Structure and Function of The Brain - Boundless Psychology
Structure and Function of The Brain - Boundless Psychology
Structure and Function of The Brain - Boundless Psychology
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4/12/2019 Structure and Function of the Brain | Boundless Psychology
Key Points
Key Terms
The human brain is one of the most complex systems on earth. Every
component of the brain must work together in order to keep its body
functioning. The brain and the spinal cord make up the central nervous… 2/27
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Hindbrain… 3/27
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The midbrain makes up part of the brain stem. It is located between the
hindbrain and forebrain. All sensory and motor information that travels
between the forebrain and the spinal cord passes through the midbrain,
making it a relay station for the central nervous system.
Lower-Level Structures
The brain’s lower-level structures consist of the brain stem, the spinal
cord, and the cerebellum.
4/12/2019 Structure and Function of the Brain | Boundless Psychology
Key Points
Key Terms
The brain’s lower-level structures consist of the brain stem and spinal
cord, along with the cerebellum. With the exception of the spinal cord,… 5/27
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The Hindbrain
The hindbrain, which includes the medulla oblongata, the pons, and the
cerebellum, is responsible some of the oldest and most primitive body
functions. Each of these structures is described below.
Medulla Oblongata
The medulla oblongata sits at the transition zone between the brain and
the spinal cord. It is the rst region that formally belongs to the brain
(rather than the spinal cord). It is the control center for respiratory,
cardiovascular, and digestive functions.
The pons connects the medulla oblongata with the midbrain region, and
also relays signals from the forebrain to the cerebellum. It houses the
control centers for respiration and inhibitory functions. The cerebellum is
attached to the dorsal side of the pons.
Cerebellum… 6/27
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The Midbrain… 7/27
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The thalamus is part of the limbic system. It consists of two lobes of grey
matter along the bottom of the cerebral cortex. Because nearly all
sensory information passes through the thalamus it is considered the
sensory “way station” of the brain, passing information on to the cerebral
cortex (which is in the forebrain). Lesions of, or stimulation to, the
thalamus are associated with changes in emotional reactivity. However,
the importance of this structure on the regulation of emotional behavior
is not due to the activity of the thalamus itself, but to the connections
between the thalamus and other limbic-system structures.
Hypothalamus… 8/27
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2. to carry information
generated in the brain to
peripheral targets like
skeletal muscles;
4. to enable sensorimotor
Hypothalamus: An image of the
functions to control posture brain showing the location of the
and other fundamental
movements.… 9/27
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Cerebral Cortex
The cerebral cortex is the outermost layered structure of the brain and
controls higher brain functions such as information processing.
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The cerebral cortex, the largest part of the mammalian brain, is the
wrinkly gray outer covering of the cerebrum. While the cortex is less than
1/4″ thick, it is here that all sensation, perception, memory, association,
thought, and voluntary physical actions occur. The cerebral cortex is
considered the ultimate control and information-processing center in the
The cortex is made of layers of neurons with many inputs; these cortical
neurons function like mini microprocessors or logic gates. It contains
glial cells, which guide neural connections, provide nutrients and myelin
to neurons, and absorb extra ions and neurotransmitters. The cortex is
divided into four di erent lobes (the parietal, occipital, temporal, and
frontal lobes ), each with a di erent speci c function.
Lobes of the brain: A diagram of the brain identifying the di erent lobes
by color. Counterclockwise from bottom: It contains the parietal lobe
(green), the occipital lobe (red), the temporal lobe (yellow), and the
frontal lobe (blue).… 11/27
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The “valleys” of the wrinkles are called sulci (or sometimes, ssures); the
“peaks” between wrinkles are called gyri. While there are variations from
person to person in their sulci and gyri, the brain has been studied
enough to identify patterns. One notable sulcus is the central sulcus, or
the wrinkle dividing the parietal lobe from the frontal lobe.
Cerebrum… 12/27
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Beneath the cerebral cortex is the cerebrum, which serves as the main
thought and control center of the brain. It is the seat of higher-level
thought like emotions and decision making (as opposed to lower-level
thought like balance, movement, and re exes).
The cerebrum is composed of gray and white matter. Gray matter is the
mass of all the cell bodies, dendrites, and synapses of neurons
interlaced with one another, while white matter consists of the long,
myelin-coated axons of those neurons connecting masses of gray matter
to each other.
The brain is divided into two hemispheres and four lobes, each of which
specializes in a di erent function.
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Brain Lateralization
Corpus Callosum
The brain is separated into four lobes: the frontal, temporal, occipital,
and parietal lobes.… 15/27
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Lobes of the brain: The brain is divided into four lobes, each of which is
associated with di erent types of mental processes. Clockwise from left:
The frontal lobe is in blue at the front, the parietal lobe in yellow at the top,
the occipital lobe in red at the back, and the temporal lobe in green on the
bottom.… 16/27
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The temporal lobe is associated with the retention of short- and long-
term memories. It processes sensory input including auditory
information, language comprehension, and naming. It also creates
emotional responses and controls biological drives such as aggression
and sexuality.
One speci c portion of the temporal lobe, Wernicke’s area, plays a key
role in speech comprehension. Another portion, Broca’s area, underlies
the ability to produce (rather than understand) speech. Patients with
damage to Wernicke’s area can speak clearly but the words make no
sense, while patients with damage to Broca’s area will fail to form words
properly and speech will be halting and slurred. These disorders are
known as Wernicke’s and Broca’s aphasia respectively; an aphasia is an
inability to speak.… 17/27
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the optic tracts to the visual where the temporal lobe and
parietal lobe meet.
cortex. Other areas of the
occipital lobe are specialized for
di erent visual tasks, such as visuospatial processing, color
discrimination, and motion perception. Damage to the primary visual
cortex (located on the surface of the posterior occipital lobe) can cause
blindness, due to the holes in the visual map on the surface of the cortex
caused by the lesions.
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Key Points
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The limbic system: All the components of the limbic system work together
to regulate some of the brain’s most important processes.
The Amygdala… 20/27
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The Hippocampus
The hippocampus is found deep in the temporal lobe, and is shaped like
a seahorse. It consists of two horns curving back from the amygdala.
Psychologists and neuroscientists dispute the precise role of the
hippocampus, but generally agree that it plays an essential role in the
formation of new memories about past experiences. Some researchers
consider the hippocampus to be responsible for general declarative
memory (memories that can be explicitly verbalized, such as memory of
facts and episodic memory).… 21/27
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Hippocampus: This image shows the horned hippocampus deep within the
temporal lobe.… 22/27
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The cingulate gyrus is located in the medial side of the brain next to the
corpus callosum. There is still much to be learned about this gyrus, but it
is known that its frontal part links smells and sights with pleasant
memories of previous emotions. This region also participates in our
emotional reaction to pain and in the regulation of aggressive behavior.
The basal ganglia is a group of nuclei lying deep in the subcortical white
matter of the frontal lobes that organizes motor behavior. The caudate,
putamen, and globus pallidus are major components of the basal
ganglia. The basal ganglia appears to serve as a gating mechanism for
physical movements, inhibiting potential movements until they are fully
appropriate for the circumstances in which they are to be executed. The
basal ganglia is also involved with:
motor planning;
predictive control;
working memory;
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Key Points
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Neuroplasticity… 25/27
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Synaptic Pruning… 26/27
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Synaptic pruning is distinct from the regressive events seen during older
age. While developmental pruning is experience-dependent, the
deteriorating connections that occur with old age are not. Synaptic
pruning is like carving a statue: getting the unformed stone into its best
form. Once the statue is complete, the weather will begin to erode the
statue, which represents the lost connections that occur with old age.
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