2018 BGCTC Impact Report Compressed

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LEADERSHIP | Fiscal year 2018 ( September 1, 2017 - August 31, 2018)
2018 LEADERSHIP 2018 BOARD OF Mike Dimond Amelia Hardy Steve Pontius
Fox Sports North Best Buy HRA-IQ
Terryl Brumm Andrew Grey, Chair Bryan Donaldson Allyson Hartle Tom Roos
President & CEO US Bank Minnesota Twins Comcast UnitedHealth Group

Jackie West Judy Shoulak, Vice Chair Steve Eastman Bryan Hughes Joan Redwing
Vice President of Finance Buffalo Wild Wings (Retired) Polaris Winnebago State of Minnesota

Jean-Paul Bigirindavyi Todd Phelps, Secretary Jim Franklin Felipe Lara-Angeli Robert Riepe
Vice President of Stinson Leonard Street LLP Ecolab (Retired) 3M Talent Solutions White Box Advisors
Chad Faul, Treaurer David Gale Allen Lenzmeier Manuel Robledo
Bremer Bank Ernst & Young Best Buy (Retired) Target

Kevin Berg Mike Gamble Jason Lipinsky Tom Schnack

Sysco Asian Foods SearchWide Enterprise Fleet Ecolab (Retired)
Paul Berg Jill Hagen Mark Stonacek
Sunrise Banks Women’s Association Rob Loftus Cargill
MSP Commercial
John Berglund Eric Johnston Rich Stanek
PricewaterhouseCooper Willis Towers Watson Mike Martiny Hennepin County
General Mills Sheriff’s Office
John Bergstrom Peter Kiedrowski
Pearson Assessments Wells Fargo John McEvoy Ryan Tanke
Scottswoods Group Minnesota Timberwolves
Aakash Chandarana Dan Kueppers
Xcel Energy Great Lakes Coca-Cola John Penhollow Suzanne Dowd-Zeller
Bottling Minnesota Vikings Allianz
2 Greg Cook
Fiscal Year 2018 was a momentous year for our • We added an academic director, a new position to lead the
organization. With increased focus on quality, we expanded Literacy Program and to provide coaching and training to
programs across our K-12 youth development continuum. education/literacy specialists at each of the five main Club
With your help: • We added a director of youth development services, a new
• We expanded our Literacy Program to serve 346 K-3 position to embed quality assurance across all programs.
members with a comprehensive, holistic approach that The director conducts informal staff observations and
embeds positive youth development and social and delivers formal professional development/training sessions
emotional learning (SEL) methods with evidence-based centered on youth work best practices and building equity
reading strategies. We also partnered with Wilder Research and inclusion.
for a three-year assessment and evaluation of this program
to inform future enhancements toward greater outcomes. We are grateful for your partnership and support. Our generous
• We deepened Teen Pathways career and workforce donors, board members, staff, and volunteers make it possible
programming to better meet the developmental needs of for Club kids and teens to dream big and achieve success!
our 3,158 teen members, with focuses on Self-Discovery
for 7th and 8th graders, Exploring Community for 9th and
10th graders, and Identifying a Plan for the Future for 11th
and 12th graders.
• We integrated SEL strategies across all programs,
establishing a framework and a common language that
can be used to communicate the strengths and challenges Terryl Brumm
of children and youth. President & CEO

Our mission: to enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach
their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. 3
WHO WE SERVE: In 2018, dedicated staff delivered programs to 8,398
youth at 8 locations across the Twin Cities.
Black Other
Caucasian Multi-Racial Hispanic/Latino
Native American 4.4% GENDER

Asian 7.6%

Female Male
46.2% 53.8%

Hispanic/Latino Black/
10% African-American
43% AGE
13.5% 15 - 19
Caucasian 10 - 14
17% 46.1%
5- 9

Creating opportunities for success from Kindergarten to post-secondary

Academic Success programs prepare Club youth to become
lifelong learners, providing opportunities for educational
enhancement, career exploration, and augmented learning in
literacy, finance, arts, and technology.

BGCTC has developed a Literacy Program that embeds positive
youth development, social and emotional learning techniques,
and family engagement with literacy instruction. The model is
a holistic approach that takes into account the whole student’s
needs and experiences from home, school, and community. When Terruce joined the Literacy Program at our Southside
Our goal is to ensure that all members are reading at their Village Club last fall, he was assessed as High Risk (reading
appropriate grade level and mastering the skills necessary to in the 20th percentile or below for grade level). English is his
transition from learning to read to reading to learn. second language and he struggled to speak, let alone read.
He needed extra reassurance and sought to please and be
In 2018, recognized by adults around him.
• 94% of students who received
literacy instruction from fall to By focusing on social and emotional learning (SEL) strategies,
as well as involving Terruce’s mother, Kimberly, the staff at
spring made positive gains in
Southside have helped Terruce gain confidence. In just one
cumulative test scores year, he has moved from High Risk to the College Pathway
• 733 youth participated in category (reading above the 85th percentile for grade level).
STEM activities
• 176 Club seniors graduated “Sometimes Terruce has bad days, and the staff talk to me
from high school, up 65% over so we can make a plan to help him improve,”Kimberly said.
FY17. “It makes me feel so good to see him excited about going
to the Club.”
The Healthy Lifestyles strategy develops young people’s capacity to live healthfully by educating youth
about fitness, nutrition and smart health decisions.

157,722 1,069 60%

healthy meals and snacks youth participated of Club members ages 9 and
were provided to Club in sports leagues older reported getting at least one
members hour of physical activity five or
more days per week
The Good Character & Leadership strategy encourages youth Daya, a junior at Patrick Henry High School,
is new to our Patrick Henry Club this year
to be engaged by providing character, leadership, and service
but has already made a lasting impact. Daya
learning opportunities to Club members. is a member of the Club’s Black Student
Union and participates in Teen Pathways
programming. She is also a participant in the
Minneapolis Beacons’ very first Youth-Led
Participatory Action Research (YPAR) project,
where she will be one of six students involved
in an innovative approach to positive youth
and community development based in social
justice principles.

