2012 Ibc

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Notes about this Design Tool

General Input fields are indicated in Yellow Cells and Blue Font, or "selection" boxes are provided.
ALL loading calculations are in accordance with ASCE 7-10. Clarifications and interpretations are documented in the BBNA Design Procedures
Select displayed code reference --> 2015

Select Design Basis--> LRFD Snow Wind Earthquake

ASD 1.0 0.6 0.7
LRFD 1.6 1.0 1.0
User 1.00 1.25 1.00

Load Factor Used: 1.60 1.00 1.00

This input is used with wind and seismic loads only - all final reported values include the corresponding ASD or LRFD load factors.
("User" option allows "unfactored", or factor override, for example 0.75 for multiple loads, or as needed for design)

The "Snow" Tabs will calculate roof snow loads, unbalanced snow loads, snow drifting on lower roofs and canopies,
and snow drifting against roof projections (See DP 1.4.4)
* For unsymmetrical roofs, check "Roof Snow" loading for wind in both directions to determine unbalanced snow loading.

* Low Rise Wind - Provides wind coefficients and pressures for buildings less than 60 ft. mean height (eave height if roof slope <= 10°).
* For OPEN buildings use the 'All Height Wind' worksheet, regardless of the building height
* Topographic "speed-up" factors are considered if required for the project. Determine appropriate factors from ASCE 7 Figure 26.8-1.
* All Height Wind - Provides wind coefficients for MWFRS for ALL HEIGHTS of frames.
* Many input cells for this worksheet are located in the "Low Rise Wind" worksheet
* All height wind tab calculates loads for secondary and panels ONLY for heights over 60 ft. If less than 60 ft., use "Low Rise" data.
* Per Fig 30.6-1, Note 6: For buildings taller than 60 ft, AND roof slopes > 10° must use coefficients from Fig. 30-4.2 (go to Low-Rise Wind).
* For buildings taller than 60 ft, AND roof slopes > 10 degrees, the spreadsheet does NOT apply MWFRS roof coefficients per Fig 6-6. The spreadhseet
shows the coefficients for slopes < 10 degrees only.
* Parapet Wind - Provides wind coefficients for C&C and MWFRS for parapets for all heights.
* Many input cells for this worksheet are located in the "Low Rise Wind" worksheet
* Parapet may be toggled between a cavity wall where each surface is treated independently including internal pressures or a
non-cavity wall where internal pressure is ignored.

Use Instructions:
Program requires only relevant input which is yellow cells.
In many places additional options are given in yellow cells marked as override.
All subsequent calculations and final results are shown generally in the order as calculated.
Basic input requires: seismic acceleration coefficients, soil profile type, building occupancy, basic system description and building dimensions
Seismic Coefficients Ss and S1, if not known can be found using the USGS web calculators (follow the links)
Latitude and longitude for the job site can be obtained from Google Maps or many other web resources, or directly using the GPS device

Strength calculations may be based on the assumed approximated period, however, the more accurate information can be obtained
if the actual frame stiffness information is input in this program. This is done in rows 56-61 where the horizontal applied load SH
is entered together with the corresponding frame horizontal displacement at the knee joint (dx). Note that this is frame displacement
based on linear-elastic frame model. Due to principle of superposition, any horizontally applied load can be used here as long as the displacement
is derived from that same applied load.
Drift limits do no apply for all cases - 1-story buildings with walls that can accommodate lateral drift are exempt (see ASCE 7 Table 12.12-1)
When required, drift calculations must be based on the actual frame stiffness (input as explained above).

* Rain loads are calculated for interior roof drainage systems for metal buildings and conventional roofs.
* See DP 1.4.7 & DP13.1

636839641.xlsx Methods & Usage 01/05/2023

Job No:
Roof Snow Loading Page:
Date: 01/05/23
Design Tool 2015 International Building Code Prepared By:
Reviewed By:
ASCE 7-10 Chapter 7 DP Section 1.4.4
Rev: 4.3 03/16

Ground Snow pg (psf) = 30.0

Eave to ridge distance (windward side) W (ft) = 50.0
Roof Pitch (leeward side) /12 = 1 Þ q = 4.76°

