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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 2, February-2016

ISSN 2229-5518 210

An image encryption and decryption using

AES algorithm
Priya Deshmukh

Abstract— These In today’s world data security is the major problem which is to be face. In order to secure data during communication,
data storage and transmission we use Advance encryption standard(AES). AES is a symmetric block cipher intended to replace DES for
commercial uses 128-bit block size and a key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits. The AES algorithmis use to secure data from
unauthorized user. The available AES algorithm is used for text data as well as for image data. In this paper an image is given as input to
AES encryption algorithm which gives encrypted output. This encrypted output is given as input to AES decryption algorithm an d original
image is regained as output. The AES algorithm for image encryption and decryption which synthesizes and simulated with the help of
MATLAB software

Index Terms— AES, cipher, DES, image encryption, image decryption, MATLAB

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N ow a day’s the uses of devices such as computer, mobile

and many more other device for communication as well
as for data storage and transmission has increases. As a
tages over 3DES such as high computational efficiency, 128-bit
block size,and cryptanalysisresistance is strong against diffe-
rential truncated differential, linear, interpolation and square

result there is increase in no of user’s also there is increase in attacks [1][9].
no of unauthorized user’s which are trying to access a data by The application of image processing is mainly found in mili-
unfair means. This arises the problem of data security. To tary communication, Forensic, Robotics, intelligent system,
solve this problem a data is stored or transmitted in the en- etc. In this paper, we implemented the AES algorithm on im-
crypted format. This encrypted data is unreadable to the un- age with the help of MATLAB software.
authorized user. Cryptography is a science of information se-
curity which secures the data while the data is being transmit-
ted and stored.
AES algorithm is of three types i.e. AES-128, AES-192 and
Every encryption and decryption process has two aspects: the AES-256. This classification is done on the bases of the key
algorithm and the key use for the encryption and decryption. used in the algorithm for encryption and decryption process.
However, it is the key used for encryption and decryption that The numbers represent the size of key in bits. This key size
makes the process of cryptography secure. There are two determines the security level as the size of key increases the
types of cryptographic mechanisms: symmetric key crypto- level of security increases. The AES algorithm uses a round
graphy in which the same key is use for encryption and de- function that is composed of four different byte-oriented
cryption. In case of asymmetric key cryptography two differ- transformations. For encryption purpose four rounds consist
ent keys are used for encryption and decryption. Symmetric of:
key algorithm is much faster and easier to implement and re- • Substitute byte
quired less processing power as compare to asymmetric key • Shift row
algorithm. • Mix columns
• Add round key
The advance encryption standard (AES) specifies a federal While the decryption process is the reverse process of the
information processing standards publication (FIPS) approved encryption which consists of:
cryptographic algorithm that can be used to protect electronic • Inverse shift row
data. It was publish by National Institute of Standard and • Inverse substitute byte
• Add round key
Technology (NIST) in 2001 developed by Joan Daemen and • Inverse mix columns
Vincent Rijmen, an algorithm called Rijdael[2]. There is a number of round present of key and block in the
———————————————— algorithm. The number of rounds depends on the length of
Priya. Deshmukh is M.E student ofProf. Ram Meghe Institute key use for Encryption and Decryption.
of Technology and Research,Badnera TABLE I
Because of the drawbacks in the 3DES such as the algorithm is Key-Block Round combinations
relatively slow in software and it uses 64-bit block size which Key length(in Block size(in Numbers
is less for more security large block size is required. Due to word/byte/bits) word/byte/bits) of rounds
this reason AES is intended to replace 3DES. AES has advan- AES-128 4/16/128 4/16/128 10

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 2, February-2016
ISSN 2229-5518 211

AES-192 6/24/192 4/16/128 12

AES-256 8/32/256 4/16/128 14

AES algorithm uses a round function for both its Cipher

and Inverse Cipher. This function is composed of four
different byte-oriented transformations.

1. Encryption process

1.1Substitute byte transformation Figure.2.Cyclic shift row operation

The Substitute bytes transformation is a non-linear byte 1.3 Mix columns transformation
substitution that operates independently on each byte of the
State using a substitution table S-box. The operation of substi- The Mix Columns transformation operates on the State
tute byte is shown in figure 1. column-by-column, treating each column as a four-term poly-
nomial. The columns are considered as polynomials over
GF(2^8) and multiplied modulo x 4 + 1 with a fixed poly-
nomial a(x), given by
a(x) = {03}x ^3 + {01}x^ 2 + {01}x + {02} .
The resultant columns are shown in the figure below. This is
the operation of mix columns.

IJSER Figure.3.Mix columns operation

1.4 Add round key transformation

In the Add Round Key transformation, a Round Key is

added to the State by a simple bitwise XOR operation. The
Table.2. S-box Round Key is derived from the Cipher key by means of key
schedule process. The State andRound Key are of the same
Fig.1.Operation of substitute byte size and to obtain the next State an XOR operation is done per
b (i, j) = a (i, j) ⊕ k (i, j)
1.2 Shift rows transformation

In the Shift Rows transformation, the bytes in the last three rows
of the State are cyclically shifted over different numbers of
bytes. The first row, r = 0, is not shifted.This has the effect of
moving bytes to “lower” positions in the row while the “lowest”
bytes wrap around into the “top” of the row.

