Astrolabes - and - Zijes - As - Tools - of - Education 2 PDF
Astrolabes - and - Zijes - As - Tools - of - Education 2 PDF
Astrolabes - and - Zijes - As - Tools - of - Education 2 PDF
Although today we know much more about Islamic zījes and astronomical
instruments through the research of David King and his students, as he has pointed out
there is a mass of material still to be explored—a situation that mirrors the state of the
study of Arabic scientific manuscripts generally.
So, in order to get greater insight into the educational context, this semester at
Claremont McKenna College I have integrated them into my history of Islamic science
course (“Science, from Islam to the West”). Students assemble and learn to use astrolabes,
and to perform general astronomical calculations, as well as specifically Islamic ones.
And they learn the theory behind planetary tables and use them to calculate the planetary
positions to place on their own natal charts. While I don’t teach them how to interpret
their charts, they gain a hands-on appreciation for the labors of pre-modern astronomers,
much of whose livelihoods depended on such astrological applications.
In the present setting, I shall sketch these devices and their histories. Then I shall
describe how these devices can be taught in a modern educational context. The historical
The classic study of the history of the astrolabe is: Neugebauer, O. "The Early History of the Astrolabe."
Isis 40, no. 3 (1949): 240-56.
part of this presentation is based on the works of Professors E. S. Kennedy and D. A.
King. The modern part is original with me.
according to one view.2 Harran was a site of continued Hellenism in Late Antiquity.
Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm al-Fazarī (8th C.) reportedly was the first Muslim to construct
one, but the oldest extant Islamic astrolabe dates from late 8th C. Baghdad, and is a copy
of a Byzantine exemplar.3 The earliest surviving Arabic treatise on the construction and
use of the astrolabe is by al-Khwārizmī (9th C.), but the culmination of that tradition was
al-Bīrūnī’s great 11th C. treatise.4
The astrolabe is a portable model of the cosmos that can represent the positions of
the sun and major stars at any time of the day or year for a given latitude. The rotating
rete represents the heavens, and the plate, with its fixed celestial coordinate grid,
represents the stationary earth. The observer orients himself with respect to the horizon,
meridian, zenith, and pole star. Interchangeable plates for other latitudes could be carried
inside the body of the astrolabe. The most useful aspect of the astrolabe is that, because
of the way the celestial sphere is projected onto the plate, it can solve graphically many
problems that would otherwise require spherical trigonometry.
The astrolabe on the right below once belonged to the 15th C. Timurid ruler,
Ulugh Beg (1394-1449 C.E.), who was also an astronomer and mathematician.5 On the
left are examples from the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford, which has so
many astrolabes, both Islamic and European, that you almost trip over them. Their online
catalogue is very useful.6
King, David A. "Astrolabes, Quadrants, and Calculating Devices." In Encyclopaedia of Islam, THREE,
edited by Kate Fleet, Gudrun Krämer, Denis Matringe, John Nawas and Everett Rowson: Brill Online,
For a survey of Byzantine astrolabes, see: Tihon, Anne. "Traités byzantins sur l'astrolabe." Physis 32,
(1995): 323-57.
Kitab fi istīʿāb al-wujūh fi ṣanʿat al-asṭurlāb. See E. S. Kennedy,"al-Biruni." In Dictionary of Scientific
Biography, 147-58. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1970.
5 . The
catalogue states that this astrolabe was probably commissioned by Shah Rukh, Ulugh Beg’s father.
However, that makes little sense, unless he commissioned it for his son, who was the real student of
Museum of the History of Science,
the “Carolingian” astrolabe.7 For some Europeans, such as Peter Abelard, it even
symbolized the superiority of Arabic scientific culture.
Although the astrolabe was originally a Greek invention, the Arabic tradition
developed it to new heights of sophistication, just as it did with nearly everything else
from Greek.8 For example, on the left is the universal astrolabe plate invented by the 11th
C. Andalusian Ibn al-Zarqālluh, which can be used for all latitudes. On the right is the
1328/29 C.E. masterpiece designed by Ibn al-Sarrāj in Aleppo. Said to have been the
most sophisticated astrolabe ever made, it can be used universally in five different ways.9
Discussed in detail in: King, David A. "The Earliest Known European Astrolabe in the Light of Other
Early Astrolabes." In The Oldest Latin Astrolabe, edited by W. Stevens, G. Beaujouan and A. J. Turner,
359-404. Florence: Leo S. Olschki. Reprint, King, David A. Astrolabes from Medieval Europe, Variorum
Collected Studies. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate, 2011.
