Candle Spells
Candle Spells
Candle Spells
Candle Spells
Candle rituals have been around for centuries.
You light the candles, maybe close your eyes while repeating a spell or that which
wish for and visualizing it coming true.
It is a combination of the need or desire, and the ability to visualize the
Candle burning spells and rituals are very easy to do and to have success with if
they are
done correctly and you truly believe. The different colors of candles each have
their own symbolism.
Here is a table of the colors and their meanings.
White: truth, purity
Red: love, health, sex, strength
Green: money, luck, fertility
Black: discord, evil, negativity, confusion
Brown: neutrality, uncertainty, hesitation
Pink: love, morality, honor
Purple: power, business progress, ambition
Orange: attraction, stimulation
Greenish Yellow: jealousy, anger, discord
Gray: neutrality, stalemate, negativity
Light Blue: tranquility, patience, health
Dark Blue: depression, changeability
Candle spells can be very easy or complicated.
It all depends on how much time you want to put into a ritual.
It can be as simple as lighting a green candle and chanting... money money come to
It can also be very long and complicated lasting several days with the
repositioning of
the candles each day. The choice is always yours.
The first thing you want to do is get the appropriate color candles for your
particular desire.
Then you need to anoint the candle with oil. Olive oil will do fine.
You need to rub the candle with the oil from the middle outward to the ends.
As you are doing this you need to be thinking of your desired goal.
Then sit and meditate on your desire after lighting the candles, then read your
or chant your appropriate mantra.
You don't need some elaborate spell with a bunch of big words or words you don't
even know how to pronounce. You can make your own spells or rituals.
Think of your desire then make a simple little rhyme that tells about your desire
in it.
It doesn't even have to rhyme. This is all about will power, the power of positive
and creative visualization. If you can do these things then you will send those
vibrations out
into the universe and eventually they will materialize.
Light a candle (I tend to use a blessed white tea candle) and place it by the
window sill at night.
This is you calling out to your love.
Get a large white candle, the kind that drips wax, and set it up on a tray.
Affix to it a photograph or other image of the person you wish to bind.
Make a ring of sea salt around it. Make a second ring with protective herbs.
Some dried rosemary from the kitchen will not break your bank. Or use sage if you
Fill the rest of the tray with images that represent what you are binding the
person from: pictures
of your family, keys to your house, legal documents, whatever.
If the problem is too complex for images, write what the person is bound from on
slips of
paper and place them around the candle. Maybe they are gossiping and making your
a misery. Write it down and explain what you want stopped.
Papyrus, or good thick paper made from cotton or linen work best for this.
I have pinched the first blank page of old books at sales!
Use red ink if you are angry, purple ink if you are sad.
Wrap the candle and the image with black thread (use cotton tread or linen or even
wool, if possible).
Invoke Isis and "Linda the Binder With Linen Thread."
Say out loud what you are Binding the person from.
Light the candle and leave it burn until the wax begins to drip over the thread and
Burn it every day for a week, until the image is thick with wax.
Use this as a meditation device to direct your will to Binding the person.
You will have direct results if you have a just reason for this spell.
You can also Bind a person from harming themselves.
Depending on your goal, you will need to choose the candle color that is
appropriate for your task.
Different colors represent different things, for example, if you want to use this
spell to gain money,
you choose a green candle, because green represents money (as well as other
If you wanted love, you would use a pink candle (or red if it's actually lust you
Take the candle and engrave it from top to bottom with what it is your need, using
back side of the blade of a dull knife. (Yes, you can use your athame, but a common
knife works if you don't have one).
Engrave the first and last initials of the person you want to cast the spell on
(your own initials
if it's for yourself) on the bottom of the candle in the same manner.
After you have engraved your candle, rub incense ashes all over the candle.
This means bottom, base, middle, tip, and wick.
If you wish, the ashes of the incense may also correspond with your goal.
Place the candle in a sturdy candle holder (preferably metal, glass may shatter)
and light it.
Leave the candle to burn in a safe place. In order for this to work, the candle
must be left to burn all the way down.
