculateJ8 .
Afier tbe deteTmination of the eccentricity, Ptolemy determines
geometrically, from a new observation, the size of lupiter's epicycle39 . He
obtains the value r = tI ;30 P• With Ihi s new parameter, Ptolemy constructs
tbree new tables (c~, C6 aod c,). For Ihe determination of the size of Ihe
epicycle, Plolemy uses an observation oflhe planel made on 10"'11 1111 luly
A.D. 139. We know tbat MubyI al-Dln uses an observation of Jupiler made
on 7th September A.D. J 264 to determine r in the Talkhis al-Majisli 40 . So,
in tbe Taj al-azyiij, the determination of Ihe new maximum of the lable of
the equation of aoomaly al mean distance for JupiteT could have been
compuled from only one new observation. From this observal ion, Mubyi
al-Din determines a new radius of the epicyc1e that must be r = ti ;36P (a
value with which we can obtain the maximum value for the table 11; 'P).
Thus, il appcars Ibal new observations were made to establish tbe
maximum equation of anomaly for the planelS Mars and Mercwy, whose
respective lables underlie the new parameters: r = 39;53 P for Mars and r =
23 P for Mercury. 00 tbe alher hand, we have seeo that the determination
of Jupiter's eccenlricity has beeo made from observations of three true
oppositions of the planet and the same technique was probably used 10
detemline the eccentricities of Mars and Mercury, for which we lack the
evidence of the Talkhfs al-Majisli. In the Taj al-azyaj, the maximum
equations ofthe centre ofMars and Mercury are apparently new· J , and this
means that Mubyi al-Din cauld bave ruade observalions lo establish them.
The new eccentricilies oblained in the Tiij al-azyiij correspond to the inner
planets and lo Mars, whose pcriod of revolution is only about two years;
planelS like Satum and Jupiter have much longer periods of revolution.
Only in the case of Jupiter we find a new maximum equalion of anomaly
which could have been oblained from only one observation. We also have
new parameters (solar eccentricity and radius ofthe lunar epicycle) for the

)1 We can see the exact fonnula in O. Podersen, A Survey al/he Almages/, pp. 279-280.

)9 GJ. Toomer, P/alemy's A/magest, pp. 520-522.

40 G. Saliba, "An Observational Notebook.. ..., p. 401. A His/ory 01 Arabic Astronomy, p.
41 I have checked tbe data file compiled by E.S. Kennedy, available lhrough well as all the sources on medieval
Islamic astronomy we have al our disposal in Barcelona.

Suhayl3 (2002-03)
208 C. !)orce

Sun and the Moco, as weJl as new mean motian paramelers . Each new
pamllleter, with Ihe exceplion of the solar eccentricity, can be derived
from only one new observation and the correspondi ng comparison with ao
old one made befare and quoled in anothcr SQurce. Finally, new
ohservations for the determination of Ihe solar cquation and Ihe equation
of anomaly of Ihe Mooo are also probable. The maximum of Ibe table of
Ihe solar equatian is 2;0,200 and Ihe table underlies ao apparently new
eccentricity: e = 2;5,59 P, Ihe value used by Mubyi al·01o in ¡he
homologous table of Ihe Tolkhf$ al-Majisll whose maximum ¡S43 2:0,21 °.
00 Ihe other hand, the apparently new tabl es oflhe equation of anomaly of
Ihe Moon of Ihe Tiij al-azyiij may also have been calculated from new
observations. Furthermorc, Mubyi a l ~ Din says in Ihe Tili al~azyii} that he
oblained the latitude of Damascus by his own o bservati ons. So, we are
sure that Mubyi a l ~ DIn made observations before living in the Maragha
It is, therefore, possible that the new parameters in the Ta} al~azya}
derive from a limited se! of new observatioDS.

5. Conclusion

Mubyi al~Din wrote the Ta} al·azyaj and computed its tables in bad times
io Damascus. The Mongols had invaded Bagdad and their arrival to
Damascus was imminent when Mubyt al·Din fini shed his work perhaps
with the intention of dedicating it to Hulaghü Khan . Maybe, MubyI al-Din
had to fini sh the Ttij quickly looking at the future new political times and
trying to get the gratitude of the oew leader. Mubyi al -Din worked in
Damascus where we know that he made observatioos (because he
menti~os one of them). The Taj al-azyaj is probably the result of a limited
set of observations made before the Mongols arrived to Damascus. MubyI
al-Dln did Dol have lime to compute his tables USiDg any complicated
method of interpolation and decided to use one of the easiest methods of
computing: the homothetic table o Each "new" table of the Taj al-azyáj is
computed by multiplying Ihe values of the homologue table of the Handy
rabies or a derived Islarnic zl). 1 do nol know if this kind of tables were
also used in any zl) of the lslamic tradition or if MubyI al-DID used Ibis

42 The ddennination of the occentricity ofthe solar mode1 Tequires three new observations
in the same year.
•) G. Saliba, "An Observatioual Notebook .. .", p. 396. A Hirlory 01 Arabic Asrronomy, p.

