65 0221E Who Is This Melchisedec

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Who Is T his M elchisedec ?

` Let us bow our heads for prayer.
Dear Heavenly Father, we hear this song of Only Believe, it
makes us to know that that’s all we have to do to inherit any of
God’s promises, just believe them. For it is written, “All things are
possible to them that believe.” As we cry, as the man who had the
epileptic child, “Lord, I believe! Help Thou my unbelief.”
2 We thank Thee for Thy great power, Thy great revelation of
Thyself to us in this last days. It makes our heart most happy and
joyful, to know that we have come in contact with the living God;
Who vindicates it right back in physical, material evidences, as He
did in the days gone by, and as He has promised for this day. We’re
so grateful to Thee, our God. This dark day where no one seems
to know which a way to go, we’re so glad that we found the safety
zone, the retreat.
3 Now bless us tonight, Lord, as we speak of Thy Word. And
the promises that’s given to us, may we nurture them in our hearts,
cherish them with reverence, and obey them with real godly
discipline. For we ask it in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
4 [Someone speaks to Brother Branham_Ed.] A love offering?
They shouldn’t. They shouldn’t done that. Who did that? You
guilty? I was getting on the manager. He said he took a love offering
for me. He shouldn’t have done that. I appreciate it, God knows
that, but I_I never come for that. Thank you. May the Lord bless
you. I’ll do everything I can. I’ll put it right in foreign missions, so
I’ll know it’ll go for the Kingdom of God. And if the Lord willing,
I’ll take it, myself, over to the lands, to bring this same Gospel that
you been setting, listening to this week, then I know it’ll be done in
the way that you’ve believed It. The Lord help me to do it.
5 I am very grateful for the great attendance this week, and for all
you people that’s hooked up tonight again with the_the wires of the
telephone. And we’re grateful to each and every one of you.
6 Billy said to me this morning, he said, “Daddy, if you would
have come with me this morning, early, right after daylight, and
stand out here around in these places and watch mothers feeding
their babies in the car, them poor people setting in that rain, waiting
for the doors to open!” You see what a hypocrite I’d be if I told you
anything but the Truth? I would really be a foul person. Sometimes
I have to hurt, but it’s not because that I want to, it’s because^It’s

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2 The S poken Word

not me that’s hurting. It’s Truth that hurts. And I_I^But I believe
that’s the reason you come, because I’m deadly sincere with you,
and do all that I can to help you. The Lord help each and every one
of you.
7 And now I want to thank the people for their fine co-operation,
the people of the city here, also, who gave us, let us have the renting
of this schoolhouse, this auditorium and the gym. And I want to
thank the officials if you’re here. And also I want to thank Thurston
Colvin, which is the custodian here, for his fine co-operation in
helping us to get this and being with us each night.
8 We thank the Jeffersonville police force for coming up here and
watching, with a real cheap cost. I think about two dollars a hour,
that the police were put up here on special duty, to park the cars, to
see that there was no^nothing happened, and everything was all
right. We’re grateful to the people for that. And to the_the, also,
the engineer here on the_the board, I’ve noticed him. And all that’s
affiliated with this, we are certainly grateful to you.
9 I thank each and every one of you for the gifts. Billy just brought
me, this afternoon, a_a gift, several of them, and boxes, candy, and
so forth. And one of them was the_the Beatitudes, with a picture of
Christ worked in it_it, the Sermon on the Mount. And it certainly
was beautiful. I certainly thank you. And so many things, I don’t
know how to thank you for. Then, also, for your_your sponsoring,
financing the meeting, we certainly do appreciate it, with all of our
heart. The Lord bless each one of you, richly.
10 Billy said, there was many people, you had been asking for
private interviews during the time. And many asked and had little
babies to be dedicated. Oh, how I want to do that!
But, you see, when I come this time, it’s so urgent. I have to
stay right, all the time, in study, this Word and prayer, on account
of bringing these Messages. See, they’re not^They’re_they’re
extraordinary to us, because it’s finding the will of God and then
speaking the things. And all that has to meet together, and asking
God just which one to open up.
11 Now, the Lord willing, we’ll be back again soon, as soon as we
can find a day. I made a_a motion, or_or said something about
Easter. I better check that, because I think I’ve got a schedule in
California along about that time. So that may be wrong. However,
when we return again to the tabernacle, we’ll send you a card, and
the church, and_and give you the_the date and time. Then I’ll,
maybe at that time, again^

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Who Is This Melchisedec ? 3
12 I haven’t put any time to praying for the sick. We haven’t had
one service that we brought the people up and prayed for them. We
been sending them out. And our brethren here has been preaching,
Brother Lee Vayle and Brother^These other brothers has been
preaching, and praying for the sick, and doing the water baptism,
baptizing, rather, and letting me stay alone with the Word. We thank
these men. They done a gallant job.
13 There is so many friends here I’d like to meet. I look down
and see John and Earl. And there is Doctor Lee Vayle, one of the
managers of the campaign. Brother Roy Borders. Them men, I
haven’t even got^I haven’t even no more than shook their hand.
I haven’t had a chance to. I think of my friends from Kentucky, and
around in here, and minister friends, how I would like to shake their
hands! Brother Blair, I noticed him here the other day. And many
of those men that I_I love, and they been to several meetings, and
I’ve never even as much as shook their hand. I_I’m trying^It isn’t
because I don’t want to do that; it’s because I haven’t the time to do
it, and I just a hurry.
14 Dedicating the babies, sure. My own son, my little grandson was
supposed to be dedicated at this meeting. I haven’t had time to do
it; little David. I’m grandpa, twice now. So, Mr. May, if he’s here
tonight, who give me that cane, look like I’m going to have to use it
pretty soon.
15 So, and I told Billy, I said, “The Bible did say ‘multiply and
replenish the earth,’ but the whole burden wasn’t given to you.” And
these grandsons are appearing fast.
And so, remember, my daughter-in-law was barren, to begin
with. She could not have no children. And one day, leaving a
meeting, the Lord spoke to me and said, “Loyce, you will bare a son.
The Lord has blessed you. Your female trouble is gone.” Little Paul
was born, nine months later.
16 Two months before this baby come on the scene, I was setting,
eating breakfast one morning, at the table, and Loyce and Billy was
setting across the table from me. And I seen Loyce feeding a little
baby with a pink^or a blue blanket wrapped around it. And Billy
was setting in the corner, feeding little Paul. I said, “Billy, I just saw
a vision. Loyce was feeding a baby wrapped in a blue blanket.”
He said, “There goes my hunting trip. That’s just nine months
from now.”
Eleven months later, little David was born. And I haven’t been
able to dedicate him to the Lord yet, and will not until we return
again. So you see what it is.

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4 The S poken Word
17 How I love people and their fellowship! But our brethren has
been praying for the sick, and I know it’s a success. Each night we
prayed for the sick, one laying their hands on the other, all of us
together, which that way it catches the whole scope. But maybe, if
God willing^I’ll mark it on the card, if we send it. Coming back,
I’d like to dedicate about two or three days, again, just to praying for
the sick and doing what we can in that manner. Now, and I thank
the people for their help, again.
18 Now I just want to comment, just a moment, on the_on the
morning’s Message. There’s no doubt, I didn’t get completely
through with it, but I think you understand. And I’m sure you
didn’t^You’ll never know what that was for me to do.
19 Now, it seems very simple to you. But, you, you see what you’re
doing? You are taking the place of God, to pronounce Something.
And before I would do that, it had to come an answer from God.
And He had to come down, and He visibly showed Himself, and
gave the Revelation. Therefore, see, this is to the Church. And
remember, I said, “These, this what I said, was to the Church
20 And so that you might have confidence and know, that was
the same God that said to me up there where there was no squirrel.
“Speak, and say where they’ll be.” And three straight times it
happened. Now, if He can by that same Word create something
that isn’t there, how much more will This hold fast at the Day of
Judgment! See? People were there to see these things, and know. As
Paul said, in the days gone by. There’s men with him, who_who
felt the earth shake; and didn’t hear the voice, but they_they seen
the_the Pillar of Fire.
21 It done me good, though, after it was over; to see husbands and
wives, that I know is genuine Christians, hugging one another and
22 And listen, friends, God confirms His Word with signs
and vindications, to prove that It’s right, the spoken Word.
Now remember, that Light that was in that Cloud, that gave the
Revelation. I was^
My little girl was telling me, Sarah here, that when they^That
school there in Arizona was looking up there on a cloudless sky, and
seeing this Cloud mysteriously in that mountain, going up-and-down,
with an amber Fire burning in It. The teacher dismissed the classes
and the school, and brought them out front, and said, “Did you ever
see anything like that? Look the way that’s there.”

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Who Is This Melchisedec ? 5

Remember, that’s that same amber Light that’s on the rock. So

it’s the same God, same Revelation, said, “Tell them to do this.” Is
what I told you this morning, so there It is.
23 If it happens to be that my good friend, Brother Roy Roberson, is
listening in at Tucson. Roy, you remember, the other day, the vision
you seen when we were out standing upon the mountain? You come
up to me, and that Cloud was over the top? Come walking down,
you know what He told you; and I told you at that house, the other
day? That’s it, Roy. Don’t worry no more, son. It’s over.
24 You just don’t know what that means! It’s grace. He loves you.
And you love Him, humbly serve Him and worship Him the rest of
your days. Be happy, go ahead and live as you are. If you’re happy,
continue that way. Don’t never do anything wrong again, like that.
Just go ahead. It’s God’s grace.
25 Now I want to pray again before we enter into the Word. How
many will pray for me? I’m just going from meeting to meeting. Will
you pray?
You know, I’d like to sing you a little song, all of us together,
before we go to the Word. Just to^so that we’d know God^Just
a little dedication. Did you ever hear this little song, He Careth For
You? “Through sunshine and sorrow, He careth for you.”
26 The little lady is coming up to the piano. Say, I want to thank
this little lady, too. I didn’t even know who she was. It’s one of the
deacon’s daughters here. I certainly^Brother Wheeler’s little girl.
She is growed up now. She was a little bitty thing that set on my
knee, not long ago, and now she’s a young woman. So I certainly
thank her that she’s used her talent in music, and now she plays
very sweetly. Would you give us the chord, sister? All of us together
He careth for you, 
He careth for you; 
Through sunshine or shadow, 
He careth for you.
You love that? Let’s sing it again, all together.
He careth for you, 
He careth for you; 
Through sunshine or shadow, 
He careth for you.
Brother Dauch, He does for you, too, brother. Don’t you love
Him? [Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.]
Let us bow our heads now.

