Power Electronics

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Power Electronics

Power Electronics (De Montfort University)

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Sheet 1 of 11
Code: ENGT5255

Session - 2015/2016

Faculty of Technology

Module Code - ENGT5255

Module Title - Power Electronics

Date -

Time Allowed - 2 hours

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Instructions to, and information for, candidates:

Answer any THREE questions.

Each question is worth 20 marks.

Total marks achievable = 60

Programmable calculators are permitted during this examination

provided they are ‘reset’ using the reset button found on the underneath
of some calculators, ‘cancelled’ (by battery removal) or otherwise
checked and proved not to carry textual information, or formulae
required by the examination, other than normal
scientific/statistical functions.

A sheet providing data pertaining to a selection of magnetic cores may

be found on the last page of this examination paper.

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Code: ENGT5255 Sheet 2 of 11


Figure 1 shows the power circuit of a flyback converter

Figure 1: Single ended flyback converter

(a) In Figure 1, what are C2, R1 and D2 collectively known as?

(1 mark)

(b) Describe in words the purpose of C2, R1 and D2. Ensure that your
answer includes a description of the purpose of each component
and include in your answer one possible outcome if C2, R1 and D2
were not present.

(7 marks)

(c) A flyback converter based on Figure 1 has the following properties:

T1 total leakage reactance: 10nH

T1 turns ratio Ns/Np: 1:2
Switching frequency: 100kHz
Maximum peak T1 primary current: 10A
Supply voltage Vin: 20-35V

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Output voltage: 20V

The MOSFET Q1 has a maximum Vds of 120V.

(i) Select a suitable value of C1 (neglecting forward-biassed

diode voltage drops).
(5 marks)

(ii) Select a suitable value of R1.

(4 marks)

(iii) Determine the peak pulse current and peak inverse voltage
of D2

(3 marks)

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Code: ENGT5255 Sheet 4 of 11


(a) Describe in words the process of linearized state-space analysis

and state the main purpose of conducting linearized state-space
analysis on a switching power converter.
(5 marks)

(b) The circuit of Figure 2 shows an up-down converter. The Rds(on) of

Q1, all diode drops and the e.s.r. of the capacitor C can be
considered to be negligible.

Figure 2: Up-down converter

(i) The state and output equations for the converter during the
period when Q1 is on are given by:

ẋ = A x + B I
o = C x+D I

Showing all intermediate steps, derive the matrices A, B, C

and D from the circuit of Figure 2 for the time when Q1 is
(5 marks)

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Code: ENGT5255 Sheet 5 of 11

(ii) The state equation for the converter during the period when
Q1 is off is given by

ẋ = Ex+ FI
o = Gx+ HI

Showing all intermediate steps, derive the matrices E, F, G

and H from the circuit of Figure 2 for the time when Q1 is
(5 marks)

(iii) Using the generalized linearized steady-state state space

and output equations:
0 = (Δ A+ (1−Δ ) E ) X + (Δ B+ (1−Δ ) F ) I
O = (Δ C + (1−Δ )G) X + (Δ D+ (1−Δ ) H ) I

prove that the steady state output voltage to control input

transfer function for the up-down converter can be
expressed as:

V out Δ
Δ = − 1−Δ
(5 marks)

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Code: ENGT5255 Sheet 6 of 11


A medium-power d.c. to d.c. power supply is required. The specification

is below.

Output voltage: 150V single rail.

Nominal load current: 20A
Load ripple voltage: 30mV
Input voltage: 340V
Switching frequency: 150kHz
Copper current density: 5Amm-1
Usable winding factor: 80%
Projected converter efficiency: 95%

A table of available core geometries may be found in the supplementary

information at the end of this paper:

The core material used is 3F35 ferrite.

Design the power stage of a full-bridge converter using a transformer

and that will meet the above requirements. Your answer should show all
calculation and include:

(a) schematic
(5 marks)
(b) the transformer core type

(5 marks)

(c) the values of all inductors and capacitors.

(4 marks)

(d) the number of turns and approximate wire diameter on all windings
of the transformer. Skin effect may be neglected for the purposes
of this design. Assume maximum possible duty cycle to be 0.8
under transient conditions.
(6 marks)

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Code: ENGT5255 Sheet 7 of 11


(a) Explain why a high-side gate drive is required when providing gate
drive signals to the switching devices in a limb of a bridge.

(5 marks)

(b) A typical dual gate drive IC is the LTC4444, a pinout diagram of

which is shown in Figure 3.

The LTC4444 has an undervoltage lockout of 3.55V

The Qgtot of the MOSFETS shown in Figure 4 is 65nC, and the gate-
source voltage required to hold the devices in saturation is 6V.

The circuit operates with a switching frequency of 100kHz and


A 12V supply is available, referenced to the negative rail of the d.c.

bus (as shown in Figure 4).

Design a gate-drive circuit around the LTC4444 to drive the gates

of the half-bridge of Figure 4, showing the interconnection between
the LTC4444 and the power circuit. Your answer should include a
schematic. Calculate correct values for any capacitors and specify
the peak inverse voltage and maximum current rating for any
diodes used.

Figure 3: LT1336
Figure 4: Half-bridge
(10 marks)

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Code: ENGT5255 Sheet 8 of 11

(c) State three limitations of a bootstrap supply.

(3 marks)

(d) Suggest an alternative approach to providing the power supply to a

high-side drive that does not rely on bootstrap.

(2 marks)

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(a) Figure 5 shows a simplified circuit model of one phase of a three-

phase induction motor:

Figure 5: Induction motor model

(i) From the simplified model, show that maximum torque is

given by:

  
3p Vs
T max = .
4   L sL' r  f s

(7 marks)

(ii) What does the outcome of part (i) suggest as the

requirements for control of induction motors using power
electronics where just control of the motor speed is desired?

(3 marks)

(b) Briefly describe a common advanced control scheme for power

electronics driving induction motors that allows position control as
well as speed control.
(5 marks)

(c) Proportional+integral compensators are commonly used in motor

control systems. In the z domain, the proportional + integral
compensator can be described by the transfer function:

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Code: ENGT5255 Sheet 10 of 11

1−K 2 z−1
H (z ) = K 1×
1− z−1

Draw a block diagram of an implementation of the z-domain

proportional+integral filter in canonical form.
(5 marks)

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Core geometry:

Type Ac (mm2) Aw (mm2) AP (mm4)

ETD29 76 95 7220
ETD34 97.1 123 11900
ETD39 125 177 22100
ETD44 173 214 37000
ETD49 211 273 57600
ETD54 280 316 88500

Ferrite specifications:

Type Bsat (mT)

3C90 330
3F35 300
3C94 330
3F3 320

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