Effect of Honey in Preventing Gingivitis and Dental Caries in Patients Undergoing Orthodontic Treatment
Effect of Honey in Preventing Gingivitis and Dental Caries in Patients Undergoing Orthodontic Treatment
Effect of Honey in Preventing Gingivitis and Dental Caries in Patients Undergoing Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontic Department, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
The Regional Center for Myology and Biotechnology, Culture and Sensitivity Unit, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
Dental Health Department, College of Applied Medical Science, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
Dental Biomaterial Department, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
KEYWORDS Abstract Objectives: This study was conducted to investigate the following: (1) the effects of
Honey; chewing honey on plaque formation in orthodontic patients, (2) the effect of chewing honey on den-
Plaque control; tal plaque bacterial counts, (3) determine if honey possesses antibacterial effects on bacteria recov-
Bacterial counting; ered from plaques.
pH measurement; Methods: Female orthodontic patients (n = 20, 12–18 years of age) participated in this random-
Orthodontic treatment ized controlled study. The effects of honey were compared to treatment with either 10% sucrose or
10% sorbitol that served as positive and negative controls, respectively. The pH of plaque was mea-
sured using a digital pH meter prior to baseline and at 2, 5, 10, 20, and 30 min after chewing honey
or rinsing with control solutions and the numbers of Streptococcus mutans, Lactobacilli, and
Prophymonas gingivalis in respective plaques were determined. The antibacterial activity of honey
was tested against commonly used antibiotics using the disk diffusion method.
Results: Significant differences in pH were observed in the honey and sucrose groups compared
to the pH observed in the sorbitol group (p 6 0.001). The maximum pH drop occurred at 5 min in
both the honey and sucrose groups; however the pH in the honey group rapidly recovered
10–20 min after exposure and did not drop below the critical decalcification pH of 5.5. On the other
hand, the pH following sucrose exposure fell <5.5 and was associated with a 30 min recovery time.
1013-9052 ª 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
Effect of honey in preventing gingivitis and dental caries 109
The pH observed for the sorbitol group did not change over time. Bacterial counts were signifi-
cantly reduced in the honey group compared to the other treatment groups (p 6 0.001) and honey
significantly inhibited the growth of all studied strains compared to inhibition observed with
antibiotics (p 6 0.001).
Conclusions: Honey can be used as an alternative to traditional remedies for the prevention of
dental caries and gingivitis following orthodontic treatment.
ª 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
(pH 5.5) was not reached for in either the honey or sorbitol groups, reduction in pH compared to changes observed following
however, the pH in the sucrose group fell below the critical value sucrose consumption. Exposure to sorbitol was not associated
but recovered by 30 min. The pH curve for sorbitol was almost linear with a significant drop in pH suggesting that the inherent pH
with no significant drop over time during the test period (Fig. 1). of liquids was not indicative of pH changes to the plaque or
Although the pH was affected by exposure to either honey, sucrose,
of their erosive potential (Edwards et al., 1999; Grenby
or sorbitol only exposure to honey significantly reduced (p < 0.001)
the number of bacteria that were recovered from plaques 30 min after
et al., 1989). The plaque pH measurement method used in this
exposure (Fig. 2 and Table 2). study has been used successfully in previous studies and shown
The antibacterial properties of honey were assessed by comparing to be a reliable method of determining the cariogenicity of
the zones of inhibition resulting from the culture of S. mutans, P. gin- food (Lehl et al., 1993). These methods have been shown to
givalis, and L. acidophilus in the presence of either honey or various satisfactorily identify non acidogenic foods compared to
antibiotics (Table 3 and Fig. 3). Honey significantly inhibited the appropriate positive (sucrose) and negative (sorbitol) controls
growth of all the strains studied compared to zones of inhibition result- (Curzon and Hefferren, 2001). Although acidic plaques have
ing from growth in the presence of antibiotics (p 6 0.001). been correlated with increase in the numbers of caries,
(Tahmassebi and Duggal, 1997) few studies have examined
4. Discussion the effect of honey on plaque pH. Since honey is an important
sweetening agent it represents a source of fermentable sugar
Although honey is acidic (endogenous pH 4.2) both sucrose for oral bacteria and studies have suggested that honey was
and sorbitol were used at pH 7. Data presented in this study as cariogenic as sucrose (Bowen and Lawrence, 2005; Rells
demonstrated that eating honey was associated with a greater and Nizell, 1973; Shannon et al., 1979) or as in other studies
which labeled it as more cariogenic than sucrose (Konig, 1967; to honey than antibiotics. At this time, however, the mechanism
Wakeman et al., 1948). In contrast, other reports have shown associated with the antibacterial effects of honey remain
that honey was less cariogenic than sucrose (Molan, 2001) and unknown, although the presence of hydrogen peroxide
that honey and other bee products (e.g., propolis) were non- (Havsteen, 1983), flavonoids (Mundo et al., 2004), and hyper-
cariogenic, in addition to suggesting that honey be used for tonic sugar concentrations (Cai and Wu, 1996) have been put
control of dental caries (Kujumgiev et al., 1999; Menezes forth as possibilities. More specifically, hydrogen peroxide has
et al., 1997; Park et al., 1998). been shown to form in honey by the action of the enzyme glucose
The present study demonstrated that the mean minimum oxidase that produces gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide
plaque pH 5 min after exposure to honey was higher than from glucose. Flavonoids have been shown to have antibacterial
the pH observed following sucrose exposure (5.86 and 5.28, properties (Mundo et al., 2004), and high sugar concentrations
respectively) although this difference was not statistically sig- produce a hypertonic condition causing plasmolysis of micro-
nificant. In contrast, at 10 and 20 min the plaque pH after bial cells resulting in growth inhibition and death (Cai and
chewing honey was significantly higher than after rinsing with Wu, 1996).
sucrose (p 6 0.05). Unlike sucrose, chewing honey did not
result in a decrease in pH below the critical value of 5.5 asso- 5. Conclusions
ciated with enamel demineralization. Perhaps the antibacterial
activity of honey against cariogenic bacteria overcame its pH Within the limitations of the study it can be concluded that
reducing effects based on previous observations demonstrating topical application of honey can modify the pH, reduce bacte-
that honey possessed antibacterial properties against medically rial counts, and inhibit bacterial growth. These data suggested
important bacteria (Bonvehı́ and Coll, 1994; Digrak et al., that topical application/chewing of honey might help prevent
1995; Gebara et al., 1996; Grange and Davey, 1990; Ikeno gingivitis and caries in patients undergoing orthodontic treat-
et al., 1991; Lindenfelser, 1967; Steinberg et al., 1996). How- ment. Further studies will be required to substantiate these
ever, few studies have investigated its activity against oral preliminary observations.
pathogens (Burdock, 1998; Gebara et al., 1996; Lindenfelser,
1967; Steinberg et al., 1996). Conflict of interest
Previous studies suggested that the antibacterial spectrum
of honey is fairly broad, acting against Gram-positive and -
The authors declare no conflict of interest and/or financial
negative rods and cocci, yeast, and fungi (Duailibe et al.,
2007). Results described in the present study demonstrated
that the number of S. mutans, P. gingivalis, and L. acidophilus
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