Daya says that joining the Club has helped

her broaden her interests and define her
goals for the future. After graduaton, she
In 2018, hopes to become a veterinarian or a Certified
• 62% of youth and teens surveyed volunteered in their local Club and/or in Nursing Assistant.
their community at least once a month
• 80% of teen members reported they spent time working on projects with “Daya is a young person who is focused on
other people to help the community bettering her life and contributing to the
• 80% of teen members reported they are good at organizing a team of kid lives around her. She is always encouraging
to complete a project and supporting those around her to focus
• 84% of teens members believed they could make a difference in their on their goals,” says Amy Vilayrack, branch
communities director of the Patrick Henry High School and
Olson Middle School Clubs.
Teen Pathways provides youth ages 13-18 with skills-based career and workforce training and hands-
on guidance and mentoring to prepare them for a successful future, whether in college or career.
In 2018, Of participating teens surveyed,
• 241 teens completed the Goals for Graduation program • 98% reported they maintained an appropriate grade level for
• 274 teens were trained in job skills through Career Launch their age
• 237 youth completed the Money Matters financial literacy • 96% reported they expect to graduate from high school
curriculum • 96% reported they expect to complete some post-secondary
• 25 Career Day events were hosted by local businesses education or trade school
• 168 teens secured a job, internship, or apprenticeship

Anaa Jibicho, high school senior Senior Shoua Thao has quickly
and our 2017 Youth of the Year, emerged as a leader in the three
has been an active member of years she has attended the East
the Mt. Airy Club for eight years. Side Club. As president of her
Through programs like Career Keystone Club, Shoua volunteers
Launch and Money Matters, in her community and serves
Anaa has developed interests in as a role model for younger
business and government—which Club members. Shoua is also a
he hopes to study at Pomona member of Health Occupations
College in Claremont, CA, which Students of America, and plans
he will be attending in 2019 on a to pursue a career in nursing.
full-ride scholarship.
“When I first came to the Club, I
“The Club is a place where you didn’t really talk to anyone. But
can learn who you are and who the staff had open arms and
you want to be. It allows you said, ‘It’s okay to be you’. They
to make mistakes in order to helped me learn how to express
become great.” myself.”

BGCTC’s Voyageur Environmental Center (Voyageur) is a year-round environmental

education center located just 25 miles west of the Twin Cities in Mound, Minnesota.
Activities offered at Voyageur include canoeing, swimming, nature hikes, and first aid
training. Through the Voyageur residential camp experience, youth can learn camping
and survival skills, increase resiliency and mindfulness through nature, connect to the
outdoors, and have a chance to be both leaders and valuable members of a group.

• 451 youth participated in residential or day camps during the summer Akil began attending Camp Voyageur
• 410 youth participated in environmental programs during the school year when he was 12 years old. He was at a
• 50% of participating urban youth were returning participants critical point in his life; he was getting
into trouble at home and at school, he
• 70% of participating youth showed growth in the areas of self-confidence
was shy, and he did not feel as though
and self-respect he could be himself.
• 85% of participating youth surveyed reported they worked as part of a team
• 75% of participating youth surveyed said they left camp feeling that young Akil has made great strides since then.
people can make a difference in what happens to the environment He just finished his fourth summer
• 3 youth became counselors in training at camp working as a counselor and
program staff member. Akil helped to
plan and orchestrate group activities
and assisted other counselors.

“Camp has helped me make lifelong

friends and meet mentors who have
helped shape me into the person I
am today,” he says.
Heaven Cunningham, East Side Club
High school senior Heaven Cunningham first came to the East Side
Club when she was 13 years old. Since then, she has excelled in
both Academic Success and Teen Pathways programming and
emerged as a leader among her peers. Heaven has served as the
Vice President of the East Side Keystone Club, the largest and most
active Keystone in the Twin Cities, since 2015.

Heaven also has a rigorous schedule outside of the Club, taking

several Advanced Placement classes while serving as captain of
her cheerleading squad for both basketball and football. As an
active member of her community, Heaven participates in Girl
Scouts and sings with her church youth choir.

After graduation, Heaven plans to attend either Jackson State

University or Loyola University to pursue a degree in education or
developmental psychology, with the long-term goal of becoming a

“The Club helped me see that I love volunteering and helping

others in my community. It has boosted my confidence and
made me a more professional, articulate person—things that I
will need long after high school.”
Heaven Cunningham, 2018 Youth of the Year
March 3, 2018 | Lumber Exchange
Kids in the City
June 5, 2018 | Target Field & Fulton

For the Kids!

November 11, 2017 | The Depot Spring Thaw continued to grow in 2018, Kids in the City was another success! The
with 530 guests in attendance. This event event was packed with over 300 guests in
The 56th annual For the Kids! Benefit was a is hosted by our Associate Board, a group of attendance at our all-you-can-eat tailgating
truly magical event! Guests enjoyed cocktail young professionals dedicated to increasing party at the Fulton Beer Taproom, and 80
hour, games, live and silent auctions, and a engagement among a younger audience FOX Sports North (FSN) All-Stars attending
dinner program with keynote speaker Anaa through donations and volunteering. The the Twins-White Sox game. The FSN film
Jibicho, our 2017 Twin Cities Youth of the Year. night kicked off with a silent auction and crew surprised the All-Stars with cake and
We also honored branch directors Andrew performances by Club youth, transitioned balloons at their own pre-party with Buffalo
Jones, Diana Adamson, Mark Graves, John to a three-course dinner and program, and Wild Wings.
Hardeman, and Marcus Zackery for a concluded with a late-night dance party.
combined 100 years of service. By the end of the day, we had raised more
This event raised $75,000 for the Clubs than $100,000 for the Clubs!
In total, we raised $650,000 for the Boys & in 2018, and we cannot wait to see how it
Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities! continues to grow!

