Us3517466 PDF
Us3517466 PDF
Us3517466 PDF
BOUVER 3,517,466
Filed July 18, 1969
six w swarawasasas
United States Patent Office 3,517,466
Patented June 30, 1970
1. 2
the deformation of my device to coincide with the curva
3,517,466 ture of the piece being worked on.
STONE POLISHING WHEEL FOR Referring to the various figures, especially FIG. 2, 1
CONTOURED SURFACES designates the cylindrical, abrasive-faced studs. These are
Jean J. Bouvier, Tonawanda, N.Y., assignor to Ferro prepared using methods well known in the art. They may
Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio, a corporation of Ohio be molded in a barrel type mold which may be of steel
Continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 725,649,
May 1, 1968. This application July 18, 1969, Ser. or of graphite. Into the barrel of the mold I place a
No. 846,649 measured or weighed quantity of my abrasive mix 2 com
Int, C. B24d 17/00 prising for example 5 to 10% by volume of sized diamond
U.S. C. 51-358 S Claims grits and from 0 to 25% by volume of other abrasive
such as crushed boron carbide. The remainder consists
of powdered metals. An excellent product is made using
ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE 10% tin and 90% copper though these proportions may
be varied from 5 to 15% tin in order to give a softer
Cylinders carrying an abrasive bonded to one end or harder acting abrasive body or other powdered metals
thereof and fixed to a flexible disk which is in turn fixed 5 familiar in this art may be used. 100 mesh or finer
to a compressible elastomer disk, which in turn is fixed powdered metal should be used.
to a rigid rotatable driving plate, to form an abrasive As will be apparent the foregoing mixture may be
polishing wheel for Stone adaptable to polish contoured varied to accomplish various types of polished finishes.
surfaces. In a preferred embodiment, the driving plate is 20 On top of the abrasive mix in the mold I place an
tapered downward to impart a slanted Workface and additional amount of abrasive-free powdered metal 3 to
cut more smoothly. form the base of the stud for insertion in the flexible
disk. The metal and abrasive in the barrel is then covered
This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. Ser. with a steel plunger and the entire assembly of mold, mix
and plunger heated at a temperature from 1500 F. to
No. 725,649 filed May 1, 1968, now abandoned. 1900° F. after which it is quickly placed in a press and
This invention relates to an abrasive device intended the mixture compressed under the plunger using a pres
for polishing the face of blocks of granite, marble or the sure of 3 to 5 tons per square inch while still hot. The
like for use as monuments, corner stones, etc. particularly mold is then cooled to room temperature and the finished
where curved contoured surfaces are to be polished. 30 stud removed.
In prior practice this has been accomplished using rela The mold and plunger may be made of 25-20 nickel
tively large blocks of diamond impregnated metal bolted chromium steel which has adequate strength and is not
to supporting disks of steel or nylon which were to a harmed by the high temperature used. If a graphite mold
small degree flexible but far more rigid than my device is used, pressure of 10 to 50 p.s. i. should be applied but
and as a result were very difficult to conform to irregular the operation is otherwise similar.
surfaces and frequently left serious scratches in the Sur For studs intended for preliminary and relatively rough
face being polished. work diamonds of 25 to 35 mesh to the inch are used
The device of the present invention is considered to be For very smooth final polishing, finer diamonds down to
somewhat superior to the one described in my copending perhaps 20 to 30 micron size are sometimes used, the
application Ser. No. 640,686 filed on May 23, 1967, since 40 exact size depending on the purpose intended. The boron
issued, on Sept. 2, 1969 into U.S. Pat. 3,464,166, in which carbide or other abrasive filler should be finer than the
there is employed a series of springs to separate a thin diamonds. It acts partly as a filler to the metal stud
flexible face plate carrying abrasive from a rigid backing and also acts as an abrasive to some degree.
drive member. While superior to earlier polishing wheels, It is desirbale to have the relatively non-abrasive metal
that device in use does not develop as uniform a facial 45 base of my stud extend approximately /8 inch along the
curvature as the present one, but rather forms a Some axis of the stud to permit it to be firmly gripped by
what undulating face which is depressed somewhat more cement 4 in the socket cavity 5 in flexible disk 6. The
deeply between the supporting spring areas than it is abrasive portion 2 should extend along the axis of the
immediately over these areas. I find that for really fine stud a distance of preferably about 3/8 inch plus 0.01 to
work the instant device requires less critical attention 50 0.02 inch, although this may be varied for different appli
by the operator to obtain a Superior polish. cations.
