Where Bigger and Brighter Things Await All of You

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My warmest greetings and congratulations to the foremost champions of this momentous occasion—the completers

and graduates of School Year 2018-2019!

Graduation and moving-up ceremonies are indeed a joyous celebration, and not only because it culminates
another year of learning and discovery, perseverance, and passionate work among our learners. It also caps off
another year of successful collaboration among parents, teachers, education officials and personnel, community
members, partners, and stakeholders of diverse roots, cultures, and traditions.

This year’s theme, “Unity in Diversity: Quality Education for All,” speaks of our commitment and loyalty to our
culture—diverse as it is—that reflects our soul and unites our people. Time and again, we have proven that
regardless of our descent, status, ethnicity, and religious and political beliefs, we can unite towards the realization of
a common goal—the delivery of quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education for the Filipino learners.

While the Department of Education (DepEd) has carried on and embraced change amid technological
advancements and the continuously shifting socio-economic landscape, it commits itself to the holistic development
of 21st century learners who are not only critical and innovative thinkers in the fields of science, mathematics, and
robotics, but who are also artistic and creative, and can thrive in the fields that appeal to our soul and our sense of

Rest assured that through the K to 12 Basic Education Program, DepEd shall strive to hone our future leaders and
nation-builders in a society that embraces diversity and all its challenges and advantages. I am positive that whatever
path they wish to pursue hereafter, our graduates and completers will continuously enrich what makes up the Filipino
soul—our culture, talent, history, and capacity to survive.

Again, congratulations and mabuhay! Briones

Let me extent my heartfelt greetings and congratulations to all the graduates of School Year 2018-2019!
This year’s theme, “Unity in Diversity; Quality Education for all,” manifest our commitment to ensure that no Filipino learner is left
behind. It speaks of our relentless pursuit to advocate inclusive education and transcend borders of socio-economic status, ethnicity, religious
affiliations, and even political convictions as we devotedly fulfill our mandate to provide quality, accessible, relevant and liberating basic education
for the Filipino learners.

The power to unite all of us truly rests in what education can do-it gives us the avenue to know what we can do and develop the skills to enable
us to do the tasks which seem impossible for us to achieve. It gives us the power to believe in ourselves, to rise above all the difficulties, and
more importantly, work towards our foremost dreams in life.

Indeed, this momentous occasion not only calls for a celebration of success for being able to surpass all the challenges and trials you
have encountered, but this milestone also unlocks the pathway that will bring you to the next chapter of your life. While it marks the completion
of your elementary/secondary education, it also serves as the door to your pursuit for higher excellence where bigger and brighter things await all of

If this new journey will not be as easy as you expect it to be, bear in mind that you can always rely on your parents, teachers, and
school mentors to guide and comfort you. Remember that when the road seems difficult to tread on especially when you feel that you are alone,
it will be easier if you have a hand to hold. Your parents, guardians, and teachers are always there for you the moment you need them.
Do not let your dreams falter amidst the different trials that you will face as you set sail; rather, take courage and always believe in
yourself that you are destined to become someone whose works at present and in the future, whether big or small, will certainly make a valuable
contribution to your family, your community, and your country.

My dear graduates, you are the hope of this nation and this generation. May you find the greater purpose in life that will continuously
kindle your heart, mind, and body with the steadfast commitment to success and excellence. Always remember that everything you do is all for
the glory of the Lord.
Congratulations and God bless you all!


Office of the Regional Director

For us whose mandate is to make education work for the Filipino learners, nothing can be more fulfilling than to see you all
proud having reached this very end - your completion/graduation day.

My heart is truly overflowing with joy knowing that you are now equipped with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes
honed in the light of 21st Century Education through the K to 12 Program. Wise use of these will assure you further success
in life thereby contributing productively to nation-building.

You are but one among the many who can make a difference in this fast-paced world brought about by the looming Fourth
Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) where boundless possibilities emerge amidst people’s peculiar identities. Despite the
seemingly endless issues we are confronted with in the delivery of basic education services, the synergy of all concerned is
just so overwhelming that you get the quality education that you so deserve. This is the essence of this year’s theme, “Unity
in Diversity: Quality Education for All.”

Please find time to thank all those who have unselfishly offered their resources that you may reach this momentous point in
your life - your teachers, parents most specially and God above all. Always have a grateful heart and you will be blessed

As your Superintendent, I always wish and pray for nothing but success and goodwill for each and every one of you.

Congratulations Completers and Graduates of School Year 2018-2019! Godspeed and God bless us all!


Schools Division Superintendent

Warmest Congratulations to our dear graduates and completers who have reached another milestone of your lives. My
gratitude also goes to our school administrators, personnel, both teaching and non-teaching and parents who unselfishly have
done their part for this achievement of our completers and graduates. I believe we have given you the quality education that you
are all aiming for.

Graduation and Moving Up Ceremonies are considered living proofs of your hardwork, winning over the
difficulties and the trials that came your way over the past years. They serve as your foundation to dream bigger and continue to
embrace all the challenges for a brighter future.

This year’s theme “Unity in Diversity; Quality Education for All” tells how united the Filipinos are despite our cultural
diversities. That regardless of our status and beliefs, we can still be the one in our desire to deliver accessible quality education
for all.

My dear graduates and completers, whatever path you may pursue, always give your best to become productive citizens
of the country. Never forget to be grateful to the Lord Almighty so blessings will continue to pour upon you.

Once again, to all of you, Congratulations!

Municipal Mayor

Far better it is dare mighty things , to win glorious triumph even through checkered by failure , than to rank with those
poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in that gray twilight that knows neither victory nor
defeat. It is not easy how you climb up the stairs going up to this little victory but you have managed to walk with faith,
perseverance and dignity.

Ilwas High School has been part of your life for four long years, we established harmonious relationships and
became a family. We have accepted and embraced the challenges that the K-12 Education Pr0ogram wants us to
embrace and we did not took those responsibilities lightly but I want you to know that it is an honor and privilege to
serve you.

Our job here is done; we have taught you all that we have taught you all that we have the time and the days
to teach you and for the most part you have learned our lessons well. You may be a product of IHS but your knowledge,
ability and attitude will define you as a berry from a well-nourished tree.

As you move up to the next level, we hope that you will always bring with you all the positive traits that we in
still in your hearts and minds. Use those teachings as your bullet to confidently load your eagerness to strike the victory
everyone is aiming for.

Congratulations, teachers, stakeholders and most of all , parents , for all your support to our completers ,
without you they will not be able to achieve what they have at this point of time.

Completer, this will be the ground opening of your life to the next level , you leave here having learned a lot
, but you have much more to learn in the years ahead , make sure you will apply all the knowledge and wisdom you
have learned from us. Congratulations!


Principal I

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