(Risk Category) Occupancy IBC Table 1604.5

Roof Exposure Table 7-2

Terrain Category (Exposure) = Table 7-2 & Sect. 26.7.3

Thermal Condition = Table 7-3

Monoslope, Hip or Gabled Roof = 7.3.4 & 7.5.1 Symmetrical

Type of Roof Surface = ✘ Unobstructed Slippery Surface 7.4 & Fig. 7-2

Exposure factor Ce = 1.0 7.3.1 & Table 7-2

Thermal factor Ct = 1.0 7.3.2 & Table 7-3
Importance factor Is = 1.0 7.3.3 & Table 1.5-2 Risk Category II
Flat Roof Snow pf = 0.7 Ce Ct Is pg (psf) = 21.0 Eq. 7.3-1
Minimum Snow pm (psf) = 20.0 7.3.4 = 20*Is
Slope factor Cs = 1.000 Fig. 7-2
Sloped Roof Snow ps = Cs pf (psf) = 21.0 Eq. 7.4-1
Rain on Snow Surcharge = 0.0 7.10 N/A
Snow density g (pcf) = 17.90 Eq. 7.7-1
Height of snow drift hd (ft) = 2.48 Fig. 7-9 Unbalanced snow applied per figure below
ROOF SNOW LOAD pr (psf) = 21.00

Partial Loading on Continuous Members

on purlins ONLY 7.5.1
W= 50' Case 1
21 psf - Ext spans & 10.5 psf - Int spans
Case 2
Wind direction q = 4.76° 10.5 psf - Ext spans & 21 psf - Int spans
Case 3
21 psf - Adj spans & 10.5 psf other spans

Balanced 21.0 psf

12.8 psf = hd g /sqrt(S)
Unbalanced 0.3 Ps = 6.3 psf
21.0 psf = Ps

ASCE7 Figure 7-5 33.8 psf = Total (max.)

Job No:
Snow Drifts - Lower Roofs & Canopies Page:
Date: 01/05/23
Design Tool 2015 International Building Code
Prepared By:
Reviewed By:
ASCE 7-10 Chapter 7 (Sect. 7.7 & 7.9) DP Section 1.4.4
Rev: 4.3 03/16
PrU (psf) H1 (ft) lu (ft) Wu (ft) Roof Pitch / 12 S (ft) PrL (psf) H2 (ft) WL (ft)
21 20 60 30 1 0 21 15 40
✘ 1 Slippery Roof
Unobstructed Pg (psf)

lu (ft) = 60.00
WL (ft) = 40.00
Wu (ft) = 30.00
Wd (ft) = 5.97

Upper Roof hr

H1 = 20.00 (ft) 0.00 (ft) H2 = 15.00 (ft)

Lower Roof
or Canopy

Snow Density g (pcf) = 14.0 Eq. 7.7-1

Balanced snow, upper roof hb upper (ft) = 1.50

Balanced snow, lower roof hb lower (ft) = 1.50
Step height hr (ft) = 5.00

Leeward drift height hd (ft) = 1.49 snow blowing from upper roof (wind from left)
Windward drift height hd (ft) = 0.84 snow blowing from lower roof (wind from right)
Clear height hc (ft) = 3.50

Drift height (used) hd (ft) = 1.49 due to snow blowing from upper roof
Sliding hd (ft) = 1.20 due to sliding snow

wd (ft) = 5.97 Drift width

ws (ft) = 15.00 Sliding snow width
Drift surcharge load pdrift (psf) = 20.9
psliding (psf) = 16.8
Balanced snow load pbase (psf) = 21.0

ptotal (psf) = 41.9 due to roof + drift ptotal (psf) = 37.8 due to roof + sliding
5.97 ft 15.00 ft

pdrift = 20.9 psf psliding = 16.8 psf

pbase = 21 psf pbase = 21 psf

Edge of lower roof Drifting Snow Case ASCE7 Sec. 7.7.1 Sliding Snow Case ASCE7 Sec. 7.9
Job No:
Snow Drifts - Parapet Walls Page:
Date: 01/05/23
Design Tool 2015 International Building Code Prepared By:
Reviewed By:
ASCE 7-10 Chapter 7 (Sect. 7.8) DP Section 1.4.4
Rev: 4.3 03/16

Building Data Parapet

Pg (psf) Pr (psf) W (ft) Height (ft)
30 21 30 5

hd = 1.40 ft
W (ft) = 30.00

Wd = 5.58 ft
hb = 1.17 ft
hd hr = 5.00 ft

25.0 psf
21.0 psf
46.0 psf

Snow Density g (pcf) = 17.9 Eq. 7.7-1

Balanced snow hb (ft) = 1.17

Parapet Height hr (ft) = 5.00
hc (ft) = 3.83

Drift height hd (ft) = 1.40

Use - Drift height hd (ft) = 1.40

Drift width wd (ft) = 5.6

Drift surcharge load pdrift (psf) = 25.0

Balanced snow load pbase (psf) = 21.0
ptotal (psf) = 46.0 due to roof snow + drift
Job No:
Snow Drifts - Roof Projections Page:
Date: 01/05/23
Design Tool 2015 International Building Code
Prepared By:
Reviewed By:
ASCE 7-10 Chapter 7 (Sect. 7.8) DP Section 1.4.4
Rev: 4.3 03/16

