AGTEK Brochure

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for estimating & operations

Create fast and accurate bids with Create machine control models Utilize the power of drone imagery
simple, intuitive tools. Break the job with speed and simplicity for Leica, and point clouds to validate pre-bid
into stages by interacting with data Topcon, Trimble and other heavy site conditions, determine stripping
in an immersive 3D environment. equipment manufactures’ GPS quantities, and measure earthwork
Extract volumes, input strata systems. Work to finished or sub- progress throughout construction.
details, and deduct sectional areas. grade surfaces and export linework Calculate stockpile and over
Uncover opportunities with value in a variety of formats. Create excavation volumes, determine
engineering to minimize risk before models for dozers, excavators, where dirt has moved, and what
you break ground. Leverage drone graders, and stringless curb and is remaining to complete the job.
data to validate existing conditions. gutter machines with ease and Easily combine data from multiple
Track and control progress from accuracy. Whether you are running flights or data sources to stay ontop
land or the sky once you have the a single brand or a mixed fleet we of your site’s progress. Sync data to
job. make the data prep simple. mobile apps putting actionable in-
formation in the Foreman’s hands.

AGTEK Development Company, Inc.

396 Earhart Way • Livermore • CA 94551 • • 800.441.1140
for estimating & operations


Enter materials first! and account Break your job into trade Utilize the power of drone imagery
for all cost items without entering specific classes: storm, sewer, and point clouds to validate pre-bid
data twice. Measures lengths, water, electrical, grading, and site conditions, extract demolition
areas and counts, extend them demolition for simple data quantities for infill developments,
into yards of concrete, tons of filtering and to help manage and measure production progress
asphalt, lengths of guard rail, subcontractors. Phase your job to during construction. Validate
counts of fittings, or any other cost track progress as you complete lengths, areas, and counts of what
item. Apply structural sections each section. Create structure lists, has gone in the ground, and what
directly to earthwork data to get to assigning multiple material depths work remains. Sync all data to
subgrade, calculating the true dirt simultaneously. Create detailed mobile apps and put actionable
volumes with ease. reports broken down by materials, information in the Foreman’s hands
structure, class and phase and to make faster, more informed
export data in a variety of formats. decisions right in the field.

AGTEK Development Company, Inc.

396 Earhart Way • Livermore • CA 94551 • • 800.441.1140
for estimating & operations


Takeoff lengths, and counts of all Break your job into phases of Utilize the power of drone imagery
pipe, laterals, joints, valves, and construction, and utility specific and point clouds to validate pre-bid
other fixtures with ease. Model classes; sewer, storm, water, elec- site conditions, and measure
trench profiles, calculate bedding, trical, and telecommunications. production progress during
pipe displacement, cover, spoil, Calculate excavation volumes by construction. Measure length
and backfill volumes required depth brackets, and strata layers to of pipe in the ground, amount
to complete the job. Import pipe ensure accurate bidding quantities. of trench excavated, amount
invert, and rim profiles from CAD Visualize, and interact with data of bedding, cover, and fixtures.
or PDF, or enter on-screen without via an intuitive graphical interface. Syncronize data to mobile apps
entering any data twice. Calculate Export trench models for machine putting actionable information in
trench details against design, control systems, and monitor the Foreman’s hands.
subgrade, existing, and stripped progress throughout construction
surfaces. to track against your plan.

AGTEK Development Company, Inc.

396 Earhart Way • Livermore • CA 94551 • • 800.441.1140
for estimating & operations


Whether your data comes from Create intuitive mass diagrams Utilize the power of drone
CAD or PDF we have you covered. and haul reports to show how to imagery and point clouds to
Import road alignments, corridor efficiently move material on linear validate pre-bid site conditions
models, and cross section data projects. Determine in-station and and measure production progress
from a wide variety of design alignment-station material move- during construction. Sync data to
packages, or manually enter COGO ments. Calculate average haul mobile apps and put actionable
and cross sections. AGTEK software lengths and haulage brackets. Fly information in the Foreman’s hands
blends data from multiple sources drones for progress updates and to make faster informed decisions
and supports all publicly available calculate updated mass diagrams. in the field. Calculate volumes and
DOT formats. Break data into Report how the dirt has moved determine balance regions in the
phases of construction, model and the most efficient way to finish field to ensure you move the dirt
material movement, and plan the job. once.
hauls with ease.

AGTEK Development Company, Inc.

396 Earhart Way • Livermore • CA 94551 • • 800.441.1140


Collaborate with colleagues in the Backed by industry leading Get the most from your AGTEK
field and share data effortlessly support, help is only a phone call solutions with training, taking
between offices with AGTEK Access or click away. Get your questions you from beginner to expert in a
cloud services and mobile apps. answered by an AGTEK expert no format that works for you. Attend
Our network license allows users to matter how big or small the issue. an interactive 3 day Hands-On
access software from any location Stay up to date with the latest training class or a series of one-
while Google Earth exports makes advancements with access to on-one web training or advanced
it easy to interrogate data. Review regular enhancements and system coaching on your data and jobs.
volume reports, cut-fill maps, improvements. Having issues with Access our library of hundreds
sectional areas, staged works, data from 3rd parties? Send it to us of videos. All training is tailored
mass haul diagrams, plan sheets, to convert and untangle so you can to your needs and consistently
profile and cross section views. keep working. receives high praises.

