Segmentation means that dividing the market into groups, which are
Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic and Behavioral. Samsung has
done its segmentation of the market based on the above categories.
According to our research Behavioral and Psychographic happens to be the
current segmentation strategy of Samsung.
It sells their phones worldwide around 61 different countries by making
slight changes according the countries need. It has divided the market into
different regions of Asia such as northern, eastern and southern areas.
Age:-Samsung target Young People, Professional Businessmen and
University students.
Family Size: -Samsung products are available to every family size.
Income: - Samsung products are available to every income class with their
own preferences. It has products for lower middle, Middle and upper middle
Samsung Galaxy range is very attractive to Youth because it has many
features such as Great quality camera and multi task handling. It is also a
good option for Businessmen.
Samsung mobiles are available for every lifestyle personality whether its
sporty lifestyle or professional style. It offers mobile phones in different
colors to attract especially girl’s attention. The price of mobile phones varies
from different models. It has a range of 1200 up to
After segmentation of market into different parts, Samsung must target
based on different groups and classes. Samsung mobiles targeted the
following segmentation: -
Young People
People living in country side
Business Professionals
Samsung targets wide range of consumers for the normal day-to-day use of
the mobile ranging from a professional user of the mobile. Age ranges from
20s and above it. Late 20’s have the mot ability to purchase and admire the
product. This group of consumers has the most spending power compared to
the other consumers.
Motivation is a driving force within an individual that force you to take action. Samsung
has identified people unfulfilled demands. Some people are motivated to buy the
Samsung Galaxy series for several reasons. Some of them are as follows:-
Android (User Friendly)
Social Class
Variety of Models
Different price ranges
Availability of applications
There could be a lot more factors to buy Samsung Galaxy that vary from
individual to individual. Some people say they will prefer Samsung Smartphone
over Iphone because Samsung applications are free and iphone has a registration
process in order to install an application. Some people are motivated by the
advertisement of the Samsung Galaxy and they are willing to buy it.
There is a great influence of your friend and family circle for making a decision to buy a
mobile phone. Some people purchase Samsung smart phones to showoff their beliefs and
attitude. It also depends on the lifestyle of the person as well because an outgoing person
will like it more because its multi tasking. Samsung has much bigger range of cheaper
and expensive phones. With your preference of the model one can represent their social
status by buying that phone. It will represent that you belong from a particular class.
Some people buying Samsung smart phones from peer pressure because people around
you talk about the good points about the Smartphone that make you to buy it. Some
people refer it you after using it. People who refer could be your family and friends
because they can influence your buying behavior. After purchasing the Smartphone it
will represent your social class.
A person’s lifestyle is reflected by their hobbies and activities. Some people have
luxurious lifestyle so they will prefer the expensive Smartphone of Samsung but some
people have simple lifestyle and they will prefer a cheaper one. Samsung particularly
doesn’t target any age group, any age group can use it because its user friendly and easy
to understand. Samsung fulfill the need of every consumer whether they are student, a
business professional or a retired man. They have durability and innovation in their smart
phones that makes young adults to buy it. People are much addicted for social media such
as face book and what Sapp, which Samsung already has. Consumers are motivated by
these factors to buy the Smart Phone. Samsung has become the symbol of style and
luxury among the university and college students. In fact People represent their social
class by using Samsung Smart phones.
Psychological factors are within the consumer. That could be based on their past
experience or brand image. The past experience could be good or bad. Based on
the collective knowledge consumers make a decision whether to buy the product
or not. His/her decision could be based on their psychological factors. Which may
change or make the decision.
Consumer learning is a process through which one gather and experience about a
consumption, which they may apply for the future buying behavior. These experiences
have important impact on their buying behavior, which may compel them to use the
product again or not to buy it again. Once consumer learns about the product which he
has bought will give him more in dept knowledge about the product and influence his
buying behavior. A consumer may gather information about the product before actually
buying it. It could be from GOOGLE or friends or family. Even Advertisement plays a
very important role in making the mind of the consumer. Samsung has very attractive
advertisement and informative as well.
Samsung Galaxy with a pen is a very innovative function because with the pen you can
take better notes and do things at once which means you can switch easily even in their
advertisement they have shown the ways to use it and a consumer can learn from that