KINFLEX Installation PDF
KINFLEX Installation PDF
KINFLEX Installation PDF
Step 2 Step 3
Expansion Joint Rest Rest
Flanges Insure mating FT-LBS (Nm) FT-LBS (Nm) FT-LBS (Nm)
with correct flange I.D. I.D. Inch /(mm)
ID help prevent is flush with
damage to
1 (25) 18 (25) 30 Min 30 (40) 60 Min 45-60 (60-80)
rubber. 1.25 (32) 18 (25) 30 Min 30 (40) 60 Min 45-60 (60-80)
1.5 (40) 18 (25) 30 Min 30 (40) 60 Min 45-60 (60-80) For Non-Metallic
Expansion Joints
Pipe D 2 (50) 18 (25) 30 Min 30 (40) 60 Min 45-60 (60-80)
Right: Stop
Stop Wrong:
Weld neck Uneven end of
2.5 (65) 18 (25) 30 Min 35 (50) 60 Min 50-60 (70-80)
flanges with
correct ID
pipe can cause 3 (80) 25 (35) 30 Min 45 (60) 60 Min 60-75 (80-100)
damage to
prevent damage rubber. 3.5 (90) 25 (35) 30 Min 45 (60) 60 Min 60-75 (80-100)
Expansion Joints with Piping must be supported so expansion joints do not carry any pipe weight.
joint flange and mating flange will result in premature failure. D. If expansion joints are to be installed underground, or will be
submerged in water, contact manufacturer for specific
Beaded End Flanges 5. Mating Flanges:
**Never attempt to tighten bolts while system is under
pressure. All pressure must be relieved before attempting to
Install the expansion joint against the mating pipe flanges and install bolts tighten/re-tighten bolts. Refer to Bolt Torque Table for proper values E. If the expansion joint will be installed outdoors, make sure the cover
1. Service Conditions: so that the bolt head is against the expansion joint flange. Flange-to-flange material will withstand ozone, sunlight, etc.
Make sure the expansion joint rating for temperature, pressure, dimension of the expansion joint must match the breech opening*. (*A 7. Storage:
vacuum*, movements and selection of elastomeric materials match F. Check the tightness of flanges two or three weeks after installation
spherical rubber connector must be pre-compressed 1/8” to 3/16” during
the system requirements. Contact the manufacturer if the system Ideal storage is in a warehouse with a relatively dry, cool location. Store and retighten if necessary. Refer to Notes in Para 6. Bolting Torque.
installation in order to obtain a correct installed face-to-face dimension.)
requirements exceed those of the expansion joint selected. flanges face down on a pallet or wooden platform. Do not store other heavy G. Expansion joint installation should be conducted by an authorized
(*Vacuum service for spherical rubber connectors: Vacuum rating is Make sure the mating flanges are clean and are a flat-faced type. When items on top of the expansion joints. Ten year shelf life can be expected with and qualified pipe fitter.
based on neutral installed length. These products should not be installed attaching beaded end flange expansion joints to raised face flanges, the use ideal conditions. If storage must be outdoors, place on a wooden platform
“extended” on vacuum applications.) of composite gaskets are required to prevent metal flange faces from cutting and joints should not be in contact with the ground. Cover with a tarpaulin. H. While all expansion joints are guaranteed for a period of one year
rubber bead during installation. and designed for many years of service, it is suggested that expansion
2. Alignment: 8. Large Joint Handling: joints be routinely inspected based on service conditions.
Never install expansion joints next to wafer type check or butterfly valves.
Expansion joints are not designed to make up for piping misalignment Do not lift with ropes or bars through the bolt holes. If lifting through the
bore, use padding or a saddle to distribute the weight. Make sure cables or Warning: Expansion joints may operate in pipelines or equipment
errors. Piping misalignment should be no more than 1/8” in any 6. Bolting Torque:
direction. Misalignment of an expansion joint will reduce the rated forklift tines do not contact the rubber. Do not let expansion joints sit vertically carrying fluids and/or gasses at elevated temperature and pressures
Bolt-Torque Table shows the recommended torque values for non-metallic on the edges of the flanges for any period of time. and may transport hazardous materials. Precautions should be taken
movements and can induce severe stress of the material properties, thus
expansion joints with beaded end type-flanges: Tighten bolts in stages by to protect personnel in the event of leakage or splash. Rubber joints
causing reduced service life or premature failure.
alternating around the flanged. Use the recommended torque values in the 9. Additional Tips: should not be installed in areas where inspection is impossible.
