EPRI Steam Generator Reference Book PDF
EPRI Steam Generator Reference Book PDF
EPRI Steam Generator Reference Book PDF
The Steam Generator Reference Book documents the state of the art
in PWR steam generator technology, providing a comprehensive
source for operators, owners, and designers of PWR nuclear power
plants. The book summarizes pertinent steam generator operating
issues and provides recommendations to improve operational effi-
ciency. Information in the book represents 15 years of research and
development activity over the course of several hundred research
projects involving PWR steam generator issues.
. Nuclear component
uclear plant operations
participating utilities. The results of this work have been documented in several
hundred EPRI reports and papers. Additionally, research results from international
associates have been incorporated with EPRI and U.S. utility results. Altogether,
and maintenance these activities have resulted in a significant increase in steam generator avail-
Advanced light water ability, and in a reduction in lost capacity due to forced outages.
OBJECTIVE To integrate and summarize current PWR steam generator technol-
KEYWORDS ogy; to recommend design, operating, and maintenance improvements that will
increase plant availability and life.
Nuclear steam generators
Component reliability APPROACH EPRI editors arranged the R&D results by operational issue and
Corrosion assigned EPRI staff and key consultants/contractors to collect, organize, and write
Water chemistry chapters relating to each issue. Specifically, chapters in the Steam Generator
Maintenance Reference Book address each of the known and anticipated steam generator
challenges and the factors affecting them. Included are causes of steam generator
unavailability as well as possible actions to minimize problems. For ease of
retrieval, recommendations from all chapters are listed in Chapter 4. Each area/
issue has been critically reviewed by the editors, EPRI staff, and other experts in
the field.
RP2858; RP4004
Project Managers: J. P. N. Paine
Nuclear Power Group
EPRI Members: For ordering information about this report, call the
EPRI Distribution Center (510) 934-4212.
For membership information, call (415) 855-2514.
Steam GeneratorReference Book
Revision 1
Volume 1
Based on
work sponsored
December 1994
Requests for copies of this report should be directed to the EPRI Distribution Center,
207 Coggins Drive P.O. Box 23205, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523, (510) 934-4212. There
is no charge for reports requested by EPRI member utilities and affiliates.
Electric Power Research Institute and EPRI are registered service marks of Electric Power
Research. Institute, Inc.
Copyright © 1994 Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. All rights reserved.
In Dedication to
Stanley J. Green
for His Leadership and Service
to the Steam Generator Project and the Commercial Nuclear Industry
This book could not have been prepared without significant
professional, technical, and financial contribution from numerous
individuals and companies. In its several revisions, chapters of this book
have been critically reviewed. The contributions of the following individuals
and companies are gratefully acknowledged.
Forward iii
G. Sirikantiah, A. P. L. Turner,
Manager Dominion Engineering, Inc.
Y. Solomon, R. G. Varsanik,
Senior Technical Advisor Project Manager
K. D. Stavropoulos, C. S. Welty, Jr.,
Dominion Engineering, Inc. Director (1993-)
D. A. Steininger, C. L. Williams,
Manager Project Manager
J. F Sykes, C. Wood,
TU Electric Manager
R. C. Thomas,
Project Manager
Financial Contributions
Alabama Power Company
Arizona Nuclear Power Project
Arizona Public Service Company
Arkansas Power & Light Company
Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
Boston Edison Company
Carolina Power & Light Company
Central Electricity Generating Board (Great Britain)
CRIEPI (Japan)
Commonwealth Edison Company
Consolidated Edison Company
Consumers Power Company
Duke Power Company
Duquesne Light Company
Electricit6 de France
Entergy Operations
Florida Power Corporation
Florida Power & Light Company
General Public Utilities
Georgia Power Company
GPU Corporation
Houston Lighting & Power Company
Long Island Lighting Company
Maine Yankee Atomic
iv Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Forward v
Forward vii
Forward ix
Forward xi
Forward xiii
Forward xv
Forward xvii
Forward xix
Forward xxi
Forward xxiii
Forward xxv
J. Peter N. Paine
Palo Alto, California
December 1994
EPRI Licensed Material
Preface iii
of Plant Design and Modifications Guidelines and one volume of Plant and
Steam Generator Operation Guidelines. Also, two guidelines on the Design
and Operationfor Makeup Water Treatment System were issued at the same
Two additional major guidelines have been issued and are being used
extensively by the industry. Revision 0 of the PWR Secondary Water Chemistry
Guidelines was published in 1982. Revision 1 was issued in 1985 and Revision
2 in 1988. The other, the PWR Steam GeneratorExamination Guidelines, was
issued informally for the utility community in early 1980. The original
version was issued in 1981 and revised in 1984. In 1988, Revision 2 of these
guidelines was issued as an EPRI report:
I Introduction 1-1
PWR Steam Generators 1-2
Background 1-3
References 1-9
Background 3-14
Technical Program 3-14
S401: Improved Steam Generator Water Chemistry -
Field Studies and Water Chemistry Guidelines 3-14
S402: Improved Steam Generator Water Chemistry
Through Improved Balance-of-Plant Operation 3-15
S403: Improved Steam Generator Impurity
Removal Techniques 3-17
S404: Demonstrated Steam Generator In-Service Inspections 3-17
S405: Technology Transfer 3-17
S406: Steam Generator Primary Side Remedies 3-18
S407: PWR Steam Generator Secondary Side Remedies 3-18
S408: Improved Materials and Designs for Steam Generator
Repair and Replacement 3-19
S409: Alternate Secondary Water Chemistry 3-19
S410: Tube Vibration, Mechanical Damage,
Fretting, and Wear 3-19
S411: Thermal-Hydraulic Code Evaluation and Validation 3-20
S412: Steam Generator Strategic Planning Guidelines 3-20
Research Findings 3-20
Tube Wastage (Thinning) 3-20
Denting 3-21
Primary Side Stress Corrosion Cracking 3-22
Secondary Side Intergranular Attack and
Stress Corrosion Cracking 3-23
Pitting 3-25
Corrosion Fatigue 3-25
Tube Fretting and Wear 3-26
Steam Generator Performance 3-27
Steam Generator Replacement/Service Life 3-27
Lost Capacity 3-27
Forced Outages 3-28
References 3-31
EPRI Licensed Material
Table of Contents v
4 Recommendations 4-1
Introduction 4-2
4.1 Steam Generator Design 4-3
4.1.1 Tube and U-Bend Support Structure Materials 4-3
4.1.2 Tube Support Structure Designs 4-4
4.1.3 Tube Materials 4-5
4.1.4 Tube Fabrication - U-Bends 4-6
4.1.5 Tube Fabrication - Tubesheet Expansion 4-6
4.1.6 U-Bend Support Structure 4-7
4.1.7 Steam Generator Tube Bundle Assembly 4-8
4.1.8 Mechanical Design - Penetrations 4-8
4.1.9 Mechanical Design -
Steam-Water Separation Equipment 4-9
4.1.10 Mechanical Design - Blowdown 4-10
4.1.11 Mechanical Design - Feed Ring 4-10
4.1.12 Mechanical Design - Shell 4-11
4.1.13 Shell Fabrication 4-12
4.1.14 Thermal Hydraulic Design 4-12
4.1.15 Design Against Water Hammer and Dynamic Flow
Instability 4-13
4.1.16 Archive Samples 4-13
4.1.17 Steam Generator Cleanliness 4-14
4.1.18 Steam Generator Repair and Replacement 4-15 Alternate Tube Repair Limits 4-15 Tube Repair Options 4-16 Tube Peening and In Situ Stress Relief 4-17 Girth Weld Cracking 4-19 Steam Generator Replacement 4-20 Repair/Replacement Options 4-20
4.2 Steam Generator Operations 4-22
4.2.1 Steam Generator Cleanliness and Cleanliness of
Interfacing Systems During Construction 4-22
4.2.2 Minimizing Corrosion Product and
Ionic Impurity Transport 4-24
vi Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Table of Contents ix
Table of Contents xi
Supports 12-59
Top of Tubesheet 12-59
Tubesheet Crevices 12-59
Upper Tubesheet Crevice and Upper Tube Supports in
Once-Through Steam Generators 12-60
Lower Tubesheet Crevice and Sludge Pile in
Once-Through Steam Generators 12-60
Summary of Failure Analysis Results 12-60
Effects of Intergranular Corrosion on Tubing Materials 12-63
Remedial Measures 12-65
Stress 12-66
Microstructure 12-66
Environment 12-67
Minimization of Tubesheet Crevices 12-68
Lower Temperature 12-68
Adding pH Neutralizers 12-68
Flushing or Soaking 12-69
Inleakage and Particulate Control 12-69
Control of the Concentrating Capability of the Sludge Pile 12-69
Ratio Control 12-70
Avoidance of Oxidizing Conditions 12-70
Protection of Sensitized Material 12-70
Inhibitors 12-70
Recommendations 12-70
References 12-71
Table of Contents xv
Appendix A A-1
List of Steam Generator Publications
Appendix B B-1
Steam Generator Designs
Glossary G-i
Glossary of Terms
Index I-1
Contributing Author/Editor
S. J. Green, EPRI
1-2 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Power Plant
M Water
form of uranium oxide pellets held in zirconium alloy tubes in the core.
Water is pumped through the core and heated by the fission process. It is
kept under pressure in the core to prevent boiling. This primary coolant
water completes its cycle by passing through the steam generator,
transferring its heat to the secondary coolant water to make steam. Three
American companies have manufactured PWRs: Westinghouse Electric
Corp.; Combustion Engineering, Inc.; and the Babcock & Wilcox Co. (B&W).
The steam generators in these PWRs, as well as those supplied by Kraftwerk
Union, Framatome, and Mitsubishi are the subject of this document.
(Kraftwerk Union has had a technical interchange agreement with
Combustion Engineering, Inc., and Framatome and Mitsubishi with
EPRI Licensed Material
Introduction 1-3
Steam generators in PWRs were designed for a 30-40 year operating
life. However, in the 15-25 years that PWRs have operated commercially,
they have experienced reduced reliability. Steam generator tubing and other
components have prematurely degraded from such mechanisms as
vibration, fretting, high-cycle fatigue, water hammer, stress corrosion
cracking, wastage (wall thinning), pitting, intergranular attack, denting,
and erosion-corrosion. These problems are widespread. By the end of 1992,
approximately 36 of the units in commercial operation had experienced
tube denting, 39 units had showed signs of wastage, 9 had inside-diameter
tube cracking within the tube sheet crevice, 16 had tube cracking in the
U-bend, 40 had experienced outside-diameter stress corrosion cracking and
intergranular attack, and at least 20 experienced water hammer, etc. In
some units, some of these problems are arrested or slowed by equipment,
design, or operating changes. Without close attention to maintenance and
operation, steam generator operators can expect to experience one or more
of the above problems.
1-4 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
PWR Recirculating Steam Generator
Steam Outlet
Secondary Separator~S
Primary Separators
0 Feedwater Inlet
Downcomer Annulus
Tube Bundle
Tube Supports
Tube Sheet
Introduction 1-5
Preheat Units
Once-Through Steam Generator (OTSG)
t" Auxiliary
1st Supporl
EPRI Licensed Material
Introduction 1-7
Steam Generator Replacements (1.2)
Year of Years of
Completion Unit Cause Service
1980 Surry 2 Denting 7
1981 Surry 1 Denting 8
1982 Turkey Point 3 Denting 9
1983 Turkey Point 4 Denting 10
1983 Obrigheim SCC 14
1984 Point Beach 1 SCC 13
1984 H. B. Robinson Wastage
1989 D. C. Cook 2 SCC 11
1989 Indian Point 3 Pitting 12
1989 Ringhals 2 SCC 14
1990 Dampierre 1 SCC 10
1991 Palisades Wastage 19
1993 Millstone 2 SCC 17
1993 North Anna 1 SCC 15
1993 Beznau 1 SCC 24
1993 Doel 3 SCC 11
1-8 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Introduction 1-9
vendors, and architect/engineers so that each utility could select the most
appropriate options, as well as develop a specific plan for improving steam
generator performance.
This five-year program was completed successfully However, new
challenges emerged while this program was under way, and a new group
called Steam Generator Owners Group II was formed in 1983 to address
these new problems over the period 1983-1986. The approach and objectives
of the new program were similar to those of the first Owners Group. Its
budget was about.$29 million. Thirty-seven utilities, including utilities from
six European countries and Japan supported this activity.
This program was also successfully completed. Again, new steam
generator challenges continued to arise. Therefore, a new EPRI-funded
effort, the Steam Generator Reliability Project (SGRP), was formed to operate
at a funding level of $30 million over the period 1987-1992. Five European
countries, one Canadian utility, and one Japanese utility are participating
in this program under technical exchange agreements.
1.1 "Steam Generator Update-1976." Steam Generator Symposium,
Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, PA, July 1976.
1.2 "Steam Generator Progress Report, Revision 10." EPRI Steam
Generator Management Project. November 1994.
Contributing Authors/Editors
S. J. Green, EPRI
J. A. Mundis, Southern CaliforniaEdison Co.
T. Oldberg, EPRI
C. S. Welty, EPRI
J. P.N. Paine,EPRI
2-2 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
This section provides a description of the pressurized water reactor
(PWR) for those unfamiliar with this type of power plant. It also discusses
the design features that impact steam generator operating performance and
The technology that evolved into the modern PWR steam generator.
and its related systems was greatly influenced by the fossil-fired drum
boilers which were first widely used to generate electricity commercially
50 years ago, and by the power plants used in the U.S. navy nuclear power
Steam Generators
Commercial light-water PWR power plants have one to four steam
generators depending on the supplier of the nuclear steam supply system
(NSSS) and the size of the power plant. The steam generator is a shell and
tube heat exchanger that transfers heat from the primary system to the steam
cycle, and, as noted above, functions as the boundary between the
radioactive primary coolant and the non-radioactive steam cycle water.
One unique feature of the PWR steam generator, that sets it apart from
conventional fossil plant steam generators, is that boiling takes place on
the shell side of the heat exchanger rather than inside tubes. Because the
primary coolant is at high pressure (about 2,250 psia) it is desirable for the
primary coolant to be on the inside of the tubes. Then, the shell side can be
at relatively lower pressure, which minimizes the required shell wall
thickness. By keeping the boiling on the shell side, high primary fluid flow
velocity is maintained which enhances heat transfer. This design, however,
2-4 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
sensitized alloy 600 tubes. Kraftwerk Union (KWU) has used alloy 800
(modified) tubes while, most recently, utilities have chosen alloy 690
tube material for their RSGs. The tube support plates or grids in early
RSGs were made of carbon steel while current RSGs use 405/409
stainless steels to improve resistance to denting. KWU uses 347 stainless
steel grids. The tubesheet and shell are made of a low alloy carbon
Water Treatment. Early RSGs operated with phosphate water
treatment, which is the conventional water treatment method used for
fossil-fired boilers with similar steam pressures. When corrosion
problems emerged, domestic utilities switched to all volatile water
treatment (AVT). Most recently, morpholine instead of or in addition
to ammonia has been applied for pH control. Hydrazine is added to
control oxygen.
Tube Support Arrangements. Tube support structures in a majority
of the early RSGs had a drilled round hole configuration. Due to
corrosion concerns, the tube support plate hole geometry was either
changed to a non-round broached hole with lands, or the support plate
took the shape of an eggcrate structure.
Figure 2-1 indicates the main areas where significant degradation has
been experienced. A brief description of the main types of degradation
and the plant and steam generator design features associated with each
of them is discussed below.
Feedwater (ingress
of impurities)
Flow lotsDeformation of
Hourgiassing ff [" :.
Tube U-Bend
Section of
Tube Suppr Denting
P late (enlarged'1) 0 . . " . : .Local Local
0 0Concentration of
Tube Support Impurities/Wastage
Hole __p'riToB awdown
Flow Hole To Blowdown
-- - VemrllOvIl ol
I • -- Tube
•.:..,, -A. Attack
Pitting P
Primary Inlet Primary Outlet
EPRI Licensed Material
• use materials such as alloy 800 or alloy 690 which are not susceptible
to primary side stress corrosion cracking, and
" minimize denting using the measures described earlier.
Sketch of Once-Through Steam Generator With Indicated Problem
Crevice Cracks rimary Inlet Upper
Upper Span
Lane Region
Cracks Auxiliary
15th Support
Plate Wear
14th Tube
Support Plate
Periphery Steam
Tube Erosion Outlet
Dings at 9th Steam
Support Plate
EPRI Licensed Material
Fretting and Wear at Upper Tube Support Plate. Fretting and wear
of tubes along the inspection lane has been observed at the upper tube
support plate. The basic cause of this problem appears to be high-
steam cross flow velocities in the inspection lane. The main corrective
measure used to date has been to plug affected tubes, which have been
limited in number.
Erosion-Corrosion. Large numbers of erosion-corrosion type grooves
or pits have been observed in one plant. They occur near the top of the
steam generator around the periphery. The exact cause of this
phenomenon has not been determined. However, it appears to be
related to unvaporized water with concentrated impurities reaching
this region through gaps at the tube bundle periphery between the tube
support plates and the wrapper sheet, and also to the presence of large
amounts of solid corrosion products in the generator. Firm, corrective
measures have not been identified, except to plug the affected tubes.
However, some consideration has been given to chemically cleaning
the steam generator to remove solid corrosion products present on the
tube support plates.
Cracking in Upper Tubesheet Crevices. Cracks, apparently caused
by sulfur attack, have occurred in upper tubesheet crevices at two plants.
The source of the sulfur is probably leakage of either condensate polisher
regeneration chemicals or resin fines. The tubing is susceptible to sulfur
attack because of its sensitized condition. To prevent the occurrence of
cracking, the water chemistry should be controlled as well as possible
both during operation and layup, with the minimum possible
introduction of resin fines or other impurities. For new installations,
use of thermally treated tubing should provide resistance to sulfur
Primary Side Sulfur Cracking. One plant experienced extensive
cracking of tubes from the primary side during a single incident. The
cracks were located mainly in the upper tubesheet region, most
frequently in the roll transition area. The causes of the cracks appear to
have been as follows:
* the sensitized condition of the alloy 600 tubing which makes it
susceptible to sulfur type attack,
• sulfur contaminants in the primary system, and
* series of events including water levels at the upper tubesheet
elevation and oxygen inleakage which resulted in the sulfur
contaminants reaching aggressive concentrations and oxidation
states in local areas.
2-14 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
lightly expanded and then welded to the primary side clad. The welds are
inspected using a helium leak test and a dye penetrant test.
After completion of the weld inspections, the tube is expanded the full
depth of the tubesheet hole. This expansion process is carefully controlled
by length adjustments, the initial tubesheet thickness machining, and
dimensional mapping. The remaining depth of the tubesheet crevice at the
secondary side of the tubesheet is minimized. Upon completion of this
process, the U-bend antivibration bar supports are installed. The U-bend
clearances between antivibration bars and tubes are controlled by attaching
the bars to a retaining bar structure. The inspection of the assembled U-bend
completes the lower assembly tube bundle structuring operation.
The channel head is supplied in the cast, forged, or formed plate form,
and then machined and cladded. Machining includes manway openings
and nozzle safe end weld preps. The divider plate is installed in the head
and the head is attached to the tubesheet, which is part of the lower shell
assembly. The channel-head-to-tubesheet weld is then stress relieved and
inspected. The divider plate is welded to a stub runner which is part of the
tubesheet assembly The stub runner helps with divider plate alignment
and provides clearance from the row one tube ends. This operation
completes the lower shell assembly manufacturing phase.
In parallel with the lower shell construction, the upper shell is formed
from plate and welded to the upper head. The steam nozzle forging and
the flow limiting venturis, the two secondary manway forgings, the
feedwater nozzle forging, and the feedring support plugs are welded into
the upper shell. The primary and secondary moisture separator assemblies
and the feedring are manufactured as subassemblies. The upper portion of
the moisture separator assembly is attached by welding to the upper head.
Next, the feedwater distribution ring is welded to the feed nozzle and
attached to its supports. Then, the remaining portion of the primary
moisture separator assembly is installed.
The final step in the manufacture of the steam generator is to join the
upper and lower shell assemblies. After the pressure boundary weld stress
relief and inspection have been completed, the internal wrapper assembly
is joined to the primary separator assembly. Upon completion of this
process, the unit is cleaned, sealed, air and moisture extracted, and then
filled with nitrogen gas. The steam generator is then ready for shipment.
Balance-of-Plant Systems
Balance of plant systems are shown in Figure 2-3 and 2-4. Figure 2-3 is
typical of early PWR designs while Figure 2-4 is of the currently
recommended type. The main parts of the balance of plant systems and
their impact on steam generator degradation are described in the sections
which follow.
Typical Early Design of PWR Balance-of-Plant Systems
Reheater- Separator
" 2 3 Seals
[• II• ,Glandsa
S Drain MoistureCod
Separator I nReheaterd
LL.P. Turine - eirto
GnrtrMain.Steamn Tanks Drain Tank ~v T[u"
' b•'"
StamAi • Condenser -
Ejeto Gland rAir
FSea J
Recirculation Line
Condenser Recirculation
Pum 0
Recommended Design of PWR Balance-of-Plant Systems
I Pressure - --.
Steam Mo ture Separator/ TH'"
• • ,
... j 1ITurb
' - . - "P. LR
Steam Turb
Generator (Reheate --- Mosture
i Auxiliary T Separator
1ILoop Short ;< Steam •. Tý Drain Tank
II • •
- --- JCondenser Air Remova
Chiller System 0"
I 'Deaerator ' " " I"ll
J I I I --
-' -tem forBubbler Devce I
•1 IlI Storage Tank Jr--
,1- - 1.. .• J •
r- -- I condenýsate
tPump Sucionr
eryI beo
Fed~te I Legen
5 Booster Extraction Steam
Pm -.... Drains and Blowdown
TramnCondensate Feedwater
System -- Cleanup Recycle Water Linend
Condensers. Condensers are large shell and tube heat exchangers which
condense steam exiting from the low pressure turbine. The removed heat
is transferred to the circulating cooling water on the inside of the tubes.
The steam (or shell) side of condensers typically has a vacuum
corresponding to an absolute pressure of I or 2 inches of mercury, while
the cooling water (or tube) side is at a positive pressure.
Leakage of circulating cooling water into the condenser has been the
major source of impurities introduced into steam generators, and, thus,
has been a major factor in most steam generator corrosion. A variety of
condenser problems has caused inleakage, including
* use of tube materials, such as admiralty brass, which are susceptible to
* use of rolled tube joints without seal welds and without double
tubesheet protection;
" poor design leading to tube failures caused by steam impingement or
by other parts loosened by steam impingement; and
* improperly supported tubes such that vibration failures occur.
As a result of the numerous problems experienced with condensers,
and because maintaining leak-tight condensers has been found to be
essential to steam generator integrity, design and maintenance
recommendations have been developed to provide the required integrity.
These include use of titanium tubes for seawater- or brackish-water-cooled
condensers, use of titanium or stainless steel tubes for freshwater-cooled
condensers, performing periodic eddy current tests of tubes, and use of
sensitive leak location equipment.
Condensers typically have been designed to deaerate the condensate
during full power operation, but have not been designed to effectively
deaerate at low or zero power. This has resulted in oxygen ingress during
low-power operation and power startup. Design changes have been
identified which can correct this deficiency, including the use of an air-
removal chiller system.
The condenser-to-turbine expansion joint has been a frequent source of
air inleakage. This air inleakage has been a significant contributor to oxygen
ingress into steam generators and resulting corrosion. Improved expansion
joint designs, such as water-sealed rubber expansion joints, are available
and are recommended.
Makeup Water System. The makeup water system provides high purity
water to makeup for blowdown and other secondary cycle losses during
normal operation. It also provides water to place steam generators and
other secondary plant components in wet layup during shutdown. In
addition, this system provides water for flushing and cleanup of secondary
systems following shutdown. The system consists of a series of components
and subsystems which convert the site water source, which spans the
impurity range from salt water and treated sewage to relatively pure fresh
water, to the extremely high purity water required for reliable steam
generator operation. A poorly operated or under-designed system can be
a significant source of impurities for the secondary cycle. The significance
of normal and transient contaminant levels in makeup water depends on
Typical Blowdown System for Early PWRs
Steam Discharge
to Atmosphere
<- Cooling Water
- -=-*To Radwaste
Recommended PWR Blowdown System
Flow Condenser
Flo Valve
Elements-• •,,IC"
(Ot l Control
Steam Non-regenerative Valve
Generator Heat Exchanger
Heat Exchanger- Fite ...
To Heater , Demnineralizer .
Drain Tank -"I Service Condensate
To Low Pressure " Water IPump
Feedwater Heater -
EPRI Licensed Material
how the water is used and the magnitude of other sources of contaminants.
For a plant without blowdown recovery and without condensate polishing,
makeup water and condenser leakage are the main sources of contaminants.
Status of Units Reporting Problems, December 1993
Denting Denting High
Date Support Tube- SCC SCC IGA IGA Cycle Water- Moisture
Plant Com'l NSSS Wastage Plate sheet Pittinq (OD) (ID) (OD) (ID) Fretting Fatigue Erosion hammer Carryover
Mihama 2 (Org) Jul-72 M 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mihama 2 (Rpi) Apr-94 M
Mihama 3 Dec-76 M 0 0 0
Millstone 2 (Org) Dec-75 C 0 0 0 0 0 0
Millstone 2 (Rpl) Jan-93 BWC
Millstone 3 Apr-86 W - 0,
Neckarwestheim 1 Jun-76 KWU 0 0
Neckarwestheim 2 Jan-89 KWU
Nogent/Seine 1 Feb-88 F 0 0 0
Nogent/Seine 2 May-89 F 0 0
North Anna 1 (Org) Jun-78 W 0 0 0 0 0 0 C~)
North Anna 1 (Rpl) Apr-93 W
North Anna 2 Dec-80 W 0 0 0 0 0 0
Obrigheim (Org) Oct-68 KWU 0 0 ~17
Obrigheim (Rpl) Aug-83 KWU
Oconee 1 Jul-73 B 0 0
Oconee 2 Sep-74 B 0 0
Oconee 3 Dec-74 B 0 0
Ohi 1 Mar-79 W 0 0
Ohi 2 Dec-79 M 0 0
Ohi 3 Dec-91 M
Ohi 4 Feb-93 M
Palisades (Org) Dec-71 C 0 0 0 0 0
Palisades (Rpl) Mar-91 C I I _II_
TABLE 2-1 cont'd
Status of Units Reporting Problems, December 1993
Denting Denting High
Date Support Tube- SCC SCC IGA IGA Cycle Water- Moisture
Plant Com'l NSSS Wastage Plate sheet Pitting (OD) (ID) (OD) (ID) Fretting Fatigue Erosion hammer Carryover
Palo Verde 1 Jan-86 C 0 0 0 0
Palo Verde 2 Sep-86 C 0 0 0 0
Palo Verde 3 Jan-88 C 0 0 0 0
Paluel 1 Dec-85 F 0 0 0
Paluel 2 Dec-85 F 0 0 0
Paluel 3 Feb-86 F 0 0 0 rD
Paluel 4 Jun-86 F 0 0 0
Penly 1 Dec-90 F CJ
Penly 2 Feb-92 F
Philippsburg 2 Dec-84 KWU
Pickering-A 1 Jul-71 AECL 0
Pickerinq-A 2 Dec-71 AECL 0
Pickering-A 3 Jun-72 AECL
Pickering-A 4 Jun-73 AECL
Pickering-B 5 May-83 AECL 0
Pickering-B 6 Feb-84 AECL 0
Pickering-B 7 Jan-85 AECL
Pickering-B 8 Feb-86 AECL
Point Beach 1 (Org) Dec-70 W 0 0 0 0 0
Point Beach 1 (Rpl) Apr-84 W 0
Point Beach 2 Oct-72 W 0 0 0 0
Prairie Island 1 Dec-73 W 0 0 0 0 0
Prairie Island 2 Dec-74 W 0 0 0
Rancho Seco Apr-75 B 0 0 0 0
TABLE 2-1 cont'd
Status of Units Reporting Problems, December 1993
Denting Denting High
Date Support Tube- sCC SCC IGA IGA Cycle Water- Moisture
Plant ComI NSSS Wastage Plate sheet Pittinq (OD) (ID) (OD) (ID) Fretting Fatigue Erosion hammer Carryover
Ringhals 2 (Org) May-75 W 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ringhals 2 (Rpl) Aug-89 W
Ringhals 3 Apr-81 W 0 0 0 0 0
Ringhals 4 Oct-83 W 0 0
Robinson 2 (Org) Mar-71 W 0 0 0 0
Robinson 2 (Rpl)
Oct-84 W
Saint-Alban 1 Aug-85 F 0
Saint-Alban 2 Jul-86 F 0 0 0
Salemi1 Jun-77 W 0 0 0 0
Tihange 2 Feb-83 FC 0 0 0
Tihange 3 Nov-85 FC 0 0 0 0
Tomari 1 Jun-89 M
Tomari 2 Apr-91 M
Tricastin 1 Dec-80 F 0 0 0 0
Tricastin 2 Dec-80 F 0 0 0 0
Tricastin 3 May-81 F 0 0
Tricastin 4 Nov-81 F 0 0 0 0
Trillo 1 Aug-88 K
Trojan May-76 W 0 0 0 0
Tsuruga 2 Feb-87 M I I 1 0
TABLE 2-1 cont'd
Status of Units.Reporting Problems, December 1993
Denting Denting High
Date Support Tube- SCC SCI IGA IGA Cycle Water- Moisture
Plant Com'lI NSSS Wastaae Plate sheet Pittina (ODI (ID) (OD) (ID) Frettina Fatiaue Erosion hammer Carryover
Turkey Point 3 (Org) Dec-72 W 0 0 0 0
Turkey Point 3 (Rpl) Apr-82 W 0
Turkey Point 4 (Org) Sep-73 W 0 0 0 0 0 0
Turkey Point 4 (Rpl) May-83 W 0 0
Uljin 1 Sep-88 F
Uljin 2 Sep-89 F
Unterwesser Oct-78 KWU 0
Vandellos 2 Dec-87 W 0
Vogtle 1 May-87 W 0
Vogtle 2 May-89 W
0 rfD
Waterford 3 Sep-85 C 0
Watts Bar 1 W
Watts Bar 2 W
Wolf Creek Sep-85 W 0 C-3
Wolsung 1 Apr-83 AECL
Yankee Rowe Jul-61 W 0 0
Younggwang 1 Aug-86 W 0
Younggwang 2 Jun-87 W 0
Zion 1 Jan-73 W 0 0 0 0 0 01
Zion 2 Sep-74 W 0 0 0 0 0
2-34 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Number of Units Affected by Steam Generator Problems
2.1 "Steam Generator Progress Report, Revision 10." EPRI Steam
Generator Strategic Management Project. November 1994.
Contributing Authors/Editors
S. J. Green, EPRI
J. P N. Paine, EPRI
3-2 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Since 1977 there has been a major effort funded by the electric utility
industry and EPRI to address steam generator availability issues, as
discussed in Chapters 1 and 2. From 1977 to 1982, Steam Generator Owners
Group I (SGOG I) conducted the initial effort. From 1983 to 1986 a follow-
on effort was conducted under the guidance of Steam Generator Owners
Group II (SGOG II). A major EPRI-funded effort, called the Steam Generator
Reliability Project (SGRP), has addressed the continuing steam generator
problems over the period 1987 to 1992. The three programs have been
managed by the Steam Generator Project Office at EPRI. It is the purpose
of this chapter to summarize the three programs conducted under these
Steam Generator Owners Group I was established for the specific
purpose of determining the best solutions to steam generator problems.
The Owners Group was conceived when it became evident that a concerted
effort on the part of interested utilities was needed to bring about solutions
to the growing number of malfunctions in steam generators.
The objective of the Steam Generator Owners Group effort was to
provide options such that each pressurized water reactor (PWR) owner
could select the options most appropriate to his situation and develop his
company's individual plan. The vendors were unable to fund the level of
effort that the Owners Group determined necessary to best serve the interests
of the utility industry. The major steam generator vendors did, however,
support the Owners Group program by performing work on a no-fee and
cost-shared basis.
In May of 1977, at a meeting in Chicago, the Interim Executive
Committee of the Steam Generator Owners Group presented an appraisal
of what was to be accomplished. A formula to allocate costs among owners
and prospective owners of pressurized water reactor (PWR) units was also
presented to the Owners Group.
At the July 1977 meeting, the Owners Group elected a ten-member
Executive Committee. Concurrent with this meeting, the Executive
Committee approved the budget for the highest priority portion of the
technical program. By the end of the program on December 31, 1982, 28
utilities had contributed $36 million to support the Steam Generator
EPRI Licensed Material
Program. With interest, the total available funds amounted to $43.8 million.
The program was completed for $42.4 million including program
management costs. Essentially all work, excluding the transfer of
technology, was completed in 1982.
Technical Program
The overall objective of the Steam Generator Owners Group I technical
program was to provide the utilities, vendors, and architect/engineers with
technology-in the form of recommendations and guidelines-that would
minimize the likelihood of steam generator degradation over the life of the
plant. For owners of operating units, this included methods to minimize
inleakage of impurities into the secondary system, methods for cleaning
up feedwater and condensate that may become contaminated with these
impurities, steam generator chemistry control options that minimize the
effects of those impurities, periodic maintenance procedures for their
removal or neutralization, changes in the mode of operation, and some
feasible design modifications. The program also evaluated alternate
materials, systems, and component designs which would be more tolerant
to the potential ingress of impurities.
The needs of PWR steam generator owners were addressed in the overall
steam generator program plan. This plan recognized that any corrective
action which is developed by plant and laboratory studies must ultimately
be tried and proven in the plant. Thus, there was an iterative flow of
information and recommended actions from the plant to the laboratory and
back to the plant. The resulting program approach, depicted in Figure 3-1,
addresses the needs under the following major categories:
* definition of factors which affect steam generator reliability,
" actions in the steam generator to minimize corrosion and mechanical
" actions in the balance of plant to minimize corrosion and mechanical
damage, and
* improved steam generator designs.
A summary of the program is shown in Figure 3-2. This program
involved a complex interaction of many systems and disciplines including
the mechanical, thermal and hydraulic design of the steam generators; the
water chemistry; water chemistry control; design and construction materials
of secondary plant components and systems and plant operations. The
following paragraphs provide the objectives for the subprograms within
the program.
3-4 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Steam Generator Program Approach
EPRI Licensed Material
Steam Generator Owners Group I Program
system designs and operating practices that were being or would be used
in operating plants and in plants on order to control layup or transient
chemical environments in secondary systems, and to develop a method of
minimizing secondary system corrosion during layup.
evaluation of the effect (e. g., type and extent of corrosion) that condensate
polisher impurities can cause under normal and faulted operating conditions
with and without condenser leakage as a consequence of their continuous
and/or intermittent operation.
The SGOG I was completed successfully. However, additional
challenges arose while this program was under way, and the utilities decided
to form a new group and program to address the newer issues. The new
group comprised more than 37 utilities and provided $29 million to support
the program. As discussed below, the program was formulated to focus on
specific problems and remedial actions.
Technical Program
This program had comparable objectives to the SGOG I and naturally
built on the results of that program. However, the program was designed
to address the causes and remedies for specific damage forms. A listing of
the major components (or projects) of the program is presented in Table 3-1
and a summary of each project is described in the following paragraphs.
Steam Generator Owners Group IIProgram Summary
Number Project Title
S301 Improved Steam Generator Nondestructive Examination
S302 Arrest Steam Generator Intergranular Attack and Tube Cracking in
and Above the Tubesheet Crevice and in Other Crevice and
Dryout Locations
S303 Destructive Analysis of Steam Generator Components
S304 Destructive Analysis of Steam Generator Components
S305 PWR Steam Generator Chemical Cleaning Process Development
and Evaluation
S306 Evaluation and Improvement of Steam Generator Performance
and the Effectiveness of Preventive and Corrective Measures
S307 PWR Steam Generator Technology Transfer
S308 Causes and Corrective Actions for Pitting of Steam Generator
S309 Minimize the Effects of Sludge, Scale, and Deposits on Corrosion
in Steam Generators
S310 Tube Fretting and Fatigue in Preheat Steam Generators
S311 Tube Support Materials and Designs and Crevice Corrosion
Although the SGOG II program was completed successfully, steam
generator corrosion and mechanical degradation continued to occur, and it
was the judgment of the utility management familiar with steam generator
operations that a focused steam generator industry effort should continue
but at a somewhat reduced effort. The EPRI management considered that
the new effort should be supported primarily under the EPRI base program,
without major support from the utilities. It was judged that steam generator'
degradation was still very serious but not of "crisis" proportions as had
been the case during the previous Owners Group programs. Accordingly,
a major EPRI project was formed, called the Steam Generator Reliability
Project, at a funding level of $30 million over the period 1987 through 1992.
Technical Program
Again, this program was focused on addressing the causes and remedies
for the corrosion and mechanical damage forms that persisted. A listing of
the projects comprising the program is presented in Table 3-2. To further
guide the program, a steam generator .R&D program strategy was
developed. This strategy is depicted in Figure 3-3. It breaks down the
program into three major categories: mechanism management
(understanding the causes of damage observed and providing qualified
long-term remedies), defect management (near term corrective
maintenance), and life extension/replacement (long-term corrective
maintenance). The various elements in these three categories are shown.
Methods of evaluation and measuring performance are also listed. The
objectives of each project in Table 3-2 are discussed below.
throughout the secondary cycle for plants with various generic-type design
features (e.g., powdered resin or deep-bed condensate polishers, makeup
water treatment plants with and without filtration, feed trains with and
without copper components, plants with drains returned to the condenser
or pumped forward, etc.) This project built on work conducted in the
SGOG I and II programs, and provided for periodic review and revision of
the PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines. Field-related tasks were
co-funded by the host utility
Steam Generator Reliability Project Program Summary
Number Project Title
S401 Improved Steam Generator Water Chemistry-
Field Studies and. Water Chemistry Guidelines
S402 Improved Steam Generator Water Chemistry
Through Improved Balance-of-Plant Operations
S403 Improved Steam Generator Impurity Removal Techniques
S404 Demonstrated Steam Generator In-Service Inspections
S405 Technology Transfer
S406 Steam Generator Primary Side Remedies
3407 Steam Generator Secondary Side Remedies
S408 Improved Materials and Designs for Steam Generator Repair and
S409 Alternate Secondary Water Chemistry
S410 Tube Vibration, Mechanical Damage, Fretting and Wear
S411 Thermal-Hydraulic Code Development and Validation
S412 Steam Generator Strategic Planning Guidelines
peformance 1. Annual tubes plugged 1. Annual tube leak outages 1. Duration of replacement outages
Measures: 2. Tube rupture events (4/6) 2. Tube rupture events (2/6) 2. Average cost of replacement
3. Excess tube plugging (including replacement power)
4. Regulatory concern 3. Future S/G problems
EPRI Licensed Material
The various steam generator programs cover a variety of topics that
are interdisciplinary in nature addressing the causes of damage forms
(principally tube damage), their avoidance and mitigation, as well as
damage mechanism management. The research results have been
documented in technical publications, the first edition of the Steam
Generator Reference Book, and in a number of guidelines. Appendix A in
the Reference Book contains a listing of the various SGOG I and II and SGRP
technical publications, cross-referenced by report numbers (A. 1) and project
numbers (A.2). Appendix B contains a listing of plant characteristics. The
guidelines are described in Chapter 4. The following discussion presents a
brief summary and overview of the results categorized by steam generator
tube damage form.
this phenomenon. They demonstrated in pot boiler tests that the location
of attack was related to the concentration of aggressive species at steam/
water interfaces.
As a result of these findings, the vendors recommended that the
operators in the affected plants adopt an all-volatile water treatment (AVT)
based on the use of ammonia and hydrazine. This recommendation was
universally followed in the United States except for two plants.
However, this change led to another corrosion problem, namely denting.
Denting was discovered in 1975 when eddy current probes were
prevented from passing through tube/tube support plate intersections by
tube diameter restrictions. By 1977 denting had become a widespread
problem and resulted in the formation of the Steam Generator Owners
Group as a concerted effort to address the problem.
Sample intersections of tubes and support plates removed from dented
steam generators have shown local chloride concentration of over 4,000
ppm in the dented region. The high local chloride concentration is caused
by local thermal-hydraulic conditions within the crevice between the tube
and the tube support plate. The source of chloride is generally condenser
leakage, particularly at plants cooled by sea water.
To correct this situation it is recommended that plants modify the water
chemistry environment to make it less aggressive. To help guide utilities in
this area, secondary water chemistry guidelines were established. The
guidelines which are based on laboratory and field data, recommends
reduced levels of impurities in the steam generator and methods for
achieving these greatly lowered impurity levels. This includes reducing
condenser inleakage, producing purer makeup water, and using condensate
polishers to purify the water. The environment can also be modified by
adding boric acid, which inhibits the acid chloride attack.
For new plants, one vendor minimized the potential for formation of
an aggressive environment by switching from drilled to broached support
plates with flat lands. Another vendor switched to a lattice bar support
design. With these designs, the concentration of chemicals within the tube/
tube support crevice is greatly reduced. For new plants, the corrosion
potential was further reduced by installing more corrosion-resistant
In summary, denting, caused by the corrosion of carbon steel, is
primarily resulting from a concentration of impurities in the tube/tube
support crevices. The corrective actions include:
3-22 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
In more recent plants, thermally treated alloy 600 tubing has been
installed. Extensive tests have shown this material to be superior to mill
annealed alloy 600 with respect to PWSCC, but in some cases it is still
susceptible to cracking. More recent replacement steam generators are being
equipped with thermally treated alloy 690 and alloy 800 (modified). These
alloys have been suggested to be superior to thermally treated alloy 600.
Extensive pitting on the outer surfaces of tubes has been observed in
several units. The pitting. occurred primarily on the cold leg between the
tubesheet and the first support plate in regions where sludge or tube scale
was present. It is judged that the pits are caused by chlorides, low pH, and
an oxidant such as CuC12 or oxygen. Temperatures >150'C (300'F) are
required to form pits like those observed in operating units. It is further
believed that sludge and scale act as a medium where bulk impurities can
concentrate to higher levels by the boiling action.
For existing plants, the tubing is repaired and retained in service by the
use of sleeves. The principal corrective action is to modify the environment
to make it less corrosive. Sludge and scale can be reduced by minimizing
the ingress of solids (reduced air inleakage), by sludge lancing, and by
chemical cleaning. All of these methods are now being employed. Chemical
cleaning has been effective in arresting pitting in one plant. In addition,
the environment will become less aggressive by minimizing the ingress of
soluble contaminants (principally chlorides and oxidants).
Corrosion Fatigue
Some tubes have developed cracks on the outer surface in the upper
region of several OTSGs. It is believed that these cracks are caused by
corrosion fatigue resulting from small-amplitude vibration combined with
the transport of impurities into the upper regions of the OTSG units,
particularly in the open lane (a row without tubes, to provide for inspection).
Laboratory tests have shown a decrease in alloy 600 fatigue strength in the
presence of chemicals that are judged to be present in these upper regions.
In these tests, a substantial decrease in fatigue resistance of alloy 600 was
observed in acid sulfate/silicate solution.
The environment must be modified and made less aggressive by
minimizing the ingress of impurities into the steam generator. Also,
mechanical flow-diverting lane blockers have been tested and shown to be
a useful steam generator modification; they reduce the flow of liquid
droplets to the upper regions via the open lane. In new plants the open
lane has been eliminated.
High-cycle fatigue cracking has also been observed at the top support
plates in at least three recirculating steam generators and at similar locations
3.26 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Lost Capacity
Figure 3-4 shows the capacity factor loss by year in domestic plants
due to steam generator degradation. The average loss over the period 1980-
1984 was 5.7%. Assuming a conservative replacement power cost of 3-40/
kW/hr, this represents an average annual loss of $186 million. The target
for the SGRP was to reduce this loss from 5.7% average to 3%. The figure
shows that the steam generator performance in 1989 was slightly behind
the target (3.2%). Still this resulted in a conservatively estimated annual
savings of $85 million.
Forced Outages
Forced outages is another measure of performance. Utilities are
experiencing a constantly decreasing rate of forced outages, which is due
to factors such as better understanding of the problems, improved corrective
actions, and more extensive and reliable in-service inspection.
3-28 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Steam Generator Replacements
Steam Generator Performance
As of 2/91, 35 plants have operated 15 calendar years or more.
Calendar Years of
Unit Mo/Yr Commercial Service (tO 2/91)
Yankee Rowe 7/61 29.6
Chooz A 4/67 23.8
Connecticut Yankee 1/68 23.1
San Onofree 1 1/68 23.1
Jose Cabrera 2/69 22.0
Beznau 1 9/69 21.4
R. E. Ginna 7/70 20.6
Mihama 1 11/70 20.2
Beznau 2 12/71 19.2
Stade 5/72 18.7
Mihama 2 7/72 18.6
Point Beach 2 10/72 18.3
Maine Yankee 12/72 18.2
Borssele 6/73 17.7
Oconee 1 7/73 17.6
Prairie Island 1 12/73 17.2
Zion 1 12/73 17.2
Ft. Calhoun 6/74 16.7
Kewaunee 6/74 16.7
Indian Point 2 8/74 16.5
Oconee 2 9/74 16.4
Three Mile Island 1 9/74 16.4
Zion 2 9/74 16.4
Takahama 1 11/74 16.2
Nuclear One 1 12/74 16.2
Oconee 3 12/74 16.2
Prairie Island 2 12/74 16.2
Biblis A 2/75 16.0
Doel 1 2/75 16.0
Calvert Cliffs 1 5/75 15.7
D.C. Cook 1 8/75 15.5
Tihange 1 10/75 15.3
Genkai 1 10/75 15.3
Takahama 2 11/75 15.2
Millstone 2 12/75 15.2
Capacity Factor Loss in the U. S. Due to Steam Generator Problems
8 7.2
A 7 673
S6 5.152
L - 3.5 3.4I 3.2 3.229 3.3
, *i.I>
a. 37 I9 2 2iIE
2 1.9 0"
0 0
76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
EPRI Licensed Material
3.1 "Steam Generator Progress Report, Revision 1," September 1985
3.2 "Steam Generator Progress Report, Revision 2," December 1986
3.3 "Steam Generator Progress Report, Revision 3," December 1987
3.4 "Steam Generator Progress Report, Revision 4," December 1988
3.5 "Steam Generator Progress Report, Revision 5," December 1989
3.6 "Steam Generator Progress Report, Revision 6," September 1990
3.7 "Steam Generator Progress Report, Revision 7," September 1991
3.8 "Steam Generator Progress Report, Revision 8," December 1992
3.9 "Steam Generator Progress Report, Revision 9," December 1993
3.10 "SteamGenerator Progress Report, Revision 10," December 1994
Contributing Authors/Editors:
J. P. N. Paine,EPRI
A. R. Mcllree, EPRI
C. S. Welty, EPRI
D. A. Steininger,EPRI
C. L. Williams, EPRI
S. A. Hobart,Adams & Hobart
4-2 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
This chapter provides the recommendations developed as a result of
Steam Generator Owners Group (SGOG) and Electric Power Research
Institute (EPRI) programs. Supporting information is presented in other
parts of this document. The recommendations are presented as a set of
options that a utility should consider when undertaking a program to
optimize PWR steam generator reliability. Only those options that meet
the needs of a particular power plant should be adopted. It should be
emphasized that a particular plant's needs are based on many considerations
such as: plant size and equipment; plant age and operating history; site
characteristics, such as cooling and makeup water sources; and
administrative factors, such as utility management structure, resource
allocation priorities, cost-benefit methodology, support staff size, and public
utilities commission (PUC) interactions.
This chapter is divided into four sections: 4.1, "Steam Generator Design,
Modifications, and Repairs"; 4.2, "Steam Generator Operations"; 4.3, "Plant
Design, Modification, and Operation"; and 4.4, "Abstracts of SGOG
Published Guidelines". Sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 integrate and summarize
by topic the primary recommendations from all sources, i.e., workshop
conclusions, research results, and published guidelines. Section 4.4 provides
a brief abstract of each of the published SGOG guidelines documents
(Guidelines for Tubing Specifications and Repair, Nuclear Plant Designand
Modification Guidelines for PWR Steam Generator Reliability, Preoperational
Practicesfor Steam Generators and Secondary System Components, Design and
OperatingGuidelinesfor NuclearPowerPlantCondensers,Design and Operating
Guidelinesfor CondensatePolishersin NuclearPower Plants.Guidelinesfor Design
of PWR Steam Generator Chemical Cleaning Systems, PWR Steam Generator
Inspection Guidelines, PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines, Guidelines
for the Designand Operationof Makeup Water Treatment Systems, and Guidelines
for Impurity Removal and Control) (4.1-4.10). An abstract of the PWR Primary
Water Chemistry Guidelines (issued by the Materials and Chemistry
Department of EPRI) is also included for completeness (4.11). The available
guidelines documents were issued to SGOG members at the end of the
SGOG program. Later revisions are available as EPRI reports. They provide
a significantly greater level of detail than this chapter, as well as technical
justification for recommendations, and are intended to be used in
conjunction with the Steam GeneratorReference Book. As an aid to identifying
specific recommendations in the various publications, a computerized
database of recommendations has been prepared. Copies of this database
and the user manuals are available from the Steam Generator Project Office.
EPRI Licensed Material
Recommendations 4-3
Recommendations 4-5
Recommendations 4-7
Recommendations 4-9
The vapor flow rate to the dryers should be uniform across the dryer
entry face in order to avoid preferential loading of some areas, which
would result in decreased separation efficiency. i
Recommendations 4-11
-Erosion corrosion may occur in the feed ring and J-tubes if a proper
choice of materials is not made. Steels high in chromium content and
with known erosion corrosion resistance should be chosen for the
design. Suitable materials include: 2.25% Cr-1 % Mo, 9% Cr-1 % Mo, and
12% Cr stainless steel.
-The feedwater supply line, internal to the steam generator, should
be fabricated of erosion corrosion-resistant steels and be designed to
preclude feedwater pipe and ring drainage resulting from low water
level in the steam generator. This will reduce the likelihood of water
-The feed ring piping should be level or sloped downward to the steam
generator shell.
-There are varieties of feedwater supply line alloys available, all
displaying acceptable resistance to erosion corrosion. Research indicates
that 9% Cr 1% Mo is a superior alloy for this supply line. Alloy 600
should not be used in a steam generator.
-The tradeoff between erosion corrosion resistance and cost should
be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Computer codes, such as CHEC
and CHECMATE, should be used to determine the optimum balance
of design, material, and cost.
-The feed line thermal sleeves should maintain leak-tight connections
with the steam generator nozzle in order to preclude thermal cracking.
Possible leak-tight designs include welded joints and seal mechanisms.
Recommendations 4-13
Recommendations 4-15
Recommendations 4-17
Recommendations 4.19
Recommendations 4-21
Reference Documents for Steam Generator Design Topics
Steam Generator Tube Supports PWR Steam Generator Reference Book
Steam Generator Tube Materials Guidelines for PWR Steam Generator
Tubing Specifications and Repair (4j)
Tube Fabrication Guidelines for PWR Steam Generator
Tubing Specifications and Repair (4.1)
PWR Steam Generator Inspection
Guidelines (4.8)
Steam Generator Tube Bundle PWR Steam Generator Reference Book
Mechanical Design Plant Design for PWR Steam Generator
Inspection and Nondestructive Testing
Plant Design for PWR Steam Generator
Replaceability (4.3)
Shell Fabrication PWR Steam Generator Reference Book
Thermal Hydraulic Design PWR Steam Generator Reference Book
Design Against Water Hammer PWR Steam Generator Reference Book
and Dynamic Flow Instability
Archive Samples PWR Steam Generator Reference Book
Steam Generator Cleanliness PWR Steam Generator Reference Book
Steam Generator Guidelines for PWR Steam Generator
Repair/Replacement Tubing Specifications and Repair (4.1)
Plant Design for Steam Generator
Replaceability (4.3)
PWR Steam Generator Tube Plugging
Limits -Technical Support Document for
Expansion Zone PWSCC in Roll
Transitions (4.12)
4-22 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Steam Generator PWR Steam Generator Tube Repair
Repair/Replacement Limits-Technical Support for Outside
Diameter Stress Corrosion Cracking at
Tube Support Plates (4.13)
Qualification of Remedial Methods to
Prevent Primary-Side Stress Corrosion
Cracking of Steam Generator Tubing,
Vol. 1 (4.14)
In Situ Heat Treatment of U-Bends
Proceedings of the Steam Generator
Repair Replacement Workshop-July
1985 (4.16)
Additional information can be found in EPRI reports NP-3045, NP-4647,
NP-2046 (4.25-4.27)
Additional information can be found in EPRI reports NP-5072, NP-4665-SR,
NP-2838, and -SD, and NP-6719-M (4.25-4.31).
Additional information can be found in EPRI reports NP-2046, NP-1941,
NP-2838, and NP-3068 (4.27, 4.32-4.34)
* Prior to shipment from the manufacturer, the internal primary side
surfaces of the steam generator should be cleaned to meet Class B
cleanliness criteria and the internal secondary side surfaces should be
EPRI Licensed Material
Recommendations 4.23
Recommendations 4-25
Recommendations 4-27
Reference Documents for Steam Generator Operations Topics
TOpic Reference
Steam Generator and Balance of Preoperational Flushing, Cleaning, and
Plant Cleanliness Layup of PWR Steam, Feedwater, and
Condensate Systems (4.4)
Guidelines to Minimize Contamination of
PWR Steam Generators During Plant
Construction (4.4)
PWR Secondary Water Chemistry
Guidelines (4.2)
Impurity Transport Design and Operation of Condensate
Polishers (4.10)
Operating Guidelines for Condensate
Polishers (4.10)
Guidelines for Impurity Removal and
Control (4.10)
PWR Secondary Water Chemistry
Guidelines (4.2)
4-28 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Hideout Return Guidelines for Impurity Removal and
Control (4.10)
PWR Secondary Water Chemistry
Guidelines (4.2)
Crevice Flushing Guidelines for Impurity Removal and
Control (4.10)
EPRI Final Report NP-4989 (4.17)
EPRI Final Report NP-5199 (4.18)
Sludge Lancing Guidelines for Impurity Removal and
Control (4.10)
EPRI Final Report NP-5929 (4.19)
Nuclear Engineering International Paper
Joint Power Generation Conference Paper
Chemical Cleaning Guidelines for Design of PWR Chemical
Cleaning Systems (4.7)
Guidelines for Impurity Removal and
Control (4.10)
Thot Reduction PWR Steam Generator Reference Book,
Rev. 0
Recommendations 4-29
numbers in Section 4.4 are located after each title within this section. Also
referenced, where appropriate, are sections in Parts II or III of this book
where additional technical support for the recommendations is provided.
Recommendations 4.31
Recommendations 4-33
for the full length of the bed and water does not fluidize the top of the
bed; and sight glasses to observe internal operations.
-Powdered resin systems should be designed such that a vessel may
be precoated with demineralized, deaerated water and maintained
using the same type of water. Inlet flow distributors should be designed
to prevent flow impingement on the precoat (4.6).
4.3.5 Condensers
(Sections 4.4.10 and 4.4.15, Chapter 21)
Condensers should be designed and operated, and materials should
be selected to provide essentially zero cooling water inleakage over the
life of the plant (4.4). This can be achieved by implementing the
-Condensers should not utilize copper-bearing materials, in order to
avoid steam generator tubing corrosion associated with copper. In
addition, condenser tubing should be of corrosion- and erosion-resistant
materials such as titanium. Various grades of stainless steel are also
acceptable, where proven compatible with site conditions. For new
installations, tubesheet materials should be selected to permit use of
welded tube-to-tubesheet joints (4.3, 4.5).
-Expanded and welded tube-to-tubesheet joints should be used for
new installations. A non-welded double (or integral groove) tubesheet
with expanded joints may be an acceptable alternative. For existing
installations where welding or use of double tubesheets is not practical,
reliance should be placed on detailed control of new tube joint
installations and on rigorous leak detection and correction methods.
-For new installations, design, design review, and fabrication control
methods should be followed in order to protect against the problems
of steam impingement and tube vibration. The recommended methods
include use of special design details, performance of calculational
checks, and invocation of quality standards to provide assurance against
failures. Such methods should also be used for repairs or modifications
to existing condensers (4.5).
-New condensers should be designed to provide sufficient access such
that inspection and repair of critical areas can be readily performed.
This includes, for example, providing a waterbox geometry that permits
sufficient clearance for ECT and plugging of all tubes, including
peripheral tubes (4.5).
* Use of bellows-type expansion joints is recommended for high
temperature steam connections to the condenser in order to avoid air
inleakage at low power (4.5).
4-34 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
-The flexible joint between the turbine and condenser should have
minimum air leakage. Alternatives to achieve this goal include use of
a conventional rubber seal provided with a water seal, or a welded
metal seal (4.5).
" The necessity for cathodic protection should be evaluated with respect
to materials of construction and cooling water quality (4.5).
" Condenser operation should minimize air and circulating water
inleakage (4.3) and include monitoring for corrosion damage and air
inleakage. Air inleakage should be monitored daily (Section 4.2.2,4.2).
Shutdown and layup procedures should preclude cooling water lying
stagnant in tubes for any significant time period. ECT should be
performed on tubes each outage. Debris buildup in waterboxes should
be removed during each outage (4.5).
Recommendations 4-35
Recommendations 4.37
Reference Documents for Plant Design, Modification, and Operation
Steam Generator and Balance PWR Secondary Water Chemistry
of Plant Layup1 Guidelines (4.2)
Design for Layup of Steam Generators
Design for Layup and Cleanup of Steam,
Feedwater, and Condensate Systems
Preoperational Flushing, Cleaning, and
Layup of PWR Steam/Feedwater/Condensate
Systems (4.4)
Design and Operating Guidelines for Plant
Condensers (4.5)
Design and Operation of Condensate
Polishers (4.6)
EPRI Final Report NP-2993 (4.22)
EPRI Final Report NP-2656 (4.23)
Steam Generator Inspection Steam Generator Inspection Guidelines (4.8)
and NDE (including Appendices G and H)
Steam Generator Blowdown 2 Guidelines for Design of Steam Generator
Blowdown Systems (4.3)
Condensate Polisher System 3 PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines
Design and Operation of Condensate
Polishers (4.6)
Design Guidelines for Plant Secondary
Systems (4ý3)
EPRI Final Report NP-2656 (4.23)
EPRI Final Report NP-4521 (4.24)
Condensers PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines
Design and Operating Guidelines for Plant
Condensers (4.5)
Design Guidelines for Plant Secondary
Systems (4.3)
4-38 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Condensers 4 EPRI Final Report NP-7381 (4.4)
Water Chemistry Guidelines for Impurity
Removal and Control (4.10)
PWR Primary Water Chemistry Guidelines
PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines
Secondary Systems Design Design Guidelines for Plant Secondary
Systems (4.3)
PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines
Water Treatment System Plant Design Guidelines for Layup and
Cleanup of Steam, Feedwater, and
Condensate Systems (4.3)
Makeup Water Treatment Systems Design
and Operating Guidelines (4.9)
Additional information can be found in EPRI reports NP-2977, NP-3012,
and NP-4754 (4.35-4.38).
Additional information can be found in EPRI reports NP-2656 and NP-2977
(423 4.35).
itional information can be found in EPRI reports NP-2656, NP-2977,
NP-2978, NP-2981, NP-3037, NP-3046, NP-4550, NP-4553, NP-5074, and
NP-2975 (4.23, 4.35, 4.39-4.46).
Additional information can be found in EPRI reports NP-0263,
NP-0481,NP-0962, NP-0912, NP-1468, NP-1467, NP-2062, NP-2371, NP-2448,
NP-2492, NP-2597, NP-3536-SR, NP-3905, NP-4551, NP-4705, and numerous
reports published by EPRI divisions other than Nuclear Power (report prefixes of
EA-, CS-, FP-, and GS-) (4.47-4.61)
EPRI Licensed Material
Recommendations 4-39
Recommendations 4-41
Recommendations 4-43
Recommendations 4-45
Recommendations 4-47
Recommendations 4-49
4.1 "Guidelines for PWR Steam Generator Tubing Specifications and
Repair." EPRI NP-6743-L. February 1990.
4.2 "PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Guidelines, Rev. 2. EPRI
NP-6239." December 1988.
