Royal Order of Scotland
Royal Order of Scotland
Royal Order of Scotland
There is a tradition among the Masons of Scotland that, after
the dissolution of the Templars, many of the Knights repaired
to Scotland and placed themselves under the protection of
Robert Bruce and that, after the battle of Bannockburn, which
took place on St. John the Baptist's day (in summer), 1314,
this monarch instituted the Royal Order of H.R.M. and Knights
of the R.S.Y.C.S. and established the chief seat at Kilwinning.
From that Order it seems by no means improbable that the
present Degree of Rose Croix de Heredom may have taken its
Whatever may have been the origin and foundation of the Royal
Order of Scotland, its claim to the oldest, if not, indeed, the
only Masonic Order of Knighthood, is presumably valid. The
Order of Knights Templar Masons was instituted by
Freemasons, but has nothing Masonic in its ritual.
The procession will proceed by the north to the east. The Grand
Chaplain will place the cushion with the Bible, etc., upon the
Altar (the procession halting for this) and then resume his
place in the procession. The procession will halt and form a
double column at a convenient distance from the Chair, the
Grand Wardens being last. The Grand Sword Bearer, Prov.
G..M. and Grand Banner Bearer will pass through the column,
the Sword Bearer taking his place at the head of the north
column and the Banner Bearer opposite him in the south
column. When the Prov. G.M. reaches the Chair, the Sword
and Banner Bearers will move to their stations, the Master of
Ceremonies will conduct the principal Officers to the dais, and
the Grand Marischal and his Deputy will move forward and
conduct the Senior and Junior Grand Wardens respectively to
their Chairs in the west.
The Grand, Chaplain then proceeds to the Altar and opens the
Bible at the Book of Judges placing thereon the Square and
Compasses (points to the west).
The examination having been completed, the G.I. & E gives one
knock upon the door and is admitted by the G.G. without
S.G.G. To correct the errors and reform the abuses which had
crept in among the three degrees of St. John's Masonry.
9. T. The Badge I see you have and wear ; give me the Word
14. Onmes. (All rise). We will travel from east to west, from
north to south, until we find that Word Amen.
Omnes. Amen.
That -you will not write, print, mark, stain, cut, carve or
To all this, with your hands on the Holy Bible, you solemnly
The T.R.S.T.A. now returns to the East and with the exception
of those engaged in the investiture, all resume their seats.
The Third Grand Steward rises and with the Regalia upon a
crimson cushion takes a convenient position to left of the
J.G.G., and remains until the investiture is completed. when
he returns the cushion to the Regalia table and resumes his
2. T. Why so?
5. T. Name them.
7. T. Name them.
J.G.G. Seven.
9. T. Why so?
J.G.G. Five.
J.G.G. Three.
27. Onmes. (All rise and give Sign ). To Whom be all Glory,
Honour and Praise, now, henceforth and evermore. Amen
6. T. Why Relief?
7. T. Why Truth?
S.G.G. Emanuel.
J.G.G. Seven.
6. T. Name them.
J.G.G. Three.
J.G.G. Enoch was the fifth after Seth, and the seventh from
Adam, who prophesied of the flood and general conflagration;
and lest the, Arts and Sciences should slip from the knowledge
of men, he erected two pillars, the one of brick, the other of
stone, on which these Arts were engraven, to the end that if the
pillar of stone should be destroyed by fire, the pillar of brick
might remain, and if the pillar of brick was destroyed by water,
that of stone might remain, and which, we are told by
Josephus, were to be seen in his day in the Land of Syria. The
second, Elijah the Tishbite, who after working many miracles
in the presence of the Kings and Princes of Israel in order to
bring them back to the worship of the true God, was translated
to Heaven in a chariot of fire.
14. Omnes. (All rise and give Sign ). To Whom be all Honour.
Glory and Praise. now, henceforth and evermore. Amen.
1.T R.S.T.A. Wor. Senior Grand Guardian (S.G.G. rises and
salutes) where was first a Chapter of the Order held?
