Horizontal Wellbore Schematic: Wellcore
Horizontal Wellbore Schematic: Wellcore
Horizontal Wellbore Schematic: Wellcore
P2’s Wellcore Horizontal Wellbore Schematic is a wellbore diagram tool that accurately depicts wellbore
geometry and borehole equipment over the full well life-cycle from spud to abandonment, relying on
existing drilling and completion data capture to drive the wellbore schematic.
The Horizontal Borehole Schematic is a data-driven rendering of the borehole, which takes Drilling and
Completions data from Wellcore, along with the directional survey, and renders an image of the borehole.
The schematic maintains a history of the borehole, so on any given date, the image rendered is an
accurate depiction of the operations going on in the borehole that day, using date sensitive data from the
Daily Drilling and Completions Reports, as well as dated casing, cement, and completions string data.
• Tightly integrated with Wellcore to accurately render wellbore geometry and wellbore components
with no incremental work.
• Date control enables rapid scrolling through wellbore history, accurately rendering components and
equipment in the borehole over time.
• Export to PDF enables quick sharing with vendors and print capabilities to take the image to the field.
• Enables more accurate data entry and quality assurance that Drilling & Completion data was
correctly entered.
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• Directional survey data can be entered directly • Zooming capabilities.
into Wellcore, or can be imported from Excel, • Can scroll through dates to see evolution
and the schematic uses this to drive an exact of well construction.
rendering of the borehole trajectory.
• Three renderings:
• Displays the perforation intervals, along with
providing information on screen about the ◦◦ Visual picture
interval perforated and the amount of shots used. ◦◦ Component details table (Depths, IDs, Ods)
• Ability to turn on and off different components: ◦◦ Top and side view directional plots
◦◦ Completion • Daily Drilling and Completions report data drives
◦◦ Cement the schematic from start to finish.
◦◦ Perforations
◦◦ Labels
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