Contoh Materi Wolfram

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Selesaikan Persamaan Diferensial Berikut:

1. y ''- 5y ' + 6y = 0
2. y(4) +2y(3) + 3y '' + 2y ' + y = 0
3. y '' + 6y ' - 7y = 0; y(0) = 0; y '(0) = 4
In[1]:= DSolve[y ''[x] - 5 y '[x] + 6 y[x] ⩵ 0, y, x]
Out[1]= y → Function{x}, ⅇ2 x C[1] + ⅇ3 x C[2]

In[2]:=  DSolve[y''[x]-5y'[x]+6y[x]=0]


y′′ (x) - 5 y′ (x) + 6 y(x)  0

ODE names:
Autonomous equation:
y′′ (x)  -6 y(x) + 5 y′ (x)
Sturm-Liouville equation:

ⅇ-5 x y′ (x) + 6 ⅇ-5 x y(x)  0
Sturm-Liouville equation »

ODE classification:

second-order linear ordinary differential equation

Alternate forms:

y′′ (x)  5 y′ (x) - 6 y(x)

y′′ (x) + 6 y(x)  5 y′ (x)

Differential equation solutions: Approximate form

Solve as a homogeneous linear equation | ▾

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y(x)  c1 ⅇ2 x + c2 ⅇ3 x
Possible intermediate steps:
ⅆ2 y(x) ⅆy(x)
Solve ⅆx2
-5 ⅆx
+ 6 y(x)  0 :

Assume a solution will be proportional to

ⅇλ x for some
constant λ .
Substitute y(x)

λx into the
2 contoh_materi_wolfram.nb

ⅇλ x into the
differential equation:
ⅆ2 λ x ⅆ λx
ⅇ  - 5 ⅇ  + 6 ⅇλ x  0
ⅆx 2 ⅆ x

Substitute ⅆx2
ⅇλ x 

λ 2 ⅇλ x

ⅇλ x 

λ ⅇλ x :
λ2 ⅇλ x - 5 λ ⅇλ x + 6 ⅇλ x  0

Factor out ⅇλ x
λ2 - 5 λ + 6 ⅇλ x  0

Since ⅇλ x ≠ 0 for
any finite λ
, the zeros must come from the polynomial:
λ2 - 5 λ + 6  0

(λ - 3) (λ - 2)  0

Solve for λ :
λ  2 or λ  3

The root λ

2 gives
y1 (x)

c 1 ⅇ2 x as a
solution, where
c1 is an
arbitrary constant.
contoh_materi_wolfram.nb 3

The root λ

3 gives
y2 (x)

c 2 ⅇ3 x as a
solution, where
c2 is an
arbitrary constant.
The general solution is the sum of the above solutions:


y(x)  y1 (x) + y2 (x)  c1 ⅇ2 x + c2 ⅇ3 x

Plots of sample individual solutions:

y y′ y(0)  1
y′ (0)  0

x y

y y′ y(0)  0
y′ (0)  1

x y

Sample solution family:



(sampling y(0) and y′ (0))
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


Interactive differential equation solution plots:

y(0)  1.
y′ (0)  1.

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
4 contoh_materi_wolfram.nb

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5




Initial conditions:

y′ (0)

More controls

Possible Lagrangian:
ℒ(y′ , y, x)  ⅇ-5 x (y′ )2 - 6 ⅇ-5 x y2 

In[3]:= DSolve[y ''''[x] + 2 y '''[x] + 3 y ''[x] + 2 y '[x] + y[x] ⩵ 0, y, x]

3 x
Out[3]= y → Function{x}, ⅇ-x/2 C[3] Cos +
3 x 3 x 3 x
ⅇ-x/2 x C[4] Cos  + ⅇ-x/2 C[1] Sin  + ⅇ-x/2 x C[2] Sin 
2 2 2

In[4]:=  DSolve[y''''[x]+2y'''[x]+3y''[x]+2y'[x]+y[x]⩵0]


y(4) (x) + 2 y(3) (x) + 3 y′′ (x) + 2 y′ (x) + y(x)  0

Autonomous equation:

3 y(4) (x)  -y(x) - 2 y′ (x) - 2 y(3) (x) - y(4) (x)

Autonomous equation »

ODE classification:

higher-order linear ordinary differential equation

Alternate form:

y(4) (x)  -2 y(3) (x) - 3 y′′ (x) - 2 y′ (x) - y(x)