Building Data Projection Projection

Pg (psf) Pr (psf) W1 (ft) W2 (ft) Height (ft) Width (ft)
30 21 30 30 5 15

W1 (ft) = 30.00 W2 (ft) = 30.00

Wd1 = 5.58 ft Wd2 = 5.58 ft

hd1 hd2 hb

25.0 psf 25.0 psf

21.0 psf 21.0 psf
46.0 psf 46.0 psf

Snow Density g (pcf) = 17.90 Eq. 7.7-1

Balanced snow hb (ft) = 1.17

Projection Height hr (ft) = 5.00
Clear height hc (ft) = 3.83

Drift loads due to snow blowing left to right

lu L (ft) = 30
Calculated hd1 (ft) = 1.40 Use - Drift hd1 (ft) = 1.40 Wd1 (ft) = 5.58

P1 drift (psf) = 25.0

P1 base (psf) = 21.0
P1 total (psf) = 46.0

Drift loads due to snow blowing right to left

lu R (ft) = 30
Calculated hd2 (ft) = 1.40 Use - Drift hd2 (ft) = 1.40 Wd2 (ft) = 5.58

P2 drift (psf) = 25.0

P2 base (psf) = 21.0
P2 total (psf) = 46.0
Job No:
Wind Loading - Components & Cladding Page:
Date: 01/05/23
Design Tool 2015 International Building Code - LRFD Design Basis
Prepared By:
Reviewed By:
ASCE7-10: Ch. 30 DP 1.4.5
Rev: 4.3 03/16

(Risk Category) Occupancy 2 Width W (ft) = 164.0415

Basic Wind Speed Vult (mph) = 93.20568 Fig. 26.5-1A Exposure Category 2 Length L (ft) = 1187.6605
Topographic Effects Envelope 1 Eave Height He (ft) = 82.02075
Exposure Factor Kz = 1.21 K1 = 0 Internal Pressure Coeff. GCpi = 0.18 Table 26.11-1 Roof Pitch /12 = 1.2 = 5.71°
Topographic Factor Kzt = 1.00 K2 = 0 Gust Factor G = 0.85 Sect. 26.9.1 High Eave (ft) = 98.4
Directionality Factor Kd = 0.85 K3 = 0 Clear Roof Shape 2

Velocity Pressure qh (psf) = 22.95 Eq. 27.3-1 Mean Eave Height Hm (ft) = 82.0
Height z (ft) = 82.02075 C&C Edge Zone a (ft) = 16.4
qz (psf) = 22.95 Exception in 30.6.2

ROOF Wind Effective Area (ft2) = 10 Figures 30.4-5A & 30.4-5B OVERHANG
Zone +GCp -GCp GCpi Pressure Suction Standing Seam Zone -GCp Suction
+/- Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf) Roof 0 p (psf)
1 0.30 -1.10 0.18 0.48 11.0 -1.28 -29.4 AISI Red. 1 1 -1.70 -39.0
2 0.30 -1.30 0.18 0.48 11.0 -1.48 -34.0 2 -1.70 -39.0
3 0.30 -1.80 0.18 0.48 11.0 -1.98 -45.4 3 -2.80 -64.3
2' 0.30 -1.60 0.18 0.48 11.0 -1.78 -40.8
3' 0.30 -2.60 0.18 0.48 11.0 -2.78 -63.8

WALLS Wind Effective Area (ft2) = 10 Figure 30.4-1

Zone +GCp -GCp GCpi Pressure Suction
+/- Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf)
4 0.90 -0.90 0.18 1.08 24.8 -1.08 -24.8
5 0.90 -1.80 0.18 1.08 24.8 -1.98 -45.4

Tributary Width (ft) = 4.9212598
Member Length (ft) = 19.685039
Trib. width used (ft2) = 6.6
ROOF Wind Effective Area (ft2) = 129.2 Figures 30.4-5 & 30.4-5B OVERHANG
Zone +GCp -GCp GCpi Pressure Suction Zone -GCp Suction
+/- Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf) p (psf)
1 0.20 -1.10 0.18 0.38 8.7 -1.28 -29.4 1 -1.52 -34.9
2 0.20 -1.20 0.18 0.38 8.7 -1.38 -31.7 2 -1.52 -34.9
3 0.20 -1.20 0.18 0.38 8.7 -1.38 -31.7 3 -0.80 -18.4
2' 0.20 -1.50 0.18 0.38 8.7 -1.68 -38.6
3' 0.20 -1.60 0.18 0.38 8.7 -1.78 -40.8

