Sample Question Paper Physics Class - XI
Sample Question Paper Physics Class - XI
Sample Question Paper Physics Class - XI
Class - XI
Class - XI
Time : 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 70
§yôyÓ˚î !öˆÏò≈¢yÓ°# É
1) §Óà%!° ≤ß¿ xyÓ!¢ƒÜ˛–
2) 1 ˆÌˆÏܲ 8 ö¡∫Ó˚ ≤Èϟ¿Ó˚ ≤Ã!ï˛!ê˛Ó˚ çöƒ 1 ö¡∫Ó˚ñ 9 ˆÌˆÏܲ 15 ö¡∫Ó˚ ≤Èϟ¿Ó˚ ≤Ã!ï˛!ê˛Ó˚ çöƒ 2 ö¡∫Ó˚ñ 16 ˆÌˆÏܲ 26 ö¡∫Ó˚ ≤Èϟ¿Ó˚
≤Ã!ï˛!ê˛Ó˚ çöƒ 3 ö¡∫Ó˚ ~ÓÇ 27 ˆÌˆÏܲ 29 ö¡∫Ó˚ ≤Èϟ¿Ó˚ ≤Ã!ï˛!ê˛Ó˚ çöƒ 5 ö¡∫Ó˚ ôÓ˚y xyˆÏåÈ–
3) §y!Ó≈ܲ û˛yˆÏÓ ˆÜ˛yö ≤Èϟ¿Ó˚ ÚxÌÓyÛ‡ !Óܲ“ ÌyܲˆÏÓ öyñ ï˛ˆÏÓ 2 ö¡∫ˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ ~ܲ!ê˛ ≤Èϟ¿Ó˚ çöƒ !Óܲ“ñ 3 ö¡∫ˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ ~ܲ!ê˛ ≤Èϟ¿Ó˚
çöƒ !Óܲ“ ~ÓÇ 5 ö¡∫ˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ §ÓܲÎ˚!ê˛ ≤Èϟ¿Ó˚ çöƒ ~ܲ!ê˛ Ü˛ˆÏÓ˚ !Óܲ“ ˆòÄÎ˚y xyˆÏåÈ–
Genaral Instruction :
1. All Questions are Conpulsory.
2. There is no overall choice. However, there is an internal choice in one question of 2 marks
weightage, one question of 3 marks and all the question of 5 marks.
1) §üüyeyÓ˚ ò%!ê˛ ˆû˛Ô!ï˛Ü˛ Ó˚y!¢Ó˚ öyü !°á– 1
(Name two physical quantities having the same dimension)
2) í˛zÕ‘¡∫ û˛yˆÏÓ í˛zÍ!«˛Æ Ó›Ó˚ ˆÓàÈÙÈ §üÎ˚ ˆ°á!ã˛e!ê˛ xAܲö ܲÓ˚– 1
(Draw the velocity - time graph when a body is thrown vertically upward)
3) ~ܲ!ê˛ Äçö üy˛õܲ ΈÏsf òÑyí˛¸yˆÏöy ~ܲ!ê˛ ˆ°yܲ xÓyˆÏô ˛õï˛ö¢#° •ˆÏ° ï˛áö ˙ ΈÏsf ܲ# ˛õyë˛ ˆòáyˆÏÓ⁄ 1
(A man falls freely standing over a weighing machine. What will be the weight shown by the
4) ò%!ê˛ ï˛ˆÏ°Ó˚ !fiÌï˛ â£Ï≈î à%îyAܲ •ˆÏ°ñ ˙ ï˛° ò%!ê˛Ó˚ üˆÏôƒ â£Ï≈î ˆÜ˛yî Ü˛ï˛ •ˆÏÓ⁄ 1
(What is the angle of friction between two surfaces in contact if the co-efficient of static friction
is 1 )
5) ~ܲ!ê˛ û˛yÓ˚# Ä ~ܲ!ê˛ •y°Ü˛y Ó›Ó˚ û˛Ó˚ˆÏÓà §üyö •ˆÏ° ˆÜ˛yö!ê˛Ó˚ à!ï˛¢!=˛ ˆÓ¢# ⁄ 1
SA lighter body and a heavy body have equal momentum, which one has the greater kinetic
energy ?)
