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SocialMiner Release 8

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SocialMiner Release 8.5(1)

From DocWiki

Cisco SocialMiner Release 8.5 is a social-media customer-care system that provides capture, filtering, workflow, queuing, and reporting for social-media engagement
teams. Internet postings captured by SocialMiner are referred to as Social Contacts. SocialMiner stores the Social Contacts and groups them into user-defined
Campaigns. SocialMiner presents the Social Contacts to social-media customer-care personnel who can categorize and/or respond to the postings. SocialMiner also
produces reporting statistics on the handling of the Social Contacts.

1 Introduction
1.1 Technology and Packaging
2 Installation and Setup
2.1 Installing SocialMiner
2.1.1 Basic Install Steps
2.1.2 Post-install Setup
3 Using SocialMiner
3.1 Configuration
3.1.1 Feeds Proxy Setup RSS and Authenticated RSS Feed Types Configuring an RSS or Authenticated RSS Feed Changing the Polling Interval Minimum Age Paging Facebook Fan Page Feed Type Configuring a Facebook Fan Page Feed Twitter Stream Feed Type Configuring a Twitter Stream Feed Type Twitter Account Feed Type Twitter Account Feed Configuration
3.1.2 Campaigns Campaign List Add Campaign
3.1.3 Filters Training a Bayesian Filter
3.2 Campaign Results
3.2.1 Handling Social Contacts
3.2.2 Replying to Social Contacts Tags
3.3 Administration
3.3.1 System Administration Active Directory Exchanging Security Certificates with AD Adding Users Purge Settings Setting up the Reporting User Account RTMT Download Links Platform Administration Troubleshooting
3.3.2 Reply Templates
4 SocialMiner Reporting
4.1 Configuring the SQL Connection to the SocialMiner Reporting Database
5 System Backup and Restoration
5.1 Backup
6 Design Guidance
6.1 Hardware and Software Specifications
6.1.1 VMWare Open Virtual Format (OVF)
6.1.2 SocialMiner Virtual Machine Hardware Configuration
6.1.3 Creating the SocialMiner Virtual Machine
6.1.4 Changing the Boot Order of the Virtual Machine
6.2 Deployment Models
6.3 Ports
6.4 Sizing
6.5 Users and Security
6.5.1 SocialMiner User Accounts and Security
6.5.2 Twitter Accounts and Security
6.6 Advanced UI options
6.6.1 Quad

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6.6.2 iGoogle
6.6.3 iframes
6.7 Troubleshooting
6.7.1 Troubleshooting RSS Feed Authentication Network Topology Unsupported version of RSS and Invalid Feeds
6.7.2 Troubleshooting a Authenticated RSS Feed
6.7.3 Troubleshooting Facebook Fan Page Feed Type
7 Developer Information
8 Notes

Technology and Packaging

SocialMiner is a server application that is packaged as a software appliance. The appliance runs as a VMWare® virtual machine containing the following components:

Cisco Unified Communications Operating System (Unified OS), a Redhat Linux based Operating System
Informix® embedded database. This database contains the SocialMiner Configuration and the SocialMiner reporting data.
Cassandra datastore (http://cassandra.apache.org/) . This datastore contains the Social Contacts
Cisco SocialMiner runtime software

System setup and administration is done through a browser-based administration interface. The features of the system are available via REST
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Representational_State_Transfer) API's and OpenSocial Gadgets (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenSocial) . SocialMiner is installed with
the Apache Shindig container (http://shindig.apache.org/) to render the gadgets; however the SocialMiner gadgets may also be rendered in other OpenSocial containers
such as Cisco Quad or iGoogle.

SocialMiner supports integration with most user-generated content sites using RSS. SocialMiner also supports proprietary integrations to Twitter®
(http://www.twitter.com) and Facebook® (http://www.facebook.com) . Setup and configuration of SocialMiner to monitor Twitter and Facebook requires good
working knowledge of these proprietary systems. For background information on these sites, review the following Mashable resources:

The Twitter Guide Book (http://mashable.com/guidebook/twitter/)

The Facebook Guide Book (http://mashable.com/guidebook/facebook/)

Installation and Setup

Installing SocialMiner
SocialMiner is installed as an appliance utilizing the Cisco Unified Communications Operating System (Unified OS). The operating system and SocialMiner
application are installed together using the same installer as other Cisco Unified OS products such as Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unified
Intelligence Center.

SocialMiner is designed to work on a VMWare Virtual Machine on hardware that is running a VMWare Host Server. SocialMiner currently supports installation of
only a single node.

Note: Cisco does not support changing the hostname on any server once the hostname has been set.

Basic Install Steps

1. Mount the SocialMiner DVD (or ISO file) to the Virtual Machine and set the Virtual Machine to Boot from the SocialMiner DVD. The Install Wizard Appears.
Use Tab to navigate between elements, Space to select an element, and Enter to proceed.
2. Perform the Media Check when prompted.
3. Several informational screens appear, for new installs you can simply select Yes or Continue.
4. TimeZone Configuration: use the arrows keys to highlight the correct timezone, then click tab to navigate to the OK button. Press Enter to proceed.
5. Auto Network Configuration: Select Yes for automatic configuration of the Ethernet NIC speed and Duplex. Select No to manually make the settings.
6. MTU Configuration: Optionally change the MTU size for networking. Click No to Proceed without changing the default. Click Yes to change the MTU setting.
7. Static Network Configuration: Provide the Network Information for SocialMiner. A valid host name with matching IP address must be provided. The system
confirms that the host name matches the IP address later in the installation process.
8. DNS Client Client Configuration: Choose yes to provide DNS Client Settings for SocialMiner. Select Yes, then provide DNS servers and the domain. Select
9. Administration Login Configuration: Provide an Administrator ID and Password. This user is for platform (Unified OS) administration.
10. Certificate Information: Provide information about your organization. This information is used to generate the security (SSL) certificates for this server.
11. First Node Configuration: SocialMiner currently supports only one node. Select Yes for the First Node question.
12. Network Time Protocol Client Configuration: You must provide at least one NTP Server. Enter the NTP host address and select OK.
13. Security Configuration: Provide a security password. This password is typically used for communication between multiple nodes, however, SocialMiner
currently supports only a single node.
14. SMTP Host Configuration: Select No for SMTP Host Configuration.
15. Application User Configuration: Provide a username and password for the SocialMiner administrator. Additional SocialMiner users can by imported from
Active Directory after the SocialMiner install completes.
16. Platform Configuration Confirmation: The confirmation screen appears. You can select Back to change settings or OK to complete the installation.
Installation can take up to 60 minutes to complete. The server may reboot to complete installation steps.