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6 The S poken Word
27 Dear Gracious God, with this little note here of a few things to
say to the people, and back again to refer back to this morning, for
that’s what the people come to hear. I pray, God, that You’ll let the
people see that God loves and cares. And it was not me that give
That, Lord, it was vindicated that it was the Truth. So I pray, Dear
God, that Your love will always remain among the people. Tonight,
to have to separate after this meeting and go to our different homes,
it_it kind of pulls us, some, deep, Lord. I pray that You’ll bless these
28 Now as we approach the Word, in prayer, and approach the
written Word, we ask that You will take this written Word and
make It alive to us tonight. And when we leave this building tonight
to separate to go to our different homes, may we say like those who
came from Emmaus, that had walked with Him all day and still
didn’t know Him; but when He got them inside the room that night,
and the doors all shut, He did something just like He did before His
crucifixion. By that, they knowed He had risen again.
Do it again tonight, Lord. Grant it, while the doors are shut, and
Your little group here is setting, waiting. And, Father, when we go to
our homes, we’ll say like they did, “Did not our hearts burn within us
as He talked to us along the way!” We commit ourselves, and all, in
Your hands, Lord. Do with us as You see fit. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
29 Now let’s get right into the service now, quickly. Turning now
with me, if you will, to the Book of Hebrews, and another revelation
on the Message. We’ll speak for just a few moments tonight,
the Lord willing. And then while reading the first three verses of
Hebrews 7:1 to 3, and then commenting on this. And we don’t know
what the Lord will do; we do not know. The only thing we do is
just believe, watch, pray. That right? And believe that “He’ll make
everything work together for good to them that loves Him,” because
He promised to.
For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high
God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the
kings, and blessed him;
To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being
by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also
King of Salem, which is, King of peace;
Let’s read a little farther.
Without father, without mother, without descent,^neither
beginning of days, or end of life; but made like unto the Son of
God; abideth a priest continually.

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Who Is This Melchisedec ? 7
30 Think of this great Person, of how great this Man must be!
And now, the question is, “Who is this Man?” Theologians has
had different ideas. But since the opening of the Seven Seals, the
mysterious Book that’s been mysterious to us^According to
Revelations 10:1 to 7, all the mysteries that’s wrote in this Book,
that’s been hid down through the age of the reformers, is supposed
to be brought out into view by the angel of the last church age. How
many knows that’s right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.] That’s
right, supposed to be brought. All the mysteries of the mysterious
Book is to be revealed to the Laodicea messenger of that age.
31 Seeing there is much dispute about this Person and this subject,
I think it behooves us to break into it, to find out Who this is. Now,
there is several schools of thought on Him.
One of the schools are, claims, “He’s just a myth. He wasn’t
actually a person.”
And the others says, that, “It was a priesthood. That was the
Melchisedec priesthood.” That’s the most likely one, that hold better
to that side than they do to the other, is because they say it was a
It can’t be that, for in the 4th verse It says He was a Person, a
“Man.” So, in order to be a Person, He has to be a personality, a
“Man.” Not a order; but a Person! So He was not just a priesthood
order, neither was He a myth. He was a Person.
32 And the Person is Eternal. If you notice, “He had no father.
He had no mother. He had no time He ever began. And He had
no time He ever ended.” And ever Who it was is still alive tonight,
because the Bible said here, that, “He had neither father, nor mother,
beginning of days, or ending of life.” So It would have to be an
Eternal Person. Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.] An
Eternal Person! So it could only be one Person, that’s God, ’cause
He’s the only One that’s Eternal. God!
33 Now, in First Timothy 6:15 and 16, if you’d like to read that
sometime, I’d like for you to read it.
Now, the thing that I contend is, that, He was God, because
He’s the only Person that can be immortal. And now, God changing
Himself into Person; that’s what He was, “No father, no mother, no
beginning of life, no ending of days.”
34 Now we find in the Scripture that many people teaches that,
“three personalities in the Godhead.” So, you cannot have a
personality without being a person. It takes a person to make a

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8 The S poken Word

A Baptist minister, a few weeks ago, come up, and to my house,

and said, “I’d like to straighten you out on the Godhead sometime
when you got time.” Called me up, rather.
35 I said, “I got time right now, ’cause I want to be straight, and we
lay aside everything else, to do it.”
And he come up, he said, “Brother Branham, you teach that
there is just one God.”
I said, “Yes, sir.”
He said, “Well,” he said, “I believe there is one God, but one
God in three Persons.”
I said, “Sirs, repeat that again.”
He said, “One God, in three Persons.”
36 I said, “Where did you go to school at?” See? And he told me
a_a Bible college. I said, “I could believe that. You cannot be a
person without being a personality. And if you’re a personality, you
are one personality to yourself. You’re a separate, individual being.”
And he said, “Well, the theologians can’t even explain that.”
I said, “It’s by revelation.”
And he said, “I can’t accept revelation.”
37 I said, “Then there’s no way for God to ever get to you, because,
‘It’s hid from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and revealed to
babes,’ revealed, revelation, ‘revealed to babes such as will accept it,
learn.’” And I said, “There’d be no way for God to get to you; you
close yourself off from Him.”
The whole Bible is the revelation of God. The whole Church
is built upon the revelation of God. There is no other way to know
God, only by revelation. “To whom the Son will reveal Him.”
Revelation; everything is revelation. So, to acce-^Not to accept
the revelation, then you’re just a cold theologian, and there is no
hope for you.
38 Now, now, we find out that this Person “had no father, no
mother, no beginning of days or ending of life.” It was God, en
Now, the world, the word comes, the Greek word, means,
“change,” was used. Changing Himself, en morphe, from one Person
to^One person; the Greek word there, en morphe, means^It was
taken from the stage act, that one person is changing his mask, to
make him some other character.
39 Like in_in school, just recently, I believe, Rebekah, just before
she graduated, they had one of Shakespeare’s play. And one young

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Who Is This Melchisedec ? 9

man had to change his clothes several times, because he played two
or three different parts; but, the same person. He come out, one
time, he was the villain; and when he come out next time, he was
another character. And now the Greek word, en morphe, mean that
he “changed his mask.”
40 And that’s what God did. It’s the same God all the time. God in
the form of the Father, the_the Spirit, the Pillar of Fire. The same
God was made flesh and dwelt among us, en morphe, brought out
so He could be seen. And now that same God is the Holy Ghost.
Father, Son, Holy^not three Gods; three offices, three acts of the
one God.
41 The Bible said, “There is one God,” not three. But that’s how
that they couldn’t^You can’t get this straightened out and have
three Gods. You would never sell a Jew that. I’ll tell you that. One
who knows better, he knows there’s only one God.
42 Notice, like the sculpture, he hides, with a_a mask over it.
That’s what God has done to this age. It’s been hid. All these things
has been hid, and is supposed to be revealed in this age. Now, the
Bible says they will be revealed in the latter times. It’s like a sculptor
keeping his_his piece of work all covered over until the time he takes
the mask off of it and there it is.
And that’s what the Bible has been. It has been a work of God
that’s been covered up. And It’s been hid since the foundation of the
world, and Its sevenfold mystery. And God promised in this day, at
the age of this Laodicean church, He would take the mask off the
whole thing and we could see It. What a glorious thing!
43 God, en morphe, masked in the Pillar of Fire. God, en morphe, in
a Man called Jesus. God, en morphe, in His Church. God above us,
God with us, God in us; the condescending of God.
Up There, holy, no one could touch Him, He settled upon the
mountain; and even if a animal touched the mountain, had to die.
And then God come down and changed His tent, and come
down and lived with us, become one of us. “And we held Him,” the
Bible said. First Timothy 3:16, “Without controversy great is the
mystery of godliness; for God was manifested in the flesh, handled
with hands.” God eat meat. God drank water. God slept. God cried.
He was one of us. Beautiful, typed in the Bible!
That was God above us; God with us; now it’s God in us, the
Holy Spirit. Not the third Person; the same Person!
44 God came down and become flesh, and died the death, in
Christ; so that He could clean the Church, in order to get into it,

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10 The S poken Word

for fellowship. God loves fellowship. That’s what He made the man
at the first time for, was for fellowship; God dwells alone, with
45 And notice now, He made man, and man fell. So He came down
and redeemed man, because God loves to be worshipped. The very
word god means “object of worship.”
And this that comes among us, as a Pillar of Fire, as something
that changes our hearts, that is the same God that said, “Let there
be light,” and there was light. He’s the same yesterday, today, and
46 Now, in the beginning God dwelled alone, with His attributes, as
I spoke of this morning. That’s His thoughts. There was nothing, just
God alone, but He had thoughts.
Just like a great architect can set down, in his mind, and draw
out what he thinks it’s he’s going to_to build. Create, now, he
cannot create. He can take something that’s been created and make
it in a different form; ’cause God is the only way^only One can
create. But he gets in his mind what he’s going to do, and that’s his
thoughts, that’s his desires. Now it’s a thought, and then he speaks
it, and it’s a word then. And a_a word is^
47 A thought, when it’s expressed, it’s a word. A thought expressed
is a word, but it has to be a thought first. So, it’s God’s attributes;
then it becomes a thought, then a word.
48 Notice. Those who have, tonight, Eternal Life, was with Him
and in Him, in His thinking, before there ever was an Angel, star,
Cherubim, or anything else. That’s Eternal. And if you have Eternal
Life, you always was. Not your being here, but the shape and form
that the infinite God^
49 And if He isn’t infinite, He isn’t God. God has to be infinite. We
are finite; He is infinite. And He was omnipresent, omniscient, and
omnipotent. If He isn’t, then He can’t be God. Knows all things,
all places, because of His omnipresent. Omniscient makes Him
omnipresent. He is a Being; He’s not like the wind. He is a Being; He
dwells in a house. But being omniscient, knowing all things, makes
Him omnipresent, because He knows everything that’s going on.
There can’t be a flea bat its eyes but what He knowed it. And He
knowed it before there was a world, how many time it’d bat its eyes,
and how much tallow it had in it, before there ever was a world.
That is infinite. We can’t comprehend it in our minds, but that’s
God. God, infinite!