6) ê˛Ü≈˛ñ ˆÜ˛Ô!îܲ cÓ˚î Ä çyí˛ƒ ºyüˆÏܲÓ˚ ˛õyÓ˚flõ!Ó˚ܲ §¡õÜ≈˛!ê˛ !°á– 1
(Write the relation between torque, angular acceleration and moment of inertia.)
7) Y = 10 Sin ( t+ ) §Ó˚° ˆòy°à!ï˛Ó˚ ≤ÃyÓ˚!Ω˛Ü˛ ò¢yÓ˚ üyö ܲï˛⁄ 1
2 3
(What is the epoch of the simple harmonic motion represented by Y = 10 Sin ( t+ )
2 3
8) ˛~ܲ!ê˛ ~ܲü%á ˆáy°y Ä ~ܲ!ê˛ ò%•z ü%á ˆáy°y ö° ˆÌˆÏܲ !öɧ,ï˛ ü)° §%ˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ ܲ¡õyˆÏAܲÓ˚ xö%˛õyï˛ Ü˛ï˛⁄ 1
(What is the ratio of fundamental frequencies of one closed pipe and one open pipe of equal
9) !ö¡¨!°!áï˛ ≤ß¿à%!°Ó˚ í˛z_Ó˚ òyÄ–
ˆòáyÄ ˆÎ !öí˛zê˛ˆÏöÓ˚ ≤ÃÌü à!ï˛§)e!ê˛ !mï˛#Î˚ à!ï˛§)ˆÏeÓ˚ !ӈϢ£Ï Ó˚)˛õ– 2
SShow that Newton’s first law of motion is the special case of Newton’s second law of motion)
!ï˛ö!ê˛ ÓˆÏ°Ó˚ !Ü ˛Î˚yÎ˚ ˆÜ˛yö Ó›Ó˚ §yˆÏüƒÓ˚ ¢ï≈˛à%!° !°á– 2
(State the conditions for equilibrium of a body under the action of three forces)
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10) í˛z˛õˆÏÓ˚ í˛zë˛yÓ˚ §üÎ˚ àƒy§ ˆÓ°%ˆÏöÓ˚ !fiÌ!ï˛¢!=˛ Ä à!ï˛¢!=˛ í˛zû˛Î˚•z Ó,!Âô ˛õyÎ˚– ~ ˆ«˛ˆÏe ¢!=˛Ó˚ §ÇÓ˚«˛î §)e xüyöƒ •Î˚⁄ í˛z_ˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ 2
§˛õˆÏ«˛ Î%!=˛ òyÄ–
SWhen a Gas balloon rises up, both of its potential energy and kinetic energy increase. Does
it violate the law of conservation of energy ? Give reason of your answer.)
11) ‘m’ ˛û˛Ó˚ Ä ‘r’ Óƒy§yˆÏÂô≈Ó˚ ~ܲ!ê˛ §üï˛° Ó,_yܲyÓ˚ §Ó˚% ã˛yܲ!ï˛Ó˚ ˆÜ˛wàyü# °¡∫ xˆÏ«˛Ó˚ §yˆÏ˛õˆÏ«˛ çyí˛ƒ ºyüܲ •° 1 mr2 ñ ˙ ã˛yܲ!ï˛Ó˚ ÓƒyˆÏ§Ó˚
§yˆÏ˛õˆÏ«˛ çyí˛ƒ ºyüܲ !öî≈Î˚ ܲÓ˚– 2
(The moment of inertia of a plane thin circular disc of mass m and radius r about an axis passing through
its centre perpendicular to its plane is 1 mr2. Find the moment of intertia about its diameter)
12) x!û˛Ü˛£Ï≈ç cÓ˚ˆÏîÓ˚ §ˆÏAà ˛õ,!ÌÓ#Ó˚ àí˛¸ âöˆÏcÓ˚ §¡õÜ≈˛ !öî≈Î˚ ܲÓ˚– 2
(Find the relation between acceleration due to gravity and mean density of the earth)
13) A
A ˛Ä B ˛ò%!ê˛ !û˛ß¨ ˛õòyˆÏÌ≈Ó˚ ï˛yˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ ˛õ#í˛¸ö !ÓÜ,˛!ï˛ ˆ°á!ã˛e ˆòáyˆÏöy •°– !ö¡¨!°!áï˛ ≤ß¿à%!°Ó˚ í˛z_Ó˚ ܲyÓ˚î §• í˛zˆÏÕ‘á ܲÓ˚–
i) ˛ˆÜ˛yö ˛õòyˆÏÌ≈Ó˚ •zÎ˚Ç à%îyˆÏAܲÓ˚ üyö ˆÓ¢#⁄
ii) ˛ˆÜ˛yö ˛õòyÌ≈ ˆÓ¢# ˛õ!Ó˚üyˆÏî öüö#Î˚⁄ 2
The stress - strain graphs of two different substances A and B are shown.