MHC Golf Classic Knicker Open Grand Slam Dinner
June 7, 2018 | Bunker Hills July 16, 2018 | Minnesota Valley CC August 19, 2018 | The Capital Grille

This golf tournament is hosted by Morrissey Our 27th annual Knicker Open took place on After Brian Dozier was traded to the LA
Hospitality Companies, a long-time partner a beautiful summer day at Minnesota Valley Dodgers, Twins pitcher Kyle Gibson and
and supporter of the Boys & Girls Clubs Country Club in Bloomington. Twenty-two wife Elizabeth stepped up to the plate to
of the Twin Cities. The event this year was teams participated and raised $46,000 host Grand Slam Dinner 2018. Guests
filled with delicious food, on-course contests for the Clubs. The event kicked off with a enjoyed a cocktail reception, four-course
and prizes, and great company. In total, we performance by our Al Lenzmeier West Side meal served by Minnesota Twins players,
raised $34,000 for the Clubs! Notes for Notes group and a speech from and exciting auctions at The Capital Grille.
our Youth of the Year, Heaven Cunningham.
Thank you to Phil Jungwirth, the Morrissey The players participated in games such as By the end of the night, we had raised
Family, and Morrissey Hospitality for your golf pong, competing head to head against nearly $80,000 for the Clubs!
ongoing support of the Boys & Girls Clubs of our Little Earth Club kids. We are excited
the Twin Cities. for some potential big changes to bring new
supporters to this event in 2019!

Contributions $2,326,526 CONTRIBUTIONS

Gov’t Grants/Contracts $1,129,455 GOV’T GRANTS/ CONTRACTS

Special Events $959,348 SPECIAL EVENTS

Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin $421,515 BGCTC FOUNDATION

Cities Foundation
Program Fees $181,264 PROGRAM FEES

Other $16,030 OTHER

Total Revenues $5,034,138

Program Services $4,025,689 PROGRAM SERVICES

Fundraising $697,515 FUNDRAISING

Administration $588,792 ADMINISTRATION

Total Expenses $5,311,996

Cash & Cash Equivalents $296,901
Receivables $38,304
Pledges & Grants Receivable $1,002,881
Prepaid Expenses $59,403
Net Property & Equipment $11,616,619
Total Assets $13,014,108

Accounts Payable $238,942
Accrued Liabilities $223,393
Deferred Revenue/Advances $566,403
Mortgage Payable $581,342
Lines of Credit $290,164
Total Liabilities $1,900,244