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If you install from an ISO file and see a Virtual Machine message instructing you to Disconnect anyway (and override the lock)?, select Yes.

After installation, completes a login prompt appears in the server console.

Post-install Setup

After install is complete, perform the following one-time setup tasks:

Set up the Proxy if your system is installed behind a firewall, so that feeds can access sites in the internet.
Configure Active Directory so that additional users can log in.
Set up the Reporting User so that reporting tools can access the reporting database.

Using SocialMiner
SocialMiner is accessible by going to the root of the web server: (where
<servername> is the Name or IP address of the server)


A sign in page appears. The first time you sign in, you must sign in with the
application username and password that you created during install. After you sign
in, you are presented with the results page. At the top of the page are links for
Configuration, Results, and Administration.

SocialMiner Sign In Form


A Feed is a configured source for capturing Social Contacts. SocialMiner supports the following types of Feeds:

RSS and Authenticated RSS

Facebook Fan Page
Twitter Stream
Twitter Account

Each Feed type has unique settings. Feeds can be configured through the Feed Configuration Gadget or via the
REST API. The following sections describe how to set up each Feed type in detail.

Note on de-duplication:

SocialMiner automatically removes duplicate social contacts using a process called de-duplication. For example, if
a user configures several overlapping feeds that capture the same result, then SocialMiner does not capture the
same social contact twice. The de-duplication functionality relies on the unique URL of the post. For example,
each Tweet or blog has a unique URL. Before SocialMiner creates a new Social Contact in the datastore, it first
verifies that the URL of that Social Contact is not already in the datastore.

Proxy Setup Feed Configuration Gadget

If your server is behind a firewall, then you may need to enable SocialMiner to use a proxy to reach the internet.
Consult your Network Administrator for the proxy name and port. The same proxy is used across all feeds.

The link for proxy settings is available in the bottom-left of the feed gadget.

To configure the proxy, click the Proxy Configuration link, and edit the following field. Click Save when finished.

Enable Proxy (checkbox) - when checked, the feeds are accessed through the provided proxy server.
Hostname - The IP address or hostname of the proxy server.
Port - The port for the proxy server.
Exclusion Patterns - You can add and remove hostname or IP addresses for servers not requiring a proxy.
To add an exclusion, type the exclusion into the text box and click Add.
To remove an exclusion, click the red X to the right of the exclusion.
Wildcards are supported, for example *.cisco.com excludes all servers with a cisco.com hostname and
10.86.* excludes all IP addresses starting with 10.86
Click Save to save the settings and return to the Feed gadget page.


Proxy changes may take up to 30 seconds to take effect.

Proxy Settings
The exclusion list is limited to 255 total characters. There is an additional character per item in the list that
acts as a separator.

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RSS and Authenticated RSS Feed Types

There are many sites that support RSS (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSS) and therefore this is one of the simplest and most widely available means for SocialMiner to
capture Social Contacts.

SocialMiner Supports the following RSS Feed standards:

RSS 1.0 (http://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss1.html)

RSS 2.0 (http://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html)
ATOM 1.0 (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4287)

The Authenticated RSS feed type is similar to RSS however it supports basic authentication (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication) . This
username and password are encrypted and stored in the SocialMiner configuration database.

Configuring an RSS or Authenticated RSS Feed

View a video
(http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm/cust_contact/contact_center/socialminer/socialminer_85/video/toi/FeedConfigurationRSS.mov) about
adding RSS Feeds.
View a video
about adding Authenticated RSS Feeds.

To configure a feed, access the Feed gadget, click Add, select RSS or Authenticated RSS feed type, and enter the following fields. Click Save to save the feed.

URL - this must be a valid RSS Feed
Username - Username for the feed. Required for Authenticated RSS feed. Not Applicable to RSS Feed.
Password - Password for the feed. Optional for the Authenticated RSS feed. Not Applicable to RSS Feed.
Polling Interval - Number of minutes to wait between refreshing this feed.
Minimum age - The number of hours old for a post before it is included as a result. This allows you to exclude recent posts. Not available for Twitter Stream.

Changing the Polling Interval

The polling interval controls how often the SocialMiner system requests the feed. A shorter polling interval provides more frequent updates but creates more load on
the SocialMiner server and on the sites publishing the feed. Some sites may have recommendations or restrictions on frequent polling and could block an application
that polls too frequently.

5 minutes is the default polling interval for feeds.

Minimum Age

The minimum age setting filters out recent posts. This feature was implemented for forum sites that publish feeds of "unanswered posts". You can configure the
"unanswered posts" feed URL in SocialMiner and set a long Minimum Age, for example24 hours, and the system only capture posts that are both unanswered (based
on the RSS feed) and older then 24 hours (based on the Minimum Age). This offers a simple way to implement the business strategy of light touch forum moderation.


SocialMiner does not support the reading of multiple "pages" from an RSS feed. SocialMiner captures the posts that are presented on the first, or main, page returned
by a site. This limitation prevents the system from capturing posts prior to the current page of results, but allows SocialMiner to capture all results going forward as
long as the site generates a page or less of results in each interval. Note: some sites allow the URL to specify the number of results on a page in the URL. This allows
for some tuning of the polling by setting the number of results to return in the page along with the polling interval to optimize performance of the system and reduce
load on the site while ensuring all posts are captured.

Facebook Fan Page Feed Type

The Facebook Fan Page Feed type captures the all of the wall posts and comments on wall posts that are posted to a Fan Page. You can configure a new Facebook Fan
Page type Feed on SocialMiner by clicking "Add" on the Feed Configuration Gadget and choosing the Facebook Fan Page Feed type. Fan Pages are public and
therefore no username or password is required to capture the postings on a Facebook Fan Page. This means it's possible to capture postings on Fan Pages operated by a
company as well as Fan Pages set up by independent parties or even competitors.

Facebook wall posts and comments are captured by SocialMiner and rendered in a time-sorted stream. This rendering differs from the standard Fan Page layout; but
the goal of this layout is to ensure that 100% of the wall posts and comments are noticed by the consumer of the results. Its more difficult to achieve this goal when
viewing the wall posts and comments directly on Facebook as they are grouped by wall post instead of time-sorted.

