Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) : Mendel Rosenblum

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Cascading Style Sheets

Mendel Rosenblum

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 1

Driving problem behind CSS
What font type and size does <h1>Introduction</h1> generate?

Answer: Some default from the browser (HTML tells what browser how)

Early HTML - Override defaults with attributes

<table border="2" bordercolor="black">

Style sheets were added to address this:

Specify style to use rather than browser default

Not have to code styling on every element

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 2
Key concept: Separate style from content
Content (what to display) is in HTML files

Formatting information (how to display it) is in separate style sheets (.css files).

Use an element attribute named class to link (e.g. <span class="test">)

Result: define style information once, use in many places

Consider can you make all the text in the app slightly bigger?
Or purple is our new company color.

DRY principle: Don't Repeat Yourself

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 3
Style sheet contain one or more CSS Rules

body {
font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
Declaration color: black;
Block background: white;
margin: 8px;
Property Value
CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 4
h1 {
<h1>Today’s Specials</h1>
Tag name color: red;

.large {
<p class="large">...
Class attribute font-size: 16pt;

Tag and Class p.large {...} <p class="large">...

#p20 {
<p id="p20">...
Element id font-weight: bold;

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 5

CSS Pseudo Selectors
hover - Apply rule when mouse is over element (e.g. tooltip)
p:hover, a:hover {
background-color: yellow;
a:link, a:visited - Apply rule when link has been visited or not visited (link)
a:visited { a:link {
color: green; color: blue;
} }

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 6

CSS Properties
Control many style properties of an element:

● Coloring
● Size
● Position
● Visibility
● Many more: (e.g. p: { text-decoration: line-through; })

● Also used in animation

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 7

Color - Properties: color & background_color
Must ultimately turn into red, green, and blue intensities between 0 and 255:

● Predefined names: red, blue, green, white, etc.

● 8-bit hexadecimal numbers for red, green, blue: #ff0000
● 0-255 decimal intensities: rgb(255,255,0)

● Percentage intensities: rgb(80%,80%,100%)
Example: h1: { color: red; }

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 8

CSS Box Model
Margin Total element width =
Border width +
Padding left padding +
right padding +
width left border +
right border +

left margin +
right margin

Margin & Padding


CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 9

CSS distance units
2px pixels

1mm millimeters

2cm centimeters

0.2in inches

3pt printer point 1/72 inch

2em 2 times the element’s current font size

3rem 3 times the root element’s current font size

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 10

Size Properties - Element, pad, margin, border
width - Override element defaults border-bottom-color
height border-bottom-style
padding-top border-left-color
padding-right border-left-style
padding-bottom border-left-width
padding-left border-right-color
margin-top border-right-width
margin-right etc.
margin-bottom p {
margin-left border: 5px solid red;
CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 11
position property

position: static; (default) - Position in document flow

position: relative; Position relative to default position via

top, right, bottom, and left properties

position: fixed; Position to a fixed location on the screen via

top, right, bottom, and left properties

position: absolute; Position relative to ancestor absolute element via

top, right, bottom, and left properties

Fixed position (0,0) is top left corner

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 12
Some more common properties
background-image: image for element's background

background-repeat: should background image be displayed in a repeating

pattern (versus once only)

font, font-family, font-size, font-weight, font-style: font

information for text

text-align, vertical-align: Alignment: center, left, right

cursor - Set the cursor when over element (e.g. help)

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 13

Element visibility control properties
display: none; - Element is not displayed and takes no space in layout
display: inline; - Element is treated as an inline element.
display: block; - Element is treated as an block element.
display: flex; - Element is treated as an flex container.
display: grid; - Element is treated as an grid container.

visibility: hidden; - Element is hidden but space still allocated.

visibility: visible; - Element is normally displayed

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 14

Some other CSS issues
● Inheritance
○ Some properties (e.g. font-size) are inherited from parent elements
○ Others (border, background) are not inherited.

● Multiple rule matches

○ General idea: most specific rule wins

<span>Text1</span> span.test { color: green }

<span class="test">Text2</span> span { color: red }

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 15

Adding Styles to HTML Separate style sheet (best way)

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="myStyles.css" />
<style type="text/css">
body {
font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;
</style> Page-specific styles
<div style="padding:2px; ... ">
Element-specific styles

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 16

body { <body>
font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; <h1>First Section Heading</h1>
font-size: 13px; <p>
color: black; Here is the first paragraph, containing
text that really doesn't have any use
background: white;
or meaning; it just prattles on and on,
margin: 8px;
with no end whatsoever, no point to
make, really no purpose for existence
h1 { at all.
font-size: 19px; </p>
margin-top: 0px; <div class="shaded">
margin-bottom: 5px; <h1>Another Section Heading</h1>
border-bottom: 1px solid black <p>
} Another paragraph.
.shaded { </p>
background: #d0d0ff; </div>
} </body>

CSS: CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS HTML: 17

Example Output

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 18

CSS in the real world
● CSS preprocessors (e.g. less) are commonly used
○ Add variable and functions to help in maintaining large collections of style sheets
○ Apply scoping using the naming conventions

● Composition is a problem
○ It can be really hard to figure out what rule from which stylesheet is messing things up

CS142 Lecture Notes - CSS 19

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