Beginning Net Assets $12,050,752
Change in Operating Net Assets ($278,752)
Change in Non-Operating Net Assets ($658,136)
Total Net Assets $11,113,864
Total Liabilities & Net Assets $13,014,108
OUR SUPPORTERS United Health Foundation
United HealthCare Services, Inc.
Gillette Children’s Specialty
UnitedHealth Group Grant Thornton LLP
$50,000+ $20,000-$49,999 Whitebox Advisors, LLC Jerry’s Enterprises, Inc.
Mark Bergman Diane & Jerry Carlson Xcel Energy KPMG LLP
The Estate of Suzanne Jackson John & Phyllis Charlton Rudy & Shirley Luther II Fund of
Allen & Kathleen Lenzmeier John & Aedie McEvoy the Minneapolis Foundation
Michael & Susan Martiny Thomas & Holly Roos $10,000-$19,999 Mardag Foundation
Richard M. Schulze Family Judy & Jim Shoulak Kevin & Jennifer Berg McCarthy-Bjorklund Foundation
Foundation Allianz Foundation for North America John & Brenda Berglund Great Lakes Coca-Cola Bottling
James & Kate Weinert Fred C. & Katherine B. Andersen Bill & Sue Davis Company
Best Buy Foundation Foundation Michael Floyd Minnesota Cable Communications
Boys & Girls Clubs of America Bell Bank Mortgage James & Suzanne Franklin Association
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc. Margaret Grieve Minnesota Vikings
Cities Foundation Curtis L. Carlson Family Foundation John & Paula Kelly Nicholson Brothers Fund of the
Cargill City of Saint Paul Terrance & Bettyann Nigon Saint Paul Foundation
FOX Sports North Ecolab Foundation Paul & Betsy Von Kuster Polaris Industries, Inc.
General Mills Foundation F.R. Bigelow Foundation Wells Fargo Joel & Theresa Pfister Foundation
Kowalski’s 4 Kids Foundation Greater Twin Cities United Way Ted & Nancy Weyerhaeuser RBC Foundation
Lenzmeier Family Foundation Heart of the City Race 3M Foundation SEA Research Foundation, Inc.
Minnesota Alliance of Boys & Jerry & Diane Carlson Charitable Amherst H. Wilder Foundation Securian Foundation
Girls Clubs, Inc. Fund Hugh J. Andersen Foundation Stinson Leonard Street LLP
Minnesota Department of Koch Companies Benevity Community Impact Truist
Education The Luther Family Foundation Fund Andrew & Linnea Turner Family
Otto Bremer Trust Minneapolis City of Lakes Rotary Best Buy Co., Inc. Fund
The Saint Paul Foundation Foundation BNSF Railway Foundation U.S. Bank Foundation
SUPERVALU, INC. Minnesota Twins Boston Scientific Foundation, Winnebago Industries
Taco Bell Foundation Morrissey Hospitality Companies, Inc. Bremer Bank Xcel Energy Foundation &
Weinert Family Foundation National Congress of American Bruce & Kari Larson Matching Gifts Program
WEM Foundation Indians City of Minneapolis YourCause, LLC.
YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities Jeanne & Tom Schnack Fund of DonateWell T-Mobile
InFaith Community Foundation Ecolab, Inc.
Cub Foods of White Bear Jessica & R.J. Broyles Jason & Kari Harrison
$5,000-$9,999 Township Terryl & Victor Brumm Allyson Hartle
Kimberly Albertson Dellwood Foundation, Inc. Eileen Bujold Wayne & Kari Hawkins
Jillian Alspach Ernst & Young LLP Carol Burgess & Raymond Hart- Quanita Haynes
John & Sarah Bergstrom Ford J. Nicholson 2002 mann Gary & Barb Hegenes
David Carlsen Charitable Lead Trust Joseph Burianek Bill & Gingi Hickey
Deanne Coen Hardenbergh Foundation Susan & Pat Corcoran Laura Hunter
Richard & Linda Cornelius Hennepin County John & Eva Cross Kenneth & Marie Iverson
Michael Freeman & Marikay Shaw Horton Holding, Inc. Susan & Pat Cutshall Sandra Jackson
Mike & Beth Gamble The C. Charles Jackson Carrie Dahl Richard Karkow
Denver & Nicole Gilliand Foundation Nathan & Melissa Damro Heidi Kelly
Andrew & Linda Grey The K Foundation Jeremy Dawe Michael Klein
Samuel Holsen Minnesota Timberwolves Fast- Edward & Sherry Dayton Erica Koepsel
Peter Kiedrowski break Foundation Thomas & Mary Detwiler Dan & Megan Kueppers
Jason & Catherine Lipinsky Minnesota Wild Foundation Janet & James Doudiet James Laskin
Taryn Lynch Nicholson Family Foundation Jen & Michael Duggan Nicklaus & Xiajing Zou Lenzmeier
Ford & Catherine Nicholson Nordstrom Cares Steve & Suzy Eastman Judy & Greg Lissick
Todd & Martha Nicholson Onan Family Foundation Andy Erzar Kevin Liu
Robert Ostrow Saint Paul Hotel Corey & Amy Franklin Matt & Beth Lodes
Todd & Molly Phelps Salo, LLC. David & Francie Gale Robert & Katie Loftus
Robert & Laurie Riepe SearchWide Global Timothy & Marsha Galligan Alfredo Lopez
Laura Sanders Walser Foundation Bernie & Carrol Gaub Maggie Lund
Thomas & Jeanne Schnack Donald Weesner Foundation Brian & Christine Grabowski Patricia MacDonald & Robert
Mark & Heather Stonacek Leah Granzow Gisvold
Erika Strader Greg Graves Kerry Manaster
Joel & Katharine Groethe Bob & Mardi Marshall
50 Acts of Kindness
Huddle Up Volunteer Grant
$1,000-$4,999 Thomas & Donnelle Grover David & Vikki McKinney
James & Julia Adams Robert & Mary Mersky
Fulton Brewing Stephan Guetter
Maurice Anderson James & Katie Miley
Affinity Plus Foundation Rachel & Tim Gustin
Dale & Stacey Bartelson Elizabeth & John Miller
3M Jill Hagen
Kingford Bavender Christine & James Morrison
