Department of Aeronautical Engineering Vi Semester 10AEL67 Aerodynamics Lab Manual Academic Year-2019 N S: U S N: S: B
Department of Aeronautical Engineering Vi Semester 10AEL67 Aerodynamics Lab Manual Academic Year-2019 N S: U S N: S: B
Department of Aeronautical Engineering Vi Semester 10AEL67 Aerodynamics Lab Manual Academic Year-2019 N S: U S N: S: B
To impart quality technical education with a focus on Research and Innovation emphasizing
on Development of Sustainable and Inclusive Technology for the benefit of society.
1. To provide quality teaching, learning and research environment for a successful career in
aeronautical engineering and interdisciplinary field.
2. To engage the students in research and development which helps them to pursue higher
3. To mould the students with ethical, social and intellectual qualities to become successful
aeronautical engineers.
1. Measure the velocity of the subsonic wind tunnel at various RPM and calibrate the
test section
2. Measure Pressure distribution and calculate aerodynamic coefficients of cylinder
and airfoil
3. Calculate and Analyze Coefficient of Lift and drag for symmetric and unsymmetrical
airfoils at various angles of attack
4. Identify the various flow patterns over the bodies kept in fluid flow
5. Calculate displacement and Momentum thickness and determine boundary layer
List of Experiments
1. Calibration of a subsonic wind tunnel: Test section static pressure and total head
2. Smoke flow visualization studies on a two-dimensional circular cylinder at low speeds.
3. Smoke flow visualization studies on a two dimensional airfoil at different angles of
incidence at low speeds.
4. Tuft flow visualization on a wing model at different angles of incidence at low speeds.
5. Surface pressure distribution on a two-dimensional circular cylinder at low speeds and
calculation of Pressure drag.
6. Surface pressure distribution on a two-dimensional symmetric airfoil at zero incidence
at low speeds and calculation of Pressure drag.
7. Surface pressure distribution on a two-dimensional cambered airfoil at different
angles of incidences and calculation of lift and pressure drag.
8. Calculation of total drag of a two-dimensional circular cylinder at low speeds using
pitot-static probe wake survey
9. Calculation of total drag of a two-dimensional cambered airfoil at low speeds at
incidence using pitot-static probe wake survey
10. Measurement of a typical boundary layer velocity profile on the tunnel wall (at low
speeds) using a pitot probe and calculation of boundary layer displacement and
momentum thickness.
Experiment No: 1 Date:
Calibration of a subsonic wind tunnel by Test section static pressure and total
head distributions
To conduct the calibration test in the subsonic wind tunnel and to draw the calibration chart
between Speed and Velocity.
Subsonic Wind tunnel, Manometer, Pitot - static tube, 3 axes Traverse Mechanism.
The calibration of wind tunnel is done to measure the variation of flow properties in the test
section under various tunnel speed and ensuring minimum deviation in the measured
quantities in the absence of the model in the test section. The tunnel speed is the mean speed
at the test section when the tunnel is empty. The tunnel speed is measured in terms of the
difference between a total head and a static pressure reading by using Bernoulli’s relation.
Tunnel Specifications:
Test section has four Perspex windows for viewing inside the rest test section. The top can be
opened for easy access to the test section so that it becomes convenient to set up
The fabrication of tunnel is done using teak wood and water proof plywood.
Avoid running tunnel below 100 r.p.m to avoid overheating.
1. Check the wind tunnel for any loose components before starting the tunnel.
2. Check the level of manometer liquid in multi tube manometer.
3. Connect the total and static pressure port of the Pitot tube to the manometer tubes
for measuring the pressure.
4. Note down the initial reading in the manometer.
5. Run the tunnel at different speeds and note down the manometer reading in
multitube manometer and inclined manometer.
6. Calculate the velocity of air flow as per the formula.
7. Draw the calibration chart.
8. Using the traverse mechanism the pitot static probe is moved through the various
cross section of the test section for ensuring the uniformity of flow variables.