4.3 "Nuclear Plant Design and Modification Guidelines for PWR Steam
Generator Reliability." EPRI NP-7380. September 1991.'
4.4 "Preoperational Practices for Steam Generators and Secondary-
System Components." EPRI NP-7381. September 1991.
4.5 "Design and Operating Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plant
Condensers." EPRI NP-7382. September 1991.
4.6 "Design and Operating Guidelines for Condensate Polishers in
Nuclear Power Plants." EPRI NP-7383. September 1991.
4.7 "Guidelines for Design of PWR Steam Generator Chemical Cleaning
Systems." EPRI NP-7384. September 1991.
4.8 "PWR Steam Generator Inspection Guidelines, Rev. 2." EPRI
NP-6201. December 1988.
4.9 "Guidelines for the Design and Operation of Makeup Water
Treatment Systems. "EPRI NP-6377. June 1989.
4.10 "Guidelines for Impurity Removal & Control, Rev. 1. Plant and
Steam Generator Operating Guidelines." EPRI Steam Generator
Project Office, December 1986.
4.11 "PWR Primary Water Chemistry Guidelines, Rev. 2." EPRI NP-
7077. November, 1990.
4.12 PWR Steam Generator Tube Plugging Limits Technical Support
Documentfor Expansion Zone PWSCC in Roll Transitions. EPRI
NP-6864-L. December 1990.
4.13 "PWR Steam Generator Tube Repair Limits-Technical Support for
Outside Diameter Stress Corrosion Cracking at Tube Support
Plates." EPRI TR-100407. March 1992.
4.14 Frederick, G., P. Hernalsteen, and J. Stubbe. "Qualification of
Remedial Methods to Prevent Primary Side Stress Corrosion
Cracking of Steam Generator Tubing," Vol. 1. EPRI NP-5249. June
EPRI Licensed Material
Recommendations 4-51
Recommendations 4-53
Contributing Authors/Editors
A. R. Mcllree, EPRI
E. S. Hunt, Dominion Engineering,Inc.
J. A. Gorman, Dominion Engineering,Inc.
7-2 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is the cracking-type failure of susceptible
material under the combined action of a corrosive environment and
sustained tensile stress. Stress corrosion cracking of nickel-chromium-iron
alloy 600 is typically intergranular and proceeds in a direction roughly
perpendicular to the stress field as shown in Figure 7-1. The environment
and stress levels leading to stress corrosion cracking can be sufficiently mild
that neither the applied stress nor the corrosive environment by itself would
cause cracking. Stress corrosion cracking can initiate at pre-existing cracks,
surface discontinuities, or at locations of submicroscopic differences in
material composition, protective film thickness, or corrodent concentration.
Prior to 1959, alloy 600 was considered to be immune to stress corrosion
cracking in pure water. In 1959, Coriou reported on laboratory test work
which showed that alloy 600 can be susceptible to stress corrosion cracking
in pure water at high temperature (662°F [350°C1) (7.1).
Most PWR steam generators have been fabricated using alloy 600 tubing
with a few exceptions: (1) A few of the earliest steam generators in small,
low-temperature plants have stainless steel tubes; (2) KWU steam generators
have alloy 800 tubing (the original Obrigheim steam generators supplied
by KWU had alloy 600 tubing); and (3) New and replacement steam
generators installed starting in the late 1980s have alloy 690 tubing.
Over the past 20 years, primary water stress corrosion cracking
(PWSCC) of alloy 600 tubing has become a significant concern for PWR
steam generators. PWSCC of steam generator tubing has led to the need
for increased inspections, remedial measures to prevent PWSCC, remedial
measures to permit degraded tubes to remain in service, tube plugging,
and, in extreme cases, steam generator replacement.
The purpose of this chapter is to summarize the types, extent and causes
of steam generator PWSCC and methods currently used to detect and
monitor PWSCC in operating plants. Further details are available in a
number of survey reports (7.2-Z7) and proceedings of EPRI workshops (7.8-
7.14). PWSCC remedial measures are discussed in Chapter 25.
With few exceptions, PWSCC problems have been limited to
Westinghouse-type steam generators fabricated by Westinghouse or its
licensees (W/L). The main reasons that PWSCC has not occurred
extensively in Babcock & Wilcox (B&W), Combustion Engineering (C-E),
and KWU steam generators are documented below.
EPRI Licensed Material
Stress Corrosion Cracking in Alloy 600 Tubing Material
Combustion Engineering
Two main factors are believed to account for the nearly complete absence
of PWSCC in C-E steam generator tubing: (1) The tubing was mill annealed
at high enough temperatures to develop a more PWSCC-tolerant
microstructure. (2) The fabrication procedures used to expand the tubing
in the tubesheet and to fabricate U-bends are believed to have resulted in
lower residual stresses than in many earlier Westinghouse-design plants.
At one time, several tubes in Combustion Engineering steam generators
at San Onofre 3 experienced PWSCC in service. It was determined that
these tubes had not been mill annealed after cold drawing. These tubes
were removed from service, and there has been no further problem of this
Kraftwerk Union
Kraftwerk Union concluded in the late 1960s that alloy 600 material
can be susceptible to PWSCC in primary system water. Accordingly, they
changed from alloy 600 to alloy 800 tubing material. Alloy 800 has about
25% more chrome and about half the nickel of alloy 600. This material has
proven to be resistant to PWSCC. However, it has experienced wastage in
sludge piles of steam generators which operate on phosphate water
PWSCC Locations in Typical Westinghouse-Design
Steam Generators
t Transition
•//•' .... Opposite
Hard Rolled
7-6 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
" In 1976, PWSCC was identified at tube support plate intersections and
U-bends in several plants affected by severe denting at tube support
plates. The plants most seriously affected were Surry I and 2 and Turkey
Point 3 and 4 (7_.8 7.18). This PWSCC occurred in material which is
moderately resistant to PWSCC, but the severe denting produced strains
of several percent in the tubing. Rapid PWSCC would probably not
have occurred at these plants in the absence of denting. Steam
generators were replaced at all four of these plants between 1980 and
* In 1976, a leak occurred in a row 1 U-bend at Takahama 1 without the
occurrence of tube support plate denting (7.19). This was followed in
1978 by a similar leak at Trojan (7.20). The Takahama and Trojan PWSCC
was traced to localized plastic deformations of the tube at the "opposite
transition." The opposite transition is a deformed area at the transition
between the U-bend and straight tube where the ball mandrel, used by
Westinghouse to fabricate row I and 2 U-bends, stops up upon
completion of the bending operation. This area may be characterized
by severe changes in tube ovality (7.20). A row 1 U-bend rupture in the
apex region at Doel 2 in 1979 was attributed to excess ovality (7.21).
Since these occurrences, many plants have experienced leaks at row 1
U-bends. Most row I U-bends made by Westinghouse have now been
plugged or stress relieved as remedial measures.
" In 1978, axial PWSCC was identified at a roll transition in a part-depth
rolled tube at Doel 2 as a result of a primary to secondary leak (7.22).
Since 1978, more than half of the tubes in the Doel 2 steam generators
have developed PWSCC in the roll transition region. However, there
has been no PWSCC in the Doel 1 steam generators which have tubing
supplied by the same manufacturer, were manufactured by the same
vendor, started up the same year and operated at the same hot leg
temperature as Doel 2. The major difference between the two plants
appears to be the tube material microstructure. Since 1978, PWSCC
has been detected in over half of the W/L design plants with roll
transitions. In several cases, over half of the tubes in a steam generator
are affected.
* Since 1981, circumferential stress corrosion cracks have been detected
in expansion transitions of several plants under a variety of conditions.
Circumferential cracks are of special concern since they may have
increased potential for sudden tube rupture without the warning
normally provided by low level leakage from axial cracks, and may
have more potential for whipping and causing damage to adjacent
tubes. While some of these instances involve cracking at intermittent
EPRI Licensed Material
Types of Steam Generator PWSCC and Typical Plants Affected
Expanded Areas
Location Longitudinal Circumferential
F1 i
Percentage of Westinghouse-Design Steam Generators Affected by
PWSCC (7.27)
Number of Tubes Plugged for PWSCC in Westinghouse-Design
Steam Generators (7.27)
Number of
2000 ll i_
Tubes Plugged
per Year 1500
1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
EPRI Licensed Material
Extent of Roll Transitions With PWSCC Indications at Plants With
>10% of Tubes Affected (Z.70)(1)
Years of
%Tubes Year Operation
With Data When
Plant S/G PWSCC( 2 ) Reported Reported
Bugey 5 1,2 51,52 1987 7
Dampierre 1 1,2,3 22, 79, 37 1988 8
Dampierre 2 2 12 1987 6
Dampierre 3 2,3 18,11 1988 7
Doel 2 A, B =80, 74(3), >60 1989 14
Doel 3 G, R, B 35, 40, 57(4) 1989 7
Gravelines 1 1,2,3 23, 37, 30 1988 8
Gravelines 2 1,2 10,14 1988/89 8/9
Gravelines 4 1,2 15, 15 1988 7
Ringhais 2 1,2,3 70, 20, 18 1988 14
24,12, 18(4)
Ringhals 3 1,2,3 1989 8
1 11 (4)
Ringhals 4 1989 6
V.C. Summer 1 A 13 1990 6
Tihange 2 1,2,3 38, 33, 42(4) 1989 6
Tricastin 1 3 31 1987 7
Tricastin 3 1,2,3 20, 22, 23 1988 8
Tricastin 3 1 19 1988 7
Table published inApril 1990.
Based on bobbin coil inspectionunless otherwise noted.
Value in parentheses based on rotating pancake coil (RPC) inspection of more
100 tubes.
Based on 100% RPC inspections.
comparison. These plants are essentially identical units, each having two
steam generators fabricated using mill annealed Mannesman tubing, and
both plants are operated by the same crew. Doel I has been free of PWSCC
for 15 years, while Doel 2 has experienced serious PWSCC problems which
started a few years after the plant went into service. The most significant
difference between the two units is the grain size of the alloy 600 tubing.
Doel 1 steam generator tubing has larger grain size which may have resulted
from a higher final annealing temperature. Doel 2 steam generator "A"
tubing has the smallest grain size and the greatest PWSCC problems. Doel 2
steam generator "B" tubing, on the other hand, has intermediate grain size
and intermediate PWSCC behavior.
Fraction of Tubes in EdF Steam Generators With Reported Kiss Roll
Expansion PWSCC (7.28)
- . .--
-..- ---- -"
. . .. .•y . . . . 0.2
Fraction .... ... ... ... ....
-- ... .. . ... .05
of Tubes
Indications A
.01 1
Bulge and Cracks at Intermittent Rolls in Obrigheim
Steam Generator Tubes (7.16)
DAM or "Kiss" Rolling (from TRACTEBEL)
the inside surface of the tubing in the expansion transition zone. A total of
18 tubes were pulled from the steam generators during the period '81-'83
to investigate the cause of the IGSCC (7.31). Primary side cracks were found
on 12 of 15 tubes examined. Typical cracking patterns and the corresponding
tube expansion profiles are shown in Figure 7-7. As indicated in the figure,
the cracks are axially oriented and are about equal in length to the transition
zone or less than 0.4 inches (10 mm). As shown in Figure 7-7, there tend to
be many parallel cracks around the circumference. On some tubes, the
multiple, parallel axial cracks have a slight spiral orientation possibly
suggesting that some non-hoop residual stress is present from the rolling
operation. The cracks appear to be slow-growing, suggesting that crack
growth slows once the crack propagates into a zone of lower stress.
Experience has shown that the cracks grow through the wall thickness and
generally cause low volume leakage. Similar cracks have appeared in
Ringhals 4 as shown in Figure 7-8.
Figure 7-7 also shows that the number of cracks around the tube
circumference is a function of the roll transition profile. Specifically, the
gradient (r/l) of the transition defined by the radial expansion (r) and the
transition length (1)has a decisive influence on the extent of cracking (.32).
Tubes with a severe geometry (high r/l ratio) in the transition have more
Plants with kiss roll transitions also tend to develop many short parallel
axial cracks. Figure 7-9 from Ringhals 3 shows that the cracks tend to
develop first at the lower transition. Note in this figure that there is a short
circumferential crack in addition to the many axial cracks.
EdF has performed SCC tests of sensitized alloy 600 roll expansion
specimens in sodium tetrathionate to assess PWSCC at the expansion
transitions. Figure 7-10 suggests that, while the cracks start out longitudinal,
they can develop a circumferential component with time. However, there
have only been isolated reports of circumferential cracking in roll transitions
in the field to this date. The EdF tests also suggest that for tubes given the
DAM treatment, cracking initially starts at the lower transition, then starts
at the upper transition, and finally the cracks at the two transition elevations
can join together making a longer crack. This testing also suggests that the
DAM process may delay the initiation of PWSCC, but does not prevent
PWSCC in susceptible material and may ultimately lead to longer cracks
than for a roll expansion without DAM treatment or "kiss roll."
Figure 7-11 shows the cracking patterns which developed during high
temperature steam tests of pressurized roll transitions at Westinghouse
plants (7.34). The cracks are primarily axial, but circumferential components
develop at the transition between the tapered region and the unexpanded
EPRI Licensed Material
Expansion Transition PWSCC at Ringhals 2 (7.31)
07.5 mm •
Crack Thickness
- 540 - 540
5351 ....... 9, , ........ . .,,.... ........
'5535• S90 180 270 360
90 180 270 360
Circumferential Position [degree]
Circumferential Position [degree]
T 565 Ef 565
2 560 560
I I II II 555
L 545
540 540
5350 535,
90 180 270 360 360
Circumferential Posittion [degree] Circumferential Position [degree]
Expansion Transition PWSCC at Ringhals 3 (7.33)
T 565 565 -
E 560 560 ML
. 555
• 550 No Indications -•550
0 0
d- 545 (L545
Fz 540 I,
a 540 'X5350 I I... . I. I. . i...
. , . I. ,. , I, I __
,. .
,,,I, ,,,,,,I,,,,
535L 90 180 270 360
180 270 360
Circumfe rential Position [degree] (Circumferential Position [degree]
7-22 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Results of SCC Tests of Sensitized Alloy 600 in Tetrathionate for Roll
Transitions With and Without DAM Treatment (from EdF)
EPRI Licensed Material
Surface View of ID Cracks in Alloy 600 Tube at Both Transitions of
Specimen DE-492 (3/4 in. OD, Low MA, AE) After Splitting and
Flattening the Tube. Specimen exposure was 763 hours in 750°F
(7980 C), 3,000 psig steam with 11 psia hydrogen inside the tube and
1,500 psig steam outside the tube.
The current status is that axial PWSCC has been reported in most types
of tubes with roll expansion, including hot leg expansion transitions in part-
depth expansions, full-depth expansions, full-depth expansions with DAM
treatment, and transitions which were rotopeened or shot peened after the
plant went into service. PWSCC has also been reported in small numbers
of cold leg roll expansion transitions. In addition, this type of PWSCC has
been observed in material with a variety of microstructures, most severely
in low temperature mill annealed material, but also in higher temperature
mill annealed and thermally treated material.
To date, longitudinal PWSCC has not been confirmed (by examination
of pulled tubes) in tubes which were explosively or hydraulically expanded,
or roll expanded and shot peened prior to operation. However, there has
7-24 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Circumferential PWSCC in Explosive Transitions at Fessenheim 1
~ s-...,............................................... 0
....... ...
>. ........................... 0
t0 o.,...............f ......................
.~ ~-. t
O.............. ~ .
0. to tttt
t................ .
o2 .... .. ... .. .. ..
. . . . 0.........0to .. .. .. ... 0 o 0 o
0 0 0 00 00 0
Figure 7-13
Circumferential PWSCC in Kiss Roll Transition at Dampierre 1 (7.23)
Dam Roll-Over
Expanded (0.4mm
vs. Design of 0,15mm)
Cracking at U-Bends
PWSCC at U-Bends has led to several tube ruptures. However, this
problem can be prevented by plugging or stress relieving inner row U-bends
and avoiding denting at tube support plates.
Cracking at U-Bend Apex. PWSCC has occurred in the U-bend apex region
at Surry I and 2, Turkey Point 1 and 2, Obrigheim, Doel 2, and Beznau 2.
These problems have been traced to two different sources, denting at tube
support plate holes and excessive ovality.
Apex PWSCC Due to Tube Support Plate Denting. Severe denting
occurred at tube to tube support plate intersections at the Surry and
Turkey Point plants due to secondary side water chemistry problems
.(7. 18). As indicated in Figure 7-15, severe denting at large numbers
of tubes caused: (1) deformation of the tube support plate, especially
in the region of flow slots; (2) pinching of the U-bend legs; (3) high
bending stresses in the tube wall at the apex of the U-bend; (4) PWSCC
on the inside of the tube wall; and (5) ultimate tube rupture. This
situation can be avoided by preventing denting.
7-28 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Axial PWSCC at Dented Tube Support Plate Intersection at
North Anna Unit 1
High Tensile
~and Axial
Tub Shoot
SP 2
30' 2100
Source of High Bending Stress Leading to U-Bend Apex PWSCC at
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2. Deformation of flow
slot causes ovalization
, nof U-Bend
7-30 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
U-Bend Apex PWSCC at Doel 2 (Based on Description in 7.21)
U-Bend Opposite Transition Cracks at Takahama 1 and Trojan
Stress corrosion cracking was previously defined as the cracking type
failure of susceptible material under the combined action of a corrosive
environment and sustained tensile stress. It was also noted that stress
corrosion cracking is typically intergranular and proceeds in a direction
roughly perpendicular to the maximum tensile stress. This section provides
a general discussion of how stress corrosion cracking occurs and a more
detailed discussion of the three factors necessary for stress corrosion
cracking: (1) material susceptibility, (2) tensile stress, and (3) aggressive
General Discussion
Metals, such as alloy 600 steam generator tubing, are crystalline solids
in which the atoms line up in regular- lattice arrays upon cooling from the
molten state. Crystal growth initiates at many points simultaneously, and
the individual crystallites grow until they come into contact with adjacent
growing crystallites at irregularly shaped boundaries. Individual crystallites
do not tend to merge into a single larger crystallite at the boundaries because
their lattice axes do not match. The resultant individual crystallites are
called "grains." A key factor from the standpoint of PWSCC is that
impurities do not fall easily into place in the lattice as the grain is forming
and therefore tend to concentrate at the grain boundaries. The concentration
of impurities at grain boundaries can be 1,000 to 10,000 times that in the
center of the grains. Therefore, the resultant metal consists of individual
grains bound together by atomic forces at the boundaries and with a higher
concentration of impurities at the grain boundaries than in the centers of
the grains.
EPRI Licensed Material
Schematic Representation of Intergranular Corrosion and
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking
a. Intact
b. IGA L
7-34 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Under ideal conditions, a protective film forms over the metal surface
which retards corrosion of the grains or grain boundaries. When a tensile
stress is imposed on a material, the resulting strain may break the protective
film, allowing the corrosive environment to come into contact with the metal.
This in turn can lead to accelerated dissolution of the more susceptible grain
boundary material as illustrated in Figure 7-18c. Once a crack is initiated,
the applied tensile stress acts to keep the crack open and allows the corrosive
environment access to the inside of the crack. Further, the geometry results
in an increased stress intensity at the crack tip. Accordingly, the crack tends
to follow the original grain boundaries into the material. Stress corrosion
cracking tends to follow a single path from the surface since the cracking
relieves the tensile stress on grain boundaries on either side of the one which
is cracked. Stress corrosion cracking can initiate at pre-existing cracks,
surface discontinuities, or at locations of submicroscopic differences in
material composition, protective film thickness, or corrodent concentration.
The effect of stress corrosion cracking is to reduce the effective strength
of the material. In the absence of conditions which lead to PWSCC, material
can be stressed to the ultimate strength statically without failing. Under
conditions which lead to PWSCC, material may fail at a much lower stress.
However, there appears to be a practical stress threshold of about 60% of
the engineering yield strength below which PWSCC does not become a
practical problem in PWR steam generator tubing. Finally, if the applied
tensile stress changes periodically, the crack can grow by fatigue as well as
corrosion. This is called "corrosion fatigue," and it has a lower stress
threshold than for stress corrosion under static load conditions.
Material Susceptibility
During the cooling which occurs after annealing, carbon combines with
chromium to form chromium carbides. The carbides precipitate within the
grains or at grain boundaries depending largely upon the material carbon
content, the temperature reached during the annealing process, the time at
temperature, the presence of prior precipitates, and the cool down rate.
In 1973, Coriou published the results of tests which indicate that heat
treatments which produce material with chromium carbides concentrated
primarily at the grain boundaries (intergranular) provide better resistance
to SCC in high purity water environments than heat treatments which
produce material with chromium carbides dispersed within the grains
(intragranular) (7.2). Subsequently, other researchers have confirmed
Coriou's conclusion (7.40, 7.44). The best resistance to PWSCC appears to
be associated with a microstructure characterized by copious quantities of
grain boundary chromium carbides (intergranular carbides) and a few
chromium carbides within the matrix of the grains as illustrated
schematically in Figure 7-19.
EPRI Licensed Material
Schematic Representation of Susceptible and Resistant
Alloy 600 Microstructure
•. . *
Correlation Between Carbide Morphology and PWSCC at Ringhals 2
No. of Tubes
EM Intragranular Carbides
r-D Grain Boundary Carbides
4 N
0 1-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24
No. of ID-cracks
Proposed Effect of Grain Boundary Carbides on Crack Tip Shape
Sharp-Tipped Crack:
Few Low Energy
D islocation Sources
EPRI Licensed Material
Final Mill Annealing Temperature. For a given heat of alloy 600 material,
the main fabrication variable which controls the carbide morphology is the
final mill annealing temperature after cold working to the final tube size.
Significant factors in the tube forming and mill annealing process, which
affect material susceptibility, are as follows:
* Chromium carbides are present prior to final tube forming and final
mill annealing as a result of previous forming and heat treating
* Material is cold worked during the final tube forming operations.
* Material recrystalizes during the final mill annealing treatment and
forms new grain boundaries upon cooling.
" Dissolution of carbides during final mill annealing is a strong function
of the mill anneal temperature. At a low mill anneal temperature, many
carbides do not go fully into solution. These carbides tend to slow
down grain growth and to remain at intragranular locations after
completion of the annealing. In addition, relatively sparse decoration
of grain boundaries by carbides occurs because of the limited dissolution
of carbides and the large grain boundary surface area. At a high mill
anneal temperature, carbides are dissolved more freely, the grains grow
in size which reduces the grain boundary surface area and the carbides
re-precipitate at the new grain boundaries upon cooling. Therefore, a
high mill annealing temperature results in large grains, copious grain
boundary (intergranular) carbides and few intragranular carbides.
The effect of final mill anneal temperature on PWSCC susceptibility
has been confirmed by several researchers. For example, Norring tested
alloy 600 reverse U-bends (RUBs) in high purity water containing hydrogen
(7.47). The time to crack initiation increased by a factor of four when the
mill anneal metal temperature was increased from 1,697°F (9250C) to 1,877 0F
(1,025 0 C).
A possible explanation why some plants have experienced severe
PWSCC and others have been relatively free of PWSCC is that the final
tube mill anneal conditions have changed over time.
' Prior to the early 1970s, alloy 600 tubing used in most Westinghouse
and Combustion Engineering plants was processed using a high enough
final mill anneal metal temperature to produce recrystalization, large
grain size (typically <ASTM No. 6), and good dissolution of carbides.
At this mill anneal temperature, carbides were free to precipitate at the
new grain boundaries during cooling. This heat treatment tended to
produce a material resistant to PWSCC but with relatively low yield
7-38 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
" In the early 1970s, the mill anneal metal temperature used for tubing in
W/L type steam generators was lowered to about 1,750'F (955'C). This
temperature was selected to obtain a higher yield strength in the range
of 50-60 ksi (345-450 MPa). This mill anneal temperature is high enough
to cause recrystalization, but it is not high enough to cause much grain
growth or carbide dissolution. Thus, it results in smaller grain size
(typically ASTM No. 8-11). This leads to a higher concentration of
intragranular carbides and a lower concentration of desirable
intergranular carbides. This material has good resistance to acid attack,
but is more susceptible to PWSCC than material annealed at higher
* During the late 1970s, W/L started to use a "special thermal treatment"
primarily to increase the resistance to secondary side caustic attack.
The process involves holding the tubing at a temperature of 1,300'F
(705'C) for about 15 hours after final mill annealing. This process was
intended to produce the desirable condition of continuous grain
boundary carbides and provide sufficient time for the chromium
concentration at the grain boundaries to return to a level which will
resist attack under acidic and oxidizing conditions (i.e., not sensitized).
The special thermal treatment also serves to reduce residual stresses of
the base tubing material. The thermal treatment does not reduce the
residual stresses developed in the material during subsequent tube
bending or expansion operations, except by having reduced the yield
strength and reducing the work hardening characteristics of the
" About 1980, research was completed by Airey which showed that the
desired carbide microstructure could be reliably obtained by the thermal
treatment only if a sufficiently high final mill anneal temperature is
used (Z.41). The current EPRI specifications for alloy 600 and 690 tubing
call for a high enough final mill anneal temperature to assure that a
good microstructure is obtained (7.48).
* An alternative heat treatment approach used on all B&W once-through
steam generators is to stress relieve the entire steam generator for about
10 hours at 1,1507F (620'C) after final assembly. This process results in
a high concentration of desirable intergranular carbides and relief of
the fabrication induced residual stresses. As a result, this tubing has
been free from PWSCC. However, the stress relief results in chromium
depletion at the grain boundaries (i.e., a "sensitized" condition) and
poor resistance to IGSCC under acidic oxidizing conditions. Acidic
attack has proven to be a problem with TMI-1 providing the best
EPRI Licensed Material
Relationship Between Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubing
Microstructure and PWSCC Susceptibility (7.43)
/.-A = •V, . ,. . , _ . . ,
, rI , . .•,
* #. *., . I. ,.
• I . ..-, -* ", ,-. --
a) Structure I
~ A-
4' L - :. +. - , •- .•
• 4,''•
, "- 1•i "
,. .4 a :, :- -A•, •' .: : . ,
b) Structure II
•"•" ..'}
.• ' .', .; ' ." ., . • d .," ,. . . ,k
" •1 l . ' " : :. . ' .' : . . ' . . r ¢ " ,: ,
':[:-.+ •: , •,'i• i : 7 . ... :3:
.•. .'•,:!
•;:,,.- c);.Structur .I"I -' .
EPRI Licensed Material
* Structure I
* Structure II
* Structure IIt BC C54 C52
a'- + NNUI-L-C79
6J1 6L I**
+ J'1
6P 6J'2
6R C61
6E 6S BB 6J3
6F 6D 6A
Ipd tuu
Type de Structure
FIGURE 7-22b
Relationship Between Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubing Ultimate
Tensile Strength and PWSCC Susceptibility (7.43)
Sensibilit6 A la Corrosion
FIGURE 7-22c
Relationship Between Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubing Ultimate
Tensile Strength and PWSCC Susceptibility (7.43)
Structure II
0,04 . 6R
+6 J'3 6J2 A 6J'1A A
* 6J1 AC 6 4
6E 6L
6S * C62
0,02 -
6F A C61,
Structure I
V i i I I I
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
BC 05
I C79
0,04, Structure I
* Structure III
0 I I I i
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
EPRI Licensed Material
(.69). The test environment was pure water with hydrogen at 617 or 680'F
(325 or 360'C). Results of the tests were as follows:
" RUBs from 4 tubes did not crack in either the MA or TT conditions.
" RUBs from 5 tubes cracked in both the MA and TT conditions.
* RUBs from 9 tubes showed that TT had a beneficial effect on time to
• The RUB from I tube showed that TT had a detrimental effect on time
Further evaluation showed that the material which showed a
detrimental effect, and two of the materials which showed no effect of TT,
had compositions or processing considered not representative of tubing in
actual steam generators. Thus, of the twelve materials considered to be
representative, nine exhibited a beneficial effect from thermal treatment
and three showed no effect.
Effect of Thermal Treatment on Time to PWSCC (7.67)
99 t11rFTTi i 1TTI
90 ............. ....... ... ... . ........
] ......... ................
....... "................... ....
5 .................................. .............. ......
100 2
Operating experience suggests that significant PWSCC should not occur
in alloy 600 tubing at operating condition stresses less than about 35 ksi
(240 MPa) for temperatures up to 615'F (324°C). Since design stresses
permitted by the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code are much less than
35 ksi (240 MPa), PWSCC failure would not be expected to occur due to
applied pressure and/or thermal loadings. This is supported by the fact
that essentially all PWSCC indications have occurred at locations where
(1) high residual stresses are produced during fabrication (expansion
transitions and inner row U-bends); (2) high stresses are produced as a result
of strains induced during operation (dented tube support plate intersections
or U-bends deformed by tube support plate denting); or (3) high stresses
are produced as a result of geometric abnormalities such as excessive tube
ovality, oversize tubesheet holes or improper kiss rolling. There has been
only one report of PWSCC in a straight run of tubing remote from
discontinuities and this was attributed to high local residual stresses at
fabrication induced scratches (7.71).
The following summarizes the applied operating stresses, the residual
stresses induced by various fabrication processes, the threshold stress below
which PWSCC should not be a concern over the plant life, and the influence
of stress on time to PWSCC.
Operating and Residual Stresses in ID Expansion Transitions
Hoop Axial
Stress Stress
Parameter fki (kSul
Differential Pressure 11.0 5.5
Thermal-Gradient -7.0 -7.0
Total Pressure + Thermal 4.0 -1.5
Max. Max.
Tensile Tensile
Hoop Axial
Stress Stress
Type of Expansion Ref. (ksi) k Sul
Normal Roll Expansion
- EdF corrosion/x-ray data 7.25 54 49
- Penn State Univ. x-ray 7.49 62 45
Kiss Roll Expansion
- EdF corrosion/x-ray data 7.25 49 38
Hydraulic Expansion
- Framatome x-ray measurements 7.50 28 35
- Westinghouse (NSD) FE analysis 7.51 30 38
- Dominion Engineering FE analysis 7.52 38 41
Stress Threshold for LTMA Alloy 600 Material. Field experience implies
that a practical stress threshold for PWSCC of susceptible LTMA alloy 600
tubing under hot leg operating conditions is about 35 ksi (240 MPa). This
practical stress threshold is based on the fact that there has been relatively
little expansion transition PWSCC in plants with LTMA tubing and
explosive expansions after about ten years of operation. While there have
been no analyses of stresses in explosive transitions, they are considered to
be close to the stresses in hydraulic transitions. The preceding results show
maximum tensile residual stresses in hydraulic transitions to be about 35-
40 ksi (240-275 MPa) with the operating stresses increasing the total by about
4 ksi (28 MPa).
7-48 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Operating and Residual Stresses in Row 1 U-Bends Formed With
Westinghouse Ball Mandrel
Max. Max.
Tensile Tensile
Hoop Axial
Stress Stress
Type of Expansion Ref. tkSuL Sul
Normal Operating Stresses
- R. L. Cloud FE analysis 7.53 31 -
- Mitsubishi FE analysis 7.19 17 -
- EdF/Framatome analysis 7.54 36 -
Residual Stress
- Mitsubishi strain gage tests 7.19 50 -
- Penn State Univ. x-ray measurements 7.55 68 90
EdF Operating + Penn State Univ. Residual - =100 -
Mitsubishi Operating + Residual 7.19 50-60 -
The practical stress threshold of about 35 ksi is close to the elastic limit
for LTMA alloy 600 tubing and about 60% of the engineering yield strength
(0.2% offset). This is consistent with test work reported by Yonezawa (7.56)
which shows that the time to PWSCC for LTMA alloy 600 tubing increases
greatly when the applied stresses are less than 80% of the 6ngineering yield
Effect of U-Bend Ovality on Stress (7.53)
a Perfect Tube
40 o 5% Ovality
o 10% Ovality
• 20
Minor Axis
- Major Axis
0 View A-A
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
0 (Degrees)
Inside Surface Hoop Stress Along Flank, Temperature & Pressure Loading
A strain rate damage model has been proposed by Garud (7.57) which
postulates that cracking will occur when the integral of a function of the
strain rate reaches a certain value. The dependence of strain rate on stress,
temperature and the environment is modeled using constituative equations
for elastic-viscoplastic strain-hardening materials. These equations lead to
calculations with a large number of factors which must be fit to experimental
7-50 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
x (Yu--Grth
7 = applied stress
cGth = threshold stress
au = ultimate strength
The major environmental factors affecting PWSCC of alloy 600 steam
generator tubing are temperature; hydrogen and lithium concentrations;
and electrochemical potential.
Correlation Between Stress and Time-to-PWSCC for Alloy 600 Steam
Generator Tubing (7.56, 7.57)
10 .
0r 4
1 10 100 1000
Failure, Days
< 80
x-. 70
a-c a -7
A 60
E.2 50
I Crack No Crack I
CL 30
20 0.2% Offset Proof Sfress
10 at 380'C
102 101 101
Stress Corrosion Cracking Testing Time (h)
7-52 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Effect of Applied Stress to Yield Stress Ratio on Time-to-PWSCC for
Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubing (7.56)
Material Stress Stress Corrosi on Cracking en Stess Stress Corrosion Cracking ,
Heat ICl (kgf/mrr?) Testing Time(h) -• (kgf/mn) Testing Time(h)
IC (9Q Treat-WCorkin
Working 052 .o00o0 oIooooIoo o . 0.e50 ,Ptg *o*in
,= - -o--
mnf.n - i.
, ment " e IQ•
-- 24 eso
i Tensile ti%813704'
45 0 6,98 2
Strained 01121 IGSCC .
Strained 57 2 793) 4 ,,aGSCC
r no crack I crack
Probable Relationship Between Applied Stress and Time to PWSCC
Log (Time)
EPRI Licensed Material
Correlation Between Temperature and Time-to-SCC of Alloy 600
Tubing (7.58)
Temperature, °C 365
290 315 325 345 360
1000 I I I -
100 4
Points o
a) a
33 kcal/mole 8
r 0.94
10 Projected a
Failure at 0
290°C.330 Weeks
Hydrogen. Bandy and Van Rooyen (7.58) and Airey (7.41 7.42) have shown
that dissolved hydrogen increases the rate of PWSCC at hot leg
temperatures. More recently, Norring has reported on tests to determine
the effect of hydrogen overpressure in 626°F (330'C) water (7.59). Results
of the tests, shown in Figure 7-29, suggest that the rate of PWSCC increases
with increasing hydrogen overpressure. Recent tests by EdF confirm this
effect with concentrations from 0 to 150 ppm dissolved hydrogen. However,
with increased concentration (i.e., 757 ppm) susceptibility to cracking was
decreased (7.72).
Effect of Hydrogen Overpressure and Lithium on Time-to-IGSCC of
Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubing (7.59)
B&W 170OF 3/4"
010 . .. . ..... . .
30 . .
10 .. .. . . . . .
. . .. . . . .
.. .
30 ....
I. 10..
...... ....
Effect of Electrochemical Potential on the Rate of PWSCC in
Alloy 600 Material (7.46)
100I I
o PH2=0.005MPa
* PH2 =0.1MPa
20 Alloy 600
O01rm H 3BO3+0.00lm LiOH Soln
-1000 -300 0 300
Potential, mnV
Figure 7-31 shows the number of tubes with hot leg expansion transition
PWSCC indications as a function of effective full power years for several
plants with low mill anneal temperature tubing. The plants include
Ringhals 2 which has part-depth roll expansions, EdF plants which have
kiss roll expansions, and North Anna I which has full-depth explosive
Typical Rate of Expansion Transition PWSCC in Several Well
Documented Plants With PWSCC-Susceptible Material
0~ 1.00%
0~ 0.01% 1
1.00 10.00 100.00
Effective Full Power Years
Typical Rate of U-Bend PWSCC in EdF Plants
.-=• 10.00%
- 0.10%
1u 100
Effective Full Power Years
It WRowi1 VRow2 -*" W Row 2
7-58 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Knowledge of the location and size of PWSCC defects is necessary to
demonstrate that the steam generator tubing meets licensing requirements
regarding tube integrity, and to avoid forced outages resulting from
excessive primary-to-secondary side leakage. Accordingly, it is necessary
to identify and characterize PWSCC in row I and row 2 U-bends, at severely
dented tube support plate intersections and in the expansion transition
regions. There are several methods available to perform inspections for
through wall (7.62) and small circumferential cracks which were bridged
between axial cracks (7.24). Figures 7-8 and 7-9 show the typical correlation
between RPC and detailed laboratory inspections of tubes at Ringhals. EdF
has also reported that the .RPC technique may not detect small
circumferential cracks in the expansion transition region. As noted in the
preceding section, RPC was able to detect all but seven of 43 leaking U-bends
in Ringhals 4.
Ultrasonic Testing
Work is underway to apply the ultrasonic inspection method to the
detection of PWSCC (.761 7.64 7.65). EdF has reported excellent
characterization of circumferential PWSCC in three pulled tubes (7.64).
However, the Ringhals test results (Figures 7-8 and 7-9) show that both the
ultrasonic and RPC inspections missed the same short circumferential crack
bridging between two axial cracks as the RPC method (7.24). In summary,
the ultrasonic inspection method shows promise but is not yet to the same
state of development as the RPC method.
Leak Testing
Through wall PWSCC in U-bends, tube support plate intersections, and
expansion transitions can sometimes be located by leak testing. Helium
leak testing is the most common method and involves drying the steam
generator secondary side and pressurizing with a low pressure, 6 bar
(90 psi), mixture of about 90% air and 10% helium. A sniffer is programmed
to pass below each tube and check for helium (7,63 7.66).
Another method of leak testing is to use fluorescein dye when
performing a hydrostatic test on the secondary side of the steam generator.
This type of leak testing involves filling the secondary side with water
containing 50 ppm fluorescein and pressurizing the secondary side to 25-40
bar (360-600 psi). After 8-20 hours, the underside of the tubesheet is
inspected using an ultraviolet lamp to identify leaking tubes (7.63).
Testing at Doel 3 showed that fluorescein dye was capable of detecting
long (0.5-0.9 inches [12-22 mmi) cracks. However, smaller cracks down to
0.08 inches (2 mm) length, which were detectable by RPC, were not detected
by fluorescein dye (7.63). The tests at Doel 3 also showed problems with
the helium leak test which were attributed to humidity or incomplete drying
of the secondary side leading to moisture plugging the tight PWSCC cracks.
The overall conclusion was that many leaking tubes were detected by one
or the other of the two methods, but only a few were detected by both
7-60 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
EdF found that RPC inspection was capable of locating 98% of the
defects identified by helium leak testing (7.66). On the other hand, EdF has
found that PWSCC detected by eddy current testing may not be detected
by helium leak testing. Since helium leak testing is capable of detecting all
significant size through-wall cracks, EdF uses the technique to quickly
identify tubes which should be inspected in greater detail by RPC. As shown
in Figure 7-33, EdF considers this procedure to have reduced the number
of forced outages without the need for 100% RPC inspection.
Reduction in Forced Outages in EdF Plants After Start of
Helium Leak Testing (7.66)
0 2 2 2 Year
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
7.1 Coriou, H., L. Grall, Y. Le Gall, and S. Vettier. "Corrosion Fissurante
Sous Contrainte De L'Inconel Dans UEau A Haute Temperature."
Third Collogue de Metallurgie Corrosion. Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires
de Saclay, France. Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Co.,
1959, p. 161.
7.2 Coriou, H., et. al. "Historical Review of the Principal Research
Concerning the Phenomena of Cracking of Nickel-Base Austenitic
Alloys." In Proceedingsof Conference on FundamentalAspects of Stress
CorrosionCracking and Hydrogen Embrittlement of Iron Based Alloys.
Unieux-Firminy France. NACE-5. June 12-16, 1973.
7.3 Van Rooyen, D. "Review of the Stress Corrosion Cracking of Inconel
600." Corrosion 31 (1975): 327.
7.4 Serra, E. "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600." EPRI NP-2114-
SR. November 1981.
7.5 Garud, Y. S., and T. L. Gerber. "Intergranular Stress Corrosion
Cracking of Ni-Cr-Fe Alloy 600 Tubes in PWR Primary Water-
Review and Assessment for Model Development." EPRI NP-3057.
May 1983.
7.6 Szklarska-Smialowska, S. "Factors Influencing IGSCC of Alloy 600
in Primary and Secondary Waters of PWR Steam Generators."
Paper presented at Fourth International Symposium on
Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems,
Water Reactors, Jekyll Island, Georgia, August, 1989.
7.7 Hunt, E. S., and J. A. Gorman. "Status and Suggested Course of
Action for Nondenting-Related Primary Side Cracking of
Westinghouse-Type Steam Generators." EPRI NP-4594-LD. May
7.8 "U-Bend Tube Cracking in Steam Generators." EPRI WS-80- 136.
June 1981.
7.9 "Proceedings: 1983 Workshop on Primary-Side Stress Corrosion
Cracking of PWR Steam Generator Tubing." EPRI NP-5498.
November 1987.
7.10 "Proceedings: 1985 Workshop on Primary-Side Stress Corrosion
Cracking of PWR Steam Generator Tubing." EPRI NP-5158. June
7.11 1985 SGOG/EPRI Workshop on Management of Steam Generators
Susceptible to Primary Side Cracking: Remedial Actions and NDE
Methods. St. Petersburg Beach, FL. December 10-12, 1985.
7-62 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Contributing Authors/Editors
W. L. Pearl,NWT
S. G. Sawochka, NWT
8-2 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Tube support plates (TSPs) and lattice bar structures were initially made
of carbon steel, but as a result of the denting process, carbon steel has been
replaced by 12% Cr (A405, A409) or 13% Cr (A410) ferritic stainless steels
in new designs. Austenitic stainless steel (Type 347) is used for lattice bar
structures in KWU steam generators, but this introduces problems due to
differential expansion relative to the ferritic shell which have to be addressed
by design. A508 Class 3 (<0.25% Cr) ferritic steel or an equivalent steel is
typically used for the tubesheet.
to originate from the tube support plate (8.6). No evidence was found for
participation of phosphate in the denting process, other than as a filler for
the initial tube/TSP gap. However, it was suggested that copper may have
a significant influence on the corrosion process (8.3).
Details of Scale and Deposit Showing Banded Structure and
Variation in Porosity (8.3)
EPRI Licensed Material
Small amounts (<2%) of hematite were found in the scale (8.3) in the
form of discrete bands. The potential-pH diagram for the Fe-H 20 system
(Figure 8-2) shows that Fe 2 0 3 will be the stable corrosion product at
intermediate and high pH and high oxygen partial pressures. Thus, it is
possible that short-term changes in pH, oxygen concentration, or transport
of other oxidants (e.g., CuO) may have occurred in the steam generator as
a result of changes in plant operating conditions.
Potential/pH Diagram for Fe-H2 0 at 5500 (299 0 C) (8.7)
FeO 4=
1.00 - I,
i 0.50 IN
W_ 0.00 " , -
n0a.-_"-_ (a) N. , .(a
_ , '" " (b)
0 4 8 12 16
8-6 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Correlation of Metal Loss Versus Capsule Bulging (4.8)
(Corrosion) 1.36 (Bulge) + 6.8
0 5 10 15
Radial Bulge (mils)
EPRI Licensed Material
Top of 7th Support Plate After U-Bend Removal (t.9)
Column 61
Cold Leg
Hot Leg
Center Post
Column 44
8-8 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
One of the early reported side effects of denting was the deformation
of inner-row-tubing U-bends which resulted in ID and OD stress corrosion
cracking in Row 1 and OD cracking in Row 2 tubes. In this process, the
growth of the uppermost tube support plate led to flow slot closure and
offsetting of the two U-bend legs in an inward direction, producing an over-
bend condition in the tubing. This led to cracking near the apex of the bend
as the tube cross section became ovalized (8.10). Figure 8-5 (8.9) illustrates
a U-bend apex stress corrosion crack.
IGSCC on the primary side (ID) also has been found in some heavily
dented intersections, e.g., Figure 8-6. No ID cracking was observed below
10% strain, with all the inspected specimens above 20% strain containing
such cracks. Based on such operating experience as well as laboratory tests,
calculated tube strains of 10-20% have been employed as tube plugging
criteria. If preventive plugging of dented tubes had not been widespread,
IGSCC might have been observed more frequently. Improved technology
of measuring tube shape, together with increased favorable operating
experience, has refined the relationship of tube strain and the need for tube
plugging, and has led to responsive tube plugging criteria.
Effect of Flow Slot Closure on Appearance and Behavior of Row 1
U-Bend's 5th Flow Slot (8.9)
EPRI Licensed Material
Hot Leg Specimen at 1st Support Plate Showing ID Cracking
(26.9% Strain) (8.4)
5 mm
Corrosion Processes
The impact of denting in PWR steam generators led to extensive research
into this mode of corrosion, and a search for remedial measures. The
processes leading to denting are broadly understood, and are shown
schematically in Figure 8-7 (8.12). The concentration and corrosion processes
8-10 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Schematic Diagram Showing Mechanism of Corrosion at Tube/Tube
Support Plate Crevice (8.12)
Heat Flux 02 or Cu
zi•lC-athodic Reactions
(O2 + 2H 2 0 + 4e-i. 40H)
Corrosion (Cu 2 + 2e- Cu Metal)
Product / /
,Cathodic Reaction (2H*+ 2e- H)
~ and Copper
C2 or Maneit.Heatt
Heat Flux• C I- or Oxygenated Salt Water
with Copper Ions
Alloy 600 Tube
EPRI Licensed Material
Schematic Representation of Corrosion Product Morphologies of
Iron and Chromium Alloys Exposed to High Temperature Water (8.12)
S S * * , . , .. , e Inner Layer of
Iron/Chrome Spinel
ft I - I
(a) Duplex Oxide (Potter-Mann)
Water Water
r * 5' . S
S * *' *
, __ Original
• •. .. - '.... . •.......... •.
* - . . S -
\\\ \ -X-,\N\\
Metal Metal
Schematic Representation of the Proposed Mechanism of Fast
Linear Magnetite Growth on Steel in Acid Chloride Solution (8.14)
b) .** *4b _ .
-. Split Initiation
St *, , 3Fe(OH)++H 2 0
_-•- •* e_ , • * =H 2 +3H++ Fe0 4 (Anodic Reaction)
4b .0 0,0. 0.'e• ,pao. .
ad. Iron Solubility Limit
-. . N >.Gradient
e Fe 3 O4 Deposited From Solution
Porous Fe 3 0 4 Grown
*at Metal Surface
Effect of Precipitate Removal on Predicted Crevice pH With 0.1 ppm
Chloride in the Bulk Water From Seawater Contamination (MULTEQ
Version 2.0/386; Database 2.74)
• pH l
6- 6 . . . . .
* NPH l].• . . . . . . . .eNpH"K• , . . . ... ... ..... . ...
] ................. .............. .
-- --......
IE4- . . . ... .
3 - . . . . . . . .•. . . . . . . . . .............. ... ..--- .. ..•
... .. ... .. ! ....
. ...................! ~ ..... .......
......W ....
Relation of Crevice Concentration and Steam Generator Conditions
(A = Bulk Water Concentration; B = Concentration Limit) (8.19)
Temperature, 0C
Mann and Castle (8.22) found that the presence of dissolved oxygen or
copper provides a satisfactory explanation for denting observed at fresh-
water-cooled units where condenser leaks may increase alkalinity in the
steam generator. Under these conditions, the reduction of oxygen or
oxidized copper species provides a mechanism for generating acidic
solutions within the tube/support plate crevice.
They further found that oxidized copper species (ions or oxides) are
much more effective than dissolved oxygen at initiating corrosion because
they are not volatile and may penetrate into the crevice before reacting.
The ability of copper to initiate corrosion in neutral or alkaline chloride
solutions is greatly enhanced byprior exposure to dissolved oxygen. Dosing
hydrazine into the experimental system eventually suppressed the ability
of copper to initiate corrosion under these conditions. Since dissolved
oxygen is stripped from solution into the steam phase in the steam generator,
the crevice appears to. not be much more susceptible to corrosion by
dissolved oxygen in neutral or alkaline chloride solutions than an unheated
steel surface.
Wootten, et al. (8.24) calculated that the heat flux through a steam
generator tube wall can lead to formation of solutions ten times more
concentrated than seawater at the boiling point elevation limit, suggesting
that ionic impurities from a seawater condenser leak can theoretically
concentrate by orders of magnitude under the effects of local heat flux and
boiling. Heat flux and dryout effects in crevices were investigated by Baum
and Curlee (8.25-8.26) who showed that the crevice geometry is of primary
importance in creating dryout regions. Concentration factors up to 20,000
were observed during their studies.
Studies of concentration factors also have been carried out by Mann
and Castle (8.27). They showed in autoclave tests that concentration of
sodium chloride in a heated crevice was a linear process which takes place
with a concentrating efficiency of 0.46-0.80 of the theoretical rate. The rate
of accumulation was found to be a function of the feedwater (or the steam
generator bulk water) concentration and heat flux. Concentration factors
of greater than 60,000 were measured.
Bawden 8.28) showed that acid chlorides could be formed in heated
crevices from seawater inleakage, whereas typical river or lake water
normally becomes acidic only when there is inleakage of acid sulfate from
makeup water or cooling tower cooling water.
Computer codes that calculate pH of the seawater solution as the salinity
increases (8.16-.8. 8.28) have been prepared by several investigators.
Two major types of tests were carried out in the investigation of denting
corrosion: isothermal tests in which a corrodent at a relatively high
concentration was used, and heat transfer tests in which a much lower level
of corrodent was used but local boiling provided a concentrating effect much
like an actual steam generator. The isothermal tests (corrosion coupons in
autoclaves, tube capsules, electrochemical tests, etc.) were used to screen
possible corrodents and possible environment-modifying remedial
measures, and to determine the contaminant level required to initiate and
propagate corrosion. Such tests are relatively inexpensive and allow initial
test conditions at room temperature to be known. They suffer, however,
from a lack of solution refreshment during testing and probable depletion
or modification of the corrodent solution. The heat transfer tests, e.g.,
refreshed autoclaves, model boilers, etc., overcome the problems of
refreshment and depletion of the corrodent but are more expensive and
more complex. Although such tests more closely simulate conditions in
the steam generator, corrodent solution properties in the crevices, where
corrosion takes place, cannot be readily determined.
8-20 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Reference Chemistry. For isothermal tests and heat transfer tests, the
general approach was to develop a reference denting chemistry and compare
denting rates for a wide range of other chemistries to that in the reference
chemistry. The denting chemistries most commonly used were either strong
acid chlorides which usually consisted of metal chlorides (CuCl2 , NiC12,
FeC12, and FeC13 ) and hydrochloric acid, weak acid chlorides such as MgC12,
seawater, or combinations of these.
Pathania and Balakrishnan (8.20) developed a chemistry model to
calculate the chemistry of the environment in the isothermal test capsules
as the tests proceeded. They reported that a change in high temperature
pH occurred in a short time, and pH reached a steady value in less than ten
days. The calculated high temperature pH of a 0.02 N chloride solution of
seawater and several other chlorides after ten days is given in Table 8-1.
Isothermal Capsule Test pH After Ten Days (8.20)
Normality Medium pH
0.02 HCI 3.38
0.02 FeCI2 3.63
0.02 CuCI2 3.32
0.02 MgCI 2 4.70
0.56 Seawater 4.82
EPRI Licensed Material
Comparison of Calculated Corrosion Rates During Crevice Fill
Period Versus Bulging Period for Isothermal Capsule Tests (8.29)
A 120
eS32 -Ga
11 Diametral
E -- u0 m
00 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Summary of Westinghouse Isothermal Capsule Tests
at 550°F (288°C) (8.31)
Chloride (N)
Corrosion Rate and pH (8.23)
:8 0
10 0 8
2 4 5 6 10
Corrosion Rate and Chloride Concentration (8.23)
I 0
0 0
100 0
10 0 0
2 0 0
8 00 0
0 0
0 8
0 0
0.1 0 0
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100 1,000
Chloride, M
They were able to combine all isothermal capsule test data (strong acid
chlorides, seawater, etc.) into the correlation resulting in a corrosion rate
within a factor of 7 at the 95% confidence level for their linear rate, and a
factor of 5 for the parabolic rate. In comparison, the correlations done by
Sawochka, et al. (8.23) considered the seawater and strong acid chloride
data separately with corrosion rates within a factor of 2.2 at the 90%
confidence level for both cases.
Early autoclave coupon tests were performed by Vaia, et al. (8.32) who
investigated the oxidation rates of mild steel and 12% Cr steels in several
solutions. The carbon steel results are given in Table 8-3 along with the
calculated pH at 300'C (8.20).
8-26 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Comparison of Seawater (x) and Strong Acid Chlorides (o) on
Corrosion Rate/pH Relation (8.23)
m 10
2 3 4 5
Comparison of Seawater (x) and Strong Acid Chloride (o) on
Corrosion Rate/Chloride Relation (8.23)
10.000 r
1,000 P
1001- 0
10 F
1.0 P x
0.1 F
0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 10
Chloride, M
Corrosion Rates of Mild Steel in Autoclave Tests (8.31)
Descaled Weight Loss Versus Exposure for Carbon Steel in a
Seawater Solution and a NaCI/MgCI 2 Solution at Elevated
Temperature (8.32)
6 30
_• 20
Q 0
Descaled Weight Loss Versus Exposure for Carbon Steel in a NiCI2
Solution and a Seawater/ FeCI 2 /NiCI 2 Solution at 550 0C (288 0 C) (8.32)
E 600
a, 400
0 10 20 30 40 50
Exposure (days)
8-30 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Tube Deformation in Capsule Tests As a Function of Composition
for Seawater Solutions (8.31)
0.6 Ii i
Seawater 288°C 20
15 A+0.1 M Ni C12
S 0."4•- +016
0 +OAMCu 12
a, S eaw ater-- 4
o 0
0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Seawater Concentration (X fold)
Effect of Temperature on Bulging in 5,800 ppm NiCl 2 and CuCI2
Solutions (0.16 M Cl) (8.33)
Temperature (0 C)
200 220 240 260 280 300
0I 10
N 4
I 2
500 600
Temperature (OF)
Effect of Temperature on Capsule Bulge Size (8.33)
16- 16Legend:
E 12-
c 8--
E 0
5000 F
Temperature Dependence of Denting (8.24)
540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660
Typical Typical
Cold Leg Hot Leg
Temperature, oF
Studies by Vaia, et al. (8.32) show that the corrosion rates of other 400
ferritic stainless steels are comparable to that of Type 405. Type 347 austenitic
stainless also showed added resistance to the acid chlorides (8.12).
McKubre and Leach (8.35) compared'the galvanic corrosion of various
support alloys with that of carbon steel coupled to alloy 600 tubing in dilute
hydrochloric acid, seawater and river water environments (Table 8-5).
Their findings were comparable to those of others, i.e., as the total
alloying content (Cu + Ni + Mo + Mn + Si) increases, the corrosion rate
Relative Improvement Factor in Corrosion Rates:
Carbon Steel/Alloy (8.35)
1018 1 (mpy) 48 56 29 85
1Corrosion rates for 1018 are representative of the largest sustainable values at
2500C for the given conditions of crevice geometry and electrolyte composition.
Potter and Mann (8.),showed that bromide ion (Br-) will produce the
characteristic nonprotective oxide. It also has been suggested that fluoride
might support denting. However, it is unlikely that high concentrations of
fluoride could be present in acidic crevices due to the high volatility of HE
In another study (8.36), 1018 carbon steel and alloy 508 (typical of
tubesheet steel) were exposed in capsules to a variety of corrodents
(Table 8-6). Of the various corrodents, only MgC12 produced nonprotective
magnetite. Pitting of alloy 600 and the ferrous alloys was the predominant
form of attack.
Average Pit Depths in Capsules
Time = 8 weeks, Temp. = 564 0 F (296'C) (8.36)
'Nonprotective magnetite.
8-36 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Progression of Denting in Heated Crevice Device (8.24)
I i/
E 12
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time, Weeks
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 8-24 -
Denting Rate From Heated Crevice Tests With Magentite-Prepacked
Crevices (f = 14,300 Btu/ft 2 -h, TSAT = 540'F [282'C]) (8.33)
- 20
0,) 16
Z 12
0) 8
00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Exposure Time (days)
Shroud Assemblies
The Relationship Between Crevice Chloride Concentration, Crevice
pH, and Carbon Steel Corrosion Rate for Seawater (8.20)
6.0 4.0
10_. 3.0
o5.0 S.7-.-
/ 102 2.0
C, +20'
16c;io• .
-" 0
0 Wn
1A ý
The Relationship Between Crevice Chloride Concentration, Crevice
pH, and Carbon Steel Corrosion Rate for Cupric Chloride-Seawater
Mixture (1:2) (8.20)
5 O.IJ
4 3.0
74 102- 2.0 0"
0 lol- 1.0
/ 10o 0
2 I I I I I [
I I I I II -1.0
10 10 5
102 10 106
Model Boiler Tests. The term model boiler is used to describe an apparatus
which includes a circulating boiler system with a refreshed corrodent supply.
A single tube boiler system described by Esposito, et al. (8.41) was qualified
by carrying out repetitive tests with seawater (0.2 ppm C17) and copper
chloride (0.1 ppm C1). A denting rate of 45 mpy was consistently achieved
(Figure 8-28). Dent initiation was generally observed in 10-20 days in these
tests (8.42).
Model boilers using conical shrouds were instrumented with strain
gauges by Beineke, et al. (8.29) to measure corrosion. These corrosion rates,
however, cannot be directly compared with the denting rates measured by
other authors, since they only monitor motion at one point on the
circumference of the tube. However, the data confirm that even at very
low heat fluxes (e.g., 10,000-Btu/ft 2 -h) denting is initiated in typically less
than two months from test initiation at bulk water concentrations of 100 to
200 ppm chloride.
EPRI Licensed Material
Statistical Evaluation of Denting Rate From Reference Denting Tests
E 7
0) 5
White and Berry (8.43) reported that NaCI (15 ppm) did not cause
denting in a deaerated model boiler (with or without phosphates), nor did
sea salt with a mixed Fe/Ni oxide (Table 8-7). However, copper and nickel
chlorides produced denting which was moderated by the presence of
phosphate in the case of nickel chloride. The results of White and Berry as
well as those of Wootten for pure NaCl agree with laboratory results
obtained by Ashford, et al. (8.44) in their investigations of corrosion in
conventional boilers. They measured the hydrogen evolution from the
corrosion of a mild steel heated crevice in 100 ppm NaC1 (both aerated and
deaerated) at 752-932°F (400-500'C). Oxygen caused rapid corrosion in NaCI
solutions because it causes the formation of an acid chloride environment
at the metal surface. The oxide was mainly magnetite, with small amounts
of hematite.