Baker Tilly Virchow Krause LLP Richard Hagglund
Jesse & Natalie Bengtson Matthew Mundy
The Coca-Cola Company Dorothy Hamman
Randall & Marcy Betcher
Mike & Shannon Happe John & Jacqueline Neary 17
Tim & Chrissy Nowak Dawn Willner Charles & Kathryn Cunningham Family Valdemar & Marilyn Olson Fund
Brent Oswald Quantina Haynes/Minneapolis Foundation of The Fidelity Investments
David Otheiser Foundation FOX Entertainment Group, Inc. Par Seekers Golf Tournament
Patrice Perkins Ability Nework Gap Foundation Planning Committee
Steve Pontius U.S. Bank The Hartford Companies PGN Foundation
Tom & Dawn Price Ecolab Hull Family Charitable Fund Plastic Products Co., Inc.
Linda Ringwelski Firestone Ideal Credit Union Ramsey County Childrens Mental
Jeannine Rivet Neary Family Foundation J & B Group Health Collaborative
Mary & James Rusin Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation The Jackley Family Fund RBC Capital Markets, LLC
Brock & Michelle Safe 20th Century Darren & Terry Jackson Foundation, Inc. Riverbridge Partner, LLC
Micahel Sarazine Adventure Enablers, LLC Klein Bank Riverway Foundation
Hugh & Margaret Schilling The Allen Family Fund Of Vanguard Konica Minolta Business Solutions SavATree
Mark & Kathy Schober Charitable Foundation U.S.A., INC. Thomas P. Schmelz And Debra M.
Robert & Susan Skanse American Amusement Machine Kwik Trip, Inc Dalbec Fund
Dannette Smith Charitable Foundation Levy Family Charity Fund of the Stablish Foundation
Kein & Kristin Smith Asset HR Renaissance Charitable Foundation Stuart Co
Norman & Diane Spaeth Batz Enterprises, LLC David and Helen Lockwood Charitable Sundet Foundation
Katie Stenger Big Time Sports, Inc. Fund Sysco Asian Foods, Inc.
Cris & James Stetler Bobby & Steve’s Auto World Youth LVC Companies Inc. Terhuly Foundation
Court Storey Foundation Macalester College The UPS Foundation
Gregory Strauss Bright Funds Foundation Marco The Willis Foundation
Ryan & Lindsey Tanke Broyles Family Charitable Fund Margaret Rivers Fund Thor P3 Development LLC
Kelly Theis Camp Nebagamon Scholarship The McIntyre Philanthropy Fund Tiger Real Estate
David Throldahl Fund MedExpress Urgent Care Tradition Capital Bank
Steph Tuntland Burdick Family Fund of the Minne- Mike & Linda Fiterman Family Founda- Jill & John Trautz Fund
Mary & Craig Twinem apolis Foundation tion Archie D. & Bertha H. Walker
Mary Tyson Children’s Minnesota Mortenson Family Foundation Foundation
Roger Watchorn Comcast Neighborhood Youth Academy Weck Charitable Trust
Todd Werner Commercial Plumbing and Network for Good Wipfli LLP
Richard & Debra Wicka Heating, Inc. Northern Glass & Glazing, Inc. Women’s Association of the Boys
Corey & Amy Franklin Fund Northern Tier Energy & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities
CSM Financial LLC Wright-Hennepin Electric Trust
Nathan Pommeranz Minneapolis Jewish Federation
$500-$999 Melissa Holmquist
Ann Hortillosa Kevin & Nancy Rhein Novaspect Inc
Abigail Albright
Robert & Marilyn Hovelson Kurt & Molly Ritter Rank Crankers
Brian & Susan Anderson
Wendy & Nick Jezarian Michelle Roepke Reaction Management, Inc.
Wes & Angie Atkinson
Beverly Johnson Anderson Jill Rogers Linda Romine and Peter Hoban
Eric & Betsy Baldwin
Stephen & Jean Klocksien Timothy & Katy Scallen Fund
Russell Barcelona
Kendall & Jordan Kolinski Ann Skodje The Stanek Family Charitable Fund
Ronald Baumbach
Julianne & Paul Kollitz Elaine & Robert Smith Target
Kathryn Beine
Felipe Lara-Angeli & Gloria Alarcon Uniejewski Souraya Thomson Reuters
Eileen & Stephen Bergren
-Bustamante Deb & Gordon Stofer Thomson Reuters - My Community
Mike Bichler
Christopher Leitschuh Matt Swords Program
Craig & Monica Bongart
Lisa Lewis Barbara & Alan Tennessen Timothy Galligan & Marsha Martin
Stephen & Shari Brumm
Lindsey Lingl Christopher Toppin Fund
Katy Carlson
Bruce Little & Cheryl Sullivan Little Matt & Amber Tredinnick Washington Prime Group LP
John & Stephanie Chandler
Troy & Jennifer Lupe Julianne Urban
Scott Cramer
John Maring Mian Wang
John & Jeannine Currie
Judith Martin Tony & Monica Weick $250-$499
Patti Ann Curtin Colleen Anderson
James Mastrolanna Kent White
Dan & Carrie Dikken Scott Anderson
Daniel Maus Gerald & Nancy Witowski
Jim Domagall Connie & Richard Apple
Susan & Bill McCarthy Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union
John Dyke Fred & Karen Atkinson
Patrick McGlynn Alliiance
Jeff & Stephanie Endress Ximena Auil
Michael McHugh Bank of America Employee Giving
Chad & Kiri Faul Harriet Barlow
Harry McNeely Campaign
Mikaela Gamble Sofia Beabout
Joan Muelken Baxter Family Foundation
Michael Garbisch Paul & Jennifer Berg
Paul Murphy Easy Money
Elwood & D. Ginkel Jean-Paul Bigirindavyi
Bruce Nemer Hopkins Health and Wellness
Jeff Given Sharon & Marvin Bookin
Shaun Nugent Center
Kevin & Beth Grahek Carmen Borgeson
Chris & Anne O’Brien Horwath International
Tom Gratz Denise Brinker
Bruce Olsen J. McLaughlin
Julie Grey James & Edith Broten
Thomas & Kristin Opfar JECK Fund of The Saint Paul