In the present device, small abrasive cylinders from It is important that all studs project from the disk in
3% to 7/8 inch in diameter (usually % inch) are made which they are set by substantially the same distance, SO
from powdered metal with grains of diamond or other the next step in assembly of this device is to place each
abrasive material embedded therein at the Substantially stud in a chuck on a lathe with the abrasive end firmly
fiat, abrading ends thereof. The opposite ends thereof against an end stop after which the non-abrasive end is
are cemented in place in holes in the Surface of a flexible turned or ground off to yield studs which are all of ex
disk of any suitable, conventional, material well known actly the same length before proceeding to mount them
in the art. This disk is cemented in turn to a readily as described below.
compressible pad of elastomer material which in turn is 60 The stud carrying disk 6 of this device is prepared by
cemented to a rotatable steel plate which drives the entire providing a round disk from 4 to 8 inches in diameter
assembly. in one face of which are drilled cylindrical cavities 5
The construction of this device and its method of to a precisely uniform depth of approximately /8 inch
manufacture will be clearly understood by reference to for insertion of the completed stud 1. It is desirable that
the accompanying drawings in which: 65 the bottom of each cavity should be flat and make a right
FIG. 1 is a view of the working face of my device; angle with the side wall of the cavity. This is readily
FIG. 2 is a fragmentary cross section along line 2- 2 obtained by using a square end drill to finish each hole.
of FIG. 1, showing detail of the assembly of a cylinder I find moreover that it is also desirable to have at the
and the various backing layers; and center of each of these holes a further extension hole
FIG. 3 is a stylized sectional view of a cross Section 70
7 perhaps 1/8 inch diameter which extends through the
of one of my devices in use where it is pressed against flexible disk 6. This extension hole provides a relief Space
a concave section of a stone being polished to illustrate
3,517,466 4.
as the fastening cement 4 is being applied, and any excess 10 in the back face, into which bolts are inserted to hold
of the cement flows into and through the hole. The pres this plate tight against a shaft plate mechanism (not
ence of this relief hole aids in setting the studs so that shown) whereby my entire device is rotatable about its
each one projects equally below the face of the flexible aXS.
disk 6. 5
For holding the various elements of my device together,
In locating the various holes in disk 6, it is helpful to any of a number of well known, commercially available,
use a template containing /8 inch diameter holes through flexible, waterproof adhesives may be used.
(which I pass a drill to penetrate through the disk 6 at To assemble the various elements of my device, the first
proper points. This provides the small "through' holes step is to sand blast and wipe off the various faces to be
described and serves to locate the larger cavities for O cemented, i.e. studs 1, disk 6 including the cavities therein,
insertion of the studs. and steel plate 9. I then brush onto these surfaces and to
It should be noted that in order to insure proper bal both faces of elastomer disk 8 a coating of my cement and
ance of the final body, these cavities should be located in allow this to stand in air until it becomes slightly tacky.
pairs directly across the axis and arbor hole C from one Cavities 5 are filled completely with cement before in
another and at equal distances from the axis of the disk. serting the studs. This insures a complete, firm contact
It is also important that the cavities be so placed that as and any excess extrudes away through the vent holes 7
the device rotates adjacent studs shall trace paths which against the elastomer pad 8, where it does no harm.
overlap to a considerable degree but not completely, to I then press together the various faces which are to
assure uniform polishing and the elimination of grooves adhere to one another and put the assembled unit under
and scratches in the stone being polished. I find it desir a weight covering it uniformly with a total pressure of
able that adjacent studs be separated from one another about 100 lbs. This I leave on for 20 to 30 minutes after
by a distance at least equal to half the diameter of the which the weight is removed and the assembly allowed
studs. This means that the working face of the device is to set in air in a warm room overnight after which the
relatively open, there being for example only 34 studs of completed device is ready for use.
5/8 inch diameter each in the entire face of a disk 7 inches 25 FIG. 3 illustrates the ability of this device to conform
in diameter. In this way an important degree of flexibility its working face to that of the stone being polished, for
of the disk under bending loads is assured. instance across the top of a tomb stone 11. In this figure
For carrying the abrasive studs in their cavities, I use it will be noted that disk 6 holding studs 1 has flexed
a disk of a flexible, but not necessarily elastic material, to match the curvature of stone 11 but retains its full
many of which are well known in the art, the only re 30 thickness and continues to grip the studs firmly. Elas
quirement being that at operating speeds the disk will tomer pad 8 however squeezes down further at area. A
maintain a generally flat, planular posture, yet be capable than at area B where the pressure (applied in the direc
of flexing in use to accommodate and conform to the tion of the arrow) is less. Steel member 9 retains its
contoured surface of the subject sought to be ground. original shape. As the position of the polishing pad is
Generally, it can be flexed for up to /2 inch or more with displaced perpendicular to the arrow the shape of elas
a person's fingers and returns to the flat when released. tomer member 8 changes continually to urge abrasive
As an alternative the abrasive members can be affixed members 2 in contact with the face of the stone.