When displayed in SocialMiner, Facebook wall posts and comments are differentiated by the format of the title:

Facebook post from [first name] [last name]

Facebook comment from [first name] [last name] for "[post]"

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The URL in the title provides a direct link to the wall post on Facebook. Note: Facebook doesn't anchor comments, therefore the URL for the comment links to the
wall posts to which the comment refers instead of directly to the comment.

Configuring a Facebook Fan Page Feed

SocialMiner expects a clean Fan Page URL. You will notice that Facebook appends certain parameters to a URL depending on how you navigated to the URL. For
example, when finding the Cisco Contact Center Fan Page through Facebook search, the following URL: http://www.facebook.com/#!/CiscoCC?ref=ts is displayed.
However the direct URL for the fan page is http://www.facebook.com/CiscoCC. This is what Facebook refers to as the "Vanity URL". This name "CiscoCC" was
registered by the administrator of this page. Note: there may be some Fan Pages that have a number instead of a text name (this is uncommon). These are pages that
have not yet registered a Vanity URL. In this case, the URL with the number satisfies the requirements of SocialMiner configuration.

View a video
about configuring s Facebook Fan Page Feed.

To configure a Facebook Fan Page feed, access the Feed gadget, click Add, select Facebook Fan Page feed type, and enter the following fields. Click Save to save the

URL - this must be a valid Facebook Fan page Note: The URL must start with http://www.facebook.com
Polling Interval - Number of minutes to wait between refreshing this feed.
Minimum age - The number of hours old for a post before it is included as a result. This allows you to exclude recent posts. Not available for Twitter Stream.
Reply template - The reply template to be used for replying to social contacts obtained from this feed.

Twitter Stream Feed Type

Important: Only one Twitter Stream per SocialMiner server is supported. Your server IP will be blacklisted by Twitter if you configure multiple Twitter Stream
feeds. If your IP is blacklisted by Twitter, then you must delete all Twitter Stream feeds and wait approximately 2 hours to remove your IP from the Twitter blacklist.
Twitter Stream feed after approximately two hours. If you require multiple Twitter Streams then you must discuss this need with Twitter. Also note that if you have
more then one SocialMiner system, and more than one has a Twitter Stream feed going through a single proxy, or you are using some other software system that uses
Twitter Streams through that same proxy, then your Proxy will be blacklisted by Twitter.

The Twitter Stream feed type uses the Twitter Stream API (http://dev.twitter.com/pages/streaming_api) or what is sometimes referred to as the "firehose" interface on
Twitter to provide near realtime access to Tweets. This interface provides different capabilities then the Search API (http://search.twitter.com/) . A benefit of this
Twitter Stream is the speed and efficiency of capturing greater tweet volume at faster speeds. There is no polling interval since the interface pushes the Tweets to the
SocialMiner server. The Twitter Stream API also provides more meta-data associated with the tweets then the Search API. For example, the Twitter Stream API
provides the indication that a Tweet is in-reply-too another Tweet (this is not available via RSS).

A downside of the Twitter stream API is that it provides less searching/filtering capability then the search API. The interface supports keyword searching but for
example it doesn't support exclusion of keywords. This limited searching capability results in more on-board filtering by the SocialMiner server. Also, the Twitter
Stream reply doesn't provide historical results and therefore downtime in the SocialMiner system could result in missed Tweets.

The Twitter Stream API requires authentication. A Twitter account username and password is required to configure this type of feed. Note: Twitter only allows one
Twitter Stream connection per account. If there are unrelated Twitter keyword searches required then you must configure multiple Twitter accounts, since adding
unrelated keywords to one stream makes SocialMiner Campaign and Filter configuration difficult.

When Tweets are captured by SocialMiner using the Twitter Stream, the heading in the Social Contact indicates the type of Tweet. For example, the heading indicates
if the Social Contact is a "Tweet" or "ReTweet" or if it is "in-reply-too". This type of context is not available when capturing Tweets via RSS.

Configuring a Twitter Stream Feed Type

View a video
(http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm/cust_contact/contact_center/socialminer/socialminer_85/video/toi/FeedConfigurationTwitterStream.mov) about
configuring a Twitter Stream Feed.

Access the Feed gadget, click Add, select the Twitter Stream feed type, and enter following fields. Click Save to save the feed.

Search Keywords - A comma separated listed of search words to search on. Up to 200 keywords can be defined for a total limit of 2000 bytes.
Each keyword must be between 1-60 bytes.
At least one keyword must be defined.
Commas in the keyword search stand for OR. Spaces in the keyword search stand for AND. You cannot search for exact strings. For example, if you enter
"Cisco Telepresence" then the social contact returned contains Cisco and Telepresence in them, but not necessarily the phrase Cisco Telepresence.
Do Not Use a Space after a Comma. If you use a space after a comma then only the first keyword is matched against.
Username - A valid Twitter username.
Password - Password for the Twitter username.
Reply template - The reply template to be used for replying to social contacts obtained from this feed.

Twitter Account Feed Type

The Twitter Account Feed Type uses the Twitter REST API (http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-API-Documentation) . This Feed type captures all of the Mentions and
Direct Messages for a Twitter account. Twitter Account Feeds include all of the tweets that include "@USERNAME" as well as all of the Direct Messages to the
@USERNAME account. This Feed type also captures Tweet type, for example ReTweet, in-reply-too, etc.

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The Twitter Account feed is configured using OAuth (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OAuth) . During the feed configuration, SocialMiner redirects the user to Twitter to
validate the Twitter account. This provides a security benefit since using OAuth avoids the storage of the user's Twitter account information on the SocialMiner server.

If the user is already logged into Twitter with the same username as specified in the feed configuration, then they are simply prompted to allow access to Twitter for the
SocialMiner server. If the user is not logged in (or logged into a different account) then they must sign in to the same account specified in the feed configuration.
Credentials are securely passed to Twitter directly instead of going through SocialMiner. Based on their authorization, Twitter provides SocialMiner with a key to
enable access to their account. From this point forward, SocialMiner will be able to use/access the Twitter account.

Note: You cannot create more than one Twitter Account Feed with the same Twitter username on a single SocialMiner server. Only one Twitter Account Feed type per
Twitter user per SocialMiner server is allowed.

Note: Twitter provides a list of applications (connections) that have been granted access to a Twitter account. A Twitter user can revoke access at any time. See

Twitter Account Feed Configuration

View a video
(http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm/cust_contact/contact_center/socialminer/socialminer_85/video/toi/FeedConfigurationTwitterAccount.mov) about
configuring a Twitter Account Feed.