3. Anchoring: Bolt-Torque Table to achieve a good seal. Tighten bolts until the rubber bead
A. Do not insulate/cover over a rubber expansion joint. Make sure proper drainage is available in the event of
flange is compressed 1/8”. Measure the gap between the rotating metal
Expansion joints of this type will not resist thrust loads generated by flange and pipe flange, then tightening until this space is decreased by 1/8”. This prevents inspection of the tightness of the joint bolting. leakage when operating personnel are not available.
internal pressures. As such, they must be fitted with control units OR the Keep in mind that it requires less torque load to seal the rubber bead than a B. It is acceptable (but not necessary) to lubricate the expansion joint
anchor/support system on either side of the expansion joint must be full face rubber flange. beaded end with a thin film of graphite dispersed in glycerin or water
designed to restrain the associated pressure thrust loads.
at time of installation to prevent damage.
Installation Instructions
Non-Metallic 4. Pipe Support: Notes: *Compressing the rubber sealing bead beyond 1/8” up to
and including metal-to-metal contact between expansion
C. Do not weld in the near vicinity of a non-metallic joint.
Expansion Joints with Piping must be supported so expansion joints do not carry any pipe weight.
joint flange and mating flange will result in premature failure. D. If expansion joints are to be installed underground, or will be
submerged in water, contact manufacturer for specific
Beaded End Flanges 5. Mating Flanges:
**Never attempt to tighten bolts while system is under
pressure. All pressure must be relieved before attempting to
Install the expansion joint against the mating pipe flanges and install bolts tighten/re-tighten bolts. Refer to Bolt Torque Table for proper values E. If the expansion joint will be installed outdoors, make sure the cover
1. Service Conditions: so that the bolt head is against the expansion joint flange. Flange-to-flange material will withstand ozone, sunlight, etc.
Make sure the expansion joint rating for temperature, pressure, dimension of the expansion joint must match the breech opening*. (*A 7. Storage:
vacuum*, movements and selection of elastomeric materials match F. Check the tightness of flanges two or three weeks after installation
spherical rubber connector must be pre-compressed 1/8” to 3/16” during
the system requirements. Contact the manufacturer if the system Ideal storage is in a warehouse with a relatively dry, cool location. Store and retighten if necessary. Refer to Notes in Para 6. Bolting Torque.
installation in order to obtain a correct installed face-to-face dimension.)
requirements exceed those of the expansion joint selected. flanges face down on a pallet or wooden platform. Do not store other heavy G. Expansion joint installation should be conducted by an authorized
(*Vacuum service for spherical rubber connectors: Vacuum rating is Make sure the mating flanges are clean and are a flat-faced type. When items on top of the expansion joints. Ten year shelf life can be expected with and qualified pipe fitter.
based on neutral installed length. These products should not be installed attaching beaded end flange expansion joints to raised face flanges, the use ideal conditions. If storage must be outdoors, place on a wooden platform
“extended” on vacuum applications.) of composite gaskets are required to prevent metal flange faces from cutting and joints should not be in contact with the ground. Cover with a tarpaulin. H. While all expansion joints are guaranteed for a period of one year
rubber bead during installation. and designed for many years of service, it is suggested that expansion
2. Alignment: 8. Large Joint Handling: joints be routinely inspected based on service conditions.
Never install expansion joints next to wafer type check or butterfly valves.