Tributary Width (ft) = 4.9212598

Member Length (ft) = 19.685039
Trib. width used (ft2) = 6.6
WALLS Wind Effective Area (ft2) = 129.2 Figure 30.4-1
Zone +GCp -GCp GCpi Pressure Suction
+/- Coeff. (psf) Coeff. p (psf)
4 0.73 -0.78 0.18 0.91 20.8 -0.96 -22.1
5 0.73 -1.34 0.18 0.91 20.8 -1.52 -34.8


Min. wind of ± 16 psf is required for wind-only LC

Job No:
Wind Loading - MWFRS Page:
Date: 01/05/23
Design Tool 2015 International Building Code - LRFD Design Basis
Prepared By:
Reviewed By:
ASCE7-10: Ch. 27 (All Heights) & 28 (Low Rise) DP 1.4.5
Rev: 4.3 03/16

(Risk Category) Occupancy = (II) Standard Width W (ft) = 164.0415

Basic Wind Speed Vult (mph) = 93.20568 alpha Exposure Category = C Length L (ft) = 1187.6605
Topographic Effects Envelope = Enclosed Eave Height He (ft) = 82.02075
Exposure Factor Kz = 1.21 K1 = 0 Internal Pressure Coeff. GCpi = 0.18 Table 26.11-1 Roof Pitch /12 = 1.2 = 5.71°
Topographic Factor Kzt = 1.00 K2 = 0 Gust Factor G = 0.85 Sect. 26.9.1 High Eave (ft) = 98.4
Directionality Factor Kd = 0.85 K3 = 0 Clear Roof Shape = Mono

Mean Eave Height Hm (ft) = 82.0

C&C Edge Zone a (ft) = 16.40415
Alt: Low-Rise C&C Coefficients are pemitted! Sect. 30.6.2 - EXCEPTION
Effective Height z1 = 82.02
Exposure Factor Kz = 1.21 Table 28.3-1
Velocity Pressure qh (psf) = 22.95 Eq. 28.3-1
Interior frame trib. width (ft) = 19.685039 ft Enclosed - Mono Figure 28.4-1 Rigid Structure (assumed) Sect. 26.9.1
Endbay length (ft) = 19.685039 ft Endwall Zone 2 a (ft) = 32.8
Winds Normal to Ridge Winds Parallel to Ridge
Zone Zone w/ + GCi w/ - GCpi w/ + GCpi w/ - GCpi w/ + GCpi Zone Zone w/ - GCpi w/ + GCpi
Dim GCpf p (psf) p (psf) (kips/LF) (kips/LF) Dim GCpf p (psf) p (psf)
1 1155 ft 0.41 5.2 13.5 0.10 0.26 5 148 ft 0.40 5.0 13.3
2 1155x82 ft -0.69 -20.0 -11.7 -0.39 -0.23 2 1155x82 ft -0.69 -20.0 -11.7
3 1155x82 ft -0.38 -12.7 -4.5 -0.25 -0.09 3 1155x82 ft -0.37 -12.6 -4.4
4 1155 ft -0.30 -10.9 -2.7 -0.22 -0.05 6 148 ft -0.29 -10.8 -2.5
1E 33 ft 0.62 10.1 18.3 0.08 0.16 5E 16 ft 0.61 9.9 18.1
2E 33x82 ft -1.07 -28.7 -20.4 -0.24 -0.16 2E 33x82 ft -1.07 -28.7 -20.4
3E 33x82 ft -0.54 -16.5 -8.2 -0.15 -0.06 3E 33x82 ft -0.53 -16.3 -8.0
4E 33 ft -0.44 -14.2 -6.0 -0.13 -0.04 6E 16 ft -0.43 -14.0 -5.7
Positive = Inward pressure; Negative = Outward pressure
Sum Vert Loads Sum Horiz Loads Sidewall MWFRS (=Base Shear) (kips)
Int frames -52.8 k -26.1 k 29.6 k 30.4 k Combined Eave 1 Eave 2
End frame -32 k -18.6 k 18.7 k 19.3 k 5E/6E Left 62 k 60.6 k
5E/6E Right 57.1 k 66.5 k