Access the Feed Gadget, click Add, select the Twitter Account feed type, and enter or following fields, then click Save to save the feed.

Username - A valid Twitter username.
Password - Password for the Twitter username.
Polling Interval - Number of minutes to wait between refreshing this feed.
Reply template - The reply template to be used for replying to social contacts obtained from this feed.

Note: After clicking Save you are redirected to the twitter authentication service, which allows you to approve the use of this application with your Twitter account.
Follow the directions on the screen to authorize this application to access the Twitter account.


The purpose of a Campaign is to group Social Contacts for handling by the social media customer care team.
Social Contacts are included in a Campaign by configuring one or more feeds to be part of the Campaign. This is
done through the Campaign Configuration gadget. When a feed is configured to be part of a Campaign, all social
contacts in that feed are included in the Campaign. As new social contacts arrive on that feed, they are immediately
added to the Campaign. Social Contacts cannot be removed from a Campaign, once included they remain in the
campaign until they are purged or the Campaign is deleted.

Optionally, Campaigns may also have Filters. Filters are used to narrow the set of social contacts that are added to
the campaign. More information on Filters can be found in the Filter Configuration section of this guide.

View a video

Campaign Configuration Gadget

(http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm/cust_contact/contact_center/socialminer/socialminer_85/video/toi/CampaignConfiguration.mov) about
Campaigns, Campaign usage, and Campaign configuration.

Campaign List

The Campaign Configuration Gadget defaults to a list of Campaigns. This list is empty for a system with no campaigns. The list shows the name of the campaign, the
number of social contacts in the campaign, and description of the campaign, and a RSS feed icon which is a link to the RSS feed from SocialMiner. The RSS feed
allows someone to capture all the social contacts in a campaign using a RSS reader.

This list updates in real time, for example if there are new campaigns added to the system (perhaps by another user) then the new campaigns appear in the list. If there
are new social contacts added to a campaign then the Social Contact count increments.

Add Campaign

You can add campaign by clicking the "Add" button at the bottom of the Campaign Configuration gadget. The gadget displays a list of Feeds "Available" with arrows
to move the Feeds into "selected" which includes them in the campaign. At least one Feed should be moved to selected prior to pressing "save" in order to add social
contacts to a campaign. Note: once save is pressed, the Social Contacts for the configured feeds are added to the campaign. Once added, Social Contacts cannot be
removed from the campaign except via a purge. If a Feed is removed from a campaign, new Social Contacts captured by that feed are no longer added to the campaign
but the Social Contacts previously included are not removed. Social Contacts can only be removed from a campaign when they are purged from the system.

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Note: if a Feed is accidentally added to a campaign, and the SC's MUST be immediately removed from that campaign then the only recourse is to delete the entire
campaign and recreate it.

A Feed may be added to multiple campaigns but does not duplicate the Social Contacts in the datastore. The Social Contacts for that feed are simply counted in both

The Campaign Configuration gadget also allows for assignment of filters to the campaign. Filter functionality is described in the Filters section of this guide.


The purpose of a Filter is to narrow the set of Social Contacts that appear in a campaign, allowing the social-media
customer-care team to focus on the most actionable Social Contacts. As new Social Contacts are captured by
SocialMiner and put into Campaigns, the Filter(s) are run to exclude certain Social Contacts.

SocialMiner supports a trainable filtering technology based on a statistical probability model called: Bayesian
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayesian_probability) . The SocialMiner Bayesian filters are not pre-programed or
"configured with business rules". They are trained by the users who process Social Contacts. When training a
Bayesian Filter the user is given the option to "train in" or "train out" each social contact. After a sufficient amount
of training, the filter begins to exclude unwanted Social Contacts from a campaign.

Filters can be used to exclude Social Contacts for many different reasons. They can be used to take a broad
keyword search and narrow the results down to the posts related to a specific brand. For example, a search for
"Flip" could return posts about footwear and gymnastics while the purpose of the campaign may be to capture
posts about Flip brand video recorders. A Bayesian Filter can be trained to exclude the Social Contacts about
footwear or gymnastics. The training includes the complete text of the post, not just certain keywords and therefore
offers much more sophisticated filtering capability then a keyword exclusion approach to filtering. A Filter can be
trained to look for Social Contacts with negative sentiment (or positive sentiment), focusing the work of a customer
support or marketing team. Filters can also be trained to look for certain languages.
Filter Configuration Gadget
Multiple filters may be applied to one campaign creating opportunities to layer filtering strategies to fine tune

To create a filter, use the Filter Configuration Gadget. Create a new filter by clicking add, enter a name, and then save. Your filter will appear in the filter list.

View a video
(http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm/cust_contact/contact_center/socialminer/socialminer_85/video/toi/TrainingFilterswithSocialMiner.mov) about
training filters.

Training a Bayesian Filter

Once you create a filter, you must train it. The Filter training is performed through the
Campaign Results Gadget. You can train a filter using any campaign. The training does not
impact the Campaign unless you configure the filter to apply to that Campaign. Choose a
Campaign with some Social Contacts, and from the Campaign Results settings you can
select the filter you want to train. When you click save you are in "training mode". The
name of the filter you've selected at the top of the Gadget is displayed and a "+" and "-" for
each Social Contact appears. By clicking the up arrow you "Train In" the Social Contact
indicating that this is the type of contact you would like the Filter to keep in the Campaign.
By clicking the down arrow you "Train Out" the Social Contact indicating that this is the
type of contact you would like the filter to reject.

Filters are applied to Campaigns in the Campaign Configuration Gadget. You can apply
Filters to a Campaign in the same way you add Feeds. Note: Filters are only run against
Social Contacts as they enter a campaign. Filters do not run retroactively against Social
Contacts that are already in a campaign.

Campaign Results Campaign Results Gadget in Training Mode

The Campaign Results gadget provides a dynamic user interface for viewing and responding to Social Contacts. The first time the Campaign Results gadget is
rendered, the gadget defaults to the settings page. You must select a Campaign and choose "OK". The settings for this gadget are stored in a browser cookie
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_cookie) .

The Campaign Results gadget is dynamic and therefore you may occasionally see a bar appear at the top indicating that there is a one or more new social contacts in
the campaign. You can click on this message to refresh the results, or click the refresh icon on the upper-right of the gadget.