Neugebauer, O. "The Early History of the Astrolabe." Isis 40, no. 3 (1949): 240-56. Here, 240-241.
King, In Synchrony with the Heavens, vol.2, 59-63.
Universal plate of Ibn al-Zarqalluh (shakkāziyya)
(Both images are from D. A. King. In Synchrony with the Heavens: Studies in
Astronomical Timekeeping and Instrumentation in Medieval Islamic Civilization. Volume
Two: Instruments of Mass Calculation. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2005, pp. 59; 61.)
Astrolabes were only the beginning of ingenious instrument design in Islam. They
are best known in the West because they were one of the intriguing devices brought back
to Europe from the Muslim world in the 10th-11th Centuries, which spurred the Latins on
to study math and astronomy. There were a host of other instruments for various purposes,
most of which are known now only by their descriptions. An important exception is the
universal qibla computer below, which we have heard about already today, whose
projection of geography enables the nomographical determination of the sacred direction
for many cities.10
From D. A. King. World-Maps for Finding the Direction and Distance to Mecca:
Innovation and Tradition in Islamic Science. Leiden, 1999.
It is itself based on math and prototypes developed much earlier in Islam. (King, World-Maps, pp.225-
Zīj Ulugh Beg, 1665 CE Indian copy (Christie’s)11 This section is a table of the
equation (taʿdīl) of the Sun.
OCTOBER 1665 AD. Persian manuscript on paper, 223ff. as numbered plus two fly-leaves, most folios
with tables in red and black, each with a title in black or red naskh script above, sections of text with 21-
24ll. of black naskh script, occasional words picked out in red, others overlined in red, old repairs
throughout, paginated, old seal impression of 'Mir 'Atiq devotee of Ahmad Shah Padshah Ghazi' dated AH
1162, in pink cloth covered binding. Folio 9 1/8 x 5 ¼in. (23.2 x 13.1cm.) (From: )
A page from another zīj
Zījes were the earliest kind of astronomical text to be composed in Arabic. Called
“zīj” because their characteristic form resembles a loom,12 there were zīj traditions in
Sanskrit and Pahlavi, which, along with Ptolemy’s Handy Tables, influenced the Islamic
tradition.13 Zījes consisted of numerous kinds of tables and algorithms14 for the
computation of planetary positions, prayer times, and much more. They conveyed a great
deal of astronomical knowledge, via the models that generated the tables, and the
numerical parameters on which they were based.
For a discussion of the etymology, see: Kennedy, E. S. "A Survey of Islamic Astronomical Tables."
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 46, no. 2 (1956): 123-77; here, pp.123-124.
Ptolemy. Ptolemaiou Procheiroi Kanones. Ptolemy's Handy Tables, Volume 1b: Tables A1-A2.
Transcription and Commentary by R. Mercier, Publications de l’Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 59B.
Leuven: Peeters, 2011. Ibid., Ptolemaiou Procheiroi Kanones. Les Tables Faciles de Ptolemee. Ptolemy's
Handy Tables: Volume 1a: Tables A1-A2: Introduction. Edition Critique by Anne Tihon, Publications de
l’Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 59B. Leuven: Peeters, 2011.
This very useful word comes from the Arabic scientific tradition: the Latin form of Muḥammad ibn Mūsā
al-Khwārizmī (d.c. 850 C.E.), the great Muslim algebraist.
Professor Kennedy’s chart below shows the legacies of zījes between several
cultures. The earliest known zīj that was of interest to Muslim astronomers was the zīj al-
Arkand, an Arabic version of a Sanskrit original with Pahlavi sources, composed in Sind,
735 CE. The most important Indian zīj to be studied in Islam was the Mahāsiddhanta,
translated by al-Fazārī as Zīj al-Sindhind al-kabir.15 Al-Khwārizmī’s Zīj al-Sindhind (not
the same as al-Fazārī’s translation) is the earliest non-fragmentary zīj to survive from the
Arabic tradition, although it is extant only in Latin translation. The correction and
improvement of zījes were justifications for the imperial sponsorship of observational
astronomy. The first major such effort was Al-Ma’mūn’s sponsored astronomical
observations of 828-829 C.E., which resulted in a new zīj, corrected via new observations,
the al-Zīj al-Mumtaḥan (“The verified zīj”), by Yaḥyā ibn Abī Manṣūr (d.832 C.E.).16
Pingree, David. "The Fragments of the Works of al-Fazari." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 29, (1970):
103-23; here, 103.