Effective Height z2 = 82.02
Exposure Factor Kz = 1.21 Table 27.3-1
qh MWFRS (psf) = 22.95 Eq. 27.3-1 Enclosed - Mono Figure 27.4-1 Rigid Structure (assumed) Sect. 26.9.1

WINDS NORMAL TO RIDGE L/B = 0.14 h/L = 0.5 WINDS PARALLEL TO RIDGE L/B = 7.24 h/L = 0.07
Zone Dim. Cp w/ - Cpi w/ + Cpi Zone Dim. Cp w/ - Cpi w/ + Cpi
p (psf) p (psf) p (psf) p (psf)
WindwardWall Full Ht 0.80 11.5 19.7 Windward Wall Full Ht 0.80 11.5 19.7
Leeward Wall Full Ht -0.50 -13.9 -5.6 Leeward Wall Full Ht -0.20 -8.0 0.2
Wwrd Roof Edge < 41' -0.90 -21.7 -13.4 Wwrd Roof Edge < 41' -0.90 -21.7 -13.4
Roof (h/2 - h) 41 - 82' -0.90 -21.7 -13.4 Roof (h/2 - h) 41 - 82' -0.90 -21.7 -13.4
Roof (> h) 82 - 164' -0.50 -13.9 -5.6 Roof (h - 2h) 82 - 164' -0.50 -13.9 -5.6
Roof (> 2h) > 164' -0.30 -10.0 -1.7
Positive = Inward pressure; Negative = Outward pressure
16 psf Min load per Sec 27.1.5 check is OK 16 psf Min load per Sec 27.1.5 check is OK


qh MWFRS (psf) = 16.00 Sect. Enclosed - Mono Figure C6-1


Min Wind Sidewall MWFRS (=Base Shear) (kips)
Int frames 31 k Eave 1 57.4 k
End frame 15.5 k Eave 2 61 k
Job No:
Wind Loading - Parapets Page:
Date: 01/05/23
Design Tool 2015 International Building Code - LRFD Design Basis
Prepared By:
Reviewed By:
ASCE7-10: Sections 27.4.5, 28.4.2, 30.9 DP 1.4.5
Rev: 4.3 03/16

(Risk Category) Occupancy = (II) Standard Width W (ft) = 164.0415

Basic Wind Speed Vasd (ult) = 93.20568 alpha Exposure Category = C Length L (ft) = 1187.6605
Topographic Effects Envelope = Enclosed Eave Height He (ft) = 82.02075
K1 = 0 Internal Pressure Coeff. GCpi = 0.18 Table 26.11-1 Roof Pitch /12 = 1.2 = 5.71°
Topographic Factor Kzt = 1.00 K2 = 0 Gust Factor G = 0.85 Sect. 26.9.1 High Eave (ft) = 98.4
Directionality Factor Kd = 0.85 K3 = 0 Clear Roof Shape = Mono
Parapet Height hp (ft) =
Cavity Parapet = No Mean Eave Height Hm (ft) = 82.0
Edge Zone a (ft) = 16.40415
Sect. 30.6.2 - EXCEPTION
qz CC (psf) = 22.95 Eq. 30.3-1
Windward Parapet Wind Effective Area (ft2) = 10 Figure 30.9-1
Combined Surfaces Rear Surface
Zone +GCp -GCp Gcpi
+/- Pressure Suction Int. Pressure Int. Suction
Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf)
4 0.90 -2.30 0.18 0.90 20.7 -2.30 -52.8 -2.48 -56.9 -2.12 -48.6
5 0.90 -3.20 0.18 0.90 20.7 -3.20 -73.4 -3.38 -77.6 -3.02 -69.3

Leeward Parapet
Combined Surfaces Rear Surface
Zone +GCp -GCp Gcpi Pressure Suction Int. Pressure Int. Suction
Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf)
4 0.90 -0.90 0.18 0.90 20.7 -0.90 -20.7 -1.08 -24.8 -0.72 -16.5
5 0.90 -1.80 0.18 0.90 20.7 -1.80 -41.3 -1.98 -45.4 -1.62 -37.2

qz CC (psf) = 22.95 Eq. 30.3-1
Tributary Width (ft) = 5
Member Length (ft) = 25
Trib. width used (ft2) = 8.33
Windward Parapet Wind Effective Area (ft2) = 208.33 Figure 30.9-1
Combined Surfaces Rear Surface
Zone +GCp -GCp Gcpi Pressure Suction Int. Pressure Int. Suction
Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf)
4 0.68 -1.76 0.18 0.68 16.0 -1.76 -40.3 -1.94 -44.4 -1.58 -36.2
5 0.68 -2.50 0.18 0.68 16.0 -2.50 -57.4 -2.68 -61.5 -2.32 -53.3