Nick & Lindsay Gust Darrell Butterwick
Padilla Foundation
Amelia Hardy Timothy Coen
Kelly & Alex Page H. William Lurton Foundation
Scott Hedberg
Mitch & Linda Page Midland Tile 19
Nancy Collins Michelle & Forrest Johnson Heidi Samuels Travelers Community Connections
Mike & Renee Corneille Nick Johnson Ron & Vicki Sanford Travelers Employee Giving
Michelle & Tom Cullum Robert Kleinman Bill Scheible Campaign
Matthew Cutshall Helen Koland Chris Schober Trustone Financial
Mark DesJardin Brad Koranda Jerome Siy Winona State University
Bryan & Kristen Donaldson Juanita & Richard Luis Beth & Brent Snyder
Pamela Donaldson
Patricia Donaldson-Gamer
Liz Lund
Ruth Lund
John Speltz
Dave St. Peter
Sharon Abrahamsen
Patrick & Liz Dooling Cyd Mark Christopher Steele
Diana Adamson
Anne Dorweiler Kelly Matter Laurel Stewart
James Adaniya
Suzanne Dowd Zeller & Greg Laurie McGinnis Timothy & Beth Sullivan
Michelle Allegrezza
Zeller Bonnie & Michael McGoon Mark Sutton
Judith & Ronald Anderson
Oliver Edward Kevin McGrath Jane Welch
Judith Anderson
Mike Eyerly Ryan McGrath Rebecca & William White
Reuben Anderson
Mrs. Joanna Fanuele Evelyn Miller Melissa Wikstrom
Sheldon & Kristie Anderson
Michelle & Jacob Fick Dave & Jane Musser Jeff Witt
Nancy Andreotti
Madeleine Fleming Kenneth & Margaret Myhre Adventure Enablers
Mary & Roger Austin
Katherine Francel Adam & Kelly Nelson Baratz Family Foundation Inc.
Anita Axt
Erin Furlong Gail & Thomas Nelson Beth Jacob Congregation
David Baer
Phil Gallagher Jim Oelhafen Community Shares of Minnesota
Janet Barrett
Danielle Gamble Pamela & Thomas Olander Cub Scout Pack 297
Christopher Bergman
Mark Gamm Charlotte Oliver GCS Services, Inc.
Victor Bettendorf
Grant & Tara Geffre David & Denise Olson Holy Trinity Church and School
Lindsay & Jared Bickler
Denver & Nicole Gilliand John Parker Internation Inc. CPAmerica
Sarah Bishop
Robert Grant Brittany Pearson IWJ Foundation
Marjorie & Paul Boening
Matthew & Melissa Hanna Margaret Redman Michael & Donna Kaplan Foundation
Carlton Booker
Gerald & Sally Haugen Chris Reeves & Karen Edell- Everett & Jane Klosterman Family Fund
Norma Booker
Diane Hawfitch Reeves LeaseDirect
Shirley Bowers
Robert & Marilyn Hovelson Lynn & Bryan Reichel Macalester Plymouth United Church
Wendy Bradley
Bill & Kitty Inserra John Rikess Minneapolis Retired Teachers Inc.
William Brady
Alex Jacoby Julie & Tom Rosen Nestle
Russell Breslauer
Renee Rushdy The William D. And Joyce E. Sexton
Vernon and Donna Brewers
20 Pam Saari Family Foundation
Muzique Broadnax Marilyn Flath Chad Hesla Cynthia & John Lais
Joe and Amy Brockman Dana Fleming John Hoedeman Steven Landberg
Robert Callahan Suzanne & James Franklin Heidi Hoium Jeff Larson
Joseph Campbell Donald & Carol Frenette Helen & William Holden Jesslyn & Ronald Larson
Patty Campion Michael Friedman Michael Holgers Don & Marlyce Lee
Eleanor Capesius Robert Fritz Kyle Holtz Todd Lifson
Samuel& Barbara Carlson Fred Gaggioli Carol Horvath Delores Lind
Eugene Carroll Amy Gasman Sherianna Houston John Lockhart
Gregg & Darcy Cascaes Gary Gendron Clifton Hull Dianne & Joe Lubansky
Darren Caudill Meghan Glass Eric Jacobsen Kathryn Lund
Mark Chapman Mimi & Sherman Gleekel Carol Jernberg William & Lorraine Lund
Steven & Pam Cheney Gerhardt & Lisa Gliege Clifford Johnson Laura Lundell
Emma Clifford Rob Glynn Lindsae Johnson Heather & James Lura
David & Harriet Conkey Paul Godfrey Stephanie Johnson Thomas & Jeanne MacLeod
Gregory & Kristie Cook La Vonne Goglund Guy Jones Carol Manning
Samuel & Mary Jo Cote Lester & Bonnie Goldblatt Sally & Charles Jorgensen Patricia & Wayne Marzolf
Michelle Davenport Greta Golfis Paul Jungquist Julia Mason
Laura & Mike Day Lawrence Grab John Keiffer Bonnie & Bill McCleary
Cassandra & Kevin DeRuyscher Lyle Grafelman Paul & Melinda Kelash Mrs. Lani McCollar
Pamela Desnick Gregory Gredvig Justin Keller Ramona McCree
John & Patricia Dill Kevin Groce Cheryl & Adam Kelsey Scott McCuddin
William Dillon Mark Halldorson Robert Kendall John McDonald
Lyn Dodd Cole Halligan Mary & Robert Keran Beth McGinnis
Patty Eichholz Jasmyne Hamilton Douglas Kervin Janet Meisterling
Jessica Ellickson Jan & Bill Hanson James King Donna Mitchell
Mari Elmore Marielle Hanson Elizabeth Klobucher Sean & Jennifer Murphy
Erik Endersbe Suzanne & Jonathan Hanson Robert & Kathleen Klukas Deborah & Larry Myers
Barbara Esselman Robert Hartkopf Benjamin Koch Paul Nakanishi
John Evenstad Vicki Haupt Deb Kowalski Ruby Nelson
Chad Ferguson Scott Hedberg Mr. Christopher Kreutzer Bruce Nerland
Hannah & Michael Ficks Kenneth & Patricia Heller Stacy & Norm Kruse Jon Nicholson
Patrick & Mary Pat Fitzpatrick Carla & John Henry Doug Kuligowski Elaine Niman
Georgina Herring Geraldine Kustelski 21
James Noone Karen Rusthoven Judith & Roger Wallenstein MacDonald Family Conscience
Jeffrey Nottum Laura Rutten Sharon & Joel Waller Fund of the Fidelity Charitable
Gal Noyman James Ruttley Kevin Walli Medtronic Foundation
Janet Odlaug Terry & Karilyn Ryan Mara Wangen Mt. Airy Resident Council