See Sayili, Aydin. The Observatory in Islam: And its Place in the General History of the Observatory.
Vol. 38, Publications of the Turkish Historical Society Series. Ankara, Turkey: Turkish Historical Society,
1960. Reprint, Arno Press, New York, 1981, 50-87.
From: Kennedy, E. S. "A Survey of Islamic Astronomical Tables." Transactions
of the American Philosophical Society 46, no. 2 (1956): 123-77
From Chaucer’s Astrolabe Treatise (c.1391 CE)17
Geoffrey Chaucer (d. 1400) (Canterbury Tales), wrote this for his son, Louis. Comprehensive and
clear, it could be used as a manual today. Students used astrolabes in their education to learn basic
principles of math and astronomy (quadrivium). Chaucer was well aware of the Arabic origins of
the astrolabe.
See discussion in: Chism, Christine. "Transmitting the Astrolabe: Chaucer, Islamic Astronomy, and the
Astrolabic Text." In Medieval Textual Cultures: Agents of Transmission, Translation, and Transformation,
edited by Faitn Wallis and Robert Wisnovsky, 85-120. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016.
When teaching the history of Islamic astronomy, showing diagrams of astrolabes
and planetary models is too abstract for most students. Learning to use the tables helps
them to better appreciate why the models were devised and refined. Moreover,
assembling an astrolabe and learning how to calculate with it gives them deeper insight
than any amount of reading can do.
Although instruction manuals survive, we know very little about how these tools
were actually taught. Therefore, I decided to do an experiment in my history of Islamic
science course this semester, in order to seek insights from a modern classroom
experiment. In my course I am testing how a group of modern students, mostly innocent
of astronomy, would learn to use these devices effectively, how much background
knowledge would I need to provide, and how much would they be able to learn, not only
about the ancient cosmos, but also about Islamic astronomy and its role in Islamic society,
in particular. There are special challenges for 21 Century students, for: How many stars
can you actually see in London or Los Angeles in the evening? And can it be taught
within a semester? In effect, I am requiring that students practice seeing the cosmos from
the point of view of the 9th Century Muslims, as much as possible. By this experiment I
hope to shed light on the thesis that the astrolabe was an important vector of
mathematical and astronomical knowledge to Europe, and that it was pregnant with
learning implications.
While I plan eventually to generate my own plates and faces for astrolabes using
my own computer programs and make them more Islamic in style, for now I use this
website, which generates EPS files for the plates for your precise desired latitude, and
provides a time correction for your longitude. The site is called “The Astrolabe Project”.
The author gives his name as “Richard Wymarc”, which is a nom de plume of Timothy J.
Mitchell. He has generously provided the program as a standalone web-based
As you can see from these screenshots, the program allows you to customize your
astrolabe by choosing between various features. The possible variations become very
numerous with the back, since many options are provided, drawn from historical
Here is my classroom demonstration model. It is set on paper glued to a
Styrofoam board. See how all of the parts move. The only thing lacking is the sighting
Mitchell also provides an instruction manual:
device that traditionally is found on the alidade. Because the paper astrolabe is relatively
fragile, this feature is impractical. In future, I intend to construct a wooden model, and
will include the sighting apparatus. I provide students with a file containing all of the
pieces to print out on cardstock. The rete is printed on a transparent acetate sheet. The
whole thing is assembled with a small screw and nut.
For now English is more useful than Arabic because most or all of my students do
not know Arabic, and anyway all of these features are standard to many Islamic
( )
Below are the front plates for London and Claremont, CA, where I live, and you
can see how the difference in latitude affects the arcs. The horizon line runs up and down,
bisecting the large circle, and this grid helps to locate objects in the sky.
London, 51° 30’ N Latitude
Claremont, CA, 34° 6’ N Latitude
The back has a nomograph for converting between the civil calendar and the solar
longitude in Zodiac coordinates, by aligning the alidade (the rule with the sighting tube).
Another useful feature are the cotangent scales in the bottom half, which are used to
convert a gnomon’s shadow length into an angle to determine the sun’s altitude.
The arcs and lines on the front plate can all be drawn using a straight edge and
compass. That is an assignment for a higher level course. Professor Saliba had me do this
in graduate school, and it was one of the most import things I ever did in my education.
Both Evans and Morrison describe how to do this.19
Morrison, James E. The Astrolabe. Rehoboth Beach, DE, USA: Janus, 2007, pp.67-94.
