Limba engleză
Clasa a V-a A – L1
Numele și prenumele elevului:
Data susținerii testului:
Pentru rezolvarea corectă a tuturor cerințelor din Partea I și din Partea a II-a se acordă 90 de puncte. Din oficiu
se acordă 10 puncte.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.
PARTEA I (60 de puncte)
A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Simple or Present Continuous:
Dear Angela,
At the moment, I (have) …………………………1) a fantastic time in California. The house is beautiful and
there's a swimming pool in the garden. I (sit) ………………………… 2) next to the pool now and I (drink)
………………………… 3) a milkshake. It's five in the afternoon and it's very hot. Karen is in the kitchen. She
(make) ………………………… 4) pizzas and a cake for her mother's birthday party. We're going to have a
party at home this evening for Karen's mother. Karen and I usually (go) ………………………… 5) to bed late at
night. We're in the same bedroom so we often (talk) ………………………… 6) or watch TV until one in the
morning. There are about thirty-six channels on the TV here! We usually (get up) ………………………… 7) late
and have our breakfast next to the pool. We sometimes (have) ………………………… 8) it in the pool!
The Groover family is really nice. Every day we (visit) ………………………… 9) interesting places like Big Bear
Lake, San Bernadino and Pasadena.
Tomorrow Martha, Karen's sister, is going to take us to the beach in her car. Karen and I are going to learn to
windsurf. Martha's boyfriend, Oliver, is a windsurfing instructor and he's going to teach us. (have) ……………
you …………… 10) a good holiday?
Write soon.
Cathy (10x2=20p)
B. Read the dialogue and fill in the questions:
E. Use the information in the table below to complete Terry's letter to his friend, Brian.