Computer Science Past Paper

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1 To process an instruction, a central processing unit (CPU) goes through a cycle that has three
main stages.

Name each stage in this cycle.

Stage 1 ................................................................................

Stage 2 ................................................................................

Stage 3 ................................................................................

2 Name each of the potential security issues described in the five statements below:

Statement Security issue

The act of gaining unauthorised access to

a computer system ..................................................................................

Program code that can replicate itself with

the intention of deleting or corrupting files
stored in a computer ..................................................................................

A small file sent by a web server to a web

browser; every time the user visits the
website, data about user preferences is
collected ..................................................................................

The act of illegally changing the source

code of a program so that it can be
exploited for another use ..................................................................................

Malicious code installed on a user’s hard

drive or a web server which redirects
the user to a fake website without their
knowledge ..................................................................................


© UCLES 2016 0478/11/O/N/16

3 Five computer terms and seven descriptions are shown below.

Draw a line to connect each computer term to its correct description.

Computer term Description

Several bits of data sent down several

wires, in both directions, but not at the
same time
Serial, simplex data

Several bits of data sent down several

wires, in both directions, at the same

Parallel, half-duplex
data transmission
An even or odd number of bits set to 1
in a byte, used to check if the byte has
been transmitted correctly

One bit sent at a time, over a single wire

Parity check in one direction only

An additional digit placed at the end of a

number to check if the number has been
entered correctly
Automatic repeat
request (ARQ)

A value transmitted at the end of a block

of data; it is calculated using the other
elements in the data stream and is used
to check for transmission errors

Checksum An error detection method that uses

response and time out when transmitting
data; if a response is not sent back to
the sender in an agreed amount of time,
then the data is re-sent

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4 The Henslows Diner is a local restaurant.

(a) Staff currently use a keyboard to input a customer food order into a computer. The food order
is then sent to the kitchen.

State two disadvantages of using a keyboard to input a customer food order.

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 ................................................................................................................................................


(b) A concept keyboard has a flat surface that is overlaid with images of food items available
from the restaurant menu. Staff can click on an image to add the food item to a customer food

The Henslows Diner wants to change to a concept keyboard to input customer food orders.

Explain two benefits of making this change.

1 ................................................................................................................................................




2 ................................................................................................................................................




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(c) The Henslows Diner stores personal data on a computer. This computer is connected to the
Internet to allow the data to be backed up.

There is currently one security method in place to protect the data on the computer from
unauthorised access. This is a password.

Give two other security methods that could be added to improve the security of the data.
Describe how each method will keep the data safe.

Security method 1 .....................................................................................................................

Description ................................................................................................................................



Security method 2 .....................................................................................................................

Description ................................................................................................................................



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5 Three switches, A, B and C, each send values of 0 or 1 to a logic circuit. Value X is output from the
logic circuit.

Switch A
Switch B Logic circuit Output X
Switch C

Output X has a value of 1 depending on the following conditions:

Switch A sends value 1 AND Switch B sends value 0


Switch B sends value 1 AND Switch C sends value 0

(a) Draw a logic circuit to represent the conditions above.



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(b) Complete the truth table for the conditions given at the start of question 5.

Working space

0 0 0

0 0 1

0 1 0

0 1 1

1 0 0

1 0 1

1 1 0

1 1 1

(c) A microprocessor regularly samples the output, X. Each sample value is stored in an 8-bit
register as shown below. One bit of this register is reserved as a parity bit.

Five consecutive output values of 1 indicate a fault condition.

Identify which of the following registers shows a fault condition.

Parity bit

1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 Register Y

0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Register Z

Register .............................................[1]

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(d) When eight bytes of data have been collected, they are transmitted to a computer 100 km
away. Parity checks are carried out to identify if the data has been transmitted correctly. The
system uses even parity and column 1 is the parity bit.

The eight bytes of data are sent together with a ninth parity byte:

parity column column column column column column column

bit 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
byte 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
byte 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
byte 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
byte 4 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
byte 5 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
byte 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
byte 7 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
byte 8 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0
1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

(i) Identify which of the eight bytes contains an error.

byte ...............................................................................................................................[1]

(ii) Identify which column contains an error.

column ...........................................................................................................................[1]

(iii) The incorrect bit is indicated where the byte number and column cross.

Give the corrected byte.


(iv) Calculate the denary value of the corrected byte.



(v) Considering the fault condition given in part (c), explain why it is very important that the
incorrect bit is located and corrected.




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6 High-level or low-level languages can be used when writing a computer program.

State two advantages of using a high-level language and two advantages of using a low-level

High-level language advantage 1 ....................................................................................................


High-level language advantage 2 ....................................................................................................


Low-level language advantage 1 .....................................................................................................


Low-level language advantage 2 .....................................................................................................


7 Modern Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) monitors use Light-Emitting Diode (LED) backlit technology.

Give four benefits of using LED technology.

1 .......................................................................................................................................................



2 .......................................................................................................................................................



3 .......................................................................................................................................................



4 .......................................................................................................................................................



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8 Four descriptions about compilers and interpreters are shown below.

Draw lines to indicate which descriptions refer to a compiler and which descriptions refer to an


It is more difficult to debug the

code since one error can
produce many other associated

The speed of execution of

program loops is slower. Compiler

It produces fast, executable

code that runs directly on the Interpreter

It is easier to debug the code

since an error is displayed as
soon as it is found.


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9 A security light is controlled by sensors and a microprocessor.

Describe how the sensors and microprocessor interact to switch on the security light when an
intruder is detected.



















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10 (a) A manufacturer of aeroplane engines assigns a denary identification number (ID) to each

One engine has the ID: 0431

(i) Convert this denary number to a 12-bit binary format.


(ii) Show how this number would be represented in hexadecimal.



(b) The current status of the engine is sent to a computer in the aeroplane.

Each piece of data collected is 8 bytes in size. Data collection occurs every 30 seconds.

Calculate the number of kilobytes that would be needed to store the data collected during a
10-hour flight. Show your working.





................................................. kilobytes

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(c) At the end of the flight, all of the data are sent to the aeroplane engine manufacturer using the

The computer in the aeroplane has a MAC address and an IP address.

State what is meant by these two terms.

MAC address ............................................................................................................................



IP address .................................................................................................................................



(d) When sending this data, security is very important. Data are sent over the Internet using
Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.

Name the two layers that make up TLS.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ................................................................................................................................................

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11 Explain why ethics are important when using computers.



















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