Evans, James. The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy. New York / Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1998, pp.158-161.
The rete (“net”) contains the moving parts of the astrolabe, and by rotating it, one
can mirror the state of the heavens at any time of day or night for any day of the year.
Problems that would require spherical trigonometry are solved visually.
The first thing I do is to have the students locate the Sun on the ecliptic circle of
the rete, for a given solar longitude. I ask them to imagine a little orange dot at that point,
in order to keep the sun in mind as they rotate the rete in their calculations. After finding
the horizon, I show them how to trace the sun’s arc through the day, from sunrise to
sunset, noting how that arc is larger or smaller, depending on the season. The astrolabe is
a kind of 24 hour clock. Then I ask them how they would find the time of sunrise. The
answer is to align the sun and the rule at the eastern horizon, and read the time of sunrise
from the outer scale. Students grasp this fairly easily. I next ask them how far north or
south of due east will the sun rise? They use the azimuth lines to determine the degree
difference between the Sun’s rising point and due east.
The times they find are local apparent solar time, which are different from clock
time, so I show them how to use the Equation of Time and the Time Zone Correction to
get clock time. For now they use a graph like this one below. A real zīj has a table like
the following, which I’ve created to be an excerpt from a “modern” zīj.
Equation of Time Table from a “Modern zīj”
After students have practiced with rising and setting times, finding the Ascendant,
and telling time from the Sun’s (or a star’s) altitude, they are ready to calculate Islamic
prayer times. Since this is a history of Islamic science course, they already know what
these are and why they are important. I have them fill out this chart for a given day. Four
of the prayer times are straightforward and can be determined using the front of the
astrolabe, by positing the Sun in the appropriate position. The Salat al-‘Asr, the afternoon
prayer, however, is more complicated, since it is defined as the time when the sun’s
shadow equals the length of the gnomon plus the shadow length at noon.20
INSTRUCTIONS: Use your astrolabe to complete this chart. Fill in the columns with the times
corresponding to the bolded terms in Column 2.
صالة الفجر
Begins at dawn
Ṣalāt al-fajr
Ends at sunrise
صالة الظهر
Begins at noon
Ṣalāt al-ẓuhr
Ends at Ṣalāt al-ʿaṣr
صالة العصر
Begins when an object’s
shadow equals its own
Ṣalāt al-ʿaṣr length plus its length at
noon (majority view)
(Use the special procedure
on the handout)
Ends at sunset
صالة المغرب
Begins at sunset
Ṣalāt al-maġrib
Ends at twilight
صالة العشاء
Begins at twilight
Ṣalāt al-ʿišāʾ
Ends at dawn
(next day)
The cotangent nomograph is used to convert gnomon ratios to angles and vice
This is one accepted definition. The others can all be calculated with the astrolabe in a similar manner.
So, to determine the starting time of Salat al-‘Asr, I have them fill out the
following chart, an algorithm that employs the cotangent scale. This prayer time requires
them to do two iterations of cotangents and arccotangents.
Worksheet (using the majority method)
Subtract the value of the Equation of Time for the given date.
(E of T value = ________________)
Add the Time Zone Correction (printed on the back of your
(TZC = _____________________)
This algorithm enables students to do with greater precision what this nomograph
on the back of the astrolabe below was meant to do. Using an astrolabe for determining
prayer times may not have been common, when prayer times were commonly available in
tables. But it is a convenient backup method.
In all, my students have learned to perform all of these operations with their
• Time of day from the sun’s shadow
• Time of night from a star’s elevation
• Time of sunrise and sunset
• Rising and setting times of significant stars (Arcturus and Sirius)
• Length of daylight
• Determining equinoctial and seasonal hours
• Azimuthal deviation sun’s rising and setting from due east and west
• Sun’s altitude at noon
• The Ascendant, Midheaven, Descendant, and the Lower Heaven (Imum
Caeli), astrologically useful points
• Use of cotangent scale to infer elevation angle from shadow length
• Determination of Islamic prayer times, especially the complicated Salat al-
These are just some of the possible uses of the astrolabe. Many more are
described in the Arabic manuals.
books by Pedersen and Evans that have provided helpful shortcuts.21
I teach studnets how the basic planetary models were derived, and how their
parameters were determined from observation, noting the physical impossibility of the
Equant point in the model for Mars. I explain that they will first determine the
approximate position of the planet by using the mean motion tables, and then adjust it
more precisely using “equation” tables, all by addition and subtraction. This is done
instead of using trigonometry, which has already been done by the zīj compiler. Since
this assignment is integrated with the history of Islamic astronomy unit, they learn about
the critique and improvement of Ptolemy’s models by Muslim astronomers. Moreover, a
similar technique is still used today in applied mathematics, for example, when finding
approximate solutions of differential equations.
