6. Classification questions 15
Make sure you have a copy of the How to prepare for IELTS – FAQs booklet in
addition to this booklet.
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
Details of the Listening Test
All the topics will be of general interest and not biased towards students
of particular disciplines.
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
Test instructions
At the beginning of each section the speaker will give a brief
introduction to the situation. For example,
Read questions 1 to 6. As you listen to the tape, write the correct answer in the
spaces provided.
The tape will be silent for about 30 seconds. Then the speaker will
repeat which questions you have to answer:
Question types*
The types of tasks are:
1. Multiple Choice
2. Short-answer questions
3. Sentence completion
4. Notes/table/summary flow-chart/diagram completion
5. Labelling a diagram which has numbered parts
You are given a mark for each of the 40 questions and your result is
converted into a score which corresponds to one of the bands from 1-9
which you will see on your result sheet. You can be awarded a whole or
a half band in the listening section. (See IELTS Handbook: p.20 or Focus
on IELTS: p.7 for details.)
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
The Question Types
1. Multiple Choice
The questions
There are three types of multiple choice questions in the IELTS
listening exam.
1. Where there is one possible answer. (These are sometimes picture
multiple choice.)
2. Where there are multiple answers for only one mark.
3. Where there are multiple answers and one mark for each.
For these questions you may be given the start of a sentence which
you have to complete with one out of four or more choices. Or you
may be presented with a question and asked to find two, three or four
items in a list of answers.
Questions 1 and 2
1 When did John finish the book? 2 What did John think about the book?
A on the way to Japan A He thought it was funny.
B in Japan B He couldn’t understand it.
C on his way back from Japan. C He didn’t enjoy it.
Type 2
Questions 3 and 4
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
Type 3
Questions 5-7
Also note that you may be asked to circle ONE, TWO, THREE or FOUR letters.
to listen for people correcting themselves when speaking. They may
discuss one of the answer choices and then reject it.
to eliminate unlikely answers.
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
Books in the SAC
Do as many of the following multiple choice questions as you can:
Holmesglen Institute of TAFE
From homepage, go to listening & download the booklet.
See p.6 for multiple choice.
There are two types of short answer questions in the IELTS listening
Type 1. Questions
Type 2. Lists
These questions will always tell you to write your answers in NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS. So you can answer with one word, two words
or three words but no more.
Also note that the answers should not require a hyphenated word (e.g.
non-smoker) or a contraction (e.g. They’ve).
Type 1
Questions 1 and 2
Type 2
Questions 3 - 5
3 ……………………………………………….
4 ……………………………………………….
5 ………………………………………………..
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
if you don’t know the meaning of any of the words in the questions
look at the other questions. They might have some associated
vocabulary in them to help you guess the meaning.
the answer could be one word, two words or three words but not four
or more.
if you think you need more than three words your answer is probably
Books in the SAC
Do as many of the following short answer questions as you can:
Holmesglen Institute of TAFE
From homepage, go to listening & download booklet.
See p.9 for short answer questions.
* recommended
They are similar to the short answer questions in that they will always
tell you to write your answers in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. So
you can answer with one word, two words or three words but no more.
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
Also note that the answers should not require a hyphenated word (e.g.
non-smoking) or a contraction (e.g. They’ve).
Questions 1 - 3
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
the answer could be one word, two words or three words but not four or more.
if you think you need more than three words your answer is probably incorrect.
Books in the SAC
Do the following sentence completion questions:
Holmesglen Institute of TAFE
From homepage, go to listening & download booklet.
See p.8 for sentence completion questions.
* recommended
4. Notes/table/form/summary/flow chart/diagram
completion questions
The Questions
These questions ask for specific information.
There are two types of these completion questions in the IELTS exam.
Type 1. With a selection of possible answers.
Type 2. Without a choice of possible answers.
Type 2 questions are similar to the short answer questions in that they
will tell you to write your answers in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
So you can answer with one word, two words or three words but no
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
As with short answer questions also note that the answers should not
require a hyphenated word (e.g. non-smoker ) or a contraction (e.g.