You can update the settings for the gadget, including the selection of which campaign you are viewing by clicking on the settings icon on the upper-right of the gadget.

Handling Social Contacts

When Social Contacts are captured by SocialMiner, they are initially in the "unread" state. From the Campaign Results gadget, the user can change the state of the
Social Contacts at any time by pressing the Social Contact state control buttons.

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There are four Social Contact States in SocialMiner.

Unread (initial state)


A Social Contact state can be changed by any user at any time by pressing one of the Social
Contact state buttons. The "Reply / Reserve" button changes the Social Contact to the
Reserved state. The "Handle" button changes the Social Contact to the Handled state. The
"Discard" button changes the Social Contact to the Discarded state. The current state of the
Social Contact will appear at the top of the social contact along with the name of the user
that set the state (unless the Social Contact is "unread", in which case it will be blank).

The Social Contact state is universal across the SocialMiner system. For example, if one
user reserves a Social Contact, then the Social Contact appears as reserved in the UI of all
other users. Note: this is the case even if the Social Contact appears in multiple campaigns.
Campaign Results Gadget
Depending on the last refresh, it is possible that a user may try to alter the state of a Social
Contact that has already been changed by another user. The SocialMiner system prevents
this by alerting the user that they must refresh before attempting to change the state of the Social Contact.

By changing the settings of the Campaign Results gadget you can show or hide Social Contacts by state. The default setup is to only show all Social Contacts. The
selection of which states to show is controlled by Campaign Results gadget settings. These settings are all specific to the user, therefore changes to these settings do
not change how others view the campaign.

Note: the hidden Social Contacts are only hidden in the Campaign Results gadget view, they are not deleted or removed from the campaign. If you accidentally
Discarded a Social Contact (and it disappears from view) you can easily retrieve it by changing the gadget settings to show Discarded Social Contacts and clicking
again on the Discarded button for that Social Contact to toggle it back to Unread.

If you want to review all of the Handled Social Contacts for a Campaign, you can easily do this by selecting a campaign and only the Handled state.

View a video
about handling social contacts.

Replying to Social Contacts

If a Reply Template is configured, and the social contact is from Twitter, then you can reply to the Tweet by clicking the "Reply / Reserve" button on the Social

Using the default reply template, you can either Direct Message (DM) the author of the Tweet or create an "@" reply that is viewable to everyone on Twitter. Twitter
DM's are only supported if the author of the tweet and the Twitter Account being used to send the DM are following each other.

The default reply template lists the Social Contact and provides the following fields to reply:

1. Account: Select the Twitter Account from which you are replying. All Twitter Accounts configured on this system appear in the pull-down menu. Once the
account is selected SocialMiner checks to see if the account is following the twitter user who posted the original Tweet. If the account is not following, then the
Follow button becomes active. Optionally click the Follow button to begin following the author of the social contact.
2. Select the type of reply, either reply or direct message. A reply is posted to the timeline of the twitter account selected above. A direct message is sent directly to
the poster of the tweet.

Note: You can only direct message a twitter user if the intended recipient is following the selected Twitter account.

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3. Enter your reply in the text box. Text input is limited to 140 characters. The current
character count is listed at the upper right of the text box.

Click Send to send the Twitter Account reply.


When you hover over a Social Contact a text box and a Tag button is displayed. To enter a
tag, click the text box, type the tag and hit enter or click the Tag button. You can enter two
tags at once by using a comma. The tags are displayed to all users who view that Social
Cisco Twitter Reply Template
Note: Social Contacts are not duplicated in SocialMiner even when they appear in multiple
campaigns. If a user is viewing one campaign and tags a social contact, then the tag appears
to users viewing that Social Contact from another Campaign.

SocialMiner also has a suggested tag feature where it suggests the five most common/recently used tags for the selected campaign. These suggestions provide one-
click tagging for commonly used tags. The suggestions are specific to the campaign, not the entire SocialMiner system. The suggestions are only updated on a refresh.
For example, if you are first viewing a new campaign in the Campaign Results gadget you do not see any suggestions. Enter a few tags, and then click the refresh
button. Tags that you entered as suggestions for other social contacts appear, allowing you to tag those social contacts by clicking the suggested tags.

The SocialMiner Campaign Results can be viewed by tag so that the results only display a selected subset of Social Contacts, based on the selected tags. You can click
on the gadget settings (as if selecting a different campaign), check the show tags button, and select which tags you would like to see in the results. Click OK and the
Campaign Results are narrowed to only show the Social Contacts with the selected tags.

View a video (http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm/cust_contact/contact_center/socialminer/socialminer_85/video/toi/UsingSocialMinerTags.mov)

about using tags.

The administration functions of SocialMiner are divided between two gadgets; System Administration and Reply Templates.

System Administration

The System Administration gadget provides the following system configuration and serviceability tools:

Active Directory
Purge Settings
Reporting Configuration
RTMT Download Links
Platform Administration

Also, the Application Software Version (version of SocialMiner) and Operating System Active Software Version
(version of Cisco Unified OS) are listed at the top of the page.

Server status for the three main services; Datastore, Indexer, and are provided under version information. All
statuses must be "Running" for proper operation of the system.

Active Directory

SocialMiner uses Active Directory to manage and administrate user access to the system. All users, with the
exception of the Administration and Reporting users, must be configured on a Microsoft Active Directory server to System Administration
be able to access SocialMiner.

The Active Directory connection permits users configured on the AD to access SocialMiner. You can configure the connection to allow all users on the AD to access
SocialMiner, or to allow only a group of users access. If there are multiple independent groups and they all require isolated security/permissions then they should each
deploy their own SocialMiner system.

Note: If Twitter Account feeds are configured on the system, all users are able to see Direct Messages to the configured Twitter Accounts and all users can post from
these accounts. SocialMiner tracks which users make which posts, but some companies may want to restrict who can make posts, and they can implement this
approach by configuring SocialMiner to authenticate with a specific role. If SocialMiner is authenticated with a specific Active Directory role, then only those Active
Directory users with that role can use SocialMiner.

To configure Active Directory, open the Administration gadget and click Edit. Enter or modify the following fields. Click Save when finished.

Enabled: (checkbox) When checked, the Active Directory connection is active. If not checked, then only the administrator can log into SocialMiner.