Differential equation solutions: Approximate form

Solve homogeneous linear equation |

contoh_materi_wolfram.nb 5

Solve as a homogeneous linear equation | ▾

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3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x
y(x)  c1 ⅇ-x/2 sin + c2 ⅇ-x/2 x sin + c3 ⅇ-x/2 cos + c4 ⅇ-x/2 x cos
2 2 2 2
Possible intermediate steps:
ⅆ4 y(x) ⅆ3 y(x) ⅆ2 y(x) ⅆy(x)
Solve ⅆx4
+2 ⅆx3
+3 ⅆx2
+2 ⅆx
+ y(x)  0 :

Assume a solution will be proportional to

ⅇλ x for some
constant λ .
Substitute y(x)

ⅇλ x into the
differential equation:
ⅆ4 λ x ⅆ3 λ x ⅆ2 λ x ⅆ λx
ⅇ  + 2 ⅇ  + 3 ⅇ  + 2 ⅇ  + ⅇλ x  0
ⅆx 4 ⅆx 3 ⅆx 2 ⅆx

Substitute ⅆx4
ⅇλ x 

λ 4 ⅇλ x
ⅇλ x 

λ 3 ⅇλ x
ⅇλ x 

λ 2 ⅇλ x

ⅇλ x 

λ ⅇλ x :
λ4 ⅇλ x + 2 λ3 ⅇλ x + 3 λ2 ⅇλ x + 2 λ ⅇλ x + ⅇλ x  0

Factor out ⅇλ x
λ4 + 2 λ3 + 3 λ2 + 2 λ + 1 ⅇλ x  0
6 contoh_materi_wolfram.nb

Since ⅇλ x ≠ 0 for
any finite λ
, the zeros must come from the polynomial:
λ4 + 2 λ3 + 3 λ2 + 2 λ + 1  0

λ2 + λ + 1  0

Solve for λ :
1 ⅈ 3 1 ⅈ 3 1 ⅈ 3 1 ⅈ 3
λ- + or λ  - + or λ  - - or λ  - -
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

The roots λ

- 12

ⅈ 3
have muliplicity
2 and give
-1/2+ⅈ 3 2 x
y1 (x)  c1 ⅇ
3 2 x
y2 (x)  c2 ⅇ-1/2-ⅈ
3 2 x
y3 (x)  c3 ⅇ-1/2+ⅈ x
3 2 x
y4 (x)  c4 ⅇ-1/2-ⅈ x as
solutions, where
c4 are
arbitrary constants.
The general solution is the of the above solutions
contoh_materi_wolfram.nb 7

The general solution is the sum of the above solutions:

y(x)  y1 (x) + y2 (x) + y3 (x) + y4 (x) 
3 2 x 3 2 x 3 2 x 3 2 x
c1 ⅇ-1/2+ⅈ + c2 ⅇ-1/2-ⅈ + c3 ⅇ-1/2+ⅈ x + c4 ⅇ-1/2-ⅈ x

Apply Euler's identity

ⅇα+ⅈ β  ⅇα cos(β) + ⅈ ⅇα sin(β) :
3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x
y(x)  c1 ⅇ-x/2 cos + ⅈ ⅇ-x/2 sin + c2 ⅇ-x/2 cos - ⅈ ⅇ-x/2 sin +
2 2 2 2

3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x
c3 x ⅇ-x/2 cos + ⅈ ⅇ-x/2 sin + c4 x ⅇ-x/2 cos - ⅈ ⅇ-x/2 sin
2 2 2 2

Regroup terms:
3 x 3 x
y(x)  (c1 + c2 ) ⅇ-x/2 cos + (c3 + c4 ) ⅇ-x/2 x cos +
2 2

3 x 3 x
ⅈ (c1 - c2 ) ⅇ-x/2 sin + ⅈ (c3 - c4 ) ⅇ-x/2 x sin
2 2

Redefine c1 + c2
as c1 ,
ⅈ (c1 - c2 ) as
c2 ,
c3 + c 4 as
c3 , and
ⅈ (c3 - c4 ) as
c4 , since
these are arbitrary constants:


3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x
y(x)  c1 ⅇ-x/2 cos + c2 ⅇ-x/2 sin + c3 ⅇ-x/2 x cos + c4 ⅇ-x/2 x sin
2 2 2 2