Leeward Parapet
Combined Surfaces Rear Surface
Zone +GCp -GCp Gcpi Pressure Suction Int. Pressure Int. Suction
Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf) Coeff. p (psf)
4 0.68 -0.75 0.18 0.68 16.0 -0.75 -17.3 -0.93 -21.4 -0.57 -16.0
5 0.68 -1.22 0.18 0.68 16.0 -1.22 -27.9 -1.40 -32.1 -1.04 -23.8


Enclosed - Mono Rigid Structure (assumed) Sect. 26.9.1
qz LR MWFRS (psf) = 22.95 Eq. 28.3-1
qz AH MWFRS (psf) = 22.95 Eq. 27.3-1

Location GCpn p (psf)

Low Rise All Heights
Windward Parapet 1.50 34.4 34.4
Leeward Parapet -1.00 -22.9 -22.9
Positive = Inward pressure; Negative = Outward pressure
Job No.
Earthquake Loads Page:
Date: 01/05/23
Design Tool 2015 International Building Code - LRFD Design Basis Prepared By:
Reviewed By:
(Ref. ASCE7-10 Chapters 11 and 12) DP Section 1.4.6
Rev. 4.3 03/16
SITE DATA ASCE 7 Reference
Ss 50.0% g Mapped MCER 5% damped spectral response acceleration param. at short periods USGS Web App US
Fig 22-1
S1 20.0% g Mapped MCER 5% damped spectral response acceleration param. at 1-second periods Fig 22-2
Site 3 Site Class (if not known select 'D') Table 20.3-1
TL 4 sec Long-period transition period (from map) Fig. 22-15
Fa 1.200 override Site coefficient for short periods (0.2 s) Table 11.4-1
Fv 1.600 override Site coefficient for 1-second periods Table 11.4-2
SMS 0.6000 Site class adjusted MCER 5% damped spectral response acceleration param. at short periods Eq. 11.4-1
SM1 0.3200 Site class adjusted MCER 5% damped spectral response acceleration param. at 1-second periods Eq. 11.4-2
SDS 0.4000 Design 5% damped spectral response acceleration at short periods (DBE) Eq. 11.4-3
SD1 0.2133 Design 5% damped spectral response acceleration at 1-second periods (DBE) Eq. 11.4-4
Ts 0.5333 sec. Short period transition period 11.4.5
SDC C Seismic design category using SDS ✘
Allow alt SDC evaluation using this Table only (ASCE 7 1 Table 11.6-1
SDC D Seismic design category using SD1 Section 11.6) Table 11.6-2
SDC max D Seismic Design Category - assigned 11.6
Use applicable seismic detailing provisions in accordance with AISC 341 - Seismic Provisions 14.1.2

HE 20 ft Eave height (for roof slope > 10° use the mean roof height)
Width 60 ft Building width (dimension parallel to the direction of loading)
Length 100 ft Building length (dimension perpendicular to the direction of loading)
nBays / nFrames 4 Number of frames that resist seismic forces in the direction of loading (for redundancy)
✘ Single-Story Building1

Diaphragm is 1 ✘
Building has no PLAN or VERTICAL 1 12.3.2
FLEXIBLE irregularities
DL+CG 8 psf All distributed roof dead loads (roof panels and secondary, frame; DL + CG as applicable) 12.7.2
SL 0 psf Snow load (Normally 20% or other % of flat roof snow used when pf > 30 psf - as part of seismic W)
Used for
FD height 0 psf Mezzanine dead load (self weight, including collateral)
limits ck
WD only
0 psf Weight of wall above 35 ft (only wall tributary to the SFRS, for direction of loading under considration)
Wuser 0 kips Other User load to be included in the total seismic weight below (lump sum of all other loads)
W 12.0 kips Seismic effective weight tributary to frame analyzed (DL + CG + % SL + Wuser as applicable) 12.7.2
SUG 2 (Risk Category) Nature of Occupancy Table 1.5-1/IBC 1604.5

Ie 1 Importance factor Table 1.5-1

Seismic-Force Resisting System Select SFRS → → 4 Table 12.2-1
R 3.5 override Response modification coefficient Table 12.2-1
Wo used 2.5 override System overstrength factor Table 12.2-1
Hmax 65 ft Structural height limit Table 12.2-1

Redundancy 12.3.4
r 1.300 override Redundancy coefficient (for strength calculations)

Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure 12.8

CT 0.028 Building period coefficient Table 12.8-2
x 0.8 Building period exponent Table 12.8-2
Ta 0.3076 override Approximate fundamental period Eq. 12.8-7
Ta min 0.1 sec. Alternative approximate fundamental period Eq. 12.8-8
Cu 1.4867 Coefficient for upper limit on calculated period Table 12.8-1
Ta Cu 0.4573 sec. Maximum fundamental period for strength calculations ("limited") 12.8.2
T 0.3076 sec. Fundamental period (alternate to full analysis: may use T=Ta) 12.8.2
Calculate fundamental
0 period T (use xe
H instead of Ta) 3 kips Sum of all horizontally applied loads (total base shear for the system under consideration) W
dxe 1 in Elastic frame displacement at the roof height (assumed, based on the applied loads H)
g 386 in/sec2 Gravity acceleration
K 3.00 k/in Calculated frame stiffness (lateral)
Tcalc 0.640 sec. Calculated fundamental period using Rayleigh's method (a/k/a UBC Method "B") Eq. 15.4-6
T 0.3076 override Fundamental period for strength calculations

CS 0.1143 Seismic response coefficient Eq. 12.8-2

Cs max 0.1982 Maximum seismic response coefficient Eq. 12.8-3/4
Cs min 0.0176 Minimum seismic response coefficient Eq. 12.8-5/6
Cs_ 0.1143 override Final Cs for strength calculations
V (=QE) 1.4 kips Seismic base shear for strength calculations (total for system under consideration) Eq. 12.8-1

Required Strength (Design Forces) FACTORED FORCES … (Load Factor = 1 is included)

Eh = r QE 1.8 kips Horizontal seismic force Eq. 12.4-3
Emh = Wo QE 3.4 kips Horizontal seismic force with overstrength Eq. 12.4-7
Ev =+/-0.2 SDSD 1.0 kips Vertical seismic force (up or down) Eq. 12.4-4
Job No. 0
Earthquake - Drift
Date: 01/05/23
Design Tool 2012 International Building Code
(Ref. ASCE7-10 Chapter 12) DP Section 1.4.6
Rev. 4.3 (Page 2)

Design Response Spectrum (ASCE 7 Section 11.4.5)

b effective viscous damping (%) = 5 FEMA 273 Ch 2


Sds= 0.400
Spectral Response Acceleration, Sa (g)


Sd1= 0.213


1 1 1 1
To Ta Ts Period, T (sec)

Drift Calculation (Load factor for drift calcuations is 1.0 regardless of the selected design method) ASCE 7 Reference
Tdrift 0.3076 sec. Fundamental period based on approximate period (Ta) … not limited by Cu
Cs max drift 0.1982 Maximum seismic response coefficient for drift Eq. 12.8-3/4
Cs drift 0.1143 Final Cs for drift calculations

Vdrift (=QE d) 1.4 kips Seismic base shear for drift calculations (total for system under consideration) Eq. 12.8-1
rd 1.0 Redundancy coefficient included in design drift

Ehd = rd QE d 1.4 kips Horizontal seismic load effect (must also include vertical seismic effect) Eq. 12.4-3
Reduction ( 0.77 ) Effective load factor for seismic drift calcuations - applicable to drift load cases only

dx 0.106 in Story drift backcalculated from the period Tdrift and base shear Vdrift
Cd 3 override Deflection amplification factor Table 12.2-1
Dx 0.317 in Design story drift Eq. 12.8-15
( H / 756 )

r 1.3 Redundancy coefficient for drift limit adjustment

H / 65 override Seismic story drift limit - Prescribed by Code (adjusted for redundancy) Table 12.12-1
Da 3.692 in Allowable story drift

P-Delta Effects
q 0.004 Stability coefficient less than 10% (ignored) Eq. 12.8-16
b 0.700 override Ratio of seismic design shear (max. demand) vs. shear capacity
qmax 0.238 Upper limit on stability coefficient (assuming elastic analysis without P-D) Eq. 12.8-17

ad = 1/(1-q) 1.000 Incremental factor related to P-D effects 12.8.7

Dx ad 0.317 in Final design story drift (increase for P-Delta effects not required)
( H / 756 )
Job No:
Drainage & Rain Loading Page:
Date: 01/05/23
BBNA 2015 International Building Code Prepared By:
Reviewed By:
DP Sec. 1.4.7; 13.1
Rev: 4.3 03/16

Rainfall Intensity i (in/hour) = 5.5 Roof Pitch /12 = 0.25

Roof trib-width draining to gutter/conductor R = 161 ft. Static Head ds (in) = 2

Conductor Tributary L = 39.5 ft. (Elevation of secondary drain above gutter bottom or roof deck)
Area Tributary to Drain A = 6359.5 sq.ft.