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Host: Provide the Host name or IP address and Port of the Active Directory server.
Port: Provide the port for Active Directory. The default Active Directory port is 3268. If using SSL the default port is 3269.
Use SSL: (checkbox). Check to use SSL. Note you must also exchange security certificates with the AD server before SSL can work.
Manager Distinguished Name: Enter the Manager Distinguished Name used to login to the Active Directory server, for example, on a default installation of
Microsoft AD, the name is :CN=Administrator, CN=users, DC=MYSERVER, DC=COM. Replace MYSERVER and COM with your respective hostname.
Manager Password: The password for the AD Manager account.
Role Name: (optional) The Active Directory role or Active Directory group of users who are allowed to access SocialMiner. If this setting is blank or * then all
users in Active Directory are allowed access to SocialMiner.

Exchanging Security Certificates with AD

To enable SSL for the Active Directory connection you must first exchange security certificates between the two servers. Enabling SSL is optional, but if you do not
enable SSL then username and password information is not transmitted securely between SocialMiner and the Microsoft AD server.

To exchange security certificates:

On the Active Directory server:

1. Verify that the Active Directory has the Certificate Services service installed.
2. Select All Programs > Administrative Tools > Certificate Authority.
3. Expand the domain node and select Issued Certificates.
4. Double click the certificate to open it
5. Open the Details tab and click Copy to file.
6. An Export wizard appears. In the wizard select DER encoded binary.
7. Using the wizard to select a location to save the file.
8. Click Finish.

On the SocialMiner Server:

1. Open the Cisco Unified Operating System Administration page. The link is available from the gadget.
2. Select Security > Certificate Management.
3. Click Upload Certificate.
4. For the Certificate Name, select tomcat-trust.
5. In the Upload File field, select the file to upload by clicking Browse... Select the certificate file you saved from the Active Directory server.
6. Click Upload File.
7. Restart the Cisco Tomcat service. Using the CLI, run the command utils service restart Cisco Tomcat

Adding Users

The Administration user (configured at install) and Reporting user accounts are the only accounts explicitly configured on SocialMiner. The social media customer
care representatives are configured in Microsoft Active Directory. As these users sign into SocialMiner, successfully authenticate against Active Directory, and begin
to take actions on the system, their actions are associated with their Active Directory User ID.

Purge Settings

Datastore purges occur on a continuous basis (every hour) based on age of the social contacts and disk usage.
Database purges are required to remove old data from the datastore so that the disk does not fill up.

Important! Purge settings take effect as soon as you click save. If any of the criteria are met, such as Emergency
purge when disk usage exceeds (%), then the purge starts immediately.

To configure purge settings, click Edit at the bottom of the purge settings tool and edit the following:

DataStore Purge Settings:

Purge Social Contacts older than (days): Social contacts older than this number of days are purged. Valid
values are 1 - 30.

Important!: SocialMiner will not retrieve Social Contacts older than this setting.

Emergency purge when disk usage exceeds (%): Begin an emergency purge if disk usage exceeds this value.
Valid values are 60 - 90. When an emergency purge executes, Social Contacts older than the days specified
above are removed. If disk usage is still above the setting for this field then the purge continues removing System Administration Purge Settings
social contacts (one day at a time) until the disk usage is below the threshold for emergency purge.

Reporting Purge Settings:

Purge start time (HH:mm 24 hour format): The time, in 24 hour format (00:00 to 23:59), that the purge starts based on the local server time. By default this is set
to 01:00 (1am) local server time.
Purge Social Contacts older than (days): Reporting records for social contacts older than this number of days are purged when the reporting purge starts.

Click Save to save your changes.

Setting up the Reporting User Account

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The reporting user account provides secure access to the reporting database on SocialMiner through a third party
application. This allows you to access the reporting database from your own custom application. Details on the
tables in the reporting database are available in the SocialMiner Developer's Guide.

The reporting user's user name is fixed at reportinguser and cannot be changed.

To set or change the password for the reporting user, enter a new password in each of the password fields and click

RTMT Download Links

Links are provided to download the Cisco Unified Real Time Monitoring Tool (RTMT). SocialMiner uses the same
RTMT as the one used for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Details on Installing and Configuring RTMT can be found on the Cisco web site: Installing and Configuring Cisco
Unified RTMT (http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm/cucm/service/8_0_1/rtmt/rtinst.html)

Platform Administration
System Administration Reporting Settings
Platform Administration provides links to the following interfaces of Cisco Unified OS:

Cisco Unified Operating System Administration

Cisco Unified Serviceability

Social Miner uses the same platform administration tools as Cisco Unified Communications Manager. Detailed online help is available in the tools.


The Troubleshooting tool provides links to access the Log Directory of SocialMiner or to perform a System Health Snapshot.

Important! Do not click the System Health Snapshot link unless directed to by Cisco TAC. Accessing this link forces the system to dump all system parameters into a
large XML file for download. System performance is impacted while the snapshot is occurring.

Reply Templates

The Reply Templates gadget allows you to configure custom reply-templates to be used with the system. An example of the default reply template is provided on the
system at


The source code is commented and provides details on the SocialMiner javascript functions required.

Reply templates must conform to the OpenSocial gadget standard. Some tips for converting existing HTML pages into OpenSocial gadgets can be found here
(http://code.google.com/apis/gadgets/docs/fundamentals.html#Existing) .

After you have created your Reply Template, host it on a webserver that is accessible by SocialMiner and use the Reply Template gadget to provide a name for the
Reply Template and its location.

SocialMiner Reporting
SocialMiner maintains metrics on social contact volume and agent activities. These metrics are stored in a SQL (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL) database for up to
18 months. The reporting database can be accessed using any SQL reporting tool including Cisco Unified Intelligence Center. Access to this database requires
configuration of a reporting user in the SocialMiner system administration.

There are two main categories of reports:

Campaign Reports - These metrics provide an indication of the total posting volume by customers as well as the responsiveness to customers. These are what
could be described as "customer facing" metrics.
Agent Reports - These metrics provide an indication of the agent productivity. These metrics could be used to evaluate agent speed or they could be used to
measure total workload as a basis for staffing forecasts.

The Cisco Unified Intelligence Center templates for SocialMiner are available for download here: http://www.cisco.com/cisco/software/release.html?

Note: For Cisco Unified Intelligence Center releases prior to 8.0(3), you must extract the templates from the zip file before importing them into Unified Intelligence
Center. For release 8.0(3) and later, you can import the zip file directly and Unified Intelligence Center extracts all the templates it finds inside the zip file.