8-42 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Corrosion Rates in Pot Boiler Tests (8.43)
Primary Temperature-635 0 F (335 0 C)
Secondary Temperature-550°F (2880 C)
Chemistry Denting
(15 ppm chloride salt)
P04 + NaCI None
NaCI None
CuO + CuCI 2 Slight - Moderate
P04 + CuO + CuC12 None - Very Slight
Fe 3 0 4 + NiCI2 Moderate - Heavy
NiFe 2 0 4 + Sea Salt None
To interpret the pot boiler, single tube model boiler and model steam
generator data developed by W and C-E, Sawochka, et al. (8.23) and Pathania
and Balakrishnan (8.20) employed the observed corrosion rates to predict
the crevice chemistry that must have been present based on the chemistry/
corrosion correlations developed from the capsule data. From this, they
calculated a concentration factor for each type of test. The concentration
factor between the bulk water and crevice varied as a function of bulk water
chloride concentration. At high bulk water chloride concentrations, i.e.,
5 ppm or greater, the concentration factor approached that corresponding
to the available superheat. At lower bulk water concentrations, the
calculated concentration factors were significantly less than those possible,
based on available superheat indicating that thermal-hydraulic/diffusion
effects were establishing concentration levels in the crevice. Sawochka, et
al. (8.23) developed the following equations for correlating the concentration
factor (CF) with bulk water chloride concentration for seawater
Pot boilers (C-E):
log CF = 4.129 - 0.6252 log ClB (8-10)
Single tube model boilers (W):
log CF = 4.911 - 0.5121 log ClB (8-11)
Model steam generators (C-E):
log CF = 4.645 - 0.8725 log ClB (8-12)
CIB = chloride concentration in bulk water, ppm
EPRI Licensed Material
Comparison of Concentration Factors From Pot Boilers, Single Tube
Model Boilers, and Model Steam Generator (8.23)
0 Model Steam
Pot Boiler
102 j
Pathania and Balakrishnan (8.20) combined the W and C-E pot and
model boiler heat transfer tests in seawater (with and without CuO) in
relating concentration factor to bulk chloride as shown in Figure 8-30. They
equated this relationship in the equation:
log CF = 4.3304 - 0.808 log CIB (8-13)
Since the crevice chloride concentration is defined as the product of the
bulk chloride and the concentration factor, Pathania and Balakrishnan noted
(8.20) from Eq. 8-13 that "...the crevice chloride concentration tended to be
almost constant." In other words the equilibrium crevice chloride
concentration has only a weak dependence on the bulk chloride
Based on linear regression of the model steam generator and single
tube model boiler tests using the data obtained at <2 ppm bulk water
chloride and the chloride/corrosion rate correlation of Eq. 8-5, Sawochka,
et al. predicted PWR steam generator corrosion rates during seawater ingress
to be
log CR = 1.714 + 0.9277 log ClB (8-14)
Relationship Between Bulk (Blowdown) Chloride Concentration and
Calculated Concentration Factors in Westinghouse STMB and
Combustion Engineering Model and Pot Boiler Tests (8.20)
02 0 CE PB
C() 10
0 0
3102 0
0.01 0.1 1.0 10 100
Bulk Chloride (ppm)
EPRI Licensed Material
Effect of Chemistry on TSP Crevice Superheat (8.33)
11 - Boiler Operation Boiler Operation With Reference II 0
4, -
10- - With Deionized H20 Denting Chemistry 0 I
9 - 0 o 0 II
0 II
I-. 7
Note Separation I
0 in Time Axis \4 1
5 0000000 0
0 II
4 -
I I I II I I I I I1 I I I Ii I
-10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 . 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 38 40 42
Days Before and After Addition of Denting Chemistry
8.46 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Denting As a Function of Available Model Boiler Superheat (8.33)
15 20 25 30 35
5.0o -- 1 1 1 1 1
Make-up Tank Reference
Denting Chemistry
-a 4.0 - 0.2 ppm CI From Seawater
E 0.1 ppm CI From CuCI2 0
"h 2 ppm NH3
0 0
• 3.0 _ 50 ppb N2H4
TSAT'--525 F"
tr 2. (292 C°) 0 8
(D/ 0
0 0
0 1
25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Effect of Model Boiler Available Superheat on Denting Rate at a
Five-Fold Dilution of Reference Chemistry Conditions (8.33)
20 25 30 35 40 45 50
0.4 I IIII
3ý 0.3
0.2 Q
o¢ I
5, I
o I \
00 0.1 I
40 50 60 70 80 90
Mann and Castle (845) found that the rate of NaCi hideout in a corroded
crevice in heated crevice tests was one-fifth of the rate of hideout in a packed
uncorroded crevice. This was attributed to a reduction in the rate of
evaporation in the crevice due to steam blanketing. Mann and Castle's
work also supported the hypothesis that available superheat controls the
crevice concentration. Salt accumulated in the crevice until an equilibrium
weight was reached. Equilibrium was determined primarily by the available
superheat and free volume in the crevice; bulk water concentration had
only a minor effect.
Fundamentally, the model assumes that the corrosion rate of the support
plate material (hence denting of the tubing) is dependent on the chloride
composition of the solution contacting the corroding surface. If the material
surface is contacted with neutral chloride, little corrosion occurs; if acid
chloride is present, corrosion is expected.
The first test of the model was a comparison of predicted versus actual
denting of isothermal capsules and then of model boiler tubes, where the
ratio of acid chloride to neutral chloride concentrations could be measured.
Agreement between the predicted and actual denting was good.
In a plant, however, there is no direct measure of neutral or acid chloride
concentrations and, in fact, the measured chloride could be defined as
neutral chloride in most cases. For the purpose of the model, the oxygen
concentration in the feedwater was assumed to be an equivalent measure
of hydrolyzable metal chloride (acid chloride) in the steam generator. The
model was found to be useful in its prediction of denting only if plant
chloride ingress was present in sufficient concentrations to initiate denting.
A blowdown level of 15 ppm chloride days per month for two consecutive
months was assumed to be sufficient to meet this criterion. This greatly
exceeds values achieved at the present time in operating units.
Based on their correlation of isothermal and heat transfer corrosion test
data in seawater 8.(23), Sawochka, et al. developed the following equation
to estimate the time to fill a 15 mil crevice and initiate denting as a function
of the bulk liquid chloride concentration in ppm:
log tD = -0.53 - 0.928 log CIB (8-17)
Employing a similar approach, Pathania and Balakrishnan (8.20)
reported the following relation for estimating the average time for filling a
radius crevice gap of (Yrd mils prior to the onset of denting at a plant with
seawater cooling:
log tD = log Yr - 1.187 - 0.296 log CIB (8-18)
and to fill a 15 mil crevice:
log tD = - 0.011 - 0.296 log ClB (8419)
8-50 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Table 8-8 was prepared from various sources for the time-to-denting at
11 brackish and seawater plants in an attempt to benchmark the two
correlations. The time-to-denting and chloride concentration from brackish/
seawater plants are plotted in Figure 8-34 along with the predicted times to
denting from the two groups. Reasonable agreement is indicated in the
range covered by the laboratory data.
Denting Data From Operating Plants on Brackish Water and
Predicted Versus Observed Time-to-Denting in Plants With Brackish
or Seawater Contamination
Sawochka, et al (8.23)
Pathania and
0 CC-2 o0 MY Balakrishnan
o 0 M-2
IP-3 0 0 W-3
a) 0 SL-1 S-1
0 R-2
O KR-1
0.1 I I I 1I
10 100 1000
Blowdown Chloride From Seawater, ppb
8-52 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
The laboratory data base documents the following conclusions:
* Denting is caused by the fast linear growth of nonprotective magnetite
within the tube/support crevice. A concentrated acid chloride
environment is formed in the crevice by the combination of local boiling
combined with either breakdown of a hydrolyzable chloride (e.g.,
MgC12 ) or the interaction of a neutral chloride (NaC1) and an oxidizing
species, such as Cu+ 2 or dissolved oxygen.
* Most denting in PWR steam generators can be related to development
of acid crevice solutions as a result of seawater or brackish water ingress.
* A different corrosion/chemistry relation exists for neutral and seawater
solutions compared to strong acid solutions as NiC12 and CuC12 .
Apparently, MgC12 solutions are closer to the seawater type.
* Denting is accelerated at increased temperature and at increased
concentrations of acid chlorides. In the laboratory, it is at a maximum
at an available crevice superheat of nominally 60-80'F (33-44°C).
* Studies with acidic sulfates have produced fairly high corrosion rates
but have not produced non-protective magnetite deposits nor denting.
" Chromium and silicon alloying additions to steel are beneficial in
reducing the corrosion rate in acid conditions, the former by promoting
duplex scale formation.
" Moderate corrosion of A405 (12% Cr) steel and denting of tubes and
mechanical restraints have been observed in model boiler and laboratory
tests. However, denting rates are much lower than for carbon steel,
and more concentrated chloride environments are required to give fast
linear magnetite growth.
* Attempts to predict the time to initiation of denting in PWR steam
generators from laboratory isothermal and heat transfer data have been
reasonably successful at plants where average impurity concentrations
have been high. The applicability of the correlations is limited by the
lack of experimental data at bulk water chloride concentrations
(<10 ppb) expected in commercial steam generators.
EPRI Licensed Material
Other chapters of this book and the Design and Operation Guidelines to
Minimize Steam GeneratorCorrosion discuss the various remedial measures
effective against denting corrosion. They are listed in Table 8-9 for reference.
Improved Operating and Maintenance Practices
Factor Remedy Reference
Reduce chloride " Condenser replacement Ch. 4 (1) (6)
levels entering the " Condenser maintenance Ch. 4 (1)
steam generator * Install condensate polishing Ch. 4 (2) (6)
" Optimize blowdown Ch. 4, 17,
system effectiveness 18 (3) (4)
* Improve polisher/ Ch. 17 (2)
makeup demin. performance (6)
Reduce acidity of " Eliminate copper- Ch. 4 (6)
corrodents bearing alloys
" Eliminate ingress of Ch. 10,15,17
chlorides (above) (5)
* Prevent air inleakage Ch. 18 (1)
(6) (5)
Reduce oxidizing " Eliminate sources of Ch. 18 (1)
potentials at crevice oxidants: Air ingress, (4) (5) (6)
aerated makeup water, (7) (8)
aerated auxiliary feedwater,
aeration during hot standby, etc.
" Optimize N2 H4 feed system Ch. 4 (5)
" Provide mechanical Ch. 4,17
deaeration (1) (4) (5) (6)
" Eliminate copper- Ch.4, 10 (6)
bearing alloys
Reduce inventory of " Sludge lancing Ch. 4, 18 (4)
corrodents in steam " Cyclic pressure flushing Ch. 4, 17 (4)
generator (sludge pile " High pH soaks/flushes Ch. 17 (4)
and crevice deposits) * Chemical cleaning Ch. 18 (9)
8-54 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
8.1 Tatone, 0. S., and R. L. Tapping. "Steam Generator Tube
Performance: Experience With Water-Cooled Nuclear Power
Reactors During 1985." Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd., (AECL
8.2 Morgan, E. P., F. W. Pement, J. N. Esposito, and R. G. Aspden.
"Examination of Denting and Characterization of Associated
Materials in the Plate-Tube Intersections of Westinghouse Nuclear
Steam Generators." Westinghouse Scientific Paper 76-7D2-SGEXM-
P1. 1976.
8.3 Bell, P. S., J. E. Forrest, D. F Libaert, and G. M. W. Mann. "PWR
Denting-The Examination of a Corroded Mild Steel Support
Plate." CEGB Note No. RD/L/N 87/80. June 1980.
8.4 Kurtz, R. J., et al. "Steam Generator Tube Integrity Program/Steam
Generator Group Project." U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NUREG/CR-5117). May 1990.
8.5 Potter, E. C., and G. M. W. Mann. "The Fast Linear Growth of
Magnetite on Mild Steel in High Temperature Aqueous Conditions."
British CorrosionJournal 1 (1965): 26.
8.6 Kirsch, H. "Scale Formation on Different Types of Steel Under
Conditions of High Pressure, Hot Water/Steam Circulation in
Power Stations." Werkstoffe und Korrosion22, no. 6 (1971): 527.
8.7 Daniel, P. L., and S. L. Harper. "Use of Pourbaix Diagrams to Infer
Local Pitting Conditions." EPRI NP-4831. October 1986.
8.8 Beineke, T. A., et al. "Neutralization of Crevice Acids." EPRI
NP-3054. May 1983.
8.9 Schwenk, E. B. "Steam Generator Group Project, Task 10-
Secondary Side Examination." U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NUREG/CR-4850). June 1987.
EPRI Licensed Material
Contributing Authors/Editors
W. T Lindsay,Consultant
J. P.N. Paine, EPRI
Y. Solomon, EPRI (Deceased)
9-2 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Wastage is a form of generalized corrosion in which metal is more or
less uniformly removed over an area of macroscopic dimensions. Tube
wastage (frequently called "thinning") was first observed in nuclear steam
generators when these units were being treated with sodium phosphate.
Corrosion was on the outside of the tubes in regions where sodium
phosphate could be concentrated by locally operating evaporative processes.
Typical locations corresponded to the position of semi-permanent steam/
water interfaces, such as just below the top of a sludge pile, or near the
boundaries of partly restricted, high-quality zones defined by mechanical
obstructions, e.g., upper bundle supports.
In contrast to many other forms of corrosion on alloy 600, wastage by
concentrated phosphate solutions is transgranular, i.e., there is no selective
reaction at grain boundaries. Continuing wastage can thin the tube wall
substantially. Eventually, a small area can become so thin that it can no
longer support the pressure difference between primary and secondary
systems, at which time a pinhole leak will occur as a result of ductile rupture.
Relatively few tubes have leaked as a result of wastage due to
phosphates, although many thousands of tubes have experienced this form
of corrosion. Eddy current inspection is sensitive in detecting large areas
of metal removal; consequently, wastage could be identified readily and its
progression followed with confidence. Extensive tube involvement
combined with progression, that was only slowed but not arrested by
refinements in phosphate treatment, led the domestic industry to convert
almost unanimously to all-volatile treatment (AVT) chemistry in 1974-1975.
The phenomenon was observed on the prevalent tubing in use at the time,
alloy 600. However, other austenitic alloys, both nickel and iron based, are
subject to phosphate wastage. Wastage continues to be a concern for steam
generators utilizing phosphate treatment. Both alloys 600 and 800 are
utilized in these generators and both alloys continue to experience a slow
corrosion progression.
Concentrated phosphate solutions are not the only media that can cause
wastage of alloy 600 tubing. A number of acid solutions can produce the
same general result, most notably acid sulfates (9.1). Laboratory tests have
shown that sulfates and sulfuric acid are among the products of hydrolytic
decomposition of cation exchange resins, suggesting that resin ingress could
be another cause of this form of corrosion. While not confirmed, it is
suspected that acid sulfates may be involved in a number of cases of wastage
that have been detected in recent years on peripheral tubes, mainly at the
lower support plates on the cold leg (Chapter 16). Shallow wastage has
also been observed in the laboratory on tubing in contact with concentrated
organic acid (%2) and caustic (9.3).
EPRI Licensed Material
Field Experience
Phosphate wastage was first observed in domestic commercial PWR
plants when phosphate treatment was changed to a low sodium-to-
phosphate molar ratio control, in which the molar ratio of Na/PO4 was
maintained at about 2.0. This change was in response to a series of caustic
stress corrosion cracking events that were attributed to operation with
uncontrolled high sodium-to-phosphate ratios (above 2.8), from which free
caustic could result. The incidence of caustic stress corrosion cracking
dropped markedly, but the general corrosion we now know as phosphate
wastage began to be observed within approximately a year after the change.
Weeks (%.9) has given a general account of some of the observations. Baschek
and Sandona (9.10) provided a detailed report of the events at Beznau I
and Beznau 2.
The location of phosphate wastage in PWR steam generators of the
Westinghouse design was, for the most part, on hot leg tubes at the elevations
where the tubes entered sludge piles accumulated on top of the tubesheet.
Where the sludge pile was deep, the zone of wastage extended into the pile
about an inch or so. Where the pile was less deep, the wastage extended
down to the tubesheet surface, as in the case of the tube shown in Figure 9-1;
but, in most cases, it did not penetrate to any great extent into the tube-to-
tubesheet crevice. Although eddy current inspections did not reveal wastage
corrosion in U.S. plants at the locations of tube-to-support plate intersections
(in drilled-hole, carbon steel support plates), subsequent inspections of tubes
removed from operating generators did show some very slight surface
corrosion at this location as well, along with the presence of green phosphate
The German experience with wastage was somewhat similar. Figure 9-4
schematically shows wastage on a tube removed from a Borssele steam
generator in 1979 (9.5).
EPRI Licensed Material
Steam Generators Affected by Phosphate Wastage
No. Tubes
Months No. Tubes Plugged Thot
Plant With PO0(1) Plugged (Month) (OF)
Palisades 32(2) 3,738(3) 117 599
Mihama 1 35 1,329(3) 38 603
H. B. Robinson 13 yrs. 571 4 604
Surry 1 24 468 20 590
Mihama 2 28 266 10 607
Beznau 2 32 262 8 597
Point Beach 2 28 207 7 611
Surry 2 16 190 12 606
Point Beach 1 40 176 4 611
Turkey Point 3 22 112 5 605
Takahama 1 6 98 16 613
Turkey Point 4 13 71 5 602
Ginna 50 54 1 610
Connecticut Yankee 75 34 0.5 574
San Onofre 1 19 yrs. 29 0.1 597
(PO 4 still in use) lowered
Jose Cabrera (Zorita)19 yrs. 17 0.1 596
(PO 4 still in use) lowered
Beznau 1 29 9 0.3 600
Phosphate Experience at German Units
Sodium Phosphate Water Chemistry Specifications
Kraftwerk Union
SG Bulk Water Practice 1972-1980(1) Westinghouse Practice( )
Blowdown Sec. Actual 1976-71 1972-73 1974
pH Value 8.8-9.5 8.5-10.6
Conductivity, <gm <50
Phosphate, ppm 2-6 2-3 .10-80
Na/P04 Molar Ratio <2.6 1.8-2.0 <2.6 2.0-2.6 2.3-2.6
Chloride <1 ppm avg. <30 ppb <75 ppm
Silica <4 <5
1 Reference 9.5.
Reference: Westinghouse Steam Generator Symposium, April 1973.
EPRI Licensed Material
Phosphate Attack on Alloy 600 Tube Surface (2.5x)
00 900
EPRI Licensed Material
Single Wall Radiographs on Tube Shown in Figure 9-1
(Courtesy of Westinghouse Electric Corporation)
-. 315* 00 1. 45*
'%,1We lap 4. m
Scanning Electron Micrograph Showing Tube Wastage and
Intergranular Attack in Descaled Alloy 600 Tubing
9-10 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Wastage on a Tube Removed From a Borsele Steam Generator
in 1979 (9.5)
2. 2/3 of circumference
Affected Area
Sludge Pile Area
42% Wall Thinning
Sodium Phosphate Water System at 5720 F (3000 C) Composition of
Liquid Versus Composition of Concentrated Phases
nmlcI 0IIPure IPhosphate
Panson and I I I I
3.6 -aEconomy A With 0.3 and 0.6 M NaCI
0 With 0.1 MNa2SO4
CO /
z 3.0 / l
-- 0 /
(D /
__ / t
2.6 /
0 Congruent
2.2 //A/
C,) 2.0
/ S A
1.6 - Solution II I + II Solution I -
.I " I I I I I I I
1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0
Molar Ratio in Concentrated Phases (MNa/MPo 4 )
Figure 9-5 also shows that starting compositions below Na/PO4 = 2.15
cause a further decrease in the dilute solution molar ratio as water is
removed and only concentrated Solution II forms. Figure 9-6 shows that
as the molar ratio of the concentrated phases decreases to very low values,
the equilibrium concentration of the dilute solution increases rapidly. The
9-14 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Sodium Phosphate Water System at 572 0 F (3000 C) Phosphate
Solubility As a Function of Composition of Concentrated Phases
Two Liquid Phases and Solution Solid Boundaries for Aqueous
Solution Mixtures of Sodium Phosphate Salts of Molar Ratios,
Na/PO 4 , from 1.0 to 3.0 at 392°F (2000 C) to 752 0 F (400 0C)
.24- i
.2 - . 80 r Molality ppm P0 4
.06 --.
Imis0 o ~
r =2.3, 0.4m
.02 - ' • 0.02 mils (1 y r) (D
.02~ ~
= 3.0,0.15m, u. m /-
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500
Average Corrosion Penetrations of Alloy 600 in Deaerated Sodium
Phosphate Solutions at 615°F (325 0 C) As a Function of the Na/PO 4
Molar Ratio
t 3
Linear Rate
2 --
1.0 1.35 1.6 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0
Na/P0 4
Temperature Dependence of the Corrosion Rate of Alloy 600 Tubing
Exposed to Deaerated Phosphate Solutions at or Near Saturation
inn 275 300 325
(r - 1.6)
2.0 6m (r -1.6)
.4 (r -2.13)
CU (r-2.13) 0.21m
0.6m - - -
.1 -(r- 2.13) /
.08 - 1.8m,/
Na/P04 Ratio =r
.04 ! Phosphate Concentration
in Molality =m
525 550 575 600 625 650
Temperature (°F)
Subsequent experience, after the conversion to AVT and implementation
of the KWU treatment modifications, has shown that tube wastage by
phosphates has been essentially eliminated as a problem in nuclear steam
generators. However, the phenomenon did not immediately disappear in
all plants, since many units were heavily loaded with phosphate-containing
sludge. In some cases, only token efforts were made for removal of
accumulated phosphated material, whether by soaks and feed-and-bleed
in the recommended temperature range, or by sludge lancing. In other
cases, the undesirable rock-like properties of phosphated sludge defeated
determined attempts at removal. Consequently, eddy current inspections
9-24 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Despite the amount of work that has been devoted to the subject of
phosphate wastage and phosphate chemistry, and the extensive experience
that the industry accumulated during the period of phosphate use in nuclear
steam generators, a number of unknowns still remain. One question
frequently asked, because it pertains to current ideas about concentrating
processes in crevices and related configurations, is "Why was tube wastage
by phosphate not seen within tube-to-tubesheet crevices, and why was it
confined to a relatively narrow band at or close to the top of sludge piles?"
The most plausible explanation is that concentration of sodium phosphates
creates a thick, pasty mass (Solid Solution I and Solution II) that can
penetrate sludge pores and crevices with difficulty, if at all. Probably, also
concentrated phosphate solutions have high surface tensions that do not
promote penetration, but no definitive experiments or measurements have
been made to check these suggestions.
Another question relates to the discrepancy between corrosion rates
measured in the laboratory and those experienced in the field. In general,
rates measured in the laboratory were lower. Pessall et al. (9.20) suggest
that disruption of protective films may have prevented the development of
EPRI Licensed Material
parabolic kinetics in operation units. They further state that, in the majority
of cases when high rates of attack on alloy 600 have been observed in
phosphate-containing steam generators, the region of attack has been
characterized by the presence of a greenish scale. In the laboratory tests,
bright green scale was associated with the highest rates of corrosion and
was predominantly present on all immersed samples in solutions with Na/
PG 4 = 1.6 or less. In contrast, tests at Na/PG4 = 2 were characterized in
general by yellow and yellow-green scales, while tests at Na/PO4 above
2.3 produced scales that tended toward brown, gray, and black. It must be
pointed out, also, that the amount and precision of the laboratory data for
tests at Na/PG4 = 1.6 or less do not support the applicability of parabolic
kinetics to these conditions with any great confidence.
The following statements can be made to summarize what is known
about phosphate wastage to date.
* Phosphate-induced tube wastage is now a relatively well understood
phenomenon in the control bands practiced by domestic utilities.
" Control of phosphate chemistry to avoid wastage, while at the same
time avoiding conditions that can cause caustic stress corrosion cracking,
is very difficult.
" Phosphate treatment adds to sludge burden, which further enhances
hideout, concentration, generation of caustic, and prospects for
corrosion of one kind or another.
Although five German, one Spanish, one Canadian, and two domestic
units continued to use phosphate chemistry control with apparently
successful results, there are still a large number of unanswered questions.
A survey by Pearl provides an update on phosphate treatment practices
and operational performance since 1974 (9.26). It should be consulted before
implementing a phosphate treatment program. The Doel Unit 4 Steam
Generators were converted to phosphate water chemistry after a full bundle
chemical cleaning in May 1992. Concurrently, model boiler tests were started
under EPRI and Laborelec sponsorship.
Below is a list of questions that need answers prior to a change from
AVT to a phosphate chemistry control program.
* Are the phosphate units free of continued wastage?
* Are there any other corrosion problems aggravated or alleviated by
the phosphate treatment? Is the difficulty of phosphate control worth
the possible benefit of lower maintenance costs if corrosion problems
can be controlled?
* What is the acceptable band for control of phosphate?
* Is phosphate control more forgiving of chemical upsets than AVT?
* What should the water chemistry limits be for phosphate control?
9-26 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
9.1 Cullen, W. H., H. J. Partridge, Jr., and J. P. N. Paine. "IGA/IGSCC
of Alloy 600 in Acid Sulfate Solutions." Paper presented at the
Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Degradation of
Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactors, Monterey,
California, August 1991.
9.2 Baum, A., et al. "Proceedings: Workshop on the Role of Sulfur
Species." EPRI NP-6710-SD. March 1990.
9.3 "Measurements of Surface-Induced Microplasticity in Alloy 600 C-
Rings." EPRI NP-6705-SD. March 1990.
9.4 Steam Generator Progress Report, Rev. 4. EPRI, November 1988.
9.5 Odar, S. "Control of Phosphate Wastage in Steam Generators:
German Experience." In Proceedings: IGSCC/IGA Mechanisms
Workshop. Washington, D.C., April 1987.
9.6 Bouecke, R., R. Riess, G. Schucktanz, and L. Stieding. "Experience
With Steam Generators of the KWU Concept." Paper presented at
the International Symposium on Reliability of Reactor Pressure
Components, Stuttgart, March 1983. IAEA-SM-W69/25.
9.7 Paine, J. P. N. "Overview of Steam Generator Operating Chemistry
Performance." In Proceedings of Steam Generatorand Heat Exchanger
Conference, Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Canada, 1990.
9.8 Green, S. J., and J. P. N. Paine. "Materials Performance in Nuclear
Pressurized Water Reactor Steam Generators." Nuclear Technology
55 (October 1981): 10-29.
9.9 Weeks, J. R. CorrosionProblems in Energy Conversionand Generation.
Princeton, N. J.: Electrochemical Society, Inc., 1974, p. 322.
9.10 Baschek, H., and E. Sandona. "The Steam Generator Failure History
of the Nuclear Power Plants Beznau 1 and Beznau 2." Paper
presented at Educational Seminar, Colloquium on Steam Generator
Tube Failures, Southwest Research Institute, 1974.
9.11 Ravich M. I., and L. G. Shcherbakova. Izvest. Sektora Fiz.-Khim.
Analiza Inst., Obshch. Neorg. Khim., Akad. Nauk SSSR, 26 (1955):
9.12 Marcy, V. M., and S. L. Halstead. Combustion (January 1964): 45.
9.13 Panson, A. J., G. Economy, Chia-Tsun Liu, T. S. Bulischeck, and W. T.
Lindsay, Jr. Journalof the Electrochemical Society 122 (1975): 915.
9.14 Economy, G. A., J. Panson, Chia-Tsun Liu, J. N. Esposito, and W. T.
Lindsay, Jr. Proceedings of the 36th International Water Conference,
Pittsburgh, Pa., 1975, p. 161.
9.15 Broadbent, D., G. G. Lewis, and E. A. M. Wetton. Journal of the
Chemical Society., Dalton Ser. (1966): 464.
EPRI Licensed Material
Contributing Authors/Editors:
J. F Sykes, TU Electric
J. P. N. Paine,EPRI
M. J. Angwin, EPRI
10-2 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Scope of Problem
Pitting corrosion affected the integrity of about 20% of the tubes in the
original steam generators at Indian Point 3 and Millstone 2. Major tube
pitting was first discovered in 1981 at Indian Point 3. In addition to these
units, pitting has also been reported or confirmed in steam generators at
Connecticut Yankee, Trojan, Indian Point 2, Ko-Ri, and the retired Surry
Unit 2 steam generator examined at Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory.
St. Lucie and Calvert Cliffs have removed and examined tubes with pit-
like eddy current indications. However, pitting was not found. Other plants
have occasionally reported minor shallow pitting, which was discovered
when tubes were pulled for other reasons.
The term "pitting" seems to accurately reflect the physical appearance
of the degradation observed in steam generator tubes. However, the term
"underscale" or "crevice corrosion" may be more precise, since it appears
that the sludge and/or tube scale are necessary to develop the attack.
Agrawal et al. (10.1) commented that the corrosion attack probably started
because of crevice corrosion; at some point, the attack became intensely
localized which resulted in pitting.
tube deformed, but did not leak when pressurized to 10,000 psi (10.3). Virgin
tube material tested at the same time burst at 11,000 psi. Another tube from
Indian Point 3 had an oval-shaped wastage area of 0.8 x 0.5 inch (20 x
12.5 mm) (10.4). The maximum depth of attack was 92% of the tube wall
thickness. There was some deformation of the tube at the thinnest cross
section but this was considered due to stresses induced by the tube removal
process. There was no indication of tube deformation related to plant
In addition to the consequences of a leak in service, pitting may impact
power plant performance in various other ways such as: (1) require plugging
of tubes and thus removal of tubes from service, (2) require more frequent
shutdowns for eddy current inspections, (3) require lengthy shutdown for
repairs, i.e., sleeving, and (4) require additional evaluation of steam
generator integrity of pitted tubes.
Pitting on the cold leg side is detected using a bobbin coil probe operated
in the differential mode. However, the examination is not routine. Pits
present several challenges to conventional eddy current methods, including
the necessity of eliminating signals from copper-rich scales.
4-- - 4 .:~
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Line Number
EPRI Licensed Material
Eddy Current Trace of Defects With and Without Copper
Results of Laboratory Eddy Current Inspection of Indian Point 3
Steam Generator Tube R1 2C66
The early detection and sizing problems have been largely eliminated
through the development of a method by Edwards and Lareau that is
optimized for pitting (10.9). In this method, the excitation frequencies are
increased to 200 kHz and 600 kHz. The benefit of this frequency mix can
be seen in Figure 10-4. This figure shows that the same defects are more
readily detected with the 600/200 mix in the presence of copper than with
the 400/100 mix.
Results of Eddy Current Testing Showing the Effect of Tube
Frequency and Copper Deposition on Detection of Pitting (10.9)
% Thru-
Wall 57 38 30 18
57 38 30 18
There appear to be two types of pits. Major pits are those which are
associated with copper-rich deposits and result in penetrations with a depth
of 30% of the tube wall thickness, while minor pits are those which result in
penetrations with a depth usually 10% of the tube wall thickness. Major
pitting has been found or reported in steam generator tubes from Indian
Point 3, Millstone 2, Connecticut Yankee, Trojan, Indian Point 2, and Surry
Unit 2 (retired steam generator). Minor pitting has been found on a number
of units and is usually of an incidental nature. The extent of pitting in the
units with major pitting varies. Indian Point 3 and Millstone 2 have
extensive pitting which has impacted multiple tubes. Although occasionally
deep, the pitting at Connecticut Yankee and Trojan appears to be less
extensive on the whole, than the pitting at Indian Point 3 or. Millstone 2.
Indian Point 2 has reported pitting but has not removed a tube to confirm
eddy current indications. Pitting is one of several corrosion degradation
mechanisms found on the retired Surry Unit 2 steam generator.
Classification of the extent of corrosion attack by degradation mechanism
is not available at this time. In addition, several units were suspected of
having pitting, but subsequent examination indicated that pitting was not
present. These units included Calvert Cliffs 2 (10.6) and St. Lucie 1. This
section will summarize the results of selected available examinations on
tubes removed from units with pitting.
10-10 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Major Pitting
Radiograph of Indian Point 3 Steam Generator Tube R12C66 (10.6)
Photograph of Pits on Indian Point 3 Steam Generator Tube R13C66
Note shallow
"wastage" region
(light shaded)
Note corrosion
deposit in pits
Photomicrograph of Pit on Indian Point 3 Steam Generator Tube
R12C66 (10.8)
EPRI Licensed Material
Following the Fall 1981 outage, Indian Point 3 returned to power and
operated normally until two days before a scheduled shutdown in March
1982, when a primary-to-secondary leak occurred while steaming. The
leaking tube, R19C47 on the cold leg side, was removed and found to have
multiple pits. The hot leg section of tube R32C42 was also removed because
of a 99% eddy current indication. Destructive examination of this tube
identified intergranular cracking. The principal crack was axially oriented
and about 0.5 inch (1.3 cm) long. The crack passed through some pits, but
crack initiation did not appear to be associated with pitting. During the
outage, tube R2C72 was removed through the secondary side hand hole.
This method of tube pulling allowed the tube scale to be retained over the
pitted region. Destructive examination of the leaking tube identified a
through-wall pit as the cause of leakage. In the tube radiographs, pits were
faintly visible beneath the scale. The scale was up to 0.060 inch (1.5 mm)
thick and covered the first 3 inches (8 cm) of tubing above the tubesheet.
Electron microprobe analysis of the scale showed that the scale was rich in
silicon, nickel, iron, copper, and zinc. The nickel and iron probably resulted
from the precipitation of dissolved ions produced in the pit. Chromium,
on the other hand, hydrolyzes (Cr+++ + 2H 20 CrOOH + 3H+) in the pit
resulting in a chromium-rich pit deposit and acidic conditions. Figure 10-8
shows the metallographic cross section and microprobe chemical analysis
of the tube scale.
During the March 1982 outage, a related examination was performed
on a plugged section of blowdown transfer pipe (10.10). The pipe section,
removed at the September 1981 outage, was examined and ion exchange
resin beads were found. Though no direct link between the resin beads
and the pitting process has been made, it cannot be eliminated as a possible
The steam generators were routinely inspected during refueling outages
between 1982 and 1985. During the June 1985 refueling outage, large voltage
signals were found on the hot leg side of tubes R30C46 and R15C47 from
steam generator No. 32. These tubes were part of a small group of six tubes
which had eddy current indications of 10 volts. The deepest eddy current
indication was 81% and 25.1 volts. Destructive examination (10.4) of the
tubes identified wastage corrosion on both tubes with a maximum depth
of 96%. The wastage area was partially filled with corrosion deposit which
was similar in composition to that found on other tubes from Indian Point 3.
In addition to the wastage and pitting, some intergranular attack was also
found. There were also some areas of nickel-sulfur and copper-sulfur-rich
material and some nickel-rich metallic filaments, possibly alloy 600.
Figure 10-9 shows the appearance of the tube after descaling to remove
corrosion deposits.
EPRI Licensed Material
Photomicrograph and Electron Microprobe Chemical Analysis of Pit
and Scale Found on Indian Point 3 Steam Generator Tube RI C72
Si Fe Cr NM BSE Cu Zn S Mn CI
Optical Photograph of Tube Showing Wastage (Kink in wastage zone
probably resulted from tube removal stresses.) (10.4)
Figure 10-10 shows the metallographic cross section of a large pit and the
EDS analysis of the pit corrosion deposit. Metallic copper laminations,
chromium-rich oxide, and sulfur were present in the pits. Slight
intergranular attack was observed at the bottom of the pit. This feature
was more prominent in Millstone 2 pits than in Indian Point 3 pits.
FIGURE 10-10
Photomicrograph and EDS Chemical Analysis of Pits From
Millstone 2 Steam Generator Tube 68/58 and 64/54 (10.11)
Unlike Indian Point 3, Millstone 2 did not have any major transient
chemistry conditions in the steam generators before pitting was discovered.
Millstone 2 had condenser leakage for about the first six months of operation.
The condenser was overhauled in May 1976, and full-flow condensate
polishing was added in November 1976.
In March 1983, Millstone 2 experienced a primary to secondary leak
resulting in a forced outage. Subsequent eddy current inspection indicated
some tubes had large volume defects (10.5). During a June 1983 outage,
eddy current inspections of the hot leg tubes indicated distorted signals
associated with the tubesheet (DTS) and some shallow (20%) large volume
defects. Three hot leg tube sections were removed and examined by
Combustion Engineering and Babcock & Wilcox.
The destructive examinations (10.12, 10.13) identified pitting, wastage,
denting, and intergranular attack in the damage zone. The attack was
concentrated as a circumferential ring of pitting/wastage between 0 to
1.0 inch (2.5 cm) above the top of the tubesheet. Most of the attack was
within 0.5 inch (1.27 cm) above the top of the tubesheet, Figure 10-11.
Distinct but generally shallow (maximum measured depth = 50%) pits were
scattered on the tube surface above the wastage zone. Denting was observed
on profilometry traces of the tube surface which corresponded to the
distorted tubesheet signal at the top of the tubesheet. Areas of intergranular
attack were found within the wastage zone and within some pits.
FIGURE 10-11
Photograph Showing Circumferential Band of Attack Above the
Tubesheet on Millstone 2 Hot Leg Tube Section (10.13)
10-18 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
FIGURE 10-12
Optical Photomicrograph Showing Intergranular Attack on
Millstone 2 Hot Leg Tube Section 92/54 (10.13)
Residual Dposit
Cu Particle
,. Specimen M1
Orthophosphoric Acid
ID Corrosion Due to
Decontamination Process
I I I k 1J 0.5 mm
Tube ID
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 10-13
Schematic of Corrosion Products and Deposits Observed in Pits
and on Tube Surfaces (10.13)
Compounds Observed
On Tube Surface -Top of Sludge Pile
Compounds Observed
CrFe' •,"In Pits
10-20 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
FIGURE 10-14
Optical Photomicrograph of Intergranular Attack Associated With
Pitting on a Trojan Steam Generator Tube (10.15)
'.R '9'
10-22 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
FIGURE 10-15a
Optical Photomicrograph of Pit Deposit From Trojan
FIGURE 10-15b
Nickel and Sulfur X-Ray Maps of Metallic Filaments in Pit Deposit
Note that photographs and X-ray maps represent different pits. (10.15)
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 10-1
Summary of Burst Test Results of Retired Surry Steam Generator
Tubes With Pits (10.17)
Laboratory test results specifically related to steam generator tube
pitting corrosion have been published in References 10.25 through 10.32.
Reference 10.25 provides a summary of pitting information from various
laboratories and utilities. The work reported in References 10.26 through
10.32 was funded by either EPRI or the Steam Generator Owners Group I
or II. Laboratory projects on pitting are listed in Table 10-2.
The terminology used in electrochemical testing can be confusing. For
the purpose of discussion, Figure 10-16 illustrates the location of selected
electrochemical potentials for a typical active-passive metal.
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 10-2
Summary of Contracted Work on Steam Generator Tube Pitting
Work initiated under SGOG I, S138-6, completed under S308-1.
FIGURE 10-16
Schematic Diagram of a Cyclic Anodic Polarization Curve of an
Active/Passive Alloy (Modified From Reference 10.32)
Electrochemical or
Potential Critical Trans assivg
E, .Potential
Pit Initiation
E.. Protection
Potential Passive
- Passive
E~mj.+"- Corrosion
EpI-Pit initiation potential
Ep -Pitting potential, pit propagation
Erp-Pit repassivation (protection) potential
10-26 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
FIGURE 10-17
Corrosion Potential of Alloy 600 in CuCI2 Solutions As a Function of
Temperature (10.28)
(3.0) L(60)
A100y 2000 ppm CuCI2
400 (30)1(85)
500 1000
(168 )
1'00(1pp68) Hours
S\ ,l 1 OPP
68) m
\0P 'b
>-0- 20p0pppm
00 0
O8 (8
0 (o-00 - 18
-100- OP
02 N"m
C 0- (80)
20ppm CuCI2
-300 FAn-4An~PC
The corrosion potential of alloy 600 in CuC12 solutions over the entire
range of values tested is almost always above the NaCI pit initiation curves.
This means that for dilute concentrations of CuC12 , pitting can be expected
at any temperature.
The influence of CuC12 on pitting behavior as a function of temperature
is shown in Figure 10-18. This figure shows that as temperature increases,
the concentration of CuC12 needed to initiate and propagate pits decreases.
The most pronounced change occurs over the 122-392°F (50-200 0C) range.
At 536°F (280°C) pitting was not observed in a 10 ppm CuC12 solution but
it was observed in a 20 ppm CuC12 solution.
FIGURE 10-18
Pitting Susceptibility of Alloy 600 in Cupric Chloride As a Function
of Temperature (10.28)
3001 ()168 08
lo 035 0168 (3168 08
U- . .
Temperature (OC)
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 10-19
Pit Depth As a Function of Time at 302 and 536 0 F (150 and 280 0 C) in
Deaerated 100 ppm CuCi2 (Modified From Reference 10.28)
. . . . . ... I . . . I'
S " -Slope=O.40'
10-30 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
The eddy current examination results of pot boiler 1-0 following each
phase of testing are summarized in Table 10-4. Table 10-5 summarizes the
results of eddy current testing on pot boiler 2-M following each phase of
The eddy current data indicates that electrochemically generated pre-
pits did not grow under any of the test conditions found in either pot boiler.
In addition, the tests conducted in aerated solutions resulted in deeper and
more severe pits than those pits developed in the pot boiler with deaerated
solutions. Pits were more severe on specimen tested in aerated CuC12 , but
pits were also found on specimen tested in aerated seawater. When the
seawater environment was changed to a deaerated environment, pit growth
ceased and new pits did not initiate. However, if the environment was
subsequently aerated, pit growth resumed and new pits would initiate.
Boric acid and chemical cleaning on pot boiler test 1-0 did not indicate any
beneficial effect of either action in subsequent exposure periods to pit
initiating environments. The C-E pot boiler test data also showed that the
higher pH environment with morpholine may be effective in preventing
pit initiation.
Tables 10-4 and 10-5 show that pits did initiate on non-pitted tubes in
pot boiler tests 1-0 and 2-M. While new pits did initiate, the pits did not
propagate completely during subsequent exposure periods. Thus it appears
that pits grew rapidly and then ceased growing after pit initiation. Pit
growth rate information is difficult to derive from the C-E pot boiler tests
because the pits generally did not continue to grow during subsequent
exposures, and because the chemistries were often changed during
subsequent exposure periods. Nevertheless, Figure 10-19 includes test data
from both C-E pot boilers. The data are in harmony with projected data
from the OSU tests.
Figure 10-20 illustrates the appearance of attack on one tube beneath a
surface previously covered by an umbrella. Destructive examination of
pot boiler test tubes confirmed that the pits were prototypic in nature. The
pits were filled with chromium-rich deposit. Some pits were found to have
layers of metallic copper. Figure 10-21 shows the metallic copper layers
found in one pit. In addition, the pit deposits consistently contained low
levels of sulfur and titanium. Intergranular attack and grain dropping into
the pit deposit were also observed as shown in Figure 10-22. Within the
same pit, some areas contained severe intergranular attack while other areas
contained very little attack. Electron microprobe traces of the concentration
of sulfur were performed in representative areas with and without
intergranular attack. The microprobe traces are shown in Figure 10-22.
These traces show that sulfur enrichment is present in the areas with the
most severe intergranular attack.
TABLE 10-4
Pot Boiler Test 1.0 Non-Destructive Examination/ECT Results (10.29)
Top Cup 11.0 - 21/12 - - - - -
9.5 - 68/3 - - - - -
0 0 0
TABLE 10-5
Pot Boiler Test 2-M Non-Destructive Examination/ECT Results (10.29)
Defect Height TEST PHASE
Location A. T.S.0) 2 (Interim) 2 (Final) 4 5 (Interim) 5 (Interim) 5 (Final) 6
(inches) (%)(2) (%N) (%N) (%N) (%N) (%N) (%N) (%N) CD
Bottom Cup 7.8 - 61/3.2 (2) 62/2.0 62/3.8 60/2.8 64/5.9 60/4.3 57/3.4
Top Cup 13.0 - 59/9.0 60/11.6
Bottom Cup 8.6 - 38/6.1 51/10.5
Collar 0.9 - 81/3.0 91/3.1
0.7 - 57/7.1 60/6.0
0.7 - - 20/8.1
Bottom Cup 7.8 20/1.6(2) 56/0.8 58/6.5 59/6.9 62/9.3 59/7.9 63/11.4
Top Cup 11.9 - -- - 55/2.8 74/2.0 77/3.6 62/3.3 68/3.1
Bottom Cup 7.3 34/3.1 55/3.7 70/4.4
Heights above tubesheet are not exact because a hand-pulled probe was used. The values shown are averaged over all Pot 2-M exams.
The locations are given for the purpose of identifying defects relative to each other.
Defect indicated by ECT as "possible".
Defect indicated on previous exam(s) - too small to be called on current exam. 0~
Flaws found on 10/4/85 - Recheck of Tube 4. Flaws not called in ECT inspection 9/10/85.
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 10-20
Tube Showing Pits Beneath Lower Umbrella
FIGURE 10-21
SEM Photographs and Distribution of Copper in a Pit-Pot Boiler
Test 1-0 (10.29)
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 10-22
Optical Photograph of Pit and Electron Microbe Traces of Sulfur
Concentration in Regions With and Without IGA (10.29)
SArea 1
Area 3
Wt % S vs. Location
In Base Metal and InOxide, Area 1
( 7
• 45
-100 100 300 500
No. Microns (Zero Metal/ox Transition)
Wt %Ci vs. Location
InBase Metal and InOxide, Area 1
*) 10
100 300
No. Microns (Zero Meta~lox Transition)
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 10-23
Pitting Potential Versus Log (CI) at 77 0 F (25 0 C) and 203°F (95 0 C) for
Alloy 600 With Lab Air Sparge (10.30)
700•+. I I I I
50 400
EL 200
-200 1_
0.01M 0.1M 1.0M
Log [C1]
FIGURE 10-24
Chloride and Oxygen Levels Required for Pitting Initiation and
Propagation of Alloy 600 at 203°F (95 0C) (10.30)
0.25 1 1 1 1 I
o Pitting Propagation
* Pitting Initiation
0Ep, prop
-But o Propagation
s 0.o .• B
7p, . Lt
E _
% Oxygen in Sparge
10-44 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
FIGURE 10-25
Plot of Pit Depth Versus Log Concentration of Cupric Chloride
--No Sludge--
280 C 160 C About 650 pm /
o O Aerated /
600 - a Deaerated /
Once Through Refreshed
Autoclave Test Loop Extrapolation /
t ,u0,,00 ppm
500 Exposure From 95 to 160 /
Hours, Most About 100 Hours •uC
0 1 l I.,. hlp1
100 l0 u00
01 10 100 1000 10000
Concentration of Cupric Chloride (ppm)
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 10-26
Photograph of Tube Specimen Tested in Cupric Chloride Partially
Exposed to Sludge (10.31)
No Sludge
End Scale
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 10-27
Photomicropraph of Pits in and Above the Sludge (10.31)
FIGURE 10-28
SEM Photograph and EDS Analysis Showing Copper Deposition
Along Grain Boundaries (10.31)
Element wLQ
Al 2.6
Si 1.5
S 0.6
15k- Cl 0.5
Cr 1.4
Fe 1.0
Ni 31.0
49 10k- Cu 61.6
5000- c
- U C
0 joL" U -S'
(b) EDS Spectrum and Analysis of Area Marked in the SEM Photograph
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 10-29
EDS Spectra and Chemical Analyses of Deposits Associated
With a Pit (10.31)
Elemnent wV&
10K 2.7
Si 1.0
S 1.2
CI 0.6
1T 0.6
0 Cr 81.5
0 5000 12.5
0.000 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000
Energy (keV)
Al 2.2
Si 1.2
S 1.6
Cr 1.4
Fe 59.2
0 Ni 34.5
0 L."
0.000 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.00C
Energy (keV)
FIGURE 10-30
SEM Photograph and EDS Analysis of a Pit Deposit Showing
Metallic Filaments in the Deposit (10.31)
Element w/o
Al 218
Si 1.6
CI 1.2
Cr 7.7
Fe 0.6
Ni 80.4
Cu 5.8
FIGURE 10-31
SEM Photograph and EDS Chemical Analysis of an Undercut Area
Within a Pit (10.31)
Element Area I Area 2
Al 3.4 3.0
S 1.8 -
CI 2.5 1.5
Ti 1.9 65.9
Cr 75.7 18.9
Fe 2.6 -
Ni 80.4 3.0
Si - 1.6
Nb 6.1
10-52 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
The results of the laboratory testing, field examinations, and published
data suggest a few phenomenological causative factors associated with
steam generator tube pitting: sludge, tube scale, oxidizing species, acid
chloride, and steaming conditions.
EPRI Licensed Material
Oxidizing Conditions
There is limited direct evidence of oxidizing conditions in operating
steam generators. A high fraction of the sludge at Indian Point 3 and
Millstone 2 consisted of reduced copper and copper oxides. Copper metal
probably resulted because of electrochemical reduction of either copper
oxide or a complex form of copper. Based on thermodynamic data, Cu20
is stable at operating temperatures and CuO/Cu are more stable at low
temperatures (10.36). In addition to the sludge evidence, many units
operated with aerated auxiliary feedwater during hot standby
Air could also be introduced into the feedwater as a result of condenser
Babcock & Wilcox (10.35) suggested that oxidizing conditions may have
developed locally in the steam generator after the crevice acidified below
the pH corresponding to the solubility of copper oxides. Once the pH was
acidic, the copper oxide dissolved and participated in the electrochemical
actions associated with scale deposition and pitting. Also, if the acid
condition developed as a result of bulk water chemistry, it would be difficult
to explain the Indian Point 3 in-service leak two days before a scheduled
shutdown when bulk water conditions should be reducing. However, local
chemistry conditions could result in sustained corrosion attack.
The C-E model boiler laboratory data clearly indicate that pitting was
related to the presence of oxidizing conditions in the water. Their model
boiler exhibited pit growth during exposure periods in which air was added
to the bulk water. Similarly, pits did not grow during periods in which the
bulk water was completely deaerated. In addition, the Battelle and OSU
test data showed that oxidizing conditions even with low levels of cupric
chloride resulted in pitting.
Acid Chloride
Babcock and Wilcox calculated high temperature Pourbaix diagrams
for nickel, chromium, iron, and copper (10.34). These diagrams identify
the domain of thermodynamic stability of the individual species and oxides.
The diagram for nickel, chromium, iron, and copper are shown in
Figure 10-32. By superimposing one diagram upon another, it is possible
to approximate the potential pH region in which certain species would
coexist. Then, by comparing the results of the destructive examination of
steam generator tubes, the conditions (potential and pH) consistent with
pitting can be estimated.
Table 10-6 summarizes the relationship between the location of corrosion
attack, observed chemical compounds,. and the inferred chemistry
conditions (derived from the Pourbaix diagram based on destructive
examination of two tubes removed from the hot leg at Millstone 2).
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 10-32
Pourbaix Diagram for Nickel, Chromium, and Copper in 550°F
(2800C) Water (10.24)
ti+ I I 1JN0(OH)3")
2,00 -
1.5o I-OH)
I0C50 (+ 041
-lH-4 " 0 40 1. C
-150 0 0-
- xx0.50-do)
2.50 -• . CO)
,,, . . .
o12 4
10-56 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
TABLE 10-6
Relationship Between Observed Chemical Compounds and Inferred
Corrosion Products Inferred Conditions
Location and Deposits pH, Potential (E. Volts)
Wastage band and pit Metallic nickel dissolves; pH<3.3, E>-0.3
interiors nickel oxide is absent
Tube surface and pit Chromium-rich oxides pH>1.0, E<line "b"( 1)
interiors including Cr(OH) 3 3H20
Tube surface, wastage Iron oxides pH>3, assuming
band, and interior of E - line "d"
pits that are near
the tubesheet
Interior of pits that Absence of iron oxides pH<3
are away from the
Tube surface and Metallic copper pH<4, E < -0.1
pit interiors
Tube surface and Nickel sulfide pH>2, E - line "a"
interior of pits that
are near the tubesheet
Interior of pits that Copper sulfide pH<2, E - line "d"
are awayfrom the
Operating Temperature
The temperature at which pitting occurs in a steam generator has been
thoroughly discussed. Some have attributed steam generator tube pitting
to be a layup phenomenon occurring at a low temperature 176'F (80'C).
Others attribute it to be strictly an operating temperature phenomenon;
others, again, suggest that there are both low and high temperature aspects
to pitting.
The field data suggest high temperature propagation of pits. This is
derived from (1) through-wall propagation of a pit at Indian Point 3 while
the unit was steaming, and (2) eddy current data which show initiation
and apparent propagation of some pitted areas from cycle to cycle following
improvements in layup practice and water chemistry control. Steaming
conditions allow impurities in the water to concentrate, resulting in the
formation of more aggressive solutions. The laboratory data suggest that
pitting is an operating temperature phenomenon. This conclusion is based
on the test results at Ohio State, Combustion Engineering, University of
Leuven, and Battelle which have consistently found that the chromium-
rich oxide forms only at higher temperatures. Combustion Engineering
and Battelle test data reproduced metallic copper only in tests conducted
at high temperatures (5360F [280°C]). The deposit found at low temperatures
is usually friable and easily removed by descaling, even if it has been
exposed to high temperatures. On the other hand, deposits formed at high
temperatures (536°F [280°C]) have been found to be adherent, non-friable,
and difficult to descale, i.e., similar to steam generator pit deposits.
FIGURE 10-33
Relationship of Factors That Determine the Location of Pitting in a
Steam Generator (10.27)
Secondary Water
Impurities AVT or
'Wet' (e.g. Cl', Sox, Auxiliary
Wet Wet/Dry
Wt Chemical Conc. L2ioPropaga-
C--e-v--- Anodic
Dry Sheet Cathodic
Pit Initiation. Several explanations have been proposed for the conditions
leading to pit initiation. The electrochemical work performed by Ohio State
concerned pitting potentials close to the passive-to-transpassive transition
zone (Figure 10-16). The Brookhaven electrochemical tests determined both
a pit initiation potential and a pitting potential (continued pit propagation).
Pits which initiated at the pit initiation potential did not continue to grow
after initiation and repassivation. Most of the Ohio State and all of the
Brookhaven tests were conducted on scale-free surfaces and without the
presence of sludge. This is potentially an important difference since steam
generator pits are always found beneath scale/sludge. The pitting potentials
were found to be lower with increasing temperature and with increasing
concentrations of chloride (OSU testing). This shows that pits are most
likely to initiate at higher temperatures and in concentrated solutions.
Babcock & Wilcox suggested (10.35) that the pits initiated at potentials
close to the active-to-passive transition zone. This suggestion is based on
the competing forces vying for the location of pitting as previously
discussed. The protection effect of the steel tubesheet is considered to pull
the potential on the tube down towards active corrosion. This explanation
seems reasonable and helps to explain the presence of wastage on the hot
leg tubes. Wastage is close to the active corrosion peak (lower potentials),
whereas the pits are associated with local breakdown in the passive film
(higher potentials) instead of a general metal loss with wastage. The lower
potentials would also harmonize with the crevice corrosion concept of attack
associated with the sludge/scale occluded surface of the tube.
Pit Propagation. The plant eddy current data show that there is
considerable scatter in pit growth rates from cycle to cycle. In general, and
prior to the implementation of corrective actions, the pit depth continued
to increase during each cycle. There was some scatter, however. The
through-wall propagation of a pit at Indian Point 3 confirms that pits
propagate at operating temperatures. Earlier in the understanding of pitting,
it was thought that pit propagation may have been associated with startup
and shutdown cycles because of the layered nature of pit deposits. The
laboratory data showed that pits with multi-layered deposits could be
produced in one cycle.
The pitting phenomenon has been associated with cold leg steam
generator tubes while the wastage phenomenon has been associated with
hot leg tubes. It is possible that the phenomena developed separately and
independently from each other. For example, the corrective actions
implemented by the utilities may have changed the distribution of corrosive
chemical species in the steam generator so that they concentrated in the hot
leg sludge pile instead of in the sludge pile on the cold leg side. Or perhaps
10-60 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
FIGURE 10-34
Summary of Physical and Chemical Phenomena Associated With
Initiation and Propagation (Modified From Reference 10.13)
Hydrolysis, precipitation, volatilization,
and electrochemical processes cause
the concentrate to become acidic.
| |
and H+ within
SHydr'olysis the pit
of Cr3+ forms lowers the pH in
and chromium-rich the pit.I
may lose the acidic chemistry necessary to continue pit propagation and
that re-exposure of the tube to pit-producing environments usually does
not re-establish pitting conditions in the original pits. It is not known why
this should occur. One possible explanation is that pit propagation is
integrally linked to pit initiation. Thus, if pit propagation were to be
impeded for any reason (as discussed above), then initiation would be no
more likely an event than the original initiation phase of the pitting. In
fact, re-initiation may be less likely, because the pitted sample has already
consumed the initiation sites. Pit initiation and propagation has been shown
to occur at titanium carbonitride inclusions. If the final shape of the pit
does not leave any exposed titanium carbonitride inclusions, then re-
initiation would be less likely. This explanation would also account for the
apparently rapid growth of pits, since, once a pit has initiated, the driving
force of initiation carries the pit propagation phase until the pit is stifled.
FIGURE 10-35
Summary of Reactions Associated With Initiation and Pit
Propagation Beneath a Scale/Sludge Deposit (10.27)
- Cu O IH 2 0 C u + + + 2 0H-
H2 Thic n ss a
2H+ + 2e- Be t
eCoCI 2 + H+ + 2c. Cull + 2e- - Cu Layers Time
Crevice Anode"
Chloride Transport
0D lnto Pit CuCI2-
Out of Pit M l+
Scale - Tuben----
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 10-7
Summary of Selected Laboratory Pit Depth Data As a
Function of Time
150 0C 280 0 C
Average( 1 )
Max Pit Average( ) Max Pit Growth
Time Depth Growth Rate Time Depth Rate
kh rs) mlIs (mils/day) t rs (milsI (mils/day)
4 5.6 34 4 4.4 26
8 6.3 19 7.5 4.7 15
16 8.5 13 15 5.4 9
33 11.6 8 31 7.7 6
40(3) 12.6 7.5 118(3) 12.6 2.6
160(3) 16.6 2.5 1056(2) 30.2 0.7
1056(2) 16.4 0.4
2066(2) 26.3 0.3
Growth rate normalized to time zero.
Pot boiler data. 1-0 contained CaCI2. 2-M contained no CuCI2.
Battelle data
The utilities have already implemented those actions (see "Utility-
Implemented Corrective Actions" above) which are likely to have the most
beneficial effect for preventing the formation of new pits or for mitigating
the consequences of existing pits. The corrective actions can be classified
according to the relationship to the causative factor associated with pitting,
i.e., sludge/tube scale, acid chloride, oxidizing conditions, and temperature.
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 10-8
Summary of Utility-Implemented Corrective Actions for Pitting
FIGURE 10-36
Eddy Current Traces of Millstone 2 Tube Before and After Chemical
Cleaning (10.9)
- -r - - - - -i
04 ~ WET ~ 04 M 3 WE?. wH:N. "a - I ; P UN kLma ppIt
.mw " 6 . ..... 1
Pai-r CHU-M CS.EAm 0Owo- -
MW- 4w~
ww- ISO
On.w - N v
MM- " S
CSfl4 - as3
CT . US I b h3
600 5
100 I I t6i
10-68 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
FIGURE 10-37
Eddy Current Indications 40% Detected After Chemical Cleaning at
Millstone 2 (Indications were not identified prior to the cleaning.)
(10.9) 0
0 242
I 67
Acid Chloride
Plant operations should be suspended until leaking condensers are
repaired. This applies particularly to brackish water or seawater-cooled
units. The condenser cooling water contains impurities (e.g., chloride,
sulfate) which can acidify in the steam generator, and which have been
shown to be related to pitting. After condenser leakage incidents, hot soaks
with deaerated water should be performed until hideout return is negligible.
EPRI Licensed Material
Oxidizing Conditions
Oxygen ingress to the steam generator must be kept at a minimum to
prevent pitting. One of the most common sources of oxygen is the entry of
aerated auxiliary feedwater during hot standby when hydrazine residuals
are low. This allows oxygen to enter while the generator is at intermediate
temperatures when pit initiation is easiest. Use of deaerated feedwater is,
therefore, recommended for use in hot standby and other layup conditions.
Copper oxide and/or copper cations are oxidizing agents and have a similar
effect to oxygen. Replacement of copper-based alloys with more corrosion
resistant alloys such as stainless steel or titanium will eliminate a major
contributor to pitting corrosion.
Pitting is considered to be a high temperature phenomenon. However,
there is laboratory data which suggest that pit initiation and propagation
may be easier at intermediate temperatures. Thus, steam generators should
be heated up and cooled down as rapidly as possible (consistent with plant
hideout return requirements) with good quality water. The likelihood of
pit initiation and propagation is further enhanced during these intermediate
temperature periods because of poor water chemistry control. However,
fast heatup encourages hideout and fast cooldown limits hideout return. It
is extremely important that blowdown purity be within the water chemistry
guidelines before heating or cooling the generator; that is, the combination
of poor water chemistry and intermediate temperatures makes the
conditions for pit initiation greater than either factor considered alone.
10.1 , Agrawal, A. K., J. F Sykes, W. N. Stiegelmeyer, and W. E. Berry.
"Pitting of Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubes at Indian Point 3." In
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental
Degradationof Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactors,
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, NACE, August 22-25, 1983, p. 241.
10.2 Fackelmann, J. "Pitting Experience With Millstone 2 Steam
Generators." Paper presented at EPRI/SGOG Contractors Review
Meeting, Scottsdale, Ariz., November 7-8, 1983.
10.3 Aspden, R. G. "Examination of Steam Generator Tube R12 C46
From Indian Point 3." Westinghouse Report SG-82-07-024. July
13, 1982.