to the disk by bolts extending through the disk as illus There are certain limits on the thickness of intermedi
trated in my copending application Ser. No. 640,686 filed ate elastomer pad 8 and the thickness should be generally
May 23, 1967. The nut is buried in the elastomer pad. 40 less than /2 its total diameter while the lower limit of its
The resilient grommets employed in said application how thickness is dictated generally by the maximum degree of
ever are not required in this invention. flexure of flexible disk 6 that will be desired. That is, the
The disk is from BA6 to 4 inch thick, the 4 inch stock thinner the intermediate elastomer pad 8 is, the less per
being for disks 6 inches or more in diameter. missible flexure of flexible disk 6.
The next element in my assembly is a layer of relatively 45 Having thus described and illustrated my invention, it
Soft elastomer (sponge rubber) material 8. For this 34 is set forth in the following claims which are to be con
inch thick material may be used, and is cut to the same strued in the light of the United States statutes and de
diameter as the disk 6 and as the 4 inch thick rotatable cisions in such a manner as to give them the broad range
steel plate 9, to both of which it is cemented by cement 4. of equivalents to which they are entitled.
Obviously many Suitable springly sponge elastomers or 50 What is claimed is:
other substances could be used rather than the rubber if 1. A rotatable abrasive wheel having means to rotate
desired, and the elastomer may generally be described as same, said wheel having a generally circular and substan
a resilient cellular or non-cellular elastomeric body, which tially rigid base plate fixed directly to said rotating means,
shall be understood in the broad sense to include bodies an elastomer pad conforming generally to the outlines of
composed of materials having properties similar to those 55 said base plate and having one face affixed thereto, said
of an elastomeric polymer, at least to the extent that they elastomer pad having affixed to the opposite face thereof
may readily be elongated at least 300%, and/or conn a flexible disk member conforming generally to the out
pressed at least 50%, by the application of a force of not line of said base plate and said pad, said flexible disk
more than 500 pounds per square inch. It will also be member having dispersed over the working face thereof
understood that the average diameter of any cells present 60 a series of cylindrical cavities of substantially equal depth,
may generally be of almost any size larger than about said cavities having disposed therein a generally cylindri
0.01 inch. cal abrasive member having an abrasive dispersed over the
In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the steel operating face thereof, said cylinders protruding, respec
plate is tapered downward at an angle between about 3 tively, below the working face of said flexible disk, sub
and 10 and preferably between about 4 and about 7 65 stantially equal distances.
from a point at or near the center of the plate to the outer 2. The wheel of claim 1 wherein said cylindrical cavi
edge. This taper imparts a slanted working face of about ties partially penetrate said disk member, and each said
the same amount and causes the polishing wheel to cut cavity has a smaller opening in its base extending through
more smoothly. The plate is preferably tapered from the the total thickness of said flexible disk.
circumference of a circle having its center at the center 70 3. The wheel of claim 1 wherein said cylindrical
of the plate, the circle having a diameter of between about cavities partially penetrate said disk member, each said
about 1' and about 2' and preferably about 14''. cavity has a smaller opening in its base extending through
Steel plate 9 is positioned on a rotatable shaft by any the total thickness of said flexible disk, and said elastomer
conventional means, such as threadably, as shown, or may pad has a total thickness no greater than half its diameter.
be provided with two diametrically opposed tapped holes 75 4. A rotatable abrasive wheel having means to rotate
5 6
same, said wheel having a generally circular tapered base 5. The wheel of claim 4 wherein the base plate is
plate, said base plate fixed directly to said rotating means, tapered downward at an angle between about 3 and
an elastomer pad conforming generally to the outlines about 10 from a point at or near the center of the plate,
of said base plate and having one face affixed thereto, to its outer edge.
said elastomer pad having affixed to the opposite face References Cited
thereof a flexible disk member conforming generally to UNITED STATES PATENTS
the outline of said base plate and said pad, said flexible
disk member having dispersed over the working face 1,953,983 4/1934 Benner ------------- 51-395
thereof a series of cylindrical cavities of substantially 2,164,418 7/1939 Mounet ------------- 51-358
equal depth, said cavities having disposed therein a gen- 10 3,121,982 2/1964 Miller -------------- 51-209
erally cylindrical abrasive member having an abrasive OTHELL M. SIMPSON, Primary Examiner
dispersed over the operating face thereof, said cylinders
protruding, respectively, below the working face of said U.S. C. X.R.
flexible disk, substantially equal distances. 51-209