. The following screen captures are examples of the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Reports daily reports:

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ASR - Average Speed of Reserved. For the Social Contacts that were Reserved, this is the average time between capture by SocialMiner and the time they are
marked as reserved. This provides an indication of how much time passes before someone first views the customer's post.
ASA - Average Speed of Answer. For the Social Contacts that were Handled, this is the average time between capture by SocialMiner and the time they are
marked handled. This provides an indication of how of how much time passes before the customer gets a response.
ASD - Average Speed of Discard. For the Social Contacts that were Discarded, this is the average time between capture by SocialMiner and the they are marked
discarded. This provides an indication of how much time passes before someone chooses to discard the customer's post. Note: "Discard" doesn't necessarily
mean the post is disregarded. The distinction between "Discard" and "Handled" depends on how the agents are using SocialMiner. For example, they might mark
posts that are read as "discarded" and posts that are responded too as "handled". In this case, discarded means that they were "read".

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The complete SocialMiner reporting database schema is documented in the SocialMiner Developer Guide (http://developer.cisco.com/web/socialminer)

AHT - Average Handle Time. For Social Contacts that were handled by this agent, this is the average time between Reserved and Handled. This provides and
indication of how much time it takes this agent to respond to a social contact.
ADT - Average Discarded Time. For Social Contacts that were discarded by this agent, this is the average time between Reserved and Discarded. This provides
an indication of how much time it takes this agent to discard a social contact.
ACT - Average Completed Time. For Social Contacts that were Handled or Discarded, this is the average time between capture by SocialMiner and the first time
they were marked Handled or Discarded. This provides an indication of how of how much time it takes for this agent to complete work for a social contact.

Configuring the SQL Connection to the SocialMiner Reporting Database

Connection to the SocialMiner Informix reporting database can be made through JDBC using the following format:


The reporting database <port> is 1526.

The <databasename> is "mmca_data".
The <informixserver> name is based on the hostname of the server with _mmca append to the end of the hostname. Additional, any dashes ("-") in the hostname
are replace by underscores ("_").
The UTF-8 Charset is required to get Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC) able to connect.
The content of INFORMIXSERVER is the instance name.

For example, if your server's hostname is my-server.mycompany.com, then the INFORMIXSERVER name is my_server_mmca. The complete JDBC URL would be:


Note that when authenticating, the informix username is always reportinguser and the informix password is the password you created in the Administration Gadget.

System Backup and Restoration

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System backup and restore is done by backing up the entire virtual machine.

1. Using VMware vSpehere client, open view into the server hosting the SocialMiner Virtual Machine (VM).
2. Map a drive on your local system to the location where the backups are stored.
3. Shutdown the SocialMiner VM you want to backup:
1. Click on the console tab.
2. Login to the SocialMiner server.
3. Type utils system shutdown to shutdown the server.
4. Type yes when the system asks for verification of shutdown.
4. In vSphere, open the datastore view:
1. Click on the host.
2. Click on the summary tab.
3. Under resources, right-click on the datastore and select "Browse Datastore.
4. Select the folder that contains the SocialMiner VM that you want to backup.
5. Click the Download a file to your local machine button.
6. Select the mapped network drive that you created earlier.
7. Click Ok.
8. Click Yes.
5. Copying the VM can take up to 5 hours. After the copy finishes, start up the SocialMiner VM.

Design Guidance
Hardware and Software Specifications
SocialMiner 8.5(1) requires the following UCS server model:


C210-M2 UCS-C210M2-VCD2

VMWare Open Virtual Format (OVF)

The SocialMiner system supports one standard OVF (http://www.vmware.com/appliances/getting-started/learn/ovf.html) Appliance. The system requires ESXi version
4.0 Update 1.

The downloadable OVF Templates has hardware configuration for the SocialMiner VM's. This is the only configuration supported. Please use SocialMiner OVF
Appliance to install SocialMiner.

The SocialMiner OVA can be downloaded here: http://www.cisco.com/cisco/software/release.html?mdfid=283613136&catid=278875240&softwareid=283733464

SocialMiner Virtual Machine Hardware Configuration

The OVF includes the following settings:

4 vCPU
1 vNIC with static MAC address
2 vDisks:
vDisk 1 = 146 GB Operating system, SocialMiner application binaries, Reporting database
vDisk 2 = 256 GB Data store, Index store, ActiveMQ store, Unified OS logs and SocialMiner logs

Creating the SocialMiner Virtual Machine

Perform the following steps in vSphere client to deploy the Virtual machines:

1. Highlight the host or cluster to which you wish the VM to be deployed.

2. Select File > Deploy OVF Template.
3. Click the Deploy from File radio button and specify the name and location of the file you downloaded in the previous section OR click the Deploy from URL
radio button and specify the complete URL in the field, then click Next.
4. Enter the name of the VM machine that you are creating and the location where it will be created
5. Choose the type of deployment (Production or Lab)
6. Choose the datastore on which you would like the VM to reside - be sure there is sufficient free space to accommodate the new VM, then click Next.
7. Verify the deployment settings, then click Finish.
8. Update boot order as per instructions below
9. Insert SocialMiner disk and follow SocialMiner installation guide.

Changing the Boot Order of the Virtual Machine

You must change the boot order of the Virtual Machine so that the system boots off the CD/DVD drive for the install.

To change the boot order of the Virtual Machine:

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1. In VMware vSphere Client, power off the virtual machine onto which you deployed the OVA template.
2. In the left pane of vSphere Client, right-click the name of the virtual machine, and select Edit Settings.
3. In the Virtual Machine Properties dialog box, select the Options tab.
4. In the Settings column, under Advanced, select Boot Options.
5. Under Force BIOS Setup, check the The Next Time the Virtual Machine Boots, Force Entry into the BIOS Setup Screen check box.
6. Click OK to close the Virtual Machine Properties dialog box.
7. Power on the virtual machine (The virtual machine boots into the BIOS menu)
8. Navigate to the Boot menu and change the boot device order so the CD-ROM device is listed first and the Hard Drive device is listed second.
9. Save the change and exit BIOS setup.

Deployment Models
Version 8.5 of SocialMiner has a single-server all-in-one deployment model. The server may be deployed inside our outside the corporate firewall in "intranet" and
"Internet" deployment models.