AGTEK Development Company, Inc.

396 Earhart Way • Livermore • CA 94551 • • 800.441.1140
for estimating & operations

Unleash the power of your phone Bring your data to life with 3D Calculate volumes between any two
or tablet by simply geo-referencing visualization and navigation, surfaces in the field. Determine the
your plan sheets to navigate to any linking the real world with the volume of a stockpile or the amount
location on site without the need digital world. Turn on your phone’s of material to fill a retaining wall.
for stakes to guide you. View plan satellite view or background maps Find balanced regions on the fly
details, cut-fill maps, sectional for simple navigation to and from and set elevation limits to ensure
details, service diagrams, and any site. View orthomosaic drone you move the dirt once in the
other information available on a photos to get a birds-eye view of most efficient way. Load multiple
traditional plan set. Record site where you are on site and monitor surfaces and instantaneously
details and document progress changes as they occur. Connect change reference information. Find
with geotagged images from to an RTK receiver for increased out how much dirt has moved and
pre-bid inspection through all accuracy. Record cut-fill for grade what is remaining, all from your
phases of construction. control progress and setout drone phone or tablet.
check points with ease.

AGTEK Development Company, Inc.

396 Earhart Way • Livermore • CA 94551 • • 800.441.1140
for estimating & operations


Know where your machines Equip your scrapers, trucks, dozers, View machine tracks against plan
are working and identify costly graders, and compactors with dirt sheets, cut-fill maps, satellite
downtime as soon as it occurs. simple time and motion sensors to view, UAV ortho photo, or on a
Determine the number of hauls record where your machines are, road network map. Record site
completed, volume of material and replay where they have been details, equipment downtime, and
moved, cycle times, and break time throughout the day. No operator maintenance breaks in the field.
per vehicle. Compare data across interaction is required with data Dive deeper into the data in the
machine types, projects, regions, logged once per second and office with advanced analytics to
or job types. Data is available on synced to the cloud every minute. uncover performance improvement
any Android or Apple iOS device. opportunities.

AGTEK Development Company, Inc.

396 Earhart Way • Livermore • CA 94551 • • 800.441.1140
for estimating & operations


Unlock the power of a drone and Process drone data on your terms, Clean up data in minutes using
get accurate, repeatable results when and where you want. Convert simple routines that make short
every time with DJI’s Phantom 4 photo’s captured from the sky into work of obstructions. Validate
RTK drone. Connect your drone orthomosaic images & point clouds existing conditions, track earthwork
to a reference network or base in your office or on-site. Process progress, determine demolition
station for real time results. Once data independent of 3rd party quantities, and control material
a flight is planned the drone service providers, or the need for procurement on site. Send updated
will automatically complete high speed internet links. Turn your surface files and ortho photos
the mission and return without drone data into actionable insights to the field for access to data on
interaction. Already flying a drone? while maintaining control of when Apple or Android devices for faster
Our workflow supports all makes you get results. decision making.
and models of drones.

AGTEK Development Company, Inc.

396 Earhart Way • Livermore • CA 94551 • • 800.441.1140
Software for Estimating and Operations
AGTEK’s Dirt. Simple. Solutions.
Expedite accurate takeoffs for a winning bid! Speed up machine control modeling to quick start your job. Simplify drone
surveys to track progress and make faster and more informed decisions. Log machine motion efficiency, and funnel
actionable feedback through mobile apps directly to your foreman & onsite staff.... keeping you in control!


Create fast accurate earthwork Takeoff all lengths, areas and Calculates bedding, cover, When projects incorporate a Get your questions answered
quantity takeoffs. Use drone counts on site, without enter- backfill, pipe displacement, road alignment and coordinate by an AGTEK expert. Get ac-
data to validate and track prog- ing data twice. Utilize drone and trench spoil for each run geometry, AGTEK’s Highway cess to regular enhancements
ress. Create machine control imagery to extract demolition plus reports pipe length and has all the tools to make light and system improvements. 3rd
models for all manufactures quantities or track materials structure count by depth work of takeoff, modelling and party data issues? Send it to us
with speed and simplicity. procurement on site. bracket. progress measurement. to convert and untangle.


Empowers you with geo ref- Calculate dirt volumes in the Know where your machines Unleash the power of a drone for Get the most from your AGTEK
erenced data. Navigate any- field, see 3D data and balance are working in real-time and fast, repeatable results. Validate solutions with Hands-On Train-
where on site with a smart- regions to move dirt only once. identify costly downtime in- pre-bid conditions, track earth- ing classes or One-on-One web
phone or tablet. Document Measure project progress by stantly. Monitor use, compare work volumes, material place- training tailored to your needs.
site conditions and determine viewing background maps, sat- data, regions, or job types all ment, and underground progress In addition you can access our
material quantities with ease. ellite images or drone overlays. from your phone or tablet. throughout construction. training library of videos.

AGTEK Development Company

396 Earhart Way, Livermore, CA, 94551 • 800 441 1140

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