7. T. How many?
S.G.G. Fourteen.
S.G.G. It was.
9. T. Why so?
10. Omnes. (All rise and give Sign ). And so may the light of
Masonry be removed from all who prove unfaithful to their God
J.G.G. Brethren I give you the Sign of that Law. (gives sign)
G.G. You now leave the Chapter and pass to the T.W.R. (leads
Candidate to the north of T.W.R. steps).
The progress you have made since first you entered the
Chapter, symbolically from the north, has been described in
the Lecture to which you have just listened, and has brought
you to the T.W.R. of R.F.R.S.T. through which you are now
about to pass in symbolism represented by the Characteristic
which you have received.
The third and fourth I will refer to at a later stage. You will now
figuratively ascend the first flight of seven steps by placing your
Ch., on the first landing
(Candidate does so).
Here a Junior Warden meets you and demands the Sign, Token
and Word of an Apprentice Mason, but as you were fully tested
in the Three Degrees before your entry into the Chapter. it is
not necessary for you to again give the proofs.
You will now ascend to the second flight of five steps, again
placing your Ch., on the landing (done). Here a Senior Warden
meets you and demands the Sign, Token and Word, of a Fellow
Craft Mason. Having, satisfied him, you may now ascend the
third flight of three steps placing you Ch., on the top as before
(done). Here a Right Worshipful Master meets you and
demands the Sign, Token and Word of a Master Mason, on
receiving them he leads you to the Grand Porch and demands
admission for you into the T.W.R.
G. Guarder knocks.
G.G. 'Tis I (he, gives his own or the Candidate's name and
characteristic) by name,
The Watchman opens West Door of the T.W.R, the Card with
the Candidate's Characteristic is placed inside the Tower by the
Grand Guarder, and the Watchman closes the door.
Grand Introducer and Examiner (rises) Why does the Sun his
glorious beams display
Within a Mason Lodge, or Moon reflect his ray
The Warder resumes his seat and the G.G. turns the Candidate
to face the T.W.R. so that he can see the East Door. The
Drawbridge is lowered, and the East Door is opened by the
Watchman and the Card with the Candidate's Ch., is
withdrawn from the Tower by the Grand Introductor and
Examiner, made to pass over the Bridge, and then returned to
the Candidate. The Watchman closes the East Door and raises
the Drawbridge. G.I. & E. & W. resume seats.
G. Guarder. This concludes the first step and second point of
the Degree, and you are now beyond the Bridge. Three
successive guides now conduct you to a Chapter Room, in
which the Cabinet of Wisdom meets. The first the G.I. & E. who
met you in the Grand Porch, he delivers you to the J.G.G., who
demands of you the Master Mason's password. The J.G.G. acts
as your second guide, and delivers you to a S.G.G., who
demands the Sign, Token & Word of H.R.M. which you will
remember and give. The S.G.G. is your third guide, and leads
you to the Grand Master, who examines you as to your
warrants to enter the Cabinet of Wisdom.
The next two sections of the Lecture, which are the third and
fourth of the Degree, represent this examination, and consist of
:-An account of the tests to which you were subjected from
your passage up the fifteen steps until your ultimate release.
And lastly, your experiences in the ascent of that Pillar, (The
G.G. points to it, and to each of the parts thereof as they are
mentioned) from the Pedestal, which in Word and. Sign are (the
word and sign are given) : (Instructs Candidate) through the
Shaft (in which is a winding stair of nine times seven steps),
the Capital, the Lodge and Entablature, to the Sphere, and
your subsequent descent and release after learning that the
Words Jehovah, Jireh and the Master Mason's Word are
written upon an open Book. (The G.G. leads the Candidate
back to his seat, resumes his station and draws sword).
S.G.G. Seven.
4. T. Why so?
S.G.G. Five.
9. T. Why so?
S.G.G. Three.
J.G.G. Strength.
J.G.G. Beauty.
