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SU Regulation 12

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Regulations for the meetings of the Court

(under Section 21 of SU Act & Statute 10)

1. The Court shall meet atleast once in a year.

2. The date(s) of the meeting(s) shall be fixed by the Executive Council unless
some other date has been fixed by the Court in respect of any year.

3. The Chancellor, if present, shall chair the meetings of the Court and Registrar
shall be the Member Secretary of the Court. In absence of the Chancellor, the
Vice-Chancellor or in his/her absence the Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall chair the

4. The Registrar shall issue notice for the meeting at least 21 days before the
meeting indicating date, venue and time of the meeting.

5. The agenda to be discussed at the meeting shall be circulated at least 7 days

before the meeting. Sending of agenda through e-mail to the members shall be
deemed to have been circulated.

Provided that it shall be open to the Chairperson or the Vice-Chancellor or the

Registrar or any member of the Court with permission of the Chairperson, to
bring up such item(s) which is/are urgent and important in nature for
consideration at the meeting itself.

The Chairperson may at his/her discretion, withdraw any item (s) already
circulated from deliberations at the meeting.

6. A special meeting of the Court may be convened by the Executive Council or the
Vice-Chancellor or if there is no Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor or if
there is no Pro-Vice-Chancellor, by the Registrar.

Special meeting will be convened on requisition being sent in writing to the

Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor by atleast one third of the members of the Court.
Chancellor/Vice-Chancellor shall convene a meeting of the Court within three
months of the receipt of the requisition. The business proposed to be conducted
at such a meeting shall be specified and sent alongwith the requisition.

7. Eleven (11) members of the Court shall form a quorum for a meeting of the
court. Where the meeting of the court has been duly convened and no quorum
is present within half an hour of the time appointed for the meeting, the

meeting will be adjourned to the same day and time in the next week or such
other day and at such other time and place, as the members present may
decide. A notice for the adjourned meeting shall be sent to all the members of
the Court. If no quorum is present at the adjourned meeting within half an
hour of the appointed time, the members present shall constitute the quorum.

8. If deliberations on the agenda item(s) remain inconclusive on the day of the

meeting, the meeting shall be continued on the next day or on some other day
as the Chairperson may decide. No quorum shall be required for the continued
meeting and shall restrict its deliberations to the agenda circulated earlier
except with the permission of the Chairperson.

9. The conduct of business in the meeting of the Court shall be regulated by the

10. Each member shall be required to observe the decorum during the conduct of
meetings and shall confine her/his discussion to the views relevant to the
matter. She/he may, however, raise a point of order to be adjudicated upon by
the Chairperson in a manner she/he deems fits.

11. Ordinarily all decisions shall be by consensus. However, if circumstances so

warrant, the Chairperson may put a resolution to vote and the decision shall be
carried by a majority. In-case of a tie the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.

12. The minutes of the meeting shall be prepared by the Registrar who shall submit
the same to the Chairperson through the Vice-Chancellor for approval. The
minutes approved by the Chairperson shall be circulated to the members within
30 days of such approval for their comments. Comments, if any, received within
15 days of circulation of the minutes, shall considered at the next meeting of
the Court before those are confirmed.

13. The decision taken at the Court may be implemented by the University on the
basis of the minutes approved by the Chairperson.

14. The power to amend, repeal or add to these Regulations shall vest with the

15. These Regulations shall come into force from the date of approval by the Court.

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