Plots of sample individual solutions:

y(0)  1
y y′ y′ (0)  0
y′′ (0)  0
y(3) (0)  0
x y
8 contoh_materi_wolfram.nb

y(0)  0
y y′ y′ (0)  1
y′′ (0)  0
y(3) (0)  0
x y

y(0)  0
y y′ y′ (0)  0
y′′ (0)  1
y(3) (0)  0
x y

y(0)  0
y y′ y′ (0)  0
y′′ (0)  0
y(3) (0)  1
x y

Sample solution family:


10 20 30 40 50
(sampling y(0), y′ (0), y′′ (0) and y(3) (0))


Interactive differential equation solution plots:

y(0)  1.
y′ (0)  1.
y′′ (0)  1.
y(3) (0)  1.

3 y(x)

1 2 3 4

Initial conditions:
contoh_materi_wolfram.nb 9


y′ (0)

y′′ (0)

y(3) (0)

More controls

In[5]:= DSolve[{y ''[x] + 6 y '[x] - 7 y[x] ⩵ 0, y[0] == 0, y '[0] == 4}, y, x]

Out[5]= y → Function{x}, ⅇ-7 x - 1 + ⅇ8 x 

In[6]:=  DSolve[y''[x]+6y'[x]-7y[x]⩵0,y[0]==0,y'[0]==4]


{y′′ (x) + 6 y′ (x) - 7 y(x)  0, y(0)  0, y′ (0)  4}

ODE names:
Autonomous equation:
y′′ (x)  7 y(x) - 6 y′ (x)
Sturm-Liouville equation:

ⅇ6 x y′ (x) - 7 ⅇ6 x y(x)  0
Sturm-Liouville equation »

ODE classification:

second-order linear ordinary differential equation

Alternate forms:

{7 y(x)  y′′ (x) + 6 y′ (x), y(0)  0, y′ (0)  4}

{y′′ (x)  7 y(x) - 6 y′ (x), y(0)  0, y′ (0)  4}

Differential equation solutions: Approximate form

Solve as a homogeneous linear equation | ▾

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y(x)  ⅇ-7 x ⅇ8 x - 1
Possible intermediate steps:
ⅆ2 y(x) ⅆy(x)
Solve ⅆx2
+6 ⅆx
- 7 y(x)  0
, such that
10 contoh_materi_wolfram.nb

y(0)  0
y′ (0)  4 :

Assume a solution will be proportional to

ⅇλ x for some
constant λ .
Substitute y(x)

ⅇλ x into the
differential equation:
ⅆ2 λ x ⅆ λx
ⅇ  + 6 ⅇ  - 7 ⅇλ x  0
ⅆx 2 ⅆx

Substitute ⅆx2
ⅇλ x 

λ 2 ⅇλ x

ⅇλ x 

λ ⅇλ x :
λ2 ⅇλ x + 6 λ ⅇλ x - 7 ⅇλ x  0

Factor out ⅇλ x
λ2 + 6 λ - 7 ⅇλ x  0

Since ⅇλ x ≠ 0 for
any finite λ
, the zeros must come from the polynomial:
λ2 + 6 λ - 7  0

(λ - 1) (λ + 7)  0

Solve for λ :
λ  -7 or λ  1
contoh_materi_wolfram.nb 11

The root λ

-7 gives
y1 (x)

c1 ⅇ-7 x as a
solution, where
c1 is an
arbitrary constant.
The root λ

1 gives
y2 (x)

c 2 ⅇx as a
solution, where
c2 is an
arbitrary constant.
The general solution is the sum of the above solutions:
y(x)  y1 (x) + y2 (x)  c1 ⅇ-7 x + c2 ⅇx

Solve for the unknown constants using the initial conditions:

Compute ⅆx
ⅆy(x) ⅆ
 c
ⅆx 1
ⅇ-7 x + c2 ⅇx 
 -7 c1 ⅇ-7 x + c2 ⅇx

Substitute y(0)  0
into y(x)

ⅇ-7 x c1 + ⅇx c2 :
c1 + c 2  0

Substitute y′ (0)  4
into ⅆx

-7 ⅇ-7 x c1 + ⅇx c2 :
-7 c1 + c2  4

Solve the system:

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Solve the system:

c1  - 12
c2  2

Substitute c1  - 12
c2  2

ⅇ-7 x c1 + ⅇx c2 :


y(x)  ⅇ-7 x ⅇ8 x - 1

Plots of the solution:

y y′

x y

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