Multi tube Manometer:
Po P V 2
Where, Po - Free stream Total Pressure, N/m2
P - Free stream static pressure, N/m2
ρ - Density of Air, Kg/m3
Inclined Manometer:
V 3.77 h
Where, Δh (in mm) =L Sin θ - Reading from inclined manometer. Inclination θ=30°
Tabular Column
Inclined Manometer Reading
Fan Measured Θ = 30˚ Measured
Sl.No Speed Velocity Velocity
(rpm) (m/s) (m/s)
L=Lini- Δh=L
Δh Lini Lfinal
Lfinal Sin θ
Z Pitot-Static
Y distances distances Manometer Measured
Fan Speed Reading
Sl.No Velocity
(rpm) (mm) (m/s)
mm mm Δh
1 200 150
2 250 150
3 300 150
4 350 150
5 400 150
1. Speed Vs Measured Velocity
Nature of Graph:
Velocity, m/s
Velocity, m/s
Velocity, m/s
Thus the wind tunnel is calibrated by using the pitot-static probe by measuring the total and
static pressure at various cross section of test section
Experiment No: 2 Date:
To carryout the smoke flow visualization on a two dimensional circular cylinder and to draw
the flow pattern observed at different speeds.
Subsonic wind tunnel, Circular cylinder model with support mount, Smoke generation
apparatus, liquid paraffin, manometer.
In general, flow visualization is an experimental means of examining the flow pattern around
a body or over its surface. The flow is "visualized" by introducing dye, smoke or pigment to
the flow in the area under investigation. The primary advantage of such a method is the ability
to provide a description of a flow over a model without complicated data reduction and
Smoke flow visualization involves the injection of streams of vapor into the flow. The vapor
follows filament lines (lines made up of all the fluid particles passing through the injection
point). In steady flow the filament lines are identical to streamlines (lines everywhere tangent
to the velocity vector). Smoke-flow visualization can thus reveal the entire flow pattern
around a body.
1. Mount the circular cylinder model with its support in the tunnel test section securely.
2. Ensure that the tunnel is not having any loose components.
3. Generate the smoke for the flow visualization through smoke generator.
4. Adjust the amount of smoke generated by adjusting heater control provided with
smoke generator.
5. Observe the flow pattern around the body and infer the location of stagnation point,
flow separation, formation of eddies and vortex shedding nature at different speeds
(at different Reynolds Number).
6. Tabulate the observed flow pattern at different Reynolds Number with a neat sketch
with inference.
7. Gradually shutdown the tunnel.
1. Velocity:
2Po P
V 2 V 3.77 ho h
2. Reynolds Number:
where ρ - Density of air=1.2 Kg/m3
V - Velocity of air, m/s
D - Diameter of cylinder=0.050 m
μ - Dynamic viscosity of air, 1.7e-5 Ns/m2
Tabular Column:
Tunnel Speed,(m/s)
Sl.No Re.No Flow pattern Inference
ho h∞ 3.77√ h
Thus the flow visualization is carried out and the flow pattern around the body at different
Reynolds number and velocity is observed.
Experiment No: 3 Date:
Subsonic wind tunnel, Two dimensional wing model with support mount, Smoke generation
apparatus, liquid paraffin, manometer.
In general, flow visualization is an experimental means of examining the flow pattern around
a body or over its surface. The flow is "visualized" by introducing dye, smoke or pigment to
the flow in the area under investigation. The primary advantage of such a method is the ability
to provide a description of a flow over a model without complicated data reduction and
Smoke flow visualization involves the injection of streams of vapor into the flow. The vapor
follows filament lines (lines made up of all the fluid particles passing through the injection
point). In steady flow the filament lines are identical to streamlines (lines everywhere tangent
to the velocity vector). Smoke-flow visualization can thus reveal the entire flow pattern
around a body.
Typical Flow Pattern
1. Mount the 2D wing model with its support in the tunnel test section securely.
2. Ensure that the tunnel is not having any loose components.
3. Generate the smoke for the flow visualization through smoke generator.
4. Adjust the amount of smoke generated by adjusting heater control provided with
smoke generator.
5. Observe the flow pattern around the body and infer the location of stagnation point,
flow separation, formation of eddies and vortex shedding nature at different speeds
(at different Reynolds Number).
6. Tabulate the observed flow pattern at different Reynolds Number with a neat sketch
with inference.
