The International Glossary On Poverty PDF

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What Role for the State in Today’s Globalized Economy? NEW!
Edited by Francis Wilson, Nazneen Kanji and Einar Braathen

Poverty and social exclusion have moved up the international Contents

policy agenda, in step with the ever more obvious failure of 1. Introduction: Poverty, Power and the State - Francis
development to reduce mass immiseration and the growing gulf of Wilson, Nazneen Kanji and Einar Braathen 2.
inequality which latterday capitalism has created. In this volume, Conceptual and Philosophical Predispositions - Archie
Mafeje 3. Democracies and Poverty: Links and
local and international scholars, acknowledging that the ‘trickle
Associations - Kenneth Good 4. Poverty and
down’ and ‘natural’ processes of the market do not provide a Citizenship: Moral Repertoires and Welfare Regimes -
remedy, turn the spotlight on the state. Hartley Dean 5. ‘The Right to Have Rights’: Poverty,
In a series of general explorations of the issues involved and Ethnicity, Multiculturalism and State Power - Camilo
Perez-Bustillo 6. Poverty and Development in the Age
specific investigations in particular countries, mainly in Southern
of Globalization: The Role of Foreign Aid - Brigitte
Published: May 2001 and Central Africa, they explore theoretically and empirically the Schulz 7. Poverty Reduction and Policy Dialogue:
400pp difficult questions around how much can be expected of the state The World Bank and the State in Zimbabwe, Zambia
Hb 1 85649 952 9 in poverty reduction. What political and cultural dimensions of the and Malawi - Nazneen Kanji 8. Poverty Discourse and
£49.95 $69.95 state need to be taken into account when considering how it State Power: A case study of Morocco - Blandine
should help shape activity in society? How is the role of power Destremau 9. Trade Policy, Poverty and Inequality in
Pb 1 85649 953 7
best analysed when considering strategies to reduce poverty? Namibia - Dirk Hansohm, Klaus Schade and Arne
£16.95 $27.50 Wiig 10. The State and Poverty Reduction Policies in
What is the meaning of pro-poor governance? What can be
Zimbabwe, 1980-1997 - Brian Raftopoulos 11.
expected of specific interventions by government? How is the
Poverty and Democratization: The Case of Botswana
concept of citizenship incorporated in poverty reduction - Charity K. Kerapeletswe and Tsholofelo Moremi 12.
programmes? Providing So Little for So Few: Botswana’s Social
This major volume makes a double contribution. It provides a rich Assistance Scheme - Arnon Bar-On 13. Towards Pro-
Poor Governance? The Case of Mozambique - Einar
seam of up-to-date information on the incidence and forms of
Braathen and Alessandro Palmero 14. Meeting the
poverty in Southern and Central Africa and the great variety of Challenge? The Emerging Agenda for Poverty
strategies and programmes by governments, and aid and Reduction in Post-Apartheid South Africa - Julian May
international institutions, to tackle it. But even more importantly, it 15. The South African Women’s Budget Initiative:
throws much light on the general questions, indeed limitations What does it tell us about poverty alleviation? -
and obstacles, around expecting too much of what governments Debbie Budlender 16. Redressing Urban Poverty in
can do on an issue which goes to the heart of the distribution of Post-Apartheid South Africa - Christian M. Rogerson
power in society.


Edited by David Gordon and Paul Spicker

This unique international glossary provides an Professor Robert Pinker of the London School of
authoritative guide to some 200 technical terms used Economics (LSE) introduces the Glossary by examining the
in contemporary scholarly research on poverty. Each current state of poverty research. Dr Paul Spicker, one of
entry contains definitions and explanations, followed the volume’s editors, reviews and explains the many
by a select reading list of relevant journal articles and different and competing meanings associated with the word
books. The Glossary has been compiled by scholars poverty.
from a number of countries and international agencies
with the intention of sensitising researchers, students Contents
and policy makers working in a variety of disciplines to Introducing the Glossary - Else Oyen
the complexities of the issues relating to the subject of Do poverty definitions matter? The current state of poverty
poverty. In particular, the Glossary will help overcome research - Robert Pinker
the current difficulties arising from the absence of an The Poverty Glossary: An Alphabetically Arranged Explanation of
agreed vocabulary, as well as the unfamiliarity of Terms and Concepts, with associated references - David Gordon,
terms and concepts in one relevant discipline to those Else Oyen and Paul Spicker
operating in others. The multidimensional character of The Meanings of Poverty: Eleven Clusters of Definitions - Paul
poverty becomes clear and a special effort has been
made to include non-Western approaches and 1999, 176pp
concepts with a view to facilitating comparative poverty Hb ISBN 1 85649 687 2 £36.95 $49.95
studies. Pb ISBN 1 85649 688 0 £12.95 $17.50

Zed Books, 7 Cynthia Street, London N1 9JF

Tel: (44) (0)20 7837 4014 Fax: (44) (0)20 7833 3960
Human Rights and the Eradication of Poverty NEW!
Edited by Willem van Genugten and Camilo Perez-Bustillo
Political leaders, social scientists and lawyers now Contents
pay more attention to two, not necessarily related, Preface - Camilo Perez-Bustillo
issues: the reduction of poverty and a respect for Part 1: Citizenship, Democracy and Participation:
human rights enshrined in law. This volume links Contemporary Challenges and New Paradigms
these issues, arguing that law is no panacea for 1. Expansion of citizenship and democratic construction - Eduardo S.
the intractable problem of poverty. But it can be an Bustelo 2. Human rights: a new paradigm - Patricia Helena Massa
indispensable basis for, and complement to, social Arzabe 3. Natural history and social history - Juan Antonio Blanco
mobilization, strengthened in turn by socially Part 2: The Vicious Circles of Poverty
4. Poverty and human rights in the light of the philosophy and
engaged and critical social science. Vigorous
contributions of Father Joseph Wresinski - Marco Aurelio Ugarte
advocacy of compliance with international human Ochoa 5. The promotion of economic, social and cultural rights as a
Published: rights norms and explicit incorporation and
July 2001 formula to face poverty: the case of Panama - Maribel Gordon C.
actionability of such standards in national legal Part 3: Indigenous Struggles against Poverty
256pp frameworks can play a role in the struggle to 6. Indigenous peoples and mega projects - Claudio Gonzalez-Parra 7.
Hb 1 85649 977 4 reduce, and ultimately eradicate, global poverty Human rights, poverty and indigenous peoples’ struggles in the
£49.95 $69.95 and social injustice. Americas - Camilo Perez-Bustillo 8. Indigenous poverty and social
Pb 1 85649 978 2 mobilisation - Luis Hernandez Navarro
£16.95 $27.50 The contributors include lawyers and social
Part 4: Solutions from a Human Rights Perspective
scientists from a number of disciplines. Largely
9. Poverty and social justice in Latin America - Hector Gros Espiell 10.
eschewing a set of country case studies, but The right to development as a programming tool for development co-
paying particular attention to indigenous peoples operation - Patrick van Weerelt 11. The human rights challenge to
and their struggles against poverty, they explore a global poverty - Chris Jochnick Conclusion: Human rights as source of
range of important questions relating to the inspiration and instrument for the eradication of extreme poverty: the
intersection of human rights and poverty, including need for an integrated economic, political and legal approach - Willem
the relatively new notion of the right to van Genugten and Camilo Perez-Bustillo


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