10.4 Nilsen, N. and J. Gillen. "Pitting Experience at Indian Point 3."
EPRI/SGOG Pitting Workshop, White Plains, New York, November
20-22, 1985.
10.5 Anderson, F "Millstone 2 Operating Experience." Op. cit. Reference
10.6 Mc Inteer, W. A. "Calvert Cliffs Unit I Tube Examination." EPRI
NP-4904. November 1986.
10.7 Ferris, R. H. "NDE Validation Studies." Battelle Northwest, Steam
Generator Group Project, Task 13.
10-72 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Contributing Authors/Editors
J. A. Gorman, Dominion Engineering,Inc.
J. P. N. Paine, EPRI
K. D. Stavropoulos, Dominion Engineering,Inc.
M. J. Partridge,Dominion Engineering,Inc.
1 1-2 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
A number of PWR plants have reported cases of steam generator tube
denting that are believed to result from alkaline crevice concentrations.
Denting occurs because corrosion products produced in crevices have larger
volumes than the steel they replace. As a result, the corrosion products
exert pressure on the tube and it becomes deformed.
Even small amounts of denting can lead to small plastic strains and to
yield level stresses in tubes, which, in turn, can lead to primary and
secondary side stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Therefore, it is important
to understand the mechanisms involved in alkaline denting and to take
appropriate steps to minimize its occurrence.
Denting caused by acidic conditions occurred at numerous plants and
became a serious problem in the mid to late 1970s. Hot leg tube supports
were mainly affected, with infrequent and minor denting at the hot leg
tubesheet. Denting attributed to alkaline environments, on the other hand,
has occurred mainly at the top of the hot leg tubesheet, with lesser amounts
of denting at lower hot leg tube supports.
Fort Calhoun. This unit which is located on the Missouri River uses a
once-through cooling system. Some of its tube supports have been corroded
and caused tube denting. In 1984, a tube rupture occurred at a dent in a
horizontal run of a tube at the top of the steam generator where the tube
contacted a vertical support strap (11., 11.2). The rupture was attributed
to caustic-induced intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC).
Analyses of impurities in Missouri River water indicate that alkaline
conditions occur in crevices; thus the denting was attributed to the alkalinity
of the cooling water (11.1. 11.2).
D.C. Cook Units 1 and 2. These units are located on Lake Michigan and
use a once-through cooling system. Initially, Unit-I was operating on
phosphate water chemistry, while Unit 2 has used only all volatile treatment
(AVT). During the early years of operation, condenser leaks were fairly
EPRI Licensed Material
Point Beach Units 1 and 2. These units are located on Lake Michigan and
use once-through cooling. Initially, both units operated on phosphate water
chemistry. During the early years of operation, Unit 1 experienced
significant condenser inleakage. Unit 2, on the other hand, is reported to
have had relatively minor condenser inleakage (11.4). Both units have
experienced minor amounts of denting, which restricted the movement of
eddy current (EC) probes inside the tube and, in a few cases, led to tube
plugging (11.4). Eddy Current Testing (ECT) indicates that the dents have
been at support plates, rather than at the tubesheet. As noted for Cook
Unit 1, analyses of the effects of Lake Michigan impurities indicate that
they result in moderately alkaline conditions. Similarly, evaluation of
leachate from tubesheet crevices at Point Beach indicate that the impurities
in the crevices were moderately alkaline forming (11.5). Examinations of
removed tubes have indicated that caustic conditions caused, or at least
initiated, IGA/SCC in tubesheet crevices (11.5, 11.6). However, it is possible
that caustic conditions were present during an early phosphate water
chemistry period, during which IGA/SCC initiated, and that the IGA/SCC
then propagated under less alkaline conditions during AVT water chemistry.
San Onofre Unit 1. This unit is located at a seawater site and uses once-
through cooling. Although most plants switched to AVT in the 1970s, San
Onofre has remained on phosphate water chemistry. The unit has
experienced some condenser inleakage, and has occasionally added sodium
hydroxide to neutralize acidic conditions caused by sea water ingress. Unit 1
has experienced denting at the lower tube support plates 11(.7), and denting
and IGA/SCC at the top of the tubesheet. It is suspected that denting was
the result of alkaline conditions associated with the use of sodium hydroxide.
most often at the top of the tubesheet, but also at tube support plates. Thus,
plant experience indicates that alkaline conditions can cause both IGA/
SCC and denting.
The concentration of alkalinity required to induce alkaline denting and
IGA/SCC is not clear. Evaluations of deposits and oxides at tube surfaces
and in cracks of removed tubes sometimes indicate that strong alkaline
conditions (e.g., pHT >10) were present in the areas experiencing IGA/
SCC. However, more often these evaluations indicate that mild alkaline
conditions were present (e.g., pHT -7); however, such low concentrations
have not been observed to cause denting or IGA/SCC in the laboratory.
Similarly, MULTEQ predictions of crevice conditions, which are based on
cooling water composition (e.g., Lake Michigan water) and hideout return
data, indicate that crevice conditions are sometimes strongly alkaline, but
more often relatively mild. Thus, plant experience tends to suggest that
denting and/or IGA/SCC may occur in plants under less strong alkaline
conditions than observed in the laboratory.
Potential pH Diagram for Fe-H20 at 572 0 F (3000 C)
(Activity of ions = 10-6, of gases = 1, of solids = 1)
, "' - ,ci.n
VX..I - ,-Formation
i In 12 i .4
11-6 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
that the oxide film breaks down at about the same pH, which leads to non-
protective magnetite, high corrosion rates, and denting. This type of
corrosion followed by denting can occur in the absence of oxidizing
conditions, i.e., it can occur under reducing conditions of the type normally
achieved in PWR steam generators. Occurrence of denting under alkaline,
non-oxidizing conditions has been demonstrated in several laboratory tests,
as described later in this chapter.
Corrosion kinetics of carbon steel and chromium steels are illustrated
in Figures 11-2 and 11-3 (11.9). These figures indicate that certain trends
are connected with alkaline corrosion of carbon and low alloy steels. The
rate of corrosion increases as the concentration of caustics becomes elevated.
This is expected to encourage the rate of denting in tubesheets, as compared
to tube supports, since the available superheat, and, hence the equilibrium
concentration of caustic, is higher in tubesheet crevices. Furthermore, as
the temperature increases, so does the rate of corrosion, which will affect
the amount of denting in tubesheet crevices.
The rate of corrosion is higher in alkaline environments for the low
chromium alloy steels in tubesheets (such as SA508 CI.2) than for the carbon
steel used for tube support plates. This may be a factor in the increased
incidence of dents at tubesheet level. The behavior is different in acidic
environments where low alloy steels, which have a higher chromium
content, are more resistant to the formation of non-protective magnetite
and denting than carbon steels (11.11).
Another fact to note from Figures 11-2 and 11-3 is that the rate of
corrosion of steels in caustics is quite rapid. For example, at 572°F (300'C)'
and 13% NaOH, Figure 11-2 indicates that carbon steel corrodes at a rate of
30 jtm (1.2 mils) (about 24 mg/cm 2 ) per 1,000 hours. Assuming that the
oxide volume is about twice that of the metal corroded, this rate of corrosion
indicates that it would only require about a year to cause enough corrosion
to fill a typical tube-to-tubesheet or tube-to-tube-support crevice gap of
250 4xm (10 mils). Thus, fairly short times under caustic conditions have
the potential of leading to denting and IGA or SCC.
Other pertinent considerations regarding corrosion conditions in
crevices include:
Hideout of sodium and potassium is more efficient than that of anions
since acids such as HC1, H 2 SO 4, etc., are more volatile than alkaline
compounds such as NaOH and KOH. Thus crevices tend to become
alkaline as superheat increases, which is more often the case for
tubesheet crevices than for tube support crevices, since the superheat
is higher in tubesheet crevices.
EPRI Licensed Material
Corrosion Kinetics of Carbon Steel in NaOH Solution
E 40
Oxidation of Carbon Steel
S30 In 13% NaOH
- 250'C
6 20 o 280*C
LL * 300 *C
o 340 C
0 x 3550C
Plotted Against Square
Time, h Root Time
(a) Temperature Dependence
Time, h
(b) NaOH Dependence
, 50
Distribution of Oxidized
E Iron After Oxidation of
Carbon Steel In 13% NaOH
at 340°C
:2 20 Plotted Against Square
Root Time
(2) 10
Time, h
(c) Fe Distribution
11-8 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Corrosion Kinetics of Cr Steels in 15% NaOH at 316 0 C
70 -
60 .
S30 -
Time, h
corrosion) low chromium alloy steels. Alkaline denting can occur in drilled
hole support plate crevices and in crevices where strip-type supports contact
tubes. It is believed that this possibility is increased if the support material
is carbon steel, as in earlier steam generators, rather than the stainless steels
used in later steam generators since, as shown in Figure 11-3 (11.9), corrosion
rates of stainless steels are much lower than those of carbon steels. However,
tests have not been performed to conclusively determine whether alkaline
denting could occur with stainless steel support materials.
la Single Tube 620 Pr. 4130 0.008 none Na2CO3.06 - 1.7 ppm SPS or Fe304 32-91 0.2 to 3.5 WCAP-10273
Model Boiler 520 Sec. Feb. 1983
lb Single Tube 620 Pr. 4130 0.008 none NaOH .3 - 1.0 ppm SPS 78 7 WCAP-10273
Model Boiler 520 Sec. Feb. 1983
1c Single Tube 620 Pr. 4130 0.008 none Na2CO3.06 - 1.7 ppm + With & w/o SPS 60-74 0.6 to 6 WCAP-10273
Model Boiler 520 Sec. NaOH .3- .5 ppm Feb. 1983
2a Inconel 600 SA508 0.0125 40%NaOH+10%KOH* none none 270 5 NP-3040
Capsule with "+ items listed under May-83 CO
CuO+ZnO 270 12
Steel Slug "TTS Sludge' Cr203 270 34
CuO+ZnO+NaNO3 270 9 to 21 CO
CuO+ZnO+SiO2 270 9 CO
3 Single Tube 620 Pr. 4130 0.008 none .75ppm Ca(OH)2+ SPS 60 none NP-3060
Model Boiler 520 Sec. 50ppb N2H4 May-83
none 25ppm CaC3.+MgCO3+ SPS 53 none
50ppb N2H4
none .75ppm Ca(OH)2+ SPS 58 none
.3ppm Na2CO3+50ppb N2H4
4 Two Tube 642 Pr. A508 Cl 3 0.008 none 1 to 1Oppm NaOH+.lppm N2H4+ SPS at TiTS 16 to none NP-4053
Model Boiler 560 Sec. I ppm Na2CO3 or 126 Jun-85
1.5 ppm Na2SO4
5 Tubesheet 600 Pr. A508 C12 0.0075 none AVT,then screen+Fe304 14 NP-4272
Crevice 525 Sec. none P04+FrWtr+SPS, then screen+Fe304 126 Oct-85
Simulation none AVTFrWtr+Fe304 screen+Fe304 188
(TCSA) none AVT, then screen+Fe304 21 NP-4272
none AVT+NaIKOH+NaCO3, then screen+Fe304 24 Oct-85
none AVT+Na2C03+Fe3O4 screen+Fe304 106
6 Tube- 610 AISI 1025 0.008 none 8ppm NaOH+2ppm KOH none 37 10 NP-4802
Tubesheet 610 A508 0.008 none,Cr203,Fe3O4,SPS 8ppm NaOH+2ppm KOH none 186 2 to 7 Sep-86
Crevice 605 A508 0.008 none 10 ppm Na2CO3 none 66 3
Simulator 605 A508 0.008 none,Cr203,Fe304,SPS 10 ppm Na2CO3 none 180 1.5 to 4
(CRESI) 650 A508 0.008 Cr203,Cr2O3+FeS 8ppm NaOH+2ppm KOH none 67 1 to4
7 Inverted 620 Pr. 4130 0.008 40% NaOH+10% KOH .tppm OH* Cr203 60 none NP-4978 0
Single Tube 535 Sec. SA 508 0.008 none 1.7ppm CO3 Cr203 10 none Dec-86 .1
Model Boiler SA 508 0.008 none 1.7ppm CO3 Cr203 90 none 1P
SA 508 0.008 10% NaOH+2.5% Na2SO4 .5ppm OH+.2ppm S04" Cr203 87 none
SA 508 0.008 10% Na2CO3+4% NaOH 3ppm C03+.5ppm OH* SPS 91 none
*+ 50 ppb N2H4
8 Tubesheet 630 Pr. A 508 C12 0.0075 Na2CO3+Fe3O4, Cr203 Na2CO3+Fe3O4+ZrO2+ none 89 none NP-5263
Crevice 540 Sec. to N2H4 Jul-87
Simulation 0.0125 40% NaOH+1.6% Na2SO4 NaOH + Na2SO4 + none 42 none
Apparatus N2H4
9 Two Tube 640 Pr. A508 Cl 3 0.008 40% NaOH+Na2SiO2 .lppm NaOH+ Na2SiO3+ 2 tubes-none, 137 none NP-5377
Model Boiler 563 Sec.- .25ppm NH4+.4ppm N2H4 2 tubes-Fe304 Aug-87
40% NaOH+Na2SO4 .1 ppm NaOH+ Na2SiO3+ 2 tubes-none, 137 none
.25ppm NH4+.4ppm N2H4 2 tubes-Fe304
none Loire River water SPS 325 none
*Sec. temp. reduced to 550 for 2nd part of Loire River water test.
10 Inverted 615 Pr. SA508 0.008 10% NaOH+2.5% Na2SO4 . .Sppm NaOH+.2ppm Na2SO4+ none 87 none NP-4978
Single Tube 535 Sec. and Cr203 on tube 100ppb N2H4 Dec-87
Model Boiler 10% NaOH+2.5% Na2SO4 .lppm NaOH+.04ppm Na2SO4+ none 91 none
and Cr203 on tube 50ppb N2H4
2 Inconel Capsule with Steel Slug Isothermal. Tubesheet and slug at Yes No
Westinghouse - NP-3040 same temperature.
3 Single Tube Model Boiler Tubesheet immersed in boiler. No No Mild alkaline conditions. Thus
Westinghouse - NP-3060 Tubesheet cooler than tube. results are not conclusive re
heat transfer conditions.
4 Two Tube Model Boiler External band heaters. However, No Yes Primary - secondary leaks-
CEA - AJAX - NP-4053 Figure 2-12 in NP-4053 indicates boric acid entered system after
tubesheet cooler than tube. several hundred hours
5 Tubesheet Crevice Simulation External band heaters. However, Yes Yes Similar denting in mild
* Apparatus - TCSA 1&2 - CE - CE states that isothermal conditions (mild) alkaline (FrWtr) as in caustic.
NP- 4272 are obtained (page 1-2 of NP-4272)
8 Tubesheet Crevice Simulation External band heaters. However, No Yes One of two tests had frequent
Apparatus - TCSA 4&5 - CE - CE states that isothermal conditions primary to secondary leaks.
NP-5263 are obtained (page 1-2 of NP-4272) Other test did not.
It has been postulated that caustic solutions tend to form on the hotter
metal surface in a crevice and remains on this surface except when
transferred by surface tension, wicking, or capillary flow to the colder
surface or to deposits. If the tube is at a higher temperature than the
tubesheet simulant, denting tends not to occur. If this model is correct,
denting should be accelerated by conditions where the tubesheet exceeds
the temperature of the tube. The test results shown in Table 11-2, however,
do not indicate a clear correlation between the temperature of the tube/
tubesheet and the occurrence of denting. Denting occurred in test 1, for
example, with the tube hotter than the tubesheet, but not in test 7, where
the temperature conditions were the same.
The use of hydrazine may tend to suppress denting by ensuring that
oxidizing conditions do not occur. With one exception, this hypothesis is
supported by the test results summarized in Table 11-2.
It is also possible that denting is accelerated by transients that cause
defects to develop in oxides as a result of thermal expansion effects. The
defects may allow corrodents new access to the metal surface, which
accelerates the development of oxide films. According to this theory, the
absence of denting in the laboratory was probably due to a reduced number
of transients in the test.
Relatively minor changes in the electrochemical potential or pH can
lead to large changes in oxide stability, which could increase the likelihood
of denting. However, this relationship is not yet fully understood.
In summary, the reasons why denting occurred in some tests, but not
in others, although the test conditions conducive to denting appeared to be
similar, require further investigation. However, based on the tests in which
denting did occur, it is concluded that there is a significant risk of denting
at tubesheet crevices and tube support crevices if strongly alkaline conditions
develop and persist for long periods of time.
As noted earlier in the discussion of plant experience, the possible
simultaneous occurrence of denting and IGA/SCC as the result of caustic
is a concern; this relationship has been observed both in plants and in
laboratory tests.
1 1-14 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
locations across the top of the tubesheet, the degree of subcooling, the heat
flux, and the potential for sludge accumulation to aggravate the potential
for impurity concentration.
The residual stresses in the joint should be shown to be compatible
with expected ID and OD environments, considering applied stresses (due
to pressure, heat transfer, thermal expansion, bending by flow distribution
baffle, etc.) and possible impurity concentration effects in any remaining
It is recommended that drilled hole support crevices be eliminated since
they are known to collect impurities and are subject to both acid and alkaline
denting (11.23). It is further recommended that stainless steels be used for
tube support structures. The data in Figure 11-3 indicate that corrosion
rates in alkaline environments are significantly reduced for stainless steels
as compared to carbon and low alloy steels. It is therefore hypothesized
that the use of stainless steels will greatly reduce the potential for alkaline
denting; however, this hypothesis has not yet been fully tested.
The use of a PWSCC-resistant alloy, such as thermally treated alloy 690,
will essentially eliminate the risk of primary side attack, even if some
unanticipated denting did occur. This alloy, with proper heat treatment, is
also expected to provide the maximum, practical resistance to secondary
side attack, though immunity is not possible if concentrated impurity
environments develop, especially if these are combined with high stresses
and applied strains due to denting.
To date, alkaline denting has not been a major problem in PWR steam
generators, and it will most likely not become a wide-spread problem in
the future. However, the possibility of alkaline denting provides an
additional incentive to improve plant operations to minimize ingress of
caustic-forming impurities, oxidants, and sludge-forming corrosion
products, and to improve steam generator design. New steam generator
designs should eliminate crevices, use SCC-resistant materials, and materials
that will prevent the occurrence of denting.
EPRI Licensed Material
11.1 Craig, K. R. "Failure Analysis Tube R20L84 Steam Generator B
Fort Calhoun." In Proceedings: 1985 EPRI Workshop on Remedial
Actions for Secondary -Side IntergranularCorrosion. EPRI NP-4929.
December 1986.
11.2 Krupowicz, J. J. et al. "Caustic-Induced Magnetite Formation in
A508 Tubesheet Crevices." In Proceedings of the Second
International Symposium on Environmental Degradation of
Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactors, Monterey
California, September 9-12, 1985. American Nuclear Society, La
Grange Park, Illinois, 1986, p. 240.
11.3 NRC letter dated June 3, 1976 to AEP, Docket No. 50-315, and
enclosed IE Inspection Report No. 050-315/76-08.
11.4 Frieling, G. D. "Operating Experience With Inconel 600 Tube
Cracking, Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2." Paper
presented at SGOG Contractors Meeting for Inconel-600 Cracking
in Tubesheet Crevices, September 9-10, 1980, Palo Alto, CA.
11.5 Agrawal, A. K., W. N. Stiegelmeyer, E. Vondrias, and J. Means.
"Point Beach-1 Steam Generator: Tubesheet Crevice Chemistry."
EPRI NP-5660-LD. February 1988.
11.6 "Summary of Meeting Held on November 5,1979, With Wisconsin
Electric Power Company and Westinghouse Electric Corporation
to Discuss Recent Inspection of Steam Generator Tubes at Point
Beach Unit No. 1." NRC meeting report. Docket No. 50-266. Nov.
16, 1979.
11.7 "Steam Generator Inspection, San Onofre Nuclear Generating
Station, Unit 1." SCE report. In NRC public document room. No.
8201270236 810925. January 30, 1977.
11.8 Kim, U. C., and D. van Rooyen. "Stain Rate and Temperature
Effects on the Stress Corrosion Cracking of Inconel 600 Steam
Generator Tubing in the Primary Water Conditions." In
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on
Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power
Systems-Water Reactors. J. T. A. Roberts, J. R. Weeks and G. J.
Theus, Symposium Committee, American Nuclear Society, La
Grange Park, Illinois, 1986
11.9 Broomfield, J. P., J. E. Forrest, D. R. Holmes, and M. I. Manning.
"Oxide Growth Mechanisms on Chromium Alloy Steels." EPRI
NP-4647. July 1986.
11-18 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Contributing Authors/Editors
J. A. Gorman, Dominion Engineering,Inc.
J. P.N. Paine,EPRI
M. J. Partridge,Dominion Engineering,Inc.
D. B. Lowenstein, Dominion Engineering,Inc.
12.2 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
A variety of operating PWRs throughout the world have experienced
intergranular corrosion (IGC) on both secondary and primary side surfaces
of steam generator heat transfer tubes. This chapter focuses on secondary
side or steam-side field experiences in plants operating with all volatile
water treatment (AVT). Laboratory experience is covered in other chapters
relating to specific corrodents. Experience at plants operating on phosphate
water chemistry is covered in Chapter 9. Laboratory experience and
experience of plants operating on phosphate water chemistry are mentioned
in this chapter only when necessary to provide further background.
Intergranular corrosion on the secondary side is a pervasive form of
corrosion in PWR steam generators. A great number of steam generators
operating at both freshwater and seawater-cooled locations have
experienced one or another form of IGC. This applies particularly to
recirculating, steam generators (RSGs). Intergranular corrosion has also
occurred at once-through steam generators (OTSGs), although these are
affected less severely than RSGs.
The occurrence of secondary side intergranular corrosion, especially in
RSGs, has been strongly correlated with the presence of built-in crevices
and crevices formed by the deposition of sludge, such as on top of the
Tubesheet Crevices
Early RSGs of one manufacturer used part-depth rolling, for about
2- 4 inches (5-10 cm) to join the tubes to the tubesheet. The other domestic
RSG manufacturer has always used full-depth explosive expansion. The
part-depth expansion left a deep crevice, approximately 18 to 20 inches (46
to 51 cm) in depth with an 0.008 inch (0.2 mm) radial gap, at the top of the
tubesheet. This crevice is open to the secondary side environment.
Full-depth tubesheet crevices are not present in later designs since, in
the early 1970s, the manufacturer decided to expand tubes for the full height
of the tubesheet. However, because of design tolerances and manufacturing
variations, some small crevices can remain at the top of the tubesheet. Full-
depth expansion has been accomplished by using three different techniques.
Initially, explosive expansion was performed for a group of plants. Next,
full-depth expansion by mechanical rolling was achieved at a number of
plants. Beginning in the second half of the 1970s, full-depth expansion was
performed using hydraulic methods.
In Japan, three RSG plants with part-depth rolled tubes have been
expanded additionally to close the tubesheet crevice. This work was done
over a period of years after several years of operation. Approximately two
EPRI Licensed Material
thirds of the tubes in each plant were not expanded for the full height of the
tubesheet, which left a 4 inch (10 cm) long crevice (12.1). Approximately
one third of the tubes were expanded nearly to the top of the tubesheet,
leaving only a 0.2 inch (5 mm) crevice.
OTSGs use part-depth rolls for both the top and bottom tubesheets,
and thus have deep crevices at both locations. Intergranular corrosion in
these crevices has been relatively minor. This is probably mainly the result
of the thermal hydraulic conditions associated with the once through design.
However, the full vessel stress relief applied to these units may also be a
factor in the relative absence of intergranular corrosion.
TABLE 12-1 Cont'd
List of PWR Steam Generators With MA Alloy 600 Tubing That Have Experienced Secondary Side
Intergranular Corrosion Using AVT Water Chemistry
Tubesheet I TTS Tube Postulated
Date Hot Leg SG Cooling IWater Crevice Sludqe
Supports Other ICauses and
No. Plant 0-
Unit Comm'l. Temp. F I Mfg. I Water] Treatment, IGA/SCC IGA/SCC IG /SCC IGA/SCCI Remarks
59 Tricastin 3 May-81 613 F Fresh AVT NA X X
60 Gravelines B3 Jun-81 613 F Salt AVT NA X X
61 Farley 2 Jul-81 607 w Fresh AVT NA X X Caustic
62 Sequoyah 1 Jul-81 609 w Fresh AVT NA X
63 Ringhals 3 Sep-81 610 W Salt AVT NA
64 Almaraz Oct-81 616 w Fresh AVT NA Caustic
65 Gravelines 14 Oct-81 613 F Salt AVT NA
66 Salem 2 Oct-81 602 w Salt AVT NA (D
67 Dampierre 4 Nov-81 613 F Fresh AVT NA
68 Tricastin 4 Nov-81 613 F Fresh AVT NA Caustic
69 Blayais Dec-81 613 F Salt AVr NA
70 McGuire Dec-81 618 W Fresh AVT NA X CL free span rupture (Ju
71 Sequoyah 2 Jun-82 609 w Fresh AVT NA
72 Doel 3 Oct-82 613 C Salt AVr NA
73 Blayais 2 Feb-83 613 F Salt AVT NA
74 Krsko 1 Feb-83 616 w Fresh AVT NA Caustic
75 Tihange 2 Mar-83 613 C Fresh AVr NA
76 St. Lucie 2 Jun-83 601 CE Salt AVT NA
77 San Onotre 2 Aug-83 611 CE Salt AVT NA x
78 St. Laurent B1 Aug-83 NA Caustic
613 F Fresh AVT
79 St. Laurent B2 NA Caustic
Aug-83 613 F Fresh AVT
80 Asco 1 Sep-83 620 w Fresh AVT NA Caustic & acidic
81 Ringhals 4 Nov-83 610 U Salt AVT NA
82 San Onofre 3 Jan-84 611 CE Salt AVT NA
83 Summer Jan-84 619 w Fresh AVT NA Minor IGA only
84 Almaraz 2 Feb-84 616 w Fresh AVT NA
85 McGuire 2 Mar-84 618 w Fresh AV'r NA X
86 Chinon B2 Aug-84 613 F Fresh AVT NA
87 Angra 1 Dec-84 616 w Salt AVT NA NDE only
TABLE 12-1 Cont'd
List of PWR Steam Generators With MA Alloy 600 Tubing That Have Experienced Secondary Side
Intergranular Corrosion Using AVT Water Chemistry
B = Babcock & Wilcox AVT = All volatile treatment
C = Cockerill P04 = Phosphate treatment
CE = Combustion Engineering X = Present; based on NDE and/or metallurgical evaluation
F = Framatome *= Very limited period with P04 water treatment
H-P = Howden-Parsons NA = Not applicable
K = Siemens/KWU CL = Cold leg
M = Mitsubishi TTS = Top of tubesheet
U = Uddcomb
W = Westinghouse
EPRI Licensed Material
The three plants with low-temperature mill annealed tubing that have
experienced the most severe occurrence of intergranular corrosion at TSPs
are all seawater-cooled plants in Japan (Genkai Unit 1, Ohi Unit 1, and
Takahama Unit 2).
Among older domestic RSG plants with high temperature mill annealed
tubing, intergranular corrosion is relatively severe at both seawater-cooled
plants (e.g., Millstone Unit 2, St. Lucie Unit 1, and Calvert Cliffs Units 1
and 2) and at freshwater-cooled plants (e.g., Palisades Unit I and ANO
Unit 2).
For modern plants with high integrity condensers, the differences in
intergranular corrosion experience between freshwater- and seawater-sited
units is small. These differences may be due more to the quality of makeup
water and the performance of various demineralizers than the type of
cooling water.
Definition of Terms
Intergranular corrosion has been found to take several forms. Therefore,
considerable confusion exists in the literature as to precisely what is meant
when an author identifies a particular form of intergranular corrosion. At
least three forms have been identified; these are illustrated by Figures 12-1,
12-2, and 12-3.
IGSCC in Alloy 600 C-Rings (Etched Sample)
EPRI Licensed Material
IGA of Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubing (Etched Sample)
EPRI Licensed Material
material. IGA propagation rates of 0.00006 inches (0.0015 mm) per day have
been measured in laboratory tests and are consistent with most steam
generator experience.
The third form of intergranular corrosion, called intergranular
penetration (IGP), has been variously described as a mixture or a hybrid
between the other two forms, or as the initiation stage of corrosion when it
is not yet clear which form it will eventually take. IGP has been experienced
over a significant range of morphologies. One typical morphology is shown
in Figure 12-3, which illustrates a finger of intergranular corrosion extending
below a surface layer of IGA (12.4). In the case of IGP,a stress factor appears
to be involved. However, it has been postulated that the propagation rate
is considerably slower than that of IGSCC, and that the propagation of IGP
is only weakly dependent upon stress. It is possible that the stress required
for activation of IGP is nominally at or below the material yield strength.
IGP of Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tube
12-12 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Intergranular Corrosion of Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tube
Mixed Mode Corrosion of Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tube
(Exam of St. Lucie Tube)
Typical Steam Generator Tube-Tubesheet Annular Crevice
Primary face
tube sheet
EPRI Licensed Material
Typical Steam Generator Tube-Tube Support Plate Annular Crevice
I I 0 .012" x .75" nominal
Crc in I crevice dimensions
lcatking Corrosion
Cold Work. Plant experience and laboratory tests indicate that the thin
layer of cold-worked material produced on the OD surface of mill annealed
tubes by polishing is more susceptible to IGA/SCC than unpolished or
thermally treated material. The shallow IGA that readily occurs in this
hardened layer (12.7) may increase susceptibility to further attack, i.e., to
deeper SCC.
Focus. This chapter will focus on (1) operating plant experience, (2) results
of destructive examinations of intergranular corrosion and laboratory
examination of deposits and corrosion films, and (3) recommendations to
prevent/arrest intergranular corrosion.
Operating History
Only limited attempts have been made to correlate field experience
with intergranular corrosion. These efforts have not been overly successful,
although several fairly distinct factors that generate higher than average
susceptibility have been suggested. Below is a list of plant factors that have
been partially investigated:
* temperature (hot leL versus cold ley location, and hot ley temnerature
variations among plants);
0 seawater site versus freshwater site;
0 secondary plant materials;
0 impurity ingress;
0 AVT or coordinated phosphate water treatment;
0 period of operation before first occurrence, and aging of material;
0 presence/use of full flow condensate polishers;
0 use of boric acid;
6 use of morpholine; and
0 position in tube bundle.
EPRI Licensed Material
Temperature (Hot Leg Versus Cold Leg Location, and Hot Leg
Temperature). Based on eddy current examinations and limited numbers
of laboratory examinations, intergranular corrosion has occurred mainly
and more extensively on hot leg tubes. Primary water flows through hot
leg tubes at a temperature of about 590-626°F (310-330'C), which is the
equilibrium temperature within tubesheet crevices (if present) and within
tubesheet sludge piles. In the cold leg tubesheet area, where corrosion has
been less frequently observed, crevice temperatures range from 530-560'F
(277-2930 C).
In an attempt to reduce the corrosion rate in tubesheet crevices at Point
Beach Unit 1, power levels were reduced to 78%, which reduced the hot leg
temperature from 5970 F to 557°F (314'C to 292QC). Based on the number of
detected new defects, it was clear that the corrosion rate had decreased
dramatically. While these data are limited, they are consistent with
experience at other plants (e.g., Ringhals Unit 2) which have reduced
temperature, and also with laboratory test data that show that both IGA
and IGSCC rates are dependent upon temperature.
Reviews of the intergranular corrosion performance of the total set of
LTMA-tubed steam generators have shown that the rate of IGA/SCC in
tubesheet crevices and in tube support plate crevices increases, on the
average, quite strongly with an increase in hot leg temperature (Figures 12-8,
12-9) (1Z2j 12.13). The apparent activation energies of about 50 kcal/mole
exhibited by plant performance appear reasonable in light of laboratory
tests of caustic and acidic environments (12.I14 12.15).
The main exceptions to the "hot leg only" occurrence of IGA/SCC are
discussed below.
* Attack has occurred at vertical supports in HTMA-tubed units, located
in the top region of the steam generator. This attack has been associated
with dry out areas at the supports, and has been severe enough to lead
to ruptures and to preventive plugging of substantial numbers of tubes
in affected regions.
* IGA/SCC has been experienced at the top of tubesheets, in sludge piles,
and at tube supports in cold legs of several units. Possible causes for
this relatively severe cold leg attack are discussed later.
* In a few cases, corrosion of sensitized tubing was attributed to the
presence of reduced sulfur species. IGA and IGSCC of sensitized tubing
caused by reduced sulfur species are known to initiate and propagate
at ambient temperatures.
* At Ringhals Unit 2, five cold leg tubes were removed in May 1984, after
about ten years of operation (12.16). This plant had relatively high
temperatures (hot leg temperature of 609'F [320.5'C] and cold leg
temperature of 5520F [289QC)1. Examination of the tubesheet crevice
Time to 1% IGA/SCC Versus Inverse Temperature for Part-Depth-Rolled Plants
615 605 Hot Leg Temperature, OF 595 585
l [•lower
: bound*
o 56 Kcafmole
EFPY 10 (D
NOTES: Does not include plants that remained on phosphate water chemistry. Includes all tube mills except Sandvik.
Time to 1% IGA/SCC Versus Inverse Temperture
-Plants With Alloy 600 LTMA Tubing, Drilled-Hole TSPs, and AVT Water Chemistry
0 a 0)
8_ 0)
oE ~-
region showed that all five of the cold leg tubes exhibited IGA, to a
depth of one to five grains, and all five exhibited IGSCC, to a maximum
depth of 0.009 inches (0.23 mm). The investigator concluded that the
relative depths of hot leg and cold leg IGSCC at this plant were
consistent with an apparent activation energy of 40 kcal/mole.
IGSCC has been observed in cold leg free span regions at McGuire
Units I and 2 and in hot leg free spans at Palo Verde Unit 2 (1993). It
was first seen in 1989, when a rupture occurred in a cold leg tube at
McGuire 1 (12.17), after eight years of operation. Additional similar
defects have been subsequently detected in both McGuire Units I and
2. Laboratory examination indicates that the long axial cracks have
been caused by linkup of a series of IGSCC cracks located along a
shallow groove or line of abrasion. Relatively rapid crack growth rates
in the through-wall direction have been observed, up to a maximum of
about 3 mils (75 gtm) per month, with an average growth rate of about
1 mil (25 ýtm), or slightly less, per month.
Weibull Plot
15 0.2
1 10 100
high condensate oxygen levels early in plant life. It was observed that
seawater inleakage had not occurred at the affected plants (This is a
result of condenser integrity, including thorough inspections and
conservative preventive plugging practices). The study also showed
that IGA/SCC had not occurred at similar plants which experienced
seawater inleakage. Thus, it appears that, if a plant has 'tight condensers,
the presence of seawater cooling is irrelevant with regard to IGA/SCC.
On the other hand, if a plant experiences seawater inleakage, it is less
likely to experience IGA/SCC, though other problems can be seriously
aggravated (e.g., denting and pitting).
Japanese plant experience has shown that operation for a short period
using phosphate water chemistry early in life tends to reduce the risk
of IGA/SCC occurring later in life, as compared to plants which have
always operated on AVT (12.11) (Chapter 9). Examination of removed
tubes showed that residual phosphates were still present in crevices.
The reduced amount of IGA/SCC is attributed to the ability of the
remaining phosphates to neutralize caustics accumulating in the
The experience of Ringhals Unit 2 is more difficult to explain. This
unit is on a seawater location. The original steam generators
experienced significant denting early in life as a result of condenser
inleakage, suggesting that tube support plate crevices were acidic and
dominated by chlorides. In 1980-81, the condensers were replaced with
leak-tight, titanium-tubed units, and since that time seawater ingress
has been non-existent. One would expect that with time the crevice
acidity would have been reduced due to loss of chloride by diffusion,
and that a neutral environment would have been achieved. In fact, the
denting rate was reduced to essentially zero, documenting the success
of the improved water purity control. Subsequent to this improvement,
however, IGSCC was found in a large number of tubes in tubesheet
crevices. Several different crevice contaminants have been suggested.
In fact, the corrodent may be a result of all or several of the contaminants
listed below:
-sulfuric acid accidentally introduced into the secondary water supply;
-organic acids or other species from the makeup water system (formic,
acetic and propionic acid salts have been identified);
-selective elution of buffering species from the crevices with time,
perhaps leaving a caustic environment;
-- caustics resulting from operation with high Na/Cl (sodium/chloride)
ratios in, the blowdown; and
-steam doped with one of the aggressive chemicals mentioned
12-26 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
IGA/SCC at Hot Leg, Drilled Hole Tube Support Plate Crevices of Units
With LTMA Tubing. The experience of freshwater and seawater units is
illustrated in Figure 12-11. As shown in the figure, the behavior of the two
groups of plants is not very different, with the seawater plant data spanning
the freshwater plant data. It should be noted that the most severely affected
units, Takahama 2, Genkai 1, and Ohi 1, are seawater-cooled units.
The similar behavior of the seawater- and freshwater-cooled units is
attributed to the fact that IGA/SCC at TSPs occurs primarily in relatively
high temperature plants, and thus in more modern plants, most of which
have high integrity condensers. The presence of high-integrity condensers
is believed to make the type of cooling water essentially irrelevant with
respect to occurrence of IGA/SCC, as discussed earlier.
FIGURE 12-11
Seawater Versus Freshwater IGC Experience at TSPs
-Plants With LTMA Tubing and Drilled-Hole TSPs (Time to 1% Tubes Plugged/Sleeved)
Weibull Plot
.90 /
S -0.63
C Seawater PlantsL 13
Seric (EFPY)ts Seaate
0.02 -
1 10
Service Time (EFPY)
(Adjusted to 615OF using Q=50 kcal/mofl)4
12-28 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
FIGURE 12-12
Potential Area Where IGA and IGSCC Develop for Alloy 600 in
Carbonate-Contaminated NaOH Solutions
200 S
E 100 SO
C __
IGA and IGSCC have been found in units with a mixture of secondary
plant designs and materials ranging from all ferrous to predominantly
copper alloys. Time to a given level of IGA/SCC in plants with feedring
steam generators with and without copper alloys in the secondary system
have been evaluated. There are indications that plants with copper alloys
tend to experience the problem earlier (Figure 12-13) (12.20). However,
similar evaluations for units with preheater steam generators show little
difference between plants with and without copper. Other plant experience
suggests that copper can have an effect. For example, among low
temperature plants at freshwater sites with tubesheet crevices, IGA/SCC
has been more severe at Point Beach and Kewaunee, which have copper
alloys, than at Prairie Island and Zion, with all ferrous systems. Similarly,
for full-depth rolled plants at freshwater sites with high temperatures, IGA/
SCC occurred earlier at Catawba Unit I than at McGuire Unit 1, which
correlates with an increased amount of copper in Catawba Unit 1. Originally,
both units had copper-nickel-tubed MSRs, but the tubes were replaced with
stainless steel tubes early in life at McGuire Unit 1. On the other hand,
some units with no copper have experienced relatively early IGA/SCC at
TSPs, e.g., Ringhals Unit 3 and Doel Unit 4.
Impurity Ingress
Developing useful correlations between impurity ingress and the
corrosion performance of steam generator tubes is not an easy task. It is
difficult to determine accurately and completely the levels of all relevant
impurities, to determine what crevice environments are produced as a result
of the impurity ingress, and to consider the many reactions possible among
the concentrated impurities, differing volatilities of the various impurities,
etc. Two main approaches for monitoring and assessing impurity ingress
have been pursued, i.e., to measure levels of contaminants in the blowdown
water and to gather and analyze hideout return data.
Unfortunately, data on concentrations of applicable contaminants in
the blowdown are often limited or lacking. The results of an early study
using blowdown data (12.21) did not find a strong correlation between
impurity concentrations in the blowdown and corrosion. However, there
was a possible correlation between IGA/SCC occurrence and the cumulative
number of days with abnormal levels of sodium or cation conductivity. It
appears somewhat unlikely that more useful correlations will be possible
using blowdown data, since it is difficult to quantify all appropriate variables
(e.g., some important chemical parameters may not have been monitored),
and since it is difficult to identify and treat upsets, which may be more
influential than average performance.
FIGURE 12-13
Effect of Copper on IGC at Drilled TSPs in Non-Preheater Plants (Time to 0.2% Tubes Repaired) 0
Weibull Plot
.90 |I G
E 'V
- 43 Plants With Copper (25
EC affected*) 'd
Median time to 0.2%
- 6 Plants Without Copper (3
Copper plants - 4.96 EFPY []
Ak affected*) _C•_
EY" 0.63
C El.
.10 I I I1
0 I I I I I I
1 10
Time forO.2% TSP IGA/SCC
EFPY Adjusted to 620°F
EPRI Licensed Material
Problems with other ion exchangers can also be a factor in the occurrence
of IGA/SCC. For example, sodium hydroxide ingress is suspected of having
caused some IGA/SCC at tubesheet crevices and TSPs at Jos6 Cabrera
(12.29); the sodium hydroxide ingress was possibly the result of a
malfunction of the makeup demineralizer resin regeneration system.
FIGURE 12-14
IGA/SCC at TSPs at Japanese Plants
Weibull Plot
.90 - _
--------------- - -- - - - - - - - 1ý - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 .63
b=2.2 Wt orcAi
on -------------------------------------------- ----------------------
----- 0.05
M No Boric Acid
10 100
Service Time (EFPY)
12-38 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Use of Morpholine
Morpholine is applied widely to control secondary system pH. Because
it partitions more equally between the liquid and vapor phases than
ammonia (ammonia remains mostly in the steam), it is more effective at
keeping pH elevated in steam drains and in other areas where steam
condenses. As a result, use of morpholine results in less corrosion of carbon
steel surfaces in steam drain systems, and lower input of iron corrosion
products into the steam generator.
To date, morpholine has not exhibited any negative effects, although it
decomposes to form various organic acids (12.32). It is expected that the
reduction in iron corrosion product input reduces the formation of sludge
piles, and thus reduces the risk of IGA/SCC in sludge piles. The decreased
need for sludge lancing should also be of benefit, reducing the exposure to
oxidizing conditions. It is also expected that the reduction in iron corrosion
product input will reduce the rate of clogging of crevice areas, and will
thus reduce the amount of IGA/SCC at supports.
Despite the expected benefits of morpholine, it should be noted that at
least one domestic plant which started up on morpholine, Beaver Valley
Unit 1, is experiencing significant amounts of IGA/SCC at TSP crevices
and in sludge piles. The MSR in this plant has copper alloy tubing and the
plant has no polishers. Which (if any) of these variables is involved in the
IGA/SCC is not known. It should also be recognized that many French
units have used morpholine-for many years but are nevertheless
experiencing an increasing amount of IGA/SCC at TSPs and in sludge piles.
In summary, it is possible that morpholine may help to minimize the
likelihood of IGA/SCC by reducing the accumulation of sludge and
clogging of crevices. This, in turn, will reduce the need for sludge lancing.
bundle. The rate of decrease from one tube support plate elevation to the
next higher is typically a factor of two or three. The reasons for the decrease
are not yet fully understood but may include:
* decrease in temperature of about 6°F (30 C) from one tube support
elevation to the next;
* decrease in superheat in crevices as elevation increases, with
corresponding decrease in concentration of impurities in equilibrium
with the superheat;
* decrease in thermal stress associated with decreasing heat flux as
elevation increases;
* the stability of liquid phases or liquid films in the crevice may be limited
to particular ranges in superheat;
* increase in flow velocity through, and differential pressure across, the
support as elevation increases, tending to improve flushing of crevices
at higher elevations;
* different patterns in accumulation of tube deposits as support elevation
increases; in some cases, however, the data indicate that tube scale tends
to increase with elevation; and
* change in oxidant availability or electrochemical potential as elevation
increases. (This could be the result of changes in concentrations of
copper metal and oxides at different elevations as the result of the
retrograde solubility of some copper ions.)
Somewhat surprisingly, a similar decrease in the number of IGA/SCC
indications as elevation increases has been observed by ECT in the cold leg
of one Combustion Engineering unit. Since temperature and heat flux
increase as elevation increases on the cold leg side, the first three factors
listed above clearly do not apply to the cold leg situation (They would result
in the opposite variation to that observed). The other variables are all
speculative. A decrease in electrochemical potential or oxidant availability
appears to be the most likely explanation for the cold leg variation. This is
supported by observations in some plants that more copper metal and
copper oxide are present on the cold leg side than on the hot leg side.
* Two domestic plants with mill annealed alloy 600 tubing that remained
on phosphate water chemistry have experienced severe IGA/SCC,
despite low operating temperatures (Chapter 9). This indicates that
phosphate water chemistry of the type practiced in the USA may not
be suitable for steam generators with mill annealed alloy 600 tubing,
especially if significant sludge develops in the unit and if drilled-hole
tube supports are present. However, the successful experience with
phosphate water chemistry in Kraftwerk Union/Siemens units and at
Zorita indicates that operation with phosphates is possible with
appropriate water chemistry parameters and appropriate steam
generator and secondary system design details.
" For early plants with tubesheet crevices, freshwater sites with alkaline-
forming cooling water generally experienced more IGA/SCC than
seawater plants, and at an earlier time in plant life. However, there
have been some significant exceptions (Ringhals Unit 2 and several
Japanese plants). The reason for these exceptions may be that chemistry
in the affected plants are dominated by makeup and polisher impurities,
rather than by seawater inleakage.
* For modern plants with leak-tight condensers, the type of cooling water
does not appear to be an important factor with regard to occurrence of
IGA/SCC. For these plants, variables such as hot leg temperature,
makeup water impurities, polisher/demineralizer usage and leakage,
presence of copper in the secondary system, molar ratio of impurities
in the feedwater and, possibly, use of boric acid are believed to be the
most important factors affecting the susceptibility to IGA/SCC.
* Specific causative factors involved in IGA/SCC at modern
high-temperature plants with leak tight condensers have not been
clearly identified. Based on detailed studies by the utilities involved,
caustic is suspected in Japan and France. Acidic environments are
suspected in several other cases (e.g., Doel Unit 4, Tihange Unit 1, North
Anna Unit 1, and ANO Unit 2). Elevated electrochemical potential has
been identified as a major factor by the Japanese, and may be an
important factor in other cases. However, current Japanese experience
indicates that IGA/SCC can continue, once initiated, even with a fully
reducing environment.
" In many cases, a source of sodium or potassium ions in excess of that
neutralized by appropriate anions appears to be a factor that IGA/SCC-
affected plants have in common. Studies of the anion-cation balance in
crevice deposits, however, have often failed to produce satisfactory
quantitative results.
" An increasing number of studies are identifying acidic conditions, lead
contamination, and near neutral conditions as possible environments
involved in IGA/SCC propagation.
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 12-15a
Long Axial IGSCC in Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tube (OD Surface)
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 12-15b
Long Axial IGSCC in Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tube
(Cross Section View)
FIGURE 12-16
SCC and IGA at Roll Transition of Part-Depth-Rolled Alloy 600 Tube
F-87-1199 To 1201
FIGURE 12-17
IGP and IGA at Roll Transition of Part-Depth-Rolled Alloy 600 Tube
F-87-1195 - 50urn
TABLE 12-2
IGA/SCC Experience: Seawater, AVT, Part-Depth Rolled Plants,
Tubesheet Crevices
None of the six domestic units with tubesheet crevices and seawater or
brackish cooling water have reported significant IGA/SCC in the
crevices. However, steam generators at five of these units have been
replaced as a result of denting or pitting, and the sixth unit has
experienced significant degradation caused by these phenomena.
12-48 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
FIGURE 12-18
Crack Patterns Observed in Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tube
OD-defects Examination
Examined cross sections:
400 94mm 180mm 239mm 313mm
Deepest crack observed:
0 3 Intergranular corrosion
U) on the 0D-surface on all
0 cross sections.
Fa 200
,• 2 ID-cracks confirmed.
100 I 1 ID-defects
II'' i,
n II
,I I
0 I I I I I
thus, lead may have played a role. The stresses involved in the cracking
are believed to be due to denting at the top of the tubesheet and tube bending
caused by tube bundle shifting following denting at eggcrate supports.
Several years before the circumferential cracks were detected at
Millstone Unit 2, examination of a pulled tube from that unit showed a
band of IGA immediately above the top of the tubesheet. The tube had
been located in the sludge pile region. A band of wastage and a band of
pits were found above the band of IGA (Figure 12-19) (12.39), with isolated
pits above that elevation. This behavior suggests a gradient in
electrochemical potential, which led to the different forms of attack; this.
gradient may be affected by the tubesheet-to-tube material difference.
FIGURE 12-19
Schematic of Hot Leg Tube Corrosion at Millstone Point Unit 2
Schematic of Typical
Hot Leg Tube Corrosion
} Band of Pits
Wastage {
12-52 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
Tubesheet Crevices. Cold leg tubes have been removed from several
plants. In the case of Ginna and Doel Unit 2, no IGA/SCC was observed.
In the case of Ringhals Unit 2, the tubes were found to have shallow IGSCC
12-60 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
(12.16). The investigator of the Ringhals Unit 2 tubes concluded that the
IGSCC was occurring in the same manner as on the hot leg, but at a slower
rate as a result of the lower temperature. Based on the relative rates of the
attack on both the hot and the cold leg, the investigator concluded that the
apparent activation energy was about 40 kcal/mole (12.16). Evaluation of
deposits in the cold leg crevice showed them to be similar to those in the
hot leg, with solutes from the deposits ranging from neutral to mildly
alkaline. Specific corrodents were not identified.
FIGURE 12-20
Tensile Stress Strain Curves for Point Beach Unit 1 Steam Generator
.f Tube AR22-C37
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Engineering Strain (%)
Note: Tube AR22-C37 had been stretched by about 10% during removal.
TABLE 12.3
Hydraulic Burst Pressure for Steam Generator Tubing From
Point Beach Unit 1
Laboratory studies, as well as field experience, suggest several areas
for remedial measures. Figure 12-21 shows the interrelationship of various
factors that may affect IGA/SCC. A remedial measure would be expected
to interrupt or change one or more of the factors discussed below.
FIGURE 12-21
Factors Possibly Affecting IGSCC and IGA
Constant load
Constant deflection
Constant plastic deformation
Cyclic load
Residual stress
Composition Composition
Grain size
Processing history
Thermal treatment
12-66 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision I
It has been shown with reasonable certainty that increasing the service
stress, imposing a dynamic strain, or the presence of a high residual stress
level can all be major factors in accelerating initiation or propagation of
IGSCC. With regard to IGA, laboratory results indicate that increasing levels
of stress accelerate IGA a moderate amount, but not nearly as much as
stress influences IGSCC.
Because of the high stress dependency of IGSCC, stress relief of the
tubing is a possible remedial measure when residual stress is the main
causative factor. Stress relief is accomplished for new steam generators by
using thermally treated alloy 600 tubing which has been thermally aged at
1300'F (705'C) for 16 hours, and by stress relief of tight radius U-bends.
Also, Babcock & Wilcox uses a full bundle stress relief following once-
through steam generator fabrication to provide stress relief. For operational
steam generators with mill annealed tubing, performing stress relief is a
much more difficult operation. However, two approaches have been
proposed to treat other problems that might be of some benefit against
secondary side IGSCC. One approach would be to perform a global heat
treatment of the whole steam generator (12.54); this approach has been
suggested to treat roll transitions to reduce PWSCC, but it might also be
effective for the entire steam generator. Another approach would be to
perform local stress relief of tube support plate intersections using heaters
inserted into the tubes; this approach has been used on a trial basis to treat
dented TSP intersections. The cost effectiveness and practicality of these
measures as ways to prevent IGA/SCC, especially at tube supports, have
not been determined.
It is well known that microstructure has a major impact on susceptibility
to IGSCC in primary water environments (Chapter 7). However, the
relationship between microstructure and secondary side IGA/SCC
resistance is less certain. Chapters 13, 14, and 15 discuss the effects of
microstructure and heat treatment on IGA/SCC of alloy 600 in secondary
side environments, as determined from laboratory investigations. As
discussed in these chapters, thermal treatment of the tubing is effective in
reducing susceptibility to caustic IGSCC, PWSCC, and acidic IGSCC.
However, much of this benefit appears to be due to stress relief and
annealing of cold-worked structures, and not due to the carbide
microstructure. In addition, preliminary work indicates that at least some
microstructures (high mill anneal), that have improved PWSCC resistance,
appear to have no reduction in susceptibility to acidic environments.
EPRI Licensed Material
Modification of the crevice environment probably offers the greatest
promise for a reduced rate of IGA/SCC. Modification of the crevice
environment could include several factors such as elimination of the crevice
12-68 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Ratio Control. Japanese utilities have utilized ratio control of two major
inleakage contaminants to minimize corrosion. They attempt to maintain
a Na+/C1- ratio <0.7 so that C1-, an acid forming specie, is always present
in excess of Na+, an alkali forming specie. This practice may be a factor in
the lack of detected IGA/SCC at several Japanese plants after 15 or more
years of operation. The success of these units indicates that molar ratio
control is worth pursuing as a remedial approach. However, the continued
development of IGA/SCC at other severely affected Japanese units, despite
use of molar ratio control, indicates that molar ratio control cannot be relied
upon to stop the growth of IGA/SCC once it has initiated.
12.1 Takamatsu, H. "Japanese Steam Generator Operating Experiences
and Results of Related R & D." Paper presented at EPRI SGRP
Technical Advisory Group Meeting, Philadelphia, June 26-28,1990.
12.2 Airey, G. P. "Optimization of Metallurgical Variables to Improve
Corrosion Resistance of Inconel Alloy 600." EPRI NP-3051. July
12.3 Pement, F. W., et al. "Examination of Three Steam Generator Tubes
From the Point Beach Unit I Nuclear Power Plant." EPRI NP-2958-
LD. March 1983, pp. 3-8, 4-21, 4-95.
12.4 Pement, F. W., and P. J. Kuchirka. "Examination of Steam Generator
Tube A (18-37) from the Point Beach Unit 2 Nuclear Power Plant."
EPRI NP-2539-LD. August 1982.
12.5 Paine, J. P. N. "Operating Experience and Intergranular Corrosion
of Inconel Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubing." NACE Corrosion/
82 no. 204 (March 1982).
12.6 Frye, C. R. "Laboratory Evaluation of Steam Generator Tubes 120/
12, 79/9, and 59/95 From St. Lucie Unit 1." EPRI NP-5397-LD.
August 1987,
12.7 Cullen, W. H., et al. "IGA/IGSCC of Alloy 600 in Acid Sulfate
Solutions." In Proceedings of International Symposium,
Fontevraud II, Contribution of Materials Investigation to the
Resolution of Problems Encountered in PWR Plants SFEN
(September 1990): 332.
12.8 Miglin, B. P, and J. M. Sarver. "Investigation of Lead As a Cause
of IGA at Support Plate Intersections." EPRI NP-7367-S. June 1991.
12.9 Nagano, H., et al.. "Effects of Environmental and Material Factors
on the Intergranular Attack of Alloy 600." In Proceedings: 1985
EPRI Workshop on Remedial Actions for Secondary-Side
Intergranular Corrosion. EPRI NP-4929. December 1986.
12.10 Takamatsu, H. "Status of IGA in Japanese Plants and Results of S/
G Pulled Tube Examinations From Japanese Plants." In
Proceedings: 1985 EPRI Workshop on Remedial Actions for
Secondary-Side Intergranular Corrosion. EPRI NP-4929. December
12-72 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
12.11 Kishida, A., et al. "The Causes and Remedial Measures of Steam
Generator Tube Intergranular Attack in Japanese PWR." In
Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power Systems
- Water Reactors, edited by G. Theus and J. R. Weeks. The
Metallurgical Society (1988): 465-471,
12.12 Ogren, R. A., and J. A. Gorman. "Correlation of Temperature With
Steam Generator Tube Corrosion Experience." Dominion
Engineering, Inc., DEI-290. April 1990.
12.13 Gorman, J. A. "Contribution to Alloy 600 Experts Meeting." Paper
presented at EPRI Alloy 600 Experts Meeting, April 6-9,1993, Airlie,
Virginia. To be published by EPRI.
12.14 Jacko, R. J. "Corrosion Evaluation of Thermally Treated Alloy 600
Tubing in Primary and Faulted Secondary Water Environments."
EPRI NP-6721-SD. June 1990.
12.15 Newman, J. F "Stress Corrosion of Alloys 600 and 690 in Acidic
Sulfate Solutions at Elevated Temperatures." EPRI NP-3043.
October 1983.
12.16 Norring, K. "Examination of Five Tubes Pulled From the Cold Leg
of Steam Generator I at Ringhals 2." Studsvik/EI-84/157. October
24, 1984.
12.17 Frye, C. R., et al. "Laboratory Examination of Pulled RSG Tube
Sections From McGuire Nuclear Station." Babcock & Wilcox,
RDD:90:5459-01:01. August 1989.
12.18 Gorman, J. A., et al. "Statistical Analysis of Steam Generator
Degradation." EPRI NP-7493. September 1991.
12.19 Serra, E. "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600,." EPRI NP-2114-
SR. November 1981.
12.20 Gorman, J.A. "Correlation of Plant IGA/SCC at TSPs With Copper,
Boric Acid, and Prior Use of Phosphates." Paper presented at 1992
EPRI IGA/SCC Workshop, San Antonio, TX, Dec. 8-10, 1992. To be
published by EPRI.
12.21 Michaels, W. J., et al. "Intergranular Corrosion of Steam Generator
Tubes-Field Study" EPRI NP-4457. February 1986.
12.22 Sawochka, S. G., and S. S. Choi. "MULTEQ-IGA/SCC
Correlations." In Proceedings: 1991 EPRI Workshop on Secondary-
Side Intergranular Corrosion Mechanisms. EPRI TR-101103.
August 1992.
12.23 Hobart, S. A., and M. J. Partridge. "Status Report: Correlation of
Hideout Return Data With IGA/SCC." Paper presented at 1992
EPRI IGA/SCC Workshop, San Antonio, TX, Dec. 8-10, 1992. To be
12.24 "Interim PWR Secondary Water Chemistry Recommendation for
IGA/SCC Control." EPRI TR-101230. September 1992.
EPRI Licensed Material
Contributing Authors/Editors
A. P. L. Turner,Dominion Engineering,Inc.
J. 'P N. Paine,EPRI
EPRI Licensed Material
Intergranular corrosion in the form of intergranular attack (IGA),
intergranular penetration (IGP), and intergranular stress corrosion cracking
(IGSCC) has been experienced on the secondary side of PWR steam
generator tubes in tubesheet crevices, sludge piles, and tube support
crevices. A typical example of IGA is shown in Figure 13-1. The
distinguishing characteristic of IGA is general attack of nearly all grain
boundaries to a uniform depth over a substantial area of the tube surface.
A variation of IGA in which there is localized deep attack of the grain
IGA of Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubing (Etched Sample)
Nature of OD Attack on Alloy 600 Capsules Exposed for
One Year at 5991F (315°C)
EPRI Licensed Material
Intergranular stress corrosion cracking consists of long, narrow
cracks showing limited branching.
EPRI Licensed Material
Histogram of Maximum IGSCC Depths for MA and TT Samples in
10% NaOH at 630°F (3320 C) (13.1)
<2% 2-5% 5-10% 10-25% 25-50% 50-75% >75%
time was found to be variable with the fraction of the population that
experienced cracking increasing with time. For MA samples, there was
virtually no initiation time for samples prestrained 3.5%. The average
initiation time for samples strained 0.2% was approximately 1,000 hours.
These results are essentially consistent with an earlier study (13.3), which
showed that at 572°F (300'C) the initiation time for intergranular corrosion
in 10% caustic (9% NaOH, 1% KOH) was approximately 240 hours for
samples that had been prestrained into the plastic regime (estimated stress
level 450 ± 30 MPa [65 ± 5 ksi]). The amount of IGSCC observed in Jacko's
experiments at 575°F (302°C) in 10% NaOH was anomalously small in
comparison with results at 550 and 600'F (288 and 316'C). The kinetics of
crack growth were analyzed and the mean growth rate for MA material
was determined to be 0.049 iim/h. No cracking as deep as 110 gim was
observed in C-ring samples of TT material at 575°F (302'C) in 10% NaOH.
The deepest cracks observed were 30 itm. Average crack growth rate for
TT samples was approximately 0.04 gm/h. No significant IGA was found
on any sample of either MA or TT material for these exposure conditions.