7. Gradually shutdown the tunnel.
1. Velocity:
2Po P
V 2 V 3.77 ho h
2. Reynolds Number:
where ρ - Density of air=1.2 Kg/m3
V - Velocity of air, m/s
D - Chord length=0.150 m
μ - Dynamic viscosity of air, 1.7e-5 Ns/m2
Tabular Column:
Tunnel Speed (m/s):
Reynolds Number:
Angle of
Sl.No Flow pattern Inference
1 -5
2 0
3 5
4 10
5 20
Result:Thus the flow visualization is carried out and the flow pattern around the body at
different Reynolds number and velocity is observed.
Experiment No: 4 Date:
To carry out the tuft flow visualization on a two dimensional wing model at different angles
of incidence.
Subsonic wind tunnel, a wing model with support mount, Tufts, Scotch tape.
Tuft flow visualization is a type of flow visualization and the tufts readily show where the flow
is steady and where the flow is unsteady. Regions of complete separation and buffeting flow
are readily identified. Tufts are light, flexible material that will align with the local surface
flow. The most commonly used material is light yarn, and the weight and length are chosen
according to model size and test speeds
1. Cut equal sized tufts and place them at equidistant along the span of the wing.
2. Mount the tuft attached wing model to the test section with the help of supporting
3. Ensure for any loose parts in the tunnel and run the tunnel at low speeds
4. Observe the flow pattern and gradually increase the speed there by varying the
Reynolds number.
5. Observe the change in the flow pattern
6. Tabulate the inference of flow pattern at various Reynolds number.
1. Velocity:
2Po P
V 2 V 3.77 ho h
2. Reynolds Number:
where ρ - Density of air=1.2 Kg/m3
V - Velocity of air, m/s
D - Cord Length=0.150 m
μ - Dynamic viscosity of air, 1.7e-5 Ns/m2
Tabular Column:
Tunnel Speed (m/s):
Reynolds Number:
Angle of
Sl.No Flow pattern Inference
1 -5
2 0
3 5
4 10
5 20
Thus the tuft flow visualization is conducted and the flow phenomenon at different angles
of incidence is observed.
Experiment No: 5 Date:
Low speed wind tunnel, Multi tube manometer, Cylinder model with pressure tapings and
with support mount, Pitot - static tube.
Fig: Ideal flow and Actual static pressure distribution over a circular cylinder
There are various methods by which the drag of the bluff body can be measured. One such
method is estimating the drag of the body by measuring the pressure distribution over the
body. Here the pressure distribution over the cylinder is measured which comes from the
pressure force created by the free stream flow over the cylinder. Then in turn by suitable
formula surface pressure distribution contributing to the drag generated by the cylinder is
1. Assemble the cylinder with pressure tapings in the test section with the help of
2. Ensure the tunnel for any loose components and start the tunnel.
3. Align port no: 3 opposite to the flow direction such that pressure in port no 1 and 9
are same i.e. they are at 40˚ on either side of port 3.
4. Run the tunnel at various desired speeds and note down the manometer reading
which measures the surface pressure distribution of the cylinder.
5. Also, note down the Pitot-Static tubes manometer reading.
6. Since the cylinder is axially symmetric, the pressure distribution is measured for half
the surface and the same trend follows for another half portion.
7. Gradually shut down the tunnel.
8. Plot the graph between Cpcos θ Vs θ and then convert the value of are under the curve
to radians to get the value of Cd.
1. Co-efficient of pressure:
Pθ P h θ h
Po P h o h
where, Pθ = Local Static pressure values measured around cylinder
P∞ = Free stream static pressure measured by pitot-static probe
Po = Free stream total pressure measured by pitot-static probe
h = manometer liquid column height
2. Dynamic Pressure:
q Po P ρV 2
3. Pressure:
P ρgh
Where, ρ - Density of alcohol=0.8 Kg/m3, h-manometer liquid height.