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50 And remember, you, your eyes, your statue, whatever you was,
you were in His thinking at the beginning. And the only thing that
you are is the expression, word. After He thought it, He spoke it, and
here you are. If it isn’t, if you wasn’t in His thinking, there is no way
at all for you ever be there, for He is the One that gives Eternal Life.
51 You remember how we read the Scriptures? “Not him that
willeth, or him that runneth, but God!” And that His predestination
might stand true, He could choose, before any time, who. God is
sovereign in His choosing. Did you know that? God is sovereign.
Who was back there to tell Him a better way to make the world?
Who would dare to tell Him He was running His business wrong?
Even the very_the very Word, Itself, very sovereign. Even the
revelation is sovereign. “He reveals to whom He will reveal.” The
very revelation, itself, is sovereign in God. That’s how people pound
at things, and jump at things, and hit at things, not knowing what
they’re doing. God is sovereign in His works.
52 Now we find Him at the beginning, His attributes. And, now,
you were with Him then. Then is when the Book of Life comes into
Now, we read over here in Revelations the 13th chapter, the
8th verse, that, “The beast that comes upon the earth,” in these last
days, “will deceive all those people on the earth whose names were
not written in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the
53 Think of it! Before Jesus was ever born, four thousand years
before He came on earth, and several thousand years before you
come on earth; Jesus, in God’s mind, died for the sins of the world,
and the Book of Life was made, and your name was put on that
Book of Life before the foundation of the world. That’s the Bible
Truth. See, your name was ordained of God and placed on the Book
of Life before the foundation of the world.
54 You were there in His attributes. You don’t remember it, no,
because you’re just a part of His Life. You are a part of God when
you become a son or a daughter of God.
Just as you are a part of your earthly father! That’s right. You
are. The male carries the hemoglobin, the blood. And when that
has gone in_in the egg, then you become a part of your father; and
your mother is a part of your father, also; so you’re all a part of your
Glory! That lets the denomination out, altogether. Uh-huh.
Certainly does! God, in all, the only place!

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12 The S poken Word
55 Notice now His attribute. Then the attribute was, first, God;
the thought, the attribute itself, all in One, without being expressed.
Then when He expressed, secondarily, He became then the Word.
“And then the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.”
56 Saint John the 1st chapter and the 1st verse, notice, this is, “In
the beginning.” But, before, the Eternal! Notice, “In the beginning
was the Word.” When the time begin, it was Word. But before it
was Word, it was attribute, a thought. Then it was expressed, “In the
beginning was,” the expression, “the Word.”
Now we’re getting where Melchisedec is. That’s this mysterious
Person. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the Word was God.” “And then the Word became flesh
and dwelled among us.” Hold that there now, notice.
57 His_His first being was Spirit, God, supernatural, all right, the
great Eternal. Second, He begin to form Himself towards flesh, in a
theophany, it’s called “the Word; a body.” This then is the state He
was in when He met Abraham, was called Melchisedec. He was in
the form of theophany. Now we’ll get to that and prove it in a few
minutes, the Lord willing. He was the Word.
58 A theophany is something that you could not see. It could be
right here now, yet you cannot see it.
It’s just like, well, like television. That’s in another dimension.
Television; people are moving right through this room now,
singing; there is colors, also. But the eye is only subject to the five
senses^Your whole being is only subject to five senses, rather.
And you are only subject to what the sight has been limited to see.
But there is another dimension that can be seen by a transformation,
by television.
59 Now, television does not manufacture a picture. A television
only channels it into a circuit, and then the television screen picks it
up. But the picture is there, to begin with. Television was here when
Adam was here. Television was here when Elijah set on Mount
Carmel. Television was here when Jesus of Nazareth walked the
shores of Galilee. But you’re just now discovering it. They wouldn’t
have believed it back there. You’d have been crazy to have said
something like it. But now it’s become a reality.
And so is it, that Christ is here, the Angels of God are here. And
someday, in the great Millennium to come, it’ll be just more real
than television or anything else, because they are here.
60 He reveals Himself in His great form of what He claimed, as He
en morphes Himself into His servants and proves Himself.

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61 Now, here He is in the form of Spirit. And then He comes in the
form of a^of en morphe. Now, He appeared to Abraham, en morphe.
When Abraham was returning from the slaughter of the kings, here
come Melchisedec, talked to Him.
62 The other day in the Tucson paper, I was reading an article that
where there was a_a woman driving down the road, I believe about
forty, fifty miles an hour, and she hit an old man with an overcoat
on. She screamed and stopped her car. It threw him up in the air.
Right out in the plain desert! And she run back to find him, and he
wasn’t there. So what did she do? Some people behind her saw it
happen, saw the old man fly up in the air, and his overcoat turning.
So they run back to find out. They couldn’t find the man anywhere.
They called the police force. The police come out to examine the
place; there was nobody there.
63 Well, each one of them testified, “The car chugged, hit the man.
He went up in the air, and everybody saw it.” Witnesses, and two or
three carloads of them, they seen it happen. Come to find out, five
years ago, there was an old man with an overcoat on, hit and killed
on the same spot.
When you leave here, you’re not dead. You’ve got to come back,
even if you’re a sinner, and be judged according to the deeds done
in the body. “If this earthly tabernacle is dissolved, we have one
waiting.” En morphe, that’s the word.
64 Now, God, in this stage of^It’s this stage of His creation, later
formed into flesh, Jesus. From what? From the great beginning,
Spirit, then came down to be the Word, bringing Itself out. The
Word doesn’t yet make Itself, it’s just spoke out, en morphe, later He
becomes flesh, Jesus, mortal, to taste death for all of us sinners.
65 When Abraham met Him, He was Melchisedec. He unfolds here
what all the attributes will do in the final end, every son of Abraham.
Every son of the Faith will absolutely do the same thing. But I want
to watch how we have to come.
66 Also, we see Him revealed here in Ruth and_and Boaz, as a
Kinsman Redeemer, how He had to come to be flesh.
67 Now we see the attribute, sons of His Spirit, have not yet entered
into the Word-form body. But, a theophany; this body is subject to
the Word and earnest, waiting for the earnest, change of the body.
68 Now, the different between Him and you, as a son. See, He was,
at the beginning, the Word, an en morphe body. He came in and lived
in that, in the Person of Melchisedec. Then, later, we never heard no
more of Melchisedec, because He became Jesus Christ. Melchisedec

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14 The S poken Word

was the Priest, but He became Jesus Christ. Now, you by-passed
that. Because, in that form, He knowed all things, and you have
never been able to know that yet.
You come like Adam, like me, you became from the attribute to
the flesh, to be tempted. But when this life is finished here, “If this
earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting.” That’s
where we go; that is the Word. Then we can look back and see what
we done. Now we don’t understand it. We have never become the
Word; we’ve just become the flesh-man, not the Word.
69 But, and look, clearly makes it clear, you will never be the
Word unless you was a thought at the beginning. That proves the
predestination of God. See? You can’t be the Word unless you’re a
thought. You had to be in the thinking, first.
But, you see, in order to stand temptation, you had to by-pass
the theophany. You had to come down here in flesh, to be tempted
by sin. And then, if you stand, “All the Father hath given Me will
come to Me, and I’ll raise him up at the last days.” See, you had to
be first.
70 And then, you see, He come right down, the regular line, from
attribute to^Before the foundation of the world, his name is
put on the Lamb’s Book of Life. Then, from that, He become the
Word, the theophany, that could appear, disappear. And then He
become flesh and returned back again, resurrected that same body in
a glorified condition.
But you by-passed the theophany and become flesh-man, to be
tempted by sin. And then, “If this earthly tabernacle is dissolved, we
have one already waiting.” We have not yet the bodies.
71 But, look! When this body receives the Spirit of God, the
immortal Life inside of you, it throws this body in subjection to
God. Hallelujah! “He that’s born of God doth not commit sin; he
cannot sin.” Romans 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation
to them that are in Christ Jesus; they walk not after the flesh, but
after the Spirit.” There you are. See, that throws your body subject.
You don’t have to say, “Oh, if I could just quit drinking! If I
could just^” Just get in Christ, and it’s all gone, see, see, because
your body is subject to the Spirit. It’s no more subject to the things
of the world; they’re dead. They are dead; your sins are buried in
baptism, and you are a new creation in Christ. And your body,
becoming subject to the Spirit, try to live a right kind of life.
72 Like you women claiming you got Holy Ghost, and going out
here and wearing shorts and things, how could you do it? How could