Expansion joints are not designed to make up for piping misalignment Do not lift with ropes or bars through the bolt holes. If lifting through the
bore, use padding or a saddle to distribute the weight. Make sure cables or Warning: Expansion joints may operate in pipelines or equipment
errors. Piping misalignment should be no more than 1/8” in any 6. Bolting Torque:
direction. Misalignment of an expansion joint will reduce the rated forklift tines do not contact the rubber. Do not let expansion joints sit vertically carrying fluids and/or gasses at elevated temperature and pressures
Bolt-Torque Table shows the recommended torque values for non-metallic on the edges of the flanges for any period of time. and may transport hazardous materials. Precautions should be taken
movements and can induce severe stress of the material properties, thus
expansion joints with beaded end type-flanges: Tighten bolts in stages by to protect personnel in the event of leakage or splash. Rubber joints
causing reduced service life or premature failure.
alternating around the flanged. Use the recommended torque values in the 9. Additional Tips: should not be installed in areas where inspection is impossible.
3. Anchoring: Bolt-Torque Table to achieve a good seal. Tighten bolts until the rubber bead
A. Do not insulate/cover over a rubber expansion joint. Make sure proper drainage is available in the event of
flange is compressed 1/8”. Measure the gap between the rotating metal
Expansion joints of this type will not resist thrust loads generated by flange and pipe flange, then tightening until this space is decreased by 1/8”. This prevents inspection of the tightness of the joint bolting. leakage when operating personnel are not available.
internal pressures. As such, they must be fitted with control units OR the Keep in mind that it requires less torque load to seal the rubber bead than a B. It is acceptable (but not necessary) to lubricate the expansion joint
anchor/support system on either side of the expansion joint must be full face rubber flange. beaded end with a thin film of graphite dispersed in glycerin or water
designed to restrain the associated pressure thrust loads.
at time of installation to prevent damage.
Joints with Beaded End Flanges Bolt-Torque Tighten opposing nuts/bolts gradually
according to the following sequence
Wrong: B Nominal Pipe Size
Step 1
Step 2 Step 3
Expansion Joint Rest Rest
Flanges Insure mating FT-LBS (Nm) FT-LBS (Nm) FT-LBS (Nm)
with correct flange I.D. I.D. Inch /(mm)
ID help prevent is flush with
damage to
1 (25) 18 (25) 30 Min 30 (40) 60 Min 45-60 (60-80)
rubber. 1.25 (32) 18 (25) 30 Min 30 (40) 60 Min 45-60 (60-80)
1.5 (40) 18 (25) 30 Min 30 (40) 60 Min 45-60 (60-80) For Non-Metallic
Expansion Joints
Pipe D 2 (50) 18 (25) 30 Min 30 (40) 60 Min 45-60 (60-80)
Right: Stop
Stop Wrong:
Weld neck Uneven end of
2.5 (65) 18 (25) 30 Min 35 (50) 60 Min 50-60 (70-80)
flanges with
correct ID
pipe can cause 3 (80) 25 (35) 30 Min 45 (60) 60 Min 60-75 (80-100)
damage to
prevent damage rubber. 3.5 (90) 25 (35) 30 Min 45 (60) 60 Min 60-75 (80-100)
Step 2 Step 3
Expansion Joint Rest Rest
Flanges Insure mating FT-LBS (Nm) FT-LBS (Nm) FT-LBS (Nm)
with correct flange I.D. I.D. Inch /(mm)
ID help prevent is flush with
damage to
1 (25) 18 (25) 30 Min 30 (40) 60 Min 45-60 (60-80)
rubber. 1.25 (32) 18 (25) 30 Min 30 (40) 60 Min 45-60 (60-80)
1.5 (40) 18 (25) 30 Min 30 (40) 60 Min 45-60 (60-80) For Non-Metallic
Expansion Joints
Pipe D 2 (50) 18 (25) 30 Min 30 (40) 60 Min 45-60 (60-80)
Right: Stop
Stop Wrong:
Weld neck Uneven end of
2.5 (65) 18 (25) 30 Min 35 (50) 60 Min 50-60 (70-80)
flanges with
correct ID
pipe can cause 3 (80) 25 (35) 30 Min 45 (60) 60 Min 60-75 (80-100)
damage to
prevent damage rubber. 3.5 (90) 25 (35) 30 Min 45 (60) 60 Min 60-75 (80-100)