Answer the following questions with reason.
i) Which substance has more value of Young’s modulous?
ii) Which substance is more ductile?
14) ˛ï˛y˛õà!ï˛ !ÓòƒyÓ˚ ¢)öƒï˛ü §)e!ê˛ !°á– ~•z§)e ˆÌˆÏܲ ï˛y˛õüyeyÓ˚ ôyÓ˚îy!ê˛ Óƒyáƒy ܲÓ˚– 2
(State the Zero-th law of Thermodynamics. Explain the concept of temperature from this law.)
15) ˛àƒyˆÏ§Ó˚ à!ï˛ï˛ˆÏ_¥Ó˚ §y•yˆÏ΃ àƒyˆÏ§Ó˚ ï˛y˛õüyey Óƒyáƒy ܲÓ˚– 2
(Explain the temperature of gas on the basis of kinetic theory of gas.)
Group - C
a3 b2
16) ˛~ܲ!ê˛ ˆû˛Ôï˛ Ó˚y!¢ P = ˛ ˆÎáyˆÏö a, b, c ˛~ÓÇ d •° ã˛yÓ˚!ê˛ ˆû˛Ôï˛ Ó˚y!¢– a, b, c ~ÓÇ d ˛˛õ!Ó˚üyˆÏ˛õ ¢ï˛Ü˛Ó˚y e%!ê˛ ÎÌyÜ ˛ˆÏü 1%,
3%, 4% ˛~ÓÇ 2%˛– p ˛˛õ!Ó˚üyˆÏ˛õ ¢ï˛Ü˛Ó˚y e%!ê˛ Ü˛ï˛⁄ 3
a3 b2
(A physical quantity P = , where a, b, c and d are four physical quantities. The percentage of error
in measurements of a, b, c, d are 1%, 3%, 4% and 2% respectively. What is the percentage of error in
measurement of P ?
Page : 2
17) ˛ÚˆÏÓà ÈÙÈ §üÎ˚Û ˆ°á!ã˛e ˛õÂô!ï˛Ó˚ §y•yˆÏ΃ ≤Ãüyî ܲÓ˚ É
v = u + 2 as, ˛~áyˆÏö §ÇˆÏܲï˛à%!° ï˛yˆÏòÓ˚ ≤Ãã˛!°ï˛ xˆÏÌ≈ ÓƒÓ•,ï˛–
2 2
using velocity - time graph method prove that v = u + 2as, here the symbols have their usual
2 2
18) Úâyï˛ ÈÙÈ û˛Ó˚ˆÏÓàÛ (Impulse -momentum) í˛z˛õ˛õyòƒ!ê˛ !ÓÓ,ï˛ Ä ≤Ãüyî ܲÓ˚– ~ܲçö Óƒyê˛§üƒyö 12 m/s ≤ÃyÌ!üܲ ˆÓˆÏà
å%ȈÏê˛ xy§y ~ܲ!ê˛ ÓˆÏ°Ó˚ ˆÓˆÏàÓ˚ üyö x˛õ!Ó˚Ó!ï≈˛ï˛ ˆÓ˚ˆÏá ˆ§yçy ˆÓy°yˆÏÓ˚ !òˆÏܲ ˆú˛Ó˚Í ˛õy!ë˛ˆÏÎ˚ !ò°– Ó°!ê˛Ó˚ û˛Ó˚ 0.15 kg •ˆÏ° 1+2
~Ó˚ í˛z˛õÓ˚ ≤ÃÎ%=˛ âyï˛ !öî≈Î˚ ܲÓ˚–
State and prove Impulse - Momentum Theorem. A batsman hits back a ball straight in the
direction of the bowler without changing its initial speed of 12 m/s. If the mass of ball is 0.15
kg. Determine the impulse imparted.
