Writing Unit Weebly
Writing Unit Weebly
Writing Unit Weebly
Writing Sequence
Complete the following table with your plan for your writing sequence.
NOTE: Any changes you make to your outline based on your reflections should be done in a different color font than the original so your
instructor can see the changes. Please do not delete your original work. We want to see evidence of how the writing sequence evolves over
time so don’t worry about how different things are! The point of this assignment is that you are reflecting on your teaching and your students’ work
and making changes to your instruction along the way, so we expect to see multiple changes throughout.
“I went on a walk with my friend “I went on a walk with my friend “It started to rain and we did not “We ran home.”
Megan and her dog.” Megan and her dog.” have an umbrella”
Instruction: Instruction: * continuation of Instruction: Instruction: Instruction:
yesterday lesson*
I do: Show my drawing to the I do: Show my drawing to the I do: Add words for the middle I do: Add words for the end of I do: Add details to my pictures
class from previous lesson. class from previous lesson. of my story. Demonstrate what my story. Demonstrate what corresponding with the
Begin to model how to write by Begin to model how to write by happens when I come to a word happens when I come to a word beginning, middle, or end of my
saying the word, saying it saying the word, saying it I do not know how to spell. I do not know how to spell. story.
slowly, and write down what I slowly, and write down what I We do: Sound out the beginning We do: Sound out the beginning We do: Discuss why it is
hear. Model how to write using hear. Model how to write using and ending sound of a word. and ending sound of a word. important to revise our work.
capital letters, spaces between capital letters, spaces between You do: Try it on their own. You do: Try it on their own. Authors and Illustrators never
words, and period at the end. words, and period at the end. Share: Select few students to Share: Select few students to get their work perfect on their
(review) (review) come share their process for come share their process for first try because as we know
We do: Assist me in the writing We do: Assist me in the writing sounding out words sounding out words “when we’re done, we’ve just
process by helping determine process by helping determine begun”
what sounds we hear/ what what sounds we hear/ what You do: Revise their story
letter makes that sound. letter makes that sound. pictures or words. Chance to
You do: Try on their own. You do: Try on their own. ask teacher questions.
Share: Confer with students Share: Come back together and Share: Highlight students who
again because not enough time create and anchor chart to worked well during the writing
in one day. remind us how we stretch and time.
write words now that they have
some practice. Also select few
students to come share their
process for sounding out words.