Then I introduce them to the three Zīj-Tables that they will use to determine the
solar equation. They are: The table of mean motions, the table of the solar apogee, and
the table of the solar equation.
Evans, James. The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy. New York / Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1998. Pedersen, Olaf. A Survey of the Almagest. With Annotation and New Commentary by
Alexander Jones. Revised ed, Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences.
New York: Springer, 2011.
Table of the Longitude of the Solar Apogee (adapted from Evans, p.228)
Table of the Equation of Center of the Sun (adapted from Evans, p.229)
Below is the algorithm they follow. This chart covers every step with an
explanation. First they compute the Sun’s mean position, and then adjust it with the
equation from this table. The spreadsheet does the sexagesimal arithmetic for them. I
have previously taught them how to do all of the operations in sexagesimal, but decided
that it would be too much to make them do all of it in base 60.
Determine the Solar Longitude for a Given Date
Degrees Minutes
Use the century year
immediately before the given
year, and get the result (Use
the chart) 14
Add the value for the
difference between the century
year and the given year, to the
nearest decade 15
Instructions for Using the Solar Longitude Spreadsheet
Step 1: Insert your date in line 1. The difference in days is in line 2.
Step 2: Take the difference in days number, and write it as digits and powers of ten,
e.g. write 23456 as: 2*10000 + 3*1000 + 4*100 + 5*10 + 6
Step 3: Take each of these number elements and consult the Mean Longitude of Sun
table, and take out the angle corresponding to it, and input it into the row of the
spreadsheet corresponding to that power of ten (lines 3-10). All of these increments will
add up and the sum will appear in line 11. The program will automatically add the mean
value of the solar longitude at Epoch for you, and the result will appear in line 13. You
will need this Mean Longitude twice more in the spreadsheet.
Step 4: Consult Table 5.2 Longitude of the Solar Apogee, following the instructions on
line 14. Take out the Longitude of the Apogee, and input it in line 14. Take from the
table also the apogee increment to the nearest decade, from the rightmost column. The
result will appear in line 16, this is the Longitude of the Solar Apogee.
Step 5: Get the Mean Longitude from line 13, and input it into line 17. Get the
Longitude of the Solar Apogee from line 16, and input it into line 18. The result is the
Mean Anomaly, which will appear in line 19.
Step 6: Use the Mean Anomaly as the argument, and consult Table 5.3 Equation of the
Center of the Sun. Find the nearest value in the column, and take out the corresponding
vale from the right column. That is the absolute value of the Equation of Center. Put it
into line 20. To determine its sign (+/-) follow the instructions in lines 20a and 20b. If
the Equation of Center is negative, then put a negative sign in front of BOTH
Step 7: From line 13, put the Mean Longitude into line 21. And from line 20, put the
Equation of Center into line 22. The result will be the Sun’s longitude for your date and
Step 8: Determine the Zodiac Sign and Degree. Using the Signs and their Degrees
Longitude Chart, follow the instructions to find k. Use k to find the Zodiac Sign in
which the Sun is found. The remainder is the degree in that Sign. So, e.g. if your Solar
Longitude came out to be 319 degrees and 17.5 minutes, k is 10, and the remainder is 19
degrees, 17.5 minutes. So your Sign is Aquarius. The Sun’s position is then Aquarius 19
degrees, 17.5 minutes. Type that into line 24 of the spreadsheet.
Step 9: Print out your spreadsheet, and save it. Hand the printout in to me on Tuesday.
Once they have mastered the solar equation, they are ready to tackle the upper
planet, Mars, which requires them to determine two mean motions and two equations,
one for the center of the epicycle and one for Mars’s position on the epicycle. These
tables are more complicated …
Table of the Longitude of the Martian Apogee (adapted from Evans, p.375)
Table of Equations for Mars (adapted from Evans, p.375)
As is the algorithm.