5. Co-efficient of drag:
CD Cp cosθd
Tabular Column:
ρ - Density of air=1.2 Kg/m3
V - Velocity of air, m/s
D - Diameter of cylinder=0.050 m
μ - Dynamic viscosity of air, 1.7×10 -5 Ns/m2
Δhpitot = Difference in manometric liquid column between total and static pressures
Δhlocal = Difference in manometric liquid column between freestream static pressure and local static
pressures over the cylinder surface
Tabular Column:
θ Cp=(hθ- h∞)local/(ho -
Δhpitot Δhlocal Sin θ 1- 4 sin2θ CpCosθ
(Deg) h∞)pitot= Δhlocal /Δhpitot
1. -40
2. -10
3. 0
4. 10
5. 15
6. 20
7. 25
8. 30
9. 40
10. 50
11. 60
12. 70
13. 75
14. 80
15. 90
16. 100
17. 110
18. 130
19. 150
20. 170
Cpcos θ Vs θ
Cp Vs θ
Typical Cp Vs θ Plot for a flow over cylinder
1. Thus the pressure distribution around the cylinder is measured and the drag of the
cylinder is estimated.
2. The coefficient of drag of cylinder, Cd=
Experiment No: 6 Date:
Low speed wind tunnel, Multi tube manometer, wing model with pressure tapings and with
support mount, Pitot - static tube.
A symmetric airfoil is one which has same shape on both sides of the chord line i.e the chord
line and camber line for the symmetric airfoil coincides. The pressure distribution and shear
stress distribution over the airfoil generates the aerodynamic forces. For a symmetric airfoil
no lift is produced for zero angle of attack.
1. Assemble the 2D wing model with pressure tapings in the test section with the help
of support.
2. Rotate the wing model such that the chord line is horizontal, there by keeping the
wing at zero angle of incidence.
3. Ensure the tunnel for any loose components and start the tunnel.
4. Run the tunnel at a desired speed and note down the manometer reading which
measures the surface pressure distribution.
5. Also note down the Pitot-Static tubes manometer reading.
6. Gradually shut down the tunnel.
7. Again repeat the experiment for various angles of attack and tabulate the readings.
8. Plot the graph between CP Vs X/C for various AoA and obtain the value of Cn by
calculating area under the curve. Then the lift and drag coefficients are calculated
using the formula
1. Co-efficient of pressure:
Pi P h i h ΔP hlocal
Po P h o h q hpitotstatic
where, Pi = Local Static pressure values measured around airfoil
P∞ = Free stream static pressure measured by pitot-static probe
Po = Free stream total pressure measured by pitot-static probe
h = manometer liquid column height
2. Dynamic Pressure:
q Po P ρV 2
3. Pressure:
P ρgh
Where, ρ - Density of alcohol=0.8 Kg/m3, h-manometer liquid height.
4. Lift and Drag formulas:
Coefficient of Pressure
Manometer reading
Port. For various AoA
x/c y/c×10
Cp= (hi- h∞)/(ho -h∞)
ho h∞ hi
-5 0 5 10 15 20
1 0 0
2 0.01 0.15
3 0.02 0.20
4 0.04 0.27
5 0.08 0.38
6 0.15 0.52
7 0.27 0.67
8 0.39 0.73
9 0.52 0.73
10 0.65 0.64
11 0.78 0.38
12 0.9 0.14
13 1 0
Lower Surface of Airfoil
Coefficient of Pressure
Manometer reading
Port. For various AoA
x/c y/c×10
Cp= (hi- h∞)/(ho -h∞)
ho h∞ hi
-5 0 5 10 15 20
1 0 0
14 0.04 0.15
15 0.08 0.20
16 0.15 0.27
17 0.27 0.38
18 0.39 0.52
19 0.52 0.67
20 0.65 0.73
21 0.78 0.73
13 1 0
Sl.No d(x/c) Cpl Cpu ∆Cp =Cpl-Cpu ∆Cp * d(x/c)
1 0.04 0.04
2 0.08 0.04
3 0.15 0.07
4 0.27 0.12
5 0.39 0.12
6 0.52 0.13
7 0.65 0.13
8 0.78 0.13
Cn= ∑∆Cp * d(x/c) =
Cp Vs X/C for various AoA
Cl Vs α
Cd Vs α
Cl Vs Cd
Typical Plots for a symmetric airfoil at a given Reynolds number
Thus the pressure distribution around the airfoil is measured and the drag and lift
coefficient of the symmetric airfoil are estimated.