Maximum IGSCC Depth of Mill Annealed Alloy 600 As a Function of
Exposure Time at 550°F (288 0 C) in 10% NaOH (13.1)
50% Caustic. Tests in 50% NaOH at 550'F (288 0C) produced very little
attack on either MA or TT samples. The deepest penetration of IGA/IGSCC
on any sample was less than one grain diameter. These results, in contrast
to those for 10% NaOH at 550°F (288°C), show that the rate of attack
decreases dramatically with increasing NaOH concentration at this
temperature. Similar results showing very low rates of attack in
concentrated caustic had been obtained in previous studies (13.2,13.3). Airey
(13.2) found that the rate of IGSCC decreased strongly with increasing
concentration from 10 to 50% NaOH at 600°F (316°C). In a study by Pinard-
Legry and Plante (13.3) no IGA or IGSCC were observed in samples exposed
to 45% caustic (40% NaOH, 5% KOH) with 5% Na 2 SO 4 at 608'F (320°C) for
120 hours, whereas well defined IGA was produced by a 120 hour exposure
to 10% caustic (9% NaOH, 1% KOH) with 1% Na 2 SO 4 at 608°F (320°C).
These results indicate that the inverse dependence of rate of attack on caustic
concentration extends to a temperature of at least 608'F (320°C). The reason
for the decreasing rate of attack when the caustic concentration is increased
from 10% to 50% is not known, but. may result from a shift of the
electrochemical potential in these open circuit experiments.
EPRI Licensed Material
Histogram of Maximum IGSCC Depths for MA and TT Samples in
50% NaOH at 630°F (3320 C) (13.1)
50 F]MA
C,) 30
20 -
10 I
<2% 2-5% 5-10% 10-25% 25-50% 50-75% >75%
In the tests by Conner, et al. (13.7) IGA was suppressed when 7% CuO
+ 3% ZnO were added to capsule samples; however, the severity of IGSCC
in stressed C-ring samples was increased. When the CuO and ZnO addition
was combined with SiO 2 addition (7% CuO + 3% ZnO + 12% SiO 2 in 40%
NaOH + 10% KOH) the effect was more pronounced. C-ring samples in
this environment showed essentially no IGA, but suffered rapid IGSCC.
Airey (13.2) found that addition of CuO to lower concentration caustic
solution (10% NaOH) enhanced IGSCC. He also observed that in the
presence of CuO, the rates of IGSCC were comparable for MA and TT
material. However, Jacko (13.1) found that 1% CuO in 10% NaOH
accelerated IGSCC of alloy 600, but found a benefit of thermal treatment
for tests with exposures of 3,000 to 4,600 hours in this environment at 630'F
(332 0C).
It is generally concluded that the effects observed from the addition of
oxides such as CuO are due to changes in the electrochemical potential in
the presence of the oxide. CuO can act as an oxidizing agent for alloy 600.
This causes a shift to higher electrochemical potentials. Jacko (13.1) made
direct measurements of electrochemical potential in caustic solutions
containing the oxides commonly found in sludge. The environments
investigated included Fe 3 0 4 , NiO, Cr 2 0 3 , and CuO separately and in
combination. Only CuO was found to cause a significant shift in the
electrochemical potential. The shift varied with the concentration of CuO
from insignificant when 0.01% CuO was added to +400 mV with addition
of 10% CuO. With addition of 1% CuO to 10% NaOH the shift in
electrochemical potential was +210 to +250 mV. Controlled electrochemical
potential tests show that the maximum rate of IGSCC occurs at a potential
approximately +150 mV above the free corrosion potential (13.5). IGSCC
tests on C-rings at 630'F (3320 C) showed approximately the same rate of
IGSCC in the environment with 1% CuO as was observed in pure 10% NaOH
with the electrochemical potential controlled in the +210 to +250 mV range.
Thus, the hypothesis that the effect of CuO is to increase the electrochemical
potential is consistent with the observed corrosion behavior and direct
measurements of potential. The suppression of IGA is also consistent with
an increase in electrochemical potential because IGA is found in controlled
potential tests to occur in a band of potentials from -50 to +50 mV relative
to the free corrosion potential.
Work by CEA (13.3) included exposures of C-rings of MA and TT
material in solutions of 36% NaOH + KOH (NaOH/KOH = 4) with additions
of either 3.6% Na 2 SO 4 or 9% Na 2SiO 3 with the samples embedded in
magnetite powder or in the solution above a bed of magnetite powder.
Exposure was for either 10 or 28 days. The magnetite enhanced the IGA. It
was concluded from electrochemical potential measurements in the oxide,
13-18 Steam Generator Reference Book, Revision 1
Effects of Concentration
A variety of studies, where different concentrations of caustic were
systematically investigated, show that the dependence of the rate of attack
of alloy 600 tubing on concentration is complex and dependent on
temperature. At moderate temperatures (near 572OF [300 0 C]), the rate of
attack appears to peak at a concentration between 10 and 50% caustic. At
higher temperatures above about 625°F (330'C), the rate of attack appears
to increase monotonically with increasing temperature.
Van Rooyen and Bandy (13.5) studied the dependence of the IGA rate
on the NaOH concentration using capsule tests at 689°F (365°C). In these
tests, there was very little influence of the NaOH concentrations. However,
it should be noted that because of the nature of the tests, the samples exposed
to higher NaOH concentration were also exposed to higher compressive
stresses. In C-ring tests, Van Rooyen and Bandy found that the IGSCC
propagation rate had a strong concentration dependence up to a
concentration of 10% NaOH at 315'C at a potential of +150 mV relative to a
nickel electrode (Figure 13-7).
Jacko (13.1) found that 50% NaOH solutions were less aggressive than
10% NaOH solutions at 550'F (288°C), but that 50% NaOH was very much
more aggressive than 10% NaOH at 630°F (332°C). Pinard-Legry and Plante
observed no attack in 50% caustic solution after 240 hours at 608'F (320'C),
but well defined IGA after the same exposure time in 10% caustic at the
same temperature.
EPRI Licensed Material
These results indicate that the rate of intergranular attack of alloy 600
by caustic solutions peaks at a concentration between 10 and 50% for
exposure temperatures up to approximately 608'F (320'C). At higher
temperatures, caustic appears to become significantly more aggressive as
the concentration increases to at least 50% concentration.
Crack Growth Rate in Alloy 600 at 600°F (315 0 C) at 150 mV Potential
Relative to a Nickel Electrode in NaOH Solutions As a Function of
NaOH Concentration
6 1.0
0.1 1.0 10
% NaOH
Effects of Temperature
Intergranular corrosion in the form of IGA and IGSCC are thermally
activated processes that occur more rapidly under a given set of conditions
as the temperature increases. The value of the apparent activation energy
can be determined from the variation of rate of attack as a function of
temperature. Several investigators have reported activation energy values
for IGA and IGSCC.
From his experiments in pure NaOH Jacko (13.1) determined the
activation energies as listed in Table 13-1.
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TABLE 13-1
Activation Energy Values for IGA and IGSCC in Pure NaOH
1% NaOH 27 kcal/mole
10% NaOH 32 kcal/mole
50% NaOH 72 kcal/mole
10% NaOH 25 kcal/mole
50% NaOH 60 kcal/mole
These results are illustrated in Figures 13-8 and 13-9 which show the
rates of IGSCC and IGA penetration, respectively, versus reciprocal
temperature for the three caustic concentrations studied. The magnitudes
of the slopes of the lines are proportional to the apparent activation energies
of the degradation processes. It should be noted that the line for 50%
concentration is steeper than the lines for lower concentrations and crosses
them. This is an additional demonstration of the observation that 50%
caustic is more aggressive than lower concentrations at high temperatures,
but less aggressive at low temperatures. The nature of the data in the results
of Jacko's experiments is such that the high apparent activation energies
for IGA and IGSCC calculated for 50% NaOH have a high degree of
uncertainty. The data show that there is a near discontinuous increase in
rates of attack between 600'F (316'C) and 630'F (332°C). Therefore, the
calculated apparent activation energies for 50% NaOH may not be applicable
over the entire temperature range of the experiments.
An apparent activation energy for IGSCC was computed from the
results of studies by Pinard-Legry and Plante (13.3) in a 10% caustic plus
sulfate environment (9% NaOH + 1% KOH + 1% Na 2SO 4 ). An activation
energy was computed from crack depths at 572, 608, and 662°F (300, 320,
and 350'C) after exposure for 240 hours. These results give an apparent
activation energy value of 30 kcal/mole for IGSCC. This value agrees very
well with the 32 kcal/mole value obtained by Jacko in 10% NaOH.
Van Rooyen and Bandy (L3.5) measured the temperature dependence
of IGSCC rates using a long capsule in a temperature gradient furnace.
The capsule contained 10% NaOH on the inside with air outside. It was
exposed for 69 days in a tube furnace with a temperature gradient. Cracking
measurements were made at different locations on the tube with
temperatures ranging from 444 to 599°F (229 to 315'C). The data give an
apparent activation energy of 6 kcal/mole. This activation energy is
EPRI Licensed Material
Temperature Dependence of the IGSCC Propagation Rate in Caustic
Environments for Mill Annealed Alloy 600 (13.1)
Temperature (°C)
340 320 300
50% NaOH
10% NaOH
1% NaOH
0.010 '-
0.001 L I I I
The apparent activation energy for IGA was obtained by Van Rooyen
and Bandy from isothermal capsules exposed at temperatures ranging from
558 to 689°F (292 to 365 0C). The capsules were filled with 10% NaOH and
were exposed for 40 days in autoclaves filled with pure water. The data for
IGA rate show straight line behavior on a plot versus 1/T (Figure 13-10)
with a slope indicating an activation energy of 18 kcal/mole. Because the
10% NaOH inside the capsules has an elevated boiling temperature (lower
EPRI Licensed Material
Temperature Dependence of the IGA Propagation Rate in Caustic
Environments for Mill Annealed Alloy 600 (13.1)
Temperature (0C)
340 320 300
1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80
1,0001T (°K)
On the basis of available experimental data, the best estimate for the
activation energy for IGSCC of alloy 600 in caustic environments with
concentration of 10% or less is 30 ± 2 kcal/mole. IGSCC in concentrated
solutions appears to have a much higher activation energy, possibly as high
as 72 kcal/mole.
EPRI Licensed Material
The activation energy for IGA appears to be somewhat lower than that
for IGSCC, but it shows the same apparent increase for concentrated
solutions that is observed for IGSCC. The apparent increases in activation
energy observed for both IGSCC and IGA in 50% NaOH may indicate that
there is a change in the rate limiting process as the caustic concentration is
increased from 10% to 50%.
Temperature Dependence of IGA Rate in 10% NaOH From Capsule
Tests Showing Activation Energy of 18 kcal/mole (13.5)
Temperature (°C)
292 315 340 385
(D 0.01
1.80 1.70 1.80
1,000/T (-K)
formula, of 90,150, and 275% yield. The highest strain, 3.5%, is the condition
with the C-ring compressed "'til the legs touch" (TLT). The actual stresses
estimated for the three lowest deflection conditions are 40, 42-55, and 42-
55 ksi. No stress was estimated for the TLT condition, but those samples
were significantly work hardened. The actual range of stresses covered by
the lowest three deflection conditions is only about 30% of the mean value
of 50 ksi. This is considerably less than the range of strains which cover
more than a factor of 3 for the lowest three values and a factor of 27 including
the TLT samples. The various C-ring deflections used in the Jacko
experiments, therefore, represent more of a range of plastic prestrain than a
range of stress.
Plastic prestrain increases the susceptibility of alloy 600 to IGSCC. In
Jacko's experiments, a greater percentage of the C-rings with the largest
prestrain exhibited cracking than of the lower prestrain samples. However,
in most cases where a significant number of the TLT specimens experienced
IGSCC, at least some of the low prestrain samples also experienced IGSCC.
As shown in Figure 13-11, the behavior of the C-ring samples in 1% NaOH
at 600'F (316'C) can be described by a log normal distribution of crack
initiation times. The effect of the prestrain is that larger prestrains have
shorter mean times to initiation. Similar results were found for other
FIGURE 13-11
Log Normal Probability Plot of IGSCC Initiation for Mill Annealed
Alloy 600 C-Rings in 1% NaOH at 6001F (316 0C) (13.1)
o 90
3.5% STRAIN /0
uJ 70
• 30
- U0.2% STRAIN
100 1000 10,000 100,000
FIGURE 13-12
Polarization Curve for Alloy 600 in 10% NaOH+1% Na2CO3 Solution
at 572 0 F (3000 C) Showing Potential Regions Where IGA and IGSCC
Are Observed (13.5)
200 S
60 scc
100 +
Current (pA)
EPRI Licensed Material
C-ring samples were strained to 150% of the yield strain and tested at
temperatures near 572°F (300'C) in 10% NaOH + 1% Na2 CO 3 . In these
controlled potential exposure tests, IGA was observed to occur for a band
of potentials from -50 to +50 mV relative to Ni as indicated in Figure 13-12
(13.5). In another study, the rate of IGA was found to be essentially
independent of potential in the range -20 to +20 mV (13.3). In a 10% NaOH
+ 0.1% Na 2CO 3 solution at 572°F (300'C), the IGA rate was observed to
increase as the potential increased from approximately +30 to +80 mV anodic
relative to a nickel electrode (Figure 13-13) (135 13.14). The IGApenetration
rate nears 0.6 jim/h at +80 mV.
FIGURE 13-13
Effect of Electrochemical Potential on the Rate of IGA for Mill
Annealed Alloy 600 in 10% NaOH + 0.1% Na2CO3 Solution at 572°F
(3000 C) (Potential is relative to a nickel electrode.) (13.5)
0.5 L
0.2 _@
0.1 L
0 a a I I
-80 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80
Potential, mV vs Ni
The polarization curve for alloy 600 in caustic at 572°F (300'C) exhibits
an anodic current peak near +100 mV. IGA and IGSCC are observed together
on both sides of this peak. IGSCC begins at potentials below the anodic
current peak. The rate increases with increasing anodic potential up to a
maximum rate peak between +150 and +200 mV depending on the
environment (Figure 13-14). The potential for the peak rate of IGSCC is in
the active passive transition region of the polarization curve. The peak
EPRI Licensed Material
average IGSCC crack growth rate of MA alloy 600 in 10% NaOH containing
0.1% Na 2CO 3 at 572'F (300'C) is approximately 6 jtm/hr. The IGSCC rate
falls sharply at higher potentials as surface passivation becomes more firmly
FIGURE 13-14
Effect of Electrochemical Potential on the Rate of IGSCC
Propagation for Alloy 600 in Three Heat Treatment Conditions
(10% NaOH + 0.1% Na2CO3 Solution at 572'F [300 0 C]) (13.5)
Potential (mV vs Ni)
to 20 times greater than for TT material. Under the same conditions, the
fraction of TT samples, in which IGSCC initiated in a given exposure time,
was at least a factor of five less than for MA samples. Under more aggressive
conditions, 10% or 50% NaOH at 630'F (332°C) and higher, the IGSCC crack
propagation rates were only 1.25 to 6 times greater for MA material than
for TT material. Under these more aggressive conditions, the fraction of TT
samples experiencing IGSCC was generally less than the fraction of MA
samples under the same conditions, but the differences were not very large.
Thermally treated samples also showed increased resistance to IGA relative
to MA samples, but the factors of improvement were not as great as for
IGSCC. In many conditions, degradation was limited to a thin surface layer
FIGURE 13-15
Comparison of the Rates of IGSCC Propagation in Mill Annealed and
Thermally Treated Alloy 600 in 10% NaOH As a Function of
Temperature (13.1)
Temperature (°C)
10% NaOH
0 0 0
o MA 0.2% Strain
D MA Average All Specimens 9I
STT 0.2% Strain
* TT Average All Specimens
0.001 I
1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80
1ooo/T (OK)
EPRI Licensed Material
NaOH and NaOH/Na 2SO 4 environments. The only case of IGSCC reported
in the simulated tubesheet crevice was at the top of the roll transition (i.e.,
in the presence of high stresses) in the test where the crevice was prefilled
with 40% NaOH/10% KOH.
Long-term model boiler tests lasting for up to 6,000 hours have been
using simulated caustic and river water as pollutants (13.16, 13.17). The
model boilers in these experiments have a simulated full-depth tubesheet
crevice and a simulated sludge pile above the tubesheet. In the tests, the
sludge pile was composed of either a synthetic mixture which models actual
plant sludge, including a high copper content, or magnetite powder
(typically technical grade containing sulfate, hematite, and other impurities).
In early tests which were started with a clean crevice, tubes in boilers
contaminated with caustic and carbonates, or caustic and sulfates,
experienced rapid IGSCC in the sludge pile region before attack in the
tubesheet crevice could occur. In subsequent tests, the crevices were prefilled
with a 40% caustic solution. Even using this method, caustic escaping from
the crevice caused early IGSCC failure in the sludge pile. However, by
sleeving the tubes after the IGSCC cracking occurred, it was possible to
continue the tests for more than 3,000 hours. Examination of the tubes at
this time showed that IGA typical of that found in operating plants had
been produced in the simulated tubesheet crevice.
In the caustic tests both IGA and IGSCC were observed. There was a
clear distinction between the surface condition of sample tubes that
experienced IGA and those that experienced IGSCC. The tubes affected by
IGSCC had thick layers formed of a mixture of oxide and deposits. These
layers had iron enrichment in the outer portions and chromium enrichment
near the oxide/metal interface. Tubes affected by IGA had only a very thin
oxide layer and no significant enrichment of any of the alloy constituents.
However, sulfur was found on the surfaces of tubes that experienced IGA
whether or not sulfur was purposely added to the environment. The thick
oxide coatings on the samples suffering IGSCC and the thin oxides on
samples suffering IGA are consistent with the controlled electrochemical
potential tests which showed that IGSCC predominates in the active-passive
transition region, while IGA is favored in the active region when the
potential is insufficiently positive to cause passivation.
Mill annealed and thermally treated alloy 600 tubes were included in
the model boiler experiments using caustic environments. Mill annealed
and thermally treated alloy 600 and mill annealed alloy 690 tubes were
used in the river water experiments. Of these, the MA alloy 600 tubes were
the most susceptible to IGA and IGSCC. MA alloy 600 samples exhibited
IGA to depths greater than 20% through wall after 3,300 hours of operation
in NaOH/Na 2 SiO 3 and NaOH/Na 2 SO 4 environments. Attack was
EPRI Licensed Material
" Grain boundary composition can differ from bulk metal composition.
" The composition and properties of passivating films at grain boundaries
may differ from those over the remainder of the surface.
Experimental evidence of chromium depletion from surfaces of both
laboratory and removed tube samples has been interpreted to mean that
IGA in caustic results from a dealloying mechanism. However, a cause
and effect relationship between dealloying and IGA has not been clearly
Dealloying is the depletion of chromium and to a lesser extent iron
from the alloy 600. Surface analysis of a tube removed from a steam
generator at Point Beach Unit I showed depletion of chromium and iron
from the surface layer (13.18). Table 13-2 shows the in-depth composition
profile by Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) (for metals only) of the Point
Beach tube.
TABLE 13-2
AES In-Depth Composition Profile of the Corrosion Product on a
Boundary Near the Outside Surface of Alloy 600 Tubing From Point
Beach Unit 1. The Metals Are Normalized to 100%. (13.18)
FIGURE 13-16
Pourbaix Diagrams for Iron, Nickel, and Chromium at 2880 C (5500 F)
1.0 I I I
0.5 FeO4
0 Fe 2O3 -
I '°
.15 Fe H• P Ni02
-1.5 ~0.5 \ -
4 8 12
H :p "(b).
1.0 -1.0 -
20 4 12
c o"(a
- )
-2.0 I j
4 8 12
EPRI Licensed Material
13.1 Jacko, R. J. "Corrosion Evaluation of Thermally Treated Alloy 600
Tubing in Primary and Faulted Secondary Water Environments."
EPRI NP-6721-SD. June 1990.
13.2 "Optimization of Metallurgical Variables to Improve the Stress
Corrosion Resistance of Inconel 600." EPRI NP-3051. July 1983.
13.3 Pinard-Legry, G., and G. Plante. "Intergranular Attack of Alloy
600: Laboratory Investigations." EPRI NP-4223. August 1985.
13.4 Roberge, R., R. Bandy, and D. van Rooyen. "IGA of Alloy 600 in
High-Temperature Solutions of Sodium Hydroxide Contaminated
With Carbonate." EPRI NP-3059. May 1983.
13.5 Bandy, R. "Mechanisms of Intergranular Attack and Stress
Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600 by High-Temperature Caustic
Solutions Containing Impurities." EPRI NP-5129. July 1987.
13.6 "Effects of Calcium Hydroxide and Carbonates on IGA and SCC
of Alloy 600." Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Pittsburgh, PA.
WCAP-10273. February 1983.
13.7 Connor, W. M., R. G. Aspden, R. Hermer, and N. Pessall.
"Neutralization of Tubesheet Crevice Corrosion." EPRI NP-3040.
May 1983.
13.8 Hermer, R. E. "Boric Acid Application Guidelines for Intergranular
Corrosion Inhibition." EPRI NP-5558. December 1987.
EPRI Licensed Material
Contributing Authors/Editors
A. K. Agrawal, Battelle Columbus Division
J. P. N. Paine, EPRI
EPRI Licensed Material
Alloy 600 steam generator tubes are susceptible to stress corrosion
cracking in high temperature, aqueous environments. The susceptibility
varies with the presence of certain contaminants, stress, and type of heat
treatment. Alloy 600 tubes have experienced cracking on the secondary
side (i.e., steam side) in most older PWR plants. The mode (i.e., morphology)
of cracking in the tubes usually is intergranular. The cracking has occurred
mainly at those locations in the steam generators where the contaminants
have concentrated from the secondary water by local boiling, e.g., in tube/
tubesheet or tube/tube support structure crevices, sludge pile regions, and
under heavy scales. The contaminants that have been considered
responsible for producing the secondary-side-initiated intergranular
cracking (IGSCC) in the tubes are caustic, acidic sulfate, reduced sulfate
species, and perhaps carbonaceous matter (carbonates).
In recent years, mixed mode cracking, i.e., IGSCC and transgranular
cracking (TGSCC), also has been observed in tubes in a few PWR plants. In
these cases, lead has been found on the tube surface and at crack faces.
Therefore, it is likely that lead or its compounds are corrodents or accelerants
in the mixed mode cracking cases. Lead is present as a contaminant in
practically every steam generator, but the concentration of soluble lead
usually is extremely small in comparison to the other contaminants.
The cracking of alloy 600 has been less thoroughly investigated in the
presence of lead than with the other corrodents mentioned above. Thus,
the purpose of this review is to collect and integrate the data that are
available. (After this review was written, several organizations have
initiated major programs investigating tube alloy cracking [alloys 600, 600T1,
800 NG, 690TT] in the presence of lead salts. All alloys are susceptible to
cracking in some lead-contaminated waters.)
Sources of Lead
The specific sources of lead in the steam generators have remained
largely uninvestigated. Vaccaro and Miglin (15.1) have hypothesized the
general sources of lead to be plant makeup water, condenser cooling water
leaks, copper alloys in condensers, copper alloys in feedwater heaters, seals
and gaskets in pumps and pipe fittings, Babbitt alloys, i.e., Pb-containing
alloys in pumps and turbines, paints and preservatives, marking pencils,
and lead chromate tinting in polyethylene wrappings.
EPRI Licensed Material
However, there are other potential sources of lead, e.g., brazes and
solders used on pipes, metallic streaks left on equipment by the use of lead
mallets, and any radiation shielding material (lead brick or sheet) left
inadvertently inside equipment.
The concentration of lead is practically negligible in unpolluted, natural
waters which usually are used around power plants and in the cooling
water circuit. However, industrially polluted water, if used, could be a
significant source of lead. The concentration of lead in the heat exchanger
tubing made of copper alloys, in general, is <0.05 weight percent. The lead
concentration is considerably higher, 0.2 to 4 weight percent, in the copper
alloys (Muntz metal and bronzes) used in valves and for the tubesheet.
The corrosion of copper alloys would certainly introduce some lead into
the water streams.
The pumps are likely to be one major source of lead in the streams,
since they contain leaded materials such as bearings, lubricants, seals,
gaskets, etc. Release of lead from these materials probably occurs by leaching
and/or wear process(es).
Lead-containing paints have been used in the past to prevent corrosion
of steel components during transportation and storage. Kori 7 and St.
Lucie I are two plants, in which the source of lead contamination has been
traced to the paints on the interior of their respective turbines (15.1).
TABLE 15-1
Lead Has Been Found in the Steam Generators of a
Number of Plants
The two streams that showed relatively high lead concentrations were the
heater drain pump discharge at Farley 1, and the steam generator blowdown
at Prairie Island 2. The average values of lead concentrations in these
streams were 170 ppt and 140 ppt, respectively. Of these four units, only
Prairie Island 2 is free of copper components in the balance of plant.
The reason for the high concentration of lead in the heater drain pump
discharge at Farley 1 has not yet been fully investigated. The presence of
high concentrations of lead in the blowdown at Prairie Island 2 indicates
that any lead brought in by the feedwater accumulates in the steam
generators. It also suggests that the blowdowns may be effective in
minimizing the lead inventory of the steam generators.
Example of Mixed Mode Cracking in Alloy 600
I .• :'" .L•. ,-
L1 .
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 15-2
Results of Eddy Current and Metallographic Examinations of Steam
Generator Tubes From St. Lucie 1 (15.19)
In the early 1960s, Copson and Dean (15.23) realized that lead, present
in some high temperature lubricants, could leach out into the secondary
water and enter the steam generators as a contaminant. They conducted
stress corrosion cracking (SCC) tests in lead-contaminated water on a typical
commercial heat of alloy 600 (C = 0.05 weight percent) and a relatively pure
laboratory heat of alloy 600 (C = 0.01 weight percent). The heat treatments
on the alloys were: commercial alloy = hot rolled/mill annealed [-1,800°F
(982.2°C)]; and laboratory alloy = hot rolled/2,000°F (1,093.3 0 C) annealed
and water quenched. The SCC tests were conducted in autoclaves at 600'F
(315.6°C), using single and double U-bend specimens. The test medium
was water saturated with air and ammoniated to pH 10. Four different
tests were run, each with a different type of lead contamination: (1) lead
EPRI Licensed Material
oxide, (2) lead powder, (3) a 70-30 mixture by weight of lead powder and a
petroleum jelly, and (4) petroleum jelly containing approximately 1 percent
lead. The contaminant was placed at the bottom of the autoclave as well as
inside the crevice of the double U-bend specimen.
The alloy 600 specimens experienced cracking in 1,000 to 1,350 hours
in each test. The cracking was most severe with the PbO, which was
followed by the Pb powder, then the 70-30 Pb mixture; the cracking was the
least severe with the petroleum jelly. The mode of cracking was
predominantly TGSCC in the high carbon commercial alloy tested with the
PbO. In all the other tests the cracking mode was mixed, i.e., IGSCC and
TGSCC. It was concluded that lead-contaminated water can produce both
types of cracking in alloy 600, depending upon its heat treatment and the
test condition.
Copson and Dean (15.23) reported results from some other tests in which
the alloy 600 U-bend specimens were kept in air at 600'F (315.6°C) or 650'F
(343.3°C) (melting point of lead) in contact with pure lead. The specimens
experienced no cracking in 1,350 hours of exposure. This suggested that
the presence of both water and lead was required to produce cracking in
the alloy 600.
In the late 1960s, INCO screened a large number of experimental Fe-
Cr-Ni alloys in lead-doped water in order to develop SCC-resistant alloys
for use in pressurized water systems (15.24). The tests were conducted
using single U-bend specimens in deaerated; high purity water at 600'F
(315.6°C). Lead powder was placed at the bottom of the test autoclave.
Specimens of high nickel alloys were found to be very susceptible to SCC,
relative to the lower nickel alloys. The alloys found to be resistant to SCC
in lead-doped water followed an empirical relationship: Ni + 0.75Fe
<69 percent.
The apparent crack velocity was found to be very high in some of the
experimental alloys (15.25). An experimental alloy 600 sample which was
annealed and heat treated at 1,300'F (704.4°C) for 5 hrs, developed a 90 mils
deep crack in 18 weeks. The apparent crack velocity in the lead-doped
water in this case was 260 mpy.
Experimental heats of alloys 600, 690, and 800 also were tested in high
temperature solutions which contained lead salts, either Pb 3 (PO 4 )2 or PbC12
(15.26). In each case, these salts were added to provide one gram lead in
the test autoclave. The solution with PbC12 had a pH of 6, and that with
Pb 3 (PO4 )2 was adjusted to pH 10 by adding Na 2 HPO 4 and NaOH. In both
cases, the solutions were deaerated, the test temperature held at 600'F
(315.6°C), and the exposure period was eight weeks. U-bend specimens of
the alloys were tested in the annealed as Well as sensitized conditions. None
of the specimens of alloy 690 and alloy 800 experienced cracking in any of
EPRI Licensed Material
the yield strength did not crack in 9,300 hours. None of the tube/tubesheet
mockup specimens cracked in 6,400 hours of testing.
The mode of cracking was exclusively TGSCC in the tube tensile
specimens, particularly in the areas that were in direct contact with the
lead foil. Some intergranular penetration (IGP) was also observed, but only
in areas of the specimens that were not in direct contact with the lead foil.
The depth of TGSCC was approximately 6.3 mils in 5,200 hours,
corresponding to an apparent crack velocity of 11 mpy. The TGSCC cracking
also occurred at the apex of the inner U-bend specimens. The outer U-bend
of the double U-bend specimens was steel in one case and alloy 600 in the
other, but these did not experience any cracking. The cracking was
predominantly TGSCC in three of the five C-rings, and IGSCC in the other
two C-rings. The maximum crack depth in the C-rings was 1.7 mils, thus
giving an apparent crack velocity of approximately 3 mpy.
Airey (1_ , 15.32) has investigated the effects of alloy purification and
various thermal treatments on the cracking properties of a commercial heat
of alloy 600 tubing in PbO-doped water. The test environment was
deaerated water treated with morpholine and ammonia with PbO powder
at the bottom of the autoclave. Tests were run at 630'F (332.2°C) for 1,350
hours, using C-ring specimens that were stressed to 90 or 150 percent of the
yield strength.
The purification of tubing was done in dry hydrogen by annealing a
batch of the stock at an intermediate stage of tube extrusion. A second
batch was extruded in a normal commercial production. The main effect of
purification of the tubing was to reduce the concentration of carbon and
the other trace elements. The thermal treatments given to the regular mill
annealed tubing specimens were 1,1000 F (593.3'C), 1,200'F (648.9°C), 1,300'F
(704.4°C), or 1,600°F (871.1 0C) for 1, 10, 24, or 100 hours.
All specimens tested at 150 percent of the yield strength cracked
irrespective of the material condition or thermal treatment. The mode of
cracking was predominantly IGSCC in the mill annealed and purified
tubings, whereas the cracking was predominantly TGSCC in the thermally
treated specimens. Most of the specimens that tested at 90 percent of the
yield strength cracked, but the cracking in general was less severe. The
specimens that did not crack were mill annealed and thermally treated at
1,300°F (704.4 0C) for 10 or 24 hours. This thermal treatment appears to
impart some resistance to cracking in lead-doped water.
The superior resistance of thermally treated alloy 600 was also
demonstrated by De and Ghosal (15.33) in tests using U-bends stressed to
yield. Tests were made in recirculating autoclaves at 600'F (315.6°C), in
deaerated or aerated water (8-ppm 02) having 0.6-ppm dissolved lead from
PbO. Specimens that were thermally treated at 1,110°F (598.9°C) for 24 or
EPRI Licensed Material
100 hours experienced no cracking in 1,600 hours, but the mill annealed
specimens without the thermal treatment did.
Alloy 600 was resistant to cracking in tests conducted by Westinghouse
at lower temperatures of 212-230'F (100-110°C) (i5L 15.34). Wire and
U-bend specimens stressed between 40 to 48 ksi in a boiling solution of
dilute PbNO 3 did not show any evidence of damage in 650 hours (for wire)
or 1,800 hours (for U-bend). Similarly, some rod specimens stressed between
40 to 48 ksi failed to crack when tested in steam at 212'F (100'C), and in
intimate contact with different alkaline/lead environments, namely:
(a) 20 wt% Na 2 SO 4 + 20% Na 2CO 3 + 0.05% PbCrO 4 for 194 hours,
(b) 20% Na 2 SO 4 + 20% Na 2CO 3 + 2% Na 2 HPO 4 + 0.05% PbCrO 4 for
650 hours, and
(c) 20% Na 2SO 4 + 20% Na 2CO 3 + 2% Na 2 HPO4 + 0.1% PbCrO4 for
170 hours.
It is likely that the exposure times were not long enough in these tests
to initiate cracking, since 2,000 hours or more is required for the cracking to
occur at 600'F (315.6°C), as described earlier. Very shallow IGPs were
produced in U-bend specimens of mill annealed alloy 600 when exposed
for 3,300 hours at 630'F (332.2°C) in a solution of PbSO 4 (15.31). The
concentration of lead in the solution was estimated to be approximately
29 ppm. In the same test solution, extensive IGSCC cracking occurred in a
laboratory heat of relatively pure (C = 30 ppm) alloy 600, and TGSCC cracks
leading to IGSCC cracking developed in alloy X750 and alloy 601. Again,
the test results demonstrate that trace amounts of dissolved lead can produce
cracking in high nickel .alloys, but the mode of cracking and the rate are
dependent upon the alloy composition and the heat treatment.
Klisiewicz et al. (15.35) have tested tubes of alloys 600, 690, and 800
under heat transfer conditions in a model boiler that simulated recirculating
steam generators. The boiler operated for 530 days with all-volatile-treated
water and was faulted with seawater. Artificial copper oxide sludge
containing 0.018% lead impurity was placed on the tubesheet in the boiler.
Cracking occurred on all alloy 600 tubes (8/8) at carbon steel tube/tube
support plate intersections. In most cases, the mode of cracking was IGSCC
but one alloy 600 tube also exhibited mixed mode cracking. Extensive
cracking networks with crack depths of up to 36 percent of wall thickness
were reported. The tubing was in a mill annealed condition, but not
sensitized, as determined from the results of a modified Huey test.
On the crack faces of alloy 600 tubes, lead, copper, and sulfur were
detected using EDX. Therefore, lead and sulfur (probably acidic sulfate)
were considered as agents contributing to the cracking of tubes in this model
boiler. In several of the previous studies cited above, investigators detected
EPRI Licensed Material
lead on the specimens near the crack sites and/or on the fracture faces.
Therefore, it is reasonable to expect some lead on the fracture faces or near
the crack site, if lead is an active agent in producing the cracking in the
)laboratory or in the field.
No cracking occurred in the alloy 800 tubes (0/2). One alloy 690 mill
annealed tube (1/6) experienced a shallow IGP, about 8 grains or 6 percent
of wall thickness. This single crack initiated in an area that was damaged
by a grinding wheel. Therefore, the stress state in that location was not
The presence of lead in the test environment does not always lead to
cracking of alloy 600, as demonstrated by the Westinghouse tests in the
phosphate-treated boiler water (15.31). Capsules made from alloy 600
tubing, having machined flats on their outer surfaces, were tested at 600'F
(315.6°C) in boiler water treated with 10 ppm P0 4 with a Na/PO4 ratio of
2.5, and with lead and other contaminants, as follows:
(a) 0.1 g/l PbO,
(b) 0.1 g/l PbO + 0.17 g/l NaCl,
(c) 0.5 g/l PbO + 0.5.g/l NaCl + 0.5 g/l CuO + 0.5 g/l NaAsO 2 ,
(d) 1.0 g/l PbO,
(e) 1.0 g/l PbO and coupled to carbon steel, and
(f) 10 g/l PbO.
The test duration was approximately 3,500 to 4,000 hours. Solutions 1,
2, and 3 did not produce any cracking, whereas the higher levels of lead
promoted cracking in Solutions 4,5, and 6. Some C-ring specimens of mill
annealed and sensitized alloy 600 tubing experienced no cracking in 8,900
hours when tested at 90 percent of yield stress in a static autoclave containing
PbO and 10 mg/ 1 PG 4 treated boiler water at 630°F (332.2°C) (15.36). The
above results indicate that the phosphate ions may have some inhibiting
effects on the lead cracking of alloy 600.
Lead-containing caustic solutions have been shown to be no more
damaging to alloy 600 tubing than pure caustic solutions in one series of
laboratory tests (15.37). Alloy 600 capsules experienced no cracking in
approximately 3,600 hours at 600'F (315.6°C) in a 4% NaOH solution that
contained a mixture of PbO, NaCl, NaAsG 2 and CuO, with each chemical
present at a concentration of 0.5 g/l. However, the capsule cracked in the
4% NaOH solution that did not contain the mixture. Stressed C-ring
specimens of alloy 600 experienced no cracking in 2,200 hours at 620'F
(326.7 0C) when exposed to very concentrated caustic solutions, with or
without the presence of 0.5 g/l PbO in the solutions (15.36). The C-rings
were stressed slightly above yield stress, and were from several heats of
alloy 600 tubing. The caustic solution concentration was 50 percent and
EPRI Licensed Material
Metallic lead is stable at 77°F (25°C) in neutral and alkaline
environments, in the absence of oxidizing agents, according to its potential-
pH equilibrium diagram (i.e., Pourbaix diagram) as shown in Figure 15-2.
In acidic environments, lead is thermodynamically unstable and
decomposes water with the evolution of hydrogen. However, the
dissolution of lead is hindered in the acidic environment by the poor kinetics
of the hydrogen evolution reaction on the lead surface, and by the nearly
insoluble lead salt film (e.g., PbSO 4 ) that forms over the surface.
Potential pH Diagram for Lead at 770 F (25 0C), in the Absence of
Substances Forming Insoluble Salts (After Pourbaix, 15.38)
-2 0 2 4 6 8 101 2 14 16
E(V) Pa,6.o I 1
1,6 Passivation
1,2~-~WPbO2 -1,2
0,8 -0,8
0,4 Pb 0,4
- 0,4- •0,4 H-0 -.
-0,8Immunity• o,
-1,2Pb .4,2
-1,6 LPb:: : - -0
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 pH
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 15-3
Solubilities of Some Lead Salts in Water at Different Temperatures
(15.39, 15.40)
Solubility, Weight %
Salt 25C 40C 50C 1000 3510
PbNO 3 36.9 41.9 45.0 57.1 0(1)
Pb(CH 3 COO) 2 35.6 53.9 67.6 - -
PbCI2 1.08 1.46 1.75 3.10 .81.2
PbF 2 6.6x10- 2 - - - -
The acetate and chloride are very soluble; the fluoride, monoxide,
sulfate, and carbonate are sparingly soluble; whereas the basic carbonate,
sulfide, and phosphate are practically insoluble.
Lead oxide (PbO) is an amphoteric oxide; it will dissolve in acidic,
neutral, and alkaline solutions according to Pourbaix. The solubility of
EPRI Licensed Material
new lead into the steam generators via ancillary plant equipment should
be minimized by removing lead-containing components that can be leached,
abraded, or otherwise cause contamination.
15.1 Vaccaro, F. P., and B. P. Miglin. "Lead-Enhanced IGA and SCC of
Steam Generator Tubing." Paper presented at the EPRI Meeting
on Intergranular Corrosion Mechanisms, Alexandria, VA, April
15.2 Sawochka, S. G., and M. E. Clouse. "Investigation of Lead Transport
in PWRs. " EPRI Progress Report. July 1987.
15.3 Agrawal, A. K., W. N. Stiegelmeyer, and W. E. Berry. "Evaluation
of Alloy 600 Tube A77-34 from Steam Generator A of Arkansas
Nuclear One, Unit 1." EPRI NP-4504-LD. March 1986.
15.4 Begley, R. T., et al. "Interim Report: Beznau-l." Westinghouse,
Pittsburgh, PA. RP 72-704-TAPSC-R2. On file at EPRI.
15.5 Hall, J. "Destructive Examination Results Tubes R53L57 and R52L94
Steam Generator B-Calvert Cliffs Unit 1." Interim Report by
Combustion Engineering to Baltimore Gas & Electric Co., May 1987.
On file at EPRI.
15.6 Carr, W. "Farley Nuclear Plant Unit 2 Tube Support Plate
Cracking." Paper presented at the EPRI Meeting on Intergranular
Corrosion Mechanisms, Alexandria, VA, April 1987.
15.7 "Ohi-1/Genkai 1 & 2." Paper presented at the EPRI Meeting on
Intergranular Corrosion Mechanisms, Alexandria, VA, April 1987.
15.8 Agrawal, A. K., W. N. Stiegelmeyer, and W. E. Berry. "Evaluation
of Steam Generator Tubes R7C45 and R12C46 From the Ginna
Nuclear Power Plant." EPRI NP-3070-LD. May 1983.
15.9 "Steam Generator Sludge Pile Model Boiler Testing: Sludge
Characterization." EPRI NP-2041. September 1981.
15.10 Inman, S. C. "Examination of Steam Generator Tube Sections From
the Millstone Unit 2 Nuclear Power Plant." Progress Report. On
file at EPRI, 1986.
15.11 Ogren, J. "Examination of Pulled Tubes R3C41 and R9C58 From
SGs of North Anna Unit 1." Paper presented at the EPRI Meeting
on Intergranular Corrosion Mechanisms, Alexandria, VA, April
15.12 Schenk, H. J. "Investigation of Tube Failures in Inconel 600 Steam
Generator Tubing at KWU Obrigheim." Materials Performance 15,
no. 3 (1976): 25.
EPRI Licensed Material
Contributing Authors/Editors
A. P L. Turner,Dominion Engineering,Inc.
J. P. N. Paine, EPRI
EPRI Licensed Material
Many steam generators have experienced tube wall loss at the
intersections between the heat transfer tubes and tube support structures
(16.1). Tube wall loss has occurred at the horizontal perforated tube support
plates (TSPs) on the vertical legs of the tubes, and at support structures of
various designs that are used to support the tubes and limit vibration in
the return bend regions of recirculating steam generators. Westinghouse-
design steam generators use a single 180 degree U-bend between the hot
and cold legs of the tubes. Combustion Engineering (C-E) generators use
two 90 degree bends connected by a section of horizontal tube between the
hot and cold legs. Vibrations in the Westinghouse-design U-bends are
restrained by antivibration bars (AVBs) installed between the tubes
(Figure 16-1). The bends and horizontal tubes in C-E steam generators are
supported by a number of vertical and diagonal strips between the tubes.
These are commonly referred to as the batwing supports (Figure 16-2). The
bend region supports in C-E steam generators also include horizontal strips
underneath the tube bend. These horizontal strips connect to the vertical
strips to form a two-dimensional grid. Damage at support structures is
caused by corrosion, wastage, mechanical wear, or a synergistic interaction
of the two processes. Most instances of corrosion/wear wall loss at support
structures have occurred in recirculating steam generators, but a few cases
of wear at TSPs have occurred in once-through steam generators.
Wear at U-bend AVBs and batwing supports has occurred in steam
generators of both Westinghouse and Combustion Engineering design. AVB
wear was first observed in San Onofre 1 in 1973 and has since been
experienced in many other steam generators of various designs. Currently,
more than 90 units of Westinghouse design worldwide are affected to some
extent byAVB wear (Table 16-1). Wear scars form slowly on the OD surfaces
of the tubes where they contact the AVB component. The scars grow slowly
in depth but eventually penetrate sufficiently far through the tube wall to
require that the tube be plugged, unless remedial actions are taken. Most
plants affected by AVB wear have plugged relatively few tubes because of
this degradation mechanism. Replacement of the AVBs is an effective
remedial measure that prevents continued growth of the original wear scars,
because the replacement AVBs are placed adjacent to the original wear
locations. Batwing wear was first observed at San Onofre 2 in 1984 and has
since been experienced by at least nine other C-E units (Table 16-2). Batwing
wear appears to affect only tubes near the central open cylinder (stay
cylinder) of C-E steam generators. The remedial actions taken in response
to batwing wear have primarily been to plug affected tubes or to
preventively plug tubes in the susceptible region of the tube bundle.
EPRI Licensed Material
Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-3
Typical AVB Arrangements in Westinghouse-Design
Steam Generators
11 16 46
Model 51 Antivibration Bar Arrangement
Tube wall loss from corrosion and or wear has occurred at tube support
plates (TSPs) in both recirculating and once-through steam generators. This
type of damage appears to have been generated by a number of different
mechanisms. The exact nature of the corrosion/wear damage that can occur
in a given steam generator appears to be dependent on the specific design
features of the generator. Corrosion/wear at TSPs ranges from
predominantly mechanical wear in high cross flow velocity regions near
the feedwater inlet of steam generators with preheater sections (16.2) to
what appears to be vibration-enhanced corrosion wastage at cold leg
EPRI Licensed Material
supports (cold leg thinning) in some steam generator models (16.3). Fretting
wear has been experienced by a few tubes in Babcock & Wilcox (B&W)
once-through steam generators.
Corrosion/wear mechanisms have been studied by examining sample
tubes removed from affected steam generators. In the laboratory, researchers
have attempted to simulate corrosive environments that can exist at TSP
intersection. In the field, the motion caused by tube vibration has been
measured. Tube damage due to corrosion/wear at support structures can
usually be detected and monitored by eddy current inspection (ECT).
Remedial measures that have been applied to prevent corrosion/wear
damage include modifications of flow patterns, replacement of tube support
structures, and modifications of water chemistry to prevent formation of
corrosive environments.
Antivibration Support Structure in Combustion Engineering
Steam Generators
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Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-5
TABLE 16-1
Plants With Tube Wear at AVB Positions-Westinghouse Design
TABLE 16-2
Plants With Tube Wear at Batwing Positions
-Combustion Engineering
Plant Experience
Wear at AVBs was first observed at San Onofre Unit 1 (16.4). This
430 MW 3-loop Westinghouse PWR entered commercial service in 1968.
Tube leaks from AVB wear occurred as early as 1972. By 1976, AVB wear
damage had affected several hundred tubes in the San Onofre Unit I steam
generators. Damage was observed primarily in tubes near the outside of
the bundle (large radius U-bends). Similar damage has also occurred at
Connecticut Yankee and Zorita, which have AVBs of the same design as
San Onofre Unit 1 (16.5).
The typical arrangement of AVBs in steam generators of Westinghouse
design is shown in Figure 16-1. The AVBs in the San Onofre Unit 1,
Connecticut Yankee, and Zorita steam generators were made from round
cross section, carbon steel bars. This design is particularly susceptible to
wear of both tubes and AVBs because there is, initially, point contact between
the tubes and the AVBs such that contact forces are concentrated. The low
corrosion resistance of the carbon steel material also makes it susceptible to
fretting corrosion, because rubbing between the tube and the AVB removes
the corrosion product scales from the AVB so that corrosion can continue
on a clean metal surface. However, these processes may be somewhat
ameliorated by the inherent lubricity of magnetite in high temperature water,
as compared to the more abrasive character of chromium-containing spinel
films. Wear of the tube and the AVB increases the clearance between them,
leaving the tubes essentially unsupported by the AVBs. This allows vibration
amplitudes to increase, which, in turn, accelerates the rate of wear.
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Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-7
steam generators were all near the inner periphery of the central stay
cylinder region of the generator. The maximum wear depth observed was
95% through wall. Flow calculations indicated that the cause of the wear
was flow-induced vibration of both the tubes and the carbon steel diagonal
supports; the supports are 0.090 inch thick by 2 inch wide. A number of
tubes with deep indications were staked and plugged in 1985 and additional
tubes have been plugged since then due to further progression of this wear.
Because the batwing supports are only 0.090 inch thick, there is concern
that wear of the supports may cause failure of the support strips, which
would create loose parts that could cause additional damage to the tubes.
Calculations performed by C-E have indicated that the batwing wear
should be confined to a relatively small region of the generator near the
central stay cylinder. In this region, the diagonal support strips have longer
than usual unsupported spans near the center line of the steam generator
because of a reduced number of tubes in this region. This makes the diagonal
strips in this region susceptible to flow-induced vibration. In addition, flow
velocities in the portion of the steam generator near the stay cylinder are
higher because of the lower flow resistance in the untubed cylinder. The
number of tubes in C-E steam generators considered to be susceptible to
wear is less than the tube plugging margin provided in the steam generator
design. Therefore, the primary remedial measure taken in response to
batwing wear has been to preventatively plug the tubes in the susceptible
region. In addition to San Onofre, other plants with C-E steam generators,
including those with newer Series 80 generators, have also experienced
wear at batwing supports. Ten plants have plugged tubes because of this
degradation mechanism. Several units have preventatively plugged several
hundred tubes.
Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-9
Various Views of Central Area of Section 3 Showing AVB
Intersections and Deposits
00 0
EPRI Licensed Material
Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-11
Batwing Wear on Tube Row 99 Line 143 From Calvert Cliffs Unit 1
AVB Repair Performed at San Onofre Unit 1
11 16 46
Beznau Units I and 2 replaced the original AVBs with new supports
that have a rectangular cross section. At least seven units equipped with
Model 51 steam generators have performed AVB repairs (partial
replacement) (16.5). The structure of the replacements is similar to the
original AVBs. The new supports are installed at locations that are spaced
away from the locations of the original AVBs, which prevents wear at the
original intersections. In some cases, such as San Onofre Unit 1, larger
thickness bars are used at selected locations where the spacing between the
tubes is unusually large, in order to reduce the gaps between the AVB and
the adjacent tubes.
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Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-13
Offset AVB Arrangement Used to Avoid Loose Fitup
Tolerance Variations
The widespread occurrence of wear in the bend regions of a number of
different model steam generators from two different manufacturers
demonstrates that current anti-vibration structures are difficult to fabricate
to insure that steam generator tubes are resistant to wear. Because of fit
variations allowed by tolerances on tube and support element dimensions,
EPRI Licensed Material
some gaps between the tubes and the supports will always exist with current
designs. Complete elimination of tube motion in the U-bend regions will
require that all tubes are tightly restrained. This could be accomplished by
using the elasticity of the tubes in bending to achieve a tightfit on all tubes
as, for example, with the offset bar pattern described above. An offset AVB
arrangement has not been tested in any operating steam generators.
Fortunately, standard ECT inspections of the tubes can readily detect wear
damage at bend region supports, and the depths of the scars can be
accurately sized. Wear scars tend to increase only slowly in depth such
that the rate of growth can be monitored over several successive inspections.
Badly worn tubes must eventually be plugged unless the wear process is
stopped by replacing the adjacent supports in new locations away from the
existing damaged regions. For plants that have an unacceptable progression
rate of AVB wear, replacement of the AVBs has been an effective remedial
measure. When tubes susceptible to wear damage are restricted to a small
portion of the tube bundle by, e.g., batwing wear in C-E steam generators,
preventive plugging may be the most economical solution to eliminate the
possibility of leaks and to reduce the required NDE inspection effort.
Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-15
TABLE 16-3
Plants With Cold Leg Thinning
This list is based on plants without denting that have defects at cold leg TSPs
concentrated at the lower TSPs and near the periphery of the tube bundle. In
only two cases has the degradation mechanism been confirmed by removal of
sample tubes.
The depth growth rate of cold leg thinning defects has been determined
by analyzing ECT data from 489 tubes in 18 steam generators. Only data
that reported 20% through-wall depth or greater for two successive
inspections were used. The majority of the measured average growth rates
were less than 1% of wall thickness per full power month of operation. The
overall average growth rate for the 489 tube sample was 0.45% of wall
thickness per full power month of operation (5.4% per EFPY).
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Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-17
crevices on the hot leg and cold leg sides, the chemical environments are
probably different. It has been suggested that the environment responsible
for cold leg thinning is stable for the 10 to 15'F superheats in cold leg TSP
crevices, but not for the 50 to 60'F superheats in hot leg crevices. One
possible environment that could account for the observed tube wastage is a
neutral or slightly acid sulfate environment.
Cold Leg Thinning on Removed Sample Tube
The fact that surface areas, where maximum wall loss has occurred on
tubes degraded by cold leg thinning, do not conform to the mating TSP
surface, has been interpreted to mean that wear or fretting is not a significant
contributor to the damage process. The apparent enhancement of the wall
thinning rate by tube motion has been explained to be a result of (a) mixing
of the corrosive environment which keeps fresh corrodent in contact with
the tube surface, or (b) a pumping action that increases the rate at which
aggressive fluid is concentrated in the tube/TSP intersection. Both of these
mechanisms could accelerate the corrosion rate. It is also possible that
corrosion could increase through direct rubbing contact between tube and
EPRI Licensed Material
Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-19
support plate; in addition, solids could be trapped between tube and TSP
which would enhance the thinning effect.
Fretting corrosion can produce deep pits in the fretting surfaces if wear
particles and corrosion products remain trapped between the rubbing
surfaces. Pits on contacting smooth surfaces is a common characteristic of
mechanical fretting and wear in an air environment. This is accomplished
by the mechanism illustrated in Figure 16-8. Fretting is a wear process in
which the amplitude of the relative sliding between two parts is very small
in comparison to the size of the contact area between them. Because the
sliding distance is so small, loose particles formed by wear cannot escape
from the area between the rubbing surfaces and remain trapped. Since the
metal particles have a large surface-to-volume ratio they are rapidly
oxidized. This increases their volume and makes them more abrasive.
Additional wear occurs on both of the mating surfaces as they continue to
rub against the trapped oxide particles. This produces more wear particles
which allows the process to continue. Since pits are being formed in the
mating surfaces, wear debris is more easily trapped between them so that
the pits become deeper. Around the edges of the pitted area, the original
metal surfaces remain in contact because particles can escape from this
region. Because the particles responsible for formation of pits in fretting
wear are not attached to either surface, they usually are lost when the
surfaces are separated.
Schematic Illustration of the Formation of Nonconforming Surfaces
by Fretting Corrosion
Amplitude of
Trapped Debris Forms Relative Motion
Pits in Rubbing Surfaces -- j
Wear and
EPRI Licensed Material
The surfaces formed on tubes that have experienced cold leg thinning
are very similar to those formed by fretting wear. The edges of the damaged
region have a pattern that is a mirror image of the machined surface on the
TSP counterface (the hole ID). This strongly suggests that rubbing against
the tube hole ID produced this portion of the surface. The central region of
the damage zone is a pit that was possibly formed by fretting-corrosion
wear by corrosion products trapped between the tube and TSP surfaces. In
the case of cold leg thinning, the material removal is probably by a
synergistic interaction of very mild wear and corrosion such that the role of
the wear is to keep the metal surfaces from forming protective oxide films.
This type of damage is termed fretting-corrosion. The material trapped
between the fretting tube and TSP surfaces for the case of cold leg thinning
is probably a corrosion product with composition determined by the
chemical species present in the concentrated solution that forms in the tube-
TSP crevice. The lack of obviously deformed or work hardened material at
the damaged surface shows that the mechanism of material removal in cold
leg thinning is a synergistic interaction.
Most corrosion processes occur more rapidly at higher temperatures.
Therefore, most of the corrosion damage to steam generator tubes is more
severe on the hot leg portions of the tubes. However, there are some
exceptions, such as cold leg thinning, some cases of phosphate induced
wastage, and pitting, which Occur more rapidly on cold legs. Two
explanations have been offered to explain why cold leg thinning is found
only on the cold leg side of the steam generator: (1) the environment
responsible for the corrosive part of the process cannot exist in crevices
which have a high available superheat. Thus, the cold leg crevices which
have only about 15'F of superheat can concentrate a corrosive environment
that causes tube wastage when assisted by tube motion. In the hot leg TSP
crevices, the additional superheat causes the impurities that are responsible
for cold leg thinning to evaporate or to precipitate as solids. (2) Tubes are
not free to move in the hot leg TSP intersections. Apparently, tube motion
is required within the TSP hole to cause cold leg thinning; therefore, this
type of degradation is not expected to occur if the annular crevices between
the tube and the TSP become filled with deposits or corrosion products. It
is possible that hot leg TSP crevices become fouled very early in steam
generator life. Thus, the tubes cannot move in the TSP holes and the cold
leg thinning mechanism is prevented.
Because the surfaces of sample tubes that have experienced cold leg
thinning are clean and free from deposits, it has not been possible to identify
the chemical species that are responsible for the corrosion portion of the
material removal process. However, on the basis of indirect evidence, it is
suspected that cold leg thinning is caused by neutral or slightly acid sulfate
EPRI Licensed Material
Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-21
solutions. In several of the plants that have experienced cold leg thinning,
it is known that sulfates have been introduced into the steam generators by
intrusions of ion exchange resin or contamination from condensate polisher
regeneration chemicals. In some plants, sulfates are found in deposits from
locations other than the TSPs where cold leg thinning is occurring, and
some plants have detected high sulfate levels in hideout return.
C-Ring Wastage As a Function of pH for Various Equivalent
Sulfate Ratios
10' 10'
4 I - . - - Equivalent Sulfate (S0) Ratios 4
N 1.00 0 0.01
080.7 *0.00
CF 1o' A 0.19 1to
- 6
: - I- -I i
1 - - ... 1 U ~J U
1 ---4- 1
- ........4.........4....~..... ~ - 4.. .4..........~ U ±..
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
pH at 315*C
Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-23
denting, and pitting. Sulfuric acid alone with very low heat flux caused
only shallow IGA on alloy 600 samples and no corrosion on alloy 690. In
tests which involved a variety of materials, the most extensive corrosion
usually occurred on the mill annealed alloy 600 samples. However, the
environment faulted with exhausted resin fines in the Na+/C1- form
(0.8 ppm C1-, 1.1 ppm Na+, 5.3 ppm S04 -) produced deeper IGA on alloy
800 samples than on alloy 600 samples. An environment faulted with
exhausted resin fines in the H+/OH- form (50 ppb C1-, 200 ppb S04 -) and
acidified Missouri River water (3 ppm Cl-, 35 ppmSO4- -produced wastage
in steam blanketed regions of the model boiler on alloy 600, alloy 690, and
alloy 800 samples. The maximum wastage in these environments occurred
on the alloy 600 samples.
FIGURE 16-10
Weight Loss in Acidified Sulfate/Chloride Solutions With and
Without 2% ZnO Additions
Degrees Fahrenheit
650 600 550
Alloy 600 &Alloy 690
Z I Weight Loss vs. 1/T
- -5.50 I- TLT Specimens
o IAcidified Sulfate Environment
C 0
,U) -6.00 " 3 - ... o~i oI
o - v 2o
.- J-- - C Oyide
• -6.50 13[ ,
- oo.. I 0
. -8.00
-8.500.0016 0.001
0.0017 .
TABLE 16-4
Summary of Combustion Engineering Model Boiler Tests of
Sulfate Environments (16.15)
Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-25
Combustion Engineering Model Boiler Test Model 10 (16.16)
Mean Median
Concentration Concentration
Species kpprn.
CI- 3.09 2.90
SO4 - - 35.86 34.0
Na+ 16.43 13.05
02 0.00064 0.0000
SiO 2 3.47 2.00
NH4 + 1.34 0.59
N2 H4 0.0056 0.0050
Fe (sol) 0.00544 0.0050
Cu (sol) 0.03597 0.0370
Ni (sol) 0.00093 0.00050
Ca+ + 0.69 0.44
Mg+ + 0.15 0.025
F- 0.19 0.17
K+ 1.96 1.70
N03- 0.09 0.06
Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-27
balance is the only means to prevent cold leg crevice chemistry from creating
an environment that will promote cold leg thinning. Poor operation of
condensate polishers has been shown to introduce both sulfates and resin
particles that break down to form sulfates. Therefore, operation of ion
exchange systems must be improved to prevent the introduction of
impurities that are known to form environments that can promote cold leg
In preheater type steam generators, most of the feedwater is injected
into a baffled enclosure at the bottom of the cold leg half of the generator.