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the Spirit of God in you ever let you do such a thing as that? It just
can’t be so. Certainly, it can’t be. He’s not a filthy spirit; He’s a holy
73 And then when you become subject to that Spirit, it throws your
whole being subject to that Spirit. And that Spirit is nothing in the
world but this Seed Word made manifest, or quickened, hallelujah,
made alive. And when the Bible said, “Don’t do this,” that body
quickly turns to It. There is no question.
And what is it? It’s the earnest of the resurrection. This body will
be raised up again, because it’s already started. It was once subject to
sin, and mire and corruption, but now it’s got the earnest; it’s turned
Heavenly. Now, that’s the earnest that you’re going in the Rapture.
It’s the earnest.
74 A sick person laying, dying, nothing left but death; that’s all can
happen. I’ve seen a shadows of people, done eat up with cancer and
tuberculosis; and see them persons, a little while after that, perfectly
normal and strong. If there is no Divine healing, then there is no
resurrection, ’cause Divine healing is the earnest of the resurrection.
75 You know what the earnest money is, don’t you? It’s the down
payment. “He was wounded for our transgressions; with His stripes
we’re healed.” Notice how wonderful! We love Him.
76 Now, this body is subject to the Spirit. Have not yet entered into
the Word form, but we are still in the flesh form, but subject to the
Word. Death in the flesh will take us there.
77 Just the same thing, think of a little baby. You can take a
woman, no matter how evil she is, when she is pregnant and fixing
to be mother. Watch, before that baby is born, I don’t care how
cruel the woman is, she gets real kind. There is something about
her sound^seems godly, to see a little mother fixing to become
mother, by the baby. Why is it? That little body, now, it’s not alive
yet, see, the only thing it is is just flesh and muscles. That little
jumping, that’s just muscles jerking. But when it comes forth from
the womb, God breathes the breath of life into it, and then he
screams out. See, just as_as sure as there is a natural body being
formed, there is a spiritual body to receive it as soon as it gets here.
78 Then, when a man is born again, from Heaven, he becomes a
spirit babe in Christ.
And, then, when this robe of flesh is dropped, there is a natural
body, theophany, a body not made with hands, neither born of a
woman, that we go to.

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Then that body returns back and picks up the glorified body.
That’s the reason Jesus went to hell when He died, and preached
to the souls that were in prison; turned back into that theophany.
Oh, marvelous! Thank God!
79 Second Corinthians 5:1, “If this earthly body be dissolved, this
earthly tabernacle, we have another one.” See, we have by-passed
that, to come straight from God, the attribute; to be flesh, to be
tempted and tested by sin, like Adam did. But when testing of His
Word is over, then we are taken up to this body that was prepared
for us before the foundation of the world. It is the Word there
that we skipped, to come right around, down here to be tempted
and tested. If we’d have come through that, there’d have been no
temptation; we’d knowed all things. That’s the reason Jesus knowed
all things, ’cause He was Word before He was flesh. Then we become
the Word.
80 Here we are formed to the Word image, to be a partaker of
the Word, feed on the Word, by being predestinated since the
beginning; you see that little spark of Life that you had in you from
the beginning, when you started your journey. Many of you can
remember it. You joined this church and joined that church, you’d
try this and that; nothing satisfied. That’s right. But one day you just
recognized It. Right.
81 The other night I was teaching somewhere, I think it was out
in California or Arizona, about^I believe I’ve told the little story
here, about the man setting a hen and had an eagle egg under it. And
when that eagle hatched out, he was the funniest-looking bird that
them chickens ever seen. But, he walked around. He was the_he
was the ugly one among them, because he just couldn’t understand
how that hen will cluck and scratch on that manure pile and eat.
He couldn’t get the idea. She would say, “Come on over and feast,
honey!” But, he was a eagle; he just didn’t eat like that. It wasn’t his
82 So she would catch grasshoppers and whatmore, you know,
and call the little chickens. And all them little chickens would go
along, cluck along, and eat. But the little eagle just couldn’t do it. It
didn’t_didn’t look right to him.
So one day his mammy come hunting him.
83 And he would hear that hen cluck. He would try his best to
cluck, but he couldn’t do it. He tried to cheep like a chicken, but he
couldn’t do it. See, he was a eagle. He, to start with, he was a eagle.
He was just hatched under a hen.

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That’s like some church members. Every^That’s about the

way it is; about one out of a setting, is right.
84 But one day his mammy flew over, and she screamed. He
recognized it. That sounded right. Why? He was a eagle, to begin with.
That’s the way it is with the Gospel, or the Word, or the Power of
Jesus Christ. When a man has been predestinated to Eternal Life, he
hears that true ring, scream of God, nothing can keep him from It.
The church might say, “Days of miracles is past,” cluck, cluck,
cluck. “Stand here and eat this, and stand here and eat that.”
85 That barnyard stuff won’t do for him, anymore. He is gone! “All
things are possible!” He gets off the ground.
That’s why, the matter with so many Christians today, they can’t
get their feet off the ground.
The old mammy said, “Son, jump! You’re an eagle. Come up
here where I am.”
He said, “Mom, I never jumped, in my life.”
86 She said, “Well, you jump! You’re a eagle, to begin with. You’re
not a chicken.” So he made his first jump and flopped his wings;
didn’t do too good, but he got off the ground.
That’s the way we do. We accept God by faith, by the written
Word. There is something in there; it’s that Eternal Life. You were
predestinated to it.
87 His grandpa and grandma were eagles. He was a eagle, all the
way back. Eagle don’t mix with other things. He’s not a hybrid; no.
He’s a eagle.
88 Then, after you recognized the very Word of God was Eagle
Food, then you left the other thing. You have then been formed into
the living image of the living God. You heard from your theophany.
“If this earthly body be dissolved, we have one waiting.”
You say, “Is that right, Brother Branham?”
All right, let’s take a couple of eagles and look at them for a few
minutes. There was a name, man named Moses. Everyone knows
that a prophet is called the eagle, in the Bible.
89 There was a prophet named Moses. And one day God called
him, and wouldn’t let him go over the land, and he_he died on a
Rock. The Angels took him away and buried him.
There was another man, a eagle, didn’t even have to die. He just
walked across Jordan, and God sent a chariot down; and this robe of
flesh he dropped, and rise and caught the everlasting prize.

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18 The S poken Word

Eight hundred years later, eight hundred years later, on Mount

Transfiguration, here stood those two men. Moses’ body had been
rotten for hundreds of years, but here he was in such a form till
even Peter, James, and John recognized him. Amen! “If this earthly
tabernacle be dissolved,” if you’re an attribute of God expressed
here on earth, “you’ve got a body waiting after you leave this
world.” There they was, standing on Mount Transfiguration, in their
theophany. For, they were prophets to whom the Word came to.
90 Also let us notice another prophet, one time, by the name of
Samuel. He was a great man. He had taught Israel; told them they
shouldn’t have a king. He said, “Have I ever said one thing to you in
the Name of the Lord but what come to pass?”
They said, “No. Everything you’ve always said in the Name of
the Lord come to pass.”
He was a prophet, and he died.
91 About three or four years later, the king got in trouble; that was
before the Blood of Jesus Christ was ever shed. He was in paradise.
And a witch of Endor called for somebody to come, and console
Saul. And when the witch saw him standing up, she said, “I see god
raising up out of the earth.”
92 And after the man had been dead, buried, and rotted in the
grave, here he was standing there in that cave, with his prophet’s
robes on; and was still a prophet, amen, for he said, “Why did you
call me out of my rest, seeing you become a enemy to God?” Watch
him prophesy. “Tomorrow night, by this time, you will be with me.”
He was still a prophet, though he was gone from this body.
See, he had become here and was part of that Word, and he
entered from the flesh life back into the body that had been prepared
for him before the foundation of the world. He entered into the
theophany, which was the Word. You get it? That’s where all
believers go when we turn from here.
93 Then, in that form, the veil then is lifted. You see, you are the
Word, also, when you enter into there. As a little baby; as I said a
while ago^
94 Now notice. Praise God for these opening Seals, is my prayer, to
know these things!
95 Now the true revelation of Melchisedec comes into view. What?
He was God, the Word, before He became flesh; God, the Word.
Cause, He had to be; no one else could be immortal like Him. See,
I had father and mother; you did, too. Jesus had father and mother.
“But this Man had no father, or had no mother.” Jesus had a time

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He started; this Man didn’t. Jesus gave His life; this Man couldn’t,
because He was Life. And it’s the self-same Man all the time. I hope
God reveals it to you. The self-same Person, all the time.
96 Notice His title, “King of righteousness.” Now, Hebrews 7:2,
“King of righteousness, and King of peace.” He is two kings. Now
watch, Hebrews 7:2, “King of righteousness, also the King of peace.”
He is two kings there. Now since He has come in the flesh and
received His body up, in Revelations 21:16, He is called, “The King
of kings.” He is all three of them, together. See, King God, King
Theophany, King Jesus. “He is the King of kings.”
It’s all met, just like soul, body, and spirit, all comes to make one.
97 Also, He is the Father, which was the first; Son; and Holy Ghost,
the Spirit.
“King of righteousness,” the Spirit attribute; theophany, “King
of_of peace,” theophany; and in flesh He was “King of kings,” same
98 When the theophany, Moses seen Him, Exodus 33:2, He was
a theophany. Moses wanted to see God. He had heard His voice,
heard Him talk to him, seen Him in a bush there, as a big Pillar of
Fire. And he said, “Who are You? I want to know Who You are.”
Moses said. “I’ll put^” “If You’ll let me see You, I would like to
see Your face.”
99 He said, “No man can see My face.” He said, “I’ll put My hand
over your eyes, and I’ll pass by. And you can see My back, but not
My face.” See? And when He did, it was the back of a Man; it was
a theophany. Then the Word that come to Moses, “I AM,” that was
the Word. The Word came to Moses in the form of a Pillar of Fire in
a burning bush, the “I AM.”
100 As the Word from the theology^from the theophany, rather.
Excuse me. He came to Abraham as a Man, under the oak tree. Now
look at there. There came a Man to Abraham, three of them, and set
down under an oak tree, three of them. And notice, after He talked
to Abraham^
101 Why did He come? Abraham, being the one with the promise and
the message of the coming son, and also he was God’s Word-prophet
that was trusting God’s Word, calling anything contrary as though
it wasn’t. See how perfect the Word is? The Word came to the
prophet. See, there was God in a theophany. And the Bible said,
“The Word comes to the prophet.” And here was the_the Word in
the theophany.
Now you say, “Was that God?”

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20 The S poken Word
102 Abraham said it was. He said His name, was, he called Him
Elohim. Now in Genesis 1, you find out, “In the beginning Elohim
created the heavens and earth.” In Genesis 18, we find out that_that
Abraham called this Person^that set there and talked to him, and
could tell him the secrets of his heart, tell him what Sarah was
thinking behind Him. Abraham said, “It is Elohim.” He was in a
theophany form. You get it? Notice after^
103 Now we find out that He was then in the theophany form. He
called Him, “Lord God, Elohim.” Now, in Genesis 18, we find that
that is true.
104 Now notice Abraham. There was three of them together, but
when Abraham met the three, he said, “My Lord.”
But when Lot, down in Sodom; two of them went down there,
and Lot saw two of them coming, and he said, “My lords.” See,
what was the matter? The first place, Lot was not a prophet, that’s
right, or neither was he the messenger of the hour, so he didn’t have
any revelation of Him. It’s exactly right. Lot could call them “lords.”
A dozen of them, he could still said, “lords.”
But no matter how many Abraham saw, It was still one Lord.
There is God. This was the Melchisedec.
105 Notice, after the battle was over, Melchisedec served His
victorious child communion; think of that, part of Himself! Now
we want to see here. In type here is, in view, the communion. After
the battle, He gave of Himself, because the communion is part of
Christ. And after the struggle is over, after you’ve done got yourself
whipped out, then is when you partake of Christ, become part of this
Being. You get it?
106 Jacob wrestled all night, and wouldn’t turn Him loose until He
blessed him. That’s right. Battled for Life! And after the battle is
over, then God gives you of Himself. That is His true communion.
The little bread and wafer just represents It. You shouldn’t take it
’less you’ve wrestled it out and become part of God.
107 Remember, at this time, the communion had never been
instituted, not until before the death of Jesus Christ, hundreds and
hundreds and hundreds of years later.
108 But Melchisedec, after His child Abraham had won the victory,
Melchisedec met him and gave him wine and bread; showing that
after this earthly battle is over, we will meet Him in the heavens and
take the communion again. It’ll be the Wedding Supper. “I will not
drink no more of the vine, or eat the fruit, until I eat it and drink it
with you, anew, in My Father’s Kingdom.” Is that right?

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109 Notice again, Melchisedec went to meet Abraham before he
got back home. What a beautiful type here we have! Melchisedec
meeting Abraham before he got back home, after the battle.
We meet Jesus in the air, before we get Home. That’s right.
Second Thessalonians tells us that, for, “we meet Him in the air.” A
beautiful type of Rebekah meeting Isaac, in the field, in the cool of
the day. “We meet Him in the air.” Second Thessalonians tells us so.
“For we which are alive and remain shall not prevent or hinder those
which are asleep; for the trumpet of God shall sound; the dead in
Christ shall rise first; we which are alive and remain shall be caught
up together with them, to meet the Lord in the air.” Perfect, all these
110 Therefore, the theophany, if you have died and entered into that
theophany, (what happens?) the theophany comes to the earth to
pick up the redeemed body. And if you’re here in the air, you take
the body to meet the theophany, there you are, “and caught up, and
go to meet the Lord in the air.”
111 Who is this Melchisedec but God!
112 Now we see here plainly the complete secret of our lives
in journey, and death, and where we go after we die. Also,
predestination is in plain view here. Now listen as we teach this,
113 The stages of_of the Eternal purpose He had in His secret has
now been revealed. Notice, there is still three stages to perfection.
Just like He redeems the world; same way He redeems His
Church. He redeems the people in three stages. Now look. First
is justification, like Luther preached; second, sanctification, like
Wesley preached; third, baptism of the Holy Ghost. That’s right.
Then comes the Rapture!
114 Now, the world, how did He redeem the world? The first, what
He did, when it sinned, He washed it off in water baptism. That’s
right. Then He dropped His Blood upon it, from the cross, and
sanctified it and called it His Own. And then what does He do? As
He tore all the world out of you, and renovated the whole thing
by the fiery baptism of the Holy Ghost, He also will renovate the
world. And it’ll be burnt over with Fire, and cleanse every germ,
for millions of miles high, every thing will be cleaned off. And then
there is a New Heaven and a New Earth, just like you are a new
creature in Christ Jesus when the Holy Spirit takes a hold of you.
See, there you are, the whole thing is just as plain as it can be.
Everything is in three.

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22 The S poken Word
115 The natural birth is in three. What’s the first thing happens to
the woman having a baby? What breaks first? Water. What breaks
next? Blood. What’s the next process? Life. Water, blood, spirit.
What happens to the plant? Rots. What’s the first thing? Stalk.
What’s the next? Tassel. What’s the next? Shuck. Then the grain
comes out of that. Just the three stages of it, till it gets to the grain.
That’s exactly.
116 God vindicates that. That’s always been right. God vindicates
it to be true. Show plainly, the predestinated is the only one
that’s considered in redemption. Did you get it? Let me say that
again. The predestinated is the only one that’s considered in
redemption. People might be making like, think they are, but the
real redemption is those that are predestinated. Because, the very
word redeem means “to bring back.” Is that right? The redeem is
something^To redeem anything, is, “bring it back to its original
place.” Hallelujah! So it’s only the predestinated will be brought
back, because the others didn’t come from There. See, “bring
117 Being Eternal with Him, at the beginning^The Eternal Life
that you had, His thought of what you was, only, He wanted you
to^He wanted me to stand in the pulpit, say. He wanted you to
set in the seat tonight. Then we are serving His Eternal purpose. And
the one that left home, only come to the earth to serve His purpose.
Is that right? All right. Then, after it’s finished, it’s brought back in a
glorified state; it’s matured and brought back again.
118 No wonder Paul could say, when they was building a block
to chop his head off; he said, “O death, where is your sting? O
grave, where is your victory? But thanks be to God Who gives us the
victory!” He said, “Death, tell me where you can make me holler!
Grave, tell me how you going to hold me! For, I am a possessor of
Eternal Life.” Amen! He recognized it. Death, hell, grave, nothing
could hold him. And nothing can hurt us, got Eternal Life! He
realized he was blessed with Eternal Life.
119 Just like a little dewdrop. If I understand, it’s^I don’t know too
much about chemistry. But, it must be that it’s the_the congealing
of humidity or atmosphere. And when the night gets cold and dark,
it falls from the heavens and drops upon the ground. It’s fell from
somewhere. But the next morning before the sun comes up, it’s
laying there, the little fellow, shivering. But just let the sun come up,
watch it go to shining. It’s happy. Why? The sun is going to call it
right back to where it come from.

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And that’s the way with a Christian. Hallelujah! We know when

we walk into the Presence of God, something in us tells us that we
come from somewhere, and we’re going back again by that Power
that’s pulling us.
120 The little dewdrop, he glistens and shines and shouts, because
he knows he come from up there, and that sun is going to draw him
right back up again.
And a man that’s an attribute of God, born of God, knows,
hallelujah, when he come in contact with the Son of God, he is going
to be drawed up from here someday. “For if I be lifted up from the
earth, I’ll draw all men unto Me.” Amen!
121 Now notice, now, we see Melchisedec and why that Mary wasn’t
His mother. That’s the reason He called her “woman,” not mother.
“He had no father,” for He was the Father, the everlasting Father,
the three in the One. “He had no mother,” certainly not. He had no
father, for He was the Father. As the poet said one time, speaking a
great compliment unto Jesus, he said:
I AM that spoke to Moses in a burning bush of fire,
I AM the God of Abraham, the Bright and 
Morning Star.
I AM Alpha, Omega, the beginning from the end.
I AM the whole creation, and Jesus is the Name. 
(That’s right.)
Oh, who do you say that I am, and whence do they 
say that I came,
Do you know My Father, or can you tell His 
Name? (Hallelujah!)
122 That’s the Father’s Name! Yeah, “I come in My Father’s Name,
and you received Me not.” See? Sure, He’s the same yesterday,
today, and forever.
123 And this Melchisedec became flesh. He revealed Himself as Son
of man when He come, as a Prophet. He come in three names of a
Son; the Son of man, the Son of God, the Son of David.
124 When He was here on earth, He was a Man, to fulfill the
Scripture. Moses said, “The Lord your God shall raise up a Prophet
liken unto me.” So He had to come as a Prophet. He didn’t, never
say, “I am the Son of God.” He said, “I am the Son of man. Do you
believe the Son of man?” Cause, that’s what He had to testify of,
because that’s what He was.
Now He’s come in another son’s Name, Son of God; the unseen,
the Spirit.

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24 The S poken Word

And when He comes again, He is Son of David, to set upon His

125 Now when He was here and was made flesh, He was called, “the
Son of man.” Now, how did He make Himself known to the world
as Son of man, the Prophet?
126 One day I was telling a story of Peter and Andrew, his brother.
They were fishermen, and their father Jonas was a great old believer.
One day they said he set down on the side of the boat. He said,
“Sons, you know how we’ve prayed when we needed fish.” They was
commercial fishermen. He said, “We’ve trusted God, Jehovah, for
our living. And I’m getting old now; I can’t stay with you boys much
longer. And I’ve always, as all true believers, have looked for the
time when that Messiah will come. We’ve had all kinds of false ones,
but there is coming a real One, someday.” And he said, “When this
Messiah comes, I don’t want you boys to be deceived. This Messiah
will not be just a theologian. He will be a Prophet, for our prophet
Moses, of who we follow, he said.”
Now, any Jew will believe his prophet. He is taught to know
that. And if the prophet says anything that’s so, then that’s truth.
But God said, “If there be one among you, spiritual, or a prophet, I
the Lord will make Myself known to him. And what he says comes
to pass, then hear him and fear him; but if it don’t, then don’t fear
him at all.” See? So that was the_the vindication of the prophet.
127 “So Moses was truly a vindicated prophet, and he said, ‘The
Lord your God shall raise up, among you, out of your brethren,
a Prophet like unto me. And all that won’t hear him will be cut
off from the people.’” He said, “Now, children, remember, that, as
Hebrews, we believe God’s vindicated prophets.”
Now listen close. Don’t miss it. And he said, “When the Messiah
comes, you will know Him, for He will be a Prophet-Messiah. Now,
they said it’s been four hundred years. We haven’t had a prophet
since Malachi, but he’ll be!”
128 One day, after his death, few years, his son Andrew was
strolling along down the bank. And he heard a wild man out of
the wilderness, saying, “That Messiah is standing among you now!”
That big eagle that raised up over in the wilderness and flew over
there, said, “The Messiah is among you right now. We don’t know
Him yet, but He is standing among you. I’ll know Him, because I’ll
see a sign coming from Heaven.”
One day he said, “There, behold, is the Lamb of God that takes
away the sin of the world!”

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Who Is This Melchisedec ? 25

Away went the^went this man, to find his brother. He said,

“Simon, I want you come over here; we’ve done found the Messiah.”
“Oh, go on, Andrew! You know better than that!”
“Oh, I know. But, that, this Man is different.”
“Where is He? Where’d He come from?”
“Jesus of Nazareth.”
“That little, wicked city? Why, He couldn’t come from a wicked,
dirty place like that.”
“You just come and see.”
129 Finally persuaded him to come down one day. So when he come
in the front of this Messiah, Jesus standing there, speaking to the
people. When he walked up in front of Him, He said, “Your name
is Simon, and you are the son of Jonas.” That did it. He got the keys
to the Kingdom. Why? He knowed that that Man did not know
him. And how did He know him, and that godly old father who had
taught him how to believe the Messiah?
130 There was a man standing there, by the name of Philip. Oh, he
got real excited! He knowed another man, had been studying the
Bible with. Away he went, around the hill, and he found him out
there in his olive grove. He was kneeling down, praying. They had
had lots of Bible lessons together, so he come out there. And he
said, after he had got through praying, he said, “Come, see Who we
found; Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph. He’s the Messiah we’re
looking for.”
Now I can hear Nathanael say, “Now, Philip, you ain’t went off
on the deep end, are you?”
131 “Oh, no. Nope. Now let me tell you. You know, we been
studying the Bible together, and what did the prophet say the
Messiah would be?”
“He would be a Prophet.”
“You remember that old fisherman you bought the fish from,
that didn’t have enough education to sign his name, called Simon?”
“Yeah. Uh-huh.”
132 “He come up. And you know what? This Jesus of Nazareth told
him that his name was Simon, changed his name to Peter, which is
‘little stone’ and told him who his daddy was.”
“Well,” he said_he said, “I don’t know. Could anything good
come out of Nazareth?”

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26 The S poken Word

He said, “Let’s not talk about it; just come on and see.” That’s a
good idea, “Come and see.”
So here come Philip, bringing up Nathanael. And when he got
walking up, Jesus probably standing, speaking, probably praying for
the sick in the prayer line. And when he come up to where Jesus was,
Jesus looked around at him, and said, “Behold an Israelite in whom
there’s no guile.”
134 Now, you say, “Well, it was the way he was dressed.” Oh, no.
All easterners dress the same. He could have been a Syrian, or been
anything else; beard, garment.
He said, “Behold an Israelite in whom there is no guile,” in
otherwise, “a honest, sincere man.”
Well, that kind of deflated Nathanael. And he said, “Rabbi,”
which means, “teacher.” “Rabbi, when did You ever know me? How
did You know I was a Jew? How did You know I was honest, no
136 He said, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the tree,
I saw you.” Uh! Fifteen miles away, the other side of the country,
the day before.
What did he say? “Rabbi, You are the Son of God. You are the
King of Israel!”
But there stood those priests there, self-styled, self-starched, said,
“This Man is Beelzebub, a fortuneteller.”
Jesus said, “I’ll forgive you for that.”
138 Now, remember, they never said it out loud, but they said it in
their hearts. “And He perceived their thoughts.” That’s right. That’s
what the Bible says. Call it telepathy if you want to, but He_He
perceived their thoughts.
And He said, “I forgive you for that. But someday the Holy
Ghost is going to come and do this same thing,” after His going;
“speak a word against It, will never be forgiven in this world or the
world to come.” Is that right? [Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.]
Now, that were Jews.
Then one day He had need to go to Samaria. But just before we
do that, we found the woman, or the^
The man, as he went through the gate called Beautiful, that he
was healed. And Jesus knowed his condition, and told him, “Take up
your bed and go on home.” And he did it, and got well.

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Who Is This Melchisedec ? 27

Then we find out, the Jews, some of them received Him. Some
believed it; some didn’t. Why didn’t they believe it? They was not
ordained to Life. They wasn’t part of that attribute.
141 Now remember, them were priests and great men. And
Jesus^Think of those theologians and priests, men that you
couldn’t find a flaw in their life. Jesus said, “You are of your father
the devil, and his works you do.” Said, “If you’d be of God, you
would believe Me. If you can’t believe Me, believe the_believe the
works that I do; they testify Who I am.”
142 Now, the Bible said, that, “Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and
forever.” Jesus said, “The works that I do shall he that believeth on
Me do also.” That right? Notice, that was the real Melchisedec now.
143 Now notice, again, there was only three races of people.

You’ve heard me say I was a segregationalist. I am. All Christians

are segregationalists; not segregation of color, but segregation of
spirit. A man’s color of his skin has nothing to do with him. He is
a child of God by Birth. But a Christian, God said, “Separate Me!”
“Come out from among them,” and so forth. He is a segregationist,
of filth, between right and wrong.
144 But notice, they had a segregation then, a racial segregation,
which was the Samaritans.
And there is only three races of people on the earth; if we believe
the Bible; that is, Ham, Shem, and Japheth’s people. That’s the three
sons of Noah. We all sprung from there. That’s right. That makes
us all back from Adam, which makes us all brothers. The Bible
said, “Of one blood God created all nations.” We’re all brothers,
through the blood stream. A colored man can give a white man a
blood transfusion, or vice versa. The white man can give the_the
Japanese, yellow man, or the Indian, the red man, or whatmore, or a
Japhenite, or whatever, he could give him a blood transfusion, ’cause
we’re all the same blood. The color of our skin, where we lived, had
nothing to do with it.
But when we’re segregated, is when we come out of the world,
like He brought Israel up out of Egypt. That’s when we’re segregated
from the things of the world.
145 Now, they was Ham, Shem, and Japheth’s people. And if we had
time to run the genealogies back, you could see the Anglo-Saxon,
where he come from. Now, that was the Jew^ The Samaritan,
which was half Jew and Gentile, that married in with the Gentiles at
Baalam’s doings, and Moab. They were Samaritans. And there was
Jews and Gentiles.

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28 The S poken Word

Now, we Anglo-Saxon had nothing to do with any of it. We

didn’t believe any Messiah, nor nothing else. We wasn’t looking for
one. We were brought in afterwards.
Jesus came to His Own, and His Own received Him not. And
He said to His disciples, “Don’t go in the way of the Gentiles, but
go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.” And He went only to the lost
sheep of Israel. And watch, He manifested Hisself as Son of man,
before the Jews. They turned It down.
Now, the Samaritan, being half Jew and Gentile, they believed
also, and was looking for a Messiah.
We wasn’t. We were heathens, with clubs on our back,
worshipping idols; the Gentile.
146 But now one day, Saint John 4, He had need to go by Samaria,
on His road down to Jericho. But was went up around Samaria. And
while He was going up there, He set down on the well outside of a
city called Sychar. And the well, if you’ve ever been there, it’s a little
panoramic about like this here. And there’s a public spring there, of
water, where they all come. And the women come of a morning, get
their pots of water, and put it on their head, and one on each hip,
and walk with it just as straight as can be, never spill a drop; talk to
one another. So, they would, the people would come out there.
147 So this was about eleven o’clock in the day. So He sent His
disciples into the city, to buy some victuals, food. And while they
were gone^
148 There was a woman which was ill-famed. We would call her,
today, a redlight woman, or prostitute. She had too many husbands.
So while Jesus was setting there, this woman come out about eleven
o’clock. See, she couldn’t come with the virgins when they come
in the morning to get their wash water; she had to wait till they
all^They didn’t mix like they do now. She was marked. So then,
she come out to get some water, so she just took the old windle, and
put the hooks over the jar, and started to let it down.
She heard Somebody say, “Woman, bring Me a drink.” Now,
remember, this is Melchisedec. This is Jesus, yesterday, the Son of
149 And she looked around, and she saw a Jew. So she said, “Sir, it’s
not proper for a Jew to ask a Samaritan for anything. I’m a woman
of Samaria, so You have spoken out of Your place. You shouldn’t
have asked me such a thing as that. We have no dealings with one

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Who Is This Melchisedec ? 29
150 He said, “But if you knew Who was talking to you, you would
ask Me for a drink.”
She said, “How You going to draw it? The well is deep, and You
have nothing to draw with.”
151 He said, “The water that I give is Water of Life, springing up
into Eternal Life.”
He talked to her till He found what her condition was. And then
is^Watch what He said to her now, “Go get your husband and
come here.”
And she said, “I have no husband.”
152 He said, “You have said the truth, for you’ve had five, and the
one you now are living with is not yours. So, in this, you’ve said the
Watch the difference between that woman and that bunch of
priests. She knowed more about God than that whole bunch of
priests did, put together.
153 She said, “Sir, I perceive that You are a Prophet.” She said, “We
haven’t had one for four hundred years. Now, we know that the
Messiah is coming. And when the Messiah comes, that’s what He is
going to do.” That was the sign of the Messiah, for He was the Son
of man. Said, “That’s what He is going to do when He comes. You
must be His prophet.”
154 He said, “I am He.” Nobody else could say that.

155 She dropped that waterpot and run into the city, and said,
“Come, see a Man Who told me what I done. Isn’t this the very
Now remember, He promised to do that same thing at the end of
the Gentile race.
The Jews had had four thousand years to look for that Messiah,
four thousand years of teaching He was coming, and what He would
do when He got there, and they failed to see Him, or failed to
recognize it. And when He made Hisself known in the very Bible
terms that He said He would, when He had been a theophany and
then become flesh and dwelt among them, they failed to see it, and
called His works the works of the devil.
156 Now we’ve had two thousand years of teaching, coming down
through the Roman Catholic church, after the apostles. Then we
come down through the Roman Catholic, the Greek, and so forth, on
down to Luther’s age, and Wesley, whatmore, nine hundred different
organizations coming down. They had all these ages, teaching.

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30 The S poken Word

Now He promised, just before the end time would come, that
the picture of Sodom and Gomorrah would again, “As it was in the
days of Sodom, so shall it be in the coming of the end time, the Son
of man will reveal Himself again.” [Blank spot on tape_Ed.]
“Yet a little while and the world won’t see Me no more; yet ye
shall see Me, for I,” a personal pronoun, “I will be with you, even in
you, to the consummation, the end of the world. I’ll be with you.”
He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. You see?
157 You see, the Samaritan was, actually, from my last night’s
sermon, was Hagar, see, a perverted type. The Jew was Sarah, or was
Sarah-ite. But the Gentile is of Mary, the Royal Seed, Abraham’s
Royal Seed.
158 Now it’s promised that in these last days, that, this same God, this
same Christ, would come back here and reveal Hisself as Son of man.
Why? He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And if He’d
let those Jews go by with, and give them that Messianic sign, and
then come to the end of the Gentile’s teaching and let them just go
in on theology, He would be unjust. He has got to do the same thing,
because the Bible said, in thir-^Hebrews 13:8, “He is the same.”
And He has promised in Malachi 4, and all the different
Scriptures, that, the last days, the church would be setting just
exactly like it is today, and the world would be.
159 Look at the world today. Look at the Sodom condition. Look at
the earthquakes in divers places, and the things that’s taking place.
Look at the church and the mess it’s in, of Babylon. Look at the
messenger to it, an Oral Roberts and a Billy Graham.
G-r-a-h-a-m, first time we ever had a messenger, to all
the churches, that his name ever end in h-a-m, like Abraham.
A-b-r-a-h-a-m is seven letters. G-r-a-h-a-m is six letters. Where is he
at? To the world. Six is man’s number. Man was created on the sixth
day. But seven is God’s number.
160 Now look at them down there in Sodom. And there is their
messengers down there speaking to them.
But then where is that royal Seed of Abraham? Where is their
sign, that He said? “As it was in the days of Sodom,” that God came
down and was manifested in human flesh, and told what Sarah was
thinking back in her heart, in the tent behind Him, the last sign
before the Gentile world was destroyed by fire. And the Church has
got its last sign before the whole world is going to be destroyed, this
Gentile kingdom be destroyed by the fire and wrath of God. Do you
believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.]

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Who Is This Melchisedec ? 31
161 That Melchisedec was flesh, represented Himself in a human
body; and then later He was made flesh. And now, tonight, He
is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Do you believe it?
[Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.]
162 Who is this Melchisedec, then, that’s the same yesterday,
today^ “Never had no father, never had no mother; He never
had no beginning of days, He never had any end of life.” And He
met Abraham, and what kind of a sign did He perform? Then when
He was made flesh, He said it would repeat again just before the
end time. Do you believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.] I
believe it. [“Amen.”]
Let’s pray.
163 Dear God, I believe the Scriptures, that You have said You was
“the same yesterday, today, and forever.” And as sincerely in my
heart, Lord, I know that something is fixing to take place. I cannot
strictly identify it. I’m afraid to say anything, Lord. Thou knowest
the heart of Your servant’s.
164 And how many times, down through the age when You sent
things, people failed to get it. Man is constantly praising God for
what He did, and saying what great things He is going to do, but
ignoring what He’s doing. So has it been through the age. Why did
the Roman church fail to see Saint Patrick as God’s prophet? Why
did they kill Joan of Arc when she was a_a prophetess, burnt her
as a witch? Father, it’s always past. You hide it from the eyes of
the wise and prudent. No wonder You said to them priests, “You
garnish the tombs of the prophets, and you’re the one that put them
in there.” After they’re gone, they see their mistake. They always
persecute You, Lord, in whatever form You come in.
165 I pray, tonight, God, just one more time. Tomorrow we’re
scheduled to be^to go to Tucson. Other parts of the world, other
cities we must preach in. But, Dear God, there might be strangers
here tonight that never has^They’ve heard Words preached, but
never seen It made manifest.
As I asked You at the beginning. When those disciples, Cleopas
and his friend, coming from Emmaus, was walking along the road,
and You stepped out of the bush and begin to talk to them, after the
resurrection, preached to them. Why, He said, “Fools, slow of heart.
Don’t you know that Christ should suffer these things, then enter
into His glory?” But still they never recognized it. All day long they
walked with You, and still didn’t know You. But one night^
Night come, they constrained You to come in. When they went
into the little inn and closed the doors, then You did something just

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32 The S poken Word

the way You did it before Your crucifixion, and they recognized it
was the risen Christ. In a few moments You was behind the curtains
and gone. Quickly they run and told the disciples, “The Lord is risen
166 Father, God, I believe that You’re still alive. I know You are.
And You’ve proved it to us so many time. Could You just do it once
more for us, Lord? If we found grace in Your sight, let it happen
once more. I am Your servant; these are Your servants in here. Lord,
all that I’ve said wouldn’t mount to^Just one word from You
would be more than I’ve said in these five nights, or five messages.
It would be more, just one word from You. Won’t You speak, Lord,
that the people might know that I’ve told them the Truth? Grant it,
God. I ask it in Jesus’ Name, this once more. Amen.
167 Now, I don’t know you. I know some people. I know this boy
setting here. I know Bill Dauch setting right there. I want to^Here
is Brother Blair, Rodney Cox. It’s hard to see out there.
On this side, right at the present time I can’t see nobody, actually,
that I know.
Now how many in here that knows that I am a stranger to you?
Raise up your hands, knows that I know nothing about you, raise up
your hands on both sides.
How many in here that has something wrong, or something that
you know that I know nothing about? Would you raise up your
Now, it would be totally, absolutely totally impossible for me to
know anything about you. Otherwise, then, it’d have to come from
some revelation of Spirit.
And being that I’ve told you all these nights, and tonight, that
He is not dead; He is here, and promised to do the same thing. And
promised that there would come a time in the last days, according to
Malachi 4 and according to Saint Luke, that He would appear again
in human form among His people and do the same things, and reveal
the same thing, the same Messianic sign. How many knows that, you
Bible readers, knows that’s the Truth? Say, “Amen.” [Congregation
says, “Amen.”_Ed.] Must all be Bible readers.
169 Now, I know it’s foreign to the people today, but still it’s the
Truth. That’s the reason they didn’t know Jesus of Nazareth. They
knowed their church creeds, but they didn’t know Him. But He come
just the way the Bible said; not a theologian, not a priest. He come as
a Prophet, and His Own received Him not.

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Who Is This Melchisedec ? 33
170 Now, if God will keep His Word, and if I happen to^it
happens to fall on someone that I know, then I’ll_I’ll get someone
else. See, I want somebody that I don’t know. And I want you to
171 Now, look, there was a little woman one time had an infirmity.
She had spent her money for the doctors; they could do her no good.
And she said within her heart, “If I can touch that Man’s garments,
I’ll be made well.” You remember the story? And so all of them tried
to get her to stay back, but she pressed through until she touched His
garment, went back and set down.
172 Now listen close. And then when He did that, when she did that,
Jesus turned around and said, “Who touched Me?”
173 Why, Peter the apostle rebuked Him. He might have said
something like, “Lord, don’t say a thing like that. The people will
believe there is something wrong with You. Because, when You
asked them to eat Your flesh and drink Your Blood, they already
think there is something wrong. And You say, ‘Who touched Me?’
Why, the whole crowd is touching You.”
174 He said, “Yes, but I perceive that virtue went out of Me.” That
was a different kind of touch. Now, anybody knows that virtue is
“strength.” “I got weak; virtue left Me.”
And He looked around on the audience until He found the little
woman, and told her about her blood issue. And she felt in her body
that that blood issue had stopped. Is that right? And He said, “Thy
faith has saved thee.”
Now, the Greek word there is sozo, which absolutely means
“saved,” physically or spiritual, just the same. He “saved.” He is_He
is your Saviour.
175 Now, if that was Him yesterday, and the way He acted, to prove
that He was among the people, the Messiah promised; and that’s the
way He identified Himself, and promise by the Bible, He would do the
same thing now; wouldn’t He, wouldn’t He have to do the same thing?
176 You say, “Did He say about healing the sick?” Yeah!

The Hebrews, the Bible that I just read from, said that, “Jesus
Christ now is our High Priest that can be touched by the feeling of
our infirmities.” How many knows that true? [Congregation says,
“Amen.”_Ed.] The Bible said that. “He’s the High Priest now that
can be touched by the feeling of our infirmities.” Then if He’s the
same High Priest that He was then, how would He act now? He
would have to act the same way He did then, if He’s the same High
Priest. Now, you might^

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34 The S poken Word

I’m not your High Priest. You might touch me, and it’d be just
like touching your husband, or your brother, or whatmore, a man.
177 But you let your faith touch Him, and watch what happens.
Now, if I be God’s servant and have told you the Truth, God will
vindicate that to be the Truth. And that would prove that Jesus
Christ is living tonight, standing here. Is that right? [Congregation
says, “Amen.”_Ed.]
Now, you have faith, just one side at a time, one side. You have
faith out there. I better stay at the microphone here, because they
can’t hear me.
178 Somebody just look up to God, and say, “God, that man don’t
know me. He knows nothing about me. I’m a perfect stranger to
him. But let my faith touch You, Lord. And You know what’s the
matter with me, Lord. You know all about me. You know who I
am, the same as You knowed who Peter was, same as You knowed
Nathanael, as You knowed what was wrong with the woman
with the blood issue. And this man tells me that You’re ‘the same
yesterday, today, and forever.’ Then, Lord, let my faith touch You.”
And if He’ll do that, and infallibly prove Himself here, how
many of you will believe Him with all your heart; if He’ll do it at
least one, or two, or three people, for a_for a witness? [Congregation
says, “Amen.”_Ed.] God bless you.
179 Now, Father God, this is totally out of the hands of any man.
It would have to be supernatural phenomena. So I pray that You’ll
help me now, Lord. I’m in Your hands. Do with me as You see fit.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
180 Now, don’t be nervous. Just humbly, reverently say, “Lord, I’ll
serve You. And that’ll be a truth, that, if I can touch Your garment,
then You speak back through that man. That will prove to me that
what he said is the Truth.” That right?
181 How many ever seen the picture of that Light? It’s all over
the country, everywhere. Science has took it and examined it, and
everywhere. Now, He is right here now; same One that said about
Marriage And Divorce, same One was on the mountain, shook the
hills back there, same One that’s down here at the river in ’33, the
same yesterday, today, and forever. He’s the same.
182 Now, there is a woman, and she recognizes now that something
has happened. That Light is hanging right over her. She is setting
right here, green sweater on, or something. I don’t know the woman.
I suppose we are strangers to one another. That is right. Do you
believe that God^You’re_you’re in need of something, and you

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Who Is This Melchisedec ? 35

believe that God can reveal to me what your trouble is? And if He
does, then you know it’ll have to be a supernatural power, because I
don’t know you. And it’ll have to come through supernatural.
Depends upon what you think it is. You can take your side
with the priests, call it “the devil,” or you can take the side with the
believer and call it “God.” Ever which you believe, that’s where your
reward will come from.
183 If God will reveal to me your trouble, will you accept Him as
your_your atonement for that trouble? I don’t know what the
trouble is. But I know, and you know, that something is going on.
184 Now, now just let me tell you how you’re feeling, and then you’ll
know; a real warm, sweet, comfortable feeling. I’m looking right
straight at It. It’s that Light, amber Light hanging from the woman.
And the lady is suffering with a trouble in her stomach. It’s a
kind of a growths, like, in her stomach. She is not from here. [The
sister says, “Right.”_Ed.] No. You’re from away from here aren’t
you? That’s right. You’re from Wisconsin. Is that right? Sure. Now
you are healed. Your faith has made you whole.
185 Now tell me Who the woman touched? I’m twenty-five yards
from her. She touched Jesus Christ, the High Priest. Do you believe
that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”_Ed.]
186 I’m looking at a woman that I talked to. This woman, I’m
looking right at her, ’cause she is praying so hard for a man. She told
me she had a man^She never told me nothing about it.
But her name is Mrs. Waldrop. She comes from Phoenix. She
was raised from the dead, and her doctor come with the x-rays and
showed cancer in the heart. She died in the prayer line. How long
ago has that been, Mrs. Waldrop? Eighteen years ago, and there she
sets tonight, a living testimony. Her doctor has come to the meeting,
brought the^Said, “How can the woman live?” But there she is,
and no sign of it.
187 She has brought someone, and she is praying for him. Now, he
is dying, with diabetes. Now, that I knew. But being that you are
praying^You know I don’t know who he is, Mrs. Waldrop.
188 He is from Missouri, and his name is Mr. Cooper. That is right.
Now, you believe, you can go back home and be well, sir. It’s up to
you, if you’ll believe it.
189 Here is a woman, and she is suffering with a asthmatic condition,
complications. She is not from here. She is setting out there in the
crowd, right out there. I hope she gets^She is not from here. She
is from Georgia. Miss McKenny. Do you believe with all your heart,

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36 The S poken Word

and believe that God will make you well? Stand up on your feet, if
you’re a stranger to me and that is true. Jesus Christ heals you. Do
you believe?
[Brother Branham has his back to the congregation_Ed.]
190 To my back, there is a man setting behind me. He is contacting
God. And what he’s wanting; he has got a baby that’s got heart
trouble. And that baby has got a murmur in his heart, so the doctor
said. And that man’s name is Mr. Cox. Stand up, Mr. Cox. “And He
told Sarah what she was thinking, behind Him.”
[Brother Branham continues to keep his back to the
191 Right across the aisle from him, back a little farther, is a man
who comes not from here, but from New Mexico. I never seen him,
in my life. I’m looking right at him now, and he is behind me. He is
from New Mexico. And the man has a girl that he is interested in,
and the girl has got something wrong with her mouth. It’s a^The
palate in her mouth is what’s wrong. And the man’s name is 
Mr. West. Would you stand up, sir. I’m a total stranger to him, but
the Lord God will heal his child.
192 Do you believe now with all your heart? [Congregation says,
“Amen.”_Ed.] How many of you believe now with all your heart?
[“Amen.”] Now, isn’t Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and
forever? [“Amen.”] Do you accept Him now as your Saviour?
Raise your hand. [“Amen.”] Do you believe in Him as your Healer?
193 Here, here is a person setting here, crippled or something, laying
on a cot.
Can you hear me through this mike? [Brother Branham takes a
microphone and walks toward the edge of the platform and talks to
the woman on the cot_Ed.] I don’t know you. You’re just a woman
laying there. If I could heal you, I would do it. I can’t heal you.
[A man begins weeping_Ed.] All right. It’s just a man who is
rejoicing. His child was healed.
I don’t know you. You’re a woman, and I’m a man. This is the
first time we’ve met in life, I suppose. These people^?^that
brought you. Frankly, this is your first time here; just brought you
in. You come from a long way. You are shadowed to death. You
have cancer. It’s not cripple. It’s a cancer. The doctors can’t do no
more for you. It’s true. And you’re sure to die; those doctors can do
no more for you.

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Who Is This Melchisedec ? 37
194 One time there was three lepers set at the gate of Samaria. And
them lepers said, “Why do we set here till we die?” Because, all the
sickness, starving to death, and eating one another’s children. They
said, “If we go down to the enemy’s camp, the Syrians; if they kill
us, we’re going to die, anyhow. And if they save us, we’ll live.”
And they took that chance. And, by that faith, they not only saved
theirself but the whole group.
195 Now, you’re going to die if you lay there. But you’re not asked to
go to the camp of the enemy. But you’re invited to the house of the
196 You are dying with cancer. You can’t live outside of God. You’re
not from this city. You’re not from around here. You’ve come a long
way. You’re from Milwaukee. That’s true. That’s right. I seen the
city. I know it. That’s right.
Do you believe? Will you accept God now as your Healer? If you
will, no matter how weak you are, how bedfast you are, I believe, in
your case, I would rise up in the Name of Jesus Christ. And take that
cot and go home, and live to the glory of God. Will you obey me, as
God’s prophet? Then rise up and go. Be well! Don’t be scared. Get
up off the cot; God will make you well. See?
197 Somebody hold her so she can get up and get strength. Do you
believe God? Just let her get a little strength; she’ll be all right. That’s
it, sister. There she is, in the Name of the Lord Jesus! [Congregation
rejoices as the sister is now standing_Ed.]
Let us stand and give praise to God. He is the same yesterday,
today, and forever! [Congregation is greatly rejoicing and praising
Go, and the Lord Jesus Christ bless you. [Congregation continues
to greatly rejoice and praise God_Ed.] `

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38 The S poken Word

W ho Is T h is M elc h i sedec ?
65-0221e Vol. 5-10r
This Message by Brother William Marrion Branham was delivered on Sunday evening, 
February 21, 1965, at the Parkview Junior High School in Jeffersonville, Indiana, U.S.A. The
tape, number 65-0221e, is one hour and fifty-four minutes. Having obtained a clearer and more
complete original tape, this book has been re-edited with an R added to the volume number.
Every effort has been made to accurately transfer the verbal Message from the magnetic
tape recording to the printed page, and is printed herein unabridged and distributed by 
Voice Of God Recordings. Reprinted in 2003.

Voice Of God Recordings

P.O. Box 950, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47131 U.S.A.
(812) 256-1177  .  www.branham.org

English    65-0221e  Who Is This Melchisedec? IND CS2 Rev: 3

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