Sl.No AoA Cn Cl Cd
1 -5
2 0
3 5
4 10
5 15
6 20
7 25
Experiment No: 7 Date:
An airfoil is a two dimensional cross section of a wing, sliced in the general direction of the
flow. The airfoil displays the aerodynamic shape used to produce a pressure imbalance. The
net force of the pressure imbalance (in a real fluid, frictional forces are also present), summed
over the wing, is resolved into lift and drag. By definition, lift is the net force component
perpendicular to the flow and drag is the net force component parallel to the flow.
The curvature in the airfoil shape is called camber. Note that if the upper and lower surfaces
are identical in shape, the mean camber line and the chord line coincide and the airfoil is
symmetric. A cambered airfoil will produce lift, even at α= 0 degree.
1. Assemble the cambered wing model with pressure tapings in the test section with the
help of support.
2. Rotate the wing model such that the chord line is horizontal, thereby keeping the wing
at zero angle of incidence.
3. Ensure the tunnel for any loose components and start the tunnel.
4. Run the tunnel at a desired speed and note down the manometer reading which
measures the surface pressure distribution.
5. Also note down the Pitot-Static tubes manometer reading.
6. Gradually shut down the tunnel.
7. Again repeat the experiment for various angles of attack and tabulate the readings.
8. Plot the graph between CP Vs X/C for various AoA and obtain the value of Cn by
calculating area under the curve. Then the lift and drag coefficients are calculated
using the formula
1. Co-efficient of pressure:
Pi P h h ΔP hlocal
Cp i
Po P h o h q hpitotstatic
where, Pi = Local Static pressure values measured around cylinder
P∞ = Free stream static pressure measured by pitot-static probe
Po = Free stream total pressure measured by pitot-static probe
h = manometer liquid column height
2. Dynamic Pressure:
q Po P ρV 2
3. Pressure:
P ρgh
Where, ρ - Density of alcohol=0.8 Kg/m3, h-manometer liquid height.
Normal co.efficient, Cn (C pl C pu ) d(X/C)
Tabular Column:
Tunnel Speed:………………..m/s
Upper Surface:
Coefficient of Pressure
Port. For various AoA
x/c (mm)
Cp= (hi- h∞)/(ho -h∞) = Δhlocal /Δhpitot
Δhpitot Δhlocal
-5 0 5 10 15 20
1 0
2 0.01
3 0.02
4 0.04
5 0.08
6 0.15
7 0.27
8 0.39
9 0.52
10 0.65
11 0.78
12 0.9
13 1
Lower Surface:
Cp Vs X/C
Cl Vs α
Cd Vs α
Sl.No AoA Cn Cl Cd
1 -5
2 0
3 5
4 10
5 15
6 20
7 25
Experiment No: 8 Date:
Subsonic wind tunnel, two-dimensional circular cylinder, pitot-static probe rake, Multitube
Drag can be determined experimentally by mounting a model on a balance and measuring
the force directly, it can be determined by integrating a measured static pressure distribution
over the entire surface, or it can be determined from a momentum balance on a control
volume which contains a model. This momentum balance would require velocity
measurements both up stream and downstream from the model. This is the method which
will be utilized in this experiment.
Undisturbed flow enters the control volume containing the bluff body. When the only flow
disturbance in the control volume is the bluff body, any loss of fluid momentum is realized as
a force on the body. An application of the momentum equation to the control volume will
yield the drag force when analyzed in the stream wise direction.
1. Assemble the cylinder model in the test section securely with the help of support
2. Place the Pitot-static wake rake behind the cylinder at a distance of 1D from the
cylinder such that the probe is in the wake region of cylinder.
3. Connect the tubing to multitube manometer.
4. Start the tunnel and run at a constant speed
5. Note down the manometer reading and tabulate to find the drag coefficient.
6. Gradually shutdown the tunnel.
1 0.0 16 44.7
2 3.7 17 48.2
3 6.7 18 50.7
4 9.2 19 53.7
5 12.7 20 56.7
6 15.7 21 59.7
7 18.7 22 63.2
8 21.7 23 66.7
9 24.7 24 69.2
10 28.2 25 71.7
11 30.7 26 74.7
12 32.7 27 77.7
13 36.2 28 81.2
14 39.7 29 84.5
15 42.7 30 87.5
1. Drag coefficient:
q qwake dy h hwake dy
Cd 2 wake
2 wake
freestream freestream
q q c h freestream h freestream
Where qwake = (ho-h∞)w (calculated in wake region)
qfreestream = (ho-h∞)f (calculated for free stream)
dy = Lateral spacing between tubes of wake probe rake
c = Circumference of the cylinder
Note: In the absence of static probe in wake rake, free stream static pressure is taken as
static pressure in wake.
