Ijreiss 3064 83559
Ijreiss 3064 83559
Ijreiss 3064 83559
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is used for securing data. There are several types of
algorithms available in cryptography, but AES is one among the standardized high security
algorithm. It is implemented in various hardware devices and various software languages. This
paper explores the implementation of AES in MATLAB. A MATLAB code is developed for
plaintext encryption and cipher text decryption. AES algorithm was known for providing the best
security without any limitations. But in recent days there are some methods are found by
cryptanalyst that can crack the AES algorithm. So we need some improvement in the AES
algorithm. In this paper we enhance the key (256-bit) by the advance method and algos by which
the key size of AES is look like the size of 512-bit. By enhancing the key size see that the more
improvement in security in the encrypted data which is provided by us for the communication
between the devices.
Keywords: Advanced Encryption Standard, symmetric key Encryption, cipher text and MATLAB,
internet, multimedia files.
II.AES algorithm
AES algorithm is a Block cipher and works on Fig2: encryption and decryption of AES
fixed-length group of bits, which are called
Blocks. It takes an input block of 128 bits, and In this AES algorithm, the number of rounds to
produces a corresponding output block of the be performed during the execution of the
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Science, ISSN 2250-0588, Impact Factor:
6.565, Volume 09, Special Issue 1, May 2019, Page 104-109
Byte substitution
The Sub Bytes transformation is a non-
Fig3: input state array and output, key and linear byte substitution, operating on
expanded key bytes independently. A non-linear
substitution step where each byte is
The AES encryption standard contains the AES
replaced with another according to a
encryption round in which the process of
table. The Sub Bytes is constructed by
encryption takes place, in this process of
the composition of the following
encryption and in the process of decryption there
are different number of transformations, these
transformations are consecutively applied at the
data blocks This encryption process contains a
number of iterations that which are fixed these
are called as rounds, these number of iterations or
rounds are depended upon the key length for the
process of encryption .10 iterations are required
for key length of 128 bits. The key will be used
by only the ADD round key, the starting and the
ending of the key will be taken place at the ADD
round key only. The expanded key will be used
by the decryption algorithm the expanded key
will be used in reverse order, at the final stage for Fig5: Byte substitution
the process of encryption and for the process of
decryption there are only three stage.
Shift row
4F 43 72 CD C9 6B AE 80 8D 42 48 02 B9
45 1F 36
20 68 A3 9E CA D6 D6 63 50 31 91 99 57
93 3B 36
IV Result Analysis:
07 16 0F 5B DB 27 EB DA CF 4E E6 EC D2
AES algorithm is implemented using the 4F 25 83
platform. Here image is taken as input, applying ROUND-4
the AES encryption algorithm creates a cipher
image and this cipher image is input to the E0 C7 54 C4 03 61 5B DD 88 8B 11 0E 5C
decryption algorithm which reconstructs the 54 CC 69
original image back. Result for cameraman image
is as shown below. ROUND-5
3D FF 2F 72 4E 81 22 62 8B BB 20 B8 0D
22 7A 9E
B3 E3 E4 B4 1C 81 DB 10 0F 5F CC 29 4E
EC 87 6A
91 35 AA 36 18 66 DB 75 29 21 53 5D C0
AC EB 69
http://indusedu.org Page 108
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Science, ISSN 2250-0588, Impact Factor:
6.565, Volume 09, Special Issue 1, May 2019, Page 104-109