Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton has been reinforcing its position within the high-end segment of the luxury
market and balancing its massive
global presence with the objective of leveraging luxury and exclusivity. To prevent the
risk of
overexposure, the brand is concentrating on limiting its own visibility.
Louis Vuitton targets consumers that value fine craftsmanship, tradition, style, and above all else,
exclusivity. More specifically, Louis Vuitton targets the following two segments: wealthy middle
aged women from 35 to 54 years old and affluent young fashionable female adults aged 18 to 34
years old who have disposable income and are brand aspirants.
The average Louis Vuitton consumer is a part of the upper economic and social class and is
fashionably aware. These consumers have the need to feel prestigious and emphasize the
importance of self-esteem and power.
Segmentation Strategy
Demographic segmentation
Louis Vuitton segments the market demographically based on age, sex, and disposable income.
Specifically, Louis Vuitton targets women aged 18-54 with high annual incomes of $75,000 plus,
constituting high disposable income.
Psychographic segmentation
Louis Vuitton uses psychographic segmentations such as lifestyle and motives to further identify
their target market. For instance, Louis Vuitton targets jet setters, trendsetters, and those who pursue
Usage segmentation
Louis Vuitton segments consumers by usage; specifically targeting heavy users. Buyer information
is collected at the point of sale and stored in a database. Heavy users are sent seasonal catalogues as
well as invitations to purchase exclusive product collections to encourage repeat sales and brand
Global brands with extended product propositions
Target the largest audience by creating desire with permission
A well established ‘historical brand’ opens its door to YOU for a ‘luxuryland’
In line with customers looking for personal fulfillment over material / statutory distinction