2. Wake Velocity:
2Po P wake
V 2 V 3.77 (ho h ) wake
Tabular Column:
1. Vwake/Vfreestream Vs y/C
hwake hwake
2. Vs y/C
h freestream h freestream
Thus the drag of the two-dimensional cylinder is measured by the pitot-static probe wake
survey method.
Experiment No: 9 Date:
Subsonic wind tunnel, two-dimensional circular cylinder, pitot-static probe rake, Multitube
Drag can be determined experimentally by mounting a model on a balance and measuring
the force directly, it can be determined by integrating a measured static pressure distribution
over the entire surface, or it can be determined from a momentum balance on a control
volume which contains a model. This momentum balance would require velocity
measurements both up stream and downstream from the model. This is the method which
will be utilized in this experiment.
Undisturbed flow enters the control volume containing the body. When the only flow
disturbance in the control volume is the body kept in the flow, any loss of fluid momentum is
realized as a force on the body. An application of the momentum equation to the control
volume will yield the drag force when analyzed in the stream wise direction.
1. Assemble the cylinder model in the test section securely with the help of support
2. Place the Pitot-static wake rake behind the cylinder at a distance of 1D from the
cylinder such that the probe is in the wake region of cylinder.
3. Connect the tubing to multitube manometer.
4. Start the tunnel and run at a constant speed
5. Note down the manometer reading and tabulate to find the drag coefficient.
6. Gradually shutdown the tunnel.
1 0.0 16 44.7
2 3.7 17 48.2
3 6.7 18 50.7
4 9.2 19 53.7
5 12.7 20 56.7
6 15.7 21 59.7
7 18.7 22 63.2
8 21.7 23 66.7
9 24.7 24 69.2
10 28.2 25 71.7
11 30.7 26 74.7
12 32.7 27 77.7
13 36.2 28 81.2
14 39.7 29 84.5
15 42.7 30 87.5
1. Drag coefficient:
q qwake dy h hwake dy
Cd 2 wake
2 wake
q freestream q freestream c h freestream h freestream c
Where qwake = (ho-h∞)w (calculated in wake region)
qfreestream = (ho-h∞)f (calculated for free stream)
dy = Lateral spacing between tubes of wake probe rake
c = Circumference of the cylinder
Note: In the absence of static probe in wake rake, free stream static pressure is taken as
static pressure in wake.
2. Wake Velocity:
2Po P wake
V 2 V 3.77 (ho h ) wake
Tabular Column:
1. Vwake/Vfreestream Vs y/C
hwake hwake
2. Vs y/C
h freestream h freestream
Thus the drag of the two-dimensional airfoil is measured by the pitot-static probe wake
survey method.
Experiment No: 10 Date:
To determine the boundary layer displacement thickness and momentum thickness by using
pitot probe.
Subsonic wind tunnel, boundary layer rake, multitube manometer
Boundary layer thickness (δ): It is defined as the distance from the boundary of the solid
body measured in the y-direction to the point, where the velocity of fluid approximately
reaches the free stream velocity of fluid.
Displacement thickness (δ*) : It is the distance measured perpendicular to the boundary of
the solid body, by which the boundary should be displaced to compensate for the reduction
in flow rate on account of boundary layer formation.
Momentum thickness (θ): Momentum thickness is defined as the distance measured
perpendicular to the boundary of the solid body, by which the boundary should be displaced
to compensate for the reduction in momentum of the flowing fluid on account of boundary
layer formation.
1. Insert the boundary layer probe in the tunnel at certain location close to wall
2. Connect the probe to manometer.
3. Connect the total head and pitot static tubes to manometer.
4. Note down the manometer reading, and the graph is plotted to get obtain the
boundary layer displacement thickness and momentum thickness.