The intranet deployment model provides the additional security of the corporate network firewalls to reduce risk of an external party accessing the system. This
deployment model is required if SocialMiner must access internal sites, for example an internal forum site. The downside of the intranet deployment model is that
SocialMiner system cannot be accessed by partners lacking VPN access. It is common for some PR functions to be externally managed by an agency and therefore
offering easy access (no VPN) to the SocialMiner system may be very useful. Also, the intranet deployment model does not allow rendering of SocialMiner
OpenSocial Gadgets in a public Internet containers such as iGoogle. The intranet deployment model may complicate proxy configuration, however it likely simplifies
directory integration.

The Internet deployment model puts SocialMiner outside the corporate firewall. This deployment model relies on the built-in security capabilities of the SocialMiner
appliance. This may be acceptable from a security perspective depending on the system use and corporate policies. For example, in some applications the SocialMiner
system handles 100% public postings and therefore there is no disclosure risk associated with a compromised SocialMiner system. The Internet deployment model
may complicate directory integration.

Port 443 is used for a secure connection between the SocialMiner user interface and your browser.

Port 80 is used by SocialMiner for communication with Twitter and Facebook APIs.

Your firewall configuration may need to be modified to open these ports for SocialMiner.

The following table details the sizing limits for a single SocialMiner system.

Concurrent Admin Users Signed In 5

Concurrent Agents Signed In 30
Total Feeds 100
Total Campaigns 50
Incoming Rate of Social Contacts (total per hour) 10,000

Users and Security

SocialMiner User Accounts and Security

SocialMiner is designed to minimize the storage of username/passwords to reduce the security risk of a compromised system. There is an administration account for
the system setup, but all SocialMiner user access is controlled through Active Directory (AD) authentication. There are no SocialMiner user passwords stored on the
SocialMiner System.

Users do not need to be manually set up on SocialMiner in order to access the system. Any user that is authenticated via the Active Directory set-up can use the
system. If there is need to limit who can use system then an AD group can be set up in AD and the SocialMiner system can be configured to only allow access from
that group.

AD authenticated users have access to all functions on the system, although gadgets access could be blocked by blocking certain URLs.

Twitter Accounts and Security

Access to Twitter for the Twitter Account feed type is done via OAuth. When a "Twitter Account" Feed is created the user is prompted to authenticate with Twitter.
The authentication token is stored by SocialMiner granting access to secured information from Twitter such as Direct Messages. This authentication also enables
sending and replying to Twitter Direct Messages (DMs) from the account by using the Reply feature of the Campaign Results gadget.

Note: All SocialMiner users are entitled to use Twitter accounts configured in the Twitter Account feed to read and respond to Direct Messages in that account. They
are not required to enter the account password. This supports environments where the social-media care agents are not entitled to know the Twitter account password.
Their ability to use SocialMiner is controlled via Active Directory and their ability to invoke post or perform actions on Twitter is controlled by SocialMiner.

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SocialMiner also tracks which SocialMiner User (AD account) makes each post; therefore it is possible for the enterprise to track which employee posted a tweet when
sharing a Twitter account amongst a team.

Twitter Stream feed type passwords are encrypted when stored in the SocialMiner configuration database and are also encrypted when sent to Twitter.

Advanced UI options
The SocialMiner user interfaces are designed to be embedded in other web application user interfaces.


You can add a SocialMiner gadget to Quad using the "Add Application" button on Quad. You can find the specific URL of the SocialMiner gadget by using "view
source" on your browser while looking at the gadgets on SocialMiner.


If the SocialMiner system is deployed in the Internet deployment model, you can add a SocialMiner gadget to iGoogle using the "Add Stuff" button on iGoogle.

You can find the specific URL of the SocialMiner gadget by using "view source" on your browser while looking at the gadgets on SocialMiner.


If your web site or application doesn't support OpenSocial, then you can add SocialMiner to a web page by using an iFrame. With this technic you can make a frame
sized to show one of the SocialMiner web pages (most likely the campaign results gadget).

Troubleshooting RSS Feed

Verify the RSS feed in a browser or RSS reader

Paste the RSS URL into a web browser such Firefox and the RSS feed displays in the browser, or a RSS reader application opens (this depends on the configuration of
your computer). If you cannot get the RSS feed to render in a browser or RSS reader then you should contact the site administrator.


If you feed renders in the browser but does not work in SocialMiner it is possible that you have saved the authentication in your browser. The browser may be
automatically re-using your previously saved password and this may not be entirely obvious from a user perspective. If your feed is authenticated, then you must use
the "Authenticated RSS" Feed Type. Note: A Feed Type cannot be changed once a feed is created, therefore you must delete the old feed and add a new feed if you
want to change a RSS Feed to an Authenticated RSS Feed.

Network Topology

If you feed renders in the browser but does not work in SocialMiner, it is possible that you have a network topology issue. For example, if your SocialMiner system is
outside the corporate firewall it may not be able to access a intranet site even though the site renders in your browser. See design guidance, deployment models.

Unsupported version of RSS and Invalid Feeds

If SocialMiner returns an error that the version of RSS is unsupported, verify that the feed is one of the supported types. You can verify the RSS feed using a feed
validator such as the W3C Feed Validation Service (http://validator.w3.org/feed/)

If the site is not providing a valid Feed or is providing a version of RSS that is not supported by SocialMiner, you may be able to use a service such as Feed Burner
(http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/myfeeds) to read the invalid feed and publish a reformatted/supported feed. Another feed manipulation service you may try is
Yahoo Pipes (http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/)

Troubleshooting a Authenticated RSS Feed

Password Change

If an authenticated RSS feed stops working (It had been working for some time but is no longer pulling in Social Contacts), then one likely cause is the user reset their

Troubleshooting Facebook Fan Page Feed Type

Verify the Fan Page URL SocialMiner uses the Facebook Graph API (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api) . You can test a URL by replacing the www with the
word graph. For example: http://graph.facebook.com/CiscoCC

Developer Information
Developer information, including the SocialMiner API documentation and a discussion forum, is available on the Cisco developer site:

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Twitter is a registered trademark of Twitter, Inc.
Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.
iGoogle is a trademark of Google, Inc.
VMWare is a registered trademark of VMware, Inc.
Informix is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corp.



The Cisco implementation of TCP header compression is an adaptation of a program developed by the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) as part of UCBs
public domain version of the UNIX operating system. All rights reserved. Copyright 1981, Regents of the University of California.



Cisco and the Cisco Logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco's trademarks can be found at
http://www.cisco.com/go/trademarks . Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a
partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1005R)

Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses. Any examples, command display output, and figures included in
the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.

Copyright 2010 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

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