Spells and Rituals
Spells and Rituals
Spells and Rituals
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Incantation: Fire, Earth, Metal, Air, Water and Blood. By these elements, we bind
the circle, and follow in the steps of our ancestors; who pledged themselves to
fight against the forces of darkness. When evil assails us, when fear weakens us,
when descent threatens us, in the circle we will find our power. We come to this
place alone, but leave bound as one. With this oath, our journey begins together. Do you accept the circle?
All: I accept.
Requirements/Ingredients: Coffin, the symbol of Mother Earth, athame, elderberry tree branch, the witch with dark magic,
Soil in order for the spell to work , the witch with dark magic must be willing to participate. The ritual is to be set in the woods
and the coffin will act as their altar. A cloth with the symbol of mother earth on it should be placed on top of the coffin. The
elderberry tree branch needs to be inside it. The dark witch
would need to focus their energy and mind on the middle of the Mother Earth symbol
where as the other witch shall scatter soil around the symbol while reciting the incantation
"I call on you Mother Earth, element of the physical, may you purge her clean".
Afterwards, the blood of the dark witch should be spilled onto the middle of the symbol,
where the lines connect. The coffin is to be then opened, revealing the elderberry tree
branch. Snap the branch in half after the dark witch hands you the branch, this shall
cause the dark witch to be rendered unconscious. By this time, place the witch's body in
Kate stabs the center of the
the coffin and close it. Place the cloth above it in the position where the witch's head
mother earth symbol as she
should be. Using the athame, plunge it onto the coffin (hitting the middle of the Symbol).
finishes the ritual
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Raise your own power and call upon the power of Mother Earth to bury the coffin. The buried witch will die and her Dark
Magic will die with her.
Commanding Spells
Depending upon the size of a spell, some witches are able to cast magic by simply willing for something to happen.
Faye Chamberlain first demonstrated this action by commanding the skies to rain down on her, however, as she demanded
the sky to pour harder, she accidentally conjured a monsoon. Faye also demonstrated this action when she attempted to
unlock her locker, by commanding it to open, also by commanding the door from the room on the boatyard were she was
being held prisoner to unlock and open.
Aside from Faye Chamberlain, Cassie Blake and Charles Meade also demonstrated this power as Cassie commanded her
curtains to open and close, and Charles forced Ethan Conant to temporarily drown.
Defensive Spells
Multiple spells that are able to defend the attack of a witch.
Deviltry Spells
Multiple spells that deal with the influence of Demons.
Demonic Exorcism
Able to break the influence of a Demonic Possession.
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Materials and Requirements: Vial of Consecrated Water, a special tree Branch to burn, three Candles, sage.
Freedom Spell
Able to unleash Demons from a mystical prison.
Materials and Requirements: Herbs burnt into ashes forming a circle around the prison, a complete circle to cast the spell.
Materials and Requirements: A knife to carve the sigil into the wrist of the Demon.
Materials and Requirements: A magical potion that is created by the spell maker's Blood.
Requirements and Materials: Blood, a hole in the ground to call up the Demons.
Elemental Spells
Spells that effect the elements of nature.
Fire Spells
Multiple spells that are able to create and/or extinguish fires and/or heat.
To Light A Candle
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To Extinguish Fire
Incantation: "No air for fire."
To Conjure Heat
Incantation: "Fire without flame, bring me heat."
To Set A Fire
Incantation: "From air to fire, water to stone, join together and burn to the bone."
Requirements and Materials: "A medallion to channel dark magic. You must also be a witch of dark magic to summon its
true power."
Locator Spells
Multiple spells that are able to locate unfound objects and persons.
Miscellaneous Spells
A group of random spells.
Unlocking Spell
This spell unlocks any locks and doors that are focused on.
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Incantation: "Stitch, thread, and seam change from (current color) to (preferred color)."
Animation Spell:
Will animate an inanimate object to make it move or appear as if it were alive.
Resurrection Spell
Incantation: "Sorem est."
Memory Spell
Touch the object, focus on memory and read the spell out loud. Only witches with dark magic can truely use this spell to it's
full effect.
Requirements and Materials: Something that was in place and time to remember.
Expanding Lungs:
Put your hands on the witch or human that is choking.
Incantation: "Breathe."
Note: If the witch receives a lemon that has pins of colors (except black) he/she has good fortune. If there are black pins, the
witch has brought bad luck.
Incantation: "Air we breathe, and fire we feel. By this circle, bind air and fire to metal, and ignite its power."
Hypnosis Spell:
This spell was used by the Witch Hunter Eben to kill John Blackwell by bewitching Cassie Blake. The caster must drop
liquified linden root into the eyes and mouth of the victim.
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Requirements: The entire circle. However, stronger witches may be able to cast this by themselves.
Incantation: "No peace find. No friend keep. No lover bind. No harvest reap. No repose take. No hunger feed. No thirst
slake. No sorrow speed. No debt pay. Rue the day. You wronged me."
Alternate version: "Bud and blossom, leaf and tree. 'Find him, bind him, now to me. Shoot and seedling, root and
bough, Threads of love entwine us now."
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Incantation: "Sun by day and moon by night let all dark thoughts be put to flight."
Throw a Hazelnut in the fire and say a pair of names. If it pops they’re meant for each other, if not they’re doomed.
Incantation: "If he loves me pop and fly, if he hates me burn and die."
• The Master Tools: A Crystal Skull , Leather Garter, Silver Diadem and Silver Bracelet
• A circle is cast by going around it with a dagger, water, incense and a lit candle, representing the four elements earth,
water, air and fire.
• Trees are attuned to things like love and friendship making them good for working spells of that nature.
• Red and Orange crystals can be overwhelming and shouldn’t be worn all the time.
• November 17th The Night of Hecate is a night for fortune telling and Prophecies.
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• To find treasure.
• To cause dreams.
Mystical Symbols
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