Suhayl 3 (2002-03)
The Tlij al-azy6j o[ Mubyf al-Dfn al-Maghribi (d. J283) 209

metbod during his later stay in Maragha, but we must recognise that this is
an easy way to compute a long se! of interpolated values.


The faet that Mul;lyi al-Din gives the parameter corresponding lo one day,
one month (of 30 days), one lunar year (of 354 days) and one period of 30
lunar years multiplying the daily parameter by the number of days of each
period, makes easy the work of finding the correct procedure of tbe
computation ofthe mean motion tables. Each table is calculated adding the
eorresponding parameter for each argument of the table. So we only have
to investigate which is !he step used in each table and compare with the
parameter given by Mubyi al-Din . For each parameter, I am going to use
the fo llowing notation:

d = parameter corresponding lO one day

m= parameter corresponding lo one month of 30 days
m '=parameter corresponding to one month of 29 days.
y = parameter corresponding to one lunar year of 354 days.
y. =parameter corresponding to one lunar year of 355 days.
q =parameter corresponding to one period of 30 lunar years.
p = parameter corresponding to one period of 90 lunar years.

For each natural number k, d(k) means the rounding ofth e daily parameter
lo k sexagesimal fractions. I also caH m(k), y(k) and P(k) to the
corresponding roundings of the parameters for the months, years and
periods. An aslerisk after them will mean the corresponding truncation and
the capitalletters ¡ndicate the values used by Mubyi al-Dio.
Now, J am going to see how eaeh table was calculated: we have tables
ror days, months, single years and periods of 90 years. In eaeh case, the
firsl column is tbe kind of table studied, the second column is the
parameter explicitly given by Mubyi al-Din, the third column is lhe value
used in the table, !he fo urth column is tbe procedure of eomputation of lbe
parameter with respeet lo Mubyi al-Din 's value and the last column
¡ndieates the number of sexagesimal fractions used in the compulation of
the tableo The chosen parameter is the one which gives leasl differences
with the table of lhe Tiij al-azyiij. There are a 101 of eases in wbicb lhe
value obtained by rounding is the same Ibat tbe value obtained by
truncation: in these cases 1 consider rounding as the method used.

Sultay! ) (2002-03)
210 C. Dorce

1. Longitude ofthe Sun

MubyJal-DTn ' s Parametu of the Seuges.

Tibie Procedure
Darameter table (radlnns
D.y. D ~ O;S9. 8,20,8,4,37 d=O;59,8,20 RO~~~r
d- 3 3
m = 29;34, I 0,4 3
Month. M = 29;34. 10.4.2,18,30 ", - M(l)
m' = 28;3S,l,44 ",' - m - d 3
~ 348;55, 10,47,42 4
Y 348;55, I 0,47,4 1,30,0
Vean la
y'=349;S4, 19,7,SO yo
'. ~~4)
+ 4
Q " 38;25,55,32,1 3,55,0 p = 11 5;17,46,37 p - 3 'Q(3) 3
90 vean

2. Longitude of the Moon

MubyJ al-OTn's Para meter of Seugcs.

Table Procedure
pa rameler tbe table (r.etlons
Day. D'" 13; 10,35, I,36.32. 17 d = 13; 10,35 Ro~~~~:
J- 2 2
m = 35;17,30,48 3
Monlh$ M - 35;17,30,48, 16,8,30
m' = 22;6,55,46 ~ ' M~3)
", " m - 3 3
y= 344;26,39,29 Truncation 3
Vean Y - J44;26,39,29,34,28,18 y' - ytD(3)·
y'=357'37 1430 3
Q " 38; 16, 10,4,56,4,7 p = 115; 17,46,37 p - J ' Q(3) 3
90 vC&n

3. Anomaly of the Moon

Mub yT al-OTn ', Paramclcr of Seug.

Tlblc Procedure
parameter the ta ble fra cllons
Days D= 13;3,53,56,9,27,7 d = 13;3,53,56,9 Rou:'~~~:
d· 4
m=31 ;56,58,4,44 4
Monlhs M = 31 ;56,58,4,43,33,30 m " M(4)
m' =18;53,4,8,35 m' - m d 4
F 305;0, 13,20 3
y = 305;0,13,19,45,59, 18
y '=318;4,7,16 lo"
Y ' +~ll
" J 3
Q :: 293;49,33, 10,43.37,17 p = 16 1;28.39,32 P" (3 'QX3) 3
90 ycars

Su hayl 3 (2002-03)
The Táj a/-azylij 01 Mubyf a/-Dill a/-Maghrib f (d./1BJ) 211

4. Nodes ofthe Moon<H

MulJYT al-DIn's Parameter of Seug.