19) Óƒy!AÜ˛Ç Î%=˛ ˆÜ˛yö ˛Ó,_yܲyÓ˚ ÓÑyˆÏܲ à!ï˛¢#° ~ܲ!ê˛ àyí˛¸#Ó˚ o%!ï˛Ó˚ §#üy §¡õ!Ü≈˛ï˛ Ó˚y!¢üy°y !öî≈Î˚ ܲÓ˚– 3
Obtain the expression for the speed limit of a car moving on a banked circular road.
20) ˛ÚܲyÎ≈ ÈÙÈ ¢!=˛Û í˛z˛õ˛õyòƒ!ê˛ SWork - Energy theorem) ˛!ÓÓ,ï˛ ~ÓÇ ≤Ãüyî ܲÓ˚– 3
State and prove work - energy theorem.
21) ˛ˆÜ˛Ô!îܲ û˛Ó˚ˆÏÓˆÏàÓ˚ §ÇK˛y ˆ°á– ≤Ãüyî ܲÓ˚ ˆÎñ ˆÜ˛Ô!îܲ û˛Ó˚ˆÏÓˆÏàÓ˚ ˛õ!Ó˚Óï≈˛ˆÏöÓ˚ •yÓ˚ Ó›!ê˛Ó˚ í˛z˛õÓ˚ ≤ÃÎ%=˛ ê˛ˆÏÜ≈˛Ó˚ §üyö– 3
Define angular momentum. Prove that the rate of change of angular momentum. of a particle
is equal to the torque acting on it.
‘w’ ˛ˆÜ˛Ô!îܲ ˆÓà §¡õߨ ˆÜ˛yö Ó›Ó˚ â%î≈ö à!ï˛¢!=˛Ó˚ Ó˚y!¢üy°y!ê˛ !öî≈Î˚ ܲÓ˚ ~ÓÇ çyí˛ƒºyüˆÏܲÓ˚ §ÇK˛y !°á– 3
Obtain an expression for kinetic energy of rotation of a body of angular velocity ‘w’ and hence
define moment of inertia.
22) ˛û)˛§ü°Î˚ í˛z˛õ@ˇÃ• ܲ#⁄ ~ܲ!ê˛ û)˛§ü°Î˚ í˛z˛õ@ˇÃˆÏ•Ó˚ í˛zFã˛ï˛yÓ˚ Ó˚y!¢üy°y!ê˛ !öÓ˚)˛õî ܲÓ˚– 3
What is a geostationary satellite? Derive the expression for height of a geostationay satellite. 1+2
23) ˛!eò¢ !Ó®% !ܲ⁄ O.2 Kg ˛û˛Ó˚!Ó!¢T˛ 1000 C ˛ï˛y˛õüyeyÓ˚ ˆÜ˛yö Ó›ˆÏܲ 100 C ˛ï˛y˛õüyeyÓ˚ 0.5 Kg. ˛çˆÏ° ˆú˛°y •ˆÏ° ã)˛í˛¸yhsˇ
ï˛y˛õüyey •Î˚ 160 C ˛– Ó›!ê˛Ó˚ xyˆÏ˛õ!«˛Ü˛ ï˛y˛õ !öî≈Î˚ ܲÓ˚– ˆòÄÎ˚y xyˆÏåÈñ çˆÏ°Ó˚ xyˆÏ˛õ!«˛Ü˛ ï˛y˛õ 4.2 x 103 J/Kg/ 0C.