They’ve). If the answer requires a number, you can write it as a
numeral (e.g. 6) or a word (e.g. six) or a combination (e.g. 6 million).
Questions 1 -5
Complete the table below using the words from the box.
Write the appropriate letters A-G against Questions 1-5.
Breed Facts
Pug (1) ………..
Scottish Terrier (2) ………..
Shih Tzu (3) ………..
Great Dane (4) ………..
Greyhound (5) ………..
Type 2
Questions 6 -8
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
How to do these completion questions
• Read the instructions carefully.
• Look at the table or form etc carefully before the recording starts
and during the 30 seconds given. As you do this,
examine any headings or subheadings.
try to work out what you are going to hear.
decide what you need to listen out for.
anticipate grammatical form as well as vocabulary.
if a box of answers is given, see if you can guess any of the
matches & eliminate unlikely answers.
• Listen to the introduction given carefully.
• Answer the questions as you listen.
• Make notes beside the question if you are not sure of the answer.
if there is a box of answers, there will be at least two you don’t need.
if there is no box, the answer could be one word, two words or three words
but not four or more.
if you think you need more than three words your answer is probably
there may be alternative rubrics for these completion questions e.g. ‘complete
the notice’ or ‘complete the explanation’ or ‘complete the news report’.
Books in the SAC
Do the following completion questions, examining the differences
between them as you do them:
Cambridge IELTS 2:
form: p.7, p. 31,
notes: p.9, p.36, p.58,
table: p.11, p.12, p.13, p.30, p.34, p.37, p.58
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
Insight into IELTS:
table: p.11, p.27
form: p.12
notes: p.18, p.24, p.26
Holmesglen Institute of TAFE
From homepage, go to listening & download booklet.
See p.5 for summary completion & p.7 for form completion.
* recommended
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
Questions 1 - 6
Oriental vases
Korean cabinets
Indian rugs
Chinese furniture
Thai silk
Malaysian batik
Tibetan prayer rugs
Balinese woodwork
Oriental art
Books in the SAC
Do the following labeling the diagram questions:
6. Classification questions
The Questions
These questions ask you to classify information given in the listening
text. Classifications are often according to the speaker’s opinion or
according to a period of time or place.
You will either be asked to write a letter which represents one of the
classifications beside each item in a list of statements. Or you could be
asked to circle a letter in a table or tick a column in a table.
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
Questions 1 -4
A in Portsmede
B in Smalltown
C in Farmton
hairdressers ……C….
In In In Farnton
Portsmede Smalltown C
1 ice rink A B C
2 cinema A B C
3 French A B C
4 clinic A B C
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
How to do these classification questions
• Read the instructions carefully.
• Make sure you know how many classifications there are and what
letters you have to use.
• Read the classifications carefully and make sure you know which
letter represents each one.
• Read the statements/phrases or words beside the question
numbers and make yourself as familiar with them as possible. You
will hear them all mentioned but they may be expressed differently in
the text.
• Underline the key words in both the classifications and the
question statements.
• Listen out for the words you have underlined.
• Don’t leave any statements without a letter.
Books in the SAC
Do the following classification questions.
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
General Tips for the listening test
How to prepare for IELTS – Listening
While listening
• Listen carefully to the instructions.
• Listen out for key words and common signpost words like – ‘on the
other hand’, ‘in contrast’ etc
• Remember the questions usually follow the same sequence as the
conversation or talk but the information may be expressed
differently from the questions.
• Write down something even if you haven’t got the answer before
moving on to the next question.
• Make sure you continue to listen while you are writing as you only
hear the tape once.
• Don’t get stuck on a question you can’t answer. Just move on.
• Remember there may be sections of irrelevant information. Just
keep listening for the information you need.
• Write notes in the question booklet as you listen. This may help you
go back to a difficult question later.
After listening
• Make sure you transfer your answers correctly.
• Make sure you use the time given to check your answers.
• If you can’t remember an answer, guess.