On Bullsh T IELTS Books: Kien Tran
On Bullsh T IELTS Books: Kien Tran
On Bullsh T IELTS Books: Kien Tran
for those who
hate spending
too much time
on bullsh*t IELTS books
Kien Tran
You right now might be wondering why just reading
lazily like what you are doing at this very moment,
without taking any notes, can help you remember all the
fancy academic vocabulary. Is that even possible?
My answer is YES, YES, YES. And I'm not just saying
that. The way it works is extremely simple, yet, not a lot
of folks know about and even if they do, not many of
them will make use of it. I am going to explain to you in
later section of the book. But for now, just keep in mind
that this book WILL make a big change in your life.
Don't tell me you only need English to pass the bullshit
IELTS exam that you will have to pay a fortune for the
fees and not to mention you don't necessarily enjoy
the experience it gives you. You will need English for
the rest of your life, hands down. Until you die. Let's be
honest, 10 years ago, no English was okay. Now, if you
don't speak and write in English properly and
professionally, you will never get ahead of the game. So,
you might notice I mark some words or phrases as RED,
good question, they are words that are informal. You
should NOT use them in formal writing like IELTS.
But feel free to use them in daily conversation or
informal writing. They are very very common. But wait,
isn't this book supposed to be for Academic vocabulary
learning purpose? Oh yeah, I'm glad you mention that. It
IS for academic vocab learning. Just wanna chill a little
bit as this is just a preface section. I'm gonna get more
serious later on and it will, in fact, turn you on as you
will learn big time. So the question is... Are you ready?
Ok dumb question. I know you are 100% ready. LOL.
Let's jump right into it.
Naturally and
Now, I will use academic vocab in REAL LIFE,
naturally and repeatedly. See the word "naturally" and
"repeatedly"? These are vitally important (1) for the (1) Very important
success of learning vocabulary in a short period of
time. Therefore, do not take them lightly (2). HAHA. (2) Take them seriously
Okay, have you noticed what's going on right now?
These two above phrases are the very first two
academic phrases that you are gonna learn. You will
see them every so often (3) as you go through the
(3) from time to time,
book. Why do you have to see them again? often
Remember repetition? It's key. It's vitally important
(1). That's why you will have to see them over and
over again, coupled with (4) new phrases. This will, of (4) beside
course, produce desirable learning outcomes (5) (5) give good results
since you will familiarize yourself (6) with (6) get familiar with
(7) a lot of/many
a myriad of (7) useful vocab that you will finally have
a chance to use in formal writing. In conclusion of this
page, you have already learned seven vitally
important phrases that cannot be taken lightly in
IELTS writing.
You will see more vitally important ones later on
because this is what this book is all about. Just by
reading, you will succeed.
Talking with
Kien Tran
Do you like talking to me?
Hmm... You don't say anything so I take it as a YES. In
this book, it's like you are talking to me. Oh, I'm sorry,
I'm talking to you directly. We will have a chat about
anything you can think of. The environment, food and
beverages, animals, the universe, movies, music, you
name it. This book is interesting, making normal stuff (8) Never done or known
academic. An unprecedented (8) book about learning
vocabulary just for you, my friend. I hope you don't (9) expert knowledge in
take it lightly as this is all my expertise (9) dedicated a particular field
to (10) creating the best learning experience so you (10) devote time and
can enjoy and have fun. effort to