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THE ENNEAGRAM and friends and cope with the wide variety of

interpersonal relationships which we all

The enneagram, a Greek word for nine (ennea) and experience in the modern world.
figure (grammos) maps nine personality styles of
human nature and their interrelationships. Personality Types of Enneagram
The Enneagram of Personality types is almost as
old as Christianity, originating in all probability in Type 1 – The Reformer
Type 2 – The Helper
The Enneagram is alleged to be a 2000 year old Type 3 – The Motivator
Sufi system of personality types from Islamic Type 4 – The Artist
mystics who lived before the time of Christ.
Type 5 – The Thinker
The Enneagram is a circle, meant to symbolize the
Cosmos and the "one-ness": this comes from a Type 6 – The Loyalist
monist perspective (Pacwa: 2008). Type 7 – The Generalist
The Sufis are monists believing that we are all one Type 8 – The Leader
with each other and with the universe and at the Type 9 – The Peacemaker
same time pantheists believing that the universe is
god. Application to Business
The enneagram consists of three centers called
triads, which specify a fundamental psychological Enneagram has so many practical applications
orientation and ways individuals make contact with because it is a framework that clarifies the
the outer world (Waldberg, 1973). mutually sustaining, self-balancing components
that are part of any complex process.
The triads consist of a continuum of positive and
Enneagram can be used as a guide in establishing
negative traits, related to selfimage (Feeling triad),
a business.
thought processes (Thinking triad), and instinctual
traits (Doing/Moving triad) (Matise, 2007).
For example:
The Enneagram describes the nine personality
To start and operate a successful enterprise,
types as patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving.
one needs vision and confidence (Type Eight)
By revealing these patterns clearly, the Enneagram
is used to guide people in overcoming weaknesses The ability to bring people together and to listen
and capitalizing on strengths, to understand and to them (Type Nine)
develop compassion in relationships of all kinds, Ethical standards and quality control (Type One)
and to understand oneself in one’s own personal
growth and relationship to God. The ability to serve people and anticipate their
needs (Type Two)
The Enneagram combines the best of ancient
wisdom with the insights of modern psychology to Promotional and communication skills (Type
give us a wonderfully accurate way of Three)
understanding the variety of personality styles we a well-designed product and a sensitivity to its
all encounter every day of our lives (Fitzgerald, emotional impact on individuals (Type Four)
2007). Technical expertise and innovative ideas (Type
It is a sophisticated and practical method of helping
teamwork and self- regulating feedback (Type
people discover their inner selves, enabling them to
deal with their problems, understand their family

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