What is Tripple point?
Find the specific heat of a body, when 0.2 kg of the body at 1000 C is dropped into 0.5 kg of
water at 100 C & the resulting temperate is 160 C, given specific heat of water is 4.2 x 103 J/Kg/
24) ˛ï˛y˛õ •z!Oö ܲ#⁄ ~Ó˚ ܲü≈ò«˛ï˛y 100% •ˆÏï˛ ˛õyˆÏÓ˚ !ܲ öy Óƒyáƒy ܲÓ˚– 1+2
What is Heat Engine? Explain whether its efficiency can be 100%.
25) ˆÜ˛yö àï˛#Î˚ §ÇfiÌyÓ˚ fl∫yô#öï˛yÓ˚ üyey Ó°ˆÏï˛ Ü˛# ˆÓyé˛⁄ ~Ó˚ §ˆÏAà àƒyˆÏ§Ó˚ ò%•z xyˆÏ˛õ!«˛Ü˛ ï˛yˆÏ˛õÓ˚ xö%˛õyˆÏï˛Ó˚ §¡õÜ≈˛!ê˛ !öî≈Î˚ 1+2
What do you mean by Degree of freedom of a kinetic system ? Derive its relation with the ratio
of two specific heats of gases.
26) ˛ˆòáyÄ ˆÎ §Ó˚° ˆòy° à!ï˛ˆÏï˛ ˆüyê˛ ¢!=˛Ó˚ §ÇÓ˚«˛î •Î˚– 3
Show that total energy is conserved in simple harmonic motion.
27) ˛§üÓ,_#Î˚ à!ï˛ˆÏï˛ â)î≈yÎ˚üyö ~ܲ!ê˛ Ó›Ó˚ x!û˛ˆÏܲw cÓ˚ˆÏîÓ˚ Ó˚y!¢üy°y !öî≈Î˚ ܲÓ˚–
Ó,!T˛Ó˚ !òˆÏö ã˛°hsˇ àyí˛¸#Ó˚ üˆÏôƒ ӈϧ Ìyܲy ˆÜ˛yö Îye#Ó˚ ܲyˆÏåÈ áyí˛¸y û˛yˆÏÓ ö#ˆÏã˛Ó˚ !òˆÏܲ ˛õï˛ö¢#° Ó,!T˛Ó˚ ôyÓ˚y !ï˛Î≈ܲ û˛yˆÏÓ ˛õí˛¸ˆÏåÈ
ӈϰ üˆÏö •Î˚ ˆÜ˛ö⁄ 3+2
(Derive an expression for the centripetal acceleration of a body executing uniform circular
motion. Why do the vertically falling rain drops appear to be inclined to a person sitting inside
a moving car?)
Page : 3
ˆòáyÄ ˆÎ ~ܲ!ê˛ ≤ÃyˆÏ§Ó˚ à!ï˛˛õÌ x!ôÓ,_yܲyÓ˚– ≤Ãy§ §¡õ!ܲ≈ï˛ !öˆÏ¡¨Ó˚ Ó˚y!¢à%!°Ó˚ ày!î!ï˛Ü˛ §¡õÜ≈˛ !öî≈Î˚ ܲÓ˚–
i) §Ó≈y!ôܲ í˛zFã˛ï˛y
ii) í˛z!a!ï˛ Ü˛y°
iii) ≤Èϫ˛˛õ §#üy 2+3
(Show that the path of a projective is parabolic.
With reference to projectile obtain relations for the following :
i) Maximum height.
ii) Time of flight
iii) Horizontal range.)