T able Procedure
parameter the table fraeUons
Day. D = 0;3,1 0,38,58,42,48 d = 0 ;3, IO,39 RO~t!:;~:
d- 3 3

", ... 30 'd(3)
m= 3
Month, M = 1;35, 19,29,21,24 ,0 . , -~~)-
m' = 1;32,8,5 1 -2, 3 3
Y'" 18;44,49,58 3
Yu rs y = 18;44,49,58,24 ,3 1, 12 y- )'(3)
y '= 18;48,O,37 ,' - , . '0(3) 3
Q = 202;59,56, 18,6,24,0 p = 111 ;0, 11 p-36O"- 3 Q(2) 2
90 vean

S. Longitude of Saturn

Para meter of Sexages.

Table Mubytal-Drn's pa rameter Procedure
the table fracUons
Day, D = 0;2,0,41,30,59,54 d = 0;2,0,42 RO~~~r
d- 3 3
m = 1;0,20,45,30 4
Months M = 1;0,20,45.29.57,0 m - M(4)
m ' ~;58,20,3.s9 4
" - m- 0(4)
y= 11 ;52,4,56,53 4
Vea n y = 11 ;52,4,56,53,24,36
y '= 11 ;54,5,38,24 .Y" YI;,\"
- y '+- 4
Q= 356;24,36,3,23, 16,54 P = 349; 13,48, 1O p - 3 ' Q(3) 3
90 vea rs

6. Longitude of Jupiter

Pa rameter of Seuges.
T able MUbyI al-Drn', pa r a meter Proeedure
Ihe table fractlon s
Days D = 0;4,59, 14,46,58,13 d = 0;4,59,15 d- mi 3
m=2;29,37,23,29 4
m ~- -m~~4)
Months M = 2;29,37 ,23,29,6,30
m ' "'2;24,38,8,42 - 4 4
y= 29;25,33,13 3
Vea n Y = 29;25,33, 13,7,28,42 ".. Y(3)
y '=29;30,32,28 y ' - Y '+- J 3
Perlods (3 ' QX3) -
Q = 163;4 1,28, 16,2 1,1,23 P = 131 ;4,24,50 13 1; 4,24,49
90 years

44 The table for the nocles of the Moon corresponding lo Ihe periods is additive while the
olher tables are subtracti ve.

Suhayl 3 (2002-03)
212 C. Dorce

7. Longitude of Mars

Mul;lyT al-Dro', Para meter oC (he Sexages.

Table Procedure
par.meter table fractions
Day. D " 0;31 ,26,38, 16,2,26 d = 0;31 ,26.38 Ro~~~~:
d- 3 3

m = 15;43,19,8 Rounding:
m - M()
Months M = 15;4], 19,8,1, 13,0
m'; 15;11,52,30 m '- ", d 3
)""'185;3 1,9,46,33 4
Vean r = 18S;31.9,49,38.~ 1,24 y · 1'(4)
y'= 186;2,36,24,49
," ,~Dí" 4
90 years
Q = 171 ;20,46,20,7,8,46 p = 154;2, 19 p - 3 'Q(J) 2

8. Anomaly ofVenus

MubyT al-Dro's Para meter oC (he SeIlges.

Table Proccdurc
paramder tablt fra ctlons
Oay. D= 0;36,59,28,56,37 d = 0;36,59,29
d- mi 3
m = 18:29,44,28 3
Monlhs M = 18;29,44,28,18,30 m - M(3)
m' '= 17;52,44,59 m' · ", d 3
)""'218;14,56,46 3
Vean Y = 218; 14,56,46,2, 18 y': 218;SI,56, 15
y . 1'(3)
y' . ~+d 3
Q = 74;15,17, 19.3 1,47 P '" 222;45,52 p - (3'Q)(2) 2
90 vean

9. Anomaly of Mercury

MubyT al-OTn'l Para meter of the Sexages,

Table Procedure
parametcr table fractlons
DaYI D '" 3;6.24,8,11,4,1
,7 3

m : 93; 12,4
Rounding: 2
Months M '" 93; 12,4,5,32,0,30
m' = 90;5,40 ~ . ~c¡J,-)
m '" m 2 2
y= 19;46,24,17
Vean y= 19;46,24,17, 17,41,54 y- J'{3)
y'=22;52,48,25 ¡.o ' . ¡.o;[K]) 3
Q =261;22,34,8,52,41,11 p '" 8 1;7,42,27 p - (3 ' Q)(3) 3
90 vean

The table for the days is computed with a greater parameter than the one
given by Mubyi al-Din.

Suhayl3 (2002..()))

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