(Optional) If you think it would help, sit in front of the candle for a few minutes
concentrate on your goal. Meditate on it. Before you leave your candle to finish
repeat a few times what it is your wish for the spell to accomplish.
After the candle had burned out, clean the excess wax away from the candle holder,
and throw it away. It should take about 24 hours to start working, depending on the
WHITE: Protection, cleansing, divination, healing, contacting the gods, and clear
GOLD: Worldly achievement, wealth, recognition, and long life.
SILVER: Divination, awakening different psychic powers (clairvoyance, telepathy,
astral projection, invoking the goddess, intuition, and repressing unwanted psychic
powers or visions.
RED: Courage, increase life force, determination, astion, sexual passion and
potency, survival,
physical health, strength, pleasure, and willpower.
ORANGE: Fertility, creative growth, self-esteem, confidence, abundance of all
things, and energy.
YELLOW: Mental excersize, gaining someone's approval, improve memory, increase
and sharpen logic.
GREEN: Healing, gardening, tree magic, growth, good harvest, prosperity, money, and
good luck.
BLUE: Create confidence, discover truth, expand mental horizons, success, and
PURPLE: Meditation, past-life work, divination, astral travel, psychic protection,
prevention of
nightmares, and remembrance for parted loved ones.
PINK: Love, romance, friendship, affection, quiet sleep, rekindling trust, and
attracting new friends or lovers.
BROWN: Locating lost objects, home protection, pet protection, money, ideas, and
GRAY: Reaching compromises, invisibility, and settling negative emotions.
BLACK: banishing, leaving a relationship, acknowledging grief, and forgiveness.
This is a candle you can make easily with household items.
It's good for clearing sinuses, and I've seen the aloe portion cure colds.
This is an effective form of aromatherapy.
Take a small votive candle holder, enough green candles to melt into the holder,
a large amount of fresh garlic, a spike from an aloe plant, (ask permission first,)
and a handful of cloves. Melt all these into the candle carefully.
Leave overnight for the wax to dry. Then, burn.
Red - Energy, Strength, Passion, Courage, Element of Fire, Career Goals, Fast
Action, Lust,
Blood of the Moon, Vibrancy, Driving Force, Love, Survival
Orange - Business Goals, Property Deals, Ambition, Career Goals, General Success,
Legal Matters, Selling, Action
Copper - Passion, Money Goals, Professional Growth, Fertility in Business, Career
Gold - Wealth , The God, Promote Winning, Safety and Power of the Male, Happiness,
Playful Humor
Yellow - The Sun, Intelligence, Accelerated Learning, Memory, Logical Imagination,
Breaking Mental Blocks, Selling Yourself
Pink - Romantic Love, Planetary Good Will, Healing of Emotions, Peace, Affection,
Partnerships of Emotional Maturity, Caring, Nurturing
Green - Earth Mother, Physical Healing, Monetary Success, Abundance, Fertility,
Tree and Plant
Magic, Growth, Element of Earth, Personal Goals
Blue - Good Fortune, Opening Blocked Communication, Wisdom, Protection, Spiritual
Calm, Reassurance, Gently Moving, Element of Water, Creativity
Purple - Influencing People in High Places, Third Eye, Psychic Ability, Spiritual
Power, Self Assurance,
Hidden Knowledge
Silver - Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Psychometry, Intuition, Dreams,
Astral Energies,
Female Power, Communication, The Goddess
Brown - Influence Friendships, Special Favors
Black - Protection Repelling Negativity, Binding, Shapeshifting
White - Spirituality, The Goddess, Peace, Higher Self, Purity, Virginity (which
means that the woman's
mind is her own, and not controlled by a man) white may also be substituted for any
other color.
Candle magic is used with visualization and intent toward whichever goal or need
you have.
Candles are an effective tool for concentration. Also, different colors or scents
will provide
varying energies to help you with your goal. Colors are powerful symbols.