This is a departure from earlier designs in which the feed water was
introduced into the downcomer annulus. The preheater feedwater injection
arrangements resulted in higher cross flow velocities near the preheater
entrance, and a number of problems were encountered with excessive wear
rates (preheater wear). Details of early experiences with wear in preheater
units is conatined in the previous edition of the Steam Generator Reference
Book (16.17)
Preheater wear was first .detected in Ringhals Unit 3 in 1981. The
Ringhals Unit 3 steam generators are Westinghouse Model D3 which have
a split flow preheater arrangement. The first leak, later attributed to
preheater wear, occurred after approximately 2,200 hours of operation at
75% power. It was determined that tubes in the preheater near the feedwater
entrance were experiencing rapid wear at the preheater baffles. Wear was
EPRI Licensed Material
Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-29
of damage than earlier designs. Although AVB wear does not usually require
plugging of a sufficient number of tubes to threaten the operability of the
steam generator, the costs of inspections and remedial measures are
significant. To date, the cold leg thinning mechanism has affected only a
few steam generator designs; currently, approximately 20 plants have been
affected. Because the mechanism is not completely understood, no clear
guidelines exist prescribing how to prevent the mechanism from occurring
in future steam generators. For the plants that are experiencing degradation,
the rate of damage progression is small and does not greatly impact the
plugging rate. As with AVB wear, cold leg thinning requires additional
inspection effort. Preheater wear was the result of unanticipated high flow-
induced vibrations in the initial preheater steam generators. Modifications
to feedwater flow paths appear to have arrested this type of damage; it is
no longer considered to be a significant problem. TSP fretting and wear in
OTSGs also appears to be less significant.
16.1 Steam Generator Progress Report, Rev. 7. EPRI. September 1991.
16.2 Workshop Proceedings: Fretting and Wear Susceptibility in Nuclear
Steam Generators. Washington D. C., March 19-20, 1986.
16.3 Baum, A. J., C. Dangelo, P. J. Kuchirka, N. Singleton, and M. J.
Sredzienski. "Steam Generator Cold Leg Thinning in Operating
Plants." EPRI NP-5140. April 1987.
16.4 "Steam Generator Inspections-San Onofre Nuclear Generating
Station, Unit 1." January 30, 1977. "Interim Steam Generator
Inspections of All Tubes in Area of Antivibration Bars-San Onofre
Nuclear Generating Station, Unit 1." October 1977. Attachments
to letter from Southern California Edison Company to U. S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (Docket Number 50-206) dated October
3, 1977.
16.5 Malinowski, D. D., and W. D. Fletcher. "Update of Operations With
Westinghouse Steam Generators." American Nuclear Society, 23rd
Annual Meeting, June 12-16, 1977, New York, N. Y.
16.6 Aspden, R. G., and E W. Pement. "Destructive Examination of Zion
Unit I Tube and Antivibration Bar Samples." EPRI NP-4375-LD.
December 1985.
16.7 McInteer, W. A. "Calvert Cliffs Unit 1 Tube Examination." EPRI
NP-4904. November 1986.
16.8 Rudell, B. C., and D. J. Van Petten. "Destructive Examination of
Steam Generator 11 Tubing at Calvert Cliffs Power Plant Unit 1."
EPRI NP-7136-SD. April 1991.
EPRI Licensed Material
Tube Corrosion and Wear: U-Bend Supports and TSP Intersections 16-31
Contributing Authors/Editors
A. R. Mcllree, EPRI
C. E. Shoemaker,EPRI
EPRI Licensed Material
Tube Materials
Steam generators contain from 20,000 to 130,000 square feet of heat
transfer tubing surface. Tubing wall thickness (the primary to secondary
pressure boundary) is between 30-50 mils (1-2 mm) thick. If the tubing is
to last 40 years, the corrosion rate must be kept below a few tenths of a mil
(a few thousandths of a millimeter) per year over its entire surface, including
areas where flow is restricted around the tubes on the secondary side. In
these locations, concentrated, corrosive environments may accumulate from
residual salts in the boiling secondary water.
As discussed more completely in Chapter 8, these concentrated
environments form under scale, in support structure crevices, in tubesheet
crevices, in sludge piles, under straps, or in other areas where secondary
water with restricted flow contacts heated tubes. The environments vary
widely in composition depending on the residual salts in the water, and
the intrusion of salts through leaks, upset conditions, etc. These localized
environments have caused stress corrosion cracking (SCC), intergranular
corrosion (IGC) or intergranular attack (IGA), pitting, and wastage of tubes
(24.1). Testing has focused mainly on alloy 600, but, when possible,
alternative tube alloys have been included for comparison. Specified
compositions and mechanical properties of tube alloys are given in
Table 24-1.
Originally, domestic suppliers and their licensees chose alloy 600 for
tubes because of its superior resistance to chloride stress corrosion cracking
(SCC), a troublesome problem with stainless steels. It has fulfilled this need
well, and, at present, no SCC tube failures in steam generators have been
attributed to chlorides. Shortly after alloy 600 was accepted for steam
generator tubing, alloy 800 with higher chromium, and lower nickel contents
was developed. When Coriou (2.2 reported cracking of alloy 600 in water,
Kraftwerk Union (KWU) switched from alloy 600 to alloy 800 for their
EPRI Licensed Material
Table 24-1
Composition and Mechanical Properties of Tube Alloys for Nuclear
Steam Generators
Mechanical Properties
MPa (ksi) Percent
Alloy Yield Ultimate Elongation
MA or TT 600 241-389 (35-55) 552 (80) 30 min
MA or TT 690 276-365 (40-53) 552 (80) 30 min
800(3) 375 (54.4) 663 (96.2) 34
EPRI Guidelines NP-6743-L, Vol. 1&2.
KWU stabilized grade, Ti/C>12, Ti/(C+N)>8, N>.03 (24.53).
Typical values.
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 24-2
Stress Corrosion of Tube Alloys (U-Bend Test Specimens) at
310°F (154 0C) in Boiling Magnesium Chloride (24.4)
No. of
No. of Specimens Max.
Specimens Test Cracked/No. Depth of
(No. of Duration Destructively Attack
Alloy Heats) "wk Examined mils (mm)
600 3(1) 12.9 0/3 0
690(1) 9(3) 12.9 0/9 0
800 3(1) 0.4 3/3 114(2.9)
304SS 3(1) 0.1 3/3 98(2.5)
Table 24-3
Stress Corrosion Tests of U-Bend Test Specimens at 500OF (2600 C)
in Undeaerated Water Containing 500 ppm Chloride (NaCI) (24.4)
No. of
No. of Specimens Max.
Specimens Test Cracked/No. Depth of
(No. of Duration Destructively Attack
Aloy Heats) "wk) Examined mils (mm)
690(1) 4(1) 8 0/2 0
18 0/2 0
800 2(1) 1 2/2 87(2.2)
304SS 2(1) 1 2/2 118(3.0)
Table 24-4
Stress Corrosion Tests of U-Bend Test Specimens in Vapor Phase
Above Undeaerated 500'F (260'C) Water Containing 500 ppm NaCI
No. of
No. of Specimens Max.
Specimens Test Cracked/No. Depth of
(No. of Duration Destructively Attack
Alloy Heats) "wk Examined mils (mm)
690(1) 6(3) 8 0/6 0
800 2(1) 1 2/2 98(2.5)
304SS 2(1) 1 2/2 118(3.0)
Cracked/ Max. Depth
Heat Treatment Code No. of Specimens Test Duration Destructively of Attack
Alloy (Surface Treatment) (No. of Heats) "wk Examined mils (mm)
690 A6 (ground) 3(1) 18 0/3 0
A6 (as received) 3(1) 18 0/3 0
600 A7 (ground) 3(1) 16 1/3 94 (2.4)
A7 (ground & annealed) 3(1) 18 0/3 0
A7 (as received) 1 (1) 5 1/1 126 (3.2)
2(1) 18 0/2 0
800 A8 (ground) 6(1) 16 6/6 190 (4.8)
A8 (ground & annealed) 6(1) 16 1/6 63(1.6)
304SS A8 (ground) 6(1) 3 3/6 252 (6.4)
A7 (ground & solution 6(1) 3 6/6 126 (3.2)
Test temperature - cycling between 536°F and 805°F (2801C and 4301C).
Code: A6 = 1,726 0F (9410 C)/AC (air cooled)
A7 = 1,850°F (1,010 0C)/AC
A8 = 2,1500 F (1,177 0 C)/AC
Ground = surfaces ground on a 100 mesh grit belt
Ground and annealed = ground + 0.16 h @ 1,800°F (9820 C)/AC
Ground and solution annealed = ground + 0.5 h @ 1,9500 F (1,066 0C)/WQ (water-quenched)
EPRI Licensed Material
Table 24-6
Stress Corrosion of Tube Alloys (U-Bend Test Specimens)
at 600°F (316 0 C) in Deaerated Water Containing 500 ppm
Sodium Chloride (24.4)
No. of
No. of Specimens Max.
Specimens Test Cracked/No. Depth of
(No. of Duration Destructively Attack
AII"y Heats) "wk Examined mils (mm)
690(1) 6(3) 48 0/3 0
96 0/3 0
800 6(3) 48 1/3 4.3(0.11)
96 0/3
304SS 2 (1) 48 1/1 0.8 (0.02)
96 0/1
HeatTreatment: 1 h @2,0501F (1,120°C)/WQ (water quenched) + 2 h
@1,250°F (6750 C)/AC (air cooled).
Heats NX 1OC1H, NX 4460H, NX 4458H.
EPRI Licensed Material
Table 24-7
Influence of Carbon Content and Stabilization Ratio of Alloy 800 on
SCC Resistance in Chloride Solution (Deionized Water With 100 mg/
kg C1" and 20 mg/kg 02. T = 662°F (3500 C), Stress RT Yield Strength)
Content Ti/C Results Material Condition
0.015% 30 No SCC after 1,000 h Nuclear Grade
0.015% 47 No SCC after 1,000 h Nuclear Grade
0.043% 11 2 out of 3 cracked after 9,000 h Standard grade
0.045% 17 2 out of 5 cracked after 4,000 h Standard grade
0.068% 7 3 out of 3 cracked after 9,000 h Standard grade
Influence of Carbon Content and Stabilization Ratio on Depth of
Intergranular Corrosion. Alloy 800 Heat Treated 1 hour at 1,202°F
(650°C) tested in (250 ml/1 H2SO4. (24.3)
Depth of IGA
5 10 15 Ti/C 20
.1- Stabilization Ratio
Table 24-8
Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance in High-Temperature Water Containing Chloride and Oxygen (24.10)
EPRI Licensed Material
Data from other sources show that SCC of alloy 800 due to chlorides
can be reduced by additives such as phosphates and ammonia (AVT
water). Data in Table 24-9 show that additions of phosphates and
chlorides to aerated water prevented SCC of alloy 800 U-bends for at
least eight weeks at 500'F (260°C) (24.4). Without phosphates and under
nearly identical conditions, alloy 800 U-bends cracked in one week
(Table 24-3).
TABLE 24-9
Results of 8-Week Autoclave Tests on Sensitized Single
U-Bend Specimens Exposed at 500°F (2600 C) to a Simulated
Aerated Boiler Water Containing 660 ppm NaCI and 150 ppm
Na2HPO4 (24.4)
Laboratory data show even more clearly that AVT water is effective
in eliminating SCC of commercial alloy 800 tubes in oxygenated
chlorides (24.7). Data in Table 24-10 show that no specimens of any
material cracked after times up to 74 weeks (12,400 hours). Without
AVT, chloride cracking of commercial alloy 800 specimens would have
been expected in at least a couple of weeks.
In summary, it appears that commercial alloy 800 is susceptible to
SCC in neutral to acidic chlorides containing oxygen. Apparently, even
residual oxygen not flushed out at the start of a test is sufficient to cause
SCC (Table 24-6). Based on available data, it is unclear how much the
corrosion resistance of the nuclear grade is improved over the
commercial grade of alloy 800 in chlorides. It is clear, however, that
phosphates or AVT water reduces the SCC of alloy 800. It is also
significant that the NG alloy 800 tubes did not crack in model steam
generator test #9 that was faulted with seawater and a copper-oxide-
EPRI Licensed Material
Arrhenius Plot of Average SCC Propagation Rate for MA and
Tr Alloy 600 in 1%, 10%, and 50% NaOH (24.13)
340C 320C 300C 280C
650F 625F 600F 575F 550F
1.000 SI i
0 o
C) 0.010 -
0.001 1
1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80
(deg K)
EPRI Licensed Material
Effect of Caustic Concentration and Thermal Treatment on the
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600 (24.14)
600'F (316°C) C-rings
150% Y.S.
0.02 2000 Hours 500
300 a
0C.) 0
0.01 I- C-N
-- 200
-- 100
10 50
Sodium Hydroxide Concentration (wt/o)
Caustic SCC Dependency for MA and TT Inconel 600 and 690 (24.15)
0,040 1000
800 E
400 L)
Recreation of Berge/Donati Summary Curve for SCC in Deaerated
NaOH-350 0 C C-rings Stressed to About Yield
000 - . 690TTT 690TT.
69 TT
.....! " -+ . "...:i.:690
ýO T.. •' ..... -............... ... • "i " i " f i ? ................... ..i "i TMA
3500 -
........ Al loy+-------
i..+i " --!--i--•.-................. 800NG- i
.......... ... . .. .....• -i
E 3000 -
: F 6OLTMA &
1500 -
............ OCIEMAT i..+.i
+....... . . . . . . . .
1000 -
............. • .+
...~. . . . . ....
T+ . S+..+ ...+....,:
0OCIEMAT .+•..v
!,,. : /ot.,MA
E. ...•+ ...........
1 10 100 500
NaOH Concentration (g/l)
EPRI Licensed Material
Table 24-11
Pressurized Capsule Tests of 600 MA and 800 NG at 572 0 F (3000 C) in
Deaerated Caustic for 250 Days (24.20)
TABLE 24-12
Stress Corrosion Cracking of U-Bend Specimens in Deaerated 1%
NaOH at 600°F (316 0 C) in 56 Weeks (24.21)
No. of
No. of Specimens Max.
Heat Specimens Cracked/No. Depth of
Treatment (No. of Destructively Attack
Alloy Code Heats) Examined mils (mm)
600 MA 4 (2) 4/4 15(0.381)
M 4 (3) 4/4 6(0.152)
A 5 (4) 5/5 21.5 (0.546)
A+L 7 (5) 5/7 7(0.178)
690 M 6 (3) 0/6 0
A 8 (4) 0/8 0
A+L 7 (4) 0/7 0
800 MA 2(1) 0/2 0
M 8 (4) 1/8 2.5 (0.064)
A 5 (3) 3/5 2 (0.051)
A+L 10(5) 0/10 0
Code: MA = Mill-Annealed
M = Cold-Rolled 40% + 0.5 h/1,850'F (1,010°C)/AC.
A = Cold-Rolled 40% + 1.0 h/1,950-2,050°F
(1,066-1,121 0C)/WQ.
L = 2.0 h/1,251 -F (677°C)/AC.
EPRI Licensed Material
Effect of Cr and Ni Content on the Caustic SCC Resistanceof
0.02%C-x%Ni-15 -30% Cr-Fe Alloy in the Deaerated 10% NaOH
Solution at 617°F (325 0 C) for 500 hr (Single U-Bend) (24.10)
• 2O~r
200 V
40 50 60 70 80
Ni Content (wt%)
EPRI Licensed Material
SCC Resistance in Deaerated 10% Sodium Hydroxide
Weeks in Tests( 1 )
Caustic + Total Cracked C-Rings
Alloy Heat No. Condition 10% Caustic 750 ppm SO4 <20 Wks >20 Wks
600 NX 0471 MA 22, 22 25, 49 0 4
NX 1054 MA 10,10 10,10 4 0
MA +1300OF (705oC)/l 5 AC (TT) 50, 80 49, 49 0 4
TT + Plastically deformed 20% unloaded
then 13000F (7050C)/2 hrs AC 15,53 49, 49 0 0
MA + 932°F (5000 C)/24 hrs AC 50, 80 49, 49 0 4 CD
690 NX 9780 MA 10, 10 10,10 4 0
NX 9780 same 10, 10 15,15 3 1 MJ
Two C-rings, 150% of yield stress for each test.
Single specimen exposed for 49 weeks.
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 24-15
Thermal Treatment Versus Maximum Crack Depth for Alloy 800 in 15
% NaOH(1) at 572-F (300 0 C) (24.23)
1Cover gas, 10% H2 + 90% N2; exposure time 14 days; applied stress, 470 MPa;
and 4.4% strain.
Maximum crack depth per each specimen.
Mean of maximum crack depths.
Standard deviation.
59850C, 900 sec.
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 24-16
The Effects of Heat Treatment, Cold Work, and Welding on the Stress
Corrosion of Tube Alloys (U-Bend Test Specimens) in Undeaerated
50% NaOH at 572 0 F (3000 C) (24.4)
No. of
No. of Specimens Max.
Heat Specimens Test Cracked/No. Depth of
Treatment (No. of Duration Destructively Attack
Alloy Code Heats) (wk) Examined mils (mm)
690 MA 2(1) 3.9 0/3 0
MA+L 2(1) 3.9 0/1 0
MA+A 1 2(1) 3.9 0/2 0
MA+CR 1 (1) 1.7 1/1 110 (2.79)
1 (1) 3.9 0/2 0
A1 +L 2(1) 3.9 0/2 0
A3 +L 2(1) 3.9 0/2 0
A2 +W(1) (12.7 mm) 2 (1) 3.9 0/2 0
A 3 +W (25.4 mm) 2 (1) 3.9 0/2 0
800 AI+L 2(1) 1.7 2/2 42(1.06)
MA 2(1) 1.3 2/2 85(2.15)
600 CR+A 1 1 (1) 2.6 1/1 42(1.06)
1 (1) 3.9 1/1 2(0.06)
MA+CR 2(1) 3.9 0/2 0
A1 +L 2 (1) 3.9 2/2 .8 (0.02
A3 +L 2 (1) 3.9 2/2 2 (0.06)
304SS A1 2 (1) 0.4 2/2 120 (3.05)
AI+L 1 (1) 0.4 1/1 120 (3.05)
201 MA 2(1) 3.9 0/2 0
Code: MA = mill-annealed
CR = cold-rolled 40%
A1 = 1 h @2,000°F (1,093°C)/WQ
A2 = 1 h @2,1001F (1,150°C)/WQ
A3 = 1 h @2,200'F (1,205°C)/WQ
L = 2 h @1,200-F (650°C)/AC
W (thickness, mm) = manual gas tungsten arc welded at indicated thickness
matching filler.
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 24-17
Threshold Stress Intensities for the Stress Corrosion Cracking
of Tube Alloys in Deaerated 50% NaOH at 6001F (316'C) (24.24)
least some cracking of alloy 800 in dilute caustic. There are not enough
data to determine whether NG 800 is more corrosion resistant in caustic
than the commercial grade. Certainly, it is clear that MA alloy 600 has
the least resistance to caustic and that any of the above alloys would be
an improvement.
The low incidence of cracking of alloy 800 tubing in German nuclear
steam generators provokes the question about the degree of alcalinity
in heated crevices in steam generators. If crevices were strongly alkaline
as some predict, more SCC of alloy 800 should occur. The use of
phosphates (Na2HPO4) may prevent the formation of strongly alkaline
solutions. Or the phosphate ion itself may also reduce SCC. If so, then
the switch to AVT water chemistry, which has now occurred in several
German steam generators, could remove this safeguard and may permit
stronger alkaline solutions to form in heated crevices with the possible
increase of SCC of alloy 800. In a similar comparison with alloy 600,
Na2HPO4 which caused wastage may have prevented caustic SCC.
Only time and more crevice solution analyses will answer these
The SCC of mill annealed and thermally treated alloy 600 C-rings
was studied in 10% caustic with copper oxide. Results of these tests
are given in Table 24-18 (24.13). The results are complex. Without
copper oxide, the incidence of cracking was less for the TT material for
C-rings stressed at 150% of yield. No difference in behavior was
observed for highly stressed TLT C-rings. With 1% copper oxide, all
TT specimens had a low incidence of SCC. All MA C-rings cracked as
before. With 10% copper oxide only MA C-rings at 150% of yield had a
EPRI Licensed Material
low incidence of SCC. In only one instance (10% CuO, TLT specimens)
is there any evidence that copper oxide increased the SCC of alloy 600.
Copper oxide and other additives influence the corrosion potential of
alloy 600 as shown in Table 24-19 (24.13). It was previously established
(24.25) that alloy 600 is most susceptible to SCC in the active/positive
potential region, which, for the current tests, was in the sharply defined
range of 200 mV (versus Ni). Smaller amounts of copper oxide in the
range of 0.1%, fix the corrosion potential very near this 200 mV value.
In an actual steam generator the copper oxide is essentially outside the
crevice. Its influence on the potential in the crevice is unknown, as is
the effect of copper oxide on SCC.
Compared to 10% NaOH alone, additives of 10% SiO2 doubled the
elongation of MA alloy 600 tubing while 10% copper oxide cut the
elongation in half in slow strain rate tests in Table 24-20 (24.14). The
silica increased the elongation almost to the value obtained in air,
indicating that it largely offset the effect of caustic.
TABLE 24-18
Cracking of Mill Annealed and Thermally Treated Alloy 600
C-Rings in 10% NaOH Plus Copper Oxide at 630°F (3320 C)
(Number Cracked/Number of Specimens Tested 2,000-4,000
Hours) (24.13)
MA __
TABLE 24-19 t
Summary of Corrosion Potential Measurements 1 in Caustic and
Sludge Component Solutions Versus Ni in Pure 10% NaOH
1External couple was formed between the test materials and a strip of Cu
with approximately equal surface area. The potential reported is that for
Cu/alloy 600 or Cu/Ni couple versus the Ni reference electrode.
60%Fe3O4, 33%Cu, 5%CuO, 2%NiO, 1%Cr 2 03
Ultimate True
Strain Total Tensile Fracture Reduction
Test Temp. Rate Extension1 Stress Stress Elongation of Area
Environment OF(Q) (sec- 1 1 in. (mm) psi (MPa) psi (MPa) % %
Air 600 (316) 2.5 x 10- 6 0.622 (15.8) 111,800 (771) 168,200 (1,160) 36.6 35
10% NaOH 630 (332) 2.5 x 1 0 -7 0.20 (5.2) 94,300 (512) 64,500 (445) 15.0 17
10% NaOH 630 (332) 2.5 x 10-7 - 81,800 (564) 94,400 (651) 31.2 20
+10% SiO 2
10% NaOH 630 (332) 2.5 x 1 0 -7 0.19 (4.9) 87,400 (603) 63,400 (437) 8.5 32 14
+10% CuO
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 24-21
Summary of SCC Performance of Split-Tube U-Bends of
Alloy 600 in Pure Water at 680°F (3600 C) (24.14)
TABLE 24-22
SCC Performance of Split-Tube U-Bends of Alloy 600 in Primary
Water1 at 680°F (3600 C) (24.14)
Heat No. of Test Cracked/ Max. Depth
Treatment Specimens Duration Destructively of Attack
Alloy Code (No. of Heats) "wk) Examined mils (mm)
690(1) MA 2(1) 48 0/2 0
MA+L 2(1) 48 0/2 0 -i
Crack Initiation Time Versus Temperature (24.26)
343 ATest
332 Terminated
28 -
e " 2Terminate(1
0 6 10 is 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Calculation of High Temperture pH in Primary Water Containing
2,300 ppm B As Boric Acid (24.28)
WWIA~ i i
8.0+ 330'C
b.u I i i i i I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
U Concentration, ppm
- 360C
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 24-10
Cumulative % With SCC Versus Li Concentration in BOL
Primary Water (24.13)
U 3D
FIGURE 24-11
50% SCC Initiation Time for Heat 1019 MA Versus Li Concentration
in 680'F (3601C) Primary Water. The error bars denote a •1 standard
deviation range corresponding to the times for 16% SCC initiation
and 84% initiation. (24.13)
i 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10
Li (ppm)
FIGURE 24-12
50% SCC Initiation Time for Heat 1019 MA Versus High Temperature
pH in 680°F (3600) (24.13)
8.0 8.1 8.2 8ý3 8.4 8.8 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0
pH at 680 deg F
FIGURE 24-13
Effect of Cromium Content on Material Lost to Stream in 600.8 0 F
(316 0 C) Deaerated Water Flowing at a Velocity of 5.5 m/s (24.4)
Ell- 10
.M 4
2 2
20 25
Chromium Content (%)
suspected cause of the cracking, was also found outside the crack. Both
lead and sulfur could cause cracking due to the formation of low melting
compositions that can penetrate metal grain boundaries. SCC due to
lead has remained a concern. A summary of recent test results for alloy
600 and alloy 690 in various lead containing environments and pH
values is shown in Table 24-26 (24.35). The results show that alloy 690
is generally more corrosion resistant than alloy 600. However, alloy
690 becomes subject to a wastage attack and a mixed mode intergranular
and transgranular SCC at high values of pH. Yet, alloy 690 TT generally
has equal or greater resistance to degradation than alloy 600 TT.
Additional test data obtained in high temperature water (24.36) indicate
that alloy 800 is also resistant to cracking by lead and lead compounds.
TABLE 24-24
SCC Performance of 630OF (3320 C) Alloy 600 C-Rings in Sulfate
Environments (24.14)
Na 2 SO 4
Conc. Initial Exposure Stress SCC Depth (1rm) 1
Test (pprnJ pH Time (hr) Levels MA TT
1 80,000 10 6,000 150 <10 <10
80,000 10 6,000 TLT <10 <10
2 80,000 7 4,000 150 <10 <10
80,000 7 4,000 TLT <10-50 <10
3 80,000 3 5,000 150 <10-350 <10
80,000 3 5,000 TLT 250-500 <10
4 80,000 2 4,000 150 200-350 30-300
80,000 2 4,000 TLT 250-1,000 <10-250
5 10,000 3 4,000 150 300-350 <10
10,000 3 4,000 TLT 200-800 50-330
TABLE 24-25
Summary of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Tubes in a 19-Tube Model
Steam Generator FaultedI With a Simulated Cooling Tower Water
and Sludge (24.30)
Water was faulted to 36 ppm sulfate, 3 ppm chloride, and a copper-containing
FIGURE 24-14
Stress Corrosion Susceptibility As a Function of Potential for
Sensitized and Non-Sensitized Alloy 600 (24.31)
V 0.5
ia / Sensitized
Alloy 600
CO /
FIGURE 24-15
Cracking Time in Polythionic Acids for Alloy 600 C-Rings With Two
Different Heat Treatments (24.32)
104-F (40-C)
l 280
0 210 -30,
140 20
70 1 1 110
0 10 30 100 400
lime (Hr)
FIGURE 24-16
Arrhenius Plot of Average IGA Rate for Stressed, Mill Annealed
Alloy 600 in 1%, 10%, and 50% NaOH (24.13)
5 1.70 1. 80
1 000ET (deg K)
Until the plant cause or causes of IGA are clearly established, it will be
difficult to compare the corrosion resistance of the candidate tube alloys to
IGA attack more than in a very general way. In all of the above
environments, however, TT alloy 690 appears to have superior corrosion
resistance, except in the case of caustic plus lead.
Pitting. Pitting has been associated with copper oxide intrusion into steam
generators and may occur in sludge piles, in crevices, or under scale. Causes
of pitting are discussed more extensively in Chapter 10. Small amounts of
pitting were found on tubes in a model steam generator faulted with about
30 ppm seawater and a copper-oxide-containing sludge (24.15). There was
less pitting on tubes in a companion model steam generator faulted to the
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 24-17
Arrhenius Plot of Average IGA Rate for Unstressed, Mill Annealed
Alloy 600 in 1%, 10%, and 50% NaOH (24.13)
.vv 1 I
jx 10%Na
E '4
1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80
1I00/T (deg K)
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 24.27
Depth of Pits on Tube Alloys Exposed to a Seawater-Faulted
Environment in a Model Steam Generator (24,8)
MA = Mill Annealed
TT = Thermally Treated
PS = Process Stabilized
Sens. = Sensitized
NG = Nuclear Grade
FIGURE 24-18
Pit Depth After Exposure in High Temperature Water Containing
Chloride Medium for 3,000 Hours (24.10)
900 -
800 -
E 700 "
•- 600-
E 400-
E 300-
: 200-
Alloy 690 Alloy 660 Alloy 800L
* Temperature -2880
" Cl- -100 ppm (CuCI2 [25 ppm as ClI]
+NiCl 2 [50 ppm as Cl-+ seawater
[50 ppm as Cl-])
" D02 -7-8 ppm
" pH -4.2
" Exposure Time -3,000 hrs
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 24-19
Pit Depth on the Surface of Heated Crevice Area for Test Materials
After Model Boiler Test (24.10)
" Temperature of Primary Side -3400
* Temperature of Secondary Side -289°C -
" Heat Flux -23xl 04 Kcal/m 2 h
" Water Chemistry -AVT4>AVT+seawater (2 ppm as CI)
(750 hrs) (2,250 hrs)
TABLE 24-28
Corrosion of Various Alloys in High Temperature Sodium Phosphate Solutions (24.38)
2 1
Test Environment Descaled Weight Loss Per Year, mils (mgq/din )
Concen- Max.
tration Temp Exposure
Na/P (Molality) (63) Time, Alloy 600 Alloy 690 Alloy 800 304 SS
1.35 6.0 325 315 0.32 (680) 0.75 (1600) 0.29 (620) 1.0 (2139) CD
1.6 6.0 325 480 1.3 (2800) 2.6 (5600) 3.0 (6400) 2.8 (5989)
2.0 5.0 325 504 0.24(510) 0.28 (600) 0.28 (600) 0.28 (599)
2.2 0.18 325 504 0.040 (86) 0.020 (43) 0.020 (43) 0.12 (257)
2.3 5.0 325 451 0.22 (470) 0.22 (471) 0.56 (1200) 5.2 (11123)
1.6 6.0 275 1344 1.1 (2400) 1.4 (3000)
2.3 5.0 275 1226 0.040 (86) 0.07 (150) 0.12 (260)
2.3 0.4 275 1560 0.25 (540) 0.16 (340)
2.6 0.15 275 1176 0.020 (43) 0.47 (1000) 0.046 (100)
Sulfate wastage was found in a model steam generator that was faulted
with 36 ppm sulfates, 3 ppm chloride, and a copper-oxide-containing sludge
(24.39). The sulfate wastage was located below the first support plate in
the model steam generator. The wastage may have occurred largely towards
the end of the test when sludge buildup and fouling of the support plate
were significant. During this period, the seawater-faulted model had to be
shut down and lanced to increase secondary water circulation. The wastage
data, summarized in Table 24-29, show that all metallurgical conditions of
alloy 600 are corroded more than alloys 690 and 800 (24.30). Several plants
have now experienced wastage on the cold leg side of steam generators
which is believed to be due to sulfates (24.40).
Baum recently presented results (24.41) of single-tube model boiler tests
of alloy 600 MA performed using various combinations of ammonium and
sodium sulfates and chloride compounds, with and without copper or
copper bearing sludges. Accelerated wastage was produced under
conditions analyzed by MULTEQ to be a result of low crevice pH. Wastage
occurred with or without copper present. Intergranular attack or stress
corrosion cracking was not observed in these test conditions. In autoclave
tests of alloy 600 and 690 in sulfate solutions, Cullen noted that wastage
appears to be a stronger function of sulfate concentration than of pH (24.41).
A summary of these results, given in Table 24-30, show that there is
surprisingly little difference between alloys 600 (MA and TT) and 690 TT.
These tests did not include alloy 800, but it is judged that its behavior would
be similar. Based on model boiler test results reported in Reference 24.39,
alloy 690 TT and alloy 800 NG are considered equivalent (Table 24-30).
TABLE 24-29
Corrosion Thinning of Heat Transfer Tubes Due to 36 ppm Sulfates in
a Model Steam Generator Test at 541 'F (283°C) (24.30)
Max. %
Tube Wall
Tube Material Support Location/Material Thinning( 1 )
A600 Mill Annealed
Tube 10(2) HL DSp(3 )A690 MA Bushing 37
Tube 2(2) CL DSPType 405SS Support 26
Tube 2(2) HL Type 347SS Eggcrate 7
Tube 12(4) HL Type 347SS Eggcrate 9
A600 Sensitized
Tube 17 CL DSPType 405SS Support 5
Tube 5 CL DSPType 405SS Support 21
Tube 6 CL DSPCS Bushing 43
Tube 17 HL Type 347SS Eggcrate 15
A600 TT
Tube 18 HL DSPSCR-3 Bushing 13
Tube 18 CL DSPType 405SS Support 26
Tube 3 HL Type 347SS Eggcrate 11
A600 PS
Tube 19 CL DSPType 347SS Bushing 2
Tube 15 HL Type 347SS Eggcrate 16
Tube 11 HL DSPCarbon Steel Bushing 5
Tube 11 HL Type 347SS Eggcrate 6
Tube 9 HL DSPType 347SS Bushing 1
Tube 9 HL Type 347SS Eggcrate 6
Tubes 0.75 inch OD x 0.042 wall thickness.
Heat No. NX1056
Heat No. 74836
HL = hot leg, CL = cold leg, DSP = drilled support plate.
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 24-30
AmountsI of Wastage in 100 hrs for Various Forms of Alloys 600 and
690 (24.41)
Sulfate pH at
Test # Ratio 315 0C 600 LTMA 600 HTMA 600 TT 690 TT
59A 0.67 2.70 3.47 3.01 2.38 3.26
60 0.16 3.15 0.48 0.69 0.62 0.71
61A 1.00 1.20 9.17 8.92 8.84 9.62
62A 0.00 3.67 -0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01
63A 0.00 2.67 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01
64 0.17 2.22 1.50 1.63 1.60 1.72
65 0.01 2.65 0.10 0.09 0.13 0.11
66 0.01 2.84 0.09 0.11 0.09 0.11
Amounts are given in percent of original test specimen weights.
TABLE 24-31
Relative Ranking of the Corrosion Resistance of Alloys 600, 690,
800, and Stainless Steel
broached hole tube supports. Two TT alloy 600 tubes with top of tubesheet
eddy current indications were pulled (from Surry) and examined after 9.5
years of operation (24.43). There was no evidence of corrosion degradation
on either tube. Most of the tube plugging in TT alloy 600 steam generators
has been associated with fretting and wear at antivibration bars (24.44).
The steam generator experience with alloy 690 tubing, while in total is
less than TT alloy 600 or NG alloy 800, is still appreciable. Four MA alloy
690 implanted tubes have been in service at Farley 1 and Diablo Canyon 1
since August 1977 and April 1984, respectively (24.45). Both sets of implants
have received periodic eddy current inspection and have no indication of
tube degradation. Full bundles of TT alloy 690 have been in service at
Cook 2, Indian Point 3, and Ringhals 2 since 1989 with no indication of
corrosion degradation in any unit. Since these three original TT alloy 690
replacement bundles were installed, bundles have gone into service at
Dampierre 1, Millstone 2, North Anna 1, and Ohi 3 and 4.
1983 1984 CD
No. of % of No. of % of
Tube No. of No. 1 of Tubes Tubes No. of No. of Tubes Tubes Failure '-1
Material Reactors Tubes Plugged Plugged Reactors Tubes Plugged Plugged Mecha-
Alloy 600 106 1,394,262 3,110 0.217 117 1,447615 3,249 0.187 SCC/IGA, M
W, D, Fr,
P, F, E
Alloy 800 13 164,678 175 0.106 14 178,878 81 0.045 W
Stainless 5 81,090 6 0.007 6 87,738 5 0.006 Fr
Monel 400 9 210,606 0 0 11 257,082 0 0
KWR Obrigheim is included in both Alloy 600 and Alloy 800 categories since both sets of steam generators were serviced
in 1983.
2SCC = Stress Corrosion Cracking, IGA = Intergranular Attack, W = Wastage, D = Denting, Fr = Fretting, F = Fatigue
P = Pitting, E = Erosion
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 24-20
"Star-Shaped" Ligament Section: (a) Cut Surface, (b) Fracture
Surface. Support Plate 1, Steam Generator 23, Indian Point 2 (24.46)
b Tube Hole a
Flow Hole
1Balance iron.
Annealed condition.
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 24-34
Corrosion of Support Structures in Model Steam Generator
10 Faulted With Simulated Cooling Tower Water ABND
Sludge (About 38-ppm Sulfate Present for 358 Days of,
Operation)l (24.39)
Max. Corrosion
mm (mils) Comments
Carbon Steel Bushings 2,000 (7) in one location
405 SS Support Plate 254 (10) 30-mil cracks
409 SS Lattice 1,100 (43) pits expanded to
crevice corrosion
347 Bushings, Lattices 250 (10) corrosion and
shallow cracks
Alloy 600 Bushings, Lattices shallow Pits
SCR-3 Bushings, Lattices shallow Pits
Alloy 690 Bushings nil
113,580 ppm-sulfate days, 1,060 ppm-chloride days, 12.9 ppm copper
days, 10.7 kg sludge containing 30% copper oxide added.
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 24-21
Section Through Corroded Carbon Steel Bushing (24.8)
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 24-22
Transverse Section of Corroded Ligament Between Tube Hole and
Flow Hole in 405 SS Support Plate (24.8)
FIGURE 24-23
Type 405 SS Drilled Support Plate With 0.75 in. (19 mm) Tubes
Fragmented by Corrosion (24.8)
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 24-24
Type 409 SS Lattice Supports 0.09 in. (2.3 mm) Thick Fragmented by
Corrosion (24.8)
FIGURE 24-25
Corrosion and Fouling of Lattice Supports From Chloride-Faulted
Test (24.8)
Top of
TABLE 24-35
Corrosion of 1018 Carbon Steel and 405 Stainless Steel in Nickel Chloride Solutions
at 572 0 F (3000 C) (24.52)
TABLE 24-36
Corrosion of Support Structures in Model Steam Generators 9
Faulted With Seawater and Sludge (About 30 ppm chloride present
for 285 days of operation)l (24.8)
Corrosion Rate/Year
Support mm (Mis) mm (mi_).
Carbon Steel Bushings 3,048 (120) >3,900 (>1 54)
405SS Support Plate 1,880 (74) 2,406 (95)
409SS Lattice Supports 2,286 (90) 2,926 (115)
347 Bushings and Lattices 254 (10) 325 (13)
SCR-3 Bushings and Lattices nil
Alloy 600 Bushings and Lattices nil
Alloy 690 Bushings nil
18,700 ppm-chloride days, 180 ppm-sulfate days, 9.3 ppm-copper days, 8.5 kg
sludge containing 30% copper oxide added.
EPRI Licensed Material
the corrosion of 409 SS was greater than 405 SS and more than 50% of that
for carbon steel. The corrosion of 347 SS was low but included shallow
cracking. There was only shallow pitting on alloy 600, SCR-3, and alloy
690 bushings and lattice supports.
FIGURE 24-27
The Influence of Temperature on the Initial Corrosion Rate of
Unpumped Type A Crevices Initially Containing 0.001 M HCI (24.53)
2.5 r- 11
2.0 9
C 7
E 1.5 -a,
0 1.0
0 -•4
0 0-
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Temperature (°C)
FIGURE 24-28
Corrosion Rate of Pumped Type A and Type B Crevices at 482 0 F
(250 0 C) As a Function of Total Passivating-Element Concentrations
in the Alloy (24.53)
11 +) @94.4 1 1
10 X Crevice Type A
,'+ Crevice Type B
Pumped With 10-3 M HCI
- (410) (Alloy)
CU 7
CL 6
4 (405) (430)
0) I I(
0 2
k: (3
I7)(8 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Total Passivating-Element Concentration (%)
TABLE 24-37
Ratio of the Alloy Corrosion/Steel Corrosion-Support Structure
Alloy Improvement Factors-The Corrosion Rate of 1018 Carbon
Steel Divided by Corrosion Rate of Support Alloy (24.53)
Cell Type: A B B B B
Crevice: Outside Inside Inside Inside Inside
Electrolyte: 10-3 N 10-3 N 10-3 N Susquehanna Millstone
HCI HCI H2S04 River Seawater
Alloy Improvement Factor
347 20 5.6 26 - -
405 3.7 1.5 3.5 5.8 4.5
409 - - 3.6 2.8 3.9
410 1.8 1.4 2.9 1.3 2.1
430 4.6 2.9 4.9 - -
FIGURE 24-29
Predicted Versus Observed Time-to-Denting in Plants on Seawater
or Brackish Water Sites. (Plants use all volatile treatment.) (24.54)
Sea/Brackish Water Plants 0 Denting
0 No Denting
Average Time 0
0 CC-1 0
CC-2 MY W-6
_o 2W-2
W-3 Denting
CLSI-i *R-2M-
0 Denting
*i- 0.5
FIGURE 24-30
Predicted Versus Observed Times to Denting in Plants on
Freshwater Sites. (Plants use all volatile treatment.) (24.54)
Freshwater Plants
Average lime
50 Denting
Minimum Possible
>- 20 Time
C_ 10
0 No Denting
F_ 5
The corroded ligament between the drilled hole and the flow hole was about
74 mils thick. For the broached holes, the comparable ligament between
the land and the adjacent hole was 134 mils. There was at least 90 mils
corrosion for the concave (conforming) land and near through-wall
corrosion for the flat land. There was no corrosion for two of three convex
lands. Corrosion on the third land though narrow, approached 90 mils also.
Corrosion occurred on the third land probably because it contacted the tube.
While not strictly comparable, it is also worth noting that lattice supports
of 409 SS, an alloy with a composition similar to 405 SS, also corroded
severely in the Model 9 steam generator. The 90 mil (2.3 mm) thick lattice
supports fragmented in 0.8 of a year as noted previously and shown in
Figure 24-24. The extent of the corrosion and fouling is shown in
Figure 24-25.
Thus, the data indicate that alternate designs evaluated thus far have
not reduced corrosion in a highly fouled model steam generator. Benefits
were realized, however, by thicker ligaments.
EPRI Licensed Material
TABLE 24-38
Suggested Support Alloys for a 40-Year Service Life in Steam
Corrosion- Corrosion-
Reduction Proposed Reduction
Cooling Water Factor Needed Alloy Factor
Seawater 8-40 800 -50
Acidified Cooling 5-13 347 20-25
Tower Water
Freshwater 0-2 405 - 409SS 3-5
24.1 Paine, J. P. N., and S. J. Green. "Materials Performance in Nuclear
Steam Generators." Presented at ANS, St. Petersburgh, FL, October
1980; IAEA, Vienna, Austria, October 1980; IAEA, Vienna, Austria,
October 1980; and ANS, Chicago, Illinois, February 1981. Nuclear
Technology 55 (October 1981): 10-29.
24.2 Coriou, H., L. Grall, Y. Le Gall, and S. Vettier. "Corrosion Fissurante
Sous Contrainte De L'Inconel Dans UEau A Haute Temperature."
Third Collogue de Metallurgie Corrosion. Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires
de Saclay, France. Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing Co.,
1959, p. 161.
24.3 Debray, W., and L. Sieding. INCO Power Conference, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 1972, paper 3.
24.4 Sedriks, A. J., J. W. Schultz, and M. A. Cordovi. "Alloy 690-A
New Corrosion Resistant Material for High Temperature
Application." Presented at the 15th INCO Power Conference,
Lausanne, Switzerland, October 5-7, 1977.
24.5 Hammond, J. P., P. Patriarca, G. M. Slaughter, and W. A. Maxwell.
MaterialsPerformance, (November 1975): 41.
24.6 Blanchet, J., et al. Mem. Sci. Rev. Met. (April 1978): 237.
24.7 Nelson, J. L., and S. Floreen. "Evaluation of Alternative Alloys for
PWR Steam Generator Tubing." EPRI NP-3703. October 1984.
24.8 Krupowicz, J. J., D. B. Scott, and G. C. Fink. "Corrosion Performance
of Alternative Steam Generator Materials and Designs, Volume 2:
Posttest Examination of a Seawater-Faulted Alternative Materials
Model Steam Generator." EPRI NP-3044. July 1983.
24.9 Stellwag, B., N. Wieling, and L. Stieding. "Corrosion Resistance of
SG Materials Alloy 800 and Alloy 690-A Comparative Study"
Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on
Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Power
Systems-Water Reactors, Monterey, California, September 1985.
24.10 Yonezawa, T., K. Onimura, N. Sasaguri, T. Kusakabe, H. Nagano,
K. Yamanka, T. Minami, and M. Inoue. "Effect of Heat Treatment
on Corrosion Resistance of Alloy 690." Proceedings of the Second
International Symposium on Environmental Degradation of
Materials in Nuclear Power Systems-Water Reactors ANS, AIME,
NACE, Monterey, California, September 1985.
24.11 Sedriks, A. John. 1979. Corrosionof Stainless Steels. John Wiley &
Sons. Page 172.
24.12 Airey, G. P. "Carbide Dissolution and Precipitation Kinetics of
Inconel 600." EPRI NP-2093. October 1981.
EPRI Licensed Material
Contributing Authors/Editors:
A. R. Mcllree, EPRI
E. S. Hunt, Dominion Engineering,Inc.
J. A. Gorman, Dominion Engineering,Inc.
EPRI Licensed Material
Primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) has become a
significant problem at many plants, as discussed in Chapter 7. Locations at
which PWSCC has been reported are shown in Figure 25-1. These locations
include: (1) expanded regions within the tubesheet, (2) tubesheet expansion
transitions, (3) dented tube support plate intersections, and (4) inner row
U-bends. With few exceptions, all of these locations involve high stresses
induced in the tubing during fabrication or by denting or live deflections
which occur during operation.
Remedial measures are used to prevent PWSCC from occurring in the
first place, and to permit plant operation after PWSCC has been detected.
This chapter addresses both preventive and corrective remedial measures.
Table 25-1 summarizes the main PWSCC remedial measures. These
remedial measures are grouped in terms of the three factors required for
PWSCC to occur. The table also indicates the current status of development,
and the extent to which the remedial measure has been applied in the field
through 1989.
The subject of PWSCC remedial measures has been covered in a number
of comprehensive reports and conference proceedings (25.1-25.4).
The need for PWSCC remedial measures in domestic plants is generally
based on individual plant technical specifications and regulatory
requirements. For plants in the United States, NRC Regulatory Guide 1.121
(25.5) contains the following main requirements pertaining to operating
with PWSCC damage: (1) the margin of safety against tube rupture under
normal operating conditions should not be less than three at any location
where defects have been detected, (2) the margin of safety against tube
rupture under postulated accident conditions such as a LOCA, steam line
break, or feedwater line break concurrent with the Safe Shutdown
Earthquake (SSE) should be consistent with the margin of safety determined
by the stress limits specified in paragraph NB-3225 of Section III of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and (3) any increase in primary-to-
secondary leakage rate should be gradual. These criteria apply regardless
of the PWSCC location.
Below is a brief overview of the need for PWSCC remedial measures
based on regulatory requirements for each location in the steam generator
where significant PWSCC has been detected.
EPRI Licensed Material
PWSCC Locations
At Scratches inTube
Above Top of Tubesheet
Expansion Transitions
TABLE 25-1 U'
Summary of Remedial Measures for PWSCC for Already Fabricated Steam Generators
Plants Treated
Remedial Measures Current Status Through 1989
Reduce Tensile Stress
- Stress relieve U-Bends Offered by several vendors numerous
- Stress relieve expansion transitions Development not completed none
- Shot peen expanded area and transitions Offered by several vendors numerous
- Rotopeen expansion transitions Offered by several vendors numerous
- Re-expand tubing to improve transitions (1)
- Secondary water chemistry to reduce denting numerous
- Secondary chemical cleaning to arrest denting none
Reduce Material Susceptibility
- Heat treat tubes to improve microstructure Tests encouraging none
Reduce Aggressive Environment
- Reduce primary coolant temperature No development required one
- Reduce hydrogen concentration Tests completed (2)
- Install sleeves( ) Offered by several vendors numerous
- Install plugs Offered by several vendors numerous
- Electroplate tube wall with nickel Application on trial basis two
measures. In several other countries (France and Spain), a leak before risk
of breaking (LBRB) criterion has been established and implemented. None
of these criteria permit operation with circumferential cracks.
There are major risks associated with continued operation with short
axial cracks in the expansion transition region: (1) The presence of axial
cracks makes inspection for circumferential cracks more difficult. (2) There
is a potential that leakage from the axial cracks, and possibly hidden short
circumferential cracks, will increase the radiation release following a steam
line break accident. (3) there is some increase in primary-to-secondary-
side leakage, which increases secondary side radiation and contamination
levels. (4) The leakage rate from a crack may increase during operation,
thereby necessitating a shutdown.
EPRI and utilities are in the process of evaluating alternate tube plugging
criteria for domestic plants which would permit operation with some
PWSCC in and above the expansion transition region. However, these
criteria have not yet been generally accepted by the NRC.
PWSCC at U-Bends
Tubes which develop PWSCC in the U-bend region and exceed the 40%
through wall criteria must be plugged. However, stress relief is an effective
and practical preventive remedial measure at this location.
EPRI Licensed Material
required to maintain power output. The need for in-situ U-bend stress
relief on rows three and higher has not been established.
+190 mV and primary water at a typical hot leg temperature of 615'F (324°C),
is reported to be about 250 (25.21). Accordingly, a year of operation is
simulated in about one-and-a-half days under these conditions. The stress
threshold below which cracking does not occur for this type of test is less
than 20% of the room temperature yield strength of mill annealed alloy 600
tubing for test durations greater than about 700 hours (25.21-25.22).
TABLE 25-2
Testing of Reverse and Flat U-Bends
Field Experience
Field experience is not a practical method for screening potential sleeve
designs, or for procedure development, since it may take years for PWSCC
to occur, even with susceptible material. However, field experience provides
valuable information regarding installation problems, and whether specific
EPRI Licensed Material
remedial measures have been effective to date. Also, some utilities apply
remedial measures to small numbers of tubes to obtain practical experience
prior to treating large numbers of tubes.
The ideal qualification program for remedial measures would include
the following phases:
* tests of stainless steel specimens in boiling magnesium chloride, or
sensitized alloy 600 specimens in sodium tetrathionate, to confirm that
residual stresses are low on both primary and secondary sides (including
the crevice),
" tests under more representative accelerated conditions, such as mill
annealed alloy 600 tubing in 10% sodium hydroxide or high temperature
doped steam, to confirm that total operating stresses will be less than
about 40 ksi,
* tests in elevated temperature primary water to determine long term
performance, with respect to PWSCC, under the most representative,
yet still accelerated conditions, and
" field application of the remedial measure on a small number of tubes a
year or so prior to having to treat large numbers of tubes to confirm the
practicality of application methods and to provide advance warning of
any unanticipated, rapidly occurring, problems.
Control specimens should be included in all tests to confirm that test
results are as anticipated.
The purpose of rotopeening is to produce a thin layer of compressive
residual stress on the inside surface of the tube. The compressive stress
serves to inhibit the initiation of IGSCC, which develops in the presence of
relatively high tensile stresses. Rotopeening is performed using beads
bonded to fabric in a rotating flapper wheel. Impact of the beads on the
tube ID surface produces a thin, work hardened, compressive stress layer.
However, this remedial measure generates some major concerns:
(1) potential for increasing tensile stresses on the outside of the tube,
(2) potential for incomplete coverage at sharp geometric discontinuities,
(3) effect of peening on pre-existing cracks, (4) changes in the bead impact
angle leading to smearing and local tensile stresses on the surface, and
(5) radiation exposure/cleanup problems during application.
EPRI Licensed Material
Process Description
The operation of typical rotopeening equipment is illustrated in
Figure 25-2. The equipment consists of a flapper wheel with bonded beads;
a rapidly rotating shaft to turn the flapper wheel; and a slowly rotating
shaft which is offset from the tube axis such that the beads impact the surface
in a nearly perpendicular direction and the flapper wheel covers the
complete inside surface of the tube. The tool is oscillated slowly in the
axial direction throughout the peening in order to insure uniform coverage.
Typical Rotopeening Equipment
Fiberglass Mesh
Flapper - Plastic Bearing (Top and
Bottom of Flapper Area)
Qualification Testing
Rotopeening qualification tests have been performed by several
organizations (25.20,25.26-25.28). This work has included a wide range of
tube roll expansion conditions such as full-depth roll, "kiss roll," a range of
gap dimensions, and skip rolls. The qualification effort has included the
following types of tests:
* accelerated SCC testing: stainless mockups in boiling MgC12 at 309'F
(154 0 C),
* accelerated SCC testing: sensitized alloy 600 mockups in sodium
* accelerated SCC testing: alloy 600 mockups in 10% caustic with anodic
potential, and
* strain gage measurements on the tube's OD surface.
EPRI Licensed Material
Field Experience
The first extensive application of rotopeening was performed on the
Doel 4 and Tihange 3 steam generators in late 1984 and early 1985 (25.20,
25.28). These plants had not been operated prior to peening. The Doel 4
effort involved peening of 14,500 hot leg transitions over a 28-day period.
The Tihange 3 effort involved peening of 29,000 hot and cold leg transitions
over a 21-day period. In each case the peening intensity was Almen 8A.
In-process verification testing at these plants showed that 10-20% of the
specimens developed cracks in accelerated (low stress threshold) MgC12
and sodium tetrathionate tests. This was consistent with experience during
the qualification tests. Through 1987, two operating cycles were completed
at these plants. PWSCC has been minor, indicating that rotopeening has
significantly reduced the initiation of PWSCC (25.23).
The first (and only) extensive application of rotopeening on an operating
plant in the United States was at the V. C. Summer station. V. C. Summer
went into commercial operation in January 1984, and PWSCC cracks were
found in the expanded areas in the tubesheet during the first refueling
outage. About half of the hot leg transitions were rotopeened during the
second outage. The remaining tubes were shot peened during the third
Rotopeening has also been performed on a number of operating French
plants. This peening is restricted to the area around the roll transitions.
Results of this experience indicate that rotopeening prevents initiation of
new cracks, but does not prevent growth of already existing cracks.
Rotopeening reduces the potential for PWSCC at expansion transitions
and tubesheet rolling irregularities. It has been applied at one operating
domestic plant and at several operating French plants. However, more
cracking of peened specimens was observed during rotopeening
development tests than during shot peening development tests. This
suggests that rotopeening may be less effective than shot peening. Further,
operating experience has shown that rotopeening stops formation of new
cracks, but does not arrest growth of existing cracks.
The purpose of shot peening is to produce a thin layer of compressive
residual stress on the inside surface of the tube. The compressive stress
serves to inhibit the initiation of IGSCC, which only develops in the presence
of relatively high tensile stresses. Shot peening is performed by blasting
EPRI Licensed Material
the tube's inside diameter with small diameter metal shot. Impact of the
shot on the tube's ID surface produces a thin, work-hardened, compressive
stress layer. There are major concerns with this remedial measure such as
potential for increasing tensile stresses on the outside of the tube, the effect
of peening on pre-existing cracks, and radiation exposure/cleanup problems
during application.
Process Description
The operation of typical shot peening equipment is illustrated in
Figure 25-3. The equipment consists of a compressed air system, a shot
supply system, a peening tool which is inserted into the tube, a vacuum
collection system, and fixtures to move the peening tool from hole to hole
and vertically past the area being treated.
Typical Shot Peening Equipment
/ Brush
Spray Nozzle
Storage Tank / ý/// ý//•/ ue
Tremie de Stockage Separator Vacuum
e// eSeparateur Aspirateur
Vacuum Pump
Pressure Pot PmeaVd
Pot de Mise en PrVmdn
Pusher Puller
Tireur Pous e Collector
[Z1 .. Recuperateur
Qualification Testing
Shot peening qualification tests have been performed by several
organizations (25.29-25.32). This development work has included a wide
range of tube roll expansion conditions such as full-depth roll, "kiss roll",
over expanded "kiss roll", range of gap dimensions, and over rolling. The
qualification effort has included the following types of tests:
* accelerated SCC testing: stainless tubes in boiling MgC12,
* accelerated SCC testing: sensitized alloy 600 tubes in sodium
" accelerated SCC testing: alloy 600 tubes in 10% caustic with internal
" strain gage measurements on the tube's OD surface,
* x-ray stress measurements on the tube's ID surface,
* effect of peening on precracked tubes, and
* leak tests after peening.
EPRI Licensed Material
Field Experience
Shot peening was first performed at Doel 3 during 1985 (25.30). Doel 3
started up in 1982, experienced primary side cracking at expansion
irregularities in tubes located in oversize holes within the first operating
cycle, and the hot leg expansion transitions were shot peened in July 1985.
The required time to treat all hot leg tubes in Doel 3 ranged from 15-20
days per steam generator, and the total dose averaged 30 Rem per steam
generator (25.30). This has been reduced on subsequent plants.
The hot leg transitions at Doel 3 were examined several times after
peening. These examinations showed that, while the rate of new crack
indications decreased, the rate did not go to zero, and many pre-existing
cracks had increased in length (25.33-25.34). There was also a forced outage
during the two years of operation caused by excessive leakage from long
(0.71-0.87 inch [18-22 mmi) cracks (25.23). This experience is consistent with
the premise that shot peening prevents initiation of new cracks, but does
not prevent pre-existing cracks over some critical size from growing after
peening. As a result of this experience, Doel 3 has considered other remedial
measures such as sleeving, nickel plating, or steam generator replacement.
Operation for three years after shot peening at Ringhals 3 and 4 and at
several French plants, also suggests that shot peening does not completely
arrest crack growth in plants which were operated prior to shot peening
Laboratory testing shows that shot peening should be an effective means
of preventing expansion transition cracking in new plants. However, it is
not capable of completely arresting the growth of pre-existing cracks. This
has been confirmed by field experience.
EPRI Licensed Material
side of TMI-1 steam generator tubing and on the secondary side of ANO 1
steam generator tubing. These plants have once-through steam generators
which were stress relieved, and thereby sensitized, during fabrication.
However, other plants with once-through steam generators and Tihange 1
have operated satisfactorily with sensitized tubing by avoiding oxidizing
conditions. Accordingly, for a plant which has significant PWSCC, the risk
associated with sensitization may be warranted.
Work by Airey (25.17) shows that alloy 600 tubing is sensitized by
holding it within the "Sensitization" range shown on Figures 25-4a and 4b.
However, if the tubing is held in the sensitization temperature range many
hours, the chromium is allowed to diffuse within the grain and restore the
chromium concentration at the grain boundaries, thereby reversing the
detrimental effect of sensitization. This is the basis for the thermal treatment
of alloy 600 tubing and for the Framatome long-term stress relief.
Suggested Time and Temperature Target Conditions for Stress Relief
of Alloy 600 U-Bends and Expansion Transitions
1400 •.-
500 ,1
0.1 1.0 10.0 100 2. 1000
Time (min)
. I
0.1 1.0 10.0 100 2. 1000
Time (min)
Notes on Limits
" Effective stress relief
" Sensitization
" Recrystalization/grain growth
• Tubesheet transformation temperature
" Practical time for in-situ work
EPRI Licensed Material
Typical U-Bend Stress Relief Arrangement
EPRI Licensed Material
U-bend stress relief is currently offered by several vendors and has been
performed on row I and 2 tubes of many steam generators. The first U-bend
stress relief at an operating plant was performed at Ringhals 3 and 4 in
Some test results associated with U-bend stress relief are documented
below (25.23).
Steam Tests Associated With Ringhals U-Bend Heat Treatment.
Ringhals 3 and 4 U-bends were heat treated in 1986 at target conditions
of 1,450'F (788°C) for 5 minutes. Due to temperature control problems
associated with emissivity variations, 752°F (400°C) steam tests were
conducted on row 2 U-bends heat treated at a range of temperatures
(Table 25-3).
TABLE 25-3
Steam Tests Associated With Ringhals U-Bend Heat Treatment
Figure 25-6. It consists of an induction heating probe which fits into the
tube, a radio frequency power supply, and an optical temperature indicating
and recording system. Induction heating is used rather than electric
resistance heating, since it has the capability to rapidly heat the tube wall
without heating up large portions of the tubesheet.
Typical Equipment Arrangement for Expansion Transition
Stress Relief
Induction Probe
Mounting Plate
Electrical resistance stress relief of U-bends is a proven method which
has been widely applied in the field.
Thermal stress relief or heat treating of expansion transitions holds
promise as being a good long-term solution to expansion transition cracking,
since it has the potential of significantly reducing tensile stresses and
improving the resistance of the material to PWSCC. This benefit is obtained
without increasing the tensile residual stresses throughout the rest of the
tube wall as is the case with shot peening and rotopeening; in fact, it would
reduce OD stresses, thus reducing susceptibility to secondary side SCC. It
would also reduce stresses acting to make existing cracks grow larger.
However, some development work remains to be completed and it is not
yet ready for remedial application.