1. Displacement thickness (δ*):
1 dy
* 1 hr dy
U h f
Where, y = distance of elemental strip from the plate
dy = thickness of elemental strip
u = velocity of fluid at the elemental strip
U = free stream velocity
Δhr = height of liquid column from probe rake with respect to
tunnel static
Δhf = height of liquid column from pitot probe with respect to
tunnel static
2Po P wake
u 2 u 3.77 (ho h ) rake
The Boundary Layer Rake data for calculation of ‘dy’ is as below:
Distance from the Wall of RAKE tapings
Rake must be aligned with flow direction and the tube no. (1) Should touch the wall of tunnel.
Tabular Column:
1. y/δ VS u / V∞
hr hr
2. y/δ Vs 1
h f h f
3. y/δ Vs 1
h f
a. The height of the Boundary Layer is = ………………..
b. The boundary layer displacement thickness is = ……………
c. The boundary layer momentum thickness is = …………
Schematic of the wind tunnel at the aerodynamic laboratory is shown below:
1. Bell mouthed section
2. Honey Comb
3. Settling Chamber, and screen section
4. Contraction cone
5. Test Section
6. Transition (square to circular)
7. Diffuser
8. Fan Duct
9. Motor and Stand
Performance of the Facility: The tunnel top speed is 50m/sec at 1500 r.p.m. The fan is driven
by 3 phase AC motor. The speed in the tunnel is worked out as below:
Bernoulli’s theorem: P0 p V 2 (1)
P0 = Static pressure in the settling chamber, and p= Static pressure in the test section
= Density of air
v= velocity of air
Density of air at Bangalore is taken as 1.2. The density of alcohol is 0.8. If `h` is measured in
mm of alcohol column, the velocity is given by the following relationship.
R.P.M. (Controller)
100 3.77
200 7.31
300 10.51
500 17.81
700 25.55
900 33.00
1100 39.9
1400 50.78
6. It is recommended that blade angle setting be checked regularly once in few months.
While checking the blade angle setting, check also the gaps between the blades and
the surface of the fan section of the diffuser. Check also if any blade has become lose.
Smoke Generator
A picture of the smoke generator is shown in the figure 1 and 2, various parts of the smoke
generator are numbered and nomenclature of those parts is given below:
1) Smoke generator module made of glass
2) Heating coil
3) Kerosene or liquid paraffin reservoir jar
4) Silicone tube connecting smoke generator and reservoir jar
5) Traverse to traverse the oil reservoir up and down
6) T connector -1 for by pass of pressurized air
6a) By pass valve
7) T connector-2 connecting pressurized air to reservoir jar as well as smoke generator
8) T connector-3 for connecting the pressurized air to the two inlets A and B of smoke
generator module
9) Oil drain flask
10) Smoke collector flask
11) Outlet tube for smoke generator
12) Spike buster extension/junction box with four sockets and individual switches for these
13) Heater control
14) Centrifugal blower with inlet control disc
Fig. 2. Back view of the Smoke Generator with various parts numbered.
There is an air blower at the bottom of the stand. The air from the blower is connected
to a house pipe. The connection is made such that the pressurized air goes through a bypass
T connector-1. The pressurized air through the systems can be controlled by opening the by
pass valve so that a part of air is bleed out.
Check all the connections of the tubes as shown in figure 1 and 2. Pour liquid paraffin into
the reservoir so that half of it is filled. Then raise or lower the reservoir such that the liquid
level in the bottom tube of the smoke generator modules is about 50mm below the nozzle
outlet. Connect the heater through the heater control which is a 400W controller. Keep the
controller at the minimum and switch on the heater using the junction box. Slowly increase
the heating up to the ½ the capacity. Observe the liquid paraffin in the tube. It will start slowly
boiling. The liquid level increases in the tube and the bubbles of liquid paraffin start reaching
the nozzle exit. At this point of time, turn on the blower to send pressurized air. The cold air
mixes with the vaporized oil and forms dense smoke. By properly controlling the heating as
well the liquid level in the tube, a good dense white smoke can be generated. The out flow of
smoke can be controlled by the bypass valve as well as the inlet control disc at the inlet to
the bowler.
1. Do not switch on the heater without the liquid paraffin being present in the tube
level indicated already.
2. Unless the smoke is required, do not generate it and allow it to the atmosphere.
Prolonged breathing of the smoke may be very disturbing.
3. Sometimes overheating may not produce the smoke. At these times restart the
smoke generator from low heat again.