Many different belief systems incorporate color into rituals, and candle magic is
one way to do so...
red...symbolizing the element Fire and the direction of the South, red is used for
physical energy, courage, sex, and passion.
pink...a candle for love spells (remember that these should never be performed
against another's will...)
also friendship and compassion. Pink is for emotional needs.
yellow...symbolic of the element Air and the direction of the East, yellow provides
energy for matters
of intellect, divination, travel, and eloquence.
green...symbolizing the element Earth and the direction of the North, use green for
fertility, employment, growth and healing.
blue... symbolizing the element Water and the direction of the West, blue candles
are used for
healing, peace, happiness and psychic growth.
purple...use this color for matters of spirituality, power, meditation.
white...associated with the Moon, white is used for protection, purification,
divination and is
an all purpose candle.
black...use black for banishing negativity, or absorbing it when you feel the need
for this.
Also, burn your candles on the days of the week that correspond with your wish.
This helps to bring planetary energies to your goal.
Sunday is ruled by the Sun and yellow candles are used on this day.
Monday is ruled by the Moon...use white candles
Tuesday is ruled by Mars...use red candles
Wednesday is ruled by Mercury...use purple candles
Thursday is ruled by Jupiter...use blue candles
Friday is ruled by Venus...use green candles
Saturday is ruled by Saturn...use black candles
If you wish to add more power to your candle magic, anoint your candles with an
appropriate oil
before burning them. As you are doing this, visualize your need and focus your
energy towards that.
love...rose, apple blossom, gardenia, jasmine, ylang-ylang
sex...cinnamon, patchouli, lavender, clove, musk, vanilla, tuberose
luck...basil, bayberry, vervain
protection...bergamot, cinnamon, cinquefoil, sandalwood, basil, vervain, hyssop, bergamot
purification...frankincense, benzoin, sandalwood, myrrh
divination...nutmeg, lemon grass, acacia, lilac, lotus, narcissus
banishing...carnation, rue
This is actually an example of candle magick. Grind some nutmeg and mix it into
the wax as you prepare the candle. Add some vanilla extract to the wax for smell.
Light the candle and let the fumes fill your house.
This works well against the flu and the dreaded cold.
If you combine this with some jewel therapy remember that sapphire is a general
enchanter and that agate is said to reduce fever.
First you will need to buy a sheet of wax from a craft or hobby store.
Cut it into several chunks and fill a coffee can roughly half full with it.
Place the can in a pot that has water in it. The water level should not be higher
than the
can because sometimes water will spill or boil over. Heat the pot of water and when
wax has turned into a fairly clear liquid, use a pair of tongs to pour it into a
Some people make their own frames out of sheet metal. Keep the frame upside down
and suspend a wick with an extended rod, letting the wick hang down with a little
at the end to light. It's okay to use empty tuna fish cans to create votives and
feel free to
experiment with other designs.
Things you will need: 1 gold candle 6 green candles 9 white candles
Pine oil (for anointing the candles) salt
The spell is to begin at one minute past midnight sun time on the night of April 30
(May 1), July 31 (Aug 1), Oct 31 (Nov. 1) and Jan 31 (Feb 1) In other words, on the
minute of the cross quarter day. Spell:
All candles must be dressed with pine oil and then arranged as follows:
Gold candle in the center.
Green candles in a circle around gold candle.
White candles in a circle around green candles.
At one minute past midnight on the appointed day, trace a salt circle around the
outermost circle of candles, light the gold candle first, then the green candles,
moving deosil (clock wise), then the white candles, moving deosil.
Circle the altar three times, chanting:
"Orbiting Jupiter trine the sun, bring money on the run."
Do the chant 3 times. Sit quietly for a few minutes and visualize your monetary
Then snuff (do not blow or pinch) the candles in reverse order.
Materials: 1 pink candle 1 bottle of 100% Virgin Olive oil
Take the candle and place it on a table or your altar. Now take the olive oil and
rub on to
the candle starting in the middle and going up, then starting in the middle going
While purifying the candle with the oil you want to recharge the candle with love
and desire,
so visualize love and channel all your emotion into the candle.
After the oil is finished, take a knife and carve what it is you want into the