Figure 4. Add round key operation

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 2, February-2016
ISSN 2229-5518 212

(x) = {0b}x^3 + {0d}x^ 2 + {09}x + {0e}

2. Decryption process

2.1. Inverse shift row transformation


Inverse Shift Rows is the inverse of the Shift Rows trans- A. ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM
formation. The bytes in the last three rows of the State are cyc-
lically shifted over different numbers of bytes. The first row, r
= 0, is not shifted. The bottom three rows are cyclically shifted
by Nb-shift(r, Nb) bytes, where the shift value shift(r,Nb) de-

pends on the row number

Figure.5. Inverse Shift row operation

2.2 Inverse substitute byte transformation

Inverse Substitute Bytes is the inverse of the byte substitu-

tion transformation, in which the inverse S-box is applied to
each byte of the State. It is reverse process of Substitute byte
transform. This is obtained by applying the inverse of the af-
fine transformation followed by taking the multiplicative in-
verse in GF (2^8). There is an inverse s-box table for substitute

The implementation of the AES-128 encryption and de-

cryption algorithm with the help of MATLAB software is

Fig.6. Flowchart of AES Encryption algorithm

done. In which the input is an image and the key in hexade-

cimal format and the output is the same as that of input image.
For encryption process first, dividing image and making it 4*4
byte state i.e. matrix format. Calculate the number of rounds
based on the key Size and expand the key using our key sche-
the value. dule. And there are (n-1) rounds performed which are substi-
Table.3. Inverse S-box tute byte, shift rows, mix columns and add round key. The
final round “n” does not consist of mix column in the iteration.
2.3 Inverse mix columns transformation Figure 6 shows the flow of algorithm.

Inverse Mix Columns is the inverse of the Mix Columns trans- B. DECRYPTION ALGORITHM
formation. Inverse Mix Columns operates on the State col-
umn-by-column, treating each column as a four-term poly- The AES decryption process is the revers process
nomial. The columns are considered as polynomials over that of the encryption process. The above figure shows flow of
GF(2^8) and multiplied modulo x^ 4 + 1 with a fixed poly- the AES decryption algorithm. Which consist of cipher text as
nomial (x), given by the input, the key is same for decryption process which for

IJSER © 2016
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 7, Issue 2, February-2016
ISSN 2229-5518 213

for Image Encryption and Decryption. The original images can

also be completely reconstructed without any distortion. It has
shown that the algorithms have extremely large security key
space and can withstand most common attacks such as the brute
force attack, cipher attacks and plaintext attacks.

[1] William Stallings, “Advance Encryption Standard,” in Cryptography
and Network Security, 4th Ed., India:PEARSON,pp. 134–165.

[2] AtulKahate, “Computer-based symmetric key cryptographic algo-

rithm”, in Cryptography and Network Security, 3th Ed. New Del-
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[3] Manoj .B,Manjula N Harihar (2012, June). “Image Encryption and

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encryption. In case of decryption the inverse substitute byte, [5] VedkiranSaini, ParvinderBangar, Harjeet Singh Chauhan, (2014,
inverse shift rows and the inverse mix columns are to be im- April).”Study and Literature Survey of Advanced Encryption Algo-
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Science and Engineering ( IJESE) volume-2, issue-6, pp.33-37.

[6] Sourabh Singh, Anurag Jain, (2013, May). “An Enhanced Text to
Figure.7. Flowchart of AES decryption algorithm
Image Encryption Technique using RGB Substitution and AES”, In-
ternational Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)
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[7] R.Gopinath, M.Sowjanya, (2012, October).”Image Encryption for

The original input image given to the algorithmis of JPG Color Images Using Bit Plane and Edge Map Cryptography Algo-
And of 8.32 Kb size. The unreadable image is the encrypted rithm”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technolo-
image and by applying the decryption algorithm the original gy (IJERT) volume-1, issue-8, pp.1-4.
image is obtained in JPG format. In this paper, For Encryption [8] Kundankumar R. Saraf,Sunita P. Ugale, “Implementation of text
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International E-journal of ongoing Research in Management and IT.
[9] Hamdan.O.Alanazi, B.B.Zaidan, A.A.Zaidan, Hamid A.Jalab,
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and the decryption the same key is used. The key is in hexade-
cimal form and length of key is 128 bits.
Key used= 0123456789abcdef.
Input= Image in JPG format.

Figure.8. Final output window

In this paper, Image Encryption and Decryption using AES
algorithm is implemented to secure the image data from an unau-
thorized access. A Successful implementation of symmetric key
AES algorithm is one of the best encryption and decryption stan-
dard available in market. With the help of MATLAB coding im-
plementation of an AES algorithm is synthesized and simulated

IJSER © 2016

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