Design Flow Rate { Q = .0104 * A * i } = 364 (Gal. /Min.)

Scuppers in Parapet Walls Primary Drain (in gutters or on membrane roof)

Primary wall drain or w = 12 in Scupper

h = 4 in dh

Bottom of gutter or membrane roof deck d

Height h (in) = 1 Width w (in) = 4 Drain Diameter d (in) = 3

Interior Gutter System

Custom Exterior Gutter Input For flow to DS from both sides For flow to DS from one side
7 avg width (in) 0 max space = 0 feet max space = 0 feet
depth (in) 0 Max Gutter Capacity

na 0 in

0 in
Hydraulic Head dh (in) = 2.4 2 in 2 in
Max. Water Depth (in) = 0.0

Design Weight = 10 #/ft Secondary Emergency Drains

Use secondary conductor as shown
Membrane Roof Water Load at parapet (no gutter system) Membrane Roof Water Load at Valley (no gutter system)
Hydraulic Head dh (in) = 5.2 Hydraulic Head dh (in) = 2.4
Ref: ASCE7-10 Table C8-1 Max. Water Depth (in) = 4.4 Ref: ASCE7-10 Table C8-1

Max. Water Depth (in) = 7.2 Max Rain Load { R = 5.2*(ds + dh) } = 23.0 (psf)
Max Rain Load { R = 5.2*(ds + dh) } = 37.3 (psf) Ref: ASCE7-05 Eq. 8-1
Ref: ASCE7-05 Eq. 8-1 ds dh
28.7 ft

35.4 ft

Author: Product Excellence

Contact: Igor Marinovic mailto:support.center@bluescopebuildingsna.com?subject=Problem%20with%20DT%202012%20IBC
Sv. Center: Memphis
Created: 3/26/2012

Date Rev. No. Rev. By Worksheet Description of Revision Verified By

3/16/2016 4.3 AJH All Wind Sheets Wind load sheets have been reorganized to create a MWFRS sheet, a C&C sheet, and a parapet sheet FGB
(ER18734). The previous Low Rise sheet and All Heights sheet have been deleted and their contents
reorganized onto the new sheets. All Heights MWFRS coefficients for over 10 degrees have been added.
C&C coefficients will properly calculate for all height conditions. An option has been added to select either
IBC 12 or IBC 15 in the titling (both codes have identical results).

11/12/2015 4.2 IM Wind (Low Rise) Corrected reporting error for overhang wind suction, when standing seam roof selected FGB
9/11/2015 4a SH Rain Minor correction to size of BMC valley gutter dimensions. SH
3/20/2015 4 SH Rain Added interior gutter drainage design to spreadsheet SH
6/5/2014 3 IM Seismic Redundancy-modified drift limits included BWH
2/13/2014 2.9 IM Roof Snow Corrected unbalanced snow case for "roof rafter systems" (W<20 ft) - new option added in cell AB40 MES
1/24/2014 2.8 IM Wind (Low Rise) Corrected edge zone dim. 'a' for roof slopes above 10° IM
10/16/2013 2.7 IM Wind (both) Min. wind removed from panel & secondary loads - needed for standalone LC only DP01-04-05 IM
8/23/2013 2.6 IM Seismic Improved approximate period calculations for some SFRS FGB
8/9/2013 2.5 IM All Enhanced design method selection with load factor override (wind & seismic only at this time) IM
2/7/2013 2.4 IM Seismic Updated message for SDC 'A'. Added user override for Cs and T. Improvements to period calculations. FGB
12/7/2012 2.3 IM All Heights Wind Updated MWFRS pressure to use lower Kz (and qh) when applicable (in Exposure B, H<30 ft) [D58] KDR
10/9/2012 2.2 IM Low Rise Wind Corrected Reference for panel coeff. For monoslope roofs up to 3° CLC
9/7/2012 2.1 IM Wind (both) Corrected note about using MWFRS coef for C&C; when trib area > 700 sqft (previosly was EWA) IM
9/7/2012 2 IM Wind (both) / Seismic Final design pressures and forces now include ASCE 7 load factors for ASD or LRFD, as selected JLS
8/15/2012 1.1 IM Low Rise Wind Corrected MWFRS zone dimensions for wind parallel to ridge AJH
7/5/2012 1 IM Wind (both) Minimum wind (16 psf) check added for components and cladding per ASCE 7 - 30.2.2 IM
3/26/2012 0 IM All New (converted from and older DT - 2006 IBC.xls) AJH

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