Robert Odman Nancy Salvini Marisa Washington Nacel Open Door Inc.
Karen Oelschlaeger Timothy & Mary Scanlan Ronald Weeks Navigate Forward , Inc
Michelle & Michael O’Leary Colleen & Thomas Scheck Michael Weigel Plymouth Creek Council
Robert Ollila Robert Schleh Joann Wildman St. Paul Festival & Heritage Foun-
Michael Olson Marie Schmelz Angela Wilkinson dation
Michael Parish Peter & Barbara Schmitt Jenae Williams United Way of Greater Portland
Nancy Parizek Mike Schober Margaret & Douglas Williams West Tonka Appliance Repair
Lino Patino Ben Schuster Daniel & Linda Winter
Barbara Pelak
Michelle & Ryan Petz
David Senf
Sara Shnadt
Karen Wise
Kevin Witt
Up to $100
Sherri Adams
Preethy Philip Joe Shoulak Bamnet Woldegabriel
Ama Eli Akakpo
Mark Rabinovitch Adrienne & Michael Sirany Carol Wolff
Judi & Richard Albrecht
Donald Raleigh Martin & Nancy Solhaug Samuel & Randee Wolfson
Beverly Alexandra
John Ramonas Jeffrey Spencer Kashi Yoshikawa
Christopher Allen
Diane & Timothy Rath Melissa Stage Jack & Valerie Young
Vera Allen
Margaret Redmond Rich & Sally Stanek Cindy Zwicky
Barry Anderson
Donald Regan Barbara Steinberg Academia Cesar Chavez
Lowell & Marilyn Anderson
Anthony Richter David Stevens American Legion Post #40
Manzona Anderson
Deb Rielley Jeffrey Swanson Kenneth and Janis Cram Fund
Roger & Marion Anderson
Andrew Ripka Janice & Bruce Swenson Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
Susan Anderson
Kyra & Glenn Rivers Vivien & Joseph Talghader Gallager Financial Services
Victor & Marjorie Anderson
Richard Rohrer John & Michele Tauer Go-4-Groups, LLC,
Ms. Jennifer Androsky
Steven Rosenstone Janice & Jerome Tenute Grainger
Cindy Angerhofer
Lester Royal Anastasia Theofanis Hanke/Rott Family Fund
Michael Anunike
Ann Rusch Greg & Tammie Thorsen Helen N Holden Family Trust
Tracey Armstrong
Mary & William Rusinak Rob Tracy Holy Yoga Global, LLC
Anthony Arnold
Carol Uppgaard Hope Community Church
Kyle Arnold
Ann Van Sickle The JAMF National Global Foundation
Eugene Aurelius
22 Jen Veech Jimmy’s Kitchen & Bar
Tom Babcox Marianne Bruentrup Linda Coltvet Justin Edstrom
Jeannette Bach Martha Bruyer Sue Connolly Leah Einarsen
James Barrett Lewis & Alysia Buckingham Ray & Vincent Conover Dawn & John Ellis
Molly Barrett Karen Buggs Sonny Constable Patrice Engelmann
Jeffrey Bartels Ron & Kathy Buhta Kenneth & Linda Costa Asmeeta Erickson
Carole & Clifford Beach Megan Burke Jin Ling Cox Jennifer & Stephen Erickson
Angela Becker Nick Buth John & Carole Cranbrook Betty & Henry Ernst
Carol Bendell Robert Buth Mary Ellen Crawford Leandra Estis
Laurene Benolkin Sarah & Dylan Calhoon William Crosley Richard Evans
Harvey Berg Mary & Leo Cantor Mark Cullinan Cindy Evenson
Laureen Berg Bonnie Carlson Benjamin & Elizabeth Cumpton Joe Faerber
Lisa Bernard Jeri Carlson Karen & Jim Dahl Betsy Fankanel
Shirelyn Birdwell Mary Kaye Carlson Dennis Davies Jerusalem Fekadu
Sharonda Blair Michael Carlson Dennis & Caryl Davis Kenneth Felix
Stephen & Linda Bleedorn Richard J. Carlson Tameaka Day Carol Ferguson
Wayne Blossey Sandra Carroll Phyllis De Lisi Sharon & Richard Fields
Patricia Blount Patrick Casey Michael Dearani Mike Finch
D Boguckl Jake Caufield Brett DeDeyne Shawne Fitzgerald
Colleen Bonneville Merci Cha Katrina Dewit Ann Fleischhacker
Nicholas & Pamela Boosalis Terry Chapman Ja N. Dickens Chistopher Flitton
Lorna Borchhardt Jacob Christenson Allison Dieble Daryl Floden
Sandra Borden Molly Clark Julie Dike Hilde Flynn
Susan & Paul Borgfelt Gloria Clausen Steven Dittes & Kathryn Berg David & Margo Fox
Daniel Bostrom Gertha Cochran Billie Dixon Terry Franklin
Alberta Boyer Bruce Coen Cheryl Doely William Frase
William Brausen Bonnie & John Coghlan Michael Doran Mary Frederick
Alhexa Brito Daniel Cohen Sue & Francis Dosal Mitch Fredrickson
Kelsey Broich Sherry Cohen Stanley Droogsma Charles Frisch
Katie Broussard Joan & Phil Cole Barbara Dunbar Paulette Fruchtenbaum
Krishawna Brown Roger Cole Mary & William Dunne Jeffrey & Mary Anne Frush
Harvey Browne Luella & Wallace Collier Amy Dvergsdal Dulce Fuentes
Nick Brozak Michael & Melinda Collins Sharlona Easley
Janet & James Eckman 23
Ruth Furan Patricia Hansen Claudette Jones Mitchell Kreps
Anne Gangl Patricia Hanson Mikel Jones Ken Krick
Chad Ganser Richard & Judith Hanson Verna Jones Matthew Kropuenske
Robbin Georges Nicholas Hara Ronald & Amanda Jordan Marlowe Kulseth
Hannah Germain Kelli & Daniel Harty Dianne & David Judd Steven Kurylowicz
Michael Gerner Ron Henderson Michael & Laurie Junker Abbie LaDuke
Amanda Gideo Pamela Hendrson A.J. Kabus John Lamski
Jill Gilbert Patricia Heraly Nebila Kairo Dennis Lander
Brian Gilmore Polly S. Heron Joann Karna Dennis Landers
Camillo Giovannini Barbara Hill Eleanor Kasella Christine Landsman
Dorothy & Leonard Gloeb Marjorie & John Hilleren Lennie & Jill Kaufman Stephen & Vicki Langemo
David Gottschalk Michael Hineline Pamela Kaufman Charles Larson
Bonnie & Michael Graves Matthew Hodler Alfred & Sharon Kauth Linda Larson
