Power Electronics
Power Electronics
Power Electronics
Power Electronics
Sheet 1 of 11
Code: ENGT5255
Session - 2015/2016
Faculty of Technology
Date -
Start Finish
Instructions to, and information for, candidates:
(1 mark)
(b) Describe in words the purpose of C2, R1 and D2. Ensure that your
answer includes a description of the purpose of each component
and include in your answer one possible outcome if C2, R1 and D2
were not present.
(7 marks)
(iii) Determine the peak pulse current and peak inverse voltage
of D2
(3 marks)
(i) The state and output equations for the converter during the
period when Q1 is on are given by:
ẋ = A x + B I
o = C x+D I
(ii) The state equation for the converter during the period when
Q1 is off is given by
ẋ = Ex+ FI
o = Gx+ HI
V out Δ
Δ = − 1−Δ
(5 marks)
(a) schematic
(5 marks)
(b) the transformer core type
(5 marks)
(4 marks)
(d) the number of turns and approximate wire diameter on all windings
of the transformer. Skin effect may be neglected for the purposes
of this design. Assume maximum possible duty cycle to be 0.8
under transient conditions.
(6 marks)
(a) Explain why a high-side gate drive is required when providing gate
drive signals to the switching devices in a limb of a bridge.
(5 marks)
The Qgtot of the MOSFETS shown in Figure 4 is 65nC, and the gate-
source voltage required to hold the devices in saturation is 6V.
Figure 3: LT1336
Figure 4: Half-bridge
(10 marks)
(2 marks)
3p Vs
T max = .
4 L sL' r f s
(7 marks)
(3 marks)
1−K 2 z−1
H (z ) = K 1×
1− z−1
Core geometry:
Ferrite specifications: