Extended Wordlist: Unit 9
Extended Wordlist: Unit 9
Extended Wordlist: Unit 9
Unit 9
Abbreviations: n/np = noun / noun phrase; v/vp = verb / verb phrase; adj/adjp = adjective / adjective phrase;
adv/advp = adverb / adverb phrase; T/I = transitive/intransitive; C/U = countable/uncountable
The numbers indicate the page in the unit on which the word or phrase first appears. RS indicates that the word
or phrase appears in the recording script (a student version of the recording scripts can be found at
t he advent of sth np (94) the start or arrival of flock n [C] (95) a group of birds or sheep
something new
frenetic activity np (93) something that happens in a
aerodynamic adj (90) having a shape that moves fast and exciting way, or in an uncontrolled way
through the air with little resistance
gearbox n [C] (91) the set of gears in a motor vehicle
arise v [I] (89) if a problem arises, it starts to happen and the metal box that contains them
barbarism n [U] (RS) violent and cruel behaviour get the chance to do sth vp (92) to have the opportunity
to do something
be always/ever thus idiom (91) formal to have always
happened in this way get tricky vp (90) to start to be difficult
be a breeze idiom (90) informal something which is hand-held adj (95) describes something that is designed
easy to achieve to be held and used easily with one or two hands
break a promise vp (94) to not do what you promised to harness sth v [T] (90) to control something so that you
do can use its power or qualities for a particular purpose
break a record vp (89) to do something faster, better, have profound effects upon sth vp (RS) to change or
etc. than anyone else before influence something to a very great degree
clumsy adj (RS) clumsy people move in a way that is not herd n [C] (95) a large group of animals such as cows
controlled or careful enough, and often knock or damage that live and eat together
hit on the idea of sth vp (90) to have a good idea,
a concept car n [C] (91) a design for a new car that especially one which solves a problem
includes ideas and methods that have not been used
the human psyche n [U] (89) the human mind and
degenerate into sth v [I] (RS) if a situation degenerates
hype n [U] (RS) to make something seem more
into something, it becomes much worse than before
important or exciting than it really is by talking about it
confined space adj+n (RS) a small space where it is a lot, especially in newspapers, on television, etc.
difficult to move
in contrast to sb/sth pp (96) used to show that someone
do sth with ease vp (96) to do something easily, without or something is completely different from someone or
effort something else
exploit sth v [T] (RS) something unusual, brave, or in the first place pp (90) used for stating the most
interesting that someone has done important reason for something
feat n [C] (RS) an act or achievement that shows great interstellar adj (RS) between the stars
skill or strength
labour-saving adj (96) describing a device or method
flurry of activity np (93) a sudden, short period of which saves a lot of time
hurried activity
Complete CAE by Guy Brook-Hart and Simon Haines © Cambridge University Press 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE
laughable adj (RS) describes something ridiculous and relatively few and far between advp (RS) not happening
which you cannot believe or respect or existing often in comparison to other things
live off sth v [T] (RS) if you live off money, you use that rock steady idiom (90) moving in a controlled and
money to buy the things that you need to live, such as completely safe way
food, clothes, etc.
set off sth v [T] (RS) to cause something to explode
make no mistake idiom (91) used to show that you are
shatter sth v [I or T] (RS) to break into very small pieces,
certain about something
or to make something break into very small pieces
meet regulations vp (91) to be of the necessary standard
slight improvement adj+n (89) a small improvement
stated by the official rules
stamp v [I] (91) to put your foot down on the ground
mind-blowing adj (RS) informal extremely exciting or
hard and quickly
steer sth v [I or T] (91) to control the direction of a
non-existent adj (96) not existing
non-starter n [C, usually singular] (RS) something that
sublime adj (90) extremely good, beautiful, or enjoyable
will definitely not be successful
subtle adj (RS) not obvious or easy to notice
not to mention advp (RS) used to emphasise the
importance of something that you are adding to a list suburbs n [C] (RS) areas where people live outside the
centre of a city
optic adj (90) specialized relating to light or the eyes
technically feasible adv+adj (RS) possible with the
out of control pp (90) not able to be controlled
knowledge, machines and methods that are available
overload sb v [T] (92) to give someone more work or
threat to wildlife np (88) something that may harm wild
problems than they can deal with
animals, birds and plants
ponder sth v [I or T] (91) to think carefully about
throw up your hands vp (90) to show that you are
shocked or disagree strongly with something
power plant n [C] (91) a motor or something which is a
undergo a profound transformation vp (RS) to change
source of power production
potential n [U] (RS) possible when the necessary
utterly adv (90) completely
conditions exist
when all is said and done idiom (RS) said before you tell
propulsion n [U] (89) a force that pushes something
someone the most important fact in a situation
pull up v [I] (91) if a vehicle pulls up, it stops
rattle sth v [I or T] (90) to make a noise like something
knocking repeatedly, or to cause something to make this
Complete CAE by Guy Brook-Hart and Simon Haines © Cambridge University Press 2009 PHOTOCOPIABLE