Global heat treatment of the entire tubesheet region has been developed
to the point where it appears to be a practical option. However, it has the
disadvantage of sensitizing the tubing which must be considered before
implementing the procedure.
The purposes of electroplating the inside surface of the tube with a
thin layer of PWSCC resistant nickel are two-fold: to stop leaks and to
prevent further PWSCC. For this remedial measure to be practical the base
tube must be structurally sound, i.e., any cracks must be of an acceptable
size in regard to the tube's burst properties.
EPRI Licensed Material
Process Description
Initial development of the electroplating process was carried out by
Laborelec (25.46). The selected process involves the following steps:
* cleaning the tube ID using brushes,
" electrochemically cleaning the area to be plated,
* preplating with a "strike" solution,
" depositing nickel plating using a circulating bath and soluble anode,
* cleaning the tube's ID prior to returning to service.
The equipment arrangement within the tube is shown in Figure 25-7.
Typical Equipment Arrangement During Electroplating
Gas Outlet
Upper Head
+ - G Tube
-- J L_,_Lt_
Lower Head
Solution Inlet
EPRI Licensed Material
Qualification Testing
Results of laboratory testing on more than 500 tubes showed that
electroplating is practical (25.46). The plating can be applied over lengths
of at least 5.5 inches (140 mm), the plating thickness can be up to 0.011 inches
(280 microns), and the plating can bridge existing cracks up to 0.001 inches
(30 microns) wide. The major problem identified in this work was obtaining
surfaces which are uniformly free from pitting and roughness. Another
concern is developing an effective method to inspect the tubes in the plated
area since nickel plating makes the eddy current method ineffective.
Laborelec has developed an ultrasonic inspection method to resolve this
Tests were conducted to assess the ability to seal existing cracks under
high pressure. Non-plated cracked tubes were found to leak under
15-290 psi (1-20 bars) internal pressure. After plating to 0.002-0.008 inches
(50-200 microns) thickness, tubes were leak tight under a pressure of
1,740 psi (120 bars), except when pits were present in the bridged areas.
Field Experience
A total of 90 tubes were nickel plated at Doel 2 in 1985 and 1986. Visual
examination of the tubes after plating showed that the surface was similar
to that obtained in the laboratory, except for some abnormalities observed
on 70% of the tubes near the roll transitions. Some of the plated tubes have
been pulled and inspection has shown cracking of the nickel plating for
cases where the initial cracks were greater than 0.35 inches (9 mm) in length.
This problem has been addressed by using nickel of greater ductility (25.47-
Tubes were also nickel plated in Doel 3 in 1988. Two hundred and fifty
tubes in the Doel 2 steam generator, which were explosively re-expanded
in 1990, will be nickel plated to protect against PWSCC.
Laborelec has stated that nickel plating, using ductile nickel, is ready
for commercial application.
Hydraulic or explosive re-expansion is intended to close up the
tubesheet crevice in the case of part-depth roll expansions, to improve the
geometry and reduce tensile residual stresses in roll expanded regions, hnd
to improve the geometry and reduce stresses at expansion transitions.
EPRI Licensed Material
For plants with part-length rolled tubes which are experiencing primary
side cracking at roll transitions, expansion of the tube for all or part of the
tubesheet depth is a possible repair approach. This method has been used
for all part-length rolled plants in Japan. The tubes were hydraulically
expanded for most of the tubesheet height, placing a new expansion
transition 2-3 inches (50-75 mm) below the top of the tubesheet. A trial
part-length expansion was tested on a number of tubes at Doel 2 in 1980.
This consisted of a length of hydraulic expansion with a short length of
mechanical rolling centered in the hydraulically expanded area. This repair
approach was not implemented on a wide scale because of application
difficulties and because of concerns that PWSCC might recur at the new
expansion transitions. Whatever expansion method is selected, it is
important that the new expansion transition has low, tensile residual stresses,
or that the expansion transition region be protected from the primary water
by nickel plating as is being performed at Doel 2. The Belgians have reported
that tests of re-expanded tubes have shown that the residual stresses
associated with the new expansion transition can be high enough to result
in further PWSCC (25.49). However, as previously mentioned, the Belgians
plan to cover the expanded regions with nickel to protect against PWSCC
For plants with a poor initial full-depth expansion (skip rolls and poor
overlaps, etc.), re-expansion of the tube over the full depth of the tubesheet
has the potential to correct areas improperly expanded during rolling (which
lead to high local residual stresses), and to improve the local geometry and
state of stress in the transitionregion. EPRI has sponsored work to assess
explosive re-expansion. Qualification testing included sensitized alloy 600
tubing in sodium tetrathionate to determine the degree of improvement.
Results of the testing by Foster-Wheeler showed that explosive re-expansion
can reduce the susceptibility to PWSCC at expansion transitions and
expansion irregularities within the tubesheet. However, the testing only
covered the Foster-Wheeler explosive re-expansion process and did not
include any pre-cracked tubes (25.50).
Plugging is used to seal leaking tubes or tubes with indications in excess
of the acceptance criteria. This will prevent primary water from coming
into contact with susceptible tubing, such as row 1 and 2 U-bends, thereby
avoiding degradation leading to forced outages. In addition, plugging will
provide time to make plans to apply a more permanent remedial measure.
Plugging is the standard remedial measure in the United States for most
leaks caused by PWSCC. Installation of plugs is a sensible short term
EPRI Licensed Material
Welded Plugs
Welded plugs are typically inserted into the tube and welded to the
tube wall. Filler metal is either integral with the plug or added externally.
For the case of plugs with integral filler metal, only heat is required to make
the weld. Systems are available for manual, semiautomatic, and automatic
welding of plugs.
Explosive Plugs
Plugs can also be installed by explosively expanding a capped hollow
thimble into the tube. The explosive can be contained within the thimble
or inserted into an otherwise hollow thimble. It may also be necessary to
seal weld the plug to the tube wall.
Utilities have experienced leaks in explosive plugs. It is speculated
that the cracking and leaking of explosively installed plugs are the result of
large plastic strains and high residual stresses in the plug wall which leads
to PWSCC. This may result in leakage of tubes which were plugged to seal
leaks as opposed to those plugged preventively.
Experience has shown that leaking explosive plugs do not generally
open up and result in an increased leak rate. Instead, they leak at a steady
rate over a long period of time. During reverse leak testing, (secondary
side pressurized and primary side vented), the reverse pressure typically'
closes small cracks in the tubes and plugs, thereby preventing leakage.
Therefore, it has often proven easier to identify leaking plugs using only a
static head of water on the secondary side.
Mechanical Plugs
Mechanical plugs made from thermally treated alloy 600 bar stock, and
which are installed without explosives or welding, are also offered by several
vendors. These plugs are rolled or mechanically expanded into the tubes
and are removed when necessary by a weld shrinkage technique. Rolled
or expanded mechanical plugs are currently the industry standard approach;
however, some of these plugs have experienced significant problems with
PWSCC. For example, one of the mechanical plugs at North Anna
developed a circumferential crack, the plug separated into two parts, and
EPRI Licensed Material
the end of the plug was projected up through the tube and broke through
the tube in the U-bend region causing a leak and plant shutdown (25.24-
25.65). The current industry approach is to remove plugs made with
susceptible heats of alloy 600 material and replace them with plugs made
from thermally treated alloy 690.
Plugs are currently offered by a number of vendors. When selecting a
particular vendor and plug design, consideration should be given to
qualification testing to ensure that the plugs will not develop leaks due to
tube cracking at the plug, or as a result of cracking within the plug itself. In
addition, there should be provisions to remove the plugs in the future.
The purpose of sleeving as a PWSCC remedial measure is to install a
smaller diameter tube (sleeve) inside the original damaged tube to bridge
the damaged location. A typical sleeve application is shown in Figure 25-8.
The sleeve provides a seal to prevent primary water from leaking into the
secondary side. It also provides a redundant load carrying path which will
prevent tube rupture in the event that the original tube fails. The primary
concerns are: (1) to use sleeve materials which are resistant to PWSCC and
to OD IGSCC/IGA, (2) to develop methods of joining the sleeve to the tube
without generating large tensile stresses that could result in cracking of the
parent tube at the joints, and (3) to develop methods to inspect the parent
tube behind the sleeve. Sleeving is discussed in References 25.50-25.59. An
EPRI sleeving design review checklist is provided in Reference 25.60.
EPRI Licensed Material
Illustration of Typical Sleeve Application
Upper Joint
* Sleeve Expanded to Contact Tube
* Sleeve May Be Welded to Tube
* Joint May Be Stress Relieved
- Alloy 600
- Thermally Treated Alloy 690
Not to Scale
Lower Joint
- Sleeve Expanded to Contact Tube
* Sleeve May Be Welded to Tube
EPRI Licensed Material
Sleeve Designs
As shown in Figure 25-9, sleeves can be used to repair different types
of damage:
* secondary. side IGA and IGSCC in the tubesheet crevice,
* secondary side pitting and IGAin the sludge pile region,
* secondary side wastage and IGA at higher locations in the tube bundle,
* primary side IGSCC at expansion transitions and at rolled areas within
the tubesheet.
Typical Problems Addressed by Sleeving Repairs
EPRI Licensed Material
Sleeves have varied in length from 1.5 to 80 inches (40 mm to 2.0 meters)
depending upon the location and extent of the damage being repaired.
Sleeves installed to repair secondary side damage in the tubesheet crevice
and sludge pile regions are typically 20 to 80-inches (0.50 to 2.0 meters) in
length. Longer tubes can be used near the center of the bundle. Shorter
tubes are often required near the periphery since there is not enough
clearance within the plenum to install the longer tubes. Some vendors have
developed curved sleeves for use at peripheral locations; the sleeves are
straightened as they are inserted into the tube. Joints are typically made in
short straight sections at the ends of the curved sleeves. Shorter 12 inch
(0.30 meter) sleeves have been used to bridge damaged areas at tube support
plates, and very short 1.5 inch (40 mm) long mini sleeves have been used
on a trial basis at cracked roll transitions located within the tubesheet.
Sleeve material is selected to be compatible with the original tubing
and to have equal or improved resistance to primary side and secondary
side attack. The sleeve material currently being offered is thermally treated
alloy 690.
After a sleeve is installed in the tube it must be expanded and sealed at
the ends. This is accomplished by hydraulic expansion, explosive expansion,
rolling, welding, or combinations of these methods. Sleeve ends which
terminate above the tubesheet are generally expanded hydraulically or
explosively in order to close up the gap between the sleeve and tube in a
manner which minimizes residual stresses in the sleeve and tube. The small
gap between the sleeve and tube is then sealed by one of several methods:
(1) a hard mechanical roll at the center of the hydraulically expanded region,
(2) brazing the sleeve to the tube wall using a gold alloy braze, or (3) welding.
Sleeve ends which terminate in the tubesheet region are often expanded
explosively or by rolling since this expands the tube and produces a seal at
the same time. Sleeve ends terminating in the tubesheet can also be seal
Sleeve designs offered by a number of vendors are shown in
Figures 25-10 through 25-15.
Field Experience
Over 25,000 sleeves have been installed in U.S. steam generators, with
the greatest numbers installed at San Onofre 1, Millstone 2, Point Beach 2,
and Indian Point 3. Details of these applications are provided in an EPRI
report reviewing sleeving experience and providing a sleeving design
review checklist (25.60). In general, sleeving experience in the field has
been positive, although problems have been reported during sleeve
installation and subsequent plant operation.
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 25-10
Westinghouse Hybrid Expansion Sleeve
Plugging Limits
Apply to Tube
Plugging Limits
Apply to Tube
Upper and Sleeve
*Plugging Limits
Apply to Sleeve
RollT \ \ _" Plugging Limits Apply
Expansion_ to Sleeve and Tube
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 25-11
ASEA Brown Boveri Welded Sleeves
li Inconel690
InconeI600 I
Design 1 Design 2
EPRI Licensed Material
FIGURE 25-12
Babcock & Wilcox Welded Sleeves for Recirculating Steam
7/8 Inch RSG Sleeve
,- Sludge Pile
FIGURE 25-13
Bechtel/KWU Welded Sleeves
Type I Sleeve
EPRI Licensed Material
Type IIISleeve
FIGURE 25-14
Combustion Engineering Welded Sleeves
. Cladding
FIGURE 25-15
Framatome Welded Sleeves
-- o-
Field experience has shown that well designed and installed sleeves,
which do not introduce other problems, are an effective remedial measure
for PWSCC.
Laboratory test data and service experience have shown that primary
side IGSCC is strongly influenced by temperature. It is, therefore,
conceivable that temperature reduction could be used as a PWSCC remedial
measure until more effective remedial measures can be applied, or until
the steam generator is replaced. However, reducing the primary side
temperature may involve a significant penalty in power output and
operating cost, and is generally avoided.
Laboratory Basis
Laboratory testing by Bandy and van Rooyen (25.25) has indicated that
the rate of PWSCC initiation varies like a standard thermally activated
process, i.e., in accordance with e-Q/RT, where Q is the activation energy of
about 40 kcal/mole, R is the gas constant (1.985x10- 3 kcal/°K mole), and T
is the absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin. Using this relationship, the
improvement in time to cracking obtained by decreasing the operating
temperature from a typical design hot leg temperature of 3240 (615°F) to a
reduced hot leg temperature is given by Figure 25-16.
As can be seen, a large measure of improvement requires a significant
decrease in hot leg temperature. This is not a practical long-term solution
due to the resultant reduction in power output. However, it may be worth
EPRI Licensed Material
considering in some cases and for a limited period of time to reduce the
rate of damage while preparations are made for other remedial measures.
The data shows that it is desirable to operate at the lowest possible hot
leg temperature consistent with not lowering power output capability, since
even a 10'F (6QC) reduction in hot leg temperature should increase time to
PWSCC by 40%.
FIGURE 25-16
Effect of Reducing Hot Leg Temperature on Time to PWSCC
0 -4-
550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620
Hot Leg Temperature (*F)
Field Experience
Most field experience with temperature reduction has been associated
with attempts to reduce secondary side degradation. The only case of
temperature reduction with the sole purpose of reducing PWSCC took place
in 1990 when EdF lowered the-hot leg temperature of some 1,300 MW units
from 623°F (328°C) to 616°F (325°C) to reduce the incidence of top-of-
tubesheet circumferential cracking (25.67). Yet, even this primary side
cracking was associated with dents induced by secondary side corrosion.
The degradation was remedied by a combination of temperature reduction,
chemical cleaning, sludge lancing, and ID shot peening.
EPRI Licensed Material
Laboratory Basis
Tests have shown that hydrogen added to pure water accelerates the
rate of cracking. Airey found that an increase from no hydrogen to 20 to
25 cc/kg hydrogen in elevated temperature water resulted in a decrease in
time to crack initiation of about 5 for material with moderate amounts of
cold work (25.62). EPRI-sponsored research indicates that the rate of PWSCC
attack increases linearly with the hydrogen concentration at elevated
temperatures (25.63-25.64). EdF has performed stress corrosion tests in 680 T
(3600C) primary water over the hydrogen concentration range of 1 to
8,320 cc/kg. Between the concentrations of 1 and 420 cc/kg (0 to I bar H 2
at 120 °C) cracking susceptibility increased with the addition of hydrogen.
With increased concentrations of 1,660 and at 320 cc/kg (4 and 20 bar H 2 at
120 °C) susceptibility decreased. Similar trends have been observed in pure
water (25.6 25.66) and steam environments (25.66).
Based on the above information, utilities have been encouraged to keep
the hydrogen concentration at the low end of the specified primary side
hydrogen, e. g., in the 25-35 cc/kg portion of the typical 25-50 cc/kg
allowable range.
Field Experience
There have been no published studies correlating effects of primary
side hydrogen concentration on the rate of PWSCC in the field.
Arrest Denting
The purpose of secondary side chemical cleaning as a PWSCC remedial
measure is to clean out crevices between the tube and tube support plates,
and thereby eliminate the load which produces high tensile stresses. If
denting has already occurred, it may be possible to thermally stress relieve
the tubes after chemical cleaning to reduce any remaining tensile residual
stresses (This approach has not been developed or definitely shown to be
practical). As with all chemical cleaning operations there is some risk that
chemical cleaning to prevent denting and PWSCC could damage the steam
generator in some unanticipated way. Accordingly, the risks and benefits
of chemical cleaning for the prevention of PWSCC would need to be
carefully evaluated prior to its field application.
25.1 "Workshop Proceedings: Replacement/ Repair of Steam
Generators." EPRI NP-3207-SR. August 1983.
25.2 Workshop Proceedings: Steam Generator Repair/Replacement
Considerations. Steam Generator Owners Group Conference in
Seattle, WA, July 1985.
25.3 SGOG/EPRI Workshop: Management of Steam Generators
Susceptible to Primary Side Cracking: Remedial Measures and NDE
Methods. Steam Generator Owners Group Conference in St.
Petersburg, FL, December 1985.
25.4 "Proceedings: Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking: 1989 EPRI
Remedial Measures Workshop." EPRI NP-6719-SD. April 1990.
25.5 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. "Basis for Plugging
Degraded PWR Steam Generator Tubes." Regulatory Guide 1.121.
August 1976.
25.6 Leblois, C., and P. Hernalsteen. "Belgian Approach to Plugging
Criteria." In Proceedings: 1989 EPRI PWSCC Remedial Measures
Workshop. EPRI NP-6719. April 1990.
25.7 Hutin J. P., and P. Nicot. "EdF Steam Generator Surveillance and
Maintenance." In Proceedings:1989 EPRIPWSCCRemedial Measures
Workshop. EPRI NP-6719. April 1990.
25.8 Hunt, E. S., and J. A. Gorman. "Status and Suggested Course of
Action for Nondenting-Related Primary-Side IGSCC of
Westinghouse-Type Steam Generators." EPRI NP-4594-LD. May
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-516 "EPRI Secondary Water Chemistry RP404-1
February 1977 Study"
NP-519 "Evaluation of RP698-1
August 1977 Electromagnetic-Acoustic Concepts of
Inspection of Steam Generator
NP-1244 "Optical Technique for Internal RP1 172-3
November 1979 Diametrical Measurement of Steam
Generator Tubes"
NP-1391 "CALIPSOS Code Report", 2 vols. S129-1
April 1980
NP-1392 "Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics of a S129-1
April 1980 Combustion Engineering Series 67
Steam Generator", 2 vols.
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-1479 "Effect of Out-of-Plane Denting Loads S169-1
August 1980 on the Structural Integrity of Steam
Generator Internals"
NP-1528 "Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics of a S129-1
September 1980 Combustion Engineering System 80
Steam Generator", 2 vols.
Report No
and Date Title Promect No
NP-1829 "Chemical Cleaning Demonstration S127-1
April 1981 Test No. 1 in a Mock-Up Steam
NP-1859 "Visual Inspection Equipment for the S155-1
May 1981 Secondary Side of Steam
NP-1 861 "Demonstration Tests on PWR Steam S183-1
May 1981 Generator Tube-Tube Sheet Crevice
Flushing Procedures"
NP-1863 "Secondary Water Chemistry Control S170-1
May 1981 at Genkai No. 1 Design and
Operating Considerations"
NP-1875 "Development of Sensors and S140-1
June 1981 Instrumentation for the TMI-2 OTSG
Tube Vibration Measurements
NP-1876 Vol. 1, "Flow Induced Vibration S140-1
June 1981 Analysis of Three Mile Island Unit 2
Once-Through Steam Generator
NP-1888 "Flow Induced Vibration Analysis of S176-1
June 1981 Oconee 2B OTSG Tubes"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-2041 "Steam Generator Sludge Pile Model S119-1
September 1981 BoilerTesting (Sludge
NP-2042 "Radiographic System for Evaluation S105-1
September 1981 of Steam Generator Support Plate
NP-2046 "Single Tube Thermal and Hydraulic S118-1
September 1981 Tube Support Test"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-2339 "Application of an Eddy-Current S202-2
April 1982 Technique to Steam Generator
U-Bend Characterization"
NP-2388 "HITCH Computer Code: Chemistry RP404-1
May 1982 and pH Estimates of Concentrating
Aqueous Solutions"
NP-2448 "Evaluation of Secondary System S 104-2
June 1982 Oxygen Control in PWR Power Plants
in the USSR"
NP-2492 "Inhibition of Steam Condensate S195-1
July 1982 Corrosion of Copper-Based Alloys by
NP-2505 "Effect of Moisture Separator Drain RP704-1
July 1982 Routing on OTSG Secondary System
NP-2534-LD "Examination of Three Steam S138-2
August 1982 Generator Tubes From the Ginna
Nuclear Power Plant"
NP-2539-LD "Examination of Steam Generator S138-3
August 1982 Tube A(18-37) from the Point Beach
Unit 2 Nuclear Power Plant"
NP-2541 "PWR Steam-Side Chemistry Follow RP699-1
August 1982 Program"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-2650 "Hydrogen Evolution Monitoring As a S117-1
November 1982 Measure of Steam Generator
NP-2652 "Loads on Steam Generator Tubes S144-1
November 1982 During Simulated Loss-of-Coolant
Accident Conditions"
NP-2654 "Effects of Hydrazine and pH on the S196-1
November 1982 Corrosion of Copper-Alloy Materials in
AVT Environments With Oxygen"
NP-2655 "Metal Cation Inhibitors for Controlling S147-1
December 1982 Denting Corrosion in Steam
NP-2656 "Evaluation and Categorization of S113-1
December 1982 Secondary System Layup and
Cleanup Practices for PWR Plants"
NP-2659 "Steam Generator Blowdown Filter 5109-1
November 1982 Testing"
NP-2683 "Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of the S130-1
October 1982 Westinghouse Model 51 Steam
NP-2689 "Tests of Types 51 A and 51 M Steam S154-1
October 1982 Generators at Bugey 4 and Tricastin 1
Nuclear Power Plants"
NP-2692 "In-Air Vibration Analysis of Three Mile S140-1
October 1982 Island Unit-2 Once-Through Steam
Generator Tubes", 2 vols. (Vol. 2 is
available on microfiche only)
NP-2701 "Electrochemical Behavior of Ferrous S127-1
October 1982 and Ferric Ions in EDTA/N2H4
NP-2703 "Salem Unit 1--Denting Mitigation S132-5
October 1982 Program: Implementation of
Improved Oxygen, Chloride, and
Copper Control"
NP-2706 "Secondary Water Chemistry Control S170-1
October 1982 at St. Lucie No. 1"
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
and Date Title Promect No
NP-2711 "Prevention of Wear Problems in S145-1
October 1982 PWR Steam Generators--An
Annotated Bibliography"
NP-2765 "Measurement and THEDA Code S179-1
December 1982 Prediction of Thermal, Velocity, and
Pressure Fields in a Once-Through
Steam Generator Heated Air Model"
NP-2774 "Steam Generator Probe Positioning S125-3
December 1982 Device"
February 1983
"Eddy Current NDE for Intergranular
S201-1 0
NP-2863 "Optical Probe for Steam Generator S181-1
February 1983 Tube Dent"
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-2865 "Monitoring Systems for Determining S187-1
March 1983 Air Inleakage and Oxygen
Concentrations in the Secondary
Cycle of Power Plants"
NP-2872 "Thermal-Hydraulic Code Qualification: S154-2
February 1983 ATHOS2 and Data From Bugey 4 and
Tricastin 1"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-2972-LD "Chemical and Metallographic S138-7
March 1983 Examination of Tube Specimens
From Ringhals 2 Steam Generator"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-2996 "Steam-Water Separation in a S173-1
June 1983 Swirl-Vane Centrifugal Separator", 2
NP-2997 "Ultrasonic Enhancement of Chemical S185-1
April 1983 Cleaning of Steam Generators"
Report No
and Date Title Promect No
NP-3027 "Analysis of Sludge From Indian Point S136-5
June 1983 No. 3
NP-3029 "Evaluation of Steam Generator Tube S138-6
May 1983 R12C66 From Indian Point No. 3"
NP-3030 "Nonproprietary Corrosion Inhibitors S148-1
June 1983 for Solvents to Clean Steam
NP-3031 "Three-Dimensional Thermal/Hydraulic S156-1
January 1984 Code Development"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-3045 "Crevice Corrosion of Lattice Support S204-1
July 1983 Alloys in Secondary Environments of
Nuclear Steam Generators"
NP-3046 "Evaluation of Condensate Polishers" RP623-3
June 1983
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-3058 "The Design and Construction of S193-2
May 1983 Deep Tube Sheet Crevice Devices for
Producing Intergranular Attack of
Heat Transfer Tubing"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-3142-LD "Application of SGOG Secondary S132-12
June 1983 System Chemistry Guidelines at
Pressurized Water Reactors"
NP-3198 "Secondary Water Chemistry at RP704-1
March 1984 Oconee"
NP-3207-SR "Workshop Proceedings: S999
August 1983 Replacement/Repair of Steam
NP-3273 "Evaluation and Optimization of S106-1
November 1983 Magnetic Filters on Simulated Boiler
NP-3274 "Determination and Verification of $111-1
January 1984 Required Water Chemistry Limits;
Volume 3: Pot Boiler Tests"
NP-3274 "Determination and Verification of S111-1
March 1984 Required Water Chemistry Limits;
Volume 1: Summary Report"
NP-3274 "Determination and Verification of $111-1
August 1984 Required Water Chemistry Limits;
Volume 5: Model Boiler 5B Tests"
NP-3275 "Causes of Denting; Volume 5: S157-1
December 1983 Contaminant Threshold Tests"
NP-3275-LD "Causes of Denting; Volume 6: S157-1
March 1984 In-Leakage Concentration
NP-3275 "Causes of Denting; Volume 1: S157-1
May 1984 Summary Report"
NP-3275 "Causes of Denting; Volume 2: S157-1
May 1984 Laboratory Test Results"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-3302 "Data Acquisition-Reduction System S127-1
February 1984 for Chemical Cleaning Processes for
Nuclear Steam Generators"
NP-3311 "Condensate Polishing at Plant S167-1
February 1984 Bowen"
NP-3477 "PWR Steam Generator S305-2
April 1984 Chemical-Cleaning Data Base", 2
NP-3571 "Steam Generator U-Bend Tube S138-5
February 1984 Examination"
NP-3574-SR "Workshop Proceedings: Pitting in S999
October 1984 Steam Generator Tubing"
NP-3703 "Evaluation of Alternative Alloys for RP1450-1
October 1984 PWR Steam Generator Tubing"
NP-3731 "Evaluation of Steam Generator Tube S304-4
September 1984 R34C54 From the Ginna Nuclear
Power Plant"
NP-3791 "Development of a Model for RP2163-1
September 1984 Predicting Intergranular Stress
Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600 Tubes
in Primary Water"
NP-3818 "Proceedings: IGA Remedies S302-22
November 1984 Contractors' Meeting"
NP-3847 "Microchemistry of Corroded S302-8
February 1985 Intergranular Surfaces"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-3928 "Evaluation of Eddy-Current S301-1
April 1985 Procedures for Measuring Wear Scars
in Preheat Steam Generators"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-4364 "Specifications for In Situ Stress Relief S303-6
December 1985 of PWR Steam Generator Tube
U-Bends and Roll Transitions"
NP-4375 "Destructive Examination of Zion Unit S304-5
December 1985 1 Tube and Antivibration Bar
NP-4456 "Steam Generator Tube S306-1
March 1986 Denting--Field Study"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-4564 "High-Sensitivity Dissolved-Gas S306-15
May 1986 Monitoring System With Applications
for PWR Secondary-Side Chemistry"
NP-4594 "Status and Suggested Course of S303-6
May 1986 Action for Nondenting-Related
Primary-Side IGSCC of
Westinghouse-Type Steam
NP-4597 "Chemical Cleaning of Millstone Unit 2" S305-21
May 1986
NP-4600 "Effect of Venting on Crevice Cleaning S305-13
May 1986 for PWR Steam Generators"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-4665-M "Proceedings: Workshop on Thermally S999
July 1986 Treated Alloy 690 Tubes for Nuclear
Steam Generators"
NP-4665-SR "Proceedings: Workshop on Thermally S999
July 1986 Treated Alloy 690 Tubes for Nuclear
Steam Generators"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-4759-LD "Evaluation of Steam Generator Hot S304-16
August 1986 Leg Tubes R18C43 and R18C53
From the Cabrera Nuclear Power
NP-4760-LD "Examination. of Steam Generator S304-15
August 1986 Tubes R18C53HL and R18C43HL
From the Jose Cabrera (Zorita)
Nuclear Power Station"
NP-4802 "Evaluation of Environmental Effects S302-9
September 1986 on Intergranular Attack of Alloy 600"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-4978 "Evaluation of Intergranular Attack on S302-13
December 1987 Alloy 600, Volume 2: Effectiveness of
Boric Acid"
NP-5008 "Evaluation of Sulfur Hexaflouride and RP2599-2
January 1987 Helium for Steam Generator Leak
NP-5009 "Array Coil Probe" S301-6
March 1987
NP-5012 "Stress Corrosion Cracking Test of S303-22
January 1987 Expanded Steam Generator Tubes"
NP-5015 "Hideout and Return of Chloride Salts RP1171-3
January 1987 in Heated Crevices Prototypic of
Support Plates in Steam Generators"
NP-5017 "Crevice Corrosion of Support Alloys in RP623-6
March 1987 the Secondary Environments of
Nuclear Steam Generators -
Supplemental Report"
NP-5022-LD "Metallurgical and Chemical S304-3
December 1986 Evaluation of Tubes R17C85,
R28C32, and R26C50 From a Doel
Unit 2 Steam Generator"
NP-5026 "Assessment of Sulfur in Chemical S305-9
February 1987 Cleaning of PWR Steam Generators"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-5092 "Hideout of Impurities in Steam S306-17
March 1987 Generators During Heat-Up and
Power Ascension"
NP-5109 "Production of Eddy-Current S302-10
April 1987 Standards for Caustic Intergranular
NP-5120 "lntergranular Attack or Corrosion in a S302-6
July 1987 Once-Through Model Steam
NP-5129 "Mechanisms of Intergranular Attack S302-1
July 1987 and Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy
600 by High-Temperature Caustic
Solutions Containing Impurities"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-5207 "Pitting in Steam Generator Tubing: S308-6
June 1987 Causes and Corrective Actions"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-5397 "Laboratory Evaluation of Steam S304-21
August 1987 Generator Tubes 120/12, 79/9, and
59/95 from St. Lucie Unit 1"
NP-5400 "Micromorphology and Microchemistry S302-23
September 1987 , of Corrosion Products in Tubesheet
NP-5406 "Electrochemical Corrosion of Alloy S302-17
September 1987 600 in Secondary Water"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-5556 "Numerical Prediction of S310-6
May 1988 Turbulence-Induced Steam Generator
Tube Vibration"
NP-5557 "ATHOS3 Computer Code S310-8
June 1988 Verification", 2 vols.
NP-5558 "Boric Acid Application Guidelines for S302-13
December 1987 Intergranular Corrosion Inhibition"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-5561 -CCML "MULTEQ: Equilibrium of an S407-30
August 1992 Electrolytic Solution with Vapor-Liquid
Partitioning; Volume 3: Theory
NP-5563 "NDE and Mechanical Removal of $403-2,$403-4,R
January 1988 Sludge in PWR Steam Generators", 2 P2755
NP-5565 "Vibration and Wear Prediction for S310-5
June 1988 Steam Generator Tubes"
Report No
and Date Title Proiect No
NP-5708 "Determination of Thermodynamic S407-1
August 1992 Data for Modeling Corrosion; Volume
5: NiCl2, CuCI2, HNO3, Ni(N)3)2,
NaNO3 Systems"
NP-5712 "Oxide-Film Compositions and S302-25
April 1988 Morphology on Alloy 600 Tubes From
Steam Generators, North Anna Unit 1
and Point Beach Unit 1"
NP-5728 "Verification of the ATHOS3 Code RP1066-10
May 1988 Against Feedring and Preheat Steam
Generator Test Data"
NP-5761-M "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloys RP1450-2
May 1988 600 and 690 in All-Volatile-Treated
Water at Elevated Temperatures"
NP-5761-SP "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloys RP1450-2
May 1988 600 and 690 in All-Volatile-Treated
Water at Elevated Temperatures"
NP-5764 "PWR Water Treatment RP1571-5
May 1988 Improvements: Cost-Benefit Analysis"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-5928-M "Supplementary Examination of S302-7
October 1988 Alternative Materials in a Model
Steam Generator; Volume 1:
Tubesheet and Tube Bundle
NP-5928-M "Supplementary Examination of S302-7
October 1988 Alternative Materials in a Model
Steam Generator, Volume 3: Tube
Characterization by Metallography
and Transmission Electron
NP-5928 "Supplementary Examination of S302-7
October 1988 Alternative Materials in a Model
Steam Generator; Volume 3: Tube
Characterization by Metallography
and Transmission Electron
NP-5928-M "Supplementary Examination of S302-7
January 1989 Alternative Materials in a Model
Steam Generator, Volume 2:
Correlation of Model 10 Defects With
Eddy-Current Indications"
NP-5928-M "Supplementary Examination of S302-7
January 1989 Alternative Materials in a Model
Steam Generator; Volume 2:
Correlation of Model 10 Defects With
Eddy-Current Indications"
NP-5928-SP "Supplementary Examination of S302-7
January 1989 Alternative Materials in a Model
Steam Generator; Volume 2:
Correlation of Model 10 Defects With
Eddy-Current Indications"
NP-5929 "CECIL: A Robot for Secondary-Side S403-3
February 1989 Maintenance of PWR Steam
NP-5971 "1987 EPRI Workshop on S407-7
September 1988 Secondary-Side Intergranular
Corrosion Mechanisms: Proceedings",
2 vols.
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-5987-M "Proceedings: 1987 EPRI Workshop S407-7
September 1988 on Mechanisms of Primary Water
Intergranular Stress Corrosion
NP-6005 "Proceedings: 1987 Symposium on S407-17
March 1990 Chemistry in High-Temperature
NP-6115-M "lntergranular Attack of Alloy 600: S302-24
February 1989 Simulation and Remedial Action
NP-6192-M "Examination of Roller Expansion S407-19
July 1989 Transitions in Point Beach Unit 1
Steam Generator Tubing"
NP-6201 "PWR Steam Generator Examination S404-8
December 1988 Guidelines: Revision 2"
Report No
and Date Title Proiect No
NP-6703-M "Effect of Different Thermal S408-2
March 1990 Treatments on the Corrosion
Resistance of Alloy 690 Tubing"
NP-6705-M "Measurement of Surface-Induced S406-1
March 1990 Microplasticity in Alloy 600 C-Rings"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-6721-SD "Corrosion Evaluation of Thermally RP1708-2
April 1990 Treated Alloy 600 Tubing in Primary
and Faulted Secondary Water
NP-6743-L "Guidelines for PWR Steam S303-12
February 1991 Generator Tubing Specifications and
Repair; Volume 1: Specification for
Alloy 600 Steam Generator Tubing"
NP-6743-L "Guidelines for PWR Steam S408-1
February 1991 Generator Tubing Specifications and
Repair; Volume 2: Guidelines for
Procurement of Alloy 690 Steam
Generator Tubing"
NP-6743-L "Guidelines for PWR Steam S408-5
February 1991 Generator Tubing Specifications and
Repair; Volume 3: Steam Generator
Tube Sleeving: Design, Specification,
and Procurement Checklist"
NP-6743-L "Guidelines for PWR Steam S407-7
February 1991 Generator Tubing Specifications and
Repair; Volume 4: Guidelines for
Tube Section Removal and
NP-6750-M "Proceedings: 1989 EPRI Alloy 690 S408-1
April 1990 Workshop"
NP-6750-SD "Proceedings: 1989 EPRI Alloy 690 S408-1
April 1990 Workshop"
NP-6774 "Evaluation of Sampling Schemes for S404-11
March 1990 In-Service Inspection of Steam
Generator Tubing"
NP-6864-L "PWR Steam Generator S404-12,S404-1
December 1990 Tube-Plugging Limits: Technical 5,S404-18,S404-
Support Document for Expansion 19,S404-21,$40
Zone PWSCC in Roll Transitions" 4-24,S404-90,S4
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-6864-L "PWR Steam Generator Tube Repair S404-12,S404-1
December 1991 Limits: Technical Support Document 5,$404-18,$404-
for Expansion Zone PWSCC in Roll 21,S404-24,S40
Transitions, Rev. 1" 4-32,S404-37,S4
Report No
and Date Title Project No
NP-7041 "Large Eddy Simulation on S410-12
November 1990 Supercomputers"
Report No
and Date Title Proiect No
NP-7381 "Preoperational Practices for Steam S307-13
September 1991 Generators and Secondary-System
NP-7382 "Design and Operating Guidelines for S307-13
September 1991 Nuclear Power Plant Condensers"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
TR-100407 "PWR Steam Generator Tube Repair S404-15,S404-1
March 1992 Limits: Technical Support Document 9,S404-21,S404-
for Outside Diameter Stress Corrosion 24,S404-29,S40
Cracking at Tube Support Plates" 4-30,S404-31,54
TR-100755 "PWR Advanced All-Volatile S409-2
July 1992 Treatment Additives, By-Products,
and Boric Acid"
Report No
and Date Title Project No
TR-100909 "An Assessment of Inspection S404-6
July 1992 Options for Steam Generator Tubing"
TR-100910 "Tensile Deformation and Recovery S408-3
July 1992 Kinetics of Alloy 690"
TR-101010 "Correlation of Secondary-Side S407-7
August 1992 IGA/SCC Degradation of Recirculating
Steam Generator Tubing With the
On-Line Addition of Boric Acid"
TR-101103 "Proceedings: 1991 EPRI Workshop S407-7
August 1992 on Secondary-Side Intergranular
Corrosion Mechanisms"
TR-101104 "Mercury Modeling for PWSCC S404-28
August 1992 Length Sizing"
TR-101105 "Remedial Actions for Acidic Sulfate S407-36
August 1992 Corrosion"
TR-101106 "Adsorption of Sulfate in PWR Steam S407-37
August 1992 Generators: Laboratory Tests"
TR-101230 "Interim PWR Secondary Water S401
September 1992 Chemistry Recommendations for
IGA/SCC Control"
TR-101427 "Examination of Trojan Steam S413-2
November 1992 Generator Tubes; Volume 1:
Examination Results"
TR-101427 "Examination of Trojan Steam S413-2
November 1992 Generator Tubes; Volume 2:
TR-101427 "Examination of Trojan Steam S413-4
November 1992 Generator Tubes; Volume 3:
Rockwell, Auger, and XPS Analyses"
TR-101983 "Characterization of Microstructure S303-1 0,S303-2
February 1993 and IGSCC of Alloy 600 Steam 6,S404-13
Generator Tubing"
TR-102134 "PWR Secondary Water Chemistry S401
May 1993 Guidelines--Revision 3"
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
and Date Title Project No
TR-102355 "Residual Stresses in Roller-Expanded S406-11
May 1993 Steam Generator Tube Transitions"
Report No
Project No Title and Date
RP304-11 "Evaluation of Alloy 600 Tube A77-34 NP-4504
From Steam Generator A of Arkansas March 1986
Nuclear One, Unit 1"
RP404-1 "EPRI Secondary Water Chemistry NP-516
Study" February 1977
RP404-1 "Modeling of Cooling-Water Inleakage NP-1 786
Effects in PWR Steam Generators" April 1981
RP404-1 "Corrosion-Product Transport in PWR NP-2149
Secondary Systems" December 1981
RP404-1 "HITCH Computer Code: Chemistry and NP-2388
pH Estimates of Concentrating Aqueous May 1982
RP404-1 "Use of the HITCH Code to Evaluate NP-3851
Amines as Neutralizers of Crevice January 1985
Acidity in Nuclear Steam Generators"
RP404-1 "The Impact of Makeup Water System NP-4050
Performance on PWR Steam Generator June 1985
RP404-1 "Effect of Boric Acid Treatment on the NP-4270
Secondary Cycle at ANO-2" November 1985
RP623-1 "PWR Model Steam Generator NP-3138
Corrosion Studies" June 1983
RP623-2 "Tests of Isothermal Soaking NP-1 761
Procedures for Limiting Tube Denting in April 1981
Nuclear Steam Generators"
RP623-2 "Neutralization of Crevice Acids" NP-3054
May 1983
RP623-3 "Evaluation of Condensate Polishers" NP-3046
June 1983
RP623-4 "The Design and Construction of Model NP-1965
Steam Generators for Corrosion Testing August 1981
of Alternate Materials"
RP623-5 "Sodium-Sulfate Solubilities in NP-3047
High-Temperature (250-374 0 C) Salt and July 1983
Acid Solutions"
EPRI Licensed Material.
Report No
Project No Title and Date
RP623-6 "Crevice Corrosion of Support Alloys in NP-5017
the Secondary Environments of Nuclear March 1987
Steam Generators - Supplemental
RP698-1 "Evaluation of Electromagnetic-Acoustic NP-519
Concepts of Inspection of Steam August 1977
Generator Tubing"
RP699-1 "PWR Steam-Side Chemistry Follow NP-2541
Program" August 1982
RP699-2 "Crevice Hideout Return Testing" NP-4678
July 1986
RP704-1 "Model of Vaporous Carry-Over" NP-1787
April 1981
RP704-1 "Effect of Moisture Separator Drain NP-2505
Routing on OTSG Secondary System July 1982
RP704-1 "Secondary Water Chemistry at Oconee" NP-3198
March 1984
RP1066-10 "Verification of the ATHOS3 Code NP-5728
Against Feedring and Preheat Steam May 1988
Generator Test Data"
RP1161-1 "Surface and Grain Boundary NP-3949
Segregation, Stress Corrosion Cracking, March 1985
and Corrosion Fatigue of Inconel 600"
RP1 171-1 "Rationale for Chemical Control of Feed NP-3048
and Boiler Water: Volumes 1, 2, and 3" January 1984
RP1171-2 "Oxide Growth Mechanisms on NP-4647
Chromium Alloy Steels" July 1986
RP1 171-3 "Salt Concentration in Heated Crevices NP-3050
and Simulated Scale" October 1983
RP1171-3 "The Effects of Oxygen, Copper, and NP-4648
Acid Chlorides on Denting Corrosion" July 1986
RP1 171-3 "Hideout and Return of Chloride Salts in NP-5015
Heated Crevices Prototypic of Support January 1987
Plates in Steam Generators"
RP1172-3 "Optical Technique for Internal NP-1244
Diametrical Measurement of Steam November 1979
Generator Tubes"
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
RP1447-2 "Method for Detecting Resin Leakage in NP-5802
LWR Coolant" May 1988
RP1450-1 "Evaluation of Alternative Alloys for NP-3703
PWR Steam Generator Tubing" October 1984
RP1450-2 "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloys 600 NP-5761-M
and 690 in All-Volatile-Treated Water at May 1988
Elevated Temperatures"
RP1450-2 "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloys 600 NP-5761 -SP
and 690 in All-Volatile-Treated Water at May 1988
Elevated Temperatures"
RP1571-2 "Catalytic Methods of Deoxygenating NP-5794
Water" April 1988
RP1571-5 "Cleanup of Steam Cycle Drains in NP-5621
PWRs With Once-Through Steam January 1988
RP1571-5 "PWR Water Treatment Improvements: NP-5764
Cost-Benefit Analysis" May 1988
RP1571-7 "Evaluation of New pH Control Agents NP-4624
for PWR Secondary Water Systems" June 1986
RP1618-2 "Mechanism of Intergranular Corrosion NP-3957
of Inconel 600 Tubing in PWR Steam March 1985
RP1618-3 "lntergranular Corrosion of Inconel 600 NP-3998-M
Tubing for PWR Steam Generators" May 1985
RP1708-1 "Optimization of Metallurgical Variables NP-3051
to Improve Corrosion Resistance on July 1983
Inconel Alloy 600"
RP1708-2 "Corrosion Evaluation of Thermally NP-6721 -M
Treated Alloy 600 Tubing in Primary and April 1990
Faulted Secondary Water
RP1708-2 "Corrosion Evaluation of Thermally NP-6721 -SD
Treated Alloy 600 Tubing in Primary and April 1990
Faulted Secondary Water
RP2160-8 "A Model of Sludge Behavior in Nuclear NP-4620
Plant Steam Generators" June 1986
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
RP2160-13 "Measurement of pH and Corrosion NP-5193
Potentials of Tube Alloys in Solutions May 1987
Found in Steam Generators"
RP2163-1 "Development of a Model for Predicting NP-3791
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking September 1984
of Alloy 600 Tubes in Primary Water"
RP2163-3 "Electrochemistry and Corrosion of NP-4705
Alloys in High-Temperature Water" July 1986
RP2163-4 "Microstructural Effects on NP-5192
Microdeformation and Primary-Side May 1987
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600
RP2163-5 "lntergranular Corrosion Mechanisms of NP-5396
Alloy 600" August 1987
RP2297-1 "Oxygen Control in PWR Makeup Water" NP-5623
January 1988
RP2599-1 "Methods for Evaluating Steam NP-4940
Generator Hideout Return Data: Case December 1986
Study at North Anna"
RP2599-1 "Prairie Island Chemical Hideout Study" NP-5592
February 1988
RP2599-1 "Effects of Alternate pH Control NP-5594
Additives in PWRs" February 1988
RP2599-2 "Evaluation of Sulfur Hexaflouride and NP-5008
Helium for Steam Generator Leak January 1987
RP2614-46 "Self-Compensating Flow Distribution" NP-6988-D
September 1990
RP2614-75 "Statistical Signal Processing Methods TR-100836
for Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation" June 1992
RP2647-1 "On-Line Monitoring of Secondary-Cycle NP-5266
Chemistry with Morpholine at the June 1987
Beaver Valley Power Station"
RP2705-9,RP3 "Eddy-Current Steam Generator Data TR-1 02549
112-1 ,S404-20 Analysis Performance" May 1993
RP2758 "Progress in Radiation Control NP-6708
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
RP2812-3 "Proceedings: Workshop on Initiation of NP-5828
Stress Corrosion Cracking Under LWR May 1988
RP3154-2 "Fractographic analysis of A Crack in a NP-7420
Zion Steam Generator" July 1991
S101-1 "A Prototype EMAT System for NP-2836
Inspection of Steam Generator Tubes" January 1983
S102-1 "Steam Generator Crevice Gap NP-1419
Measurement by Induced-Vibration May 1980
S 102-3 "Induced-Vibration Analysis Probe for NP-2271
Measurement of Steam Generator February 1982
Tube-to-Support Plate Clearance"
S103-1 "Optical Scanner for Steam Generator NP-1 397
Tube Inspection" May 1980
S 103-2 "Optical Scanner System for Internal NP-1944
Inspection of Steam Generator Tubes" July 1981
S104-1 "Evaluation and Improvement of PWR NP-3020
Secondary System Oxygen Control July 1983
S 104-2 "Evaluation of Secondary System NP-2448
Oxygen Control in PWR Power Plants in June 1982
the USSR"
$105-1 "Radiographic System for Evaluation of NP-2042
Steam Generator Support Plate September 1981
$105-1 "Steam Generator Support Plate NP-2823
Radiographic Evaluation System" January 1983
S106-1 "Evaluation and Optimization of NP-3273
Magnetic Filters on Simulated Boiler November 1983
S108-1 "Profilometry for Steam Generator Tube NP-2141
Dent Characterization" November 1981
$109-1 "Steam Generator Blowdown Filter NP-2659
Testing" November 1982
S110-1 "Fatigue Performance of Ni-Cr-Fe Alloy NP-2957
600 Under Typical PWR Steam March 1983
Generator Conditions"
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Prowect No Title and Date
$111-1 "Determination and Verification of NP-3022
Required Water Chemistry Limits, Vol. January 1984
3: Pot Boilers 8A and 8B"
$111-1 "Determination and Verification of NP-3274
Required Water Chemistry Limits; March 1984
Volume 1: Summary Report"
$111-1 "Determination and Verification of NP-3274
Required Water Chemistry Limits; January 1984
Volume 3: Pot Boiler Tests"
$111-1 "Determination and Verification of NP-3274
Required Water Chemistry Limits; August 1984
Volume 5: Model Boiler 5B Tests"
S111-2 "Evaluation of Surrogate Boilers for NP-2967
Steam Generators" March 1983
S112-1 "Neutralization of Steam Generator NP-3023
Denting" September 1982
S112-2 "Characterization of Single-Tube Model NP-3024
Boiler Dented Intersection Specimens" May 1983
S113-1 "Evaluation and Categorization of NP-2656
Secondary System Layup and Cleanup December 1982
Practices for PWR Plants"
S113-1 "Evaluation of Secondary System Layup NP-2977
and Cleanup Practices and Processes" April 1983
S115-1 "Field Experiences with Multifrequency NP-2299
Multiparameter Eddy Current March 1982
S116-1 "Implementation of Boric Acid in the NP-3066
Field--Indian Point Unit 3 Plant" May 1983
S117-1 "Hydrogen Evolution Monitoring As a NP-2650
Measure of Steam Generator Corrosion" November 1982
S118-1 "Single Tube Thermal and Hydraulic NP-2046
Tube Support Test" September 1981
$119-1 "Steam Generator Sludge Pile Model NP-1941
Boiler Testing" July 1981
S119-1 "Steam Generator Sludge Pile Model NP-2041
Boiler Testing (Sludge Characterization)" September 1981
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Pro*ect No Title and Date
S119-2 "Tube-to-Tube Sheet Joint Test", 2 vols. NP-3013
March 1983
S119-3 "Effect of Calcium Hydroxide and NP-3060
Carbonates on IGA and SCC of Alloy May 1983
S120-1 "Investigation of Steam Generator NP-3068
Corrosion Products Under Typical PWR May 1984
Operating Conditions"
S121-1 "Thermal-Hydraulic Tests of Steam NP-2838
Generator Tube Support Plate January 1983
Crevices", 3 vols.
S122-1 "Method of Reducing Carry-Over and NP-1 607
Reducing Pressure Drop Through November 1980
Steam Separators"
S124-1 "Laboratory Program to Examine Effects NP-3012
of Layup Conditions on Pitting of Alloy April 1983
S125-1 "Magnetic Flux Leakage for NP-1427
Measurement of Crevice Gap Clearance June 1980
and Tube Support Plate Inspection"
S125-1 "Magnetic Flux Leakage for NP-2857
Measurement of Crevice Gap Clearance February 1983
and Tube Support Plate Inspection"
S125-3 "Steam Generator Probe Positioning NP-2774
Device" December 1982
S126-1 "Steam Generator Mock-Up Facilities" NP-1785
April 1981
S127-1 "Chemical Cleaning Demonstration Test NP-1 829
No. 1 in a Mock-Up Steam Generator" April 1981
S127-1 "Electrochemical Behavior of Ferrous NP-2701
and Ferric Ions in EDTA/N2H4 October 1982
S127-1 "Chemical Cleaning Solvent and NP-2976
Process Testing" April 1983
S127-1 "Chemical Cleaning Demonstration Test NP-3008
No. 2 in a Mock-Up Steam Generator" April 1983
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S127-1 "Data Acquisition-Reduction System for NP-3302
Chemical Cleaning Processes for February 1984
Nuclear Steam Generators"
S128-1 "Steam Generator Chemical Cleaning NP-1 789
Demonstration Test No. 1 in a Pot April 1981
S128-1 "Steam Generator Chemical Cleaning: NP-1976
Demonstration Test No. 2 in a Pot August 1981
S128-1 "Steam Generator Chemical Cleaning NP-2983
Demonstration Test No. 3 in a Pot April 1983
S128-1 "Steam Generator Chemical Cleaning: NP-2990
Demonstration Test in a Model Boiler" June 1983
S129-1 "CALIPSOS Code Report", 2 vols. NP-1391
April 1980
S129-1 "Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics of a NP-1 392
Combustion Engineering Series 67 April 1980
Steam Generator", 2 vols.
S129-1 "Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics of a NP-1528
Combustion Engineering System 80 September 1980
Steam Generator", 2 vols.
S129-1 "Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics of a NP-1719
Westinghouse Model F Steam March 1981
Generator", 2 vols.
S129-1 "Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics of a NP-1721
Westinghouse Model 51 Steam March 1981
Generator", 2 vols.
S130-1 "Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of the NP-1546
Combustion Engineering System 80 September 1980
Steam Generator"
S130-1 "Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of the NP-1 678
Combustion Engineering Series 67 January 1981
Steam Generator"
S130-1 "Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of the NP-2683
Westinghouse Model 51 Steam October 1982
S131-1 "Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of NP-1 431
Once-Through Steam Generators" June 1980
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S132-2 "Effect of Changing the Hydrazine NP-2270
Injection Point at the Carolina Power February 1982
and Light, H. B. Robinson Plant"
S 132-5 "Salem Unit 1--Denting Mitigation NP-2703
Program: Implementation of Improved October 1982
Oxygen, Chloride, and Copper Control"
S 132-8 "Hydrazine Usage for Corrosion Control NP-2969
in PWR Plants With Powdered Resin March 1983
Condensate Polishers"
S132-10 "Evaluation of Field Applications of Boric NP-3278
Acid in PWR Steam Generators" March 1984
S132-12 "Application of SGOG Secondary NP-3142-LD
System Chemistry Guidelines at June 1983
Pressurized Water Reactors"
S133-1 "Boiling Heat Transfer in a Narrow NP-2610
Eccentric Annulus" September 1982
S134-1 "Boiling in Narrow Crevices in Steam NP-2638
Generators" November 1982
S136-1 "Evaluation of Steam Generator Tube NP-1794
85-127 From Oconee 1B" April 1981
S136-2 "Evaluation of Oconee Steam NP-2082
Generator Debris" October 1981
S136-4 "Evaluation of the Lower Tube Sheet NP-3026-LD
Region of an Oconee 1 Steam July 1983
Generator Tube"
S136-5 "Analysis of Sludge From Indian Point NP-3027
No. 3 June 1983
S138-1 "Examination of Three Steam Generator NP-2958-LD
Tubes From Point Beach Unit 1 Nuclear January 1984
Power Plant"
S138-2 "Examination of Steam Generator Tube NP-1 412
R45C52 From the Ginna Power Plant" May 1980
S138-2 "Examination of Three Steam Generator NP-2534-LD
Tubes From the Ginna Nuclear Power August 1982
S138-3 "Examination of Steam Generator Tube .NP-2539-LD
A(18-37) from the Point Beach Unit 2 August 1982
Nuclear Power Plant"
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S138-4 "Evaluation of Steam Generator U-Bend NP-2629-LD
Tubes From Trojan Nuclear Power September 1982
S138-5 "Steam Generator U-Bend Tube NP-3571
Examination" February 1984
S138-6 "Evaluation of Steam Generator Tube NP-3029
R12C66 From Indian Point No. 3" May 1983
S138-6 "Evaluation of Steam Generator Tubes NP-3070-LD
R7C45 and R21C46 From the Ginna May 1983
Nuclear Power Plant"
S138-7 "Chemical and Metallographic NP-2972-LD
Examination of Tube Specimens From March 1983
Ringhals 2 Steam Generator"
S138-8 "lntergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking NP-3057
of Ni-Cr-Fe Alloy 600 Tubes in PWR. May 1§983
Primary Water--Review and Assessment
for Model Development"
S139-1 "Calibration of Instrumented Steam NP-2805
Separators to Determine Quality and January 1983
Flow Distribution in an Operating Steam
S140-1 "Development of Sensors and NP-1875
Instrumentation for the TMI-2 OTSG June 1981
Tube Vibration Measurements Program"
S140-1 Vol. 1, "Flow Induced Vibration Analysis NP-1876
of Three Mile Island Unit 2 June 1981
Once-Through Steam Generator Tubes"
S140-1 "In-Air Vibration Analysis of Three Mile NP-2692
Island Unit-2 Once-Through Steam October 1982
Generator Tubes", 2 vols. (Vol. 2 is
available on microfiche only)
$142-1 "Evaluation of Pulse-Echo Ultrasound NP-2285
for Steam Generator Tube-to-Support March 1982
Plate Gap Measurement"
$143-1 Vol. 1, "Tube Support Response to NP-2971
Tube Denting Evaluation" and Vol. 2 May 1983
(Appendix H-Test Data)
$144-1 "Loads on Steam Generator Tubes NP-2652
During Simulated Loss-of-Coolant November 1982
Accident Conditions"
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S145-1 "Prevention of Wear Problems in PWR NP-2711
Steam Generators--An Annotated October 1982
S146-1 "Estimation of Diffusion Coefficients for NP-1 963
Electrolyte in Hot Water" August 1981
S146-1 "Diffusion and Hideout in Crevices" NP-2979
March 1983
S147-1 "Metal Cation Inhibitors for Controlling NP-2655
Denting Corrosion in Steam Generators" December 1982
S148-1 "Nonproprietary Corrosion Inhibitors for NP-3030
Solvents to Clean Steam Generators" June 1983
S149-1 "Cleaning Steam Generators Offline NP-2815
(Soaking) With Chelants" February 1983
S150-1 "Steam Generator Chemical Cleaning NP-3009
Process Development" April 1983
S150-3 "Chemical Cleaning Process NP-2987
Evaluation--Westinghouse Steam April 1983
S151-1 "An Engineering and Probabilistic NP-3065
Analysis of Tube Cracking Performance June 1983
in Once-Through Steam Generators", 2
S153-1 "Flow-Induced Vibration of Steam NP-4559
Generator Tubes" May 1986
S154-1 "Tests of Types 51 A and 51 M Steam NP-2689
Generators at Bugey 4 and Tricastin 1 October 1982
Nuclear Power Plants"
S154-2 "Thermal-Hydraulic Code Qualification: NP-2872
ATHOS2 and Data From Bugey 4 and February 1983
Tricastin 1"
S154-2 "An Evaluation of Techniques to Predict NP-2986
Flow-Induced Tube Vibration in a March 1983
Preheat Steam Generator"
S155-1 "Visual Inspection Equipment for the NP-1859
Secondary Side of Steam Generators" May 1981
S156-1 "Three-Dimensional Thermal/Hydraulic NP-3031
Code Development" January 1984
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S157-1 "Causes of Denting; Volume 1: NP-3275
Summary Report" May 1984
S157-1 "Causes of Denting; Volume 2: NP-3275
Laboratory Test Results" May 1984
S157-1 "Causes of Denting; Volume 3: Plant NP-3275
Chemistry Correlations" May 1984
S157-1 "Causes of Denting; Volume 4: NP-3275
Isothermal Tests" May 1984
S157-1 "Causes of Denting; Volume 5: NP-3275
Contaminant Threshold Tests" December 1983
S157-1 "Causes of Denting; Volume 6: NP-3275-LD
In-Leakage Concentration Experiments" March 1984
S158-1 "Investigation of Phosphate-Sludge NP-2963
Interactions" March 1983
S160-1 "Steam Generator Data Base" NP-3033
June 1983
S163-1 "State-of-the-Art Evaluation of NP-2978
Condensate Polisher Performance" April 1983
S163-1 "Condensate Polisher Resin Leakage NP-2981
Quantification and Resin Transport April 1983
S164-1 "Evaluation of Steam Generator Fluid NP-2993
Mixing During Layup" May 1983
S165-1 "OTSG Tube Failures: Upper Tube NP-2790
Sheet Corrosion Tests" December 1982
S166-1 "On-Line Use of Chelants in Nuclear NP-2973
Steam Generators--Feasibility Study" April 1983
S167-1 "A Review of Condensate Demineralizer NP-2975
Regeneration Procedures" April 1983
S167-1 "Condensate Demineralizer NP-3035
Performance During Periods of High June 1983
Condenser Leakage"
S167-1 "Condensate Polishing at Surry Nuclear NP-3037
Power Station" June 1983
S167-1 "Condensate Polishing at Plant Bowen" NP-3311
February 1984
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S167-7 "Modeling of Crevice Corrosion in PWR NP-2825-LD
Steam Generators" January 1983
S168-1 "Thermal and Hydraulic Code NP-2887
Verification, ATHOS2 and Model Boiler February 1983
No. 2 Data", 3 vols.