28) ÓyˆÏö≈y!°Ó˚ í˛z˛õ˛õyòƒ!ê˛ !ÓÓ,ï˛ Ü˛Ó˚ ~ÓÇ ≤Ãüyî ܲÓ˚– ~Ó˚ §#üyÓÂôï˛y í˛zˆÏÕ‘á ܲÓ˚–
(State and prove Bernoulli’s theorem. Write its limitations.) 3+2
~ܲ!ê˛ ˜Ü˛!¢Ü˛ öˆÏ° ï˛Ó˚ˆÏ°Ó˚ xyˆÏÓ˚y•ˆÏîÓ˚ ú˛ˆÏ° ï˛Ó˚°hflψÏΩ˛Ó˚ í˛zFã˛ï˛yÓ˚ Ó˚y!¢üy°y !öî≈Î˚ ܲÓ˚–
~ܲ!ê˛ ˜Ü˛!¢Ü˛ öˆÏ° ˆÜ˛yö ï˛Ó˚° Îï˛ê%˛Ü%˛ í˛zFã˛ï˛yÎ˚ í˛zë˛ˆÏï˛ ˛õyˆÏÓ˚ ˜Ü˛!¢Ü˛öˆÏ°Ó˚ ˜òâ≈ƒ Î!ò ï˛yÓ˚ ˆã˛ˆÏÎ˚ ܲü •Î˚ ï˛áö ˙ ï˛Ó˚ˆÏ°Ó˚ ܲ#
âê˛ˆÏÓ⁄ 3+2
(Derive an expression for the height attained due to rise of liquid in a capillary tube. What
happens when the length of a capillary tube is less than the height up to which a liquid may
rise in it ?)
29) ˛fl∫Ó˚ܲ¡õ ܲyˆÏܲ ӈϰ⁄ fl∫Ó˚ܲ¡õ ¢%öˆÏï˛ ï˛Ó˚Aà ò%!ê˛Ó˚ ܲ¡õyˆÏAܲÓ˚ ˛õyÌ≈ܲƒ 10 ~Ó˚ ܲü •Î˚ ˆÜ˛ö⁄
ˆÜ˛yö àƒy§#Î˚ üyôƒˆÏü ò%!ê˛ ï˛Ó˚ˆÏAàÓ˚ í˛z˛õ!Ó˚˛õyˆÏï˛Ó˚ ú˛ˆÏ° ˆ§ˆÏܲˆÏ[˛ 6˛!ê˛ fl∫Ó˚ܲ¡õ í˛zͲõߨ •Î˚– ï˛Ó˚Aà ò%!ê˛Ó˚ ï˛Ó˚Aà˜Ïòâ≈ƒ ÎÌyÜ ˛ˆÏü
50 cm ˛~ÓÇ 50.5 cm ˛•ˆÏ° Ä•z üyôƒˆÏü ¢ˆÏ∑Ó˚ ˆÓà !öî≈Î˚ ܲÓ˚– 1+1+3
(What is called beat ? Why is the difference between frequencies of waves less than 10 for
hearing beats.
In a gaseous medium 6 beats are produced due to superposition of two waves. If the wave
lengths of the two waves are 50 cm and 50.5 cm respectively, determine the velocity of sound
in that medium.)
˛ê˛yö ܲÓ˚y ï˛yˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ !ï˛Î≈ܲ ܲ¡õˆÏöÓ˚ §)eà%!° !ÓÓ,ï˛ Ü˛Ó˚– ~ܲ!ê˛ ê˛yö ܲÓ˚y ï˛yÓ˚ ˆÌˆÏܲ !öɧ,ï˛ ü)° §%ψÏÓ˚Ó˚ ܲ¡õyAܲ 256 Hz, ˛Î!ò
ï˛yˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ ê˛yö x˛õ!Ó˚Ó!ï≈˛ï˛ ˆÓ˚ˆÏá ï˛yˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ ˜òâ≈ƒ 10 cm ˛Ü˛üyˆÏöy •Î˚ ï˛ˆÏÓ !öɧ,ï˛ ü)°§%ˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ ܲ¡õyAܲ •Î˚ 320 Hz– ï˛yˆÏÓ˚Ó˚
≤ÃyÌ!üܲ ˜òâ≈ƒ Ü˛ï˛ !åÈ°⁄ 3+2
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