Determine the Martian Longitude for a Given Date
Use the Longitude tables to find the change in Mean Longitude and Mean
Epicyclic Anomaly
Increment (mean epicyclic
Increment (mean longitude)
Time Element (Number of Days) anomaly)
Degrees Minutes Degrees Minutes
Minutes (10 min. increments)
Degrees Minutes
Use the century year
immediately before the given
year, and get the result (Use
the chart)
Add the value for the
difference between the century
year and the given year, to the
nearest decade
Degrees Minutes
From Equation at Mean
subtract Diminution at
Apogee * Interpolation
Coefficient please&reduce&this&entry&to°rees&and&minutes&yourself
Result: Equation of the
0 0
Epicycle (take absolute
Degrees Minutes
The goal of the assignment is to fill out the following chart for their own nativity.
For the Moon and other planets, we must use a shortcut--I show them how to use an
historical ephemeris. Eventually, I will provide future students with my own tables and
algorithms for these planets. My goal is to produce a modernized zīj that contains typical
elements from the tradition, for students to study and practice with.
So far the students are grasping all of this. Some have required individual
attention, but once they grasp the underlying principles, most of the rest comes easily.
Abū Ja’far al-Khāzin (late 10th C.) in his Zīj al-Ṣafāʾih devised plates that
combined zīj-like tables and equatorium-like plates to enable finding of the planets’ true
longitudes.22 The culmination of the equatorium tradition in Islam was al-Kāshī’s 15th C.
planetary longitude computer.23
Labarta, Emilia Calvo. "The Treatise on the Zij al-Safa'ih by Abu Ja'far al-Khazin. A Preliminary Study."
In Tehran 1998 Conference Proceedings: Sciences, techniques et instruments dans le monde Iranien (Xe -
XIXe siècle), Actes du colloque tenu à l’Université de Téhéran (7-9 juin 1998), edited by N. Pourjavady
and Z. Vesel, 67-78. Tehran: Presses universitaires d’Iran & Institut Français de recherche en Iran, 2004.
E. S. Kennedy. "A Fifteenth-Century Planetary Computer: al-Kashi's "Tabaq al-Manateq". I. Motion of
the Sun and Moon in Longitude." Isis 41, (1950): 180-183.
In the future, I plan to teach them how to use equatoria, or analog computers for
computing planetary longitudes graphically, based on al-Kāshī’s intriguing 15th C.
device, and the 16th C. cardboard models of Peter Apian.
I have asked students to fill out a questionnaire about these assignments, to help
me improve them. I have selected passages from their comments that indicate how
effective these assignments were. [Used by permission].
"My dad is an engineer, and I can't wait to show him how to use this astrolabe."
“[This assignment] really shows us how hard scientific discovery was since we
take our ability to discover by using great technologies for granted a lot of the
“My favorite part about the workshop was simply gaining an understanding the
complex and intelligent systems that people during those time periods put in place
to gain an understanding of time and the heavens.”
“It was unbelievable to realize how smart and observant the men who built and
constructed astrolabes actually were.”
“The attention to detail and the focus that these people put on the heavens to assist
in navigation, time, and astronomy was very impressive to me personally.”
“I also liked that we physically constructed the astrolabes together, not just having
them given to us.”
“My favorite aspect was the astrolabe being a great hands-on way to learn. After
doing so many lectures, it can be easy to not retain all the information after a
The astrolabe activity let me learn a lot about how science could be used for
religious practices. Practically everything that the astrolabe could tell had some
kind of tie to Islamic culture and tradition as a whole.”
“I liked how [the planetary tables assignment] tied into the astrolabe but also
expanded on what the astrolabe taught. It showed that these simple numbers from
the astrolabe coupled with certain charts could lead to unbelievable predictions
that I thought were only possible in the modern day.”
“The planetary tables ... [were] big things that I thought NASA scientists were
doing [that] could be done relatively easily with the correct methods.”
“I liked how we were applying what the Middle Easterners used to tell time in
class so we could get a true understanding about the astrolabe.”
“If we were only taught the function of the instrument through lecture, my
understanding of its importance would not have been fully attained without
actually using it.”
“It made me more aware of how complicated the science world was back then. ...
I am now more aware of how important these past scientific tools are and grasped
a greater appreciation for them.”
“I liked how we were able to integrate the concepts we learned in a lecture setting
to an actual hand-held tool.”
“It was neat to be able to act like an ancient astronomer and use the astrolabe to
perform calculations. Since most history classes are composed of discussions and
writing, it was a nice change of pace and fun to do a hands-on activity to learn
about ancient history.”
“Such a practical exercise has never been done in any of my classes before, and so
this was refreshing and meaningful.”
My own assessment is that these activities fit well within a discussion of astronomical
theory in the Islamic tradition and the place of astronomy in Muslim civilization. I will
use them again, but improved and expanded.