S169-1 "Effect of Out-of-Plane Denting Loads NP-1479
on the Structural Integrity of Steam August 1980
Generator Internals"
S170-1 "Secondary Water Chemistry Control at NP-1 863
Genkai No. 1 Design and Operating May 1981
S170-1 "Secondary Water Chemistry at NP-2268
Ringhals Unit 2" February 1982
S170-1 "Secondary Water Chemistry Control at NP-2706
St. Lucie No. 1" October 1982
S170-1 "Secondary Water Chemistry at NP-2974
Millstone 2" April 1983
S171-1 "A Study of the Boiling Processes in the NP-3018
Sludge Deposit of Steam Generators" May 1983
S172-1 "Numerical Simulation of Steam NP-3063
Separators Used in Nuclear Steam June 1983
Generators and Reactor Systems", 2
S173-1 "Steam-Water Separation in a NP-2996
Swirl-Vane Centrifugal Separator", 2 June 1983
S174-1 "Fretting & Fatigue in Steam Generators NP-3039
Part 1, Determination of Tube-to-Tube November 1983
Support Interaction Characteristics"
S176-1 "Flow Induced Vibration Analysis of NP-1 888
Oconee 2B OTSG Tubes" June 1981
S176-1 "Static Strain Analysis of TMI-2 OTSG NP-2146
Tubes" December 1981
S179-1 "Predictions and Measurements of NP-2643
Isothermal Airflow in a Model Once November 1982
Through Steam Generator"
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S179-1 "Measurement-and THEDA Code NP-2765
Prediction of Thermal, Velocity, and December 1982
Pressure Fields in a Once-Through
Steam Generator Heated Air Model"
S180-1 "Tube Support Plate Thermal and NP-3052
Hydraulic Testing" May 1983
S181-1 "Optical Probe for Steam Generator NP-2863
Tube Dent" February 1983
S182-1 "Condenser Inleakage Monitoring NP-2597
System Development" October 1982
S183-1 "Demonstration Tests on PWR Steam NP-1861
Generator Tube-Tube Sheet Crevice May 1981
Flushing Procedures"
S183-2 "Neutralization of Tube Sheet Crevice NP-3040
Corrosion" May 1983
S183-3 "Amine Borane Compounds in NP-3041
Crevice-Cleaning Solutions" June 1984
S183-4 "IGA of Alloy 600 in High-Temperature NP-3059
Solutions of Sodium Hydroxide May 1983
Contaminated With Carbonate"
S185-1 "Ultrasonic Enhancement of Chemical NP-2997
Cleaning of Steam Generators" April 1983
S186-1 "Model Tests of a Once-Through Steam NP-3042
Generator for Lane Blocker Assessment June 1982
and THEDA Code Verification"
S187-1 "Monitoring Systems for Determining Air NP-2865
Inleakage and Oxygen Concentrations March 1983
in the Secondary Cycle of Power Plants"
S189-1 "Guide to Design of Secondary Systems NP-2294
and Their Components to Minimize March 1982
Oxygen-Induced Corrosion"
S190-1 "Crevice Hideout Return Testing" NP-3067
May 1983
$191-1 "Stress Corrosion of Alloys 600 and 690 NP-3043
in Acidic Sulfate Solutions at Elevated October 1983
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S191-2 "The Role of Electrochemistry in Causes NP-2962
and Measurement of Corrosion in PWR March 1983
Steam Generators"
S191-3 "In Situ Heat Treatment and Polythionic NP-3056
Acid Testing of Inconel 600 Row I April 1983
Steam Generator U-Bends", 3 vols.
S192-1 "Corrosion Performance of Alternative NP-3044
Steam Generator Materials and July 1983
Designs", 3 vols.
S 192-2 "Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600 NP-3061
and Alloy 690 in All Volatile Treated May 1983
Water at Elevated Temperatures"
S192-3 "Stress Relief to Prevent Stress NP-3055
Corrosion in the Transition Region of May 183
Expanded Alloy 600 Steam Generator
S193-1 "lntergranular Attack of Alloy 600: NP-3062
High-Temperature Electrochemical May 1983
S193-2 "The Design and Construction of Deep NP-3058
Tube Sheet Crevice Devices for May 1983
Producing Intergranular Attack of Heat
Transfer Tubing"
"Elastic Stress Analysis of Small Radius NP-2944
U-Bend Steam Generator Tubes" March 1983
S195-1 "Inhibition of Steam Condensate NP-2492
Corrosion of Copper-Based Alloys by July 1982
S196-1 "Effects of Hydrazine and pH on the NP-2654
Corrosion of Copper-Alloy Materials in November 1982
AVT Environments With Oxygen"
S201-1 "Eddy Current NDE for Intergranular NP-2862
Attack" February 1983
S202-1 "Steam Generator U-Bend Eddy-Current NP-3010
NDE" April 1983
S202-2 "Application of an Eddy-Current NP-2339
Technique to Steam Generator U-Bend April 1982
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S203-1 "Steam Generator Tube-Plugging and NP-2921
Tube-Sleeving Criteria: Assessment of March 1983
Current Practices"
S204-1 "Crevice Corrosion of Lattice Support NP-3045
Alloys in Secondary Environments of July 1983
Nuclear Steam Generators"
S205-7 "Return of Hideout Chemicals in PWR NP-4563
Steam Generators During Power and May 1986
Temperature Reductions"
S209-1 "Flushing Efficiency of Steam Generator NP-3053
Tube-Tube Sheet Assemblies With April 1983
Restricted Crevices"
S301-1 "Evaluation of Eddy-Current Procedures NP-3928
for Measuring Wear Scars in Preheat April 1985
Steam Generators"
S301-1 "Nondestructive Evaluation Methods to NP-5902
Measure Inside Diameters of Steam July 1988
Generator Tubing"-
S301-5 "Library of PWR Steam Generator NP-5503
Tubing Samples" January 1988
S301-6 "Array Coil Probe" NP-5009
March 1987
S302-1 "lntergranular Attack and Stress NP-4051
Corrosion Cracking of Alloy 600 in June 1985
High-Temperature Caustic Solutions
Containing Contaminants"
S302-1 "Mechanisms of Intergranular Attack NP-5129
and Stress Corrosion Cracking of Alloy July 1987
600 by High-Temperature Caustic
Solutions Containing Impurities"
S302-3 "Simulation of Intergranular Attack on NP-4272
Alloy 600 Tubing in Tubesheet Crevices" October 1985
S302-3 "Production of Intergranular Attack of NP-5263
Alloy 600, Alloy 690, and Alloy 800 July 1987
Tubing in Tubesheet Crevices"
S302-4 "lntergranular Attack of Alloy 600: NP-4053
Simulation Tests" June 1985
S302-4 "lntergranular Attack of Alloy 600: NP-4223
Laboratory Investigations" August 1985
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S302-4 "[ntergranular Attack of Alloy 600 NP-5377
Tubing: Simulation Tests" August 1987
S302-5 "Phase Relations and Fluid NP-5138
Compositions in Steam Generator April 1987
S302-6 "lntergranular Attack or Corrosion in a NP-5120
Once-Through Model Steam Generator" July 1987
S302-7 "Supplementary Examination of NP-5928-M
Alternative Materials in a Model Steam January 1989
Generator, Volume 2: Correlation of
Model 10 Defects With Eddy-Current
S302-7 "Supplementary Examination of NP-5928-M
Alternative Materials in a Model Steam October 1988
Generator, Volume 3: Tube
Characterization by Metallography and
Transmission Electron Microscopy"
S302-7 "Supplementary Examination of NP-5928-SP
Alternative Materials in a Model Steam October 1988
Generator; Volume 1: Tubesheet and
Tube Bundle Examinations"
3302-7 "Supplementary Examination of NP-5928-M
Alternative Materials in a Model Steam October 1988
Generator; Volume 1: Tubesheet and
Tube Bundle Examinations"
S302-7 "Supplementary Examination of NP-5928-M
Alternative Materials in a Model Steam January 1989
Generator; Volume 2: Correlation of
Model 10 Defects With Eddy-Current
S302-7 "Supplementary Examination of NP-5928-SP
Alternative Materials in a Model Steam January 1989
Generator; Volume 2: Correlation of
Model 10 Defects With Eddy-Current
S302-7 "Supplementary Examination of NP-5928
Alternative Materials in a Model Steam October 1988
Generator; Volume 3: Tube
Characterization by Metallography and
Transmission Electron Microscopy"
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S302-8 "Microchemistry of Corroded NP-3847
Intergranular Surfaces" February 1985
S302-9 "Evaluation of Environmental Effects on NP-4802
Intergranular Attack of Alloy 600" September 1986
S302-10 "Use of Pourbaix Diagrams to Infer NP-4831
Local Pitting Conditions" October 1986
S302-10 "Production of Eddy-Current Standards NP-5109
for Caustic Intergranular Corrosion" April 1987
S302-12 "Laboratory Examinations of Selected NP-4625
Tubes From Test Facilities of the Steam July 1986
Generator Owners Group"
S302-13 "Evaluation of Intergranular Attack on NP-4978
Alloy 600, Volume 2: Effectiveness of December 1987
Boric Acid"
S302-13 "Evaluation of Intergranular Attack on NP-4978
Alloy 600, Volume 1: Evaluation of December 1986
S302-13 "Boric Acid Application Guidelines for NP-5558
Intergranular Corrosion Inhibition" December 1987
S302-16 "Mechanisms for Formation and NP-5368
Disruption of Surface Oxides" August 1987
S302-17 "Electrochemical Corrosion of Alloy 600 NP-5406
in Secondary Water" September 1987
S302-18 "Chemical Enhancement of Crevice NP-5199
Flushing", 2 vols. June 1987
S302-21 "Evaluation of PWR Tubesheet NP-4898
Crevice-Flushing Approaches" November 1986
S302-22 "Proceedings: IGA Remedies NP-3818
Contractors' Meeting" November 1984
S302-22 "Proceedings: 1983 Workshop on NP-4458
Secondary-Side Stress Corrosion March 1986
Cracking and Intergranular Corrosion of
PWR Steam Generator Tubing"
S302-22 "Proceedings: 1984 Workshop on NP-4478
Secondary-Side Stress Corrosion March 1986
Cracking and Intergranular Corrosion of
PWR Steam Generator Tubing"
-EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S302-22 "Proceedings: 1985 EPRI Workshop on NP-4929
Remedial Actions for Secondary-Side December 1986
Intergranular Corrosion"
3302-23. "Micromorphology and Microchemistry NP-5400
of Corrosion Products in Tubesheet- September 1987
S302-24 "lntergranular Attack of Alloy 600: NP-6115-M
Simulation and Remedial Action Tests" February 1989
S302-25 "Oxide-Film Compositions and NP-5712
Morphology on Alloy 600 Tubes From April 1988
Steam Generators, North Anna Unit 1
and Point Beach Unit 1"
S302-1 0,$302- "Remedial Methods for Intergranular NP-4635
13,$302-14 Attack of Alloy 600 Tubing, Volume 1: June 1986
Plant Corrosion Morphologies and
Remedial Methods, Volume 2: Additives
and Test Plans for Remedial Methods,
Volume 3: Boric Acid and Acetic Acid
Remedial Methods"
S303-3 "Residual and Applied Stress Analysis of NP-5282
an Alloy 600 Row 1 U-Bend" September 1987
S303-4 "Reference Electrode for PWRs" NP-5155
May 1987
S303-5 "Proceedings: 1985 Workshop on NP-5158
Primary-Side Stress Corrosion Cracking June 1987
of PWR Steam Generator Tubing"
S303-5 "Proceedings: 1983 Workshop on NP-5498
Primary-Side Stress Corrosion Cracking November 1987
of PWR Steam Generator Tubing"
S303-6 "Design Review Checklist: Steam NP-4296
Generator Sleeving" December 1985
S303-6 "Specifications for In Situ Stress Relief NP-4364
of PWR Steam Generator Tube December 1985
U-Bends and Roll Transitions"
S303-6 "Status and Suggested Course of NP-4594
Action for Nondenting-Related May 1986
Primary-Side IGSCC of
Westinghouse-Type Steam Generators"
S303-8 "Strain-Rate Damage Model for Alloy NP-7008
600 in Primary Water" October 1990
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S303-9 "Microstructure, Microchemistry, and NP-4465
Microdeformation of Alloy 600 Tubing" February 1986
S303-11 "In Situ Heat Treatment of U-Bends" NP-5496
November 1987
S303-12 "Guidelines for PWR Steam Generator NP-6743-L
Tubing Specifications and Repair; February 1991
Volume 1: Specification for Alloy 600
Steam Generator Tubing"
S303-17 "Specially Prepared Alloy 600 Tubing" NP-5072
February 1987
S303-21 "Status of Cracking and Remedial NP-4459
Measures for PWR Steam Generators February 1986
With Full-Depth Expanded Tubing"
S303-22 "Stress Corrosion Cracking Test of NP-5012
Expanded Steam Generator Tubes" January 1987
S303-27 "Qualification of Remedial Methods to NP-5249
Prevent Primary-Side Stress Corrosion June 1987
Cracking of Steam Generator Tubing", 3
S303-29 "Tubesheet Expansion Improvements" NP-5547
December 1987
S303-10,$303- "Characterization of Microstructure and TR-101983
26,S404-13 IGSCC of Alloy 600 Steam Generator February 1993
S304-2 "Steam Generator Tube Sampling: NP-4626
Feasibility Study" June 1986
S304-3 "Metallurgical and Chemical Evaluation NP-5022-LD
of Tubes R17C85, R28C32, and December 1986
R26C50 From a Doel Unit 2 Steam
S304-4 "Evaluation of Steam Generator Tube NP-3731
R34C54 From the Ginna Nuclear Power September 1984
S304-5 "Destructive Examination of Zion Unit 1 NP-4375
Tube and Antivibration Bar Samples" December 1985
S304-6 "Examination of Steam Generator Tube NP-4829-LD
Sections From the Millstone Unit 2 October 1986
Nuclear Power Plant"
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S304-7 "Destructive Examination of Steam NP-4737-LD
Generator Tubes Removed From July 1986
Millstone Point Unit 2"
S304-8 "Evaluation of Alloy 600 Tubes From NP-3964-LD
Steam Generators A and B of the March 1985
Palisades Nuclear Power Plant"
S304-10 "Calvert Cliffs Unit 1 Tube Examination" NP-4904
November 1986
S304-14 "Examination of Tubes R4C19HL, NP-4745-LD
R6C18HL, and R16C33HL From Steam August 1986
Generator 12 of the Prairie Island
Nuclear Station Unit 1"
S304-15 "Examination of Steam Generator NP-4760-LD
Tubes R18C53HL and R18C43HL From August 1986
the Jose Cabrera (Zorita) Nuclear Power
S304-16 "Evaluation of Steam Generator Hot NP-4759-LD
Leg Tubes R18C43 and R18C53 From August 1986
the Cabrera Nuclear Power Plant"
S304-17 "Removal of a Tubesheet Sample From NP-4901
a Retired Point Beach Unit 1 Steam December 1986
S304-18 "Decontamination of Point Beach-1 and NP-5344
Surry-2 Steam Generator Tubesheet August 1987
S304-19 "Point Beach-1 Tubesheet Crevice NP-5660-LD
Chemistry" February 1988
S304-20 "Examination of Tubes R3C41HI and NP-5420-LD
R9C58HL of Steam Generator C, North October 1987
Anna Unit 1"
S304-21 "Laboratory Evaluation of Steam NP-5397
Generator Tubes 120/12, 79/9, and August 1987
59/95 from St. Lucie Unit 1"
S305-2 "PWR Steam Generator NP-3477
Chemical-Cleaning Data Base", 2 vols. April 1984
S305-9 "Assessment of Sulfur in Chemical NP-5026
Cleaning of PWR Steam Generators" February 1987
S305-11 "Chemical Cleaning of PWR Steam NP-4708
Generator Sludge Piles" July 1986
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S305-13 "Effect of Venting on Crevice Cleaning NP-4600
for PWR Steam Generators" May 1986
S305-19 "Chemical Cleaning Waste Disposal" NP-4954
November 1986
S305-21 "Chemical Cleaning of Millstone Unit 2" NP-4597
May 1986
S305-1 0,S305- "Weld Region Corrosion During NP-5267
14,S305-15,S3 Chemical Cleaning of PWR Steam July 1987
05-18 Generators", 2 vols.
S306-1 "Steam Generator Tube Denting--Field NP-4456
Study" March 1986
S306-1 "lntergranular Corrosion of Steam NP-4457
Generator Tubes--Field Study" February 1986
S306-12 "Organic Impurity Transport in PWR NP-4099
Secondary Systems" August 1985
S306-12 "Industry-Wide Survey of PWR Organics" NP-4698
July 1986
S306-13 "Evaluation of Changing PWR Polisher NP-5074
Operation From Regenerated to March 1987
Throwaway Resins"
S306-15 "High-Sensitivity Dissolved-Gas NP-4564
Monitoring System With Applications for May 1986
PWR Secondary-Side Chemistry"
S306-16 "Resin and Ionics Leakage From NP-4521
Condensate Polishers With and Without April 1986
Inert Resin"
S306-17 "Hideout of Impurities in Steam NP-5092
Generators During Heat-Up and Power March 1987
S306-18 "Survey of Domestic and Foreign PWR NP-4671
Experience With Morpholine in July 1986
Chemistry Control by All-Volatile
S306-19 "Guidelines for the Design and NP-6377-M
Operation of Makeup Water Treatment June 1989
S306-21 "Field Studies on Intergranular Attack" NP-6455
July 1989
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S306-12,S306- "Side-by-Side Comparison of NP-4731
13 Techniques for Analyzing Organic Acids, September 1986
Total Organic Carbon, and Anions"
S307-13 "Preoperational Practices for Steam NP-7381
Generators and Secondary-System September 1991
S307-13 "Design and Operating Guidelines for NP-7382
Nuclear Power Plant Condensers" September 1991
S307-13 "Design and Operating Guidelines for NP-7383
Condensate Polishers in Nuclear Power September 1991
S307-13 "Guidelines for Design of PWR Steam NP-7384
Generator Chemical Cleaning Systems" September 1991
S307-17 "Nuclear Plant Design and Modification NP-7380
Guidelines for PWR Steam Generator September 1991
S308-1 "Pitting Corrosion of Alloy 600 Steam NP-3905
Generator Tubing: Results of a February 1985
Laboratory Scoping Study"
S308-3 "Causes of and Corrective Actions for NP-5037
Pitting in Steam Generator Tubing" February 1987
S308-4 "Investigation of Causes and Corrective NP-5248
Actions for Pitting in Steam Generator June 1987
Tubes: Prototypic Tests"
S308-5 "Localized Electrochemical Corrosion of NP-4754
Nickel-Based Alloys" September 1986
S308-6 "Pitting in Steam Generator Tubing: NP-5207
Causes and Corrective Actions" June 1987
S309-1 "Recirculating Steam Generator NP-4686
Tubesheet Crevice Flushing July 1986
S310-1 "Experimental Prediction of Tube NP-5541
Support Interaction Characteristics in June 1988
Steam Generators", 2 vols.
S310-2 "PWR Steam Generator Tube Fretting NP-6341
and Fatigue Wear" April 1989
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S310-3 "Analytic Prediction of Complex NP-5543
Unsteady Flow Fields in Preheat PWR May 1988
Steam Generators"
S310-5 "Vibration and Wear Prediction for NP-5565
Steam Generator Tubes" June 1988
S310-6 "Numerical Prediction of NP-5556
Turbulence-Induced Steam Generator May 1988
Tube Vibration"
S310-7 "Experimental Determination of NP-5540
Turbulent Buffeting Effects in Tube May 1988
S310-8 "ATHOS3 Computer Code Verification", NP-5557
2 vols. June 1988
S310-12 "Flow Velocity and Turbulence NP-5542
Measurements in a Laboratory-Scale May 1988
Steam Generator Model"
S310-13 "Flow Velocity and Turbulence NP-5570
Measurements in a Westinghouse D-4 June 1988
Steam Generator Model", 2 vols.
S310-14 "Prediction of Localized Flow Velocities NP-5555
and Turbulence in a PWR Steam May 1988
S311-1 "Correlation of Tube Support Structure NP-4672
Studies" July 1986
S311-2 "Correlation of Tube Support Corrosion NP-4818
Studies" October 1986
S311-3 "Sulfate Hideout in Heated Crevices" NP-5156
May 1987
S311-4 "Caustic Concentration in Tube Support NP-5073
Plate Crevices of Steam Generators" March 1987
S311-4 "Hideout of Sodium Salts in Tubesheet NP-5265
Crevices" July 1987
S311-5 "Steam Generator Cold Leg Thinning in NP-5140
Operating Plants" April 1987
S401 "Interim PWR Secondary Water TR-101230
Chemistry Recommendations for September 1992
IGA/SCC Control"
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S401 "PWR Secondary Water Chemistry TR-1 02134
Guidelines--Revision 3" May 1993
S401-1 "Prairie Island-2 Steam Generator NP-7236
Hideout" April 1991
S401-1 "Steam Pressure Trends at R. E. Ginna" TR-100371
May 1992
S401-2 "Transport'of Lead in PWR Secondary NP-7158
Cycles" April 1991
S401-2 "Review of Field Use and Corrosion NP-7347
Experience With Phosphate Chemistry June 1991
in Nuclear Steam Generators"
S401-11 "Sulfate Ingress and Steam Generator NP-7237
Hideout at Saint Lucie Unit 1" June 1991
S402-4 "Oxygen Control in Makeup Water for NP-6945
PWRs" August 1990
S403-3 "CECIL: A Robot for Secondary-Side NP-5929
Maintenance of PWR Steam February 1989
S403-5 "Qualification of PWR Steam Generator NP-6356-M
Chemical Cleaning for Indian Point-2" May 1989
S403-11 "Steam Generator Performance NP-7524
Degradation" September 1991
$403-2,$403-4, "NDE and Mechanical Removal of NP-5563
RP2755 Sludge in PWR Steam Generators", 2 January 1988
"PWR Steam Generator Examination NP-6201
Guidelines: Revision 3" November 1992
S404-3 "Eddy-Current Probe Characterization" NP-6990
October 1990
S404-6 "An Assessment of Inspection Options TR-100909
for Steam Generator Tubing" July 1992
S404-8 "PWR Steam Generator Examination NP-6201
Guidelines: Revision 2" December 1988
S404-10 "Signal Processing for Steam Generator NP-5773
Inspection" April 1988
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S404-11 "Evaluation of Sampling Schemes for NP-6774
In-Service Inspection of Steam March 1990
Generator Tubing"
. I
S404-12 "Roll Transition Inspection of Doel-2 NP-6716-L
Steam Generator Tubes; Volume 3: May 1992
September 1991 Inspection"
S404-14 "Belgian Approach to Steam Generator NP-6626-M
Tube Plugging for Primary Water Stress March 1990
Corrosion Cracking"
S404-16 "Steam Generator Tube Leakage NP-6897-L
Experiments and PICEP Correlations" July 1990
S404-25 "Steam Generator Tube Integrity, NP-6865-L
Volume 1: Burst Test Results and September 1991
Validation of Rupture Criteria
(Framatome Data)"
S404-25 "Steam Generator Tube Integrity, NP-6865-L
Volume 2: PWR Steam Generator June 1991
Criteria--Leak-Before-Break Analysis for
Primary Water Stress Corrosion
Cracking Near the Tubesheet
(Framatome Data)"
S404-28 "Mercury Modeling for PWSCC Length TR-101104
Sizing" August 1992
S404-29 "Outside Diameter Stress Corrosion NP-7480-L
Cracking (ODSCC) of Steam Generator August 1992
Tubing at Tube Support Plates--A
Database for Alternate Repair Limits;
Volume 1: 7/8-Inch Outside Diameter
(OD) tubing"
S404-12,S404- "PWR Steam Generator Tube-Plugging NP-6864-L
15,S404-18,S4 Limits: Technical Support Document for December 1990
04-19,S404-21, Expansion Zone PWSCC in Roll
S404-24,S404- Transitions"
S404-12,S404- "PWR Steam Generator Tube Repair NP-6864-L
15,S404-18,S4 Limits: Technical Support Document for December 1991
04-21,S404-24, Expansion Zone PWSCC in Roll
S404-32,S404- Transitions, Rev. 1"
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S404-15,S404- "PWR Steam Generator Tube Repair TR-100407
19,$404-21,$4 Limits: Technical Support Document for March 1992
04-24,S404-29, Outside Diameter Stress Corrosion
$404-30,S404- Cracking at Tube Support Plates"
31 ,S404-32,$4
70,S404-71 ,4
S405-2 "PWR Secondary Water Chemistry NP-6239
Guidelines, Revision 2" December 1988
S405-9 "Statistical Analysis of Steam Generator NP-7493
Tube Degradation" September 1991
S406-1 "Measurement of Surface-Induced NP-6705-M
Microplasticity in Alloy 600 C-Rings" March 1990
S406-3 "Proceedings: Primary Water Stress NP-6719-SD
Corrosion Cracking" April 1990
S406-3 "Proceedings: Primary Water Stress NP-6719-M
Corrosion Cracking, 1989 EPRI April 1990
Remedial Measures Workshop"
S406-3 "Proceedings: 1990 EPRI Workshop on NP-7198
Circumferential Cracking of Steam March 1991
Generator Tubes" (NP-7198-M, Vol. 1;
NP-7198-S, Vol. 2)"
S406-7 "Evaluation of Leak and Burst NP-7474
Characteristics of Roll Transitions May 1993
Containing Primary Water Stress
Corrosion Cracks"
S406-11 "Residual Stresses in Roller-Expanded TR-1 02355
Steam Generator Tube Transitions" May 1993
S406-12 "Characterization of the Resistance to TR-100865
PWSCC of Hydraulic Tube-Tubesheet July 1992
S407-1 "Determination of Thermodynamic Data NP-5708
for Modeling Corrosion; Volume 5: August 1992
NiCI2, CuCI2, HNO3, Ni(N)3)2, NaNO3
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S407-1 "Determination of Thermodynamic Data NP-5708
for Modeling Corrosion; Volume 4: June 1992
Chloride Ion Interaction With
Magnesium, Calcium, and Hydrogen
Ions at 250-325 degrees C"
S407-1 "Determination of Thermodynamic Data NP-5708
for Modeling Corrosion; Volume 3: March 1992
C02-NaOH-H20 System"
S407-1 "Determination of Thermodynamic Data NP-5708
for Modeling Corrosion", 2 vols. November 1989
S407-5 "MULTEQ: Equilibrium of an Electrolytic NP-5561 -CCM
Solution With Vapor-Liquid Partitioning February 1988
and Precipitation, Volume 1: User's
S407-5 "MULTEQ: Equilibrium of an Electrolytic NP-5561 -CCML
Solution With Vapor-Liquid Partitioning February 1988
and Precipitation", 3 vols.
S407-7 "1987 EPRI Workshop on NP-5971
Secondary-Side Intergranular Corrosion September 1988
Mechanisms: Proceedings", 2 vols.
S407-7 "Proceedings: 1987 EPRI Workshop on NP-5987-M
Mechanisms of Primary Water September 1988
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking"
S407-7 "Guidelines for PWR Steam Generator NP-6743-L
Tubing Specifications and Repair; February 1991
VolLme 4: Guidelines for Tube Section
Removal and Examination"
S407-7 "Correlation of Secondary-Side IGA/SCC TR-101010
Degradation of Recirculating Steam August 1992
Generator Tubing With the On-Line
Addition.of Boric Acid"
S407-7 "Proceedings: 1991 EPRI Workshop on TR-101103
Secondary-Side Intergranular Corrosion August 1992
S407-9 "Destructive Examination of Steam NP-7136-M
Generator 11 Tubing at Calvert Cliffs March 1991
Power Plant Unit 1", 2 vols.
S407-13 "Hideout and Return of Complex NP-7494
Mixtures in Crevices" September 1991
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S407-14 "Effect of Boric Acid on Intergranular TR-1 03117
Corrosion in Tube Support Plate October 1993
S407-15 "Microchemistry of Corroded NP-6709-M
Intergranular Surfaces, Tubes Removed March 1990
From Point Beach Unit 1, Calvert Cliffs
Unit 1, and Saint Lucie Unit 1 Steam
S407-16 "Investigation of Lead As a Cause of NP-7367-M
Stress Corrosion Cracking at Support June 1991
Plate Intersections"
S407-17 "Proceedings: 1987 Symposium on NP-6005
Chemistry in High-Temperature Water" March 1990
S407-18 "MULTEO: Equilibrium of an Electrolytic NP-5561 -CCML
Solution With Vapor-Liquid Partitioning April 1992
and Precipitation", Vol. 2: "The
Database", Rev. 3
S407-18 "MULTEQ: Equilibrium of an Electrolytic NP-5561-CCML
Solution With Vapor-Liquid Partitioning December 1990
and Precipitation", Vol. 2: "The
Database", Rev. 2
S407-19 "Examination of Roller Expansion NP-6192-M
Transitions in Point Beach Unit 1 Steam July 1989
Generator Tubing"
S407-21 "Speciation and Chemical Activities in TR-102491
Superheated Sodium Borate Solutions" June 1993
S407-30 "MULTEQ: Equilibrium of an Electrolytic NP-5561 -CCML
Solution with Vapor-Liquid Partitioning; August 1992
Volume 3: Theory Manual"
S407-30 "MULTEQ: Equilibrium of an Electrolytic NP-5561-CCML
Solution With Vapor-Liquid Partitioning July 1992
and Precipitation; Volume 1: User's
Manual (Revision 2)"
S407-30 "MULTEQ: Equilibrium of an Electrolytic NP-5561-CCML
Solution With Vapor-Liquid Partitioning May 1989
and Precipitation; Volume 1: User's
Manual (Revision 1)"
S407-32 "Examination of Pits in Trojan Nuclear NP-6362-M
Power Plant Steam Generator Tubes" May 1989
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S407-34 "Laboratory Examination of Tubes NP-6998-M
R35C70 and R36C67 Removed From October 1990
the V. C. Summer Nuclear Station", 2
S407-35 Vol. 1, "Boric Acid Application NP-5558-M
Guidelines for Intergranular Corrosion December 1990
.Inhibition", Rev. 1
S407-35 Vol. 2, "Boric Acid Application NP-5558-SL
Guidelines for Intergranular Corrosion December 1990
Inhibition", Rev. 1
S407-36 Vol. 1, "Acid Sulfate Corrosion in PWR NP-7346-M
Steam Generators" June 1991
S407-36 Vol. 2, "Acid Sulfate Corrosion in PWR NP-7346-SD
Steam Generators" June 1991
S407-36 "Remedial Actions for Acidic Sulfate TR-101105
Corrosion" August 1992
S407-37 "Adsorption of Sulfate in PWR Steam TR-101106
Generators: Laboratory Tests" August 1992
S407-40 "Destructive Examination of Tube NP-7371 -M
R31C66 From the Ginna Nuclear Plant June 1991
Steam Generator"
S407-41 "Reference Electrodes for TR-103311
Electrochemical Corrosion Potential November 1993
Monitoring in PWR Secondary Systems"
S407-42 "Examination of Kewaunee Steam NP-7370-M
Generator Tubes R4C81 and R11C9" June 1991
S407-43 "Proceedings: 1991 Symposium on TR-102706
Chemistry in High-Temperature August 1993
Aqueous Solutidns"
S408-1 "Microstructure Etching and Carbon NP-6720-M
Analysis Techniques" April 1990
S408-1 "Guidelines for PWR Steam Generator NP-6743-L
Tubing Specifications and Repair; February 1991
Volume 2: Guidelines for Procurement
of Alloy 690 Steam Generator Tubing"
S408-1 "Proceedings: 1989 EPRI Alloy 690 NP-6750-M
Workshop" April 1990
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S408-1 "Proceedings: 1989 EPRI Alloy 690 NP-6750-SD
Workshop" April 1990
S408-2 "Effect of Different Thermal Treatments NP-6703-M
on the Corrosion Resistance of Alloy March 1990
690 Tubing"
S408-3 "Tensile Deformation and Recovery TR-100910
Kinetics of Alloy 690" July 1992
S408-5 "Guidelines for PWR Steam Generator NP-6743-L
Tubing Specifications and Repair; February 1991
Volume 3: Steam Generator Tube
Sleeving: Design, Specification, and
Procurement Checklist"
S408-6 "Alloy 690 for Steam Generator Tubing NP-6997-M
Applications", 2 vols. October 1990
S409-1 "Advanced Studies in Chemistry Control TR-100758
With Morpholine" July 1992
S409-2 "PWR Advanced All-Volatile Treatment TR-100755
Additives, By-Products, and Boric Acid" July 1992
S409-3 "Demineralizer Operation With TR-100790
Morpholine and Boric Acid" July 1992
S409-3 "Effects of Morpholine and Boric Acid TR-1 00791
Implementation on Secondary July 1992
Chemistry and Corrosion Product
S409-4 "Compatibility of PWR Gasket and TR-100794
Packing Materials and Resins With July 1992
Organic Amines"
S409-9 "Qualification of Morpholine for TR-100795,
Secondary System pH Control in July 1992
Once-Through Steam Generator
Plants", Tiers 1&2, 2 vols.
S409-11 "Loop Testing of Alternative Amines for TR-100756
All-Volatile Treatment Control in PWRs" June 1992
S410-12 "Large Eddy Simulation on NP-7041
Supercomputers" November 1990
S411-1 "A Computer Program for NP-6891-CCML
Three-Dimensional, Two-Fluid Model July 1990
Thermal-Hydraulic Simulation of Steam
Generators: PORTHOS Mod-01", 4 vols.
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S41 1-6,RP1066 "ATHOS3 Mod-01: A Computer NP-4604-CCML
-1 Program for Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis September 1990
of Steam Generators", Rev. 1, 2 vols.
S413-1 "Ginna Station Steam Generator TR-100866
U-Bend Tube Analysis for Chemical July 1992
Cleaning Data"
S413-2 "Examination of Trojan Steam TR-101427
Generator Tubes; Volume 1: November 1992
Examination Results"
S413-2 "Examination of Trojan Steam TR-101427
Generator Tubes; Volume 2: November 1992
S413-4 "Examination of Trojan Steam TR-1 01427
Generator Tubes; Volume 3: Rockwell, November 1992
Auger, and XPS Analyses"
S999 "Workshop Proceedings: NP-3207-SR
Replacement/Repair of Steam August 1983
S999 "Workshop Proceedings: Pitting in NP-3574-SR
Steam Generator Tubing" October 1984
S999 "Proceedings: The Second EPRI NP-3924-SR
Workshop on Support-Structure March 1985
Corrosion in Nuclear Plant Steam
S999 "Proceedings: Workshop on Thermally NP-4665-M
Treated Alloy 690 Tubes for Nuclear July 1986
Steam Generators"
S999 "Proceedings: Workshop on Thermally NP-4665-SR
Treated Alloy 690 Tubes for Nuclear July 1986
Steam Generators"
S999 "PWR Secondary Water Chemistry NP-5056-SR
Guidelines, Rev. 1" March 1987
S999 "Guidelines for Permanent BWR NP-5283
Hydrogen Water Chemistry Installations September 1987
- 1987 Revision"
S999 "Proceedings: Workshop on the Role of NP-6710-SD
Sulfur Species on the Secondary-Side March 1990
Degradation of Alloy 600 and Related
EPRI Licensed Material
Report No
Project No Title and Date
S999 "Proceedings: Workshop on the Role of NP-6710-M
Sulfur Species on the Secondary-Side March 1990
Degradation of Alloy 600 and Related
TPS79-729 "Assessment of Condenser Leakage NP-1467
Problems" August 1980
TPS79-730 "Corrosion-Related Failures in Power NP-1468
Plant Condensers" August 1980
TPS81-777 "PWR Steam Generator Cost-Benefit NP-2295
Methodology (Denting)" March 1982
Appendix B
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to: - -
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) CS + Titanium Cladding C-Steel / Bitumen-coating
Changed to: --
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Admiralty Brass Ad. Brass (See Note 9)
Changed to: ..
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304L SS Stainless Steel
Changed to:
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304L SS Stainless Steel
Changed to:
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) CuNi 90/10 CuNi 90/10
Changed to: 439 SS Stainless Steel
Type of Cooling Water Fresh Nat. Tower Fresh Nat. Tower
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to: - -
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304L SS 304L SS
Changed to: -- -
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Changed to: - -
Country France
Phosphates Added? No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No
Changedto: --
Changedto: --
Changed to: --
Changed to:
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Titanium Titanium
Changed to: ..
Changed to: ......
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N). No No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304L SS 304L SS
Changed to: ---..
Changed to:
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. IF 545
Number of Steam Gener. 4 4
Steam Gener. Model Number D5 54GS
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No No
Condensate Purification Method Partial Deep Bed (See Note 4)
Steam Generator Tubing Material 600TT 800M
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material 405 SS Austenitic SS
Tube Support Contiguration Broached Hole Grids/Strip (See Note 3)
Tube Expansion Method Full / Hydraulic Mech. Roll-Top & Bottom
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Stainless Steel C-Steel / Ti-clad
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Stainless Steel Titanium
Changed to:
Changed to:
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Stainless Steel Carbon Steel
Changed to:
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Stainless Steel Carbon Steel
Changed to:
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Stainless Steel Carbon Steel
Changed to:
Type ot Cooling Water Closed (Pond) Closed (Tower)
EPRI Licensed Material
Changedto: --
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Admiralty Brass
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) CuNi 90/10
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Carbon Steel
Changed to:
Type of Cooling Water Lake (Huron)
EPRI Licensed Material
Changedto: ---
Changedto: --
Phosphates Added? No
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Carbon Steel
Type of Cooling Water Lake (Huron)
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to: --
Changed to:
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. 'F 493
Number of Steam Gener. 8
Changed to: --
Changed to:
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Orginal) Carbon Steel
Changed to: --
Changed to: -- -
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel + 304L SS Carbon Steel + 304L SS
Changed to: -- -
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel Carbon steel
Changed to: ....
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Carbon Steel Carbon steel
Changed to: ....
Type of Cooling Water Closed (Nat. Tower) / River Closed (Nat. Tower) / River
EPRI Licensed Material
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Changedto: .....
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Type of Cooling Water Closed (Mech. Tower) Closed (Mech. Tower)
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to: ..
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. OF 545 525
Number of Steam Gener. 4 2
Steam Gener. Model Number F 67
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No No
Condensate Purification Method Full / Deep Bed Filter Demin.+Deep Bed
Steam Generator Tubing Material 600MA & TT 600MA
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material 405 SS Carbon Steel
Tube Support Configuration Broached Hole Dr. Hole/Eggcrate
Tube Expansion Method Full / Hydraulic Full / Explosive
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Carbon Steel ASTM A285 Aluminum Bronze
Changed to: ....
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) CuNi 90/10 CuNi 70/30
Changed to: - --
Changedto: --
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. 'F 549
Number of Steam Gener. 4 4
Steam Gener. Model Number D5 68/19
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? Yes No
Condensate Purification Method Full / Powdex None
Steam Generator Tubing Material 600TT 600TT
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material 405SS 13% Cr. Steel
Tube Support Configuration Broached Hole Broached Hole
Tube Expansion Method Full / Hydraulic Full Depth Roll + Kiss
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Carbon Steel Cu-Al
Changedto: ---..
Changedto: ..
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Stainless Steel 304L SS
Changedto: ---..
Changedto: ......
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. OF 549 549
Number of Steam Gener. 4 4
Steam Gener. Model Number 68/19 68/19
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No No
Condensate Purification Method None None
Steam Generator Tubing Material 600TT 600TT
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material 13% Cr. Steel 13% Cr. Steel
Tube Support Configuration Broached Hole Broached Hole
Tube Expansion Method Full Depth Roll + Kiss Full Depth Roll + Kiss
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Cu-Al Cu-Al
Changed to:
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Cu + Ti or 29.4 Cu + Ti or 29.4
Changed to: .....
Changedto: ..
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304L SS 304L SS
Changed to: ....
Changedto: - -
Changed to: --
Changed to: --
Changed to: --
Changed to:
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel
Changed to:
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) 18% Cr SS (439L)
Changed to:
Changedto: - -
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. OF
Number of Steam Gener. 4 4
Steam Gener. Model Number D4 D5
Phosphates Added? No No
.On-Line Boric Acid Added? No No
Condensate Purification Method Full / Powdex Full / Powdex
Steam Generator Tubing Material 600MA 600TT
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material Carbon Steel 405 SS
Tube Support Configuration Drilled Hole Broached Hole
Tube Expansion Method Full Depth Roll Full/Hydraulic
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) CS Clad Titanium CS Clad Titanium
Changed to: ....
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Changed to: .......
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) AsCu CuNi 90/10 Carbon Steel
Changed to: CS Carbon Steel
.Type of Cooling Water Fresh (Lake) Fresh (Lake) Fresh (Lake)
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to: - -
Tube Expansion Method Full Depth Roll + Kiss Full Depth Roll + Kiss
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Changedto: --
Changedto: ....
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes Yes
Changedto: -
Type of Cooling Water Closed (Nat. Tower) Closed (Nat. Tower)
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to: ..
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Brass + 304L SS Brass + 304L SS
Changed to: - --
Changedto: ---..
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No No
Condensate Purification Method None None
Steam Generator Tubing Material 690TT 600MA
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material 13% Cr. Steel Carbon Steel
Tube Support Configuration Broached Hole Drilled Hole
Tube Expansion Method Full Depth Roll + Kiss Full Depth Roll + Kiss
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Carbon Steel
Changed to:
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Titanium Brass
Changed to: ......
Changed to: - --
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304L SS Brass + 304L SS
Changed to: ..
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Changed to: ....
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Changed to: .....
Type of Cooling Water Closed (Tower) Closed (Tower)
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to:
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. IF 509 509
Number of Steam Gener. 4 4
Steam Gener. Model Number B&W B&W
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No No
Condensate Purification Method None . None
Steam Generator Tubing Material 800M 800M
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged Steel Forged Steel
Support Plate Material 41OSS 41OSS
Tube Support Configuration Lattice Bars Lattice Bars
Tube Expansion Method Hyd. Roll near TS Sec. Face Hyd. Roll near TS Sec. Face
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) CS with SS cladding CS with SS cladding
Changed to:
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) 304 SS 304 SS
Changed to:
Changed to:
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304 SS 304 SS
Changed to:
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304SS 304SS
Changed to:
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) SA 249 Tp321 SA 249 Tp321
Changed to:
Type of Cooling Water Lake (Ontario) Lake (Ontario)
EPRI Licensed Material
Operating Utility Name Ontario Hydro Ontario Hydro
Country Canada Canada
Nuclear Steam System Supply Manuf. AECL AECL
Initial Critical Date or Date of Major Change Not yet in service Not yet in service
Net Power 881 881
Gross Mega Watt Elec. Rated Power MWe 935 935
Cold Leg Prim. Cool. Temp. 100% Power IF 509 509
Hot Leg Prim. Cool. Temp. 100% Power IF 588 588
Changedto: --
Changedto: - -
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. OF 509 509,
Number of Steam Gener. 4 4
Steam Gener. Model Number B&W B&W
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No No
Condensate Purification Method None None
Steam Generator Tubing Material 800M 800M
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged Steel Forged Steel
Support Plate Material 410SS 410SS
Tube Support Configuration Lattice Bars Lattice Bars
Tube Expansion Method Hyd. Roll near TS Sec. Face Hyd. Roll near TS Sec. Face
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) CS with SS cladding CS with SS cladding
Changedto: --
Changedto: ......
Changedto: ..
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. OF 590
Number of Steam Gener. 2 4
Steam Gener. Model Number OTSG 177 51
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No Yes
Condensate Purification Method Full / Powdered Resin Full / Deep Bed
Steam Generator Tubing Material 600SR (See Note 2b) 600MA
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel *Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Changedto: 304L SS -
Changedto: 439 SS --
Changed to:
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Stainless Steel
Changed to:
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel
Changed to:
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) 304L Stainless Steel
Changed to:
Changed to:
Type of Cooling Water
EPRI Licensed Material
Changedto: ....
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. OF 539 517
Number of Steam Gener. 4 3
Steam Gener. Model Number 54SK 51
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No Yes
Condensate Purification Method Mechan. 100% None
Steam Generator Tubing Material 800M 600MA
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material Austenitic SS Carbon Steel
Tube Support Configuration Grids/Strip (See Note 3) Drilled Hole
Tube Expansion Method Mech. Roll-Top & Bottom Full - WEXTEX (Explosive)
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) C-Steel / SS-clad Aluminum Bronze
Changedto: ---..
Changedto: ....
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel Admiralty
Changedto: -- Stainless Steel
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel CuNI 80/20
Changedto: -- Stainless Steel
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Carbon Steel CuNi 90/10
Changed to: --- Stainless Steel
Type of Cooling Water Closed'(Tower) Fresh Mech. Tower
.EPRI Licensed Material
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Titanium Admiralty Brass Admiralty Brass
Changed to:
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No No No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Admiralty 304L 304L
Changed to: Stainless Steel
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) CuNI 80/20 Carbon Steel 18% Cr SS (439L)
Changedto: Stainless Steel --- --
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) CuNi 90/10 Carbon Steel 18% Cr SS (439L)
Changedto: Stainless Steel ....
Type of Cooling Water Fresh Mech. Tower Fresh (River) Fresh (River)
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to: - -
Changed to: -
Changedto: --
Changedto: --
Changedto: --
Changed to:
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) CuNi 80/20
Changed to:
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original)
Changed to:
Type of Cooling Water
CuNi 90/10
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to: --
Changedto: ....
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. OF 544
Number of Steam Gener. 4
Steam Gener. Model Number 54GS
Phosphates Added? No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No
Condensate Purification Method None
Steam Generator Tubing Material 800M
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material Austenitic SS
Tube Support Configuration Grids/Strip (See Note 3)
Tube Expansion Method Mech. Roll-Top & Bottom
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) C-steel / Epoxy Coating
Changedto: ---
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Austenitic SS
Changedto: --
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel
Changed to:
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Carbon Steel
Changed to:
Type of Cooling Water Closed (Tower)
EPRI Licensed Material
Country France
Changed to: --
Phosphates Added? No
Changedto: --
Changedto: ---
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Odiginal) Carbon Steel
Type of Cooling Water Seawater
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to:
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304L
Changed to:
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel
Chanqed to:
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Carbon Steel
Changed to:
Type of Cooling Water Seawater
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to:
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304L
Changed to:
Changedto: --
Changed to: -- -
Changed to:
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 4/5 SS-1/5 CuNi 90/10
Changed to:
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304 SS
Changed to:
Type of Cooling Water Brackish Brackish
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to: . --
ii Chnged to:
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original)
Type of Cooling Water Seawater Seawater
EPRI Licensed Material
Operating Utility Name Taiwan Power Co. Taiwan Power Co. MYAP
Country Taiwan Taiwan U.S.
Nuclear Steam System Supply Manuf. W W CE
Initial Critical Date or Date of Major Change 3/15/84 2/15/85 10/15/72
Net Power 890 890 840-->864
Gross Mega Watt Elec. Rated Power MWe 951 951 890
Cold Leg Prim. Cool. Temp. 100% Power °F 557 557 550
Hot Leg Prim. Cool. Temp. 100% Power °F 624 619 602
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. 'F 520
*Number of Steam Cener. 3 3 3
Steam Gener. Model Number F F
Phosphates Added? No No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No No Yes
Condensate Purification Method Full / Deep Bed Full / Deep Bed None
Steam Generator Tubing Material 600TT 600TT 600MA
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel Forged LA Steel Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material 405 SS 405 SS Carbon Steel
Tube Support Configuration Broached Hole Broached Hole Dr. Hote/Eggcrate
Tube Expansion Method Full / Hydraulic Full / Hydraulic Full / Explosive
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Muntz
Changed to: - --
Changed to: -- -
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Naval Brass Naval Brass
Changed to: - --
Changed to: - --
Changed to: ..
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Changed to: ..
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) CuNI 80/20 CuNI 80/20
Changed to: ..
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) CuNi 90/10 CuNi 90/10
Changedto: I....
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) CuNI 80/20 CuNi 80/20
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) CuNi 90/10 CuNi 90/10
Type of Cooling Water Seawater Seawater, once through
EPRI Licensed Material
Changedto: --
Phosphates Added? No No
Changed to: --
Changedto: - --
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Changed to:
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Changedto: - --
Changedto: - -
Changedto: -
Changedto: - -
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No No
Tube Expansion Method Mech. Roll-Top & Bottom Part Depth Roll
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) C-steel / Epoxy Coating Carbon Steel
Changedto: --
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Ad. Brass -> SS (See Note 8) 304 SS
Changed to:
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. IF 590 590
Number of Steam Gener. 2 2
Steam Gener. Model Number OTSG 177 OTSG 177
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No No
Condensate Purification Method Powdered Resin Demin. Powdered Resin Demin.
Steam Generator Tubing Material 600SR (See Note 2b) 600SR (See Note 2b)
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Tube Support Contiguration Broached Hole Broached Hole
Tube Expansion Method Part Depth Roll Part Depth Roll
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Changed to:
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) 304SS 304 SS
Changedto: ---
Changedto: ..
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304SS 304 SS
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304 SS 304SS
Changed to: ---
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Changed to:
Type of Cooling Water Fresh (Lake) Fresh (Lake)
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to:
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. OF 533 533
Number of Steam Gener. 4 4
Steam Gener. Model Number 51A 51A
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? Yes Yes
Condensate Purification Method Full / Deep Bed Full / Deep Bed
Steam Generator Tubing Material 600MA 600MA
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Tube Support Configuration Drilled Hole Drilled Hole
Tube Expansion Method Full Depth Roll Full Depth Roll
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Naval Brass Naval Brass
Changed to:
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Aluminum Brass Aluminum Brass
Changed to:
Changed to:
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Al. Brass + CuNi 90/10 Al. Brass + CuNi 90/10
Changed to:
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) CuNi 80/20 CuNi 80/20
Changed to:
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N)
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Changedto: ....
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) CuNi 90/10 CuNi 90/10
Changedto: ....
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Changedto: ....
Type of Cooling Water Close (Mech. Tower) Close (Mech. Tower)
EPRI Licensed Material
Arizona Public Service
Arizona Public Service
Nuclear Steam System Supply Manuf. CE CE
Initial Critical Date or Date of Major Change 5/15/85 4/15/86
Net Power 1270 1270
Gross Mega Watt Elec. Rated Power MWe 1312 1303
Changedto: ..
Country U.S.
Nuclear Steam System Supply Manuf. CE
Initial Critical Date or Date of Major Change 10/15/87
Net Power 1270
Changed to:
Changed to:
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) ASTM SA-249
Changed to: ---
Changed to:
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Corten
Changed to: ---
Changed to:
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304L SS
Changedto: ---
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel
Changed to: ---
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) 18% Cr SS (439L)
Type of Cooling Water Seawater
EPRI Licensed Material
Changedto: --
Country France
Nuclear Steam System Supply Manuf. FRAM
Initial Critical Date or Date of Major Change 8/15/85
Changed to:
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Titanium
Changed to: --
Changed to:
Type of Cooling Water Seawater
EPRI Licensed Material
Tube Expansion Method Full Depth Roll + Kiss Full Depth Roll + Kiss
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Double (Carb. Stt. on 2ndary Side) Copper
Changed to: ....
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Titanium 304SS + Titanium
Changed to: ..
Changedto: --
Changedto: --
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) 18% Cr SS (439L) 18% Cr SS (439L)
Changedto: ....
Type of Cooling Water Seawater Seawater
EPRI Licensed Material
Country Canada
Changedto: --
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Admiralty Brass (See Note 11)
Changedto: --
Changedto: ---
Changed to:
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) CuNi 90/10
Changed to:
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Carbon Steel (A210)
Changed to: --
Changedto: --
Changed to:
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. OF 486
Number of Steam Gener. 12
Steam Gener. Model Number B&W
Phosphates Added? No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No
Condensate Purification Method None
Steam Generator Tubing Material Monel 400
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged Steel
Support Plate Material Cu-Bearing Steel
Tube Support Configuration Lattice Bars
Tube Expansion Method Hard Roll near TS Sec. Face
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Muntz
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Admiralty Brass (See Note 11)
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Admiralty Brass
Changedto: --
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Admiralty Brass (See Note 11)
Changed to:
Changed to:
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Admiralty Brass (See Note 11)
Changedto: --
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Admiralty Brass
Changedto: --
Changedto: ---
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. OF 486
Number of Steam Gener. 12
Steam Gener. Model Number B&W
Phosphates Added? No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No
Condensate Purification Method None
Steam Generator Tubing Material Monel 400
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged Steel
Support Plate Material Carbon Steel
Tube Support Configuration Broached Hole
Tube Expansion Method Hard Roll near TS Sec. Face
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Muntz
Changedto: --
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Admiralty Brass (See Note 11)
Changedto: --
Changedto: ---
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Admiralty Brass
Changedto: ---
Reactor Name
] Pickering 7
Changedto: --
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Admiralty Brass (See Note 11)
Changedto: --
Reactor Name
II Point Beach 2 1 Point Lepreau I
Changed to:
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) CuNi 80/20
Changedto: Ferrous
Type of Cooling Water Fresh (Lake) Salt Water
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to: ..
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304 SS 304 SS
Changed to: - --
Changedto: ....
Changedto: ..
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. OF 582 528
Number of Steam Gener. 2 3
Steam Gener. Model Number OTSG 177 51C
Phosphates Added? No Yes-->No
Changedto: Titanium
Changed to: ....
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
Changedto: --
Changed to: - -
Changedto: ..
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. OF 529 518
Number of Steam Gener. 3 3
Steam Gener. Model Number D3 44
Phosphates Added? No Yes
On-Line Boric Acid Added? Yes No
Condensate Purification Method Precoat: SU Only None
Steam Generator Tubing Material 600MA 600MA
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
Tube Support Configuration Drilled Hole Drilled Hole
Tube Expansion Method Full Depth Roll Part Depth Roll
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Cs Clad SS Stainless Steel
Changed to: .....
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Titanium Admiralty Brass
Changed to: - Stainless Steel
Changed to: --
Changedto: ....
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No No
Changedto: .....
Changed to: ---..
Changedto: -- -
Changedto: - -
Changedto: -- 575
Changedto: ....
Changedto: -- --
Operating Utility Name So. Calif. Edison So. Calif. Edison PSNH
Country U.S. U.S. U.S.
Nuclear Steam System Supply Manuf. CE CE W
Initial Critical Date or Date of Major Change 7/26/82 8/29/83 6/15/89
Net Power 1070 1080 1148
Gross Mega Watt Elec. Rated Power MWe 1127 1127 1194
Cold Leg Prim. Cool. Temp. 100% Power °F 553 553 559
Hot Leg Prim. Cool. Temp. 100% Power IF 609 609 618
Changed to: ---
Changedto: ---
Changed to: .
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI -Yes Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No No No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Admiralty Admiralty Stainless Steel
Changed to: ---......
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) CuNi 90/10 CuNi 90/10 Stainless Steel
Changed to: --- ---
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Stainless Steel
Changed to: .....
Type of Cooling Water Seawater Seawater Seawater
EPRI Licensed Material
Kyushu Electric
Kyushu Electric
Nuclear Steam System Supply Manuf. MHI MHI
Initial Critical Date or Date of Major Change 8/25/83 3/18/85
Net Power 846 846
Gross Mega Watt Elec. Rated Power MWe 890 890
Cold Leg Prim. Cool. Temp. 100% Power 'F 544 543
Hot Leg Prim. Cool. Temp. 100% Power 'F 610 610
Changed to: 603 602
Changed to:
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. 'F 517 517
Number of Steam Gener. 3 3
Steam Gener. Model Number 51M 51F
Phosphates Added? No No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No No
Condensate Purification Method Full / Mixed Bed Full / Mixed Bed
Steam Generator Tubing Material 600TT 600TT
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material 405 SS 405SS
Tube Support Configuration Dr. Hole/Chamfer Broached Hole
Tube Expansion Method Full Depth Roll + Hydraulic Full / Hydraulic
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Titanium Titanium
Changedto: ....
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) Titanium Titanium
Changedto: ....
Changedto: ..
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) Yes Yes
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Al. Brass + CuNi 70/30 Al. Brass + SS
Changedto: ....
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) CuNi 80/20 CuNi 80/20
Changedto: ---...
Changedto: -- -
Changed to: ..
Changedto: --
Changed to:
Changed to: --
Changed to: ..
Changed to: ..
Changed to: ..
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Changed to: --
Changed to:
Changedto: ....
Changedto: - --
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) CuNi 90/10 CuNi 90/10
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) CuNI 80/20 CuNI 80/20
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Original) CuNi 90/10 CuNi 90/10
Type of Cooling Water Brackish Brackish
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to:
Changed to:
Steam Gener. Oper. Temp. OF 593
Number of Steam Gener. 2
Steam Gener. Model Number OTSG 177
Phosphates Added? No
On-Line Boric Acid Added? No
Condensate Purification Method Full / Powder
Steam Generator Tubing Material 600SR (See Note 2b)
Steam Generator Tube Sheet Material Forged LA Steel
Support Plate Material Carbon Steel
Tube Support Configuration Broached Hole
Tube Expansion Method Part Depth +(Note 1)
Main Condenser Tube Sheet Material (Orig.) Carbon Steel
Changed to:
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Ong.) 304SS
Changed to:
Changed to:
Main Condenser Deaerating (Y/NI Yes
Deaerator Other Than Condenser (Y/N) No
LP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel / SS
Changed to:
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) Carbon Steel
Changed to:
Changedto: --
Changedto: ---..
Changedto: ---
Operating Utility Name Georgia Power Co. Louisiana P & L
Country U.S. U.S.
Nuclear Steam System Supply Manuf. W CE
Initial Critical Date or Date of Major Change 5/15/89 3/15/85
Net Power 1157 1104
Gross Mega Watt Elec. Rated Power MWe 1160 1153
Cold Leg Prim. Cool. Temp. 100% Power OF 559 552
Hot Leg Prim. Cool. Temp. 100% Power OF 618 611
Changed to: --- 604
Changedto: ...--
I Changedto:
Main Condenser Tubing Material (Orig.) CuNi 90/10 CuNi 90/10
Changed to: ..
Changed to:
HP FWH Tubing Material (Original) 304 SS Carbon Steel
Reheater Tubing Material (MSR)(Originai) Corten Steel Carbon Steel
Type of Cooling Water Fresh (Reservoir) , Seawater
EPRI Licensed Material
Changed to: - --
Glossary G-3
J 0
Japan 12-9,12-23,12-48, Ohi 12-9
12-56, 12-67 once-through steam generator
Jos6 Cabrera 9-3, 12-32 (OTSG) 1-3, 2-4, 2-11, 7-3,
12-60, 16-29
K ovality 7-30
Ko-Ri 10-2 oxidants 12-17
KWU 9-3, 9-11 oxide film 13-37
oxide morphology 8-11
L oxides 13-16
oxidizing conditions 10-69, 12-70
layup 4-29, 10-69 oxygen 8-17
LBRB 25-7
lead 3-24, 15-1, 24-36 P
leak testing 7-59
lithium 7-53, 24-29 P-B ratio 8-6
P* 25-5
longitudinal cracks 7-17
Palisades 9-9
M Palo Verde 12-22
part-depth expansion 12-2, 25-9
magnesium chloride 25-12 phosphate 9-1
magnetite 8-3, 8-32, 9-22 pit initiation 10-59
makeup water 2-20 pit propagation 10-59
McGuire 12-22 pitting 2-7, 3-25, 10-1, 12-48, 24-41
mechanical plugs 25-38 plugging 25-38
mechanical rolling 7-15 Point Beach 11-3, 12-33
memory metal plugs 25-39 Point Lepreau 9-3
microstructure 12-66, 13-30 polythionic acid 25-12
Mihama 1 9-9 potassium 11-6
mill annealing 7-37 potassium hydroxide 3-23
Millstone 10-2, 10-15 potassium phosphate 9-16
mixed mode attack 12-12, 15-11 Prairie Island 12-33
moisture separator 2-3, 2-23 preheater 16-27
molar ratio 9-4, 9-12, 12-31, 12-70 pressure drop 2-14
molybdenum 24-42 pressurized water reactor (PWR)
morpholine 12-38 1-2
MULTEQ 8-14, 12-31, 12-50, 16-25 prestrain 13-23
primary water stress corrosion
N cracking (PWSCC) 3-22,
nickel 8-48, 10-10 7-1, 25-1
nondestructive testing 4-30
nonprotective magnetite 8-20, 8-52
EPRI Licensed Material
volumetric IGA 12-10
wastage 2-5, 3-20, 9-1, 10-13, 24-43
water chemistry 4-34, 12-32, 25-52
water hammer 4-13
wear 16-1
welded plugs 25-38
zinc 16-21
Zorita 16-6