Ella Graves Ilona & Bruce Hoggarth Mary Kelleher Jerry Lashomb
Erskin Green Dorothy Howie Michaleen Kelzenberg Patricia Laulainen
Andrew Greenberg Helen Hugelen Anne Kempainen Marlene Lawson
Norman Greenberg & Beth Lynn Hughes Keith Kendall Mary Leach
Silverwater Sharon Hunstead LaDonna Kiewatt David Leitzke
Charles & Gail Gregory Bianca Hurst Gerald Kimmel Kim Lemcke
Mark Gregory Damian Hutchins Loretta Kimmet-Mobley & Andy Mobley William Levin
Gabriel & Betsy Grinstead Liss Idrova Semira Kimpson George & Beverly Levy
Thomas Grund Arthur Ihle Oxana Kiris Jerome & Mary Liefert
Beth Gunderson Robert Jablonski Mary Alyce Kisch Beverly Lindberg
Connie Gunderson Warner Laura Jackson Mark Kittelson Becky Lingl
Marlys Gustafson Mary Jacobs Brenda Kittilson Kent Liu
Becky & Peter Gutlovics Michael Jagerson Lisa Klehr Lynne Lokken
Kathleen Hagen Dale & Richard Jensen Ted Klimenko Mary Lee Lowe Dayton & Walter
Mary & Donald Hall Katherine & Dennis Jensen Dianne Kloyda Dayton
Shania Hall Connie & Kurt Johnson Paula Knutson Ardath Luikens
Karlie Hammes Dorothy Johnson Roger Koelln Richard & Judy Lund
Kathleen Hannigan Elizabeth Johnson Stanley Kozak Jack Lundberg
Gary Johnson Gregg Kranz Christopher Lynch
24 Ron Johnson Steven Kregel John & Barbara Lynskey
Kaley Machart Ruth Neelan Marlene Plumbo Steven & Sima Ross
Pamela & Jim MacKinnon Karen & Kevin Nelson Mary Polk Mitchell Rothman
Jane Madsen Roger Nelson Carol Pomroy Ralph Rovner
Richard Mahr Mabeth Neslund Jackquiline & Walter Pone Arlyn Ruesink
Karen Manninen Barbara & Mark Ney Connie & Randall Popp Marie Ruzek
Edna Mante Le Hang Thi Nguyen Eric Popp Matt Rydeen
Willie Manuel Brandon Nicole Lance Porter Diane & Nathan Sallen
Pete Marcaccini Owens Niketa Kimmie Powell-Johnson J.D. & Catherine Samuelson
Jessica Marlow Liliane Nkongolo Constance Prelgo Rose Mary Satack
Cheryl Martinetto Katharine Norton Shirley Pritchard Charles Schonhardt
Alan Mastbaum Peter & Suzan Nunnink Alan Provinzino Owen & Dorothy Schott
Elizabeth Matakis David Nurphy Pandora Prowd Ronald Schubert
Michael & Donna McCormick Lynnae & Jerry Nye Wayne Quigley Mark Schulte
Lillian & Nicholas McGuinness Steve Oberhauser Ryan Quilling Michael Schwab
Kate McGuire Lisa O’Brien Gaida Quin Werner Schwitzer
Gwenetta McMahon Rebecca & Mark Odland Richard & Nancy Rademacher Pryce Score
Rosemary McMonigal Gordette Oliva Ford Rahn Thomas & Diana Scott
Dave McSparron Karen Olson Eileen Ramola Vincent Setten
Bruce & Lee Ann Meyer Susan Olsson Donna & William Ramsay Muhammad Shahzad
Margaret Michaelson Monsurat Oluwa-Okougbo Pearl Rantz Susan Shaw
Allen Micklin Karyla Omodth Mackenzie Ree Ann & George Sheedy
Patricia Moe Christine Pagano Kelly Reha Susan Shetka
Annie Molseed Abril Palacios-Medina Karl Reinhard Lois Siegel
Tracy Moosbrugger Tory Palattao Shawna Relford Blanche Singer
Stephanie Morales Katherine Palmer Ana Reyes Carmen Sisson
Sarah & Christopher Morris John & Mary Periolat Melissa Rittinger Michael & Mary Sitek
Luke Morrissey Virginia Peters Vernon & Roxan Robertson Eugene Sitzmann
Addie Mrosla David Petersen Emma Robinson Marcia Smith
David & Patricia Murphy David Peterson Janelle Rohr Mary Smith
Kathleen Murphy Kenneth Peterson Diane Rollie Ruth Sorenson
Kendrall Murry Barbara & Patrick Pettey Erickson Ronald Donald Sovell
Cincotta Nancy Charlene Pham William Rosengren
Janell Nannick Robin Pinegar Becky Ross 25
Rose Sperl Bobbie Tronsgard Julia Wright
Paul Stafford Marc Truis Vang Xiong
Jon Stafsholt Theresa Turner Paul Young
J. & R. Steenberg Janis & Donald Tweedy Marcus Zackary
Robert & Elaine Stein Regine Valens Robyn Zappola
David Stellrecht Nicole Valentine Steve Zechmeister
Quinyetta Stewart Sarah Vandenbosch Elliot Zell
Carrie Stiernagle Jeanette Vangstad Judith Zewers
Danny Stillwell Kelly Vegoe Prezahun Zolicoffer
Karin Stockwell Tonia Velasquez Ida Zonneveld
William Stoll James Ventura Jack Zouber
Renae Storbakken Herbert Vitullo David Zrostlik
Jeff Storey Darlene Vohnoutka Jeffrey Zuckerman & K. Pogoff
Tom Stutelberg Gail Vonbargen Dominic & Barbara Zweber
Ms. Jen Sullivan Leslie Vork ACES
Erica Swain Michelle Walker-Davis AmazonSmile Foundation
Sherri Swalinkavich Gerald & Carol Wallin Avaya Services
Carolyn Swanson Grant Watley Benefit Institute
Ravon Taylor Trevor Wegner Clouqet River Press
Susan Teeter Eileen & Ted Weinberg D S Erickson & Associates, PLLC
Sandra Teichner Ivan Weiss Elinor K. Ogden Living Trust
Max Thao Kathleen Welsch Froehling Anderson LTD
James & Elizabeth Thares Tiffany West Hughes Flowers and Gifts, Inc.
Franklyn Thayer Christine Westbrook Lowes
Derek Theis Thomas Westcott Ramsey County
Tatiana Thompson Kent Wheelock St. Paul United Youth Soccer Club INC
Tracy Thomsen Aaron Wickboldt Staples
Dan Torgeson Samora Williams Target Corporation
Ann Tozer Sondra Williams Trustee for Cent Corperation
Lee Trelstad Robert Winzenburg United Way of Northern New Jersey
David & Gail Wood University of Minnesota
Barbara Wright

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