The International Glossary On Poverty PDF
The International Glossary On Poverty PDF
The International Glossary On Poverty PDF
What Role for the State in Today’s Globalized Economy? NEW!
Edited by Francis Wilson, Nazneen Kanji and Einar Braathen
This unique international glossary provides an Professor Robert Pinker of the London School of
authoritative guide to some 200 technical terms used Economics (LSE) introduces the Glossary by examining the
in contemporary scholarly research on poverty. Each current state of poverty research. Dr Paul Spicker, one of
entry contains definitions and explanations, followed the volume’s editors, reviews and explains the many
by a select reading list of relevant journal articles and different and competing meanings associated with the word
books. The Glossary has been compiled by scholars poverty.
from a number of countries and international agencies
with the intention of sensitising researchers, students Contents
and policy makers working in a variety of disciplines to Introducing the Glossary - Else Oyen
the complexities of the issues relating to the subject of Do poverty definitions matter? The current state of poverty
poverty. In particular, the Glossary will help overcome research - Robert Pinker
the current difficulties arising from the absence of an The Poverty Glossary: An Alphabetically Arranged Explanation of
agreed vocabulary, as well as the unfamiliarity of Terms and Concepts, with associated references - David Gordon,
terms and concepts in one relevant discipline to those Else Oyen and Paul Spicker
operating in others. The multidimensional character of The Meanings of Poverty: Eleven Clusters of Definitions - Paul
poverty becomes clear and a special effort has been
made to include non-Western approaches and 1999, 176pp
concepts with a view to facilitating comparative poverty Hb ISBN 1 85649 687 2 £36.95 $49.95
studies. Pb ISBN 1 85649 688 0 £12.95 $17.50
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