J.G.G. Wisdom.
J.G.G. By the Square, Level and Plumb-line under it, and the
Compasses in the form of a Square over it, by which I knew it
to be The Word.
J.G.G. He led me down the Shaft through the Pedestal, and set
me at liberty.
19. T. Before parting with you, what did he demand of you?
21. Omnes. (All rise and give Sign). Glory be to the God of
Truth, now, and evermore. Amen.
2. T. In quest of what?
S.G.G. Because it is said : " The stone shall cry out of the wall,
and the beam out of the timber shall answer it. Woe to him
that buildeth a town with blood and stabIisheth a city by
10. T. Why in Righteousness and Truth?
S.G.G. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
23. T. Did you work and labour at the building of the Church?
S.G.G. I did.
May you and I and every Brother, both present and absent, so
labour and work that we may come unto Mount Sion, and unto
the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an
innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and
church of the first-born, which are written in Heaven, and to
God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made
perfect, and to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant: where
our sun shall no more go down. neither shall our moon
withdraw itself, for the Lord shall be our everlasting light, and
the days of our mourning shall be ended.
J.G.G. A most glorious Brother, his most Holy Spouse and the
ever-blessed Word.
20. Omnes. (All rise and give Sign ). To Him as is most due, we
ascribe all Glory, Honour Might, Majesty and Dominion, now
and evermore. Amen!
(All resume seats).
A sword and a trowel for each Candidate are placed beside the
Bible on the Altar. The Office-bearers and Knights occupy the
same places as in the Chapter of H.R.M. The Knights when
entering the Lodge or Council, when opened, give the sign of
the R.S.Y-C.S. with a how, and take their places without
further ceremony.
The Grand Chaplain proceeds to the Altar and opens the Bible
at the Book of Malachi, placing thereon Square and Compasses
(points to the west). The Sword and Trowel being placed upon
the cushion on the north and south side of the Bible
G.G. (goes outside, closing the door). Whom have you here?
The Provincial Grand Master leaves the Chair, and with the
Grand Sword Bearer and Grand Banner Bearer proceeds to the
Altar. When at the Altar, the Sword and Banner Bearers will
stand one pace to the rear of the P.G.M.
The other Knights rise and form a circle round the Altar.
When the Circle has been completed under the guidance of the
Grand Master of Ceremonies, the Grand Wardens will take
three paces to the rear, draw Swords, and remain at the Salute
for the Obligation, when they return to the carry.
The S.G.W. now moves to the front of the Candidate and the
Third Grand Steward bearing the Star, Garter, and Sword and
Belt, upon a green cushion, and the Fourth Grand Steward the
Apron of Knighthood and green Cordon in a similar manner,
now take position on the left of the Senior Warden, facing
North. The Candidate is then instructed in the S.T. & W_ and
invested with the green Cordon above the crimson one, but
over the right shoulder and under the left arm, the Apron, Star,
Garter, Sword, etc. The Grand Marischal will assist as
necessary during the investiture.
Eternally to be.
So soon as on my feet.
10. P.G.M. What said the Grand, when you were placed
Answer, at my command.
(The Grand Wardens advance within the circle to give the token
If rightly understood
Dominion Power,
Order of Recession.
After the closing, the Grand Marischal and his Deputy escort
the Grand Wardens to the East (south side), and then take
position on the north side of the Altar, facing west. The Grand
Chaplain proceeds to the Altar, removes the Bible, &c., and
cushion, and takes position at rear of the Marischals. The Prov.
Grand Master vacates the Chair, and the Grand Sword Bearer
moves forward keeping three paces in front. and the Grand
Banner Bearer follows three paces behind. The Grand Wardens
move to the positions in rear of the Banner, and the remaining
Office-Bearers, &c., follow in order of rank as indicated. When
the Sword Bearer is three paces from the Chaplain and
Marischals, these Officers move forward leading the Recession.